View Full Version : Murphy's Law 6: Will we ever stop burning through threads so quickly?

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2011-02-01, 04:59 PM
...No, I don't know why this is so popular either. :smalltongue:

Hi! Welcome to the SIXTH thread of Murphy's Law! As you can probably guess, I'm making an OOTS-style webcomic. It's comedic, yet with an ongoing, in-depth storyline. It starts out with a multiclass Fighter/Paladin named Lloyd Zephyr looking to organize an adventuring party, and quickly mushrooms from there into something much bigger...

So, yeah...Enjoy!


Current comic:

#144: A Little Self-Indulgence


#1: Why I Hate Fanservice (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WhyIHateFanserviceRedo.png)

#2: Always Use A Pencil (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AlwaysUseAPencil.png)

#3: First Impressions (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/FirstImpressions.png)

#4: Subversions (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/Subversions.png)

#5: Oddly, They Didn't Confiscate His Weapons (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/OddlyTheyDidntConfiscateHisWeapons.png)

#6: This Will Work Out Great! (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ThisWillWorkOutGreat.png)

#7: Off On The Wrong Foot (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/OffOnTheWrongFoot.png)

#8: Well, She IS A Druid (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WellSheISADruid.png)

#9: Don't Worry, The Weasel's Alright (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DontWorryTheWeaselsAlright.png)

#10: Not So Rough (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotSoRough.png)

#11: Well, This Isn't Foreboding At All! (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WellThisIsntForebodingAtAll.png)

#12: Captain Obvious (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/CaptainObvious.png)

#13: Rule Of Cool (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/RuleOfCool.png)

#14: Roll A Fort Save (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/RollAFortSavepng.png)

#15: Avenue J (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AvenueJ.png)

#16: Lloyd Zephyr Is Not A Morning Person (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/LloydIsNotAMorningPerson.png)

#17: Actually, Radic Has a Higher Dex Score (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ActuallyRadicHasAHigherDexScore.png)

#18: Digging Yourself Deeper (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DiggingYourselfDeeper.png)

#19: Kid In A Candy Shop (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/KidInACandyShop.png)

#20: He Really Should Know The Answer To This By Now (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HeReallyShouldKnowTheAnswerToThisBy.png)

#21: Deja Vu (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DejaVu.png)

#22: No More (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NoMore.png)

#23: They're Required To Do This Every So Often (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheyreRequiredToDoThisEverySoOften.png)

#24: He, At Least, Didn't See That One Coming (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HeAtLeastDidntSeeThatOneComing.png)

#25: Tomorrow's Spells Consist Entirely of Cure X Wounds And Atonement (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TomorrowsSpellsConsistEntirelyOfCur.png)

#26: Seatbelts Help Prevent Whiplash (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/SeatbeltsHelpPreventWhiplash.png)

#27: Say What You Will, But He's Got Style (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/SayWhatYouWillButHesGotStyle.png)

#28: Harmful To Minors (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HarmfulToMinors.png)

#29: Matt's Best Chance (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MattsBestChance.png)

#30: At This Rate, He'll Command An Entire Army By The End Of The Comic (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AtThisRateHellHaveAnArmyByTheEndOfT.png)

#31: And You Thought Rogues Got Buckets Of Skill Points (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AndYouThoughtRoguesGotBucketsOfSkil.png)

#32: All In Good Time (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AllInGoodTime.png)

#33: It Doesn't Start With "U" Either (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ItDoesntStartWithUEither.png)

#34: At Least He's Warm (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AtLeastHesWarm.png)

#35: Genki If There Ever Was One (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GenkiIfThereEverWasOne.png)

#36: Ad Campaign (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AdCampaign.png)

#37: This Happens Every Few Weeks (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ThisHappensEveryFewWeeks.png)

#38: Gonna Need More Duct Tape (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GonnaNeedMoreDuctTape.png)

#39: Critical Communication Failure (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/CriticalCommunicationFailure.png)

#40: Insult To Remus (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/InsultToRemus.png)

#41: That She Lasted So Long Is A Miracle In Itself (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ThatSheLastedSoLongIsAMiracleInItse.png)

#42: She Didn't Mean The Liches Or Necromancers (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/SheDidntMeanTheLiches.png)

#43: Meanwhile, Thousands Of Miles Away (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MeanwhileSeveralThousandMilesAway.png)

#44: Matt Could Have Told You Years Ago (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MattCouldHaveToldYouYearsAgo.png)

#45: 240 Proof (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/240Proof.png)

#46: Divination, How I Love Thee (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DivinationHowILoveThee.png)

#47: A Rare Quiet Moment (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ARareQuietMoment.png)

#48: A Familiar Occurrence (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AFamiliarOccurrence.png)

#49: Think Fast (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ThinkFast.png)

#50: Miss Exposition (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MissExposition.png)

#51: Iris Said To Squick Him Out (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/IrisSaidToSquickHimOut.png)

#52: Every Single Time (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/EverySingleTime.png)

#53: He Didn't See Panel Five (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HeDidntSeePanelFive.png)

#54: All Aboard The Plot Train (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AllAboardThePlotTrain.png)

#55: Ursa Saphrin (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/UrsaSaphrin.png)

#56: But Seriously, They're Safe (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ButSeriouslyTheyreSafe.png)

#57: Story Arcs Start Slow (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/StoryArcsStartSlow.png)

#58: Presumably For His Height (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/PresumablyForHisHeight.png)

#59: Like Electric Guitars, But More Explodey (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/LikeElectricGuitarsButMoreExplodey.png)

#60: On Patrol (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/OnPatrol.png)

#61: They Should Schedule A Meetup (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheyShouldScheduleAMeetup.png)

#62: That's Fewer Than Half (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ThatsFewerThanHalf.png)

#63: Mission Possible (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MissionPossible.png)

#64: Matthew "Deathwish" Silver (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MatthewDeathwishSilver.png)

#65: Baby Steps (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/BabySteps.png)

#66: Denial Ain't Just A River (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DenialAintJustARiver.png)

#67: The Best Wizards Are Unpredictable (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheBestWizardsAreUnpredictable.png)

#68: But It Just Might Work (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ButItJustMightWork.png)

#69: Unexpected Greeting (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/UnexpectedGreeting.png)

#70: Why I Won't Use Foreign Languages (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WhyIWontUseForeignLanguages.png)

#71: Not Private Enough (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotPrivateEnough.png)

#72: Paladins Can Bluff Too (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/PaladinsCanBluffToo.png)

#73: Some Would Say Yes (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/SomeWouldSayYes.png)

#74: A Fitting Punishment (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AFittingPunishment.png)

#75: Come On, Let's Get Real (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ComeOnLetsGetReal.png)

#76: Ostensibly Heroic Kleptomaniac (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/OstensiblyHeroicKleptomaniac.png)

#77: She's Conflicted Too (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ShesConflictedToo.png)

#78: Not A Bluff Check (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/BluffCheck.png)

#79: Resolutions, Wishes, And Prayers (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ResolutionsWishesAndPrayers.png)

#80: Knowledge: Religion (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/KnowledgeReligion.png)

#81: No, She Wasn't Listening Before (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NoSheWasntListening.png)

#82: As The Stories Say (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AsTheStoriesSay.png)

#83: Collective Guilt (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/CollectiveGuilt.png)

#84: Fir Saw It Coming (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/FirSawItComing.png)

#85: She'll Actually Be Sensible For Once (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ShellActuallyBeSensibleForOnce.png)

#86: Talk About Timing (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TalkAboutTiming.png)

#87: I Don't Know Either (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/IDontKnowEither.png)

#88: The Montage Mobile (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheMontageMobile.png)

#89: Golden Eagle Shipping And Trading (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GoldenEagleShippingAndTrading.png)

#90: More Appropriate As Comic 99 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MoreAppropriateAsComic99.png)

#91: Dun Dun DUN (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DunDunDUN.png)

#92: The Abridged Edition (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheAbridgedEdition.png)

#93: Ever Heard Of Milgram? (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/EverHeardOfMilgram.png)

#94: They're Serious (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheyreSerious.png)

#95: Tin Soldiers And Kago's Coming (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TinSoldiersAndKagosComing.png)

#96: Help, Help, They're Being Repressed! (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HelpHelpTheyreBeingRepressed.png)

#97: What Did You Think (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WhatDidYouThink.png)

#98: Lockstep (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/Lockstep.png)

#99: Hyperbole? (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/Hyperbole.png)

#100: Don't Cut Your Hands (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DontCutYourHands.png)

#101: A Paladin, Not A Killing Machine (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/APaladinNotAKillingMachine.png)

#102: Fair For Its Time (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/FairForItsTime.png)

#103: Bad Time To Haggle (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/BadTimeToHaggle.png)

#104: On That Note, It's Lamplight (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/OnThatNoteItsLamplight.png)

#105: A Bit Of An Inside Joke (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ABitOfAnInsideJoke.png)

#106: Astrid's Seal Of Approval (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AstridsSealOfApproval.png)

#107: No, I Don't Know The Spell (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NoIDontKnowTheSpell.png)

#108: Mr. Fixit (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MrFixit.png)

#109: Just As He's An Angel (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/JustAsHesAnAngel.png)

#110: What They'll See (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WhatTheyllSee.png)

#111: News To Them (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NewsToThem.png)

#112: Awesome By Analysis (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AwesomeByAnalysis.png)

#113: Would Be More Dramatic If They Had Chairs (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/MoreDramaticIfTheyHadChairs.png)

#114: Guess Who's Not Sleeping Tonight (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GuessWhosNotSleepingTonight.png)

#115: For The Love Of Astrid, Don't Turn Around (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ForTheLoveOfAstridDontTurnAround.png)

#116: This Can Only End Very, Very Badly (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ThisCanOnlyEndVeryVeryBadly.png)

#117: Oh Dear God (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/OhDearGod.png)

#118: It's Not Like She's Going Anywhere (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ItsNotLikeShesGoingAnywhere.png)

#119: Devotion (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/Devotion.png)

#120: A Cleric By Any Other Name (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AClericByAnyOtherName.png)

#121: Barely Breakable Vow (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/BarelyBreakableVow.png)

#122: Seven Drunken Strips (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/SevenDrunkenStrips.png)

#123: Infirvention (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/Infirvention.png)

#124: Not So Much Singing As Screaming (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotSoMuchSingingAsScreaming.png)

#125: Here She Comes To Save The Day (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HereSheComesToSaveTheDay.png)

#126: It's Every Adventurer's Best Friend (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ItsAnAdventurersBestFriend.png)

#127: Graphical Representation: Not To Scale (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GraphicalRepresentationNotToScale.png)

#128: What Else Does She Have (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WhatElseDoesSheHave.png)

#129: The Boy Prince (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheBoyPrince.png)

#130: For The Record, She's Not (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ForTheRecordShesNot.png)

#131: There's Theocratic, And There's Theocratic (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheresTheocraticAndTheresTheocratic.png)

#132: And All The Characters Merely Players (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AndAllTheCharactersMerelyPlayers.png)

#133: Hear No State Secrets, See No State Secrets, Speak No State Secrets (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HearNoStateSecretsSpeakNoStateSecrets.png)

#134: The Merchants Of Runite (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheMerchantsOfRunite.png)

#135: Just Business (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/JustBusiness.png)

#136: Family Values (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/FamilyValues.png)

#137: Except For Those Fire Ones (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ExceptForThoseFireOnes.png)

#138: Rogues' Creed (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/RoguesCreed.png)

#139: Not To Mention The Cart (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotToMentionTheCart.png)

#140: I'll Be Shocked If You Didn't See It Coming (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/IllBeShockedIfYouDidntSeeThisComing.png)

#141: Going Meta (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GoingMeta.png)

#142: Actually, You Kind Of Did (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ActuallyYouKindOfDid.png)

#143: Again, A Weekly Occurrence (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AgainAWeeklyOccurrence.png)

Please critique!

BONUS: Oh! In case you didn't know, I'm originally from the Crack Pairings Thread. So, I love it when people do crack pairings and stuff of this comic! In fact, I'll post it on here! Just make sure that it obeys board rules and the like, okay?

Stuff by me! :smallbiggrin::

Cleric Vs Cleric (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/JanineVsHyperion.png)

Johan and Janine (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/JohanAndJanine.png)

Inevitable Murphy's Law Beach Episode :smalltongue: (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/IASummer.png)

Young Radic and Aludean (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/YoungRadic.png)

Stuff by ShinyDelusion:

“Went down your--” Lloyd began to say.

“And that is all I’m going to say about it,” Matt cut him off flatly.

“Whatever,” said Lloyd, looking at Matt’s weasel-inflicted wounds critically, “You should probably go get Janine to heal you.”

“Can’t paladins heal?” Matt asked, not sure where Janine was and in no mood to search for her while every scratch on his body was still smarting.

“The technique’s called ‘Lay on Hands’,” Lloyd replied neutrally.

“Oh,” said Matt. A few seconds of silence passed. “This sucks,” he added in a grumble.

“More than max security?” Lloyd asked as a reminder.

“No,” said Matt darkly, staring broodingly into the middle distance.


It was two years ago, back when he was just learning how to get away with things and had recently tried to put a red streak in his hair. The hair was a minor fiasco—he’d bleached first and the red dye wasn’t strong enough, leaving the streak an embarrassingly pretty purplish pink; maybe he should try blue next time—but he was getting to be a really good rogue. Or so he thought.

In retrospect he realized that he probably shouldn’t have been so cocky—after all it was already the sixth time he’d been caught stealing and he’d only been at it a few months—but back in those days he’d felt like he could do anything, like he was untouchable. Sure, he’d gotten thrown in the local jailhouse once or twice, but those cells were a joke; he watched a party full of Level 2 adventures with not a rogue among them break out in ten minutes flat once. Of course, those were the lowest security cells, not max. He didn’t know yet that when they threw you in max, you weren’t getting yourself out any time soon unless you were epic level or something.

That day, the day he got caught for the sixth time, they threw him in max.

“I really am sorry, kid,” the warden had told him grimly, “But today we got three adventuring parties filled with chaotic types who thought they’d found the second easiest way to get some extra gps; the cells are packed, so you’re going to have to go in max.”

“Whatever,” Matt muttered.

A little annoyed by the boy’s indifference, the warden added, “Just so you know, your cell mate got life for massacring a relatively peaceful group of kobold merchants for the XP and…” He gulped. “Accessorizing opportunities.”

“Whatever,” Matt repeated. Wait a minute, what about accessorizing?

“He gets violent when we try to remove things from his cell,” he went on, now honestly angered by the boy’s lack of interest, “Such as the beheaded corpses of former cell mates…”

“What do you mean--” Matt began to ask, a little panicked, before regaining his cool. “You’re making that up just to scare me.”

“If only,” the warden said with a sigh, “I suggest you just try to have a conversation with him; some say the solitude’s made him snap. Ah, here we are.”

At first Matt thought his cellmate was a kobold. Then, gagging, he realized what the warden had meant by “accessorizing opportunities”.

“How’s it going, Killer?” the warden asked with false joviality.

Clutching a human skull pointed at the warden, the filthy Halfling shrieked, “Fireball! Fireball now, or I’ll give you something to Fear you worthless undead piece of crap!”

“This is your new roomie!” the warden continued, forcing himself to smile in the hope that the Halfling would calm down, “His name is Matthew Silver.”

Matt was too terrified to correct him.

While the Halfling did something partially hidden but, Matt feared, definitely obscene to the skull that wouldn’t obey his commands, the warden very quickly unlocked the cell, shoved Matt in, and relocked it.

