View Full Version : Bioshock 2 stuff (3.5e) [PEACH]

2010-02-22, 11:15 PM
Hey I just recently played Bioshock and figured someone had to brew something up so here I go...
first off a Rosie type Big Daddy suit...
{table=head]Cost | Armor Bonus | Max Dex Bonus | AC Penalty | Speed |Weight
250$|+6|+1|-6|20 ft.|70 lbs.
This space reserved for fluff:

Now for the Bouncer type Big Daddy suit...
{table=head]Cost | Armor Bonus | Max Dex Bonus | AC Penalty | Speed |Weight
300$|+8|+0|-6|15 ft.|100 lbs.
Fluff here...tomorrow...

And the Rumbler type...
{table=head]Cost | Armor Bonus | Max Dex Bonus | AC Penalty | Speed |Weight
200$|+5|+3|-4|20 ft.|50 lbs.

coming soon Sploicers! The drill, plasmids, and Alpha series Big Daddies as PCs.