View Full Version : Didn't we learn anything from Jurassic Park? (SCIENCE!)

2009-08-27, 09:13 AM
Canadian Scientist claims that he can manipulate chicken emyros to create dinosaurs. (http://www.physorg.com/news170426405.html)1

1 Well, I exaggerate, but still, you get the idea.


Jack Squat
2009-08-27, 09:20 AM
I saw something about this on Discovery in April 2008, though in that they were trying to create velociraptors from emus.

I question the sanity of these people, as I thought the whole message of the book/movie was that this sort of thing is bad, not that they should get biology degrees and try for themselves.

2009-08-27, 09:22 AM
Yes- don't go public until you have the theme park ready!! :smallbiggrin:

2009-08-27, 09:22 AM
Of course we did! We learnt that Lawyers are delicious. Mhhm-mmm!

I feel like Lawyer tonight, like Lawyer tonight, like Lawyer tonight...

Also, we learnt that acid spitting reptiles are not to be allowed in the car-pool.

Oh, and something about life finding ways about stuff, and I hear there were dinosaurs in the movie, too...

Good soundtrack, though.

2009-08-27, 09:25 AM
So basically, the Jurassic Park generation has grown up. Sweet.

I wonder if I'll ever get to implement my zombie velociraptor survival plan.

2009-08-27, 09:27 AM
We can only hope...

(Mine is to stay very, very quiet, and hide in my closet. Raptors can't open sliding doors yet, and I wont do it in front of them)

Archonic Energy
2009-08-27, 09:29 AM
So basically, the Jurassic Park generation has grown up. Sweet.

I wonder if I'll ever get to implement my zombie velociraptor survival plan.


someone had to!

Cristo Meyers
2009-08-27, 09:30 AM
I wonder if I'll ever get to implement my zombie velociraptor survival plan.

Scream and try not to wet yourself when the zombie raptors come for you?

Raptors are bad enough. Zombie raptors...yeah, we're boned.

2009-08-27, 09:34 AM
But raptors are mainly awesome because of their speed, and zombies... well, they're not that fast. Unless combining the two creates a super race of invincible mega-zombie-raptor-mons!


Quick, eveyone to Mars! Women, Children and guys with apostrophe's in their names first! *Runs*

2009-08-27, 09:34 AM
Hopefully the researchers know how to use Unix.

2009-08-27, 09:35 AM
Scream and try not to wet yourself when the zombie raptors come for you?

Raptors are bad enough. Zombie raptors...yeah, we're boned.

Unless it's Classic Zombies. The slow ambling sort. That seriously would impair a velociraptors viciousness. :)

2009-08-27, 09:39 AM
Unless... *See previous rambling post*

... *Runs again*

The Demented One
2009-08-27, 10:08 AM
I, for one, welcome our new dinosaur overlords.

2009-08-27, 10:47 AM
Unless it's Classic Zombies. The slow ambling sort. That seriously would impair a velociraptors viciousness. :)

Yeah, but what if all the velociraptors ever reanimated? Part of what made the original zombies so scary was the sheer numbers of them.

2009-08-27, 10:49 AM
But raptors are mainly awesome because of their speed, and zombies... well, they're not that fast. Unless combining the two creates a super race of invincible mega-zombie-raptor-mons!


Quick, eveyone to Mars! Women, Children and guys with apostrophe's in their names first! *Runs*

Mars is home to Chryssalids.


We;re pretty much doomed.

Except guys with Jetpacks.

2009-08-27, 10:55 AM
... Or flight spells.

2009-08-27, 02:12 PM
... Or flight spells.

Magic doesn't work on Chryssalids.

It just makes them angry.

2009-08-27, 02:18 PM
On the one hand, I think this is silly and serves no purpose.

On the other hand I don't buy the "We shouldn't do this! A science fiction novel said it's bad!" argument either.

2009-08-27, 02:19 PM
I'm not saying that we shouldn't do this :smallconfused: Heck, I'm all for it. I only made the thread title the way it is for the sake of humor.

2009-08-27, 02:29 PM
Jurassic Park's message was don't just jump into this sort of thing recklessly, flush with your own power. In my view, its said nothing about being cautious and respectful of the natural world while still exploring it to its fullest.

Believe it or not, in general, scientists are all about that not-being-total-irresponsible-dillholes thing. I say bring on the dinosaurs.

