View Full Version : IRL would you be a hero or a villain? Why? How?

2011-02-08, 08:36 AM
If you could, and somehow had to choose based on who you truly are, what would you be? And how would you go about it/what powers gimmick would you employ?

I have always had an emotional connection to the show Quantum Leap. Maybe it is my desire to be able to change what I have done, and help fix what went wrong with the lives of those I love.

I would give my soul to have the power to quantim leap for these reasons.

p.s. The theme songs was amazing to boot...

2011-02-08, 08:38 AM
Emotional manipulation. Villain. Army of minions and world domination, yes sir! :D

Killer Angel
2011-02-08, 08:39 AM
Definitely, I could never be a villain. I've got too much empathy.

2011-02-08, 08:50 AM
Villain, probably...

As much as I'd like to be a hero... whenever I think about superpowers I could have, the potential for (even petty, small-time) crime comes up as one of the first things in my mind.

Invisibility? Shoplifting!
Freezing time? Bankrobbery!
Mind control? Oooh, boy.

Sometimes I despise myself for the lack of vision my imaginations of petty criminality show, but then I think of all the things I could own if I was able to just take them. Yes, I'd bore of it fast, but it would be something I'd do.

Of course, I could just be an antihero. Do grand social projects and some not-that-bad crime on the side.

2011-02-08, 08:59 AM
"Hero", "villain", these are words that the masses use to grasp at what they cannot hope to understand. What makes a man evil? That he subject those beneath him to a pitiful life? Theirs is already a pitiable lot. Is he a hero, who stops the death of a man who has nothing to live for? These are not the questions they ask. They only ask whether the powerful make them happy, they who have done nothing to earn happiness of their own. Those who serve the whims of the public are called "heroes", and those who pursue their own happiness are called "villains". So, denounce me as you must. Call me "villain"; call me what you like. Just remember that no matter how you try to look down on me, if you want to truly see me, you still have to look up.


Uh, yeah, if I were all supery and whatnot, while I might take some time to save the world and stuff, I have a life to live. I severely doubt I'd go all 'villain' on people, though. Doesn't seem worth my time. Though my quest to destroy love might get me counted as a 'villain' anyway, so I'll accept it.

2011-02-08, 08:59 AM
Ability to see the future. Immortality.

At first I was like, "lots of lottery winnings", but then I realized they track that. No need to spend your life in prison if you're caught. Though I suppose if you could read the future, you could see how to avoid being caught...
With Immortality, you could just play the stock market forever, change ID every few decades, and eventually, you would be sitting on a very large fortune with little effort thanks to interest on investments.

2011-02-08, 09:01 AM

You can't destroy love, really. It's a silly concept anyway and a chemical process at best.

2011-02-08, 09:05 AM

You can't destroy love, really. It's a silly concept anyway and a chemical process at best.

Chemically reengineer the human DNA? O.o

How dastardly!

2011-02-08, 09:06 AM
Hmm. Probably a few levels too deep down, really. But change a few hormone levels in the brain, rewire a few circuits...

Ricky S
2011-02-08, 09:10 AM
I would be a hero but in a dark way. Basically a vigilante who likes the law but realises it needs to be broken sometimes. My super power? Lying and knife skills. Kinda like hit girl from kick-ass except a dude.

2011-02-08, 09:10 AM

You can't destroy love, really. It's a silly concept anyway and a chemical process at best.

And we can manipulate chemicals. That's kind of the idea, really. But it's complicated enough that you need a supervillain to get the job done.

2011-02-08, 09:17 AM
Meh. I wouldn't be a superhero, really. More of a super-kinda-jerk.

2011-02-08, 09:17 AM
Hero, pretty much. My super power would be super speed (ideally of the Speed Force, casually physics-breaking sort), which would permit me to really have all the time I need to do what I want. I don't really see the point in villainy when I can get what I want without it. Plus, I could show my face in public without being hated. I wouldn't dedicate all my life to helping people out, but with said speed, I could still do quite a bit of good.

2011-02-08, 09:22 AM
Villain, but at least a friendly villain. I'd be indestructible. And then just mess with people.

Because it would be fun.

2011-02-08, 09:56 AM
Villainy, just because it grants you more freedom to do stuff than heroism. Heros have all these rules and whatnot while villains can do whatever they want/need to do to get where they want/need to go.

My power? Probably D&D Sorcerer 20-style magic, just for versatility's sake. If that's not an option, then let's roll with the exact power list of Juggernaut from Marvel Comics. :smallamused:

2011-02-08, 09:57 AM
Hero but an invisible one.

My power would be to read the wyrd (http://www.wyrdwords.vispa.com/heathenry/whatwyrd.html) and shift it in small, subtle ways. No one would see me, no one would know me, but I would be aware of what was happening in the world. Meanwhile, villains who seek to destroy love or conquer the world or cheat or exploit people would see their plans unravel due to unforeseen accidents, freak 'acts of god', or just plain bad luck, and they'd never understand why :smallamused:.


