View Full Version : Paper Magic

Innis Cabal
2010-09-04, 04:49 PM
An old project of mine that's fallen well past the Necromancy line. Stumbled on it while cleaning up my computer, and thought I might get some more help refining it further.


Most practitioners of this school of magic are sorcerer’s though several wizards have been known to use the school. Casters, known as Paper Masters, tend to be emotional individuals who champion reading among all people and who will sacrifice their lives for a single book, even if it is worth next to nothing. Most Paper Masters work as scribes or translators, and most know at least 2 or three languages. Though Paper Masters can be of any alignment most tend towards neutral, though there is no large number of law or chaos. Evil Paper Masters tend to be cold, brutal people who use the knowledge they gain from books to further their ideals and power while good champion reading, large scale printing operations and translation of ancient texts to common languages.

Paper Magic School

Much like literature, Paper Magic is subtle and yet, at the same time full of power and meaning. Each spell works with paper, and in some small way inks and other writing materials. The nature of Paper Magic restricts the environments in which its spells can be cast in. Paper magic can not be cast underwater, nor can it be cast into water without becoming useless. Paper magic can not be cast in heavy rain or powerful storm like conditions and can not be cast in area’s that have a temperature that exceeds 300 degrees. Paper Magic spells that fail due to spell resistance crumple into its base components. This paper can be salvaged unless it comes in contact with fire, water, or other substances that could destroy paper.

Level 0 (CANTRIPS)

Create Paper
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 0
Components: V,S
Casting Time: One Standard Action

With a simple gesture and some words a small pile of paper comes into being.

The most basic Paper Magic spell is the ability to create the source and the focus of every other spell of at a paper master’s disposal. When you cast this spell 15 sheets of paper come into existence.

Draw Paper
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 0
Components: S
Casting Time: One Standard Action
Range: Medium (20 feet plus 10 per caster level)

As you open your hand, all paper in the area flies to your open hand neatly and cleanly.

All paper in the area that is whole and undamaged flies to your hand. Walls and other obstacles block the paper and interrupts its travel to you.

Journey to the West
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 0
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One swift action

As you place the folded piece of paper on the tip of your middle finger it points true north.

This spell allows a Paper Master, and her allies, to know true north no matter their condition. This spell works on other planes that have true norths.
Material Component: A piece of paper folded into an arrow.


Sharpen Paper
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 1
Components: V, M, S
Casting Time: One Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: One piece of paper
Duration: 1 round/level, see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

As you invest the single piece of paper with a razor sharp edge that almost glints with dangerous intent.

This spell invests powerful magic into a single edge of paper giving it a sharp cutting. This gives the piece of paper the statistics of a dagger. The piece of paper functions in all respects as a dagger, and can be affected by any feats the caster possesses that affects daggers. If at any time the piece of paper leaves the casters person it becomes an ordinary piece of paper. If the piece of paper is used on a creature made of water or fire it deals its damage and is then immediately destroyed. Blocking and parrying with a the piece of paper destroys the paper and deals half of any damage dealt to the caster.

Paper Ladder
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Effect: Creates a set of paper stairs
Duration: One round per 2 levels

As you place your hands on the ground the paper shuffles upwards creating a set of paper stairs reaching up to the castle battlements.

This spell creates a set of paper stairs so long as you have enough paper to fuel it. Each steps takes a piece of paper, and a caster may add as many stairs per round equal to half of his charisma modifier. The stair case has 20 hit points plus 5 hit points per 5 pieces of paper past 20 pieces of paper.
Material Component: One peice of paper per stair.

Origami Arrow
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 1
Components: V, M, S
Casting Time: One Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: One Piece of Paper
Effect: One Arrow Per 4 levels
Duration: Permanent, See Text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

As you grip the two sides of the piece of paper it begins to lengthen and roll up. One tip gains a needle tip and the other s a small finger grip.

Like sharpen paper, origami arrow turns a single piece of paper into something more. The piece of paper is now in all effects an arrow of medium size that can be fired from any bow. If the arrow is used on a creature made of water or fire it deals its damage and is instantly destroyed.

