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2011-05-10, 10:26 AM
You know, I actually really dislike this aspect of Riot's character design. This would not be the first time they seemed to have created a champ based on countering the meta. The thing is, the meta will change at some point; whether they purposefully make it so, or it accidentally happens, it is pretty much unavoidable. To make a champ who is built for the specific meta then seems like it will reduce their effectiveness once it changes. If they want to make tanks and tanky dps less overpowering, then they should hit the mechanics directly.

Of course, this assumes she cannot hold her own in general. Which I have no reason to believe. Oh well, won't know until I get to play next and see her in action!

Irelia was built to be a anti-Tanky DPS. She is now part of the problem. Kass was meant to be AD, he is now AP. Yi is meant to be AD, but is actually pretty decent at AP. Gragas wasn't meant to jungle, he can do so very well. Warwick was meant to jungle, he can actually solo a lane.

My point is, the meta changes, but players are creative and learn how to work around this often times.

2011-05-10, 10:36 AM
Of course, this assumes she cannot hold her own in general. Which I have no reason to believe. Oh well, won't know until I get to play next and see her in action!

She's still good against squishies. Take it from me playing Ashe against even a not particularly good Vayne mid.

2011-05-10, 10:49 AM
Djinn you have said this about almost every champion since Sona. And then even if you didn't say it you bought them anyway and you said they were the best thing ever after playing them. Now I'm not meaning to disparage but you'll excuse me if I think you might be exagerrating just a teeensy bit.

Now now...this is overkill. I've said this about the following champs since Sona:


Note that many of these (i.e. all except Brand, who I don't often have cause to play) are champs that I both play and love playing.

Lee Sin, Jarvan, Maokai, Karma, Renekton, Caitlyn, Trunble, LeBlanc, and Swain I admitted looked interesting, but I don't remember being overly impressed with them either before or after playing them. So slightly under 50% of the releases since Sona.

Having played Vayne though? I love her. She has a great combat flow, is great at picking off fleeing enemies, is a very active character in team-fights, requires precise positioning, and it generally just feels awesome to play her. I don't think I over-exaggerated this one, nor do I take back my previous statement that this is the champion release I've most looked forward to. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-10, 10:50 AM
inb4 Djinn posting about Vayne

He actually kited and juked Master Yi from full health to his demise, and that Yi had his ult on, along with the red buff. Mario, admittedly, ulted him, but then he also missed his taunt. When he did, the Mumble channel went "YAAAAAAAAAAY"

EDIT: Damn I was late, and the pun I wanted to use is old already.

2011-05-10, 11:06 AM
They also gave her a new Pyromania icon so you can tell the difference between 1 stack and 5 stacks without peering at her tiny figure.

This tiny little improvement has me very happy.

yes it is an amazing improvement

also Annie's new animation is very cute.

2011-05-10, 11:18 AM
Well, I suppose that my concern is unfounded then! :smalltongue:

At any rate, if what Djinn said is true, I actually am looking forward to seeing her in play. That sounds more fun than I was anticipating just looking at the abilities. Sooo close to be doing with this year and enjoying summer break.

Sad thing is, apparently League is using up too much of the bandwidth at my house, so I cannot play as often anymore so others have a chance to use it. Oh well, such is life.

2011-05-10, 11:22 AM
I just played an annie game with 2 double kills and 2 triple kills. So amazing...

2011-05-10, 11:38 AM
I just played an annie game with 2 double kills and 2 triple kills. So amazing...

I was asked by faulty to pick annie in a 5-man que for our mage. I lied through my teeth saying I was good with her, despite the fact that this was the first time in months I even played as her. I managed to turn it into not a true lie. Thats how easy it was to play with her.

2011-05-10, 11:43 AM
I was asked by faulty to pick annie in a 5-man que for our mage. I lied through my teeth saying I was good with her, despite the fact that this was the first time in months I even played as her. I managed to turn it into not a true lie. Thats how easy it was to play with her.

Yes, Annie is one of the easiest heroes to start out playing in the game.

2011-05-10, 12:00 PM
Who's gonna play Ryze anymore now. :\

Why wouldn't you play Ryze anymore?

Sad thing is, apparently League is using up too much of the bandwidth at my house, so I cannot play as often anymore so others have a chance to use it. Oh well, such is life.

Have you tried uninstalling Pando Media Booster, and disabling p2p in the client? That might reduce your bandwidth consumption by a reasonable amount.

2011-05-10, 12:08 PM
I was asked by faulty to pick annie in a 5-man que for our mage. I lied through my teeth saying I was good with her, despite the fact that this was the first time in months I even played as her. I managed to turn it into not a true lie. Thats how easy it was to play with her.

Clearly in this case the thing to do is pick Brand, and say you lost your bear Tibbers.

Also I've played a bit more New Cow and I realised why I don't like him. Old Cow had this amazing ability to pick his fights and if he didn't want to fight you, he didn't fight you. The ability to just take one rank in your two CCs then focus your heal let him have some really interesting and fun engagements and allowed you to quickly switch between harrass and engagement (people who play with me often know my phrase "that was just harrass" often gets said after something that REALLY looked like an engagement and blew like four summoner spells, really I had no idea if it was harrass or an engagement when I started and I tend to play characters that can get away with harrassment turning into a proper fight based on their opponent's reaction [multiple times I have ulted as Kennen because my opponent blew exhaust and I realised they were really scared of a fight]). New Cow feels like he has to commit a lot more due to initially higher cooldowns and if you want them lower you have to not put focus in your heal, but you need both the lower cooldowns and the strong heal to play in the style I used to do, and that's really why I enjoyed Alistar. And amazingly, Cow was one of the few champions who I really enjoyed laning and teamfighting with, but now I dislike his more passive style in lane, and his teamfighting is... ehhh, I feel less game changing and more of a CC bot. I feel like my bears Tibbers have been turned into simple Disintigrates.

EDIT: oh, and the removal of the 1:1 AP Ratio on Pulverise makes me a sad panda cow

2011-05-10, 12:10 PM
Why wouldn't you play Ryze anymore?

Catalyst passive unique and slow; can't get 3 of them and get a kill ignited at 1 hp and heal 500.

EDIT: oh, and the removal of the 1:1 AP Ratio on Pulverise makes me a sad panda cow

Eh, what? When did this happen?

2011-05-10, 12:12 PM
I feel less game changing and more of a CC bot.

CC bots are game changing. :smalltongue:

Edit: I say this because, of course, I play lots of CC bots. Alistair, Amumu, Annie, etc.

2011-05-10, 12:33 PM
Ok, this has bugged me for a long time. Does anybody else just want to yell at Phreak to blow his *%$&ing nose? I'm sure it's some kind of sinus issue or even just how his voice sounds, but man it grates on me sometimes.

So, Vayne actually looks pretty fun. Do we know how much IP she costs?

2011-05-10, 12:33 PM
Bah! The amerikhans always get the patch a day earlier than us, despite us being hours ahead in the calendar. Thanks a lot riot, now I have to fall asleep tonight and think "Crap, I wanted to play Vayne." Now I have a sad :smallfrown:

2011-05-10, 12:36 PM
Eh, what? When did this happen?
When they remade him. It's something like 0.8 now.

CC bots are game changing. :smalltongue:

Edit: I say this because, of course, I play lots of CC bots. Alistair, Amumu, Annie, etc.

Nahhh, the big showy CC that CC bots have is game changing. Tibbers is, Tempest or whatever the heck Kennen's ult is called is, but little stuns like new Pulverise feels like aren't particularly game changing, and they certainly don't feel game changing.

So, Vayne actually looks pretty fun. Do we know how much IP she costs?
She's 6300 obviously.

Shades of Gray
2011-05-10, 12:39 PM
or whatever the heck Kennen's ult is called is,

Slicing Malestrom. Tempest is Lee Sin's skill, IIRC.

2011-05-10, 12:40 PM
When they remade him. It's something like 0.8 now.

Bah. I mean, guess it's kinda necessary with Trample scaling with AP but still, bah. Just when I started playing AP Alistar :smallfrown:

2011-05-10, 12:49 PM
Ok, this has bugged me for a long time. Does anybody else just want to yell at Phreak to blow his *%$&ing nose? I'm sure it's some kind of sinus issue or even just how his voice sounds, but man it grates on me sometimes.

So, Vayne actually looks pretty fun. Do we know how much IP she costs?

Someone snuck on the store right before they closed shop and found a page saying she's 6300.

Well, that might have been a Photoshop, nobody knows, but if it was there's a 90% chance we'll never discover it was faked.

2011-05-10, 12:56 PM
So my laptop has returned from the ashes of blue screens, only to rise again with my eternal bane, linux as it was free-er than windows. Sometime within a few days i should have figured out how to make it work with wine, or at least thats what the internet tells me. Now i havn't been able to play a single game of lol in what feels like years. Could someone let me know a bit about the current metagame. I tried reading through the thread but im so behind i dont even get what yall are talking about.

2011-05-10, 01:15 PM
Nahhh, the big showy CC that CC bots have is game changing. Tibbers is, Tempest or whatever the heck Kennen's ult is called is, but little stuns like new Pulverise feels like aren't particularly game changing, and they certainly don't feel game changing.

Tibbers isn't CC, its a nuke that might do CC. :smalltongue:

Alistair has an AoE stun on a smallish cooldown and a headbutt. Its a lot of CC and it can initiate a team fight and push a carry into your team, killing them. That's game changing.

2011-05-10, 01:18 PM
Bah! The amerikhans always get the patch a day earlier than us, despite us being hours ahead in the calendar. Thanks a lot riot, now I have to fall asleep tonight and think "Crap, I wanted to play Vayne." Now I have a sad :smallfrown:

In theory you should get less broken patches though, as the patch day kinks should be sorted out on the US end before the patch is delivered to you.

Someone snuck on the store right before they closed shop and found a page saying she's 6300.

Well, that might have been a Photoshop, nobody knows, but if it was there's a 90% chance we'll never discover it was faked.

Vayne is 6300.

Tibbers isn't CC, its a nuke that might do CC. :smalltongue:

If you are attacking more than 1 target, and you fire off a non-stun Tibbers, you are doing it wrong.

2011-05-10, 01:18 PM
Vayne has gotten me thinking about how we teamfight. The simple answer is to always attack the damage dealers first and not the tank. This seems rather self explanitory, get rid of as much potential damage as possible and fast. It might be just me, but I feel there are times when the tank or tanky types should be focused. Its not an easy thing to decide when, for one you need to be able to actually do damage, but the CC that the tabky types bring to the table is really really dangerous. I'm doing this on my phone so I can't say all that I'd like to, but I'd like to know your guys thoughts

2011-05-10, 01:20 PM
Confirmed that Vayne is 6300. Also, playing my 1000th normal game today if people want to join up and maybe do something silly.