“I really am sorry,” the warden told Matt again, “If one of those parties breaks out, I’ll get you out of here pronto, but…” He glanced at the Halfling. “It’d be a lie to tell you anything but this: From here it can only get worse.”

He left Matt alone with this thought. And the delusional, psychopathic Halfling.

It took several minutes for the Halfling to get bored with… what he was doing with the skull, but once he did, he took an immediate interest in Matt.

“You don’t look like max security material,” he told the boy smugly, “I guess without the Belkster out there to show ‘em how it’s done, the standards are dropping.”

Matt could manage nothing but a deer-in-the-headlights expression. At this point he was so scared he was barely even breathing.

To his wide-eyed horror, the Halfling began to approach him, picking up a severed head that was lying on the floor by its silvery hair on the way.

“Let’s get a few things straight,” the murderer said, “When they bring the grub in, your plate goes to Mr. Scruffy.” He began stroking the hair on the head affectionately. “Of course none of the stuff here’s good enough for his carnivore tastes, but he’s gotta eat eventually, and when he finally gets hungry enough, he is not going to starve on your account. Got it, wuss?”

Matt managed a nod. Living to see suppertime would be blessing enough. Glances around the room had let him count six different heads, and worryingly he’d only been able to spot four of the respective bodies…

“You really are a wuss, you know? You really shouldn’t be here…” As if too distracted by this revelation to hold his concentration on other things, the Halfling dropped the head known as “Mr. Scruffy.” He stared at Matt. For a long time.

“Aha!” Before Matt had time to realize anything was happening, the Halfling had him pinned to the ground and was yanking on a lock of his hair.

“Thought you could get a way with that?” the Halfling raved. The hand that wasn’t gripping Matt’s hair began fishing around in his grubby pockets for something. “Oh… I’ll do you for that, you androgynous twit…”

“Wh-what?!” Matt sputtered. Through the haze of pain the hair-pulling was spreading through his skull, he thought that the victimized hair might be that stupid attempt at a red streak, not that that was even remotely important right now…

“Come off it, Ears,” the lunatic snapped, yanking what appeared to be a sharpened spoon out of his pocket, “Your friggin’ lame disguise has failed epicly.” His eyes gleamed. “Then again, you always were one for epic failure, weren’t ya, pal?”

“What are you talking about?” Matt asked desperately. And, what did he mean by “Ears”? His voice now laced with disgust, he added, “You think I’m an elf?”

“I said come off it,” the Halfling repeated sharply. Then, to Matt’s surprise, he let go of his hair and his expression softened. “I guess I should’ve stopped bringing it up, after you told us everything that happened, but it was just too good; you finally admitted you screwed up.”

“Oh, I see,” Matt snarled, “An arrogant prick of an elf. Why you--”

“It was worth it, too,” the Halfling continued, now mostly ignoring Matt, “When you just kept blowing stuff up, especially when Roy was throwing hissy fits all the time because we wouldn’t knock it off. But then,” now his face flushed with rage, “You frickin’ set me up in this dump of a town with a frickin’ epic level prison!” He refocused his gaze on Matt. “And of course you had to come back and gloat,” he added, his voice cold.

“Dude,” said Matt, “I don’t even know what you’re talking about, and I’m not an elf! I hate elves!”

“Nice try, Ears,” said the Halfling, “But you really should have chosen a disguise that looked like it actually belonged in max security.” With a disturbing suddenness, the Halfling grinned. “Since you obviously can’t break out of this cell anymore than I can… Do you know what they do to pretty, purple-haired little elf-boys like you in prison, Vaarsuvius?”

“It’s Matt,” Matt spat, but his face was paling.

Brandishing the lethally sharp spoon, the madman said, “Because I’m about to show you.”


One of the adventuring parties did break out eventually, and the warden came to move Matt to another cell as he promised, in the nick of time, at that. Whenever Matt looked back on the whole incident (usually after waking up from a graphic nightmare) he shuddered to think what might have happened had he been left in there longer, but nonetheless wished that he could have been moved sooner.

In the weeks following his stay in prison Matt improved as a rogue very quickly. Before it’d been all about the loot but now he’d learned to focus on not getting caught. He decided he was never going to prison again and would do whatever it took to stay out of maximum security.


“Did you just have a flashback?” Lloyd asked Matt accusingly.

“Yeah,” said Matt, “Got a problem with that?”

“I’m the main character and I’ve already hinted at a dark and interesting backstory,” Lloyd said hotly, “I’m supposed to get the first flashback!”

Matt smirked. From here it could only get better.

“Nice try, Ears,” said the Halfling, “But you really should have chosen a disguise that looked like it actually belonged in max security.” With a disturbing suddenness, the Halfling grinned. “Since you obviously can’t break out of this cell anymore than I can… Do you know what they do to pretty, purple-haired little elf-boys like you in prison, Vaarsuvius?”

“It’s Matt,” Matt spat, but his face was paling.

Brandishing the lethally sharp spoon, the madman said, “Because I’m about to show you.”

“Nooooooo!” Matt cried upon abruptly waking, sitting straight up. Rubbing his eyes, he said gruffly but a little sheepishly, “Sorry, I know that’s one of the most annoying clichés in the book, but…” He looked around him. All three of the other adventurers were still asleep. “Okay… Nevermind.” Shuddering a little and trying to push the nightmare out of his thoughts, he slowly lied back down.

“Mmm… Glad you think so Lloyd… Now come here…”

“What?” Matt sat back up, looking around himself again. Everyone was still asleep. He glanced at Lloyd. Nope, definitely not doing anything to Janine. He glanced at Janine—

“Oh, Lloyd, I think I’m wounded…”

“Wounded?” Matt repeated, raising an eyebrow. He’d never heard that one before.

“You must Lay Hands on me…”

Oh. That made sense. He should’ve seen that one coming, really. As Janine’s words dissolved into little moans that made him uncomfortable on multiple levels, he lied back again, muttering, “Who seriously talks in their sleep anyway?” and tried to go back to sleep.

“Let me show you another use for Water Drops…”

Water Drops? Matt frowned. Weren’t those those little pills wizards could make out of water that released mouthfuls of water when you chewed on them?

“That’s right, put it there…”

“What the…?” Matt murmured.

“Now squeeze… Ah!”

“Is she…?”

“Mmm… You know, if you’re Good…” There was a little snorting sound that might have been Janine giggling, “The water tastes sweet… Oh, yes…”

“Oh, no…” Matt said with a grunt, rolling over and clutching his stomach. He did not want to hear this.

“I also know another use for—”

“Gah!” Matt cried, clapping his hands over his ears. How am I going to get back to sleep with this show playing in the background? Well, he couldn’t hear her with his hands over his ears, at least. Okay. I can do this… He started taking deep breaths in an attempt to make himself fall asleep faster while keeping his hands over his ears. Though this method wasn’t quite as efficient as he’d hoped for it to be, after about half an hour he felt himself drifting off. His arms relaxed has he sunk into a peaceful slumber, his hands gently falling away from his ears…

“Oh, Lloyd, I didn’t know you were a sorcerer…”

“Huh…?” Matt muttered sleepily.

“There really are a lot of uses for Prestidigitation… Mmm…”

Ba-dum, ting! Matt’s half-dreaming mind supplied for that one liner as he let out a moan of protest. He tried to sit up again, but realized he was already falling asleep, Janine’s words weaving themselves into his dreams…


“Nooooo!” Matt cried out again, awaking while sitting bolt upright for the second time that night. Taking deep breaths to calm himself down, he looked around to find that once again he’d failed to wake up the other three adventurers. It wouldn’t have been all that bad, he mused, wiping the cold sweat from his brow, if there hadn’t been so much… Lloyd. After shooting a glare at the now innocently silent Janine, he lied back and was asleep within minutes.


Remus raised his head to make his best you-should-feel-guilty sad eyes at the screaming human but to no avail; the little punk didn’t even glance at him. Apparently no one cares if they wake up just a dog in the middle of the night. As Matt went back to sleep, Remus put his own head back down with a self-righteous sniff, but raised it again after a few seconds.

Remus heard a sound. It sounded like an animal sound, but it wasn’t a familiar sound. A weird tp-tp-tp-tp-tping was prowling in a circle around them. The dog scanned the forest as best as he could, a low growl rumbling in the back of his throat. It was hard to tell now that Radic’s friend had started muttering in her sleep again, but after a few seconds it sounded like the tp-tping had stopped. This didn’t make Remus feel any better. Whining a little, he nudged Radic’s arm with his nose.


“Urg, Remus…” Radic groaned, batting her companion’s cold nose away from her, “What is it?”

Remus whined and poked her arm with his nose again.

“Okay, okay,” said Radic, sitting up and scratching him behind an ear, “What’s wrong, boy?”

“Mmrr… Lloyd,” Janine murmured, “You can… Desecrate my temple… Anyday…”

“Well that’s nothing new,” said Radic, playing with Remus’ ears, “Did she wake you up?”

Remus sniffed a little and let out another whimper.

“Northern ambush… Gnnh…” Lloyd was muttering, a sheen of sweat shining on his face.

“Oh,” said Radic, glancing over at him, “Poor guy… Wonder what’s going on in there?”


Remus settled down with a sigh while Radic sat down near the boy with a horse, stroking his hair occasionally and whispering little sympathetic phrases. It was just his luck that when he tries to warn her about possible danger, she decides she wants to get a head start on mating with something just because it looked pitiful when it slept. Oh well, he still hadn’t heard any more tp-tping, so maybe they were safe after all.


Lloyd seemed to be sleeping more peacefully now, and even though the way his face looked so smooth and elegant in the moonlight made Radic feel warm and giddy inside, at last she decided it was time she got back to sleeping too. As she drifted off next to a a sleeping Remus, oblivious to a faint tp-tp-tping sound approaching the camp from a distance, she decided that this was going to be the best campaign ever.

Stuff by Asta Kask

Lloyd looked at the other warrior. He was everything Lloyd admired in a man - self-confident, experienced, tough... yet there was a touch of sadness around him. A feeling that things weren't the way they were supposed to be.

"So, you've been adventuring with these for how long?"

"Oh, we're just starting out. We're looking for a dragon."

The other warrior nodded. He asked a few more questions, and without really knowing how it happened Lloyd suddenly realized he had told the other warrior much more than he intended. Even about Janine...

"I mean, it's like all she wants is sex. Yeah, that's important, but I want something more than that. I want a relationship, and it feels like she'll just go off in search of the next conquest five minutes after she's had me."

"Yes," said the other warrior. "I understand. But let me tell you something - I'm in a relationship with a sylph right now. She's a great girl, but being away from her for so long... you get the itch, y'know. Like this..."

The other warrior leaned over and kissed Lloyd softly on the mouth. Lloyd tensed up at first, then relaxed. He had never dreamt that being kissed by a man could be so wonderful. A whirlpool of emotions welled up inside him and drowned all thoughts of the quests, all thoughts of Janine, all thoughts...

Stuff by CWater
Sketch1 (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Sketch1.jpg)

Sketch2 (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Sketch2.jpg)

Sketch3 (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Sketch3.jpg)

Sketch4 (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Sketch4.jpg)

Sketch5 (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Sketch5.jpg)

Sketch6 (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Sketch6.jpg)

Lloyd Zephyr (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Lloydcolor6.jpg)

Radic Quilla (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Radiccolor1.jpg)

Matt Silver (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Mattcolor2.jpg)

Janine Nova (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Janinecolor3.jpg)

Tinder (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Tindercolor2.jpg)

Serrin Peakane (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Serrincolor1.jpg)

Colourhelp (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/rColourhelp.jpg)

Birthday (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/CBirthday.jpg)

Watchful (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Watchful.jpg)

Why was it at the top of the list again...? (http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae273/meriwater/FanArt/Topofthelist.jpg)




Stuff by Herpestidae

Stuff by Zanaril



Stuff by Water_Smurf
Your Tired, Your Poor (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6216100/1/Your_Tired_Your_Poor)

Stuff by Symmys

Stuff by Keveak


Stuff by Eleanor Rigby



Stuff by Silverberry




Hope I didn't miss any. Well, enjoy!

EDIT: Look! Banners! (Well, one now, but two more coming! :smallbiggrin:)

[URL="http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185760"]http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/Banner1.png (http://i1196.photobucket.com/albums/aa405/Zomp_Jorr/shapeshiftguestcomicpage4draft1.png[/URL)

2011-02-02, 08:40 AM
Yayz! =D

Asta Kask
2011-02-02, 10:31 AM
I don't think we're allowed to do crack pairings. I would seriously clear that with the mods first. If you have, please disregard this post.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-02, 11:16 AM
I don't think we're allowed to do crack pairings. I would seriously clear that with the mods first. If you have, please disregard this post.

As long as you stay out of the explicitly sexual then you're good. :D

I just re-read the Forum Rules for that...

Why do I care that much about Crack pairings? O.O

2011-02-02, 11:18 AM
I don't think we're allowed to do crack pairings. I would seriously clear that with the mods first. If you have, please disregard this post.

We aren't allowed to restart the crack pairing threads or post explicit sexual content but otherwise it should be fine

2011-02-02, 11:37 AM
Coffee the answer to your question is no, no we will not. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-02, 11:51 AM
But we will probably make thread No. 7 in no time by this rate. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-02, 11:56 AM
Like what Blackjack said. No, no we will not.

*Stuffs matches deeper into back pocket*

2011-02-02, 02:49 PM
*Stuffs matches deeper into back pocket*

Matches? What are those for? Also, hurray for a new thread. *Blows noisemaker* :smallsmile:

John Cribati
2011-02-02, 05:38 PM
Matches? What are those for?

"Murphy's Law 6: Will we ever stop burning through threads so quickly?"

2011-02-02, 06:25 PM
"Murphy's Law 6: Will we ever stop burning through threads so quickly?"

Gah! That was horrible! :smallfurious:

2011-02-02, 10:07 PM
It Keeps Going and Going and...

Yay! New Thread, the series continues!:smallbiggrin:

2011-02-03, 01:30 AM
I don't think we're allowed to do crack pairings. I would seriously clear that with the mods first. If you have, please disregard this post.

You do know that stuff has been in the first post in all 6 threads, yes? If she was gonna get in trouble for it she already would have. Besides, It's mostly all fanart anyway. I think the few stories are left from when that was allowed.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-03, 09:21 AM
Just dropping in to say I am still following the comic and to subscribe to the new thread.

Oh and I hope not (in reference to the threads title =D)

2011-02-03, 12:20 PM
Me too.

Yay First Page!!

super dark33
2011-02-03, 03:57 PM
As long this thread will burn, i hope for intreasting things in the comic

2011-02-03, 06:56 PM
"Murphy's Law 6: Will we ever stop burning through threads so quickly?"

:smallannoyed: Gah. Shouldn't have asked.

John Cribati
2011-02-03, 10:35 PM
Gah! That was horrible! :smallfurious:

:smallannoyed: Gah. Shouldn't have asked.

Please remember that I'm not the one who punned.

2011-02-03, 10:45 PM
Please remember that I'm not the one who punned.

Realize that that was directed at the PUN, not you. :smallannoyed::smalltongue:

2011-02-03, 11:20 PM
As long this thread will burn, i hope for intreasting things in the comic

We didn't start the fire, no it was always burning since the world was flat and refusing to be turning on us...