2009-08-27, 02:33 PM
I saw something about this on Discovery in April 2008, though in that they were trying to create velociraptors from emus.

That is pretty awesome as scary as that is. I'm disappointed I missed that show on Discovery now... :smalltongue:

2009-08-27, 02:39 PM
From what I understood of the article when I first read it, the scientist just wants to re-create a few dinosaur traits in chicken embryos with the purpose of proving that chickens (and therefore probably other birds) evolved from dinosaurs. It's not like he's bringing out the T-rexes and raptors.

2009-08-27, 02:49 PM
Magic doesn't work on Chryssalids.

It just makes them angry.
Psionic flight, then. Psionics work on Chryssalids well enough.

2009-08-27, 02:55 PM
What he plan, is to make a chickenosaurus out of a ordinary egg, by altering the genetic switches in the devloping little chicken, essentially turning on and off gene switches by using, say a syringe and add a signal chemical who devlop the dinosaur features, by activating dormant features.

but: its no plans to rewrite DNA. its still a 100% egg laying hen dna. Its offspring is chickens, small, yellow, inocent ones. :smallsmile:

2009-08-27, 04:20 PM
Next experiment: turning the DNA switch that turns baby chickens into Marshmallow Peeps.

2009-08-27, 04:22 PM
Unless it's Classic Zombies. The slow ambling sort. That seriously would impair a velociraptors viciousness. :)

Bah. Fast Zombies are an oxymoron. It's just not proper.

Zombies should dance and eat women and be metaphors. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyJbIOZjS8)

2009-08-27, 05:33 PM
Bah. Fast Zombies are an oxymoron. It's just not proper.

Zombies should dance and eat women and be metaphors. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyJbIOZjS8)

And be stopped by solar powered lawn care.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-27, 05:42 PM
Awesome. I want to buy a dinosaur as a pet. Maybe we can use them in wars. Who wouldn't want to defeat enemy soldiers riding on the back of a T-rex firing a sniper riffle?

2009-08-27, 05:52 PM
Awesome. I want to buy a dinosaur as a pet. Maybe we can use them in wars. Who wouldn't want to defeat enemy soldiers riding on the back of a T-rex firing a sniper riffle?

People who realize that it would cost more, be less efficient, and be more easily made to leak life-juice than a tank. While it would be better than elephants (IF we could train them), it's still inefficient compared to technology.

Plus, it's T. Rex, not T-Rex. Learn to science.

2009-08-27, 08:35 PM
People who realize that it would cost more, be less efficient, and be more easily made to leak life-juice than a tank. While it would be better than elephants (IF we could train them), it's still inefficient compared to technology.

Plus, it's T. Rex, not T-Rex. Learn to science.

Yeah. T. Rexes are for alien hunting, not human on human warfare.

Simple science.

2009-08-27, 09:17 PM
but: its no plans to rewrite DNA. its still a 100% egg laying hen dna. Its offspring is chickens, small, yellow, inocent ones. :smallsmile:

With nasty, big, pointy teeth....

Jack Squat
2009-08-27, 09:20 PM
With nasty, big, pointy teeth....

and scales, increased temper (not that chickens need that modification), and a liking for human blood.

2009-08-27, 09:46 PM
Not to mention a desire to pose for Steven Spielberg.

2009-08-28, 02:42 AM
I, for one, welcome our new dinosaur overlords.

I'm with you on this one,


2009-08-28, 08:10 AM
Well, real raptors were about the size of a small dog and covered in feathers. I'm not too scared of them.

2009-08-28, 08:12 AM
That's Velociraptors. And even those can kill you more easily than you can take a 15 minute jog.

Besides, "Raptor" could mean anything... Even a Raptor from Utah.

2009-08-28, 12:53 PM
We weren't talking about any other kind of raptor. I just assumed, you know, context clues, reading comprehension.

2009-08-29, 12:08 PM
Well, real raptors were about the size of a small dog and covered in feathers. I'm not too scared of them.

Dogs kill more people than wolves do.

Wild turkey of the heftiest size is probably a close parallel.

Add in the current theories that dromaeosaurs were more likely to be lone ambush hunters than pack hunters, and they are less scary than some things, but still pretty formidable.

2009-08-29, 12:47 PM
Posers. The Orbital Death Ray has been developing mutant lizardmen for years, and now Mankind wants to make dinosaurs out of chickens? Lizardman please, all you need are a few human subjects of varying levels of willingness. Incompatible DNA? Genetic strains that shouldn't meet? Put a man through enough procedures and you can force an Abomination Unto Nature through simple bulk.