EDIT: Also, doing Olaf Co-op vs. AI first to keep learning his jungle, tips on build/path appreciated.

EDIT2: Oooooor I get invited to 5-queue even with Olaf and spend the game trying not to embarrass myself with him. K then. xD Will post SS or something.

So my laptop has returned from the ashes of blue screens, only to rise again with my eternal bane, linux as it was free-er than windows. Sometime within a few days i should have figured out how to make it work with wine, or at least thats what the internet tells me. Now i havn't been able to play a single game of lol in what feels like years. Could someone let me know a bit about the current metagame. I tried reading through the thread but im so behind i dont even get what yall are talking about.

Low Elo, where we play, hasn't changed a bit. Everyone's still just hacking away at each other with something that vaguely resembles a team comp. Heck, we're still banning Rammus/Amumu/Malphite. And it might even be justified because they're more common than Shen/Jarvan/Zilean/Nocturne/Janna/etc. that get the boot at high Elo. Insofar as there's an overarching strat at our level, it's probably stacking defense, moderate burst, and initiation--a tanky DPS comp.

ex cathedra
2011-05-10, 02:08 PM
Vayne is really quite fun. I haven't found a build that I really like yet, though. Trinity Force has a lot of synergy with her, though, that much is obvious. I tried Ghostblade, since it + Ionians + runes/blue pot makes easy 40% CDR, and it wasn't too bad, but I felt like it detracted from other important items. Phantom Dancers/Infinity Edge are likely good choices, too, since Vayne is really reliant on her chasing and her burst.

Her burst is great though, for an AD champ. Attack, Tumble into Trinity Force proc, Condemn into Silver Bolts proc is fairly massive. Also, her R speed boost is wonderful. Ghost plus her R can put her nearly into the 600 speed range.

2011-05-10, 02:09 PM
Have you tried uninstalling Pando Media Booster, and disabling p2p in the client? That might reduce your bandwidth consumption by a reasonable amount.

I remember reading about the Pando thing while I was away from my gaming comp; thanks for reminding me. Also, I did not know the p2p could consume that much bandwidth during play. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try them out when I get a chance. Still imagine some problems, though.

2011-05-10, 02:13 PM
Vayne is really quite fun. I haven't found a build that I really like yet, though. Trinity Force has a lot of synergy with her, though, that much is obvious. I tried Ghostblade, since it + Ionians + runes/blue pot makes easy 40% CDR, and it wasn't too bad, but I felt like it detracted from other important items. Phantom Dancers/Infinity Edge are likely good choices, too, since Vayne is really reliant on her chasing and her burst.

Her burst is great though, for an AD champ. Attack, Tumble into Trinity Force proc, Condemn into Silver Bolts proc is fairly massive. Also, her R speed boost is wonderful. Ghost plus her R can put her nearly into the 600 speed range.

I'm honestly debating building her as a sort of chaser/kiter...something like this:

Trinity Force
Boots of Swiftness or Merc Treads
Madred's Bloodrazor
Frozen Mallet
Banshee's Veil or Bloodthirster
Phantom Dancer

2011-05-10, 02:16 PM
Vayne is really quite fun. I haven't found a build that I really like yet, though. Trinity Force has a lot of synergy with her, though, that much is obvious. I tried Ghostblade, since it + Ionians + runes/blue pot makes easy 40% CDR, and it wasn't too bad, but I felt like it detracted from other important items. Phantom Dancers/Infinity Edge are likely good choices, too, since Vayne is really reliant on her chasing and her burst.

Her burst is great though, for an AD champ. Attack, Tumble into Trinity Force proc, Condemn into Silver Bolts proc is fairly massive. Also, her R speed boost is wonderful. Ghost plus her R can put her nearly into the 600 speed range.

Stupid actually buying champions instead of spending all your IP on runes and then accidentally buying mana/level runes, not mp5/level runes and combining them and getting junk you don't want...

Yes, I'm slightly annoyed at myself. The one time a champion comes out I actually want, I totally forget to save my IP.

2011-05-10, 02:24 PM
1000th normal game complete:

They were tryharding so hard I probably could have D/C'd for the whole game rather than 3 minutes in the middle, and we'd still have won. As it was, I couldn't finish golems on the first clear and came within an inch of being humiliated. And my FPS issues are back all of a sudden. Turning off sound seems to have helped, but sound is kinda important. :smallsigh:

Also: AP Alistar is a boss mid. Especially with a roaming Taric.

+70 W/L = yay. Time to focus on the next big milestones: 1500 Elo and +100 W/L. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-10, 02:54 PM
So my laptop has returned from the ashes of blue screens, only to rise again with my eternal bane, linux as it was free-er than windows. Sometime within a few days i should have figured out how to make it work with wine, or at least thats what the internet tells me. Now i havn't been able to play a single game of lol in what feels like years. Could someone let me know a bit about the current metagame. I tried reading through the thread but im so behind i dont even get what yall are talking about.

Erm. Okay, were you around for the 1-1-2 + jungler meta? Basically, top is a solo lane, mid is a solo lane, 2 bottom + a jungler.

Now, it's 1-1-2 (1 and roamer) + jungler. A roamer is a champion that doesn't need levels or farm to do well, so champions like Alistar or Taric are great for this role. The roamer moves around the map like the jungler and attempts to gank, put pressure on lanes, or counter-jungle. It adds more unpredictability to the laning phase.

Tanky DPS came back with a vengeance with Irelia, Renekton, and Jarvan IV.

Ashe and Corki are still the best carries.

Taric and Janna are still the best support.

ex cathedra
2011-05-10, 03:16 PM
I'm honestly debating building her as a sort of chaser/kiter...something like this:

Trinity Force
Boots of Swiftness or Merc Treads
Madred's Bloodrazor
Frozen Mallet
Banshee's Veil or Bloodthirster
Phantom Dancer

Mallet and Trinity Force? I'd generally be fine with just the latter, given Mallet's weaker ranged slow and the fact that you're building some ASpd anyways, making the 25% Phage proc chance a bit less problematic.

I tried Bloodthirster, but I felt like, at the stage of the game where I got a BT, I could better spend my time farming champs (so to speak) than minions. Not to mention that Vayne can't do anything but auto-attack to get stacks and that she's frail enough to lose her stacks in a bad initiation. I'm likely not careful enough, though, and I'm sure that it would be much more reliable with kiting this reliable.

But that's just me, I guess. I think that Madred's sounds pretty good, but it's really expensive, given that you're already build TForce. Just spitballing, though. I'll work on finding a build that I like, and I'll try something like this out.

Misery Esquire
2011-05-10, 04:56 PM
Honestly don't care because the game needs more counters to tanks and tanky DPS. Flipping Shen.

Actually, Vayne might push Tanky Deeps even more. Since now you'll need to have a bigger healthbar so that her % True doesn't screw you over from the AoEs/other shots of her friends. Ie ; need more resist and health, even less money for attacking items. People with bigger base damage get to do even better. And god help you if you have a charge-up on an important skillshot. Or if the projectile moves slowly on your skillshot. Or if you're obvious when using the skillshot. Or you're Ashe.

2011-05-10, 05:00 PM
Actually, Vayne might push Tanky Deeps even more. Since now you'll need to have a bigger healthbar so that her % True doesn't screw you over from the AoEs/other shots of her friends. Ie ; need more resist and health, even less money for attacking items. People with bigger base damage get to do even better. And god help you if you have a charge-up on an important skillshot. Or if the projectile moves slowly on your skillshot. Or if you're obvious when using the skillshot. Or you're Ashe.

So basically Vayne counters everything?

Misery Esquire
2011-05-10, 05:01 PM
So basically Vayne counters everything?

It is % true damage based on autoattacks. Kinda hurts unless you can burst her first.

2011-05-10, 05:10 PM
It is % true damage based on autoattacks. Kinda hurts unless you can burst her first.

It's pretty much the worst mechanic I can think of. There is literally no way to itemise against it.

2011-05-10, 05:10 PM
It is % true damage based on autoattacks. Kinda hurts unless you can burst her first.

Guess I am playing Annie for the next couple of days :smallbiggrin:

Misery Esquire
2011-05-10, 05:14 PM
Actually, even worse. She can build Tank + Attackspeed. She's the Counter Tanky-DPS that's also Tanky-DPS. Welcome to Irelia again, except this time she dodges CC instead of shrugging it off. And deals more True Damage.

2011-05-10, 05:15 PM
It's pretty much the worst mechanic I can think of. There is literally no way to itemise against it.

That's technically not true. You could always grab a frozen heart to slow down the rate of procs after the first tumble/condemn combo. Still, it'd be nice if they had it deal magic damage or something instead of true. It is really strong.

2011-05-10, 05:17 PM
That's technically not true. You could always grab a frozen heart to slow down the rate of procs after the first tumble/condemn combo. Still, it'd be nice if they had it deal magic damage or something instead of true. It is really strong.

You could technically also build a Quicksilver Sash and activate it when you're at two hits but I don't think anyone will be doing either of them particularly often. Perhaps I should have said there's no general way to itemise against it.

Misery Esquire
2011-05-10, 05:18 PM
That's technically not true. You could always grab a frozen heart to slow down the rate of procs after the first tumble/condemn combo. Still, it'd be nice if they had it deal magic damage or something instead of true. It is really strong obscene.

Frozen Heart + Randuin's are required on any tank versus Vayne now, I guess. Since she'll just kill the tank anyway, they might as well try and slow her down a bit.

2011-05-10, 05:26 PM
Played Vayne. Seems strong, but lacking aoe kindof balances her out imho

2011-05-10, 05:34 PM
Not all teams are based around AoE anymore. You can have a powerful team with no AoE, if it has some other synergy.

2011-05-10, 05:39 PM
Played vayne, is no more a counter to tankymans than Koggles, and just as vulnerable. Still is a decent carry, but won't replace Ashe and Corki anytime soon.

Science Officer
2011-05-10, 05:58 PM
It's pretty much the worst mechanic I can think of. There is literally no way to itemise against it.

Dodge. :smallyuk:

Seriously though, when are they going to remove that stat from the game....

Also, I start up the LoL launcher and read "Server Status: Busy". I click that, and am taken to the server status page which reads "Server Status - Online
Our servers are currently online. Log in and play any time!"


Edit: that fixed itself, of course

Misery Esquire
2011-05-10, 06:01 PM
Dodge. :smallyuk:

Seriously though, when are they going to remove that stat from the game....

The... whole one item that gives it? And... You can get about 25-30% at best on non-Sivir characters?

-- Actually, that might be pretty effective, if you didn't have to sacrifice other rune-stats to get it.

2011-05-10, 06:05 PM
The... whole one item that gives it? And... You can get about 25-30% at best on non-Sivir characters?


Also, if it is only on two champions and one item, why not replace it?

Science Officer
2011-05-10, 06:10 PM
The... whole one item that gives it? And... You can get about 25-30% at best on non-Sivir characters?

