View Full Version : {Shadows of the Soul} IC

2010-04-30, 10:14 AM
World without end, unchanging....
The wheel remains unbroken, turning inexorably towards darkness
The light prevails... but the shadow rises.

All seems well in the smallish city of Relwen. It's springtime, near the evening hours, and townsfolk finish their daily tasks in the cool breezes. The merchants begin to close their shops for the day, looking forward to a hot meal and a warm bed after the day's labors.

Then a cry was heard- no one knows who first saw the shadow in the sky, but all know the results.


Many looked towards the sky- some fearful, others curious, but it became evident that whoeveer sounded the alarm wasn't lying- a cobalt-colored dragon can clearly be seen in the fading sunlight, a dragon with a rider on its back.

Lightning whips from the dragon's jaws and seemingly from its passenger as well, in perfect unison, as if rehearsed.

The bolts strike at something... another flying presence?

A scream can be heard, an animalistic cry of pain and rage, and the blue dragon plummets down, dodging a cloud of inky blackness that comes from another wyrm in the sky.

Most of the people have run for cover....

...and all of you have seen this spectacle.

What do you do?

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-04-30, 11:15 AM
A robed figure exits a nearby temple just as the dragon is first noted, having just spent a few hours speaking with the clergy and perusing some of the more...interesting tomes in the temple library. Apart from the clerical robes, there is nothing to really distinguish him from the crowd around him. As the battle rages overhead, he shades his eyes from the flashes of lightning with one hand as he tries to determine what kind of dragons they are and what their allegiance is--two dragons wouldn't just happen to randomly start a fight over this town, after all.

Knowledge (Arcana), to identify the second dragon: [roll0]
Spot, to see if he can determine whether the second dragon has a rider and to pick out and relevant details on the rider(s): [roll1]

2010-04-30, 11:21 AM
The robed figure can clearly tell that the second dragon is a shadow dragon, a creature not generally found anywhere near here.

He cannot tell if it, too, bears a rider- it seems to have some sort of shadowstuff wrapped around it rather like a cloak.

Your check gives you quite a bit of pertinent info on shadow dragons- if you need particulars, just ask me.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-04-30, 11:53 AM
Alastair--for that is the figure's name--lowers his hand and raises an eyebrow. "A shadow dragon? Here? Intriguing...." He idly fingers a silver holy symbol hanging from his belt, looking at the symbol, up at the dragons, at the symbol again, at the dragons again...and lets go of the symbol. "Not by my lonesome, I think," he mutters to himself. Moving through the crowd, he looks around for any robed or armored figures while keeping an eye on the dragons' conflict, hoping to find warriors or mages in the area in case the victorious dragon decides to attack the townspeople.

2010-04-30, 02:55 PM
Near the back of the crowd, close to the shadows of a building, a hooded man watches the scene unfolding. All that can be seen of him beneath his voluminous, intricate robes and mask are his eyes--one vibrant green, one ice blue. He appears to be having an argument with himself, alternating between an excited, higher tone and a gruff bass. Each voice appears to be totally natural, as if either this man is a trained voice actor, or two different beings vie for control of his larynx.

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is!"

"Absolutely not."

"Upon my life it is!"

"Your life isn't worth two coppers rubbed together."

"But the dragon's blue, not copper!"

"And the other?"

"It's a fiend, come for our soul!"

"I tell you, it's but a wisp of cloud. Now be quiet."

While Eljaqir argues with himself, the part of his brain that isn't devoted to the debate is going to consult what it knows of such things.

Knowledge: Arcana check to identify

2010-04-30, 03:02 PM

Your knowledge tells you that there is indeed a blue dragon and a shadow dragon battling it out in midair, and as far as you can tell, they're completely real.

Real enough that the streets are nearly deserted at this point- dropped merchandise is scattered all over creation.

There are several people around that seem to be trying to discern exactly what's going on, though.

2010-04-30, 03:39 PM
"I hate it when you're right, Jackie," he mutters to himself.

"It would've been worse if you were right. Now be quiet."