2011-02-04, 12:20 AM
Ha, wow. Thanks, guys. Oh! I'm really busy tomorrow (Today), so I've spend the past several days working on this comic. Lots of little details, as you'll see! :smallamused: This is the Friday update

#115: For The Love Of Astrid, Don't Turn Around

2011-02-04, 12:46 AM
As usual, Serrin is adorable. :smallsmile:
I like the sort of random makeout session happening largely unnoticed in the back of the room, it's funny. :smallwink:

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-04, 01:41 AM
I like the sort of random makeout session happening largely unnoticed in the back of the room, it's funny. :smallwink:

:smallconfused: It's a bar. It's a drunk couple making out. I don't see what there is to notice. Pretty normal stuff, unless these are characters with connections to the group we don't know about yet.

The whole comic made me :smallconfused:. When did Lloyd decide he can't adventure with them anymore? When did anyone suggest that they not adventure with him, besides Serrin and after they were being talked down? Did I forget something?

And what about the thing that happened with the bandits? Didn't Radic know about that already?

Any way, time to play the opposing viewpoint, <laterant>the only thing I saw at the bandit camp was Lloyd literally letting some bandit's get away with murder with absolutely NO consequences. He gets a few points for being pragmatic - killing them until they surrendered and then NOT simply taking their word for it, but restraining them after they surrendered. There was also that nice line about the thing about second chances - you don't get a third one.

But they killed Sterrence the halfling, something that Lloyd and everyone else seemed to forget. Sure, he got raised, but their other marks might not have been so lucky. They were just trying to survive? Then why not steal food or whatever you can WITHOUT killing? In the end, the surviving bandits served no jailtime and got off with a warning for murder, solely because they had a nice sob story to feed him. Worst of all, Lloyd paints the priest who would suspect they WOULDN'T just suddenly change their lifestyle as the bad guy. "I'm one of the GOOD paladins and I trust you, but you'll need a Mark of Justice to satisfy this horrible, judgmental, ignoramus."

I wonder how Sterrence would react to seeing his killer walking around after Lloyd assured him the problem was taken care of.</endlaterant>

What's Janine's look? Guilt about her brother? Guilt about everyone staring at her for having the audacity to condemn the murder of Saalblaze?
Despite what this rant looks like, I like Murphy's Law.

2011-02-04, 05:17 AM
Any way, time to play the opposing viewpoint, <laterant>the only thing I saw at the bandit camp was Lloyd literally letting some bandit's get away with murder with absolutely NO consequences. He gets a few points for being pragmatic - killing them until they surrendered and then NOT simply taking their word for it, but restraining them after they surrendered. There was also that nice line about the thing about second chances - you don't get a third one.

But they killed Sterrence the halfling, something that Lloyd and everyone else seemed to forget. Sure, he got raised, but their other marks might not have been so lucky. They were just trying to survive? Then why not steal food or whatever you can WITHOUT killing? In the end, the surviving bandits served no jailtime and got off with a warning for murder, solely because they had a nice sob story to feed him. Worst of all, Lloyd paints the priest who would suspect they WOULDN'T just suddenly change their lifestyle as the bad guy. "I'm one of the GOOD paladins and I trust you, but you'll need a Mark of Justice to satisfy this horrible, judgmental, ignoramus."

I wonder how Sterrence would react to seeing his killer walking around after Lloyd assured him the problem was taken care of.</endlaterant>

Yeah, it doesn't sound entirely fair that Terrence got murdered and nobody was punished for it, does it?
I've not looked back at the archive but I seem to remember the bandit group lost a few guys too during this raid, so in that sense they lost something although it does seem strange that they wouldn't have been at least specifically reprimanded about killing Terrence.
My best guess is that you hit the nail on the head when you said "Then why not steal food or whatever you can WITHOUT killing?". Perhaps this was what they'd intended to do but Terrence caught them unawares and then the fight broke out. He fought back - a lot - so they didn't come along and pick him off when he wasn't looking so they could nick the stuff. I guess the idea was that Terrence saw them, challenged them and started the fight, then the Plavaan responded and ultimately killed him in 'self defence'. That idea would mean that they had never set out to kill anybody during that raid although it would have been a lot better if they could have just subdued him, especially since they took the diamonds. In that scenario Terrence's death would be more excusable but it would still be slightly odd if it wasn't even mentioned by Team Gale. I guess in the end though Terrence got a resurrection, I don't think the bandits who he and his animal companion killed did.

Asta Kask
2011-02-04, 06:03 AM
:smallconfused: It's a bar. It's a drunk couple making out. I don't see what there is to notice. Pretty normal stuff, unless these are characters with connections to the group we don't know about yet.

In the last panel they seem to be going for Fourth Base. That does not usually happen in the bars I frequent. Perhaps I go to the wrong bars.

2011-02-04, 06:32 AM
In the last panel they seem to be going for Fourth Base. That does not usually happen in the bars I frequent. Perhaps I go to the wrong bars.

Naaah, if that were the case, there'd be clothing removal. It's just intense making out. THAT ISN'T TO SAY however, that it couldn't quickly turn into that.

I for one am glad she has been including more background noise in the comic.

2011-02-04, 10:25 AM
The couple switched sides of the table :smalltongue:

2011-02-04, 11:53 AM
The couple switched sides of the table :smalltongue:

What, to on top of the table? :smallconfused:
Green haired elf/half elf probably just came over to get closer to brown haired-chick.
...Am I the only one who thought for a split-second that Inkyrius was making a Murphy's Law cameo for some reason?

2011-02-04, 11:55 AM
What, to on top of the table? :smallconfused:
Green haired elf/half elf probably just came over to get closer to brown haired-chick.
...Am I the only one who thought for a split-second that Inkyrius was making a Murphy's Law cameo for some reason?

I was talking about the fourth panel. They go from the elf being on the right side to being on the left as they make out.

2011-02-04, 12:06 PM
I was talking about the fourth panel. They go from the elf being on the right side to being on the left as they make out.

So was I:
- Elf is on the right side of the table, brown-hair is on the left.(panel three)
Elf wants to be closer to brown-hair and walks/glomps over towards the left to giver her a hug. (off panel)
Elf goes far enough to the left to be in front of brown-hair so he can see brown-hair's face etc. (off panel)
'Cuddles' happen. Elf and brown-hair are both on the left side of the table, Elf being furthest to the left. (panel four)

...I think I'm beginning to understand how these threads get filled up so quickly!

2011-02-04, 12:12 PM
So was I:
- Elf is on the right side of the table, brown-hair is on the left.(panel three)
Elf wants to be closer to brown-hair and walks/glomps over towards the left to giver her a hug. (off panel)
Elf goes far enough to the left to be in front of brown-hair so he can see brown-hair's face etc. (off panel)
'Cuddles' happen. Elf and brown-hair are both on the left side of the table, Elf being furthest to the left. (panel four)

...I think I'm beginning to understand how these threads get filled up so quickly!You seriously gonna pick apart a simple observation for no reason? :smallannoyed:

2011-02-04, 12:23 PM
You seriously gonna pick apart a simple observation for no reason? :smallannoyed:

Sorry. I was just saying that it didn't look like it was necessarily a mistake to me. If it helps, I wasn't doing it to annoy you. I'm an English Lit. student: I've been trained to look into things in an unreasonable level of detail and analyse them. We're also not marked down if we have things blatantly wrong so long as we can explain our 'logic' behind what we say so...Yeah.

I don't quite get what Tinder means when he says he'd know if Lloyd wasn't hugging Radic platonicly. I get that he's trying to reassure Matt, who's obviously getting a bit jealous where Radic's concerned, but is he also saying he's some sort of ultimate authority on romance? [continues to be slow]

2011-02-04, 12:26 PM
Sorry. I was just saying that it didn't look like it was necessarily a mistake to me. If it helps, I wasn't doing it to annoy you. I'm an English Lit. student: I've been trained to look into things in an unreasonable level of detail and analyse them. We're also not marked down if we have things blatantly wrong so long as we can explain our 'logic' behind what we say so...Yeah.Yeah, i know... sorry. I was just pointing it out. Didn't mean to imply it was a mistake.

I don't quite get what Tinder means when he says he'd know if Lloyd wasn't hugging Radic platonicly. I get that he's trying to reassure Matt, who's obviously getting a bit jealous where Radic's concerned, but is he also saying he's some sort of ultimate authority on romance? [continues to be slow]

He knows because dragons are... highly lustful creatures :smallwink:

Asta Kask
2011-02-04, 12:49 PM
So was I:
- Elf is on the right side of the table, brown-hair is on the left.(panel three)
Elf wants to be closer to brown-hair and walks/glomps over towards the left to giver her a hug. (off panel)
Elf goes far enough to the left to be in front of brown-hair so he can see brown-hair's face etc. (off panel)
'Cuddles' happen. Elf and brown-hair are both on the left side of the table, Elf being furthest to the left. (panel four)

...I think I'm beginning to understand how these threads get filled up so quickly!

You seriously gonna pick apart a simple observation for no reason? :smallannoyed:

Welcome to the Internet.

2011-02-04, 02:43 PM
Welcome to the Internet.

I'm allowed to complain back, Asta :smalltongue::smallannoyed:

2011-02-04, 02:54 PM
He knows because dragons are... highly lustful creatures :smallwink:

Yeah, that's the conclusion I came to as well. He's acting like he's some sort of ultimate authority because he probably is. :smallsmile:

2011-02-04, 02:59 PM
What, to on top of the table? :smallconfused:
Green haired elf/half elf probably just came over to get closer to brown haired-chick.
...Am I the only one who thought for a split-second that Inkyrius was making a Murphy's Law cameo for some reason?

Now that you mention it...well, V and Inky are divorced but still, it is sad Inky has forgotten V so quickly. :smallfrown:

But at least Inky and the children are safe from the revenge of the black dragon in this comic. :smallsmile:

2011-02-04, 03:18 PM
Haha, is it Kyrie? Was I perhaps doing that subconsciously? :smalltongue: Hah, I dunno; I wanted to get this up before I went to sleep and was tired. :smallbiggrin: Yes, I know the two of them are flipped, but I tried having the two of them switch positions and I think it looks a bit better this way. Also...Yeah, they kinda are only minutes away from going at it right on the table, she's kinda trying to take his shirt off...Thankfully someone else is about to step in...Hopefully...

As a dragon, Tinder's got keen senses. He'd probably be able to see if, say, Lloyd's pupils dilated or something. Or he's trying to placate Matt. Your call. :smallwink:

And they have been punished for it. The thing was that Ethan was about to execute all of them. Lloyd came up with the fastest solution he could think of. He could have done better, but...

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-04, 03:52 PM
In the last panel they seem to be going for Fourth Base. That does not usually happen in the bars I frequent. Perhaps I go to the wrong bars.

Again with the :smallconfused:. They've still got all their clothes on and it's still typical foreplay...nothing shocking unless this is one of those formal, high society bars that I'm not sure exist or not.

And they have been punished for it. The thing was that Ethan was about to execute all of them. Lloyd came up with the fastest solution he could think of. He could have done better, but...

So...some were imprisoned? A zone of truth was slapped up to find which bandits had murdered before and THOSE were executed? I didn't see any punishment. Asking them to move and taking the stuff they had acquired through banditry doesn't count.

I hope you don't get the impression I don't like the comic. I do, but as has been stated before...you need to show those things that you know and are assuming the reader will infer.

Maybe YOU need to release a compilation with the author commentary and the bonus comics and the background info and the nice laaaady!

Suggestions for bonus material: A world map, geographic facts (which cities produce what and whom they trade with), details on the planes, background on each of the deities and their religions, with excerpts from their holy texts.

2011-02-04, 03:54 PM
Again with the :smallconfused:. They've still got all their clothes on and it's still typical foreplay...nothing shocking unless this is one of those formal, high society bars that I'm not sure exist or not.

Look at the elf's waist. Her pants are coming off.

Look at the elf's hair. It's being messed up.

They're on top of a table.

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-04, 04:03 PM
Look at the elf's waist. Her pants are coming off.

Look at the elf's hair. It's being messed up.

They're on top of a table.

That elf looks like a man-type to me. Are you just constantly wanting to see lady-types making-out? You pervert.

And feeling someone up, messing their hair, wallowing on top of a table...that's all perfectly normal makeout behavior. You don't have to be standing up for it, you know.

2011-02-04, 04:08 PM
That elf looks like a man-type to me. Are you just constantly wanting to see lady-types making-out? You pervert.Maybe :smalltongue: tee hee

And feeling someone up, messing their hair, wallowing on top of a table...that's all perfectly normal makeout behavior. You don't have to be standing up for it, you know.

Taking their clothes off is not.

2011-02-04, 04:17 PM
Um, guys? You can stop arguing about it now. It's been clarified by the author herself.

Also...Yeah, they kinda are only minutes away from going at it right on the table, she's kinda trying to take his shirt off...Thankfully someone else is about to step in...Hopefully...

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-04, 04:38 PM
Taking their clothes off is not.

Actually, it is...to do some proper groping and up-feeling, it's often necessary to lift or pull clothes to get your hand in there.

Also...Yeah, they kinda are only minutes away from going at it right on the table, she's kinda trying to take his shirt off...Thankfully someone else is about to step in...Hopefully...

Even still again, even - normal back-of-a-bar stuff...a nice detail in the background that really adds some color to the scene, like a jukebox or a centerpiece or the archetypal shifty-looking-guy-with-a-trenchcoat-full-of-(hopefully)-merchandise. Serrin's maybe the only one young enough to be shocked by that sort of thing, and if she's walked in on her parents, she should have an immunity to the sleaze damage that would inflict.

2011-02-04, 05:03 PM
Actually, it is...to do some proper groping and up-feeling, it's often necessary to lift or pull clothes to get your hand in there.


That settles it, i'm never going on a date. EVER.

2011-02-04, 05:10 PM
I'm not one for drinking, but if someone named their place "The Plot Hook", I might actually stop in (probably hoping the bartender would point me to an adventure).

Anyway, this was a rather sweet moment. Nice to see that they've bonded as a group, though they're probably still a long way from becoming a Nakama.

Finally, man, those elves move fast. No more for them.

2011-02-04, 10:40 PM
I like how in a good, warming, heartfelt scene of forgiveness, everyone's focusing on the couple making out in the background.

2011-02-04, 10:46 PM
I like how in a good, warming, heartfelt scene of forgiveness, everyone's focusing on the couple making out in the background.

You mean the one we all knew was coming, on virtue that if it didn't the characters would all break up?

2011-02-04, 11:17 PM
I like how in a good, warming, heartfelt scene of forgiveness, everyone's focusing on the couple making out in the background.

Nuh uh!! If you check, you'll see my first comment after the update was about how Serrin is adorable as ever.:smallwink:

2011-02-04, 11:51 PM
I like how in a good, warming, heartfelt scene of forgiveness, everyone's focusing on the couple making out in the background.

And I touched on the warm, fuzzy feelings of the scene, thank you very much. :smalltongue:

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-05, 01:12 AM
You mean the one we all knew was coming, on virtue that if it didn't the characters would all break up?

I'm sure it would have had an impact if there was any build up, but like I said in my comment, I didn't even think it was an issue. Lloyd's whole personality is based on atonement and guilt about what he did. All the characters know this. There never was any threat of them breaking up until the first panel of this strip. Even then, it was all in Lloyd's head. All the tension was dissipated in the next few panels.

It's still a nice way to shift the view and let us know that we're back to Team Gale and not in Kago anymore.

Mystic Muse
2011-02-05, 02:02 AM
That elf looks like a man-type to me. Are you just constantly wanting to see lady-types making-out? You pervert.

Says the guy who's a fan of the Miko/Sangwan or whatever her name is pairing.

2011-02-05, 02:12 AM
The only thing that make out in the background tells me is that Humans and Elves are more open minded with couples in this world than most others.

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-05, 02:31 AM
Says the guy who's a fan of the Miko/Sangwan or whatever her name is pairing.