Brian P.

Lord Raziere
2011-02-08, 10:00 AM
Neither just want to be free. though probably villain.

my power would be "freedom from physics." I'd have the right to change reality however I want. not really omnipotence, just omni-freedom.

2011-02-08, 10:03 AM
I'd be like Dr. Strange. Because the name fits me so well.

I'd be a hero.

2011-02-08, 10:03 AM
An evil hero, probably.

2011-02-08, 10:08 AM
An evil hero, probably.

Unless your Cao Cao or from the Cao family, or possibly the Sima family, that doesn't make sense. :)

2011-02-08, 10:48 AM
Unless your Cao Cao or from the Cao family, or possibly the Sima family, that doesn't make sense. :)

Short version: somebody who does things that help the public, but doesn't have good personal morals. Maybe they use their popularity to take advantage of young women, or beat up minorities in their free time. Think of any celebrity you dislike, and imagine that they're famous because they defeat supervillains. Done.

2011-02-08, 11:03 AM

I'd be a badass bystander or the guy the hero asks to help and says "No" until its personal or sounds fun.

"Help us fight the aliens."
"Nah. You can handle it."
"The world is at stake"
"Don't worry. You can do it."
"They blew up the deli."
"They did WHAT!!"

2011-02-08, 11:07 AM
I think I'd want either the ability to control time or the ability to control nature. You know, weather, plants, water, that stuff.

I'd like to be a hero and I think that's what I'd try to be if I had those powers. Turn back time and try to prevent a big accident from happening. Or trying to control a major flood. But I have to admit though... I hate people. I get pissed very easily because of someone's stupidity or whining. I'd be so easily tempted to use my powers to make someone trip, launch them into the air or make them shut up. Or if I'd see a project site of a building that I think shouldn't be there I'd be tempted to let a small earthquake happen there when nobody is around.

I think I'd try to do major good things... but have a hard time not using my powers like I see fit too.

2011-02-08, 11:14 AM

Time freezing/Faster than thought. Note that with the right actions/situations, being able to alter the reality of the world around you while everyone else is "frozen"(relative to you) is as good as, if not better than Mind Control. Not quite as good as Alter Reality, but close. Now, if I could combine it with travelling back to the past, I'd be all set.

2011-02-08, 11:44 AM
Maybe they use their popularity to take advantage of young women, or beat up minorities in their free time.
That sounds just like superhero-me. :smallsmile:

2011-02-08, 11:44 AM
uhm.. let's see..
the hero always gets the girl..
but the villain knows what to do with her..

decisions, decisions..

nah, who am I kidding, I'm too much of a goodie to be a villain...
my power? meh, probably the power of understatement

although, if I could have it my way, I'd probably take "mastery of each and every known language", for fun, of course

2011-02-08, 11:45 AM
Not sure what my ideal powers would be, but I have something of a white knight complex - I couldn't not be a hero, I think.

2011-02-08, 11:45 AM
I'd probably try to be a hero, if I had superpowers. I'd want Telekinesis or the power to control electricity. Either one is awesome.

First I'd like the power of flight, but that's hardly useful in fighting supervillains.

2011-02-08, 12:03 PM
Super-hero. I'd like your standard flying brick powers (strength, flight, and invulnerability) but lacking that I'd just get invulnerability.

Why? With great power comes great responsibility. I was taught morality by Spider-Man.

How? Probably become a cop to find out when things go down.

2011-02-08, 12:05 PM
I don't think I could realistically be a hero or a villain, because I can't think of anything I would do that would be objectively bad or objectively good (assuming that objective morality exists, which I don't think it does).

In terms of powers, I'd want to be able to do some Mystique style shape shifting. Begone, gender identity crises!

2011-02-08, 12:38 PM
Hero. It's all I've wanted to be.

And as much as I'd like a Green Lantern ring, my next bet I'd want? The Planeteer rings and the Pollutionteer rings. Yes. BOTH. Why, might you ask?

The Pollution rings allow you to CONTROL THE POLLUTION. I could gas someone with a small puff of smog or clear the skies. I could cause a riot with the Hate ring as a distraction or make a mook turn on a villain, then use Heart to have the guard be my buddy.

After that? Speed Force or Kryptonian powers. Gotta go with the classics.

2011-02-08, 12:44 PM
I'd be a Supa-hero, but my secret identity would be that of a supa-villain. :wink:

I'd constantly be catching myself.... :eek:

2011-02-08, 12:49 PM
I'd want to be Mr. Black.

''I'm just a guy on vacation!''

2011-02-08, 12:58 PM
I'd definitely want to be a hero. I'd certainly try very hard. However, I'm not sure how well Socialist Man, wielding the Hammer of the Proletariat and the Sickle of the Eternal Revolution, would go down with the general public. I'd probably be mistaken for a villain on a regular basis.