Not exactly a compelling argument for keeping it, is it then?

You've got:
-Sivir's passive
-Jax's stun (and his ult scales off of it)
-Ninja Tabi
-The dodge mastery (and that other mastery scales off of it)
-Dodge runes
-Sword of the divine interacts with dodge.

Dodge has a very small footprint in the game. A lot of people would say that it is unfun. It's holding Jax back. I don't see that it has a good place in the game.

Edit: Yup, see, Spartacus gets it.

2011-05-10, 06:19 PM
Not exactly a compelling argument for keeping it, is it then?

You've got:
-Sivir's passive
-Jax's stun (and his ult scales off of it)
-Ninja Tabi
-The dodge mastery (and that other mastery scales off of it)
-Dodge runes
-Sword of the divine interacts with dodge.

Dodge has a very small footprint in the game. A lot of people would say that it is unfun. It's holding Jax back. I don't see that it has a good place in the game.

Edit: Yup, see, Spartacus gets it.
you forgot Nidlee in couger form and Udyr's passive; but that doesn't change that dodge really should be removed.

2011-05-10, 06:39 PM
I just had someone earnestly, with all honesty, tell me Shen was one of the most UP champions around. I just kinda laughed a little, realized he was serious, and died a little inside.

2011-05-10, 07:02 PM
Now, the real question is:

Since I was saving of for Kog'maw anyways, I have enough IP to get either Vayne or Kog. Now, which one SHOULD I get? On the one hand, Vayne seems a little better. On the other, it seems like enough people are freaking out about the true damage that she might get nerfed soon. They both fill the same role...

2011-05-10, 07:23 PM
Now, the real question is:

Since I was saving of for Kog'maw anyways, I have enough IP to get either Vayne or Kog. Now, which one SHOULD I get? On the one hand, Vayne seems a little better. On the other, it seems like enough people are freaking out about the true damage that she might get nerfed soon. They both fill the same role...

they're both super squishies without escapes or defences, though Vayne has far more active gameplay than koggles (who really only has 2 ablities). also people are freaking out about true damage are dummies. It's a supped up stacked deck that has to go to the same target, you can't just charge it on minions then burst people.

2011-05-10, 07:29 PM
Now, the real question is:

Since I was saving of for Kog'maw anyways, I have enough IP to get either Vayne or Kog. Now, which one SHOULD I get? On the one hand, Vayne seems a little better. On the other, it seems like enough people are freaking out about the true damage that she might get nerfed soon. They both fill the same role...

Vayne is almost definitely more fun to play.

2011-05-10, 08:31 PM
I finally got around to posting learn your alphabet on the LoL forums (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=735159)

Keeping it near the top would be appreciated.

2011-05-10, 08:41 PM
I finally got around to posting learn your alphabet on the LoL forums (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=735159)

Keeping it near the top would be appreciated.

Kudos for the dual Dr. Mundo.

Inhuman Bot
2011-05-10, 08:42 PM

Also, if it is only on two champions and one item, why not replace it?

Because unique effects are fun.

Er, nevermind, that's 'anti-fun', apparently.

2011-05-10, 08:51 PM
On the LoL forums, its a QQ-fest on how the programmers are a joke, and whether or not LoL is a "Free" game. I just found it kinda interesting (In a shaking my head sort of way).

Inhuman Bot
2011-05-10, 08:52 PM
On the LoL forums, its a QQ-fest on how the programmers are a joke,

To be fair, this is a legitimate complaint. IE, it's true.

I like today so far. I play AR in HoN and DotA every once and awhile, and today is basically that.

2011-05-10, 08:57 PM
I finally got around to posting learn your alphabet on the LoL forums (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=735159)

Keeping it near the top would be appreciated.

I twittered it to Nikasaur for good measure.

Darth Mario
2011-05-10, 09:38 PM
It's pretty much the worst mechanic I can think of. There is literally no way to itemise against it.

Wrong, actually. Since it's attached once every three autoattacks, you can itemize against it by building Frozen Heart or Randuin's Omen, reducing damage by reducing her attack speed. Plus, both of those give the Armor you need to deal with the rest of her character.

2011-05-10, 09:45 PM
Wrong, actually. Since it's attached once every three autoattacks, you can itemize against it by building Frozen Heart or Randuin's Omen, reducing damage by reducing her attack speed. Plus, both of those give the Armor you need to deal with the rest of her character.

Dodge should also work, at least against the auto attack application. Though, given Dodge is pretty darn hard to itemize right now, I guess that's not an easy solution. Banshee obviously works against ability application.

2011-05-10, 09:48 PM
Hmmm... Servers are busy. And the code is not working anymore. Do you guys think Riot finally changed it?

2011-05-10, 09:55 PM
Hmmm... Servers are busy. And the code is not working anymore. Do you guys think Riot finally changed it?

There is still a way around it.

From Reddit:

open in your favorite text editor...
tr "flash_server_status_0" = "UNAVAILABLE"
tr "flash_server_status_1" = "ONLINE"
tr "flash_server_status_2" = "BUSY"
tr "flash_server_status_3" = "BLOCKED"
swap the 2 and the 1, or whichever you need to swap to bypass the error message

2011-05-10, 09:56 PM
On the LoL forums, its a QQ-fest on how the programmers are a joke, and whether or not LoL is a "Free" game. I just found it kinda interesting (In a shaking my head sort of way).

the LoL forums are a cesspool of stupidity. "Wah the servers crap their pants on the highest traffic period that comes every 2 weeks!" "Wah I need to save up IP for new champions" "Wah, RIOT isn't redrawing things fast enough" "Wah, why should I think about champion match-ups and team composistion, hold my hand!"

2011-05-10, 10:22 PM
For 3v3, does tank/tanky support/ranged carry make sense? AP and AD split as desired...

2011-05-10, 10:26 PM
For 3v3, does tank/tanky support/ranged carry make sense? AP and AD split as desired...

World's probably best 3v3 team runs Miss Fortune/Taric/Alistar given the chance (that's literally their first choice with no bans). Make of that what you will.

2011-05-10, 10:28 PM
World's probably best 3v3 team runs Miss Fortune/Taric/Alistar given the chance (that's literally their first choice with no bans). Make of that what you will.

How would (for example) Singed, Shen, Jax, Katarina, or Ashe do in a similar comp? I know Karma works well, but obviously not as well as Taric or Alistar, and I imagine the same is true of Janna.

2011-05-10, 10:45 PM
I finally got around to posting learn your alphabet on the LoL forums (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=735159)

Keeping it near the top would be appreciated.

Bumped for good measure.

Also, email [email protected] to see if you can get on the summoner showcase.

2011-05-10, 10:51 PM
Did... did they buff Rod of Ages? :smallconfused:

I mean they nerfed Cat but...

2011-05-10, 10:53 PM
How would (for example) Singed, Shen, Jax, Katarina, or Ashe do in a similar comp? I know Karma works well, but obviously not as well as Taric or Alistar, and I imagine the same is true of Janna.

I'm not so sure. Karma may be better than Taric in the comp, all things considered, though Taric's stun is a rather huge advantage. Janna...she's really strong but we haven't really playtested Janna comps enough against good teams (given there's like 10 good teams on the whole server) because of the Anivia- and Karma-comps we've been running. So I can't say for sure how good she is other than "It's really easy to noobstomp with her" but that's nothing you didn't know already. One thing of note is that Janna is a viable roamer needing precious little farm so that's something to consider. Her AD steroid really helps with an "AD And Protection" setup, too.

Shen...is very viable. He's a great jungle control champion and as good a tank as ever and does hurt quite well especially early on and while he doesn't heal, he has shield making him quite similar to taric overall (shield instead of heal, taunt instead of stun, no auras but more offensive capabilities including Vorpal Blade heal to make up for it). Well, at least pre-nerf Shen was. We'll have to figure that one out again after the nerf.

Katarina...I don't see her doing anything in the comp. She's really kinda bad unless you face a team without CC (which, of course, is a bad team anyways), 'cause she needs to get up to the face to do stuff and not be interrupted in ult to be good.

Jax, I think he's just a bad champion for such comps. Decent lane control but super unreliable CC and poor scaling; overall, I don't see what role he'd play there. Doesn't really fill anything necessary and there's no room for a freeloader in a synergistic team comp. Singed might work; he's still a top 3v3 champ. He has some CC and demands an answer. He'd be much like Alistar, really, dealing lots of magic damage, making your AD impossible to reach and being immortal. Thing is, he takes a bit of work to become immortal but he's much more consistently immortal than Alistar. He should work out fine though; there's a reason he's the #1 ban in Ranked 3s still.

Ashe...is less mobile than MF but kites like a boss and still hurts quite a bit and has the stupid arrow for even more CC and initiation so she should be ok. Oh, and Hawkshot is like cheating in 3v3; it's basically CV if Ashe is on top lane (all the relevant targets are in range). That said, out of all the heavily played ranged carries I'd be the most wary of picking Ashe since she's the least mobile out of the bunch, and in a carry line-up it's imperative the carry stays alive at all costs. I'd strongly consider Ez and Corki before Ashe.

Science Officer
2011-05-10, 11:00 PM
It's pretty much the worst mechanic I can think of. There is literally no way to itemise against it.

That's technically not true. You could always grab a frozen heart to slow down the rate of procs after the first tumble/condemn combo.

Dodge. :smallyuk:

Wrong, actually. Since it's attached once every three autoattacks, you can itemize against it by building Frozen Heart or Randuin's Omen, reducing damage by reducing her attack speed.

Dodge should also work, at least against the auto attack application.

what a strange occurrence. Great minds think alike?

2011-05-10, 11:02 PM
There is still a way around it.

From Reddit:

Meaning all we have to do is type "1"?

2011-05-10, 11:21 PM
These (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=684320) threads (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=721482) in the official forum made me smile. :smallsmile:

2011-05-10, 11:31 PM
Meaning all we have to do is type "1"?

In an obscure text file, yes.

2011-05-10, 11:34 PM
These (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=684320) threads (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=721482) in the official forum made me smile. :smallsmile:

Janna Wait is she naked? I like her.


2011-05-10, 11:35 PM
In an obscure text file, yes.

How do we access said obsure text file?

In an obscure manner, I assume?:smallamused:

2011-05-10, 11:35 PM


Ezreal Wait is that a boy or a girl (I laughed a lot here) I guess she doesn't look as pretty as the other girls.


2011-05-10, 11:38 PM
How do we access said obsure text file?

In an obscure manner, I assume?:smallamused:


Right click. Open with. Notepad.

2011-05-10, 11:54 PM
Vayne looks fun. Saving up for her.

More Lee Sin buffs. Addressed the right things. Less stupid energy issues now in fights. Would still like his ult to be aimed with a directional skillshot instead of how it is now. Otherwise he's quite good at the moment, just has a high learning curve that puts people off.