That's the joke.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-05, 03:53 AM

That settles it, i'm never going on a date. EVER.

You know, not everybody will do that on a date. *fake-sage nod*

Especially not if they know you don't like being touched.

Thus why I'd give it a chance before getting bored and invite everybody to play a Mario game or something. :smalltongue:

And just to be on topic, is it just me or are tehre a few odd hair colours going around? Or was that explained as an elf trait at some point? :smallsmile:

Lycan 01
2011-02-05, 04:20 AM
I didn't notice the background action until the last panel. XD

I noticed something else, though. Serrin is excited about booze. This isn't the Elven Lands, so the booze won't be properly watered-down or anything. And I have a feeling she may want to drink something besides Elven Wine. Sooooooo...

The Elf in the background was just drinking basic ale, and that led to a friggin' drunk make-out session. :smalleek:

Mystic Muse
2011-02-05, 04:22 AM
You know, not everybody will do that on a date. *fake-sage nod*

Especially not if they know you don't like being touched. Also, there are quite a few people who have problems with sex before marriage. Most of my family is in fact. That hasn't stopped some people but whatever.

2011-02-05, 06:01 AM
I noticed something else, though. Serrin is excited about booze. This isn't the Elven Lands, so the booze won't be properly watered-down or anything. And I have a feeling she may want to drink something besides Elven Wine. Sooooooo...

The Elf in the background was just drinking basic ale, and that led to a friggin' drunk make-out session. :smalleek:
Do we know it was just basic ale? The Elixir of Love is an honest-to-alignment wondrous item, after all, and not even that expensive... However, yes, this shapes up to become quite... interesting is the word, I guess. :smalleek:

Concerning the make-out session (You know, I wonder if this has anything to do with the "Kiss-and-make-up/out"-banter in the last thread... :smallwink:) itself, however... Nice. Seriously. It's just so randomly there and gets all intense in the panel Tinder goes "it's platonic". And all the time you sort of expect someone to notice. And when someone finally visibly does... it's some random shmoe in the background. That right there? Visual side-gags done oh-so-completely right. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-05, 06:11 AM
...Am I the only one who thought for a split-second that Inkyrius was making a Murphy's Law cameo for some reason?

He's obviously already gotten over losing V. :smalltongue:

2011-02-05, 06:11 AM
And just to be on topic, is it just me or are tehre a few odd hair colours going around? Or was that explained as an elf trait at some point? :smallsmile:

Species with arcanic talent in the blood (Elves and gnomes, though gnomes don't live on this continent) tend to have funky hair colors.

I didn't notice the background action until the last panel. XD

I noticed something else, though. Serrin is excited about booze. This isn't the Elven Lands, so the booze won't be properly watered-down or anything. And I have a feeling she may want to drink something besides Elven Wine. Sooooooo...

The Elf in the background was just drinking basic ale, and that led to a friggin' drunk make-out session. :smalleek:

They were probably going to do it anyway, but...:smallwink: :smalleek:

Concerning the make-out session (You know, I wonder if this has anything to do with the "Kiss-and-make-up/out"-banter in the last thread... :smallwink:) itself, however... Nice. Seriously. It's just so randomly there and gets all intense in the panel Tinder goes "it's platonic". And all the time you sort of expect someone to notice. And when someone finally visibly does... it's some random shmoe in the background. That right there? Visual side-gags done oh-so-completely right. :smallbiggrin:

Haha! You noticed! Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-05, 10:13 AM
You know, not everybody will do that on a date. *fake-sage nod*

Who says that's my MAIN reason?

And just to be on topic, is it just me or are tehre a few odd hair colours going around? Or was that explained as an elf trait at some point? :smallsmile:

Name me a fantasy story aside from LotR where there isn't somebody with unnatural/weird hair color. :smalltongue:

2011-02-05, 11:47 AM

I just come up eith the story again (Damn School) and it's great. I hope this comic doesn't end in the next few years.

2011-02-05, 01:52 PM
Haha! You noticed! Thanks! :smallbiggrin:
Yay, I was right. (You're most welcome! :smallbiggrin:)

Asta Kask
2011-02-05, 01:57 PM
Name me a fantasy story aside from LotR where there isn't somebody with unnatural/weird hair color. :smalltongue:

Riftwar saga?

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant?


2011-02-05, 02:13 PM
Riftwar saga?

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant?


Never heard of them but i bet you just didn't look hard enough :smalltongue:

2011-02-05, 02:14 PM
Name me a fantasy story aside from LotR where there isn't somebody with unnatural/weird hair color. :smalltongue:

Harry Potter

2011-02-05, 02:17 PM
Harry Potter

Nymphadora Tonks.

2011-02-05, 02:20 PM
Nymphadora Tonks.

That's not natural, its like magical at-will hairdye.

2011-02-05, 02:21 PM
Harry Potter
Oh come on... Everyone knows Ron's supposed to have green hair. It's just that we're not supposed to know about Harry's tragic red-green deficiency. The clues are, like, all other the place! :smalltongue: Or page, as the case may be.

P.S: Burningus throughus threadus much? :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-05, 02:27 PM
That's not natural, its like magical at-will hairdye.

So? :smalltongue: i asked for "a fantasy story aside from LotR where there isn't somebody with unnatural/weird hair color."

Tonk's hair color starts as purple, then bubble-gum pink, then it switches to brown for a while in the sixth book.

2011-02-05, 02:33 PM
So? :smalltongue: i asked for "a fantasy story aside from LotR where there isn't somebody with unnatural/weird hair color."

Tonk's hair color starts as purple, then bubble-gum pink, then it switches to brown for a while in the sixth book.

I meant to say "natural", not "not natural". She was born with it (the ability to change it), therefore it is natural. Got completely mixed up in my former post.

2011-02-05, 02:41 PM
I meant to say "natural", not "not natural".
I'm sorry (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0367.html)! :smalltongue: No offense, yes? :smallsmile:

2011-02-05, 02:46 PM
I'm sorry (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0367.html)! :smalltongue: No offense, yes? :smallsmile:

Of course no offense! It was my mistake. (What was that link for?)

We should probably get back on topic.
Why did Janine seem scared?
And why was Lloyd speaking in the first person plural in panel 2?

Asta Kask
2011-02-05, 02:47 PM
P.S: Burningus throughus threadus much? :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, let's try to keep the show on topic. Or we make Coffee cry.

2011-02-05, 02:55 PM
What was that link for?
You wrote '"natural", not "not natural"' <=> "help nale nail not-nale" etc. One just reminded me of the other. :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, let's try to keep the show on topic. Or we make Coffee cry.
You make a compelling argument.

Say, what is it with Radic's expression in the last panel? Did Tinder err? Is Matt's envy justified? Or did someone (as in, Radic? Me?) Just get a wrong impression about that platonic hug (scene)? :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-05, 03:23 PM
I meant to say "natural", not "not natural". She was born with it (the ability to change it), therefore it is natural. Got completely mixed up in my former post.

What makes you think she was born with it? Sirius wasn't born an animagus.

2011-02-05, 03:47 PM
What makes you think she was born with it? Sirius wasn't born an animagus.

She says so right when Harry meets her.
Now lets get off this topic and back on-topic.

2011-02-06, 12:16 AM
Say, what is it with Radic's expression in the last panel? Did Tinder err? Is Matt's envy justified? Or did someone (as in, Radic? Me?) Just get a wrong impression about that platonic hug (scene)? :smallbiggrin:

She's amused at Serrin's display of enthusiasm, I think. :smallsmile:

2011-02-06, 08:56 AM
She's amused at Serrin's display of enthusiasm, I think. :smallsmile:

Or possibly amused by Matt himself and his conclusion that drinks are the best solution. I don't know, I'm slightly rubbish at figuring out expressions.

Re: Tinder's dragon-romance-abilities, I suppose this means it's more than likely that Tinder already knows that Lloyd's gay. He hasn't had any reason to mention it though as it makes no difference either way to him. Just a thought.... although I suppose it does make a difference in that he's travelling in an adventuring party with Lloyd and Janine. I guess apart from maybe the love potion incident, he's not really had much of an opportunity to have realised this though, so I don't know. [pointless speculation is pointless]

2011-02-06, 05:04 PM
Those are all good thoughts on the matter... Especially since we, as the readers, know that particular secret. But the notion of a draconic "gay-dar" is worrying. :smalleek:

2011-02-06, 06:46 PM
Question: Does Lloyd trigger your "gaydar" at all?

John Cribati
2011-02-06, 07:17 PM
Well, it's hard to trigger Gaydar in comic form, mainly because my gaydar looks for obvious Camp signs. If he wore pink and purple armor and had a ton of stereotypical mannerisms, sure, My gaydar screen would be lit up like the 4th of July. but without Word of Coffee, I'd automatically assume he was straight.

2011-02-06, 10:57 PM
Question: Does Lloyd trigger your "gaydar" at all?

I don't have a "gaydar" so my answer would have to be no. I basically don't assume anybody is or isn't gay until I'm told - autism runs in my family and I'm not great with the basic set of emotions so a sexual orientation gauge... not so much. It does tend to be a lot more obvious in fiction than in real life though, so...

As far as Lloyd goes, I guessed Lexinton was the Lexi he was after in the same comic the idea was introduced (the one where he wanted to give flowers to someone he'd always thought was beautiful) but I didn't conclude he was gay until you said so. I don't put anybody into gay/straight/bi until someone says x is gay/straight/bi (or 'other', obviously). I hadn't ruled out the possibility that Lloyd might be interested in Janine eventually if she backed off a bit (a lot) until word-of-Coffee had pretty much ruled it out for me. Before the commentary came through post strip #100 I was imagining a scenario where Janine finally convinced Lloyd to give her a chance, take things slowly and go out on a date or two with her and then just when they were starting to get comfortable with the idea of being a couple, Miles and Lexington would appear on the scene and Lloyd would have an awkward decision to make/ feel really guilty for 'cheating on' Lex. I can't say I was ever particularly pro or anti Lloyd and Janine as a couple although I thought it could be a pretty tricky pairing to pull off well, writing-wise even before Lexington was introduced. To be honest I haven't seen enough of Janine yet to get much of a measure of her - actually, as far as that goes, I think the characters I feel I 'know' best are probably Matt and Tinder... the others are slightly blanker pages.

2011-02-06, 11:16 PM
Really? Then I'd like to hear your feel of Matt and Tinder, please.

2011-02-07, 12:58 AM
Phuh, finally got this commentary written! So, uh, here it is:
(It's longish, hope there aren't too many grammatical mistakes:smalleek:)

Wandering through the story:
(I know I'll use the word 'also' way too much:smallsigh:)

I'm not very good at writing reviews, and I hardly posses the talent to be consistent or logical, so I guess I'll just end up blabbering whatever comes to mind from the comics. Not sure if this is of any use or fun for anyone to read, but at least it was mostly fun to write.:smallsmile:

So, first I must say that it felt really weird to look at the very first strips again; the art style has really improved and become more consistent nowadays. But, but, what else in the first couple of comics? Well, we get to meet the first characters and are already getting hints of their personalities. Lloyd's status as the Only Sane Man (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OnlySaneMan) (Tv-tropes warning!) seems pretty clear early on. A funny detail in comic #3 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/FirstImpressions.png) (not sure if it's intentional) is that it looks like Lloyd is turning the page himself. Clearly he wants to move on to the next scene.:smallamused: Oh, and Matt in the background is a good detail, I myself missed it the first time I read the comic.

Then the party proceeds to find adventure and even even come across a rogue for the party. Who is really not too excited about the whole thing, but hey, with all the positively attuned people (hidden guilt or psychological problems do not count) the party needs a sulky cynic, who can also serve as easy comic relief.:smallwink: Love his last comment in #6 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ThisWillWorkOutGreat.png). By the way, when did Lloyd take time to redeem criminals? Hmm, probably around the same time he grew his hair back, I guess.

The atmosphere in the first 10 strips is quite pleasant in general. A few jokes and getting to know the characters. Nothing too dramatic happens, but the story is just getting started. And the characters are funny enough for one to continue reading. The first subtle hints of Lloyd's past. Also, comic #10 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotSoRough.png) is one of my personal favourites. Not sure why, I guess I just like the dialogue in that one. So Lloyd believes that anyone can be redeemed? Well, him being a paladin that isn't too surprising, but now that we know of the past it makes even more sense. He's I need of a second chance himself, and to be able to believe in that, he needs to give it to all others too. He seems like the kid of person to think that way.

The short encounter with the giant spider does not carry any strong plot relevance, but it does establish that the team consist of competent individuals, who can put up a fight even when caught off guard; even though their team work could use a little polishing. But then again, they just met, so... By the way, who's brilliant idea it was to sleep in a forest without anyone keeping watch anyway??:smallconfused: Or did Matt fall asleep on his watch shift? That wouldn't be hard to believe. And it becomes clearer and clearer that Janine is developing a serious fixation on Lloyd. At this point, it's still mostly funny.:smallamused:

Then they manage to find the dragon and a fight breaks out, which was expected. Though I wonder if it all could have been solved by talking hadn't Matt opened his mouth? The last panels in #20 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HeReallyShouldKnowTheAnswerToThisBy.png) could have more effect if the blast had left the party at least somewhat burned. Or if it was a warning shot, then maybe Tinder could have fired on the air above them? Because now it looks a little like the dragons breadth didn't have any effect on them. But it's a small thing. Anyhoo, fight begins! And it doesn't seem to go as well as our heroes would hope, or were expecting. Lloyd ends up trying to make a heroic sacrifice, in-character for him, and we hear a little more foreshadowing. It's fun to read these pages again, by the way, now that you have some sort of understanding of what they're talking about. Also, from Tinder's comments, we start to suspect that this fight is not as black and white as one could assume. Anyway, the team's situation gets lightened up by Matt's actions, who had a change of heart; character-development for him!, which is nice, but not very unexpected. The fight scene ends when Tinder suddenly surrenders (yeah, he was already beaten, but you still hardly expect a dragon to beg for mercy) and they have the talk they should've had I the first place.

Tinder turns out not to be evil, which obviously startles Lloyd somewhat. Think, he so much decided to change after that incident with the Plavaan, but now he's back to repeating his old mistakes. Must have felt pretty awful, good for him no one died this time.:smallfrown: Then again, if they had killed Tinder, would they have ever found out that he wasn't evil? Oh, the mystery; love Tinder's last line in #25 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TomorrowsSpellsConsistEntirelyOfCur.png). #26 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/SeatbeltsHelpPreventWhiplash.png) has a little peculiar start though, since Tinder starts to give a big explanation that no one had time to ask for, and of an incident that took place decades ago. It's not odd for the subject to be brought up, I just feel that it's a little sudden. A little more dialogue first might have worked better, at least in my humble opinion. The story that he tells however, is one of the best parts of the entire comic so far (again in my opinion), it's not that the happenings themselves would be particularly unusual, many children have seen their families murdered in the multiverse of fantasy stories (in non-fantasy too), but the way it's told is good. The virgin's blood thing, works as a nice comic relief and also Tinder's explanation of why he has no wish to go for a roaring rampage for revenge, deserves a notion. It is not preachy (it could easily be, if presented otherwise), he's just simply stating the reasoning why he doesn't feel he should to do it. Dragon joins the party, and we're off for the next part of the story.