Though somewhat entranced by the graceful (and lethal) battle above for a few moments, the man eventually remembers himself and glances around at the rapidly thinning crowd. Both of his eyes briefly glow with arcane power as he glances about the few remaining individuals outside, trying to ascertain whether any of them looks competent enough to assist in a fight against the winner of the great battle--or if he should just turn invisible and flee the area.

Detect Magic cast, with Eljaqir looking at each of the other beings still standing outside. His basic theory is that, if any of them have somewhat powerful auras on them, they're potentially useful as allies/cannon fodder. He doesn't care what the auras actually signify, just whether they are present and how strong they are. He turns his gaze on each of the other beings in turn, analyzing each in turn before moving on to the next.

1 level 0 slot used.

2010-04-30, 03:48 PM
The results of that are entirely dependent on the other players' characters and whatever effects or items they have on them.

Failing PCs, the aerial battle is out of range, and no discernable magical auras emanate from any of the hastily dropped belongings.

Everybody's got that "PC Glow" around them, though, unless they're trying to look unobtrusive. :smallbiggrin:

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-04-30, 04:09 PM
Alastair catches sight of another man walking around in a robe; unlike most of the people in the process of fleeing the scene, this one looks like he might be somewhat useful in a fight, if only because he wouldn't run away screaming.

After a moment of consideration, he pulls out a holy symbol of Lathander and places it around his neck to rest prominently on his chest, then walks over to the other figure. When he gets close, Alastair gestures to try to get the other man's attention. "You seem to be a bit braver than the average person here," he notes, "and, if your garb is any indication, a spellweaver of some sort, yes? An ally would be most useful if those dragons settled their battle and came after us; would you care to join with me for the time being and see if we can determine the cause of all this?"

2010-04-30, 04:51 PM
The man turns, his eyes still glowing--if only just--from the spell's aftereffects, and studies the man before him.

"A weaver? Not I, sir; never I. A butcher, aye; a baker, when the situation calls for it; a candlestick maker, if there's need; a tinkering, tailoring, soldier-spy, certainly. But a weaver? I hardly think so!"

The man abruptly coughs, shaking his head, and continues in a gruffer tone.

"But yeah--I know my way around. There's a few more around here that seem to have their heads on straight as well, or, at least, straight enough. Two against a dragon's suicide; five or six against a dragon, though, may just be a little more well-attended suicide--"

"Which sounds like fun!"

He extends a hand.

"Jack's the name; if it's all the same, we ought to frame the rules of the game, lest dragon flames deal us pain--or scorch our manes and leave us lame!"

He seems genuinely bothered by the prospect, but recovers himself after a moment. He then nods to the other individuals he'd identified as having that special PC-glow.

"Allies would be handy."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-04-30, 05:53 PM
Alastair shakes his head mock-disdainfully at Jack's antics. "I'd hoped to find an ally who was fairly dedicated, but it seems you're, ahem, of two minds about this." After a beat, he grins wryly and offers his own hand.

"Your poems may be somewhat lacking
And useless 'gainst dragons attacking,
But banding together
Will help us to weather
This battle, and send them both packing.

You may call me Alastair."

2010-04-30, 06:15 PM
Standing still in the panicking throng is a small figure, every inch of which is covered in clothing, who positively radiates frustration. Being buffeted around and confronted with people's midsections seems to not agree with him. However, he is attempting to ignore the stampeding crowd, with his eyes on the sky. Once most of the populous has fled he looks around to see who remains. Seeing the two men conversing in calm tones, he walks over to join them.

He approaches muttering under his breath in Goblin. Once he reaches the two men he unceremoniously breaks into the conversation (in common) with

Either of you any good in a fight?

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-04-30, 06:30 PM
"I'd say so. And you would be...?"

2010-04-30, 07:49 PM
Concerned, for the most part. he replies glancing again in the direction of the fallen dragon.

Oh, and my name is Geachteter. You can call me whatever you like, as most can't seem to pronounce my proper name. he adds, absentmindedly, after a moment.

2010-04-30, 09:47 PM
As Alastair completes his rhyme and releases Jack's hand, the robed man throws back his head with gusto, laughing.

"Oh, capital! I like this one. Can we keep him?"

His merriment, however, is cut short by the approach of the heavily-clothed little creature.