Powers? Probably mind control and invisibility. Yeah, that and the title are pretty ominous in combination, aren't they?

2011-02-08, 01:43 PM
I think I would constanly walk the line in between hero and villain.
Too much of a bitch to be a hero, but still care enough about others to be evil.

Since I'm known for my mood swings, I think weather control would fit me pretty nicely.
Not just storms and snow and all, but also able to clear the clouds and give the world a nice, sunny day.

2011-02-08, 01:54 PM
A hero all the way, but I'd only like to have a small scale power so that I can focus on saving kittens from tall trees and foiling the occasional bank robbery.

That way I can become famous and liked without having to become increasingly stressed about not being fast enough to catch every falling aeroplane in the world.

In short, I'd be a hero for entirely selfish reasons. But does that really matter as long as I'm doing the people around me a favour in the end? No it does not.

2011-02-08, 01:58 PM
I'd be a Supa-hero, but my secret identity would be that of a supa-villain. :wink:

I'd constantly be catching myself.... :eek:

I'd buy the newspaper every day if this happened. It would make reading it a lot of fun. :smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2011-02-08, 02:58 PM
Hero, I am way waaaaaaaay too empathic an Aspie to do villainy.

Even in video games I have a hard time doing so. O.O

I'd go for Mystique powers too, I am a huge fan of El Goonish Shive and very much like the prospect of being able to be a walking self-TF gun. ^.^

I'd be a badass normal hybrid of the Question and Kitty Pryde! Fighting crime with plans more ridiculous than any villain yet suceeding through pure luck and style!

Man, I want superpowers. :smallfrown:

Oh well, I'll make a comic about them instead! XD

2011-02-08, 03:17 PM
I’d be a hero, but I’d be a pulp super hero, trench coat, suit, fedora, dual 1911 .45 colts with ivory grips. I’d run around in the darkness and masquerade as a villain. I’d probably wear a bullet proof vest or something under the suit. ohh better an armored trench coat!

For super powers, probably some sort of gun related powers, bullet time (http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Bullet_Time) works great, I’d want some sort of freeruning power so I can make daring leaps and tumbles while I’m battling it out with gangsters.

Admiral Squish
2011-02-08, 03:28 PM
Yeah, I could never pull off the whole 'villain' thing.

As for powers? I'd want the big three: Super strength, invulnerability, and flight. The flight wouldn't have to be super-fast, either, maybe just as fast as a car. Yeah, that would be nice... I'd probably have to get deputized by the police or something, since I wouldn't have any way of finding crimes without access to a police radio, and patrolling is so inefficient. Maybe they could give me a proper job, too, so I could do my heroics full-time.

Though, speedster characters have kinda snagged my attention lately I found this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odU1bHaYNDQ) and haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Kinda sad...

Asta Kask
2011-02-08, 03:40 PM
Chemically reengineer the human DNA? O.o

How dastardly!

Hmm. Probably a few levels too deep down, really. But change a few hormone levels in the brain, rewire a few circuits...

You could do it. At least it's possible to turn libertine voles into exemplary monogamists by changing the balance between vasopressin and oxytocin receptors in the brain.

2011-02-08, 03:40 PM
Hmm...I'd probably be around neutral, probably leaning towards good. See, I don't really see myself as being all superhero-y, but still, I' don't see myself as being a supervillian, and I'd still want to help people out. As for how, I'd say the whole technology/intelligence angle.

2011-02-08, 03:44 PM
Hero. With healing powers. Preferably limitless ones, but I'd take what I could get. Get a position in a major hospital - doctor or a nurse - and heal the crap out of people, as inconspicuously as possible.

Grey Paladin
2011-02-08, 03:45 PM
Hero. The world has enough villains as it is, but it is steadily getting better through the effort of similarily-inspired individuals. If you look at each century you can, with a fair amount of certainty, say that life is better than in the previous one. Trying to improve this world is the only rational long-term choice.

For my power set, humanoid shapeshifting and mindreading would fit me best. The flying brick set really clashes with my personality and approach, and anything overly overt or powerful would smash suspension of disbelief :smalltongue: .

2011-02-08, 04:26 PM
I'd be a villain for sure, since I'd want to use my powers for self benefit. That doesn't mean I wouldn't help others, though, but I might only do it for friends or in exchange for money. For powers, I'd want something to help me live longer, like immortality, indestructibility or an ability to see the future.

2011-02-08, 04:30 PM
I'm just mostly at a loss for what sort of thematic power would be available based upon who I am. ...I mostly just confuse people. I'm not really sure I could weaponize that.

2011-02-08, 04:33 PM
Absolutely a hero, though the kind of hero who makes huge mistakes with regard to his personal life. I'd be a Professor X style hero, more operating in the background and working for the general good, though my decisions tend to get a bit more... grey... as the scope narrows down. Sure, I would tip off the police to where that murderer stashed the bodies, but I'd probably read the mind of the girl I liked despite her not asking me to.