A shame about that whole sterility thing though. We at the Orbital Death Ray don't really see it as too much of an issue, however; if the painful and inhumane procedures involved in creating a single mutant lizardman doesn't get them feisty enough, atrophied and useless junk sure will.

2009-09-01, 10:16 AM
It'd be cool if they could make the T. Rex but keep it chicken sized. Then I could have one for a pet. I'd take him for walks. He'd eat people's chihuahuas. I'd name him "Chompy."

2009-09-01, 10:27 AM
No! I want a tiny Pterasoar! It'd be cool!

2009-09-01, 11:44 AM
While I don't expect to to be possible to ever recreate specific species (since the rumoured T. rex material found inside T. rex bones is now believed to be bacterial) I do wonder if it might be possible to "strip away" all the modern DNA, and get an approximate baseline for the point birds and theropods started diverging.

Push it back a little further, and you might get to the point where tyrannosaurs started diverging from the other theropods.

it wouldn't be T. rex, but it might be very close, genetically, to T. rex's ancester, the basal tyrannosaur.

And, based on the fossils, it would probably be small, something like Dilong.

2009-09-01, 02:03 PM
Well, Jurassic park was just the first test run, dont you see? Its like a training manual, this is what you DONT do, this will be the second and more successful test run :P Potentially with fewer casualties! But seriously, who wouldnt want a dinosaur running around eating people? Solve world hunger problems in a giffy! Unless they eat the farmers .... hmmm needs more planning im afraid.

2009-09-01, 03:30 PM
And, based on the fossils, it would probably be small, something like Dilong.

Don't want to know about your small dilong.

2009-09-01, 03:40 PM
^ wins the thread.

All I can say is: at least it's not sporks...

Also: how long until the dinosaurs replace cars? I mean, sure they're less efficient, but what would solve road rage better than a T-Rex fight?

2009-09-01, 06:29 PM
Well, real raptors were about the size of a small dog and covered in feathers. I'm not too scared of them.

Deinonychus were about wolf-sized. Wolf-sized with bigger teeth, faster running AND A GIANT HOOKING CLAW OF DEATH OH GOD GET IT AWAY FROM ME.

Also, pack-hunters.

2009-09-02, 01:03 PM
Don't want to know about your small dilong.

Ha. Ha. Ha. :smallamused:


Now that's over- yes, Deinonychus was pretty big. Not quite as big as the fictionalized Jurassic Park "raptors" but still as heavy as the larger wolves (there have been recorded a few record-breaking specimens slightly heavier then it).

Also, there is a lot of debate over whether they were actually pack hunters, or lone ambush predators.

2009-09-02, 01:20 PM
Also: how long until the dinosaurs replace cars? I mean, sure they're less efficient, but what would solve road rage better than a T-Rex fight?

Hey, he cut me off! Get 'im, Rexxie!









That'll do, Rex... that'll do.

2009-09-03, 10:30 AM
Canadian Scientist claims that he can manipulate chicken emyros to create dinosaurs. (http://www.physorg.com/news170426405.html)1

1 Well, I exaggerate, but still, you get the idea.

it's Canada... what did you expect?

either way, I live in fear now.

2009-09-03, 10:38 AM
it's Canada... what did you expect?

Snow, milk in bags, hot redheaded babes with mixed Scots/French ancestry? Who may, in fact, speak French, some Scots Gaelic, or both?
Also, Dino-chickens?
...*whistles, starts packing his bag* Ooooh Caaaaaanaaadaaa....*resumes whistleing*

2009-09-03, 10:47 AM

well, sans the dino-chickens part, of course. lol :smalltongue:...

Mystic Muse
2009-09-03, 10:54 AM
Deinonychus were about wolf-sized. Wolf-sized with bigger teeth, faster running AND A GIANT HOOKING CLAW OF DEATH OH GOD GET IT AWAY FROM ME.

Also, pack-hunters.

I think the person you're quoting meant Raptors as in predatory birds which are nowadays called raptors for whatever reason.

2009-09-03, 11:40 AM
I think they were referring to the vast majority of prehistoric Raptors who were, in fact, rather small and covered in feathers.

2009-09-03, 12:26 PM
it's Canada... what did you expect?

Massive videogame inspired fighting in the streets, bands with superhuman powers, and witty dialog.