"Good in a fight? Inasmuch as anyone ever can be 'good' in a fight I suppose, yes, I am that."

After the little being introduces itself, Jack nods absently, muttering to himself "Geech-tee-ter. Geeeeeeeeeeech-teeeeeeeeeee-ter. Geeeeeeeeeeeeee--I'm Jack, by the way--eeeeeeeeech-teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ter..."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-04-30, 11:56 PM
Alastair nods at Geachteter. "A pleasure to meet you. Unlike our linguistically-impaired companion"--he motions to Jack--"I believe I can pronounce your name just fine; I've spoken more tongue-twisting names in my time."

Looking past Geachteter and noting that the dragon has finished its plummet since the conversation started, Alastair taps a finger against his chin thoughtfully. "I noticed that the blue dragon had a rider, which firstly would provide us a source of information and secondly would provide a source of a more material wealth." Looking down at the sunburst of Lathander adorning his chest, Alastair chuckles and removes it, replacing it in his pocket. "Eh, who am I kidding?" He pulls out a holy symbol of Mask and places it over his face. "By 'source of information' I mean someone we can beat answers out of, and by 'source of material wealth' I mean we can take our choice of his possessions once he has exhausted his usefulness."

Alastair motions in the dragon's direction and begins walking toward it. "Shall we?"

2010-05-01, 05:03 AM

You see a big spider coming out of a nearby houses, it moves fast on his tiny legs towards your direction.
Wait, it's not a spider!

It is... a crystal, a blue crystal with spidery limbs. It raises on his hind legs and moves one limb in a threating manner towards the sky!

"Come back here, you stupid thing!" said a voice from into the house.

You see a tall and slim man come out of it. He is dressed only with a white shirt and long pants, he carries a curious light crossbow... it seems made of a blue crystal-like material that shines dimly.

"Dragons! Fight fight fight!!" said ...the crystal!! its voice was cristalline as ts form, like a thousand children singing.

The man sighed and noticed the few people that still remained in the open, with a very calm demeanor he began to walk towards them.

"Oh uhm... hello! Lots of brave people around I see. Do any of you have a clue on what's happening?"

Behind him the crystal-thing keeps jumping up and down, its forelimbs are melded together and it vaguely reminds a diminutive warrior holding a greatsword.

2010-05-01, 08:57 AM
HA bursts the shrouded little man. As he reaches for his hood the folds of fabric around his arms fall back and you see dark, bruislike flesh covering a short, muscled arm with stubby, thick fingers. Pulling back his hood revealing a face (http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/9/30/250432/Norker.JPG) from a stygian nightmare, long sharply pointed teeth bared in a grin he says I like this one. Pointing a couple of stubby fingers toward the masked cleric."Exhausted his usefulness." HA ahhhh. But yes, I believe that would be the best course of acti- What in the abyss is that!? He says in what most certainly would not be considered a strangled yelp by anyone who is interested in keeping all of their limbs, backing hastilly away from the spider-like crystaline creature. Recovering his composure he glares at the owner of said spider-like object and replies They seem to have a pretty decent grasp of the situation and this one gestureing again toward the cleric says there's loot to be had, so I'm in. I think we were just discussing the merrits of finding the Dragon's rider and, ah, "questioning" him. Yes? with this last turning back toward the cleric, brows raised.

2010-05-01, 09:52 AM
@SilverStar, but it shouldn't slow the game any
I don't know if you allow retractive rolls (some of my DM have been like "Yeah, cool, you roll spot for a few minutes ago and assume you knew it all along" and others were more "No dud, you missed your chance, you know nothing," but I fogot to do this in my first post, so I figured I'd put them up and see what your style was
For the dragons themselves and a
to see if I can see if the rider(s?) dropped anything.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-05-01, 12:55 PM
"Indeed," Alastair responds, "I believe we have some rather pointed and blunt questions for our dragon-riding friend over there. Possibly some edged ones as well." Looking at the spiderlike crystal and the man who ran after it, he offers a short bow and continues walking toward the downed dragon. "We've already made our introductions; the goblinoid is Geachteter, the other human is Jack, and I am Alastair. Feel free to join us in plundering that rider's mind and body for information and trinkets."