Origami Avatar, Lesser
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 1
Components: V, M, S
Casting Time: One Standard Action
Range: Close (25 feet plus 5 feet per 2 levels)
Effect: One paper creature
Duration: 5 rounds/5 levels
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

As you throw the stack of paper and concentrate, the mass of paper takes form into a creature you envision.

This spell creates a small paper animal of your choice that performs basic, simple tasks for you. You can only create several creatures, from the given list. Animals can not perform tasks not given in their list. Creatures created this way that sustain more then 4 points of fire damage are destroyed and walking creatures can not pass over more then a small puddle of water without taking damage. These creatures act on your turn but can act independently if far away from its master.

Bat/Hawk: Distract, attack, carry, scout
Worker: Carry, guard
Mouse: Scout, distract
Material Component: 3 pounds of paper

Piercing Ray
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One Standard Action
Range: 30 feet per level
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex for Half
Spell Resistance: Yes

You thrust your fist toward a foe allowing the paper in your hand to fly into the air. The paper twists into a single finger thin line that strikes your target.

One of the few offensive spell at the Paper Masters disposal, the spell makes a simple handful of paper into a lethal projectile. These spell deals 1d6 points of piercing damage per two levels of the caster (5d6 max). These spell is not subject to damage reduction due to its magic nature. This spell can not be used against creatures made of fire or water or cast through are area’s of extreme heat (150 degree’s) or area’s of heavy rain.
Material Component: a handful of paper


Paper Armor
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One Full Round Action
Range: Personal
Target: One creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will, Harmless
Spell Resistance: No

As you slide the paper across your skin it gains colors and shape’s into a style of cloths you wish. The paper flash’s for a moment and then becomes as flexible as silk and as hard as iron.

The simple paper that coats your body grants you a +4 to your natural armor bonus. This paper, unlike many weaker spells, is resistant to fire and water and holds up under all but the hottest flame and the hardest downpour.
Material Component: 20 pieces of paper

Wall of Paper
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 2
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: 50 feet
Effect: One wall of paper 25 feet by 15 feet +5 feet per 2 levels
Duration: 1 hour/3 levels
Saving Throw: None, Harmless
Spell Resistance: No

As you weave the paper as it floats in the air it begins to gain substance and strength.

This spell creates a thin yet strong wall of paper that hinders movement and blocks damage. A section of a wall of paper (10 feet) can absorb 20 points of damage per caster level (200 hp max). It can block fire and electricity damage but doing so takes twice as much hp as regular attacks. Slashing damage and at least 10 liters of water will instantly destroy a section of the wall. The wall can hit opponents that come within 10 feet of the wall with long strands of paper. It can attempt to grabble such opponents and has a strength of 20 and a base attack bonus equal to the casters caster level.
Material Component: 5 pounds of paper

Water Shield
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Full round action
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude, See text
Spell Resistance: Yes, see text

With a single touch, a glossy, wet sheen covers the stack of papers for a moment before being absorbed into the paper.

One of the first protective spells created by Paper Masters, Water Shield allows 10 pieces of paper to become immune to all negative aspects of water. Such aspects include disintegration, smearing, running or mold. This spell can affect a whole book but the caster must succeed at a fortitude save (DC 20) or be unaffected by the spell. Magic books are treated as having SR 30 and a fort save (DC 35) must be overcome to affect the pages.
Material Component: A small piece of sponge

Flame Retardation
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Full round action
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude, See text
Spell Resistance: Yes, See text

As you break the piece of flint, the pages before you burst into flame before extinguishing itself.

The second most important spell according to Paper Masters, Flame Retardation allows paper, a highly flammable item, to become immune to fires devastating affects. This spell renders 10 pages of paper immune to fire damage, electricity damage, and burning of any form. This spell can affect a whole book but the caster must succeed at a fortitude save (DC 20) or be unaffected by the spell. Magic books are treated as having SR 30 and a fort save (DC 35) must be overcome to affect the pages.
Material Component: A single piece of flint, broken upon casting


Paper Javelin
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 3
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Long (100 feet plus 20 feet per two caster levels)
Effect: Two paper lances
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex, half
Spell Resistance: Yes

As you grip the handfuls of paper tight you pull your arms back and suddenly two large lances appear in your hands, ready to throw.

