View Full Version : Assassinations

2010-01-27, 07:09 PM
Ok in D and D if you attack someone from behind you get a bonus to hit, at least in 1E. If you're a sneak you get a bonus to damage as well. Assassins used to get a 'kill shot' in the case of surprise or at least a chance to perform one. I know the rules.
I was just wondering if everyone followed these rules or allowed a bit of leeway. If the invisible silenced thief whos made all his roles and even has something that covers his smell, has a psionicist blocking his mind, has become completley undetectable, sneaks up on the big bad evil fighter warlord, do you just give him a bonus to damage as per usual? if they plan it that well that the guy should have no defense do you still let him have one?

2010-01-27, 07:34 PM
I run 4e, so this may not apply to you, but...

If my players have total surprise (as is, the enemy not only doesn't know where they are, but doesn't even know they're anywhere nearby) I treat normal monsters as minions (die in one hit) and give the party free criticals against elite and solo monsters (worth 2 or 5 normal monsters, respectively). They still have to hit, but if they do it's devastating.

So, if they sneak up on a completely unsuspecting soldier and knife him, he dies instantly. If that soldier heard from the guy on watch before him that the party was nearby and might cause trouble, the soldier is wary enough to twist away at the last moment, so the attacker gets combat advantage but not an insta-kill. And if the soldier was, say, the villain's elite bodyguard, whom he placed guarding a door as a precaution, he hears the attacker coming at the last moment, gets a knife in the kidneys but can still put up a bit of a fight before he dies.

2010-01-27, 07:36 PM
Generally, I see it run RAW. Though I do wish there was a little more incentive to sneak up on someone. I recall seeing quite alot of characters (Both PCs and NPCs) that have their flat-footed AC equal to the normal AC, so unless you're a rogue or assassin theres no incentive to catch them off-guard.

2010-01-27, 07:40 PM
If they've arranged it well I'll typically allow it to be treated as a Coup de Grace (automatic critical, fort save vs. death), even if it wouldn't normally qualify.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-01-27, 08:18 PM
If the invisible silenced thief whos made all his roles and even has something that covers his smell, has a psionicist blocking his mind, has become completley undetectable, sneaks up on the big bad evil fighter warlord, do you just give him a bonus to damage as per usual? if they plan it that well that the guy should have no defense do you still let him have one?

HP. Fort saves. Still has those.

Still, my group, a bit "rule of cool", often makes rulings for assassinations and impromptu coup de graces.

2010-01-27, 09:30 PM
For me, dice are the gods. They determine who lives and who dies.

I never change anything the dice say. If a pc sneaks a BBEG and kills him, he's dead. period.

Doesn't matter if its earlier than I thought. If I wanted to make a scripted video game, I wouldn't be playing D&D.

2010-01-27, 09:41 PM
Eh, I'd use the same rules as always. There is little enough reason to take the actual Assassin PrC already without giving every Rogue their signature ability for free. :smallfrown:

(I'd be more likely to buff the Death Attack and/or make the Assassin easier to get into.)