2010-05-01, 03:26 PM
Throughout the revelation of both the Norker's true face and the emergence of the spider-crystal-turned-short-warrior (and its human companion), Jack has been smiling broadly (albeit concealed behind his mask), his eyes burning with mad delight. He points at Alastair, Geachteter, himself and the crystal in turn, saying:

"Something old, something new, something... borrowed, something blue. Brilliant! Splendid! It's a party and everyone's invited!"

Infernal, spoken softly, to himself:
"Only fools play musical chairs when there's no place to sit down, Jack. Don't start dancing unless you know you've got a partner."

He walks over to the crystal-man and, jovially, begins to chatter away at the little thing as they move.

"So you're a crystal, then? My aunt Ruby was a gem too, you know. Quick temper, that one--didn't take much to get her red in the face, if ya know what I mean. She had her faults but, then, she was always under a lot of pressure; one day, she simply shattered under the strain."

He wipes a tear away. "You stay jolly, you hear? I know you're blue now, but cheer up! Maybe this dragon will have some cake for our little party!"

2010-05-01, 04:13 PM
@SilverStar, but it shouldn't slow the game any
I don't know if you allow retractive rolls (some of my DM have been like "Yeah, cool, you roll spot for a few minutes ago and assume you knew it all along" and others were more "No dud, you missed your chance, you know nothing," but I fogot to do this in my first post, so I figured I'd put them up and see what your style was
For the dragons themselves and a
to see if I can see if the rider(s?) dropped anything.

Why would I ever deny you the right to find out what's going on? ESPECIALLY in PbP where post timing and character action don't really have a lot to do with each other?

Your knowledge of things arcane confirms that they are indeed dragons; a blue and one that looks like a black to your (poor roll, errr...) limited knowledge. Dragons figure only within the religions of dragonkind and perhaps kobold society, so you're not finding a lot with religion.

Your eyesight reveals nothing unusual.

The shadowy dragon stops, almost in mid-air. It almost seems to strike its wings together thrice in succession, and several things appear from the ground near where the trio is standing.

They look to be humanoid... sort of. If humans were wrapped in cloaks of permashadow. One carries a staff that emanates strong magic even without an obvious detection spell active.

A feminine voice can be heard from far above.


2010-05-01, 04:26 PM
Geachteter, thanks to his race's warrior mentality, immediately drops to one knee, his hands in his cloak. Why!?

2010-05-01, 04:46 PM
"Not the first time I've ever listened to voices from on high that I couldn't see..." Jack mutters as he hunches over.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-05-01, 06:08 PM
Like his companions, Alastair obeys the voice, dropping to one knee. He looks around to locate the voice as his mind furiously races to see if he can identify their opponents.

Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge (Planes) on the shadowy humanoids, whichever is more appropriate:
Arcana: [roll0]
Planes: [roll1]

2010-05-01, 06:55 PM

Retroactive Rolls:

Know(Arcana) : [roll0]
Know(The Planes) : [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

Seth's psicrystal stopped jumping and turned towards Seth in a puzzled manner.

"Sir, are you used to make conversations with crystals?" said Seth with a strange look on his face.

Alarmed by the voice and the sudden appearance of the permashadow figures Seth start moving away, trying to get again to the house.

His psicrystal is of different opinion though, and stands on the spot swiging his limbs at the figures.

2010-05-01, 07:15 PM
((Ha, did it again...))
[roll0] On our shadowy friends and just for good measure "Can someone tell me what in the nine hells is going on here!!? in Draconic.

2010-05-02, 06:49 AM
Check results:

Alistair, Seth, and Geachteter all realize that the beings are magically enhanced through the infusion of shadowstuff. (Know: Arcana)

Alistair and Seth's greater knowledge of extrapalanar beings lets them both know that the three beings they see before them are in fact shades, former humans who deliberately underwent some sort of ritual.. natives of ancient Netheril, perhaps, perhaps not, but definitely known to be dangerous. Shades can control ambient light and are known to be powerful spellcasters, with abilities that function only within shadow. (Know: The Planes)

The voice sounds a little annoyed.