A favorite spell for offensively minded Paper Masters, Paper Javelin creates 2 large, lightweight lances that can be thrown. These javelins deal 4d6 points of magic piercing damage.
Material Components: Two handfuls of paper

Paper Strom
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 3
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (50 feet plus 10 feet per 5 levels)
Effect: Paper spikes 20 ft by 20 feet burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex
Spell Resistance: Yes

As you hurl the origami ball to the ground several large paper spikes burst from the ground, skewering all in the area.

This spell creates a storm of spikes that jut from the ground, damaging all targets within the area of the spell. This spell deals 1d4 points of damage per level (max 15d4). Targets that fail their reflex save are slowed for 1d6 rounds
Material Component: An origami ball the size of your fist.

Paper Shield
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Immediate Action
Range: Close
Effect: A body sized shield of paper
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

As the sword swings towards you, you reflexively put up your arms in defense and paper heeds your cry of imminent pain. A wall of paper jumps in front of you blocking the attack.

Paper Shield is a Paper Masters last line of defense from physical attacks. A single casting of Paper Shield absorbs the first 50 points of damage from a physical attack. Any full attack that deals less then 50 damage allows the wall to keep standing where it was raised, allowing the Paper Master to salvage a percentage of the spell components after a battle.
Material Components: 5 pounds of paper

Origami Avatar, Greater
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One full action
Range: Close (10 feet)
Effect: A single creature made of paper
Duration: Concentration

As you shape the paper into a solid shape several lines of paper tie themselves to your fingers. As you begin to move your arms the paper construct begins to take shape and act like an extension of your body.

Unlike the lesser version of the spell which creates a minor construct of paper, Origami Avatar, greater, takes a more concentrated mind and a more dedicated expenditure of energy. Long lines of paper connect you to your construct, allowing it to move up to 40 feet plus 20 feet per 2 caster levels away at any one time. The creature acts on your turn and requires your full attention to control, making it impossible to take any other action. These constructs can attack, unlike their lesser forms, and make excellent front line defenders. All creatures are of medium size. An opponent may attempt to attack these threads, and their Touch, Flat Footed and AC is ˝ your caster level plus 5. Creatures share the Dex, Cha, and Str scores of their creators. Dexterity determines bonus damage while strength determines extra hit points.

Wolf: 9d8 hp, B.A.B +10/+5/+1, Trip Attack
Snake: 6d6 hp, B.A.B +7/+3, Sneak Attack 2d6
Humanoid: 10d4 hp, +5 B.A.B, Martial and Simple weapon proficiency
Bat: 8d4 hp, +3 B.A.B, Fly Speed 100 feet (perfect), Carry 100 pounds
Badger: 9d6 hp, B.A.B +9/+4, Burrow Speed 60 feet.
Material Component: 50 pages of paper.

Vicious Rumor
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 3
Components: S, V, M
Casting Time: Full round action
Range: Touch
Effect: Overlapping paper claws or talons
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving Throw: None, Harmless

As you touch the intended animal, paper flies from its holding space and wraps itself around the creatures claws or talons making them sharper and more devastating.

This spell allows natural slashing weapons to deal an extra 1d6 points of damage per 4 caster levels (max 5d6). If the target attacks a creature made of fire or water the spell deals its extra damage and ends as the paper is destroyed.
Material Component: One piece of paper per claw/talon

Innis Cabal
2010-09-04, 04:50 PM

Lies of the Written Word
Paper magic (Figment)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: One minute per level

After wrapping yourself with the specially prepared paper on your skin you take on the appearance of another person you have seen before.

This spell allows the caster to duplicate the look, memory, and body language of a person the caster has met before. The spell stops functioning in heavy rain as the paper melts under water. If the caster suffers more then 20 points of fire damage the paper burns off the caster. You are in all affects the person whose identity you are assuming retaining physical build, phobias, body language and memories.
Material Component: 100 pieces of paper with arcane characters writing in ink made with an organic piece of the person you are trying to assume.

Paper Bomb
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 4
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Varies, see text
Effect: Small orb of paper that explodes and deals varying effects
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

You have the small ball of paper near your foes, where it rests for a moment before blowing up into a cloud of paper.