What we get next is a few pieces of individual backstories, or actually more like hints, which works quite well in this place. Be it of something serious, or...well, quite childish, as in Matt's case.:smallbiggrin: There's not really an ongoing plot around yet, so one must keep the audience interested. And next stop is elfland, watch out for falling (half-)elves!:smalltongue: Heh, #35 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/GenkiIfThereEverWasOne.png) always makes me lol.:smallcool: The following strips are pretty much about getting to know this new character, which is not too bad. And then we have the love potion incident, that manages to be both hilarious and disturbing at the same time.:smallamused:Oh, and thank goodness Radic was around!:smalleek: Fir helping with the spellcasting is a nice touch.

#42 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/SheDidntMeanTheLiches.png) is a little textheavy, but the random passers-by help. In the last panel it is a little too easy to get confused of who she's talking about, even though the title offers some explanation. And I guess it is quite in-character for Serrin to just jump from one thing to another in a conversation, without realizing how it could confuse the other person. The scene change to Kago is interesting, finally some strong evidence of a larger plot:smalltongue:, though a little short (only one strip). Since it's a sort of answer to Serrin's question from the last page, and we return to that scene on the following page, I suppose it's more justifiable, but I still feel that two pages would have been better. It's a matter of taste, I guess.

Aand, slowed down by the little hindrances and small talk, the party arrives too late to visit the school after all. Funny how Radic doesn't believe they'd have any better luck on the following day. Wonder why is that? Does she already smell what way the plot is heading?:smallwink: It's hard to be sure, (since the author revealed it herself earlier) but I believe that at least around now the reader would guess that the caffeinated half-elf is here to stay. And by the way, what the hell happened to that 'big trade caravan headed to Laria'?:smallconfused: The only ones we see going that way later are Gianna and Terrence... Hm, guess they were some other people then...

Next we meet the rest of Serrin's more or less crazy family:smallbiggrin: (but it's the good type of crazy). I must say, that IMHO the scene with the Peakanes works a lot better as a part of the archives than as a comic per week. Not because there would be anything major fault with it, but because at least I was getting a little impatient at this time. I mean, we were already past fifty comics, and even with the hints of Kago and the Plavaan, the plot didn't seem to have any clear direction yet. But, as I said, it doesn't matter as much when you read all the strips in one go. And mother bear Saphrin is endearing...and scary.:smallredface::smalleek: Say, how high is Tinder's Wisdom? Because he seems to be good at reading between the lines and with analyzing people.

Then it is goodbye to the elven lands and to Serrin's family. #56 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/ButSeriouslyTheyreSafe.png) is amusing, though I think it would have been better if we weren't told that anything won't happen to them. A little uncertainty in the background would not be a bad thing. Of the cart story arc I have few things to say, except that Matt's way of sitting I the cart funny, I wonder if the passed ruins will be seen again and that in #60 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/OnPatrol.png) Matt apologises his behaviour to Serrin a bit too easily. I mean, just a little while ago he didn't seem to mind offending others too much. He's willingness to change his ways comes up later in the comic as well, but I don't feel like the reasons for it have really been explained yet. I get that #10 might have started it, as well as the obvious crush he has on Radic, but I hope we'll get to hear more about his motivations in the future.

And then we have the incident with the bandits. Well. Hmm. Eh, I don't really know how to put it, but if I'm allowed to be blunt...I must say that in my opinion this is the weakest part of the story so far.:smallsigh: I get that some Plavaan is needed to be encountered to set the grounds for the conflict that has been foreshadowed and that is all well; the basic plot of the arc is not too bad either; but it falls down because too many of the details feel off. Why did they leave Terrence guard the cargo alone? There were eight humanoids altogether, surely not all of them needed to go to the town! Why are some of the bandits tied up, when others are left walking free? In #74 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AFittingPunishment.png) I honestly doubt that anyone would really answer to a death threat with 'I know. And I deserve it', especially when the same person had on the last page loudly ad angrily declared why they were forced into this situation. It also feels odd that in #71 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotPrivateEnough.png) the first thing the hobgoblin woman says when asked about the others is of those who were spared and not about those who died. When your friends are killed you hardly start with praising the mercy the attackers showed. The bandits also come across as very generic characters, with no observable personalities. The end also feels slightly preachy and it feels like Ethan gives in a bit too easily, though he might just be easy to push around. By the way, where did Lute suddenly get 400 new inhabitants before #78 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/BluffCheck.png)?

On the other hand, the arc is not only bad, #66 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DenialAintJustARiver.png) is a particularly good one and the accident where Matt shot the goblin kid and the scolding he got was well showed. Lloyd was quite convincing. I'm also a little surprised how at home Serrin seems to be in the fight and how cold-bloodedly she kills the goblin spellcaster.:smalleek: It was in a fight sure, but obviously it wasn't her first battle. Perhaps she hasn't lived as sheltered as one could be led to believe...

And the battle is followed by some religious banter. This part I liked really much.:smallsmile: Especially the mythology strips were beautifully drawn and set, and the narration there was good. You could also hear it was told by a priest of Astrid. I like the design of the gods too. Nothing to do with this subject, but Gianna and Terrence are adorable:smallredface:; so is Tinder I the treasure bag.:smallbiggrin: And the team got a name, nice.

Next mentionable scene comes when we meet the drow Kylie. Some old speculations get confirmed when we see her freaking out, calling our pure paladin a murderer. Aand it's time for an eagerly anticipated backstory!:smalltongue: Which Lloyd starts explaining perhaps a bit too quickly, but then again, that was a situation that would have been difficult to weasel out from. Anyhoo, getting to know Lloyd's past is intriguing and the story is quite well told too. New interesting characters walk to the scene. Lloyd grows up and lives his life without too much worries, or at least they don't touch him. But the signs for a coming personal -is disaster a fitting word? are obvious. And the actual massacre scene is really intense even if it is short.:smalleek: It's also good that the Kagoans are shown as people before the bloodshed. They're not monsters, but brainwashed soldiers following orders. Clearly what they do is wrong, but it is understandable why they don't see it.

I think Lloyd's reactions are all in all quite believable, the shock, wanting to do something, not wanting to die... And I personally like the revelation of Lloyd being gay; I suspected it a few strips earlier, but didn't believe you'd actually dare to go through with it. I was positively surprised.:smallsmile: Seriously, trying to find a main character of Lloyd's type turning out to be non-straight? That is not played for laughs at all? Good luck with that.

The reaction's to Lloyd's story are not too bad either. Serrin's obviously upset, Tinder... understanding as can be expected from him. What does Janine's backstory contain? I'm both curious and afraid to find out.:smalleek: Matt's way of showing compassion, heh.:smallwink:

Then the camera jumps to present day Kago. Here things start to get really interesting. It seems even some higher up is having doubts. So he's summoning in hopes for guidance. You know, the book he has made me snicker when I first saw it, but in the light of recent events, I wonder. Did someone/something mess up his summon, or was it actually his own doing, since it's clearly not his speciality, hmm. Anyway, Rust appears. And even if you don't translate his mumbling you get the feeling that there's something fishy going on... And in the next few strips it becomes very clear that this fellow is definitely no angel; if the other hints were not enough, the fact that the murdered a helpless old man in cold blood is pretty hard to miss. The read eyes through the transparent curtain is a nice detail. It is perhaps a little unclear what goes on in the room and I what order, though. But I suppose Rust murdered lord Byron during the short moment the wards were down and was acting the rest of the time.:smallconfused: And then he's chosen to become Mage General, things in Kago got just even more darker (can you put it like that?). The perspective in the last panels of #112 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AwesomeByAnalysis.png) seems a little off though. And I know this has been said several times before, but I too still think that Miles' scar should be more visible if it really is that big deal. Wonder what he and Lexington are up to... Obviously something they couldn't discuss in an open corridor.:smallamused:

Back to team Gale then. First, love the name of the inn!:smallbiggrin: Second, Lloyd's look in panel five is great, poor fella doesn't know what he should say.:smallredface: I like the strip overall too, though I find it a little odd that it's 'even Tinder is here', instead of Serrin, since it she who was most upset. Tinder even spoke for Lloyd back there. Though he doesn't seem to be too thrilled about the idea of getting drunk.:smallamused:


The story has interesting characters and is balances quite well between comedy and serious drama. It also has a nicely non black-and-white tone, hold on to that.:smallsmile: The only important character that is actually hinted to be truly evil is Rust, and perhaps Perry too. The others seem more like they're just misguided and not really vicious themselves. The story is often developed by small hints and important facts are stated without too much drama, so you can never know what was really relevant until later. This is a good thing. I also love the small snarky comments every now and then, usually coming from Matt. They make me lol. Also the mentions of at least seemingly random people and places make the world feel more alive.:smalltongue:

There are some critiques that I can come up with though. First of all, the members of the party frequently quarrel with each other, but all these small fights get solved pretty quickly, and everyone are eager to apologise for their rude words, with no hard feelings left hanging. This seems a bit...I dunno, I just don't think that people are that kind and understanding so often. I can see it being in-character for, say, Lloyd or Serrin, but not everyone. You could also work a little on transitions between the strips. Especially with those that come directly after each other chronologically. The dialogue doesn't always flow as well as it could. The speech bubbles could be positioned with more care, it's still occasionally a little confusing in which order they should be read.

...Is that all? Am I finally done? Woo! Okay, need to end this with some nice comment. Well, what can I say really, this is a good comic and I have a good time reading it.:smallsmile: Hey, I wouldn't write anything this long about it if I didn't like it.:smallwink: I think this is actually the longest single text I've ever written in English...cool. Hope there weren't too many annoying errors. ^^'

Oh, and my personal favourite comics are:
#10 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/NotSoRough.png), #23 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TheyreRequiredToDoThisEverySoOften.png), #25 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/TomorrowsSpellsConsistEntirelyOfCur.png), #30 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AtThisRateHellHaveAnArmyByTheEndOfT.png), #48 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AFamiliarOccurrence.png), #53 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/HeDidntSeePanelFive.png), #66 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/DenialAintJustARiver.png), #82 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/AsTheStoriesSay.png), #93 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/EverHeardOfMilgram.png), #97 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/WhatDidYouThink.png), #109 (http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac294/caffeineincluded/JustAsHesAnAngel.png)

2011-02-07, 06:31 AM
Question: Does Lloyd trigger your "gaydar" at all?


'Nuff said.

2011-02-07, 08:00 AM
I would also go with "no". In as far as I even possess a "gaydar", Lloyd would quite probably be the last one to trigger it without, you guessed it, Word of Coffee.

(And I certainly didn't want that "draconic gay-dar" statement to come off as in any way mean-spirited. It was just sort of there, more or less out of nowhere. Just to make that clear: No offense.)

2011-02-07, 10:30 AM
In the last panel they seem to be going for Fourth Base. That does not usually happen in the bars I frequent. Perhaps I go to the wrong bars.

There are only four bases... fourth base involves organs generally not seen in public view being introduced. Third base involves said organs being touched, usually under clothes.

Asta Kask
2011-02-07, 11:41 AM
I said they were going for it, not that they were there already.

2011-02-07, 02:51 PM
(I know I'll use the word 'also' way too much:smallsigh:)

Except you didn't.

2011-02-07, 03:03 PM
Question: Does Lloyd trigger your "gaydar" at all?

Not really. It's hard to tell if he would or not in real life, since this is a comic. But if I had to guess, I'd say probably not.

2011-02-07, 03:09 PM
Thank you CWater! And don't worry, the grammar was just fine. A LOT better than most native speakers, let me tell you.

About Serrin stabbing the goblin...To be honest, looking back, I don't like it too much either. It seems like more of a Matt thing. I'll try to fix it up in present day, but yeah, she's a bit OOC there...:smallannoyed:

2011-02-07, 03:23 PM
About Serrin stabbing the goblin...To be honest, looking back, I don't like it too much either. It seems like more of a Matt thing. I'll try to fix it up in present day, but yeah, she's a bit OOC there...:smallannoyed:

I don't really agree. I know a couple of old guys (WWII vets) who are kind, loving and gentle and wouldn't hesitate to blow your brains out if you came against their family. It's perfectly believable to me that someone could be as innocent looking as Serrin and still be all business when the weapons come out. They aren't mutually exclusive qualities. :smallwink:

2011-02-07, 03:31 PM
I don't really agree. I know a couple of old guys (WWII vets) who are kind, loving and gentle and wouldn't hesitate to blow your brains out if you came against their family. It's perfectly believable to me that someone could be as innocent looking as Serrin and still be all business when the weapons come out. They aren't mutually exclusive qualities. :smallwink:

You're disagreeing with the author on a character trait of one of her own characters :smalltongue:

2011-02-07, 03:34 PM
You're disagreeing with the author on a character trait of one of her own characters :smalltongue:

Yes. Yes I am. :smalltongue:

2011-02-07, 03:38 PM
Maybe. *Shrugs*

2011-02-07, 04:16 PM
Let me first say that I've been reading Murphy's Law for a while now and the desire to comment on it was one of the main reasons I finally got around to joining the site (you should feel proud). I had my doubts at first (as I do with all fan comics) but, Coffee, you've really got something great here. I really like the characters you've created as well as the plot. While there are spots that could use some work, this is one of my favorite webcomics (not just fan comic). I honestly get just as excited about Murphy's Law updating as I do about OotS. :smallsmile:

John Cribati
2011-02-07, 04:54 PM
Hey... shouldn't we be discussing the horrible thing that Happened to Janine? here's what we know so far:

*It involved Orcs
*It possibly happened in involved a bar in some way (happy now, Tangible?)
*There was a guy named Roark
*And a guy named Forde.

There's enough evidence to make a completely improbable guess as to what happened.

2011-02-07, 05:02 PM
Hey... shouldn't we be discussing the horrible thing that Happened to Janine? here's what we know so far:

*It involved Orcs
*It happened in a bar
*There was a guy named Roark
*And a guy named Forde.

There's enough evidence to make a completely improbable guess as to what happened.We don't know this.


John Cribati
2011-02-07, 05:06 PM
We don't know this.


Why else would she be afraid to enter?

2011-02-07, 05:10 PM
Why else would she be afraid to enter?

This :smallfrown: indicates sorrow, nervousness or guilt. What makes you sure it's fear?

John Cribati
2011-02-07, 05:12 PM
Fine. I changed it.

2011-02-07, 05:17 PM
Fine. I changed it.

The point of including the extra emotions besides nervousness in there was that we don't know it involved a bar AT ALL.

2011-02-07, 05:35 PM
Guys, guys, calm down. All will be answered in time.

Let me first say that I've been reading Murphy's Law for a while now and the desire to comment on it was one of the main reasons I finally got around to joining the site (you should feel proud). I had my doubts at first (as I do with all fan comics) but, Coffee, you've really got something great here. I really like the characters you've created as well as the plot. While there are spots that could use some work, this is one of my favorite webcomics (not just fan comic). I honestly get just as excited about Murphy's Law updating as I do about OotS. :smallsmile:

Thank you, seriously. Things like this mean a lot to me.

2011-02-07, 08:03 PM
You're disagreeing with the author on a character trait of one of her own characters :smalltongue:
Yes. Yes I am. :smalltongue:

How very postmodern of you :smalltongue:

In all seriousness though, I have to agree with Marnath here. Serrin turning into a competent, strictly business fighter when needed doesn't feel at all wrong next to her bubbly innocence. It totally works.

2011-02-07, 09:01 PM
How very postmodern of you :smalltongue:

In all seriousness though, I have to agree with Marnath here. Serrin turning into a competent, strictly business fighter when needed doesn't feel at all wrong next to her bubbly innocence. It totally works.

Correction: it CAN work, if coffee wants it that way. But she already said Serrin was being ooc. :smalltongue:

2011-02-07, 09:11 PM
Correction: it CAN work, if coffee wants it that way. But she already said Serrin was being ooc. :smalltongue:

Maybe. I need to speak with Serrin for a bit. :smalltongue: She was a bit...Off? There. I need to find out exactly what.