"Don't ask why, why gets you blasted into chunks!"

A blast of electrical energy from above jolts two of the three into their component atoms, making those in the line of fire quite grateful that they heeded the warning.

The last remaining being, the one with the staff, glares upward with an annoyed grunt. He aims his staff quite deliberately and a blast of... something? erupts toward the pair.

A shriek is heard, and a female figure can be seen falling quite quickly toward the ground.

The sounds of dragons can no longer be heard.

The shadowed wizard eyes the group with a look of contempt on his face.

"Worthless. Tying yourself in with the Order is madness."

2010-05-02, 06:59 AM

Order? Order of what? I don't know anything about an order, all I know is that I was having a nice day, leisurely stroll, and then all of the sudden I'm getting trampled by all these overgrown, bipedal chattel because you two decided to have a lover's spat over a populated area! After taking a breath, and calming down a bit, Geachteter rises back to his feet and glances around at the merchandise dropped on the ground and left untended. Though perhaps I could forgive you that, since you seem to have greatly simplified my day of shopping.

2010-05-02, 07:33 AM

"I hope she has some meaning to survive that fall" said Seth looking at the girl falling, out of range of any of his psionic powers.

He then looked at the shadow wizard.

"Order? Exactly what's happening here?"

Seth shifts on the defensive, and for the first time you see him raise his right hand and touch the side of his head


Some rolls to identify spells casted and staff of our unexpected guest:

Psicraft (if trasparency applies to this case): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

And reading an action to cast Greater Concealing Amorpha if he becomes hostile.

2010-05-02, 07:35 AM
Clarification on readied action: what exactly do you mean by "hostile"? I don't mean I need a list of actions or something worded like a contract written by lawyers from Cania, just a little bit more info, please.

2010-05-02, 07:57 AM
Attacks the group in any way: throw something, use staff, cast an offensive spell, charge at us.

2010-05-02, 11:59 AM
Zeek watches the exchange from a nearby alley, his face hidden inside a hood. What a strange coincidence... Such a unique group gathered here during this conflict. With this thought he looks at his red skinned hand, then reaches under his cloak and grabs his scepter, watching and waiting.

2010-05-02, 12:50 PM
Jack looks intrigued by the magic the shadow-man creates, muttering to himself, "An order, eh. I wonder who placed it..."

Spellcraft roll to determine what that spell was:


PairO'Dice Lost
2010-05-02, 01:49 PM
Alastair stands back up, brushing off his robes. "I've been a part of several holy orders in my life, and there certainly is a bit of madness in this group." He gives a sidelong glance at Jack. "However, I have never been associated with an Order where one can practically hear the capital letter being pronounced. If you would care to fill us in on the details of said Order or the conflict you just ended, I believe we could clear up any misunderstanding."

2010-05-03, 06:17 PM
Noticing the falling girl, Jack rises from his place on the ground and, without wasting a beat, claps his hands together.

(In Infernal):
"Bippo, I choose YOU!"

Cast: Summon Monster IV
Monster Summoned: Fiendish Dire Wasp
Opposed Bluff Check: [roll0]

If successful, aside from the Malconvoker benefits (extended summon, augmented attack and HP):

Jack (In Infernal):
"Bippo! Go grab that girl and bring her to me before she hits the ground! Or I'll have YOU grounded, you hear me young man!"

2010-05-03, 06:49 PM
Spellcraft Results:

That was a Fell Drain Fireball with a touch of explosiveness tossed in for giggles. Psicraft is treated like Spellcraft except the DC is usually going to be 20+ spell level, unless there's a power that directly mimics it such as Psi Dimension Door and those like it.

"The Order of the Seventh Star, you impertinent... whatever you ares." The wizard sniffs, obviously disdainful. He glares at Geacheter and points.

"I suggest that you learn to be more respectful of your elders and betters."

Jack's summon curses at him quite rudely but does as it is bid, catching the girl just seconds before she'd have hit the ground quite hard.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-05-03, 07:14 PM
Alastair raises an eyebrow. "And would you care to enlighten us impertinent-whatever-we-ares as to what the Order of the Seventh Star and what happened to the previous six?"