@Coidzor, that would be an amazing superpower. Mass Confusion at will?

2011-02-08, 04:41 PM
Well, if we're basing our powers on our personalities, I'd be Sarcasm Man!
I have the power to make anything untrue by sarcastically agreeing with it.
"Oh, suuuure, you're going to murder me in cold blood rather than placing me into an absurdly overdesigned deathtrap. Riiight."

Noone would ever be able to discover my secret identity and confront me with it! "Yes. That's right. I am Sarcasm Man. Well done."

Now, I would like to inform all those who declared themselves to be villains that they aren't. This is why. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yGeroywBuo)

2011-02-08, 05:48 PM
Hero, though I'd be more qualified to be the bureaucrat that tells the hero "Those 'aliens' you saw were just swamp gas!" or "You need a permit for that flamethrower!" until halfway through the story.

Powers-wise, healing and/or life-draining would be good.

2011-02-08, 06:00 PM
I'd be a hero. No question about it. :smallbiggrin:

Though I'd want standard flying brick powers, if it's based on my personality then I'd either have something like either elasticity or super-charisma.

2011-02-08, 06:05 PM
I'd be a villain for sure, since I'd want to use my powers for self benefit. That doesn't mean I wouldn't help others, though, but I might only do it for friends or in exchange for money.

What makes a villain a villain isn't using their powers for their own benefit- but violating the rights of others when using their powers.

2011-02-08, 06:10 PM
Immortality and invulnerability as a hero.

I would defeat villains by waiting for them to die.

2011-02-08, 06:12 PM
Hero, though I'd be more qualified to be the bureaucrat that tells the hero "Those 'aliens' you saw were just swamp gas!" or "You need a permit for that flamethrower!" until halfway through the story.

So you would be just like the Federation from Metroid Other M

2011-02-08, 06:25 PM
I'd want power over gravity, but not the lame "Crush you with super-gravity" or "Pull a meteor at the Earth" control over gravity that's usually portrayed in fiction. I'd have the power to affect the amount of force exerted by an object's gravitation onto other specific objects. So while I could technically do that, I could do several much more devious things, like "The Earth's and Sun's gravities no longer affects you" *cue the person suddenly flying off into space as he keeps travelling in a straight line while the Earth is moving*. Depending on how loose an interpretation is allowed, one could become the god-king of space by using the gravitation of random particles floating through the air to affect any object's motion however one wanted to. Of course, for this power to be of any use I would also need super-intelligence to be able to comprehend the complicated systems I would be manipulating.

As for heroics vs. villainy, well, they say "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". I think I would start out with noble intentions (though I would use my powers to solve social problems rather than stop crime) but I would quickly fall to using my power simply for personal benefit. I don't think I'd go into full villainy mode of oppressing others' rights, I would definitely develop a "me first" attitude and probably wouldn't mind hurting a few to get ahead.

2011-02-08, 06:31 PM
Hero, because villains are just so uncreative. "Yes, I will use my billion dollar Lobster of Doom . . .TO ROB BANKS!" Plus, there is enough pain in the world without me adding to it.
My methods? Super scientific gadgetry, derivatives of which I sell to fund my operation. I mean, if I can make a device capable of near limitless power with zero pollution, your damn right I am going to make a pretty penny off it as well. If I can make a portal to other planets or even stars, I am going to sell it to space agencies word wide. If I make a power armour that can protect against artillery shells, enhance speed, reflexes and strength, allow me to survive indefinitely in the vacuum of space, underwater or in smoke, yet be light enough it doesn't make me break through the floor, I am going to sell it to fire departments and space agencies and police. In short, I will avert Reed Richards is Useless.
And shape shifting powers and immortality for ****s and giggles. I've always wanted to try out a different body now and then as well as see the future, now I can. Also, shape shifting makes immortality much more convenient. "Yes, this is my new heir, she/he will take over from now on."

2011-02-08, 06:39 PM
@Coidzor, that would be an amazing superpower. Mass Confusion at will?

Correction: Reliably weaponize that so it didn't result directly in someone punching me in the face as a direct result of successfully using the power. It just seems about as likely to result in getting charged by berserking people as it does to get them to comically fail or attack one another or be rendered catatonic.

Blue Ghost
2011-02-08, 06:55 PM
I will be a hero. And I will find a way without superpowers.

Though it would be really nice to be a master waterbender...

2011-02-08, 08:16 PM
I think the best superpower I ever came up with was the ability to telekinetically manipulate sub-atomic particles. Thus being able to transmute any element into any other element, create and manipulate magnetic and electric fields, and play with chemical bonds. Along with a certain amount of handwavium as regards things like conservation of mass, the possibilities of this are absolutely endless. The character's signature trick was to coalesce a palmful of ball bearings out of the nitrogen in the air, then set up the appropriate magnetic and electric fields to essentially imitate a rail gun.

