View Full Version : Xeelee vs Federation: Time Trial

2010-02-23, 03:35 AM
Well, we have the poor Federation fighting the Daleks, so why not go all the way?

To make it actually interesting, though, the Xeelee (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xeelee#Xeelee) are limited to just one nightfighter, albeit given infinite fuel/power/whatever the heck the baryonic lords of matter use to fuel their ships. This nightfigher has to wipe out the Federation in as short a time as possible. 'Wipe out the 'Federation' in this case meaning destroy all spacecraft, satellites, etc and their ability to make more.

So, how long does it take

2010-02-23, 03:41 AM
We don't even know how large the Federation is. Figures bandied about at one point or another are "150 members" and "8000 light years". So, let's say that destroying 150 suns with starbreakers would suffice to render the Federation a nonentity. How long does it take the nightfighter hyperdrive to cover 8000 ly (not very long, as I recall)? Multiply that by 150 for a worst case scenario.