2010-05-03, 07:16 PM
The area grows darker, as if a shadow had passed over those speaking.

"Your compatriot saved the rider of Spark, who is a known ally of the Order. Therefore, you must be aligned with them and are the enemy of my faith. As such, you have no place in this world."

He moves to cast a spell.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-05-03, 07:23 PM
Alastair throws out his hands in a very-much-not-attempting-to-cast-a-spell fashion.

"Wait just one moment! Saving someone from death by stopping them from falling and breaking their neck suddenly aligns us with that person? The first time we ever saw her--or I saw her, at least--was when those two dragons began attacking each other above our heads and she happened to fall off! Saving someone I don't know isn't the first instinct I'd have, but I certainly wouldn't consider it an endorsement of them.

Now, can you tell us who the Order are and what your faith is without anyone dying here?"

2010-05-03, 07:35 PM
"I'll have you know that's the first time I've been called an ally of order!" Jack protests indignantly as the Fiendish Wasp--brimming with fell power--sets the woman down beside him.

He strokes the enormous wasp's head, practically cooing (again, in Infernal):
"Who's a Good Bippo? Not you! Oh, definitely not you!"

2010-05-03, 07:35 PM
"Elder" I will certainly grant you, as for "better," well, that remains to be seen. And so far as my allegiance is concerned I'd probably have never met these people if weren't for your impertinent interruption of my day. Also, though I doubt it matters much, I'd like to point out that I made no move to save anyone.

I ready an action to counterspell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/castingSpells.htm#counterspells) with Dispel Magic if the staff-wielding lunatic tries to cast at me(or my companions I suppose :smallbiggrin: )

2010-05-03, 08:22 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I decided I might as well [roll0] the area growing darker effect, just in case it's more than lucky timing with a cloud:smallwink: )

2010-05-04, 03:24 AM

The psion, which was focused on the wizard and ready for anything, almost lose track of the events when he heard the tongue of Hell scratching his ears. He started laughing.

"BIPPO?? Have you actually called a hellspawn creature BIPPO? Ahahahah! *laughs*"

The laughing moment ended abruptly as soon as the shadow wizard spoke his threat and moved to cast a spell.
Seth, who expected trouble from the start, immediately moved a hand to his forehead and closed his eyes. In a split second his form and the psicrystal one were englufed in an ectoplasmic membrane rippling with energy.

From the outside its almost impossible to discern Seth correctly, he appears as a shifting blur of color.

Still willing to avoid direct confrontation Seth said:

"I suggest that you cease and desist. I do not want any trouble, if you have some with the girl then go ahead and solve them without involving me.

..But rest assured that I will fight to the last gasp and beyond if you complete that spell"

The blue psicrystal advanced boldly towards the wizard, swinging his 'limbsword' left and right.

"Thou shalt fall, evildoer!" said the Psycho-crystal


The greater concealing amoprha grants me and my psicrystal with total concealment for 10 rounds.

Psicraft to identify the shadows coming on us: [roll0]
Spellcraft to identify the shadows coming on us: [roll1]
Trying to hide displaying of the Concealing Amorpha spell (DC18)[roll2]
Initiative: [roll3]

2010-05-04, 03:26 AM
Psicraft to identify the shadows coming on us: [roll0]
Spellcraft to identify the shadows coming on us: [roll1]
Trying to hide displaying of the Concealing Amorpha spell (DC18)[roll2]
Initiative: [roll3]

2010-05-04, 04:37 AM
"Well, that's his name," Jack says offhandedly, as if the standoff was the least of his concerns. "I wouldn't make fun of it, though. His family is a little, erm, s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-e about that sort of thing."

Turning back to the shadow man, Jack arches an eyebrow. "And I'll have YOU know that your logic is simply pitiful. Why, you've succumbed to the fourth pitfall of the dreaded Fantoozler fallacy, old sport! It could happen to anyone. Really. Don't beat yourself up about it." He looks quietly supportive, giving the shadow man a "thumb's up" sign and winking.

Bluff roll to convince the shadow man that he has, indeed, committed a Fantoozler fallacy.