2011-02-08, 09:07 PM
If we're going with my (poorly self-)defined powers, matter manipulation on an atomic scale allows:

Alchemy(Making Gold Worth Less by faking a Midas Touch)
Self-transformation(includes Rapid Healing by fusion)
Transformation of others(as above)
"Teleportation"(actually, the movement of myself via fission/fusion of component molecules)
Big Appetite(being essentially a miniature sun)
Ending World Hunger(by converting the below into food)
Ending Pollution(see above)

There might be more, but as you can see, potential for both. I guess I'd be bi-polar, sometimes a hero:smallcool:, sometimes a villain:smallamused:, depending on my mood.:smalltongue:

The Vorpal Tribble
2011-02-08, 09:11 PM
*clicks in*

I'd be a horsie!

*clicks out*

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-02-08, 09:21 PM
Villain. Anybody who knows me knows I'm already halfway there. Fiendish, diabolical sense of humour, sick imagination, DEVILISH evil laugh, and a Gollum impression that gives nightmares.

Oh, also the whole "Telepathy/Telekinesis" bit. That freaks them out a little too.

2011-02-08, 10:02 PM
deff villian...

i'd be classy as hell as well.

hehe, i made a rhyme

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-02-08, 10:06 PM
deff villian...

i'd be classy as hell as well.

hehe, i made a rhyme

I'm a damn classy villain.

A damn classy gollum villain.
With mindpowers.

2011-02-08, 10:19 PM
I'm a damn classy villain.

A damn classy gollum villain.
With mindpowers.

and a persian cat?:smalltongue:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-02-08, 10:29 PM
and a persian cat?:smalltongue:

I hate cats. It would be a huge dog. This one crossbreed I keep seeing near my house, it's huge, completely hairy, and looks like it's at least a quarter bear. It moves like a bear.

That, or just some sort of wolfhound.

2011-02-09, 12:20 AM
Heroic Villan.

I'd either have excessive blasting ability, or powerfull shielding abilites, depending on my mood at the time I got the powers.

I'd be like the operative from Serenity. His best line sums him up perfectly. It's not word for word, but it's what I'd say in an attempt to repeat him.

"I'm building a better world, meant only for the good people in the 'verse. Oh, there's no place in it for me, I have no delusions about that. The things I've done... It's not a world I'm fit to be in."

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-09, 01:31 PM
Depends on the genre we're in.

If I could be a villain for the sheer sake of awesomeness, style, and fighting good guys with no real chance of fatality on either side, I'd be a villain. I'd pull remarkable heists, do awesome crimes just for the sake of DOING them. I'd pull Carmen Sandiego type shenanigans left and right, leave clues to my master plans, and arrange things for a knock-down drag out fight when the heroes finally caught up to me, while setting up for my inevitable escape or fake death.

If, on the other hand, we're in a grim'n'gritty or iron age type setting I'd be a hero. When things are THAT far gone every man who can fight must rage, rage against the dying of the light!

As far as powers... I'd either be a technological mastermind with custom built battle armor and a ton of robots, or a shapeshifter who could do damn near anything with himself that he could imagine

2011-02-09, 04:06 PM
I'm just mostly at a loss for what sort of thematic power would be available based upon who I am. ...I mostly just confuse people. I'm not really sure I could weaponize that.
no, of course not (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/confusion.htm).:smalleek:

i would probably go back and forth between small scale supervillian and grand scale world revolutionizing political supershinyness. either shapeshifting and telepathy or just full on mind control style telepathy. definitely invisibility. and maybe the ability to make people explode in excruciatingly painful bloody messes or rot while theyre still alive. maybe some sort of empathic healing power(with the unpleasant kind of immortality:smalleek:), but mostly the other stuff.

like i said, on a small scale there are a lot of people who i think need to die more horribly than is currently possible, but on the large scale i think im basically good and pretty forgiving.

Eldritch Knight
2011-02-09, 04:22 PM
It's pretty much already been determined that I'd be a hero; given my background, profession, and perspective on life. To name a character most like me? Shepherd Book. Both in profession, outlook, and getting close to the hair, too..

2011-02-09, 04:24 PM
I'd probably be a less than perfect hero. you know, get the drug dealers, interfere with the mafia, maybe "borrow" some of their stuff instead of turning it in.
I'd definitely have a typically evil power though. shadow manipulation, maybe blood.

The Succubus
2011-02-09, 04:31 PM
I'm one of nature's henchmen. Not so much a frontline peon type thing but the guy that Loopy goes to when he says "This village is spoiling the view from my Tower of Despair". The lithp ith opthional.

2011-02-10, 07:02 PM
I hate cats. It would be a huge dog. This one crossbreed I keep seeing near my house, it's huge, completely hairy, and looks like it's at least a quarter bear. It moves like a bear.

So, a bear dog then? Amphocyanids make great villain pets.


Heroic Villan.