2011-05-11, 12:34 AM

First patch with the new patcher... aaaaand the servers are down :smallwink:

Friggin' hilarious.

I mean I'm sure they'll work the kinks out of the new patcher right shortly, but it's the perfect definition of irony. Or something like that.

EDIT: For those of you curious, Shen's passive's damage will equal that of his old damage when he accrues 1524 hp. Actually it'll exceed that damage at that point but by a fraction of a damage. Just for reference, Banshee's + Sunfire + Randuin's gives 1175.

Warmog's Shen actually deals a LOT more with his passive than previously... I worked out a build that gives about 4773 HP which is 2,815 bonus for 325 at level 18. It used to deal 267.

The only real downside I found with this build is its paltry 154 MR... but that's ok because you can substitute Last Whisper or Force of nature pretty easily.

I think Shen may actually be a viable choice for melee DPS though. Sunfire + Atma's + Force of Nature + Warmog's + Frozen Mallet + Merc's? Looking at a very high HP which means very high damage, solid armor and MR, as well as perma slow. From my basic calculations we're looking at 4524 hp (with defense tree) which adds 90 from Atma's and 20 from Frozen Mallet. 238 base damage and an AS of about 1.2 with AS quints/runes. 20% crit chance and that passive, plus a very spammable Q?

2011-05-11, 12:39 AM
These (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=684320) threads (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=721482) in the official forum made me smile. :smallsmile:

Is it sad that the nephew's reaction to Ez was pretty much my reaction to Ez? Didn't know he was a he until weeks after I started playing when I bothered to look up his fluff.

2011-05-11, 02:09 AM
I think Shen may actually be a viable choice for melee DPS though. Sunfire + Atma's + Force of Nature + Warmog's + Frozen Mallet + Merc's? Looking at a very high HP which means very high damage, solid armor and MR, as well as perma slow. From my basic calculations we're looking at 4524 hp (with defense tree) which adds 90 from Atma's and 20 from Frozen Mallet. 238 base damage and an AS of about 1.2 with AS quints/runes. 20% crit chance and that passive, plus a very spammable Q?

Just play Jarvan. He does this better.

2011-05-11, 02:15 AM
what a strange occurrence. Great minds think alike?

Hatters gonna hat.

I think when it comes down to it sure dodge chance is technically itemising against it but stacking Ninja Tabi is hardly something you're ever going to do unless maybe you're Jax. And if you did she could always counter you by building so much CDR that she can get her ranged Poppy down to a low enough cooldown it can be spammed enough that it doesn't matter you're dodging. (and since it applies to abilities as well and one of her abilities resets her autoattack timer I'm gonna have to say that Frozen Heart and Randuin's hardly count as well)

2011-05-11, 02:17 AM
Is it sad that the nephew's reaction to Ez was pretty much my reaction to Ez? Didn't know he was a he until weeks after I started playing when I bothered to look up his fluff.

Actually it was a couple of months for me.:smallredface::smalltongue:

2011-05-11, 02:19 AM
Hatters gonna hat.

I think when it comes down to it sure dodge chance is technically itemising against it but stacking Ninja Tabi is hardly something you're ever going to do unless maybe you're Jax. And if you did she could always counter you by building so much CDR that she can get her ranged Poppy down to a low enough cooldown it can be spammed enough that it doesn't matter you're dodging. (and since it applies to abilities as well and one of her abilities resets her autoattack timer I'm gonna have to say that Frozen Heart and Randuin's hardly count as well)

Well, CDR does cap at 40%...

2011-05-11, 02:22 AM
Well, CDR does cap at 40%...

True, but if for some reason you live in bizarro world where stacking Ninja Tabi becomes an option at the end of the day there's still such a thing as Sword of the Divine, which incidentally should probably also more than cancel out the Frozne Heart/Randuin's debuff.

2011-05-11, 02:32 AM
True, but if for some reason you live in bizarro world where stacking Ninja Tabi becomes an option at the end of the day there's still such a thing as Sword of the Divine, which incidentally should probably also more than cancel out the Frozne Heart/Randuin's debuff.

This is very true. Man, I wanna stack Ninja Tabis now. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-11, 02:56 AM
So, why is Galio a bad pick compared to other tanks? I like the big lovable lug, and I'd like to use him, but people would complain if I didn't use Mumu or Rammus :smallfrown:

2011-05-11, 03:39 AM
Well Mumu and Galio have very similar ults. Mumu, however, doesn't need flash to get in position, since he has bandage toss, which makes him one of the strongest initiators in the game. Galio needs to have flash up to attempt to do the same, which makes his initiation less reliable. Also, Galio ult is interruptible, and Mumu can jungle whereas Galio really prefers a solo lane. This means that Mumu is both (generally) a stronger pick and easier to fit into a team comp.

Galio is pretty reliant on items before he can tank. Other tanks such as Singed and Rammus rely much less on items, and thus become tanky more easily. Also, as soon as his ult has been used, Galio can't really force opponents to attack him. He can slow one or two opponents and shield the carry which isn't that impressive. This means that he often have difficulties filling the tank role if caught with his ulti down, or in long fights.

All this said, I really like Galio and I think many people underestimate him. Galio is even one of the two heroes I actually own a skin for. I think Galio is a good pick for many teams, but you probably need at least one other tanky guy on the team.

2011-05-11, 04:22 AM
Galio is a perfectly good AoE to win tank if you need a laner rather than a jungler, since he has a much easier time farming and harrassing in a lane than Amumu does, with only slightly worse initiation to show for it. However, the few reasons he's rarely seen:
1. He's actually quite hard, and since his initiation is much less obvious than Amumu's or Rammus's, he's a much harder tank to play with pubbies.
2. His damage ain't what it was. When Riot realised his passive was ridiculously good they compensated by lowering his ratios quite considerably.
3. His lane presence isn't as much as it used to be. Galio used to be one of the most dominant toplaners in the game, but since they tweaked where his damage came from and hit the ratio on Righteous Gust pretty hard he hasn't been so lane dominant. For that reason people are much happier just forgetting the jungle, grabbing some lane dominance champs and shoving Amumu in the jungle, picking Shen or just laning Amumu if they really need to.
4. AoE to win isn't the only way anymore. At Galio's prime, he was an AoE focused burst damage tank with great lane presence. Miss Fortune was an AoE focused carry with great lane presence. Vlad was an AoE focused mage with great lane presence... you see where I'm going with this? Since then though, those AoE to win champions have been hurt in various ways (reduced damage for some, the Zhonya's Ring split, and just a change in the meta)

He can still be effective, but he's just not as good as he was. If you need a laner with some AoE synergy then he's still your man Gargoyle.

2011-05-11, 04:24 AM
Is it sad that the nephew's reaction to Ez was pretty much my reaction to Ez? Didn't know he was a he until weeks after I started playing when I bothered to look up his fluff.

Nah, I thought from the start it's a he and I don't get the "girl" jokes, and I don't even see too many girls.

Then again they should make a Catgirl Ezreal. Or anything to make him shirtless. *q*

2011-05-11, 05:35 AM
Nah, I thought from the start it's a he and I don't get the "girl" jokes, and I don't even see too many girls.

Then again they should make a Catgirl Ezreal. Or anything to make him shirtless. *q*

This, if only because Ezreal needs a skin that isn't just a recolor.

2011-05-11, 06:01 AM
Did... did they buff Rod of Ages? :smallconfused:

I mean they nerfed Cat but...

Yes and No. I mean, you used to get up to Catalyst and kind of hang on to it so you could lane forever. But, now that RoA retains Catalyst's regen effect (nerfed as it is), there really is no reason not to rush Rod anymore. See, you used to not get Rod until 15 minutes - or even 20 - just in case the enemy team surrendered.

Now...Rush Rod of Ages. There's no downside. Hanging onto Catalyst for longer doesn't get you anything.

2011-05-11, 06:07 AM
Now...Rush Rod of Ages. There's no downside.

Delaying Deathcap maybe?

2011-05-11, 07:10 AM
Is it sad that the nephew's reaction to Ez was pretty much my reaction to Ez? Didn't know he was a he until weeks after I started playing when I bothered to look up his fluff.

See, I never had a problem realizing Ez was a guy.

That said, I still have trouble stopping myself from referring to Kennen as 'she'.

2011-05-11, 07:20 AM
Nah it's easy to tell that Kennen and Ez are both male, they wouldn't have three modestly dressed female characters and they've already got Kayle.

2011-05-11, 07:23 AM
Nah it's easy to tell that Kennen and Ez are both male, they wouldn't have three modestly dressed female characters and they've already got Kayle.

Kayle, Karma and Lux? Tristana / Poppy are modestly dressed too. (Though I'm guessing you're not counting Yordles.)

2011-05-11, 07:31 AM
Sirro I am obviously being incredibly serious here. ;)

stop ruining my jokes

2011-05-11, 08:59 AM
Kayle, Karma and Lux? Tristana / Poppy are modestly dressed too. (Though I'm guessing you're not counting Yordles.)

You're not counting Annie?

Shades of Gray
2011-05-11, 09:06 AM
Irelia's modestly dressed too.

2011-05-11, 09:14 AM
So there's a new update when I booted up Lol this morning (GMT +6) do we know what's in it?

Shades of Gray
2011-05-11, 09:16 AM
Probably (Hopefully) a hotfix to address server issues.

2011-05-11, 10:48 AM
Guinsoo - Game Designer
Hello everyone,

I realize the servers are experiencing some stability issues right now, but we have deployed some hotfixes to the NA servers so any games that start from this point on will include these fixes. We will be deploying to EU soon.

1. Fixed Karma's Q, W, and E spells not gaining effect from cooldown reduction

2. Fixed summoner spells placing Karma's spells on cooldown

3. Fixed Vayne's W sometimes causing infinite Guardian Angel loops

4. Fixed Master Yi's Alpha Strike teleporting over walls more often against neutral monsters (reverted to 4-26-11 patch)

Thank you for your patience.

Guinsoo on the hotfix. (I love following Leaguecraft on FB.)

2011-05-11, 10:53 AM
Hmm. Anyone know why I can't connect to the mumble server? When I try, it says "server connection failed: connection refused". I don't know much about mumble, but it has no problem with other servers.

2011-05-11, 11:07 AM
So, after finally have read Vayne's backstory, my only response to her is...

"Good Luck with that."


2011-05-11, 12:24 PM
Hmm. Anyone know why I can't connect to the mumble server? When I try, it says "server connection failed: connection refused". I don't know much about mumble, but it has no problem with other servers.

Works for me. I suspect that the problem lies in your firewall(s)

2011-05-11, 01:00 PM
So, after finally have read Vayne's backstory, my only response to her is...

"Good Luck with that."