2011-02-07, 09:12 PM
Well, it does seem a little OOC for me as well Coffee. Maybe its because we've done a few of those Roleplaying chats back and forth, so I have the same mind set about her. Though if you think about it, if she tries to act like her mother, it wouldn't be too far OOC.

2011-02-07, 09:27 PM
Though if you think about it, if she tries to act like her mother, it wouldn't be too far OOC.

That's pretty much exactly why I think it made perfect sense.

Edit: Coffee, been reading this since about thread #2. Don't think I'm saying this as an "I know your story better than you" rant. I only just realized I could be coming off that way. Do take it as "don't be so hard on yourself, it's better than you think".

2011-02-08, 10:32 AM
Hey... shouldn't we be discussing the horrible thing that Happened to Janine? here's what we know so far:

*It involved Orcs
*It possibly happened in involved a bar in some way (happy now, Tangible?)
*There was a guy named Roark
*And a guy named Forde.

There's enough evidence to make a completely improbable guess as to what happened.

So... was there a Forde in the Roark, or a Roark in the Forde....?

2011-02-08, 11:24 AM
Question: Does Lloyd trigger your "gaydar" at all?

'Nuff said.

You would say this in The Playground: home and birthplace of the rabid O-Chul fanbase? Truly, sirrah, you are a braver man than I (assuming here that you are in fact a man, which I am not...)

Really? Then I'd like to hear your feel of Matt and Tinder, please.

I'm not sure what you're asking for exactly, character analysis? I guess I could try.

I think two basic things apply with both Matt and Tinder that make me feel I 'know' them better than the rest of the party: their introductions and their range.

More in depth stuff, spoilered for wordiness: For me, Matt was the first character in the comic to get a proper introduction - we pretty much met him in situ and because of the way he joins the party we can see his personality and a bit about his background almost straight away. Matt's introduction is also one of the main places we see what Lloyd's like as a person. I like Lloyd, but he tends to strike me as quite a straight forward 'straight-man and party leader' figure. We've been shown that Lloyd isn't infallable but so far he's always been pretty quick at realising his wrong doings and atoning for the bad behaviour. With Matt we see somebody who can be told that they are in the wrong (anti-elven agenda) but is much harder to convince. As far as the elves go, he changed his tune pretty quickly about the Peakanes, but as far as I recall he's still prone to thinking of the family as the exception to the rule - meeting them was an eye opener for him and he might give pause before mouthing off about elven arrogance to an elf in person now, straight away, but his overall mentality doesn't seem to have been fundamentally changed by the experience.
As far as 'range' goes, we've seen Matt in some pretty serious circumstances - we saw him shoot a child and we've seen the fall out from that - but there's also a lot of levity to the character - the panel of Matt downing the cookies in the background of Lloyd and Janine's drama is quite easily the funniest thing I've seen in the comic so far.
What I like about Matt is that he is so fallible and that there is humour to him too. He knows he can be a bit of a screw up, and so he tries to remedy that but because he's human it doesn't always work out. I also find his relationship with the 'loveable rogue' archetype, the fact that he's so aware of its existence and that he tries to live up to it but the fact is that he just isn't that smooth and sometimes he just comes off as incredibly dorky/ a jerk.
Tinder is similar in this regard (range). His backstory is incredibly dark but he seems to have found a way to cope with it and even look back on the tragedy with a hint of black humour - we've seen that Tinder has suffered terrible things and generally doesn't have it easy, this could have made him an incredibly angsty character, but he isn't: he'll make jokes with the rest of them and he's not tragic and wounded and pitiful enough to prevent him from taking the time to merrily wallow in a sack of gold coins.
Tinder's introduction to the comic was a nice blend of expositionary back story and honest to goodness action and it plot to it too. I know quite a long time was spent on Serrin's introduction to the party too, but when we met Serrin we also met a family of five other members, plus familiars, and apart from the fact that she's energetic and enthusiastic, I didn't pick up a lot about her as a person. When we met Tinder he was reacting to a much more intense situation; you learn more about a person when you see how they respond to things.
I like Tinder as a character because he's laid back and he's honest, occaisonally blunt. You've said that Miles is the most observant/analytical character in Murphy's Law's cast, for me that honour goes no question to Tinder (not saying he's more these things than Miles is but as one of the six leads we have and should have seen more of Tinder than we have of Miles) who's been shown to be very astute about emotional matters, etc. He's also very good at containing himself. In the most recent comic Radic says 'We're all here, even Tinder' and a couple of people have questioned this, but the thing is that of the five of them Tinder probably has the most reason to be angry about what Lloyd did due to his background, however because Tinder is a very rational and reasonable person and because of his experience with unrepentent murderers, Tinder was able to accept the fact that Lloyd has changed since then; he, unlike Serrin, contextualises the information.

So um... phoo. There's a bit about my thoughts on Matt and Tinder and how I see their characters. Does that answer your question at all?

CWater: you made a lot of interesting points in your 'review'. I'd respond to a couple of them but I've been sitting and typing for long enough now, perhaps I'll come back to it later.

2011-02-08, 12:41 PM
Except you didn't.
Really? Oh, well, that is nice to hear.:smallcool:

And I must say I'm surprised that someone actually bothered to read through my whole twaddling text.:smalltongue:

Thank you CWater! And don't worry, the grammar was just fine. A LOT better than most native speakers, let me tell you.
Okay, good to hear. I know I'm always a little paranoid when writing longer texts in foreign languages. :P

CWater: you made a lot of interesting points in your 'review'. I'd respond to a couple of them but I've been sitting and typing for long enough now, perhaps I'll come back to it later.
:smallamused: I hope you will, I'd very much like to hear what others think of the story too. Some things can be perceived in so many different ways.:smallsmile:

Liked your thoughts of Matt and Tinder by the way:smallsmile:, and I agree with you on the most parts of it. (Matt also happens to be my favourite character, though I like to draw Lloyd most for some reason.:smallwink:)


About Serrin stabbing the goblin...To be honest, looking back, I don't like it too much either. It seems like more of a Matt thing. I'll try to fix it up in present day, but yeah, she's a bit OOC there...:smallannoyed:

Hmm, I gave that scene an another thought this evening, and came to think that maybe Serrin doesn't just really...understand death. Note that I'm not saying that she wouldn't value life, on the contrary sorta, but that she wouldn't truly understand what it means when someone dies. And that someone defeated in battle is just as much dead as someone who dies from other reasons. It wouldn't be too hard to believe, I mean, death is a little different happening in their world to begin with; it can be reversed and they probably even know that there is an afterlife.
I dunno, just a thought.

...Not sure if I got the point across. I'm a little tired, so my sentences might not make sense.:smallsigh:

2011-02-08, 04:10 PM
Thank you! And I really like your analyses of Matt and Tinder, Eleanor. And hm, I never really thought about that, CWater. I'll have to have a conversation with Serrin about that.

Ooh, guess what, guys? I'm taking a creative writing class now. Pretty much everything I do in that class will be drabbles on Murphy's Law and its prequels/sequels, and I'll be posting them alongside the comic strips which they represent. :smallbiggrin:

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-09, 03:10 AM
Hey... shouldn't we be discussing the horrible thing that Happened to Janine? here's what we know so far:

*It involved Orcs
*It possibly happened in involved a bar in some way (happy now, Tangible?)
*There was a guy named Roark Quark
*And a guy named Forde.

Fixed it. We also know that Quark was an orc and was either strange or charming.

Ooh, guess what, guys? I'm taking a creative writing class now. Pretty much everything I do in that class will be drabbles on Murphy's Law and its prequels/sequels, and I'll be posting them alongside the comic strips which they represent. :smallbiggrin:

So you can work on the comic AND schoolwork at the same time? That's great!

And they have been punished for it. The thing was that Ethan was about to execute all of them. Lloyd came up with the fastest solution he could think of. He could have done better, but...

I know this was at least 3 topics ago, but I need to ask WHERE? Unless you're talking about the half of the bandits who were killed before surrendering.

2011-02-09, 03:02 PM
Quark? foo, there goes my pun.

Ohh caffeinated one, creative writing classes are good as long as you remember two things,

1. the various writing prompts are intended to give you practice, not write good stuff for the prompts,
2. take any and all critiques with a grain of salt, same as you would here. Just because they are also in or teaching a creative writing class does NOT make their opinion that much more valid. They are all WRITERS, not editors, not readers (exactly), not critics.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-09, 10:50 PM
I've got it! Rust is an Erinye! Their description in the monster manual is that they're fallen angels who aren't afraid to use their heritage to pose as celestials.

2011-02-10, 02:43 AM
I've got it! Rust is an Erinye! Their description in the monster manual is that they're fallen angels who aren't afraid to use their heritage to pose as celestials.

They're also all female. They look like this:


Asta Kask
2011-02-10, 06:41 AM
Rust could be a post-op FtM transsexual Erinye.


It could happen!

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-10, 01:49 PM
They're also all female. They look like this:


You're wrong, the description says they resemble comely men or women.

Asta Kask
2011-02-10, 02:00 PM
I've got it! Rust is an Erinye! Their description in the monster manual is that they're fallen angels who aren't afraid to use their heritage to pose as celestials.

No. The Erinyes were born from the battle between Cronus and Ouranos. Cronus castrated his father with a flint sickle, and the blood that dropped into the oceans became the Erinyes. There are at least three - Alecto ("unceasing"), Megaera ("grudging") and Tisiphone ("avenging murder") - but there may be more out there.

Sometimes I wonder what the Greek poets were smoking.

2011-02-10, 02:01 PM
Sometimes I wonder what the Greek poets were smoking.

Whatever it was it was one heck of an aphrodisiac.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-10, 02:08 PM
No. The Erinyes were born from the battle between Cronus and Ouranos. Cronus castrated his father with a flint sickle, and the blood that dropped into the oceans became the Erinyes. There are at least three - Alecto ("unceasing"), Megaera ("grudging") and Tisiphone ("avenging murder") - but there may be more out there.

Sometimes I wonder what the Greek poets were smoking.

I'm talking dnd Erinyes, they're in the devil entry in the MM. As a matter of fact, I know a lot about Greek myths, and there are only three in them, they're servants of Hades. And I didn't get all my info from Percy Jackson and the Olympians!:smalltongue:

2011-02-10, 02:59 PM
*stalks coffee from the shadows, watching and reading all her comics while she ain't around* :smallwink:

2011-02-10, 08:33 PM
Whatever it was it was one heck of an aphrodisiac.

Or as a more horrifying alternative, they sincerely thought this kind of stuff was awesome.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-10, 08:39 PM
Or as a more horrifying alternative, they sincerely thought this kind of stuff was awesome.

And why would that be more horrifying?... I am sure the people of the future will see the works written/sculpted/painted/etc. and will say "What the hell did the people of the XXI century smoked to do all this (self censored).

And I frankly some of the ideas that I have seen being brought up in the RPG forum...well they are far more weird/disgusting than the birth of the greek Erinyes.

2011-02-10, 08:41 PM
Or as a more horrifying alternative, they sincerely thought this kind of stuff was awesome.

Nah. Too much sex, too many naked statues. Aphrodisiacs were definitely involved.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-10, 08:41 PM
Nah. Too much sex, too many naked statues. Aphrodisiacs were definitely involved.

Or possibly this...

John Cribati
2011-02-10, 08:52 PM
And why would that be more horrifying?... I am sure the people of the future will see the works written/sculpted/painted/etc. and will say "What the hell did the people of the XXI century smoked to do all this (self censored).

I imagine the future people's reaction to Gurren Lagann.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-10, 08:53 PM
I imagine the future people's reaction to Gurren Lagann.

:smalleek:....:smallsmile:.....:smallbiggrin:..... .:smallcool: I hope they do find it.

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-10, 09:13 PM
I imagine the future people's reaction to Gurren Lagann.

"These old documentaries are soooooo boring!"

"Hey! This was the beginning of all Modern Philosophy!"

And parents will beam stories of Finn and Jake into their childrens' frontal lobes!

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-10, 09:14 PM
Even better....

2011-02-10, 09:51 PM
Hilarious as anything, but let's please stay on topic, guys? Update tomorrow! Speculation?

2011-02-10, 09:53 PM
Hilarious as anything, but let's please stay on topic, guys? Update tomorrow! Speculation?

Ya. It must be awfully quiet for Lucrid and Saphrin in their house.:smalltongue:

2011-02-10, 11:06 PM
Ya. It must be awfully quiet for Lucrid and Saphrin in their house.:smalltongue:

Luic and Iris will just have to make a little more noise than usual then.

I notice that Fir is in the tavern and we can't see Remus tied up outside. I suppose what with animal companions and all, dogs are allowed in more public places in Aequar than they are here... of course given the time period I suppose there weren't so many rules of that nature in place in our equivalent time either. If Remus is in there but obscured by the counter I'd like to think he's checking the floor for any food spillages.
[/bizarre 'observation']

2011-02-11, 12:38 AM
Luic and Iris will just have to make a little more noise than usual then.

I notice that Fir is in the tavern and we can't see Remus tied up outside. I suppose what with animal companions and all, dogs are allowed in more public places in Aequar than they are here... of course given the time period I suppose there weren't so many rules of that nature in place in our equivalent time either. If Remus is in there but obscured by the counter I'd like to think he's checking the floor for any food spillages.
[/bizarre 'observation']

Yeah, keep in mind things like "health code" and "workplace safety" are relatively new ideas. I don't think they cared about dogs in places like that.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-11, 03:27 PM
Come on, coffee, it's Friday, when are you gonna post the update?

2011-02-11, 03:48 PM
Come on, coffee, it's Friday, when are you gonna post the update?


Also, Friday isn't over yet.

2011-02-11, 04:24 PM
She got out of school an hour ago.

2011-02-11, 05:40 PM
She got out of school an hour ago.

I've had comics and pictures I've done with less detail than what she does in over 2 hours before. Please people, she will come out with the update in time.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-11, 05:50 PM
I've had comics and pictures I've done with less detail than what she does in over 2 hours before. Please people, she will come out with the update in time.

Um... she's probably been making the strip over the course of the week.

I know this is off topic, but I've also been reading paladin academy, keep up the good work silverraptor! I'll post my character idea for the story on there.

2011-02-11, 06:18 PM
I've had comics and pictures I've done with less detail than what she does in over 2 hours before. Please people, she will come out with the update in time.

Sorry I meant she just got out of school an hour ago so it would be unreasonable to expect the update.

Asta Kask
2011-02-11, 06:19 PM
School wasn't closed today?

*looks at weather machine*

*kicks it*

Next Friday there should be no school. Hail to the power of SNOW!

2011-02-11, 06:36 PM
Guys, I got home from school at about 3:20 and started working on the comic at around 4:00-ish (Looking at the news and stuff takes a little while, especially with what's going on in the world now). Actually, I do most of the comic on the day I update it. Sometimes I do the skeleton work the night before, but this week I didn't get a chance. So yeah, it takes about 2-4 hours per update. Speaking of which!

#116: This Can Only End Very, Very Badly

2011-02-11, 06:38 PM
I think the cat is right.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-11, 06:44 PM
I think the cat is right.

As do I.

But I am hoping they'll both pass out and/or sing in drunkeness.

Or perhaps have a Belkar and V moment? :smalltongue:

Love the guy in the back's reaction to the turtledoves, by the way. :smallsmile:

2011-02-11, 06:47 PM
Heh, "chugging manliness straight from the bottle".

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-11, 07:00 PM
... Matt does know half elves don't take constitution penalties, right?