I'd either have excessive blasting ability, or powerfull shielding abilites, depending on my mood at the time I got the powers.

I'd be like the operative from Serenity. His best line sums him up perfectly. It's not word for word, but it's what I'd say in an attempt to repeat him.

"I'm building a better world, meant only for the good people in the 'verse. Oh, there's no place in it for me, I have no delusions about that. The things I've done... It's not a world I'm fit to be in."

You are my favorite kind of villain.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2011-02-10, 08:02 PM
I should undoubtedly prove a villain. :smallamused:

As a power, telepathy is one I'd love to have.

2011-02-10, 08:35 PM
debating whether or not i'd swan dive down the moral event horizon when given the chance

2011-02-10, 08:50 PM
I'd probably prefer high-precision, high-power telekinesis abilities. One can do so very much!

As for hero vs. villain... I'd probably try to be a hero, but I have this nagging feeling that I'd fall for the temptation to commit petty crimes and live the easy life.

2011-02-10, 08:56 PM
Probably I wouldn't fit in as a villain or a hero. I'm too nice to work as a villain, and I'd rather not hurt anyone. On the other hand, I'm far too self-serving to be a villain. So likely more of a Wild Card.
Anyway, my powers would likely be mind reading (get rid of all that pesky social interaction and empathy, not to mention finally getting what people are talking about most of the time) and telepathy.
Mind reading could also work as a way to look through other people's eyes, literally, allowing for a full face mask that covers my eyes, mostly because it would scare other people, and therefore amuse me.
Telepathy has the potential to be an incredible weapon, coupled with mind reading. Why use physical combat when you can bring your opponent's worst memories to mind, and/or just led his id loose. (This is exactly why I wouldn't be a hero. I spend too much time (any at all) coming up with this stuff)
More likely, however, would be invisiblity, if powers were based on real life. I tend not to get noticed, to the point where it becomes somewhat amusing.

PairO'Dice Lost
2011-02-10, 08:57 PM
Well, I'd love to be able to take over the world, because my personality is of the "No, you idiot! You're doing it all wrong! Gah, just let me do it...." sort and I think I could do a better job of running things than those in power. (Sure, it sounds egotistical, until you take a good look at things and realize that my cat could also probably do a better job. :smallwink:)

So I'd probably be a villain with mind-control, teleportation, and other handy abilities for ruling the world and indulging myself...but my goal would be to have the heroes sit down and say "Okay, yes, he's stationed a DoomBot in every city in the world to ensure compliance with his edicts, and yes he's abolished every national and local government in favor of his own leadership, and yes the statues of him are getting a bit old...but on the other hand, literacy is near 100%, education is free for all, nuclear disarmament is almost complete, starvation and disease has been eradicated, and everyone is living comfortably. Why did you want to depose him, again?"

2011-02-10, 09:05 PM
I don't have the personality to be either a superhero or super villain. I'd probably be part of a hero support crew back at base, feeding intel about villain activity. Or working in the lab developing gadgets.

I'm not sure what powers I'd have. It would depend on the fluke accident that gave them to me. The only source I've been close to is being next to the chemistry building when it exploded, but I don't think respiratory illnesses count as a superpower.

2011-02-10, 09:10 PM
People can't choose their powers, so I guess it depends on what Powers I had.

2011-02-10, 09:16 PM
People can't choose their powers, so I guess it depends on what Powers I had.

How do you know? Have you ever had a superpower? :smalltongue:

But yeah, if powers are based off of personality, I'd probably be skeptic girl. I'd have the power to disbelieve things out of existence if you don't provide sufficient evidence. :smallamused:

2011-02-10, 09:28 PM
How do you know? Have you ever had a superpower? :smalltongue:

I was in a highly radiated area a year or two ago... :smalltongue:

2011-02-10, 10:15 PM
I would choose to be a villain. Not an Apocalypse style destroy/rule the world type of villain, but one of those that does whatever the heck he feels like, and has even been known to do good things from time to time. Basically, i want the freedom to choose to do whatever the hell I feel like, and being a superhero would really put a cramp in that lifestyle. As for powers, im thinking Professor X level of mind control/reading. I could do pretty much whatever the hell I felt like and short of a sniper taking me out by surprise 800 meters away, id be pretty tough to stop. Not that anyone would want to since due to my mind control they would all love and trust me. :p

2011-02-10, 10:23 PM
I'm not sure. I'd probably consider myself a villain, but more of the "screw world-saving, I'll just make squillions with my powers of questionable legality and retire to a personal island/space station with my family/friends and protect them" rather than a "take over the world" guy.

2011-02-11, 05:41 AM
If I had powers I imagine that I'd start off as a hero, helping the needy and rescuing those in danger.
But eventually my powers would corrupt me into doing more and more evil, until I am one of those ambitious, bloodthirsty maniacs.