This spell creates a palm sized ball of paper that is easily thrown up to 100 feet in any direction. The ball can be placed and given a mental “timer” up to 5 rounds before detonating. The ball can do a series of effects determined when cast.

Catch Trap: A catch trap explodes and sends multiple animate strips of paper to render up to 5 targets helpless. The trap sends out a 50 foot burst and traps up to 5 large creatures.

Shrapnel Trap: A Shrapnel Trap explodes and deals 10d6 points of damage in a 30 foot burst.

Silencer: The silencer explodes in a 40 foot burst sending animated pieces of paper towards all within the blast. If a target fails his reflex his mouth is covered with a strip of paper that obstructs the mouth. The target can not speak until he takes a full round action to remove the paper strip.

Bang Blast: This trap explodes in a burst 20 feet by 30 feet. All within the area must make a reflex save to dodge the shock wave. Those that fail are deafened for 5 rounds.
Material Component: 10 pages of ripped paper with several sheets wrapped around it.


Create Paper Golem
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One Minute
Effect: Creates a single animal of paper
Duration: 1 day per 3 caster levels

As you complete the invocation the paper creature rises from the ink circle you drew on the floor.

This spell creates a paper duplicate of a specific creature. You may duplicate any humanoid, monstrous humanoid, dragon, giant, animal, or magical animal. The base creature retains all stats, abilities and base hit points plus the following abilities. A Paper Golem gains damage reduction 20/slashing and gains a breath weapon of razor sharp paper scraps. Using this breath weapon deals 15d4 points of piercing damage to all within a 30 foot cone and deals half that damage to the golem itself as it fuels the power with its own paper.
Material Components: Three large tomes worth of paper and 1,000 gold in ink

Paper Shredder
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 5
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Long (100 feet plus 20 per caster level)
Effect: 40 foot cyclone of razor sharp paper
Duration: 4 rounds
Saving Throw: Reflex, partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

As you raise your hands and allow the wind to lift the paper from your bag, it begins to move quickly towards your foes in a cyclonic tower.

This spell creates a powerful cyclone picks up targets of large size or smaller and damages them until they are freed or the spell ends. Each round a target stays in the cyclone they are dealt 8d4 points of damage. A target is sucked into the cyclone if they fail a strength check and must remake their save each round to force themselves out of the spell.
Material Component: 50 pieces of paper

Paper Airplane
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 4
Components: M
Casting Time: One standard
Range: 2 miles plus one mile per level
Effect: Creates a small airplane out of a piece of paper

As you throw the small paper airplane to the wind it is carried across land and sea to your intended friend.

This spell allows you to convey messages over long distances to friends and allies. The piece of paper must have the message written on it at the time of the spell being cast. The paper airplane travels one mile per day but can not travel through rain unless the paper it is made of is water resistant.
Material Component: One piece of paper

The Pen is Mightier
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 4
Components: V, M
Casting Time: One swift action
Effect: Creates a long sword of paper
Duration: One round per level

With the five piece of paper pressed in your hand’s, you quickly pull them away and the paper pulls with them forming into a long sword ready to use.

This spell creates a long sword of paper which functions as a regular long sword with the following additions. The paper long sword is weightless and uses the characters dexterity bonus for his base attack bonus as if the character possessed the weapon finesse feat. The sword has 25 hit points and an AC of 20. If used against a creature made of water or fire the sword suffers 5 points of damage. The caster can heal the sword by 5 points by using a piece of paper and a full round action.
Material Component: 5 pieces of paper

Clutching Arrow
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 4
Components: V,S
Casting Time: One swift action
Range: 200 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex, See text

As you launch your paper arrow it splits down the middle and grabs the item out of the air.

This spell affects a single paper arrow that you have fired in the same round. This arrow can grab an item out of the air or a weapon out of the hand of your foe. When attempting to hit an item the caster must hit an AC of 25, when attempting to “disarm” an opponent he must make a reflex save (DC 20) and the target must make a strength check (DC 20) or have the weapon wrested out of his hand.


Paper Space
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Personal
Effect: Creates a small pocket in the astral plane that holds paper
Duration: 1 hour per caster level

As you touch a point on your body you feel a small drag on the skin and a swirling black portal to the astral pops into existence long enough to draw all the paper in the area into itself.