2011-02-11, 07:01 PM
... Matt does know half elves don't take constitution penalties, right?

He does. However, none of you know what Serrin is like drunk...

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-11, 07:06 PM
He does. However, none of you know what Serrin is like drunk...

And you do?:smalltongue:

2011-02-11, 07:08 PM
And you do?:smalltongue:

Think of me as almost Co-Author when it comes to the Peakane family.

2011-02-11, 07:28 PM
Yay! There's our favourite riding dog! :smallbiggrin:

Also :smallannoyed: at Serrin's reaction to Janine just wanting water. Some people just don't like drinking, ok? Mind, I don't do it because I don't like the taste - I imagine Janine has a deeper reason for it. I also don't know think I know the milk joke...

And you do?:smalltongue:
Think of me as almost Co-Author when it comes to the Peakane family.

Silverraptor gets extra spoilers because Lucrid and Saffrin (sp?) came from a roleplaying game he played with Coffee, in which he played Lucrid right? That's what I remember reading a thread or two ago anyway.

I've done the 'pencils' for part four of five of that cover project I was doing, by the way Coffee, and while I'm on that subject I should maybe point out that the first post still links to the first draft of part three, rather than the updated version (http://i1196.photobucket.com/albums/aa405/Zomp_Jorr/murphyslawpagethreeforexportsecondtry.jpg) with Lloyd and Janine's newer faces.

2011-02-11, 07:34 PM
Fixed it. Also, Serrin wasn't talking about the fact that Janine wasn't drinking, she's wondering why Janine got water and not milk; the joke being that whenever someone who doesn't drink goes into a bar, they order milk, not water.

2011-02-11, 07:45 PM
Fixed it. Also, Serrin wasn't talking about the fact that Janine wasn't drinking, she's wondering why Janine got water and not milk; the joke being that whenever someone who doesn't drink goes into a bar, they order milk, not water.

Serrin's dad is a bard. He would've told her all about those cliche's. And yes, we played a roleplaying game together. And when the roleplay just "died", we just PMed back and forth, time skipping through their life until the present.

2011-02-11, 08:02 PM
Fixed it. Also, Serrin wasn't talking about the fact that Janine wasn't drinking, she's wondering why Janine got water and not milk; the joke being that whenever someone who doesn't drink goes into a bar, they order milk, not water.

Huh. Maybe that's more common in America. Here the default drink for those who don't drink alcohol seems to be orange juice; it's a running gag/motif in Inspector Morse (Morse is a big drinker and Lewis has to drive him everywhere so whenever the two go to a pub Lewis is only ever allowed orange juice. After the series had ended due to both Morse and the actor who played him dying, Lewis gets his own spin-off show and deputy. In the first episode Lewis and his sargeant go out for a drink and Lewis has a pint and orders orange juice for his sargeant) and an episode of Yes Minister (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moral_Dimension) used this as a plot device. They may be playing with the milk idea though in The IT Crowd where Moss's favourite drink is a White Russian (http://nevernotanerd.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/The-IT-Crowd-Season-4-EP-2-600x346.png). People don't really tend to drink glasses of milk on its own in Britain unless they're under the age of seven. (In other words, the joke falls a bit flat across the pond :smalltongue:)

Thanks for fixing the link.

2011-02-11, 09:28 PM
Is Radic's phrasework in panel one a reference to That Guy With A Halberd? http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/Vittles_Real/guywithahalberdiconqc4.png (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0432.html)

2011-02-11, 10:02 PM
Is Radic's phrasework in panel one a reference to That Guy With A Halberd? http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/Vittles_Real/guywithahalberdiconqc4.png (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0432.html)

It's more likely just a clarification due to the bartender not having any clue what their names are.

2011-02-11, 10:29 PM
Is Radic's phrasework in panel one a reference to That Guy With A Halberd? http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w29/Vittles_Real/guywithahalberdiconqc4.png (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0432.html)

It's more likely just a clarification due to the bartender not having any clue what their names are.

It's both. :smallbiggrin:

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-11, 10:56 PM
I know there was much discussion last comic, but what is random extra's deal? What kind of sheltered/uptight life does he lead.

"A couple meeting, making out, and going home together in a BAR?!?!?!? Never in my life have I heard of such a thing! Have they no respect for the dignified, somber, and VERRRRRY serious ritual of imbibing alcohol?"

My apologies if this is a spoiler or already mentioned earlier, but is Janine not allowed to drink because of some sort of religious vow or a personal one due to previously being an alcoholic or making a single horrible decision while drunk?

the joke being that whenever someone who doesn't drink goes into a bar, they order milk, not water.

Errr...I thought that was just the set up. The joke is a non-drinker orders milk, and then a heavy drinker who believes not drinking is a sign of weakness says "are you sure you need a glass or do you want that served right from your momma's nipple, baby?"

2011-02-11, 11:06 PM
I know there was much discussion last comic, but what is random extra's deal? What kind of sheltered/uptight life does he lead.

"A couple meeting, making out, and going home together in a BAR?!?!?!? Never in my life have I heard of such a thing! Have they no respect for the dignified, somber, and VERRRRRY serious ritual of imbibing alcohol?"

You are very good at assuming things based on little evidence and drawing overblown conclusions from them.

EDIT: Ok, to clarify, i mean 'that is a poor assumption to make with so little evidence'. Maybe he was jealous?

Errr...I thought that was just the set up. The joke is a non-drinker orders milk, and then a heavy drinker who believes not drinking is a sign of weakness says "are you sure you need a glass or do you want that served right from your momma's nipple, baby?"

XD never heard that one.

2011-02-12, 02:45 AM
Between your comic and the couple of play by post games I'm in, I'm beginning to love weekends. Also, as a late New Year's resolution, I must refer to what I'm drinking as manliness, liquid manliness, or some variation of either one of these days.

I'm guessing Janine is disturbed by being in the bar, because of something traumatizing which happened the last time she drank, but beyond that, I don't have any decent clue as to what that is. As for the couple making out, maybe the extra was irritated because he had to clean up after them (please don't read more into that comment than is necessary :smalltongue:).

By the way, is Dragonsbreath a reference to one of the Quest for Glory games? And whoever wins the drinking contest, the results promise to be very funny. The owner of the place had better hope Serrin isn't trigger happy with her spells.

Asta Kask
2011-02-12, 03:08 AM
Oh, I'm sure nothing untoward will happen.


2011-02-12, 04:57 AM
I know there was much discussion last comic, but what is random extra's deal? What kind of sheltered/uptight life does he lead.

"A couple meeting, making out, and going home together in a BAR?!?!?!? Never in my life have I heard of such a thing! Have they no respect for the dignified, somber, and VERRRRRY serious ritual of imbibing alcohol?"

Perhaps one of the two came to the bar with him?

2011-02-12, 08:19 AM
Haha, thanks. And that interpretation of Random Extra is funny, but the reason he's ticked off is that the two of them were about to go at it, right in front of him, on the table where he was sitting and drinking.

2011-02-12, 08:55 AM
Errr...I thought that was just the set up. The joke is a non-drinker orders milk, and then a heavy drinker who believes not drinking is a sign of weakness says "are you sure you need a glass or do you want that served right from your momma's nipple, baby?"

Ah. I hadn't heard that one before either. It makes sense as a joke but Serrin said that "the joke works so much better with milk than with water" (or something along those lines) ...I don't see how the joke above would work at all with water instead of milk. To me it's an odd cliché because I don't think I've ever seen an example of it...

Haha, thanks. And that interpretation of Random Extra is funny, but the reason he's ticked off is that the two of them were about to go at it, right in front of him, on the table where he was sitting and drinking.

I just assumed he was bar staff and that he was annoyed a) because they spilt drinks everywhere and b) because they ordered another and left before paying for it.
Also, I don't go to bars but I assume whilst making out may be commonplace, public displays of affection on table-tops are less commonplace. Either way I imagine it would be more shocking if it happened on your table!
...or if he'd come to the bar with one of the participants, as per Devmaar's suggestion...:smallbiggrin:

Raging Gene Ray
2011-02-12, 02:35 PM
Haha, thanks. And that interpretation of Random Extra is funny, but the reason he's ticked off is that the two of them were about to go at it, right in front of him, on the table where he was sitting and drinking.

Now I see, that is just downright inconsiderate.

You are very good at assuming things based on little evidence and drawing overblown conclusions from them.

Sarcasm: just one of my many talents =D

How is that sarcasm, unless you're telling me I'm NOT drawing overblown conclusions?

2011-02-12, 02:40 PM
Now I see, that is just downright inconsiderate.

How is that sarcasm, unless you're telling me I'm NOT drawing overblown conclusions?

Er, sorry, i edited it because the sarcasm was too close to flaming and forgot to remove the many talents part

2011-02-12, 02:48 PM
strangely enough, its only elvess that has ears... and half-elves only has 1:smalltongue:

2011-02-13, 01:04 PM
Ooh, is the dog going to get drunk from the chicken broth? :smalltongue:

Awaiting the next page, as usual. This chugging contest oughta bring in some very hilarious results (I vote make-out session! :smallwink:).

super dark33
2011-02-13, 02:36 PM
oooohhhh now i get it, the guy on the back watched his girlfriend makeing out with an elf!

Lycan 01
2011-02-13, 10:18 PM
This cannot end well. I seem to recall Coffee once saying something about Serrin's behavior when drunk. Can't remember what it was, though. But I get the feeling I'll be reminded soon enough... :smalleek:

Also, I thought the guy in the background was irked because it was his girlfriend or something.

2011-02-13, 10:39 PM
Well, I've already written down the very first bit of it and Matt's thoughts for Creative Writing, so that'll be posted with it...:smallbiggrin:

Of course, only when the drinking's getting started. :smallamused:

2011-02-13, 10:47 PM
I'll just say, it will be funny people. Now, whoever wants to join me in this 2 foot concrete shelter with this missle proof glass when said update happens, there will be a hefty tax.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-13, 10:49 PM
I'll just say, it will be funny people. Now, whoever wants to join me in this 2 foot concrete shelter with this missle proof glass when said update happens, there will be a hefty tax.

:raises hand: I do

2011-02-13, 10:53 PM
I'll just say, it will be funny people. Now, whoever wants to join me in this 2 foot concrete shelter with this missle proof glass when said update happens, there will be a hefty tax.
No offense, but you're a total tease, you know that? :smalltongue: Now make some room in that shelter, will you? :smalleek:

2011-02-13, 11:08 PM
:raises hand: I do

No offense, but you're a total tease, you know that? :smalltongue: Now make some room in that shelter, will you? :smalleek:

There is a $50 entrance fee. As well as a $10 fee on all food, water, sleeping quarters, and hours staying respectively. If you find yourself locked in for whatever reason this is completely normal and just wait until it is unlocked later. Feel free at that time to go to sleep at any moment.

3/4th of all your taxes and fees will be provided to Coffee's noble effort of providing the caffine-free patches for those so increadibly hyper that they would be willing to do anything to just calm down.

Okay. I've had my fun. XD

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-13, 11:23 PM
There is a $50 entrance fee. As well as a $10 fee on all food, water, sleeping quarters, and hours staying respectively. If you find yourself locked in for whatever reason this is completely normal and just wait until it is unlocked later. Feel free at that time to go to sleep at any moment.

3/4th of all your taxes and fees will be provided to Coffee's noble effort of providing the caffine-free patches for those so increadibly hyper that they would be willing to do anything to just calm down.

Okay. I've had my fun. XD

Okay.*opens wallet* POOF *huge dust cloud comes out*

Lord Raziere
2011-02-14, 12:04 AM
I'll just say, it will be funny people. Now, whoever wants to join me in this 2 foot concrete shelter with this missle proof glass when said update happens, there will be a hefty tax.

No thanks, I can withstand hilarity without protection. I'm a comedian, we EXIST to take such things full blast.

2011-02-14, 12:17 AM
No thanks, I can withstand hilarity without protection. I'm a comedian, we EXIST to take such things full blast.

I thought comedians existed to DEAL wide-scale apocalyptic hysteria :smallconfused: Not TAKE it

2011-02-14, 11:51 AM
Heh, "chugging manliness straight from the bottle".

So many innuendo's....

2011-02-14, 07:03 PM
Well, never a better time to post this fan art sketch than now, what with Valentine's Day and the imminent drinking contest between Matt and Serrin...
Drawn without any references, so I probably got Matt's outfit wrong. As for why his hair is down instead of all spiky like it's supposed to be... I blame Serrin. And artistic license.
And yes, I do ship Serrin/Matt. :smalltongue: How could you tell?

Mina Kobold
2011-02-14, 07:11 PM

Why didn't I think of that.

I must make it up by drawing another pairing that nobody sees coming!

Great job, Symmys. ^_^

2011-02-14, 07:13 PM
Yeah, you messed up Matt's outfit. I like the drawing though. And god, I don't want to be Matt when he sobers up after that picture...

2011-02-14, 07:21 PM
Well, never a better time to post this fan art sketch than now, what with Valentine's Day and the imminent drinking contest between Matt and Serrin...
[image which would steal Symmys's bandwidth]
Drawn without any references, so I probably got Matt's outfit wrong. As for why his hair is down instead of all spiky like it's supposed to be... I blame Serrin. And artistic license.
And yes, I do ship Serrin/Matt. :smalltongue: How could you tell?

Bawhaha! The surprise...
I wonder what Radic would make of this? Unfortunately (or will she deeply regret this when sober?) for fanart-Serrin it looks a little one-sided but who knows, it could be a good kind of "Whhaaatt???" expression...
...Was that even mildly coherent? Either way fan art is fun! :smallbiggrin:
No sketchey sketches from me. My tablet pen has rolled away somewhere and is refusing to come out, which is a shame as I need to update the address at the bottoms of the pages so they lead to the new thread. I could do that with the finger stylusey bit on the laptop but I think I'll just wait.

2011-02-14, 09:35 PM
Well, never a better time to post this fan art sketch than now, what with Valentine's Day and the imminent drinking contest between Matt and Serrin...
Drawn without any references, so I probably got Matt's outfit wrong. As for why his hair is down instead of all spiky like it's supposed to be... I blame Serrin. And artistic license.
And yes, I do ship Serrin/Matt. :smalltongue: How could you tell?

That's great. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-14, 11:48 PM
Well, never a better time to post this fan art sketch than now, what with Valentine's Day and the imminent drinking contest between Matt and Serrin...
Drawn without any references, so I probably got Matt's outfit wrong. As for why his hair is down instead of all spiky like it's supposed to be... I blame Serrin. And artistic license.
And yes, I do ship Serrin/Matt. :smalltongue: How could you tell?

I love it.

It certainly helped cheer me up. I've been feeling depressed lately and I don't know why.:smallfrown:

2011-02-15, 10:09 AM
Well, never a better time to post this fan art sketch than now, what with Valentine's Day and the imminent drinking contest between Matt and Serrin...
Drawn without any references, so I probably got Matt's outfit wrong. As for why his hair is down instead of all spiky like it's supposed to be... I blame Serrin. And artistic license.
And yes, I do ship Serrin/Matt. :smalltongue: How could you tell?


Lord Raziere
2011-02-15, 10:12 AM
I thought comedians existed to DEAL wide-scale apocalyptic hysteria :smallconfused: Not TAKE it

fire elementals are immune to fire y'know.....

edit: and I like that picture. methinks I support Matt/Serrin too.