2011-02-11, 05:55 AM
I was in a highly radiated area a year or two ago... :smalltongue:

Pff. I've had mutagenic chemicals spilled over me once. :smalltongue:

Mystic Muse
2011-02-11, 06:02 AM
I'd definitely be a hero, but I still might use my powers for selfish reasons. I'd try to use the gift I've been given responsibly, but I don't think I'd exactly be the epitome of goodness. If I could choose my powers, here's what I'd pick.

1. The mutans and masterminds version of magic.
2. Flight
3. Teleportation.
4. Comprehension so I could talk to everybody and the ghosts of the dead
5. Telekinesis of some sort, preferably to a very powerful degree.

EDIT: 6. The ability to make any medical procedure happen instantaneously with a 100% chance of success at no risk to the patient.

2011-02-11, 11:03 AM
Neither, really.

I would be the mad scientist which provides infodumps, technology and logistical support to the heroes, but without jumping into the fray himself.

As for powers... well, one variant of the old telepathy/superintelligence combo which I would love to have is the ability to use the "idle cycles" of other people's brains: that is, whenever someone is not thinking hard him/herself, I could use their brains to do some thinking for me - the subject would not be harmed and would not even notice that, usually, but I would be able to use their processing power for my own purposes.

2011-02-11, 11:22 AM
Immortality via Heroes-style Regeneration, immunity to toxins and disease, and extreme Pain tolerance.

I'd probably use my blood to keep everyone I care for Immortal as well... Rob a few banks, break my bones to escape Prison, maybe even use Plastic Surgery to re-shape my face every once in a while.:smallcool:

2011-02-11, 11:35 AM
Not sure if you'd classify me as a hero or a villain. But for superpowers, I'd have this guy's:


I was in a highly radiated area a year or two ago... :smalltongue:

I've been struck by lightning, and it didn't give me a single super-power. (Except possibly the ability to survive being struck by lightning, but I'm not about to test that one out).

Tiger Duck
2011-02-11, 02:47 PM
I'd be a minor Hero, not really looking for peoples to help, but always willing to help if they are in front of me.

And as power I would have a sort of invulnerability. The kind were you don't need air, sleep or food.

2011-02-11, 07:32 PM
my favorite villain?


this guy

2011-02-11, 09:03 PM
If the situation were presented to me and I was in the position to act heroically, I would, I suppose. I lifted a grate and leaped into a storm sewer to help save a trapped baby kitten from drowning/freezing to death once.

Spleen Flayer
2011-02-11, 11:34 PM
hero and time stop as a power,with time stop you can ,well, stop time.

2011-02-11, 11:43 PM
Hero, with the power to heal that includes repairing someone's DNA.

I get a list of all the billionaires with untreatable medical conditions, exchange services for filthy lucre, and then put the filthy lucre to good use attempting to replicate my healing powers (as well as fight the rest of you villainous types). After this, well, there's a lot of people in this world who need fixing.

2011-02-12, 12:53 AM
I would perform heroic acts, but I have far too much scorn and hate and cruelty to be a "Hero". A super-science villain, all the way.

2011-02-12, 02:02 AM
Since some of worst villains in history thought themselves a hero, it’s hard for me to say. I’m a pretty cynical guy so think most people if they could have powers would abuse it and those who decide to “help” would more than likely gain a messiah complex. So I guess If I had the powers of superman the first thing I would ask the government to do is find a way to kill me, then spend the rest of my days trying to do good before megalomania sets in.

2011-02-12, 05:22 PM
hero and time stop as a power,with time stop you can ,well, stop time.

I would totally love time stopping, but only on the condition that I can do it for as long as I want and don't age while time is stopped. Just think - the ability to waste as much time as you want and still have time to spare!

2011-02-12, 06:02 PM
I'd be either an Anti-Villain... or a straight-up Hero Antagonist.

The kind of guy who understands your troubles - holds ideals you can relate to, and even agree with - can be bargained with, can be reasoned with. And who still comes around every once in a while and eradicates everything dear to you.

Because it's demonstrably for your own good.

My power? Absolute control over Entropy, up to and including its total reversal.

Sweer dreams.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-12, 06:20 PM
My power? Absolute control over Entropy, up to and including its total reversal.

According to wikipedia that would mean total control of useless energy.

I have no idea what I'm talking about, do I?

Also, your powers of a fanzy something will ot defeat my shapeshifting, vile villain!

Prepare to duel till one of us is down and can't breathe from tickle-induced laughter!

2011-02-12, 06:25 PM

I don't care about the majority or you and will switch sides to suit my goals and whims. However, for the right gel, I'll destroy or save the world, according to her desires.

2011-02-12, 06:42 PM
According to wikipedia that would mean total control of useless energy.

I have no idea what I'm talking about, do I?

Ah yes, I didn't realize the phrasing might be incorrect for English.

Anyways - entropy is a measure of how evenly energy is distributed. In closed systems, energy drifts towards being as evenly distributed as possible. When energy is perfectly even, none of it is usable for work - the system becomes stagnant.