I have a feeling that a judgment would do wonders on her. Let's face it, she's your basic witch hunter/batman archetype. She needs something to prove that she is a LEGEND, and not just some silly vigilante who so happens to have a giant crossbow...

2011-05-11, 01:15 PM
I just played a BRAVERY game, but since I am not so BRAVE, I played vs. AI. Managed to max out my stacks as Jax, which was nice.

2011-05-11, 01:24 PM
After read Vayne's backstory I decided to take Vlad (a good hemomancer) against her mid. 4-0. Then my team manages to totally drop the ball and just die a bajillion times and suddenly it's 8-17... and I'm 6-1-1. Yeah no questions as to how THAT game worked out :smallyuk:

Then I go into ranked qeue, pick Ashe, and someone says, "Why did you pick Ashe? She's so bad." Then he locks jungle yi :smallconfused:

The people online today, they confuse me.

2011-05-11, 01:27 PM
After read Vayne's backstory I decided to take Vlad (a good hemomancer) against her mid. 4-0. Then my team manages to totally drop the ball and just die a bajillion times and suddenly it's 8-17... and I'm 6-1-1. Yeah no questions as to how THAT game worked out :smallyuk:

Then I go into ranked qeue, pick Ashe, and someone says, "Why did you pick Ashe? She's so bad." Then he locks jungle yi :smallconfused:

The people online today, they confuse me.

Methinks they're trollin'. Nobody can be that stu....

No, never mind, this is the internet, after all.

2011-05-11, 01:34 PM
Methinks they're trollin'. Nobody can be that stu....

No, never mind, this is the internet, after all.

Yeah, do you know how long it took, even after WCG, for people to realize that Ashe was better than Kog and Trist? Far too long.

2011-05-11, 01:43 PM
Methinks they're trollin'. Nobody can be that stu....

No, never mind, this is the internet, after all.

Truth. It burns. It burns for all of the wrong reasons.

2011-05-11, 01:56 PM
Today does seem to have a weaker crowd than usual. I just 3-shotted the enemy Shen as Caitlyn. Why? He was building AP.

2011-05-11, 01:59 PM
Now I'm very confused. We killed WW twice before blue then coasted to victory. Weird. :smallconfused:

2011-05-11, 02:01 PM
Bought jarvan, lots of fun, real easy to play, dominated my 1v2 lane first time playing him. Demacia!!!!

2011-05-11, 02:22 PM
Today does seem to have a weaker crowd than usual. I just 3-shotted the enemy Shen as Caitlyn. Why? He was building AP.

Honestly, while I don't support AP Shen, if you max your W, it should work.

Edit: Also, I just played Garen for the first time in forever. I really, really liked him.

2011-05-11, 02:39 PM
Yay! Finally! People are trying to learn how to Garen! Soon, I shall not be all alone.

Anyways, I'm OP as Lux, when I line up my skill shots. I need more practice, but heres a tip. Never tower dive me as Lux. You'll just feed me a double kill.:smallwink:

2011-05-11, 02:44 PM
Anyways, I'm OP as Lux, when I line up my skill shots. I need more practice, but heres a tip. Never tower dive me as Lux. You'll just feed me a double kill.:smallwink:

What, you haven't seen me kite people to death at 100 health as Janna? :smallbiggrin:

Janna is so much fun. Tornado artillery.

2011-05-11, 02:57 PM
So yeah, since it's Malz free week I decided to troll a bit on a smurf account. It's hilarious when a fed Master Yi thinks you're easy pray and alpha strikes on you; you QWER him in the face and he implodes. Of course these guys have never heard of QSS.

2011-05-11, 03:09 PM
So, I just had another champ I decided I want to look into, after I get down a good initiator or tank (and just get better). I've really always wanted to be a good Karthus player, since, you know, liches are win. However, the one time I've played him, I did... lackluster, as did a couple of people I played with who tried him out for the first time. In other words, I think we were doing it wrong.

So, what does it take to play a good Karthus? How do you make him sing his clarion call of the grave? (Felt like waxing slightly poetic there...)

2011-05-11, 03:12 PM
Cow is op. Welcome to my array of champions I can play you bastard.

(No, seriously... that Q is op, that W is op, that ult is op...)

2011-05-11, 03:20 PM
Cow is op. Welcome to my array of champions I can play you bastard.

(No, seriously... that Q is op, that W is op, that ult is op...)

What's wrong with Cow? I have fun with him. Then again, I enjoy playing Garen, so my concept of "fun" may be different than other people's.

2011-05-11, 04:44 PM
My lists have grown once again...

Champions to Buy

Champions to Try
-Rumble (about to be tried soon) Tried. Interesting. Not my cup of tea.

2011-05-11, 05:28 PM
What's wrong with Cow? I have fun with him. Then again, I enjoy playing Garen, so my concept of "fun" may be different than other people's.

Absolutely NOTHING is wrong with Cow. he's Op. Overpowered. Ridiculous. Crazy. Probably too good. He's like what would happen if you took Blitzcrank and made him better.

As my ELO gets better I'm noticing people are better players around me.

2011-05-11, 05:30 PM
Not really, Cow is good, but not ridiculously overpowered.

2011-05-11, 05:40 PM
So, I came home today and I said to myself, "self, I'd like to play some lol. But I know that every team is going to have a vayne cause she is considered OP. What am I going to do?"

my self replied, "Don't worry self, this is free malzabro week. Have fun doing true damage while being facelazored vayne."

I thanked myself then promptly began to hard counter ever vayne I found.

2011-05-11, 05:42 PM
Holy crap free Malzahar week! Playing him in normal queue feels like cheating.

2011-05-11, 05:44 PM
Facelazer is the funnest thing. Totally carried my team from a really really bad game as Malz by facelazering their Akali who was uber cocky (she killed me mid first, then proceeded to tell me that I was lucky as most Malzahars didn't last that long, I proceeded to make the 8) smiley in chat after killing her twice). She started raging so hard about Malzahar (the fact I would save my ult until it would kill her every teamfight helped) that her Evelynn gave up and AFKed. That counts as carrying, right? :smallwink:

2011-05-11, 06:00 PM
Not really, Cow is good, but not ridiculously overpowered.

Um yes he is. he's banned or picked in every single Top ELO game. he's the best roamer by far. He's a good jungler. He's one of the best tanks. His CC is absurd. He saves carries.

He's pretty op :P

2011-05-11, 06:07 PM
Um yes he is. he's banned or picked in every single Top ELO game. he's the best roamer by far. He's a good jungler. He's one of the best tanks. His CC is absurd. He saves carries.

He's pretty op :P

Being banned / picked doesn't make a champion OP. It just makes them the best choice in most cases; this is not the same as being overpowered.

2011-05-11, 06:12 PM
Well, somehow I ended up playing chess on the LoL forums. (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=8775663&posted=1#post8775663)

And yeah, what with all the Vaynes running around, I might have to break out Nasus or Teemo. Does blind kill her W or not?

2011-05-11, 06:12 PM

Absolutely NOTHING is wrong with Cow. he's Op. Overpowered. Ridiculous. Crazy. Probably too good. He's like what would happen if you took Blitzcrank and made him better.

As my ELO gets better I'm noticing people are better players around me.

No way! There can't be any direct link to this, can there?:smalltongue:

So, I came home today and I said to myself, "self, I'd like to play some lol. But I know that every team is going to have a vayne cause she is considered OP. What am I going to do?"

my self replied, "Don't worry self, this is free malzabro week. Have fun doing true damage while being facelazored vayne."

I thanked myself then promptly began to hard counter ever vayne I found.

Hmmm... You know, its been a long time since I last touched Malzahar.

*Cracks Knuckles*

Time to replay my favorite game.


2011-05-11, 06:14 PM
And yeah, what with all the Vaynes running around, I might have to break out Nasus or Teemo. Does blind kill her W or not?

It should, yes. Anything that disrupts Auto-attacks should...well...stop her from proccing Auto-attack dependent abilities, like both her Q AND her W.

2011-05-11, 06:25 PM
I do not know what order her abilities are in, but the LoL forums are all annoyed that a roll-enhanced attack goes through blind.

2011-05-11, 06:26 PM
It should, yes. Anything that disrupts Auto-attacks should...well...stop her from proccing Auto-attack dependent abilities, like both her Q AND her W.

Well, I'm just asking because, for example, Xin can still TTS through blind, and Silver Bolts is superficially similar to TTS.

2011-05-11, 06:59 PM
Anyone on how to play a better Karthus? Also, I will see about playing a couple of games in a little bit, although I may not be able to.

EDIT: Also, silly me; they do have a judgment for Vayne. Time to see more about her!

DOUBLE EDIT: And meh. That was... too much. They'll need to do a lot better than to just claim she has the ability to break into the League without any background as to how she became THAT good. They have likely broken eldritch abominations, but she is just fine? I love that in fantasy, but only when it is established how it is possible. And no, breaking the cutie is not enough in my book; plenty are broken, and never recover. Oh well, I still look forward to seeing her in game.

2011-05-11, 07:55 PM
Anyone on how to play a better Karthus?

Land Lay Waste. The amount of damage per second Karthus can pump out with that skill alone is overpowered in every way, and the only thing stopping hordes of QQing ragers from descending on the Riot forums is that .5 second delay.

Map awareness is critical with using his ult. Don't relay on team mates pinging, because unless you know your whole team at least one of them is a complete bastard. Knowing your limits is also important. At level six, it's under two bars. At eleven, it's about four. At eighteen, you should be doing nine hundred damage with your ult.

2011-05-11, 08:19 PM
So, here's my thinking. I'll list the roles myself and my crew can play, that seem to be viable for 3v3.

Tank - Alistar, Singed, Taric, Shen
Support - Janna, Taric, Karma
Carry - Ashe, Tristana, Teemo

Ez and Corki aren't owned or played by any of us. I might pick up Vayne, but not right away. I list Teemo for speed, Tristana for jump, and Ashe for Hawkshot. Ashe with Janna and Alistar as bodyguards seems like it could be really good...
Teemo with Taric and Singed likewise. That might be too much magic damage, though... One of our guys is really only good with Taric out of these, but he could tank or support, depending. Tristana can be played well by myself and the other guy, with me being good with Ashe and Teemo as well. He could Twitch, but is he as good in 3v3? One of us is good with Shen, and I'd like to learn. I'm a good Singed, and our third guy is a good Alistar.

Suggestions for other heroes are welcome, these are just the ones I thought of. Also interested in suggestions on how to integrate jungle control into this comp. Shen is an obvious possibility. Karma is ok once she gets a few skills, but that's lots of early gold missed out on.

Once we get some comps picked out, I'll livestream a few games, and see if you can give us some suggestions on improvements.

2011-05-11, 08:30 PM
So, here's my thinking. I'll list the roles myself and my crew can play, that seem to be viable for 3v3.