Draconi Redfir
2011-02-15, 10:18 AM
ten bucks to make it cannon?:smallbiggrin:

WHY AM I NEVER HERE ANYMORE!? i think this is the first time i've posted in this thread:smalleek:

2011-02-15, 10:36 AM
fire elementals are immune to fire y'know.....But earth elementals aren't immune to rock slides :smalltongue:

edit: and I like that picture. methinks I support Matt/Serrin too.

I support Radic/Serrin/Matt.


As a triangle you pervs :smalltongue:

Mystic Muse
2011-02-15, 10:40 AM
ten bucks to make it cannon?:smallbiggrin:

That would be one odd looking cannon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannon)

Lord Raziere
2011-02-15, 10:43 AM
But earth elementals aren't immune to rock slides :smalltongue:

yes they are, they become sand, absorb the rock into the sand, make the rocks sand then go back to pure stone, now a little bigger.

2011-02-15, 10:48 AM
yes they are, they become sand, absorb the rock into the sand, make the rocks sand then go back to pure stone, now a little bigger.


No, they get hit by rocks and smashed to pieces. They're immune to MUD slides, not rock slides.

2011-02-15, 01:01 PM
But aren't earth elementals able to move straight through rock?

"Earth Glide (Ex)

An earth elemental can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence."

A nerd I am.

2011-02-15, 01:05 PM
I find it funny that Fir's expression is not only concern for her. There's a reason she's her conscience. Because since Fir is Serrin's familiar, with the empathetic link, everything that Serrin feels, Fir feels. And I don't think Fir wants to be getting "Serrin being drunk" feelings from her.:smallamused:

2011-02-15, 02:40 PM
But aren't earth elementals able to move straight through rock?

"Earth Glide (Ex)

An earth elemental can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence."

A nerd I am.
That's why it's a rock slide. :smalltongue:

(There's a "current", basically.)

Mina Kobold
2011-02-15, 06:30 PM
So, as the big copycat that I am, I have now made fanart too!

I even refference the fanart I copy, I'm so original. :smalltongue:

Feel free to throw stuff at me now. ^_^

EDIT: For those wondering about the colouring, I make my drawings on a computer with really low brightness and very high contrast so I usually just guess how it'll look. ^_^'

2011-02-15, 10:42 PM
So, as the big copycat that I am, I have now made fanart too!

I even refference the fanart I copy, I'm so original. :smalltongue:

Feel free to throw stuff at me now. ^_^

EDIT: For those wondering about the colouring, I make my drawings on a computer with really low brightness and very high contrast so I usually just guess how it'll look. ^_^'

I like it. :smallsmile:

2011-02-15, 11:52 PM
I. Love. This. :smallbiggrin: And you know what you guys are going to love? Not just the standard Friday update, but I've got the whole of next week off, and you know what that means! :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-16, 12:04 AM
I. Love. This. :smallbiggrin: And you know what you guys are going to love? Not just the standard Friday update, but I've got the whole of next week off, and you know what that means! :smallbiggrin:

You can update more often.:smallamused:

2011-02-16, 12:39 AM
I. Love. This. :smallbiggrin: And you know what you guys are going to love? Not just the standard Friday update, but I've got the whole of next week off, and you know what that means! :smallbiggrin:

That now your going to update every day! Or every hour! Or every minute! :smalltongue:

Draconi Redfir
2011-02-16, 01:08 AM
So, as the big copycat that I am, I have now made fanart too!

I even refference the fanart I copy, I'm so original. :smalltongue:

Feel free to throw stuff at me now. ^_^

EDIT: For those wondering about the colouring, I make my drawings on a computer with really low brightness and very high contrast so I usually just guess how it'll look. ^_^'

Pretty colors @.@

2011-02-16, 05:20 AM
So, as the big copycat that I am, I have now made fanart too!

I even refference the fanart I copy, I'm so original. :smalltongue:

Feel free to throw stuff at me now. ^_^

EDIT: For those wondering about the colouring, I make my drawings on a computer with really low brightness and very high contrast so I usually just guess how it'll look. ^_^'

Ooh, very nice! Awesome fanart is awesome. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-16, 08:04 AM
@Keveak: Cool.

@Coffee: :smallbiggrin: Also cool.

Asta Kask
2011-02-16, 08:21 AM
Recommended treatment for Janine (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOG2MHPQFqY), should she panic.

2011-02-16, 12:33 PM
Recommended treatment for Janine (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOG2MHPQFqY), should she panic.

The party might want to avoid letting someone with Improved Unarmed Strike get involved. Or a gun, for that matter. Also, I have to check this thread more often. I almost missed the fanart that Keveak and Symmys drew. Both of those were really good.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-16, 12:40 PM
I like it. :smallsmile:

Pretty colors @.@

Ooh, very nice! Awesome fanart is awesome. :smallbiggrin:

@Keveak: Cool.

@Coffee: :smallbiggrin: Also cool.

Thanks, thanks a lot. :smallredface::smallsmile:

I. Love. This. :smallbiggrin: And you know what you guys are going to love? Not just the standard Friday update, but I've got the whole of next week off, and you know what that means! :smallbiggrin:

That you didn't have vacation this week? :smalltongue:

2011-02-17, 12:38 AM
I really Love this comic. I re-read all of it the other day to refresh myself. It is quite fantastic.

Thank you coffee for making it :smallbiggrin:


Asta Kask
2011-02-17, 08:05 AM
I. Love. This. :smallbiggrin: And you know what you guys are going to love? Not just the standard Friday update, but I've got the whole of next week off, and you know what that means! :smallbiggrin:

There's a big-ass snowstorm heading for New York and the schools will be closed?

Edit: Also, it's great to have CoffeeIncluded - but what kind of Coffee? Straight? Latte? Espresso? Cappucino?

Inquiring minds want to know.

2011-02-17, 06:15 PM
There's a big-ass snowstorm heading for New York and the schools will be closed?

Edit: Also, it's great to have CoffeeIncluded - but what kind of Coffee? Straight? Latte? Espresso? Cappucino?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Definitely brewed in a French press. Full flavor, less bitter, all the caffeine. :smalltongue:

2011-02-17, 07:20 PM
I don't think I've ever posted in these threads, but this is a great comic. Keep up the good work! :smallsmile:

2011-02-17, 07:45 PM
There's a big-ass snowstorm heading for New York and the schools will be closed?

Edit: Also, it's great to have CoffeeIncluded - but what kind of Coffee? Straight? Latte? Espresso? Cappucino?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Actually, I can't stand bitter. At all. I need to put enough cream and sugar into coffee to make it taste like ice cream; it's the only way I can tolerate it. I almost never have coffee anyway.

I don't think I've ever posted in these threads, but this is a great comic. Keep up the good work! :smallsmile:

Thank you, Vaynor! Update tomorrow, and a bunch during the break! :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-17, 07:56 PM
I. Love. This. :smallbiggrin: And you know what you guys are going to love? Not just the standard Friday update, but I've got the whole of next week off, and you know what that means! :smallbiggrin:

I think so, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night? (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112123/quotes) :smalltongue:

Been reading for a while. Good comic and can't wait to see more.

2011-02-18, 01:42 AM
Actually, I can't stand bitter. At all. I need to put enough cream and sugar into coffee to make it taste like ice cream; it's the only way I can tolerate it. I almost never have coffee anyway.

I will drink her share of the coffee.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-18, 07:09 PM
Alright coffee, I have waited, it is past six o'clock on Friday, post the comic.

2011-02-18, 07:11 PM
Alright coffee, I have waited, it is past six o'clock on Friday, post the comic.

Please be patient I'm confident she is going to post it soon.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-18, 07:17 PM
Please be patient I'm confident she is going to post it soon.

Okay, whatever.

Oh yeah, here's my idea of what will happen, when drunk, Serrin acts the same way Elan does when he's trying to lower his armor check penalty!:smallbiggrin:

2011-02-18, 07:28 PM
Could you PLEASE be a bit patient? Seriously, I'm thrilled that you love the comic enough, but I can't exactly do quality if I'm rushed. In any case! :smalltongue:

#117: Oh Dear God

2011-02-18, 07:30 PM
Please be patient I'm confident she is going to post it soon.

Also I sense eminent disaster. [puts on tinfoil hat] Jane has had a bad experience with booze I bet.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-18, 07:33 PM
.... Dwarven Ale? as in the 120% proof Ale?.... :smalleek:......:smallamused: AWESOME!!

And I am sure Kagonian cuisine is based on a real life one... Swedish perhaps?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-18, 07:40 PM
So that's what she's like when she's drunk, she wants to drink more! And then she gets more drunk, and she's getting dwarven ale...:smalleek:...:smallbiggrin:

2011-02-18, 08:12 PM
I'm surprised that it seems to be Matt who notices Janine run out. You'd expect it to be Radic, or perhaps Lloyd.

2011-02-18, 08:50 PM
I'm surprised that it seems to be Matt who notices Janine run out. You'd expect it to be Radic, or perhaps Lloyd.

What makes you think he did? His expression in the last panel has to do with Dwarven Ale, I think. Maybe that's just me

2011-02-18, 09:04 PM
Hey, what happened to the mug the blue-shirted background guy was holding?

Lycan 01
2011-02-18, 09:29 PM
So much going on in this comic...

Janine: Hm. This bodes ill... :smallfrown:

Background: What's going on back there? He got mad at the 2nd guy, then felt bad and left to apologize? :smallconfused:


Please sweet merciful Cthulhu not the Dwarven Ale

2011-02-18, 10:53 PM
I'm surprised that it seems to be Matt who notices Janine run out. You'd expect it to be Radic, or perhaps Lloyd.

What makes you think he did? His expression in the last panel has to do with Dwarven Ale, I think. Maybe that's just me

Exactly. None of them noticed Janine; they were drinking and she slipped out quietly. And it's starting to rain... (Look at the window)

So much going on in this comic...

Janine: Hm. This bodes ill... :smallfrown:

Background: What's going on back there? He got mad at the 2nd guy, then felt bad and left to apologize? :smallconfused:


Please sweet merciful Cthulhu not the Dwarven Ale

Allow me to say this: Accurate comic title is accurate.

Draconi Redfir
2011-02-18, 11:03 PM
Rain only comes when something dramatic and/or sad is about to happen...

Lycan 01
2011-02-18, 11:51 PM
Wow, I completely missed the dramatic weather change. XD

2011-02-18, 11:57 PM
Dwarven Ale is 350-proof Alcohol. No, not even I know how that can be.:smalleek:

2011-02-19, 12:00 AM
Wow, I completely missed the dramatic weather change. XD

Actually, last comic in the last few panels with windows clouds were coming in. And now we see the sky getting darker throughout the strip.

2011-02-19, 12:38 AM
i like the background guy ^^

Don't get me wrong, i like the rest too. But that's all been said already :smalltongue:

2011-02-19, 02:47 AM
Based on the line that Janine left on, I'm guessing her past bar related trauma involved someone took advantage of her while she was drunk. Either that, or she might have been an alcoholic once. Unless I'm looking at this comic from too serious a perspective. I mean, for all I know, Janine could just be fleeing from the impending explosion.

On another note, does this bar have spinning stools, or is Serrin so giddy that she's spinning around for the heck of it?

2011-02-19, 03:04 AM
On another note, does this bar have spinning stools, or is Serrin so giddy that she's spinning around for the heck of it?

The two are not mutually exclusive :smalltongue:

Asta Kask
2011-02-19, 05:45 AM
I'm confident nothing out of the ordinary will happen.


Lord Raziere
2011-02-19, 10:28 AM
Why did Janine flee?

What will happen when the dwarven ale is brought in?

will Coffee ever confirm the fans fanart to be true? probably not, but its nice to hope. :smalltongue:

2011-02-19, 12:38 PM
I hope Tinder doesn't get too drunk to remember he has to stay in his humanoid form. Also that Serrin doesn't burn the place down, obviously. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-19, 01:07 PM
It seems that my drawing is steadily coming closer to becoming canon... :smallamused:
I sense that the next backstory-related revelation we have will be from Janine, though you've all probably figured that out already. :smalltongue:
And I, for one, did notice the dramatic story-related weather change in the background. Sort of. I saw that it started raining, at least!

Hiro Protagonest
2011-02-19, 02:06 PM
Do Saturday and Sunday count in the "posting a comic everyday of the week" thing?:smallconfused: Please have it count, please have it count!:smalltongue:

2011-02-20, 03:22 AM
Yea this going wrong. Very wrong.

2011-02-20, 11:00 AM
*Puts up advertisement of built in shelter again*

Price has gone up people.:smalltongue:

2011-02-20, 02:45 PM
I was just thinking about how it would have been funny if they had given Fir a little dish of milk, you know, since everyone else is celebrating too. :smallsmile:

Mina Kobold
2011-02-20, 03:31 PM
*Puts up advertisement of built in shelter again*

Price has gone up people.:smalltongue:

I'll take that, you take lost souls? Heard o' this Lucifer fellow who'd pay quite the penny for one.

If not then you'll have to excuse me while I build my own trench and acquire myself an aluminum cap and pray to the great draconic teacup this will only lead to confirmed fanart.

2011-02-20, 07:44 PM
And I am sure Kagonian cuisine is based on a real life one... Swedish perhaps?

Actually, I think Icelandic (http://satwcomic.com/nordics-like-fish) comes more close.

Hoo, interesting development in the new comic...:smallamused: This really doesn't bode well...

2011-02-20, 08:49 PM
Actually, I think Icelandic (http://satwcomic.com/nordics-like-fish) comes more close.

Hoo, interesting development in the new comic...:smallamused: This really doesn't bode well...

Yeah, that whole area. Kago and the eastern coast of Tobeem get cold, and Tobeem gets COLD, and they're very dependent on fish.

Runite, in a swamplike area (Basically think Southern Louisiana, climate-wise), also has a lot of seafood, but of a very different type. Their food is basically Creole and Cajun fare, Radic's favorite food is jambalya, she's quite fond of shrimp and crawfish, and she's eaten alligator on several occasions, although it's not her favorite.

2011-02-21, 10:25 AM
.... Dwarven Ale? as in the 120% proof Ale?.... :smalleek:......:smallamused: AWESOME!!

And I am sure Kagonian cuisine is based on a real life one... Swedish perhaps?

proof and percentage are two different things. Proof is based on 100 percent proof, which is to say, burns at room temp, or, historically, gunpowder soaked in it will still go boom. The amusing thing, which is completely coincidental, is that 100 proof is %50 alcohol. So 200 proof is 100 percent alcohol.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-21, 10:36 AM
proof and percentage are two different things. Proof is based on 100 percent proof, which is to say, burns at room temp, or, historically, gunpowder soaked in it will still go boom. The amusing thing, which is completely coincidental, is that 100 proof is %50 alcohol. So 200 proof is 100 percent alcohol.

Well that shows what I know :smallredface:

2011-02-21, 12:05 PM
Update tomorrow; I'm gone most of the day.

2011-02-21, 10:34 PM
Ooh, can't wait! :smallbiggrin:

I didn't notice the weather change myself. Clever BG element there!:smallwink:

2011-02-22, 10:51 AM
Guess what? I'm updating too! And I haven't even had breakfast yet so I could finish this! :smallbiggrin:

#118: It's Not Like She's Going Anywhere

2011-02-22, 11:12 AM
~appreciative nod and slow clap~

Well done, O chief CoffeeIncluded. Tis a finely fashioned depiction of dignity kept despite dark and dire circumstances; of the pragmatic measures of those nigh despair; of a realization that though one's past misfortunes may yet haunt one's waking moments, there are others whose present state is simply far worse.

John Cribati
2011-02-22, 11:25 AM
I wanted a flashback and I got starving street urchins. I am not amused.

And I apparently woke up this morning and forgot to wear my empathy hat.