Paper Space pulls all paper in the area, including on your person, until it has pulled 200 pages into itself. The caster can at any time open this portal as a free action and pull up to 10 pages out of the space. When the spell ends all paper in the pocket falls out to the ground. This spell last up to a maximum of 20 rounds and can be affected by the spell permancy. Permancying this spell costs 5,000 xp.
Material Componenet: One large piece of onyx costing 2,000 gold held to the point where the portal will be made


A Rumor Travels Faster
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 6
Components: M, V
Casting Time: One full round action
Range: 5 miles per 3 caster levels
Effect: Teleports you and several allies

As the paper falls around you in a white cascade you blink out of existence, appearing at your intended location.

This spell functions like teleport except as follows. When casting this spell a large shield of paper, as the Wall of Paper spell, covers you before you teleport at the end of your turn. If there are people around you they are pushed 15 feet away from you.
Material Component: 200 pieces of paper and a large emerald worth 1000 gold

Carbon Copy
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 6
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Effect: Creates a copy of yourself or others
Duration: 5 houres per caster level

As you place the paper on the ground it grows until it appears just as you do with inverted colors.

This spell creates a color inverted copy of yourself made out of paper. This copy has hit points equal to half of your hit points minus your con modifier. The copy has no memories of your life no does it have a mind of its own. It follows commands to the letter and can wield any weapons that you can. It can also use any spell you possessed at the time of creating it and has spell slots equal to the spell slots you possessed at the time of casting minus one spell slot from your highest level spell. Though incapable of passing as a normal person the copy produces heat as a normal body and creatures that see without actual sight can not tell the difference between it and a normal person. Only one copy may exist at any one time. Should the caster choose to make another, the previous copy dissolves into a puddle of ink. A copy made this way is a construct, lacking both a con score and an int score. As a mindless creature the only speaking a copy may preform is for the use of spells or to activate a scroll or magic item.
Material Component: One piece of paper covered in ink made of diamond dust and gold filings costing 300 gold

Flights of Angels
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 6
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: Creates a pair of paper angel wings
Duration: 1 minute per level

As you place two thin stripes of paper on your shoulder blades two powerfully built wings burst forth with the sound of a book being opened.

This spell grants the target with wings, allowing him to fly (perfect maneuverability) until the spell ends. These wings also allow the target to make a single attack against a foe dealing 1d6 points of damage. The target may chose to use this attack on a foe after moving so long as he has moved 30 feet and passed the target.
Material Component: Two stripes of paper covered in writings of flight, the ink costing at least 2000 gold

Fly on the Wall
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 6
Components: S, M, XP
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: One day per caster level
Saving Throw: Fortitude, Yes
Spell Resistance: Yes

As you touch your target a thin piece of paper worms its way into his pocket. Days later as you prepare the rest of the spell you sense he has moved miles away.
This spell opens a link between you and a single target whose hit die can not exceed your caster level. This link, once established, can be felt so long as you and your target remain on the same plane. The target is allowed a single fortitude save to negate the spell affect. Once established the link becomes a single piece of paper wrapped on an item that your foe posses, hides beneath a scale, or in a bag.
Material Component: A thin slip of porcelain paper, costing 1000 gold
XP: 2000


Paper Waves
Paper magic
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 7
Components: M, S
Casting Time: one swift action
Range: 30 ft burst
Effect: Creates large “walls” of paper that affects sound and wind
Duration: One minute per level

As you bend at the knee, touching the ground with your open hand, paper streams from your robes to suddenly burst up around disrupting the flow of air and stifling sound.

This unique spell goes against the theory that paper is a soft, brittle object that is at the whim of the wind and sound. Upon casting this spell paper walls burst from the ground in a 30 foot burst. This spell disrupts air flow, negating all spells that rely on wind to function unless its caster’s level is equal or higher then the Paper Master. Also all sonic spells deal half damage to anyone within the area of this spell. Though the paper is strong and thick it is not hardy like many other paper magic spells and can not take damage. Area affect spells instantly dispels the affects of this spell.
Material Components: 300 pieces of paper


Truth Hurts
Paper magic (Mind Affecting, Sonic)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 8
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One standard action
Target: One target per 4 caster levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will, negates
Spell Resistance: No

As you hum a line from a famous song the world’s truths are exposed to those you intend to hear.