Tank - Alistar, Singed, Taric, Shen
Support - Janna, Taric, Karma
Carry - Ashe, Tristana, Teemo

Ez and Corki aren't owned or played by any of us. I might pick up Vayne, but not right away. I list Teemo for speed, Tristana for jump, and Ashe for Hawkshot. Ashe with Janna and Alistar as bodyguards seems like it could be really good...
Teemo with Taric and Singed likewise. That might be too much magic damage, though... One of our guys is really only good with Taric out of these, but he could tank or support, depending. Tristana can be played well by myself and the other guy, with me being good with Ashe and Teemo as well. He could Twitch, but is he as good in 3v3? One of us is good with Shen, and I'd like to learn. I'm a good Singed, and our third guy is a good Alistar.

Suggestions for other heroes are welcome, these are just the ones I thought of. Also interested in suggestions on how to integrate jungle control into this comp. Shen is an obvious possibility. Karma is ok once she gets a few skills, but that's lots of early gold missed out on.

Once we get some comps picked out, I'll livestream a few games, and see if you can give us some suggestions on improvements.

The way Fnatic.MSI does it is run Smite on Taric, duolaning top most of the time (with Wards in the jungle). They don't really contest junglers, just seek to dominate lanes hard enough but occasionally Taric or Alistar can try to harass the jungle. And obviously they don't let you do red or dragon for free.

Teemo is a fine map control champ so he should be a decent option in that regard. Out of those AD types...Tris is ok, but Ashe is probably better far as AD goes. Shen can be played instead of Taric or Alistar and Shen is a capable jungler still (I tested it out, while you can't do long routes you can take small buff camp and one big buff with Smite, which is about 2nd or 3rd level depending on the exact spawns). Shen's dashes make him a constant lane presence on top and a great jungle control champ.

Generally, the idea is to field two strong CC/support champs with some damage ability and then that one AD to clean up. We tested Vayne with some friends and her ability to wreck high HP types really shines in 3s so I could see her being excellent also (she's also quite mobile with Tumble and ult). Really, most combinations of those champs would be fine; one of each (with the consideration that you shouldn't lane Taric as a tank). And yeah, out of that bunch Shen is the only champ that can truly jungle. Alistar can to a degree but he's probably better on lane in 3s.

But yeah, basically, jungler is optional; Smite, not so much.

2011-05-11, 08:34 PM
Land Lay Waste. The amount of damage per second Karthus can pump out with that skill alone is overpowered in every way, and the only thing stopping hordes of QQing ragers from descending on the Riot forums is that .5 second delay.

Map awareness is critical with using his ult. Don't relay on team mates pinging, because unless you know your whole team at least one of them is a complete bastard. Knowing your limits is also important. At level six, it's under two bars. At eleven, it's about four. At eighteen, you should be doing nine hundred damage with your ult.

Thanks. I am not sure how good my accuracy was the first time around, but it would be beyond belief for me to claim it was good enough. Other than that, I felt somewhat like I was not doing enough damage. Maybe I just built poorly...

Also, I think the next title should be something along the lines of "no smite? You're doing it wrong."

2011-05-11, 08:46 PM
Thanks. I am not sure how good my accuracy was the first time around, but it would be beyond belief for me to claim it was good enough. Other than that, I felt somewhat like I was not doing enough damage. Maybe I just built poorly...

Also, I think the next title should be something along the lines of "no smite? You're doing it wrong."

He basically builds AP. Pretty directly. You use your wall to both, protect you and to make landing your Qs easier. A bit later you just run in with Defile, Q everyone to hell and laugh as the ability stack does criminal amounts of damage and if you're outside a fight (or somebody escapes low), you just R. Just be careful not to R if you're at the risk of dying (some assassin around with your low HP or in the middle of the fight). If you die, it's cancelled. Better die first and then R; the resolution is guaranteed then (also, if you run out of mana you might wanna die so you can R). And yeah, dying with him is fine as long as it happens in a fight; you can generally deal just as much damage dead as alive.

2011-05-11, 08:56 PM
Does he even bother with defense? I remember seeing someone suggest a Banshee's and a Zhonya's, at least.

2011-05-11, 08:59 PM
Does he even bother with defense? I remember seeing someone suggest a Banshee's and a Zhonya's, at least.

Zhonya's is v. good on him (you can activate Defile and Zhonya; it stays active; this'll hurt) and Banshee's is useful like always, especially if you build a Catalyst for laning. But most of his defense comes from the wall, the plain, scary damage output he threatens and his passive making getting clean kills (that is, kills without losing anyone) on him really hard.

2011-05-11, 08:59 PM
He basically builds AP. Pretty directly. You use your wall to both, protect you and to make landing your Qs easier. A bit later you just run in with Defile, Q everyone to hell and laugh as the ability stack does criminal amounts of damage and if you're outside a fight (or somebody escapes low), you just R. Just be careful not to R if you're at the risk of dying (some assassin around with your low HP or in the middle of the fight). If you die, it's cancelled. Better die first and then R; the resolution is guaranteed then (also, if you run out of mana you might wanna die so you can R). And yeah, dying with him is fine as long as it happens in a fight; you can generally deal just as much damage dead as alive.

This. I forgot one of my core tenants to Karthus: You can always R later. If you see a target you can ult into bits, make sure you are in good a position to do so. Even if they stop on the spot and start basing, you have four whole seconds to clear the area. Dying mid ult that would have scored you a kill is the most awful feeling in the world.

Build wise, I go

Mpen shoes
Void staff
Survivability (Banshee's, Guardian angel (if trolling) even a WotA if you feel like)

2011-05-11, 09:05 PM
Is going for RoA any good on Karthus? Otherwise, I think I get the build concept.

2011-05-11, 09:23 PM
I would scrap RoA in favor of MOAR AP, but others might disagree.

I just tried out Malhazar, and boy, is he fun. Doing 15% of someone's hp per second is great, although I can see he really, really needs a team that can support him to do well. Amumu, Ashe and Malzahar seem like they would go well together.

2011-05-11, 09:27 PM
Is going for RoA any good on Karthus? Otherwise, I think I get the build concept.

if getting health AP, Rylais is better. However the key to karthus is a wierd mix of knowing when to be a stationary damage piller, or in the back spamming lay waste. Personally I've found archangles, derpcap, and void staff all the AP you need. I like to grab banshees and, hilariously enough, sunfire for my defence + sorc shoe boots.

2011-05-11, 09:32 PM
Is going for RoA any good on Karthus? Otherwise, I think I get the build concept.

I don't like RoA on mages in general. I think it's a more of a tanky mana item with some incidental AP on it; Singed likes it, it's fine on Morgie, niché on Ryze, and so on (of course, I suppose you can build it on some tankyish mages that want some mana). Generally I get Catalyst, Deathcap, Banshee on most mages. Though with the new RoA, the opportunity cost of building it is lower. I do like my AP tho.

Kart can use AA Staff but with Defile passive and probable bluebuff, it's not a must-have. Still, he can use quite a bit of mana, so...

2011-05-11, 09:44 PM
Amumu, Ashe and Malzahar seem like they would go well together.

Best team ever?

Ashe, Amumu, Janna, Malzahar, ... Alistair? Taric?

2011-05-11, 09:46 PM
Question! How do you find the right balance between playing a character that you like, and a character that you're forced to? I've basically resigned myself to being stuck playing the Tank or the Support in normal games because my internet connection is just a little slower than everyone elses, and by the time I get to the Champ select screen, 3 people have already instalocked squishy carry types and then proceed to insist that we need a Tank or something.

This annoys me quite regularly, because I generally get forced to play Amumu or Rammus or someone, and while I am okay as them, I'm not great, and I don't really enjoy having to be the whipping girl and die to save my team from their own incompetence.

I feel like that I have to play what everyone else needs in order to win, and enjoy myself a lot less, than getting to play a character I like and possibly losing. It's frustrating and causing me to start to lose interest in the game, because why should I play when I'm not getting to play how I like?

If only the vast majority of LoL players weren't massive douches :smallfrown:

2011-05-11, 09:54 PM
Question! How do you find the right balance between playing a character that you like, and a character that you're forced to?

Couple of ways to tackle this issue:
1) Like playing all the characters you play.
2) Play with friends so you can roll around who plays what to have everyone play something they want.
3) Just ignore team comps and rock it Asgård-style.
4) Decide whether you wanna win. If you do, play the optimal champ. If you don't, do whatever.
5) With good enough win percentage, you might start running into people who like getting good team comps and don't instalock. Then again, in Normal games this may never happen. Meh.

2011-05-11, 10:10 PM
Best team ever?

Ashe, Amumu, Janna, Malzahar, ... Alistair? Taric?

Janna could certainly keep the enemy off of the damage duo. Alistair would probably be an excellent choice.

Of course, if you were building a team entirely around Malzahar, Alistar and Janna may have to go, as they knock people out of the pool.

term1nally s1ck
2011-05-11, 10:14 PM
With that comp, you need a laner, not a roamer. Chogath comes strongly to mind for solo top so janna can babysit ashe.

2011-05-11, 10:19 PM
Janna could certainly keep the enemy off of the damage duo. Alistair would probably be an excellent choice.

Of course, if you were building a team entirely around Malzahar, Alistar and Janna may have to go, as they knock people out of the pool.

That just requires team cordination. Janna+Ashe is the best support/carry combo in the game. Actually, in that comp you probably don't want either of those heroes, thinking about it, you'll want a more farm dependent hero like Jarvan or Renekton.

2011-05-11, 10:22 PM
Well, we have three players. One can only competently play Taric (he also plays Kayle, but she's too item-dependent for 3v3.)

Of the other two of us, we're proficient in various supports, tanks, and carries, but since Taric shouldn't main tank, we shouldn't play support, unless it's a really tanky support? Karma, perhaps, rushing a Rod of Ages or Haunting Visage?

As for Teemo, should he build AP, AS, or AP/AS? Is AD the better option, using shrooms solely for their base damage and slow? Would it be more efficient to just go the on-hit wonder route, with Malady->Wit's End to combine with his venom? Would Executioner's Calling be a valid option to add to his DoT, or is that item useful only as a Mundo-counter?

Ashe should probably skip Manamune and go from Boots straight to InfEdge, correct?

Tanks just be tanky, etc...

And Always Pick Smite. Is CV as vital, or do wards fill the role well enough on the smaller map? I'm trying to think who in these comps would do well with a Wriggle's...

2011-05-11, 10:26 PM
Of the other two of us, we're proficient in various supports, tanks, and carries, but since Taric shouldn't main tank, we shouldn't play support, unless it's a really tanky support? Karma, perhaps, rushing a Rod of Ages or Haunting Visage?

Tankiness isn't really the point; the point is having someone with enough durability to survive in the front and enough CC to keep your carry safe. As long as you have one durable guy in the front, like Taric, and a bunch of shields/heals, you should be fine. Alistar just happens to be ridiculously hard to kill anyways, which is quite convenient.

