View Full Version : THE MEATGRINDER (Jallorn)

2010-06-27, 11:35 PM
Jallorn - Mr. Blastypants (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=219446)

Across the tumultuous sea you come to the rocky outgrowth on which the pyramid is perched. The building is like nothing you've ever seen before, made out of pure white stones the size of small houses. Each block is perfectly square and form a jagged slope to the top of the pyramid. Steps run from the rocky beach to the top of the pyramid where you can see some sort of antechamber.

You make your way up the steps, curiously free of moisture despite the misty sea air, and enter.


[email protected]

You are in the antechamber of the pyramid. Ahead of you are two closed doors, with a large keyhole in the center of it. There is the upper half of a skeleton between the two doors seemingly crushed by it. Near the skeleton's hand is a large bronze key.

The walls of the antechamber are decorated by a mural. You can pick out scenes of battle, or something similar, but the details have been lost to time and decay.

2010-06-27, 11:43 PM
Mr. Blastypants picks up the key and tries it on the door.

2010-06-28, 07:56 PM
You put the bronze key into the door and turn it. There's a small click and then a deeper click from within the pyramid. The double doors slowly start to move in opposite directions. Within the murky darkness you see a flight of stairs going downwards.

It does appear that whoever the skeleton was, he (or she) was crushed in the doors. You can see most of the lower half of the skeleton on the top of the stairs.

It is dark down the stairs. You can only see about 10 feet down the stairway and all the rest is darkness.

[email protected]

2010-06-28, 08:00 PM
With a chuckle, I (yeah, I'm switching to first person) pick up the skull and place it between the skeleton's legs, then continue down the stairs, carefully.

2010-06-28, 08:32 PM
You make your way down carefully, but not carefully enough apparently. About halfway down the stairs, somebody has lain a trip-wire. You know this because you found it. With your foot. (Reflex Save: 3+0 = 3)

You trip and go down about 10 feet of stairs. The trip-wire comes with you, jingling as it does because a bell has been tied to it. You land heavily at the foot of the stairs in a pile (Damage: 5, you're prone)


'''[email protected]'''

It's dark down here. You can't see anything.

2010-06-28, 08:46 PM
I can spend a PP to improve the reflex save, but I won't cause a 3 is hopeless.

I get up and invoke Devil's Sight (darkvision that even sees through magical darkness)

2010-06-28, 08:59 PM
[email protected]

You appear to be in a room of some sort. Like the room up above, this one has a mural depicting some scene. While the elements haven't touched the mural, something has. Crude red, white, and black paint has been spread in weird patterns over all the walls.

Directly in front of you is a stone block which seems to serve as a crude altar. There are blackened bones of various length and burnt-down black candles on it.

In each corner of the room are small urns. They too have been painted over with the same crude paint.

At the other end of the room is what looks like a hallway. However, your darkvision doesn't extend that far.

All around you is a disgusting smell. It reminds you of a farmyard.