This spell momentarily reveals truths to your foes, each must be at no more then 30 feet apart, stunning them for 2d6 rounds. Once they become unstunned they must remake their will saves or take 9d6 nonleathal damage as their mind reels with the power of universal clarity.

1001 Tales
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 8
Components: S, V, M
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: 50 foot burst
Effect: Creates an area of large paper spikes
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex, Half
Spell Resistance: Yes

Standing for a moment you will the very fabric of reality to write its own story, brining into existence a field of paper spikes that jut to the sky like one thousand and one fingers.

The most powerful damaging spell that a Paper Master can employ, 1001 tales creates a virtual field of death. This spell deals 1d10 points of damage per level (max 10d10) to all within a 50 foot burst. Anyone not succeeding their reflex save takes full damage and loses 5 hit per round due to blood loss. These wounds do not heal until the target receives a heal check (DC=caster level + charisma modifier) or receives magical healing equal to no less then 20 hitpoints.
Material Component: A single emerald, diamond and ruby worth 500 gold each wrapped in a sheet of paper you have had on your skin for 20 days.


Epic Tale
Paper magic (Creation)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One full round action
Effect: Creates a powerful
Duration: Concentration

As the paper wraps around you and blankets the area in white it takes form into a gargantuan man that begins to destroy all your foes.

This spell is the peak of the Paper Masters art of creation. When you cast this spell you begin to tear pages out of the books used as the material components they form into either a huge winged creature or a huge armored man that quickly encases you and several others.
Winged Form: The wing form is idle for quick movement and aerial bombardment. It can hold 10 comfortably without slowing down and can travel 100 feet a round. It has 100 hit points, an AC of 36 and can make a single attack with a bas attack bonus of +30, dealing 7d8 points of damage
Humanoid Form: The humanoid form of this spell is well suited for guard tasks and attacking foes. It may hold two medium or four small creatures in its closed hands and has an attack range of 40 feet due to its spring like arms. Its hands can open and close but are unsuited for manual dexterity. It receives two attack with a base attack bonus equal to the casters level plus charisma modifier. It has an AC of 40 and 200 hitpoints.
Material Components: 10 books with at least 200 pages, destroyed upon casting, a diamond worth 2000 gold

The Dark Abyss
Paper magic (Mind Affecting, Evil)
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One full round
Range: 100 feet
Effect: Creates words so terrible and dark it kills all in the area
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

As you read allowed the words in your head all around you shudder with horror and become catatonic before dieing.

Books can be written for many reasons such as love and determination. This spell, a mere snippet of text from a book of the same title, was created out of fear and hate. The mere words of this spell cause all within a 100 foot burst, centered on you, to make a fortitude save or die as their mind shrieks with fear and revulsion. This spell can not be written on a scroll unless the scroll maker makes a fortitude save (DC 30). Just reading the spell from a scroll affects the caster, requiring him to make a fortitude save or take 10d6 points of damage
Material Components: Three bottles of ink costing 5000 gold, three platinum pieces and two copper wires.

Innis Cabal
2010-09-04, 04:51 PM
Bibliophile Feats

Bibliophile feats reward those casters who dedicate themselves to books and knowledge. Though Paper Magic is powerfully visual and malleable many of its spells are none offensive and duplicate other spell affects many mages employ to great effect. As a Paper Master begins to grow in strength and knowledge of the unique magic at their disposal they sense a feeling of reciprocal investment from books and paper. This may take the form of unburnable paper, stronger creations or even unique and unseen powers.

Loved by Literature [Bibliophile Feat]
Pre-Requisites: Cha 15, Must posses at least 3 paper magic spells
Benefit: Loved by Literature is the introductory feat for all other paper magic feats. In addition it grants you a +5 bonus to any one knowledge skill of your choice when first taking the feat.

Quick Study [Reserve]
Pre-Requisites: Ability to cast 4th level spells
Benefit: As long as you have a paper magic spell of 4th level or higher available to cast you can create a small number (up to nine) of razor sharp pieces of paper that you can hurl at your foes. These pieces of paper deal 1d6 each and you may throw up to three at a time, all of which must be thrown at the same target

As a secondary bonus you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting paper magic spells.