So by control over entropy, I mean control over this phenomenom - effectively meaning I can return a closed system to a working condition. In practice, this pretty much equates to being able to create energy out of nothing and rearranging things as I see fit.

2011-02-12, 06:57 PM
I'd probably be either a neutral party or some sort of minor villain, my power? Either Super Intelligence or or complete control of the atomic structure. Set up a small lab somewhere, then do whatever I want.

2011-02-13, 12:11 AM
If I found myself with superpowers of any kind, I'm sure I'd try to be a hero at first. But I'd think of it as a game too much and eventually take too long playing out the plotlines and drama associated with the situation, and fall into vigilantism in an attempt to take things more seriously. Then I will reach a situation where I would wish these powers would never had come upon me, and I would either be killed by the main villain out of mercy or taken under as a villian.

Yeah, I hope the powers don't come any time soon.

2011-02-14, 12:51 PM
Definitely, I could never be a villain. I've got too much empathy.

my thoughts exactly

Gideon Falcon
2011-02-25, 05:51 PM
Hero. Definitely. And really, all I ask for is shapeshifting and electrokinesis. I'll make my own robot suit, just GIVE ME THE KITTEHS AND TEH TUNDERBOLTS!

2011-02-25, 06:04 PM
Villain, without a shadow of a doubt.

I am a spiteful, lonely person with a drinking problem. If I had superpowers some people would be seriously screwed.

My gimmick would be my power: The Phantom. I pass by you unnoticed, I walk through walls, I watch you without you seeing, I inhabit you to live a day in your life, I take your things because I deserve them more, I kill you for being more successful at life than me.


2011-02-25, 11:43 PM
I've been struck by lightning, and it didn't give me a single super-power. (Except possibly the ability to survive being struck by lightning, but I'm not about to test that one out).

Has there ever been a popular superhero who got their powers from a lightning strike? :smallconfused: You've made me curious...

Anyway, it depends on what I got. Anything stealth based, I'd probably start off as a hero and drift into villainy over time. Otherwise I think my moral code would keep me from doing anything too bad...

Tiger Duck
2011-02-26, 02:07 AM
Has there ever been a popular superhero who got their powers from a lightning strike? :smallconfused: You've made me curious...

At leas the Flash did, and I'm sure others as well, I just cant think of any right now.

2011-02-26, 04:44 PM
If I could have a superpower set...can I be Doctor Manhattan? If so, hero (or, at least, meddler who believes himself a hero). If not, I'll take immortality and be a bystander.

2011-02-26, 05:19 PM
I wouldn't be a villain.

I'd be a SUPERvillain.

The difference, you ask?

PRESENTATION! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQJJjcrwXQE)

Yeah, pretty much that guy.

H Birchgrove
2011-03-01, 12:29 PM
:belkar: Heroic Sociopath (but Chaotic Neutral, unlike Belkar) or at least anti-hero.

Powers: Either "the power to cloud men's (and women's) minds" or something like Barbarian rage. A healthy dose of charisma would do nicely.

Style: pulp hero, or a modern day barbarian; killing dictators and taking their women making their women love me because I'm just that awesome.

2011-03-01, 08:12 PM
I'd probably fall slightly under the villain category, I'd be a mad scientist. The whole tinkering with things not mean't for mortal minds (TM) just seems appealing to me. I don't think I'd have any dastardly plans, just mind my own business in my volcano lair and research fun things. Bionic implants, zombification techniques, death rays etc.

2011-03-05, 12:06 PM
You shouldn't even have to ask. My heart is cold and black. The only thing keeping me from being a supervillain would be apathy - I simply don't see the point of their ludicrous, overly-elaborate schemes.

Assuming that anything in any universe is available for powers? I'll take channeling, a la WoT. But I would be subtle - no reason to call attention to myself. Travel into a bank vault and clean it out, hide it somewhere and pay for things with untraceable cash. I don't need a huge house and multiple million dollar cars to be comfortable - I could live for years on the gains from a single heist.

I imagine that I would also make heavy use of Compulsion. Mostly on people in positions of power so that they run things in a way that makes me feel more comfortable. I would be the mastermind, the power behind the throne, whatever you want to call it.

On the side of nice things, I would create a compound where Playgrounders could come to live, so every day would be filled with Kubb and silly meet-up games. But, lest anyone get the wrong impression, it would be merely because I enjoy the company of the people here rather than any desire to do something nice for anyone else.

2011-03-05, 12:21 PM
Depends. If I were sufficiently miserable I could see myself degenerate into madness and become a villian. Then I'd be a mad scientist/evil overlord sort of type, bent on conquering the world and creating a strictly orderly society through fear and oppression.

Otherwise I'd be a sane scientist creating all sorts of fancy toys for the heroes to use against evil and doing research for the benefit of all mankind. Either way, I don't really see myself as a frontline sort of guy.