Ashe...Manamune? Wut? No, don't build Manamune on Ashe; get Doran's into BFS into IE.

Teemo, the usual AsPd builds are probably the best tho he kinda suffers of the Wit's End nerf.

We ran a ton of games with Shen/Irelia/Karma and that worked more than well. Indeed, our only loss was to the Alistar/Taric/MF setup.

2011-05-11, 10:26 PM
Question! How do you find the right balance between playing a character that you like, and a character that you're forced to? I've basically resigned myself to being stuck playing the Tank or the Support in normal games because my internet connection is just a little slower than everyone elses, and by the time I get to the Champ select screen, 3 people have already instalocked squishy carry types and then proceed to insist that we need a Tank or something.

This annoys me quite regularly, because I generally get forced to play Amumu or Rammus or someone, and while I am okay as them, I'm not great, and I don't really enjoy having to be the whipping girl and die to save my team from their own incompetence.

I feel like that I have to play what everyone else needs in order to win, and enjoy myself a lot less, than getting to play a character I like and possibly losing. It's frustrating and causing me to start to lose interest in the game, because why should I play when I'm not getting to play how I like?

If only the vast majority of LoL players weren't massive douches :smallfrown:

I've had the exact same thing happen to me when I was playing solo. Only difference is I liked all the tanky characters I chose.

2011-05-11, 10:29 PM
I usually start Ashe Boots+3HP, so could that work, or is the 100 extra HP from the starting blade more important in the more skirmish-based map? Would it work if I got 1 or 2 blades on my first trip back for some damage/survivability?

And if the carry doesn't necessarily have to be ranged, do Yi, Tryn, or Olaf make themselves viable options?

2011-05-11, 10:32 PM
Trynd and Olaf are both great on TT, especially the former because they're so flipping hard to kill. A five man team will have enough CC and probably an exhuast for Trynd, but when you've only got three and you pretty much need a Smite and a CV and maybe an Ignite for Mundo or Nunu or one of your other opponents it's quite hard to squeeze in the Exhaust to counter him and still have enough escapes.

2011-05-11, 10:35 PM
I usually start Ashe Boots+3HP, so could that work, or is the 100 extra HP from the starting blade more important in the more skirmish-based map? Would it work if I got 1 or 2 blades on my first trip back for some damage/survivability?

And if the carry doesn't necessarily have to be ranged, do Yi, Tryn, or Olaf make themselves viable options?

The point of that setup is to have a 5v5-style team with tanks keeping a ranged carry safe while ranged carry does the damage. For obvious reasons, that's not doable with melee champs. The ranged carry comps are non-traditional in 3v3; most people view 3v3 as a playground for the melee DPS and especially tanky DPS.

Trynd is a good glass cannon (easy as hell to counter but can be brutal if not countered; he's a default ban in ranked 3s up to about 1400s but the good teams generally have no trouble negating him) and Yi is actually fairly consistently good on the map and Olaf, if a bit squishier than you'd want right now, can really shine (and all of those snowball real hard with a kill, of course). However, the point of the support/tank comp is to generate a team where a ranged carry works and can basically safely rightclick to win.

As for Boots-start, I haven't played Ashe in 3v3. I always play Ezreal or Corki since I'm addicted to blinks on the map. So I cannot say. My gut instinct, however, suggests that you want the extra punch first and the mobility bit later. You'll have to find out for yourself if Ashe can get away with it in 3s.

2011-05-11, 10:36 PM
I'm a terribly Tryndamere, but I'm a good Yi/Olaf, so those are options as well. I'd like to try Ashe for the Hawkshot and extra stun, as well... but Yi (AP or AD) is really fun on TT. AS to gank a lane is awesome.

EDIT: Kennen'd.

I'll try blades and boots starts. I'm not used to using Blades, but I really should give them a fair chance.

Laning with Alistar or Taric gives me a heal to replace the potions anyways, so well done there.

I'm confident enough with Teemo. Ashe will be the real experiment.

2011-05-11, 10:41 PM
I'm a terribly Tryndamere, but I'm a good Yi/Olaf, so those are options as well. I'd like to try Ashe for the Hawkshot and extra stun, as well... but Yi (AP or AD) is really fun on TT. AS to gank a lane is awesome.

Both want a different, more traditional Tanky DPSy comp but they can definitely work in 3s. Both generally work best as junglers. In our first big 3v3 win (against aAa) with my last team, we used Anivia/Malphite/Master Yi in that particular game (I was on Malph).

The Burst+Tanky+DPSy comp (basically just "2 strong characters with lots of CC for Yi to clean up, and a nasty stun stack from Malph/Anivia") functions very well though we hard trouble finding a way to beat Karma-based comps with it (though I was on Kennen and Kassadin, not Anivia then, which did make a difference since out of those 3 Anivia does the most burst and sustained damage, which is quite important against a shield/heal team) hence why we started playing around with tanky support comps a bit more.

2011-05-11, 11:04 PM
Question! How do you find the right balance between playing a character that you like, and a character that you're forced to? I've basically resigned myself to being stuck playing the Tank or the Support in normal games because my internet connection is just a little slower than everyone elses, and by the time I get to the Champ select screen, 3 people have already instalocked squishy carry types and then proceed to insist that we need a Tank or something.

This annoys me quite regularly, because I generally get forced to play Amumu or Rammus or someone, and while I am okay as them, I'm not great, and I don't really enjoy having to be the whipping girl and die to save my team from their own incompetence.

I feel like that I have to play what everyone else needs in order to win, and enjoy myself a lot less, than getting to play a character I like and possibly losing. It's frustrating and causing me to start to lose interest in the game, because why should I play when I'm not getting to play how I like?

If only the vast majority of LoL players weren't massive douches :smallfrown:

If it's normals, anyone with CC will serve as your games are usually decided by who gets caught in early mid-game, more than by late-game teamfight comp.

Is going for RoA any good on Karthus? Otherwise, I think I get the build concept.

The Catalyst should go to BVeil, and grab Rylai's if you need more health/AP. Even just the Giant's Belt will go a long way to keeping you alive; you can leave it in your inventory for a while.

Best team ever?

Ashe, Amumu, Janna, Malzahar, ... Alistair? Taric?

No 'best team ever' exists. For this comp, I think I'd play Ashe, Janna, Karthus, Nunu, and Cho'gath. They have soooo many ways to stop you from initiating, and either Ashe arrow or Karth wall --> Rupture is more than enough initiation.

2011-05-12, 12:07 AM
Couple of ways to tackle this issue:
1) Like playing all the characters you play.
2) Play with friends so you can roll around who plays what to have everyone play something they want.
3) Just ignore team comps and rock it Asgård-style.
4) Decide whether you wanna win. If you do, play the optimal champ. If you don't, do whatever.
5) With good enough win percentage, you might start running into people who like getting good team comps and don't instalock. Then again, in Normal games this may never happen. Meh.

I've had the exact same thing happen to me when I was playing solo. Only difference is I liked all the tanky characters I chose.

I enjoy certain characters more because of what they do though. For example, Ezreal. I like playing him because I can spam Q, and teleport around like the goddamn Nightcrawler with E. To me, that style of play is fun. Getting stuck as a tank, well, the rest of the team seems to just expect me to sacrifice myself and spend half the game dead so they can lose the teamfight.

I just like certain champs more than others. And it just really, really annoys me that people think they can lock in a squishy champ and then whine for a Tank, and then complain ALL GAME about how I should have been there defending them and it's just generally more trouble than it's worth.

I also only have 2 friends that I enjoy playing with because they don't play like braindead morons, but they're not always around to play with...

Solo queue hate, man.

2011-05-12, 12:17 AM
I enjoy certain characters more because of what they do though. For example, Ezreal. I like playing him because I can spam Q, and teleport around like the goddamn Nightcrawler with E. To me, that style of play is fun. Getting stuck as a tank, well, the rest of the team seems to just expect me to sacrifice myself and spend half the game dead so they can lose the teamfight.

I just like certain champs more than others. And it just really, really annoys me that people think they can lock in a squishy champ and then whine for a Tank, and then complain ALL GAME about how I should have been there defending them and it's just generally more trouble than it's worth.

I also only have 2 friends that I enjoy playing with because they don't play like braindead morons, but they're not always around to play with...

Solo queue hate, man.

I tend to play games with my friends only now on my team. I'm so tired of leavers, griefers, AFKs, jerks, and stupid players that I've stopped playing games without at least one friend to play with.

It's funny how much better my level 10 friend is than half the level 30 players I'm with. It's seriously funny.

2011-05-12, 12:21 AM
I enjoy certain characters more because of what they do though. For example, Ezreal. I like playing him because I can spam Q, and teleport around like the goddamn Nightcrawler with E. To me, that style of play is fun. Getting stuck as a tank, well, the rest of the team seems to just expect me to sacrifice myself and spend half the game dead so they can lose the teamfight.

I just like certain champs more than others. And it just really, really annoys me that people think they can lock in a squishy champ and then whine for a Tank, and then complain ALL GAME about how I should have been there defending them and it's just generally more trouble than it's worth.

I also only have 2 friends that I enjoy playing with because they don't play like braindead morons, but they're not always around to play with...

Solo queue hate, man.

Try carrying as the tank. It's the best.

2011-05-12, 12:26 AM
Try carrying as the tank. It's the best.

Moonshadow's primary problem is that she's playing champs she doesn't like; issues of being able to carry noobs are secondary.

2011-05-12, 12:29 AM
Try carrying as the tank. It's the best.

I'd try that, but I honestly don't know how. I've played Rammus... twice, and Amumu about 4 times. While I have a basic understanding of how to build them and how their abilities work, I'm just not that good at them. I am a mediocre player at best, and I prefer the ranged characters because I generally go splat if I play a melee type. Plus, I have an inferior connection compared to everyone else, being in Australia with our terrible internet, so my latency is usually about... 230 or so, every game, and I lag slightly.

I'm trying to be a better player though, thats why I'm taking CV and buying wards and things and... yeah. Practice and all that jazz.

Oh, also, another question. Lets say that I'm laning with a Vlad as Morde. If I use Morde's shield on Vlad, and Vlad uses Sanguine Pool, will the shield still be in effect while Vlad is in the pool? And if Vlad had a Sunfire Cape, would it also do damage while Vlad is in the pool?

2011-05-12, 01:05 AM
I enjoy certain characters more because of what they do though. For example, Ezreal. I like playing him because I can spam Q, and teleport around like the goddamn Nightcrawler with E. To me, that style of play is fun. Getting stuck as a tank, well, the rest of the team seems to just expect me to sacrifice myself and spend half the game dead so they can lose the teamfight.

I just like certain champs more than others. And it just really, really annoys me that people think they can lock in a squishy champ and then whine for a Tank, and then complain ALL GAME about how I should have been there defending them and it's just generally more trouble than it's worth.