8 Folds [Reserve Feat]
Pre-Requisites: Ability to cast 6th level spells
Benefits: As long as you have a paper magic spell of 6th level or higher available to cast you can create a shield of paper that starts from the ground. This shield absorbs an amount of damage equal to the highest level paper magic spell slot multiples by 2. After the barrier absorbs its full damage the paper becomes unusable.

As a secondary bonus you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting paper magic spells.

Fahrenheit 451 [Bibliophile Feat]
Pre-Requisites: Cha 15, Loved by Literature, ability to cast 5th level spells
Benefit: This feat allows any paper magic spell you cast to be unaffected by the affects of fire, lightning and acid. This feat also allows paper magic spells to function in areas above 300 degrees. You must declare you are using this ability before you do. Any spell affected by this feat eats up another 10 pieces of paper to cast.

Laminated [Bibliophile Feat]
Pre-Requisites: Cha 15, Loved by Literature, Ability to cast 5th level spells
Benefit: This feat allows your paper magic spells to be unaffected by the negative affects of water, including underwater. Any spell affected by this feat eats up another 10 pieces of paper to cast.

Paper Lion [Bibliophile Feat]
Pre-Requisites: Cha 15, Loved by Literature, Ability to cast Origami Avatar, lesser
Benefit: By employing this feat you create grants your constructs an extra 10 hit points per 10 pieces of paper you add to the material components of the spell. You may only apply this feat to a single construct a number of times equal to your charisma modifier

Nasty Paper Cut [Bibliophile Feat]
Pre-Requisites: Cha 15, Loved by Literature, Ability to cast any damaging paper magic spell, level 12
Benefit: This feat makes edges sharper and thinner, cutting deeper and drawing more blood. Adding 5 more pieces of paper to any damaging paper magic spell increases its damage by 1d6. For every 5 pieces of paper you may add another 1d6 points of damage to the spell. This affect can be added a number of time equal to your charisma modifier

Innis Cabal
2010-09-04, 05:07 PM
Reserved for Future Projects

2010-09-05, 07:04 AM
was this, by any chance, inspired by Konan from Naruto?

In any case, I like it.

2010-09-05, 07:19 AM
was this, by any chance, inspired by Konan from Naruto?

In any case, I like it.

I think it's more inspired by Read or Die.

2010-09-05, 07:54 AM
I think it's slightly overpowered, for example a level 3 spell that dose 10d6 on any level, and it appears too troublesome to constantly create paper 15 sheets at a time for spells that use many pounds of paper. I would suggest toning down some of the spells, and adding a spell later on (lets say level 2) that summons multiple (lets say just to put a number on it 10)lb of paper, such that multiple spells can actually be used without months of preparation.

Innis Cabal
2010-09-05, 11:57 PM
The only spell that deals damage at level 3 is Paper Javalin which deals 4d6 flat damage through out. Which is only two die more damage then a second level core spell, uses the caster's attack score (As it's a thrown weapon) and is subject to DR. Really...is it -that- overpowered?

Also, paper is heavy. But I do agree there needs to be a way to make more. (cut to standard sheet length it's 16lb per cubic foot)

And it was based off Read or Die.

Aran Banks
2010-09-06, 12:03 AM
Laughing... so hard... can't breath.

What a great concept.

I only got through the cantrips before I was like "pbbbth AHAHAHAHA!!" so all I've got is one criticism:
Here it is: One that create paper thing, it'd be better to say "you create X square meters of paper 1 mm thick" or something. 15 sheets of paper is vague, and by RAW gives me the ability to create 15 sheets of paper that blanket the entire world in a spiral 9 trillion layers thick... with a hole for me at the center. I believe that is WINd6 in crushing damage against everything on the Prime.

Innis Cabal
2010-09-06, 12:07 AM
True, though I had figured being a 0 level spell and most sheets being a standard size, most wouldn't go that far to munchkin :smallredface:

Glad you like the idea though

Aran Banks
2010-09-06, 12:51 AM
8.5 x 11 x 15 = 1402.5

So say it makes 1400 square feet of paper, 1/240th of an inch thick.

Or you could just give then 5 cubic feet of paper.