I also only have 2 friends that I enjoy playing with because they don't play like braindead morons, but they're not always around to play with...

Solo queue hate, man.

I usually find I pick tanks more in arranged teams than in random games, simply because in normal que I don't give a hoot if I win or not, simply because I want to play a champ, so I'll damn well play it. In arranged teams I usually end up picking Alistar a) because my friends hassle me to pick him because we win a lot with ali on the team and b) because only one of them knows how to tank and that's only with malphite.

Although with it being shen free week then one of them decided to branch out, and it was an extremely fun game, since we were on skype we can tell him quickly how to build shen, and when to ult etc, so even as a new guy he did damn well at it.

I proceeded to enjoy a perfect ezreal game with 8-0-20 :smallbiggrin:

Inhuman Bot
2011-05-12, 01:33 AM
I don't know why people seem to think normal games mean nothing. I guess people's fragile egos are highly attached to the largely irrelevent number beside their names/

Getting accused of being tryhard warms the cockles of my heart though.

2011-05-12, 01:44 AM
I don't know why people seem to think normal games mean nothing. I guess people's fragile egos are highly attached to the largely irrelevent number beside their names/

It's not that they mean nothing, it's just that many people (many level 30s, at any rate; obviously irrelevant for lower levels) don't tryhard in Normals since that's what Ranked is for. To me at least, normal games serve as casual games in good fun; winning or losing not that big a deal and I'll probably play stuff I wouldn't play in Ranked. That said, I don't see why anyone would blame someone for tryhard. Each plays normals like they please.

2011-05-12, 01:59 AM
No 'best team ever' exists. For this comp, I think I'd play Ashe, Janna, Karthus, Nunu, and Cho'gath. They have soooo many ways to stop you from initiating, and either Ashe arrow or Karth wall --> Rupture is more than enough initiation.

Obviously, but see, the thing is, Amumu+Ashe+Janna+whatever has proven very good when I play with Faulty and Sirro.

2011-05-12, 02:37 AM
It's not that they mean nothing, it's just that many people (many level 30s, at any rate; obviously irrelevant for lower levels) don't tryhard in Normals since that's what Ranked is for. To me at least, normal games serve as casual games in good fun; winning or losing not that big a deal and I'll probably play stuff I wouldn't play in Ranked. That said, I don't see why anyone would blame someone for tryhard. Each plays normals like they please.

That kind of attitude really bugs me, and is what I think leads to a lot of trolls in normal.

2011-05-12, 02:55 AM
I always liked the Galio/Amumu/ Nunu team. I also want to try my "piss off!" team. Which involves Allistar, LeeSin, and Blitzcrank. Pull Push Push. Yay! It's so ridiculous it hurts. I think it'd be massively frustrating for the opponents and while the team wouldn't do fantastic in the game, it'd still be fun to play.

I'd also like to try a team global.. Have we ever decided who should be on it? Pantheon/shen/tf obviously.. (I'd prefer them all to have revive/tele XD but thats for obnoxiousness). I think Karthus is an obvious choice at that point as well. So I guess it comes down to Soraka and Gangplank? I dunno :smallconfused:

also.. sorry for being so out of touch guys. Rough semester.

2011-05-12, 02:59 AM
I'd also like to try a team global.. Have we ever decided who should be on it? Pantheon/shen/tf obviously.. (I'd prefer them all to have revive/tele XD but thats for obnoxiousness). I think Karthus is an obvious choice at that point as well. So I guess it comes down to Soraka and Gangplank? I dunno :smallconfused:

Hmm, If I remember correctly we went with Ashe, Pantheon, Shen, Twisted Fate & Karthus the first time we tried it ages ago.

2011-05-12, 03:38 AM
Oh, if anyone is still making LoLatars, and is reading this topic still, could they possible make me a Sona-tar? Sona is one of my favourite champs, despite her being not terribly good compared to other supports :smallsmile:

2011-05-12, 03:49 AM
That kind of attitude really bugs me, and is what I think leads to a lot of trolls in normal.

Oh? You may be thinking of different trolls; regardless of what I play, I try to play to the best of my ability with that champion. I don't troll as in do dumb stuff unless it's an in-house or some such but my picks won't be all that serious. I'd imagine same is true for most normal players.

And if team wants a jungler and all 4 insta-lock, they have no right to cry regardless of what I jungle. At least I'm jungling unlike the rest of them. Same with initiators, btw.

2011-05-12, 04:32 AM
Obviously, but see, the thing is, Amumu+Ashe+Janna+whatever has proven very good when I play with Faulty and Sirro.

Well, IIRC, you're a good Nunu too; Wojo on Karthus, and I'm sure there's a regular who plays Cho'gath (not me, though, since I haven't bought him yet--wait a second, he's 3150 IP, brb buying him). There, take that into arranged 5's and stomp around a bit. And when you get tired of it, go Ryze/Blitz/Amumu/Malzahar/Corki for "you can't handle our initiation" goodness. Then throw down with Team Global.

This is the sort of brainstorming that NA players don't get to do enough, because all we have is ranked solo queue. :smallfrown:

EDIT: Aaaaand there goes all my IP again. I'm sure I'll buy another rune page some day. Or a 4800 champion. Trundle, Jarvan, Rumble? Man, that price tier is beastly.

2011-05-12, 04:54 AM
I just like certain champs more than others. And it just really, really annoys me that people think they can lock in a squishy champ and then whine for a Tank, and then complain ALL GAME about how I should have been there defending them and it's just generally more trouble than it's worth.

See, I'm of the opinion that if you choose to lock in squish then you forfeit the right to complain when no one picks a tank. Because you could have easily picked a tank instead. When someone complains about a lack of tanks, then I just point out that they could have played one.

2011-05-12, 05:13 AM
EDIT: Aaaaand there goes all my IP again. I'm sure I'll buy another rune page some day. Or a 4800 champion. Trundle, Jarvan, Rumble? Man, that price tier is beastly.

Yeah... I thought I was pretty well off but then Irelia and Renekton and Nocturne became sorta must-haves and suddenly I have to come up with extra 16900 IP from somewhere in addition to the 44000 I was wanting anyways for runes, runepages and champs...

2011-05-12, 06:17 AM
I enjoy certain characters more because of what they do though. For example, Ezreal. I like playing him because I can spam Q, and teleport around like the goddamn Nightcrawler with E. To me, that style of play is fun. Getting stuck as a tank, well, the rest of the team seems to just expect me to sacrifice myself and spend half the game dead so they can lose the teamfight.

I just like certain champs more than others. And it just really, really annoys me that people think they can lock in a squishy champ and then whine for a Tank, and then complain ALL GAME about how I should have been there defending them and it's just generally more trouble than it's worth.

I also only have 2 friends that I enjoy playing with because they don't play like braindead morons, but they're not always around to play with...

Solo queue hate, man.

Get on the GitP mumble and play some 5 mans with us! Just tell us that you don't want to play a tank or support, and we will understand :smallsmile:

2011-05-12, 06:36 AM
I'm not good enough to do that yet >> I'm not even level 20 yet. Thats why I've been trying to play normal matches so I can level up and earn IP for those delicious, albeit expensive T3 runes. And I don't have a microphone, which is probably an advantage, because people laugh at my accent anyways ^^;

2011-05-12, 06:42 AM
I'm not good enough to do that yet >> I'm not even level 20 yet. Thats why I've been trying to play normal matches so I can level up and earn IP for those delicious, albeit expensive T3 runes. And I don't have a microphone, which is probably an advantage, because people laugh at my accent anyways ^^;

IIRC, Volatar was <20 when he started playing with the gang.

2011-05-12, 07:45 AM
I'm not good enough to do that yet >> I'm not even level 20 yet. Thats why I've been trying to play normal matches so I can level up and earn IP for those delicious, albeit expensive T3 runes. And I don't have a microphone, which is probably an advantage, because people laugh at my accent anyways ^^;

I started playing with our crazy mumble guys at level 19 or so, and, personally, I love Australian accents, so get a mic quickly please. :smallsmile:

2011-05-12, 07:56 AM
I'm not good enough to do that yet >> I'm not even level 20 yet. Thats why I've been trying to play normal matches so I can level up and earn IP for those delicious, albeit expensive T3 runes. And I don't have a microphone, which is probably an advantage, because people laugh at my accent anyways ^^;

Trust me, people probably won't. Depending, I may every now and then say that I like the way you say certain words like I do with Dog, but like. I can never make guarentees about what interacting with me is like.

You really should hop on mumble though. We have some dedicated tank and support players, so you can Ez to your heart's content.

2011-05-12, 08:28 AM
Trust me, people probably won't.

I agree. Besides, we have our share of silly accents with me, Mustache and Seyruun. People don't mind, you should join. Also mumble and a microphone really helps in coordinating teamfights.

2011-05-12, 08:35 AM
I started playing with our crazy mumble guys at level 19 or so, and, personally, I love Australian accents, so get a mic quickly please. :smallsmile:

I don't think I'd be quite what you're expecting though >_>

Seeing as I'm actually a guy and all, and yes, I know that my profile says I'm a chick, but I had to chameleonise it because there were some people I was trying to avoid on the forums >_>

As long as thats not a problem though <_<

2011-05-12, 08:46 AM
I'd try that, but I honestly don't know how. I've played Rammus... twice, and Amumu about 4 times. While I have a basic understanding of how to build them and how their abilities work, I'm just not that good at them. I am a mediocre player at best, and I prefer the ranged characters because I generally go splat if I play a melee type. Plus, I have an inferior connection compared to everyone else, being in Australia with our terrible internet, so my latency is usually about... 230 or so, every game, and I lag slightly.

I'm trying to be a better player though, thats why I'm taking CV and buying wards and things and... yeah. Practice and all that jazz.

Oh, also, another question. Lets say that I'm laning with a Vlad as Morde. If I use Morde's shield on Vlad, and Vlad uses Sanguine Pool, will the shield still be in effect while Vlad is in the pool? And if Vlad had a Sunfire Cape, would it also do damage while Vlad is in the pool?

Here is my champion suggestion from one mediocre player to another. In 3vs3 at lower levels, Dr Mundo is godly. Really nobody buys executioners to counter you. You build him tanky and can still push a lane like nobodies business. Your fast and if you get even a little bit fed your almost unkillable.

I build slightly differently than standard build. Get magic penetration marks and sorcerer shoes. Learn to hit with your skill shot. It will hit for an absolute ton of bricks.

Another nice thing about Dr Mundo is that teams that go all Physical or all Magic pay very dearly against him. All magic then make getting Force of Nature and Aegis of Legion priorities. If all physical then get Thornmail and Sunfire cape.

Spirit Visage is an excellent item on him because it turns your Ultimate into almost a full heal. Warmogs is good on him too since it works really well with his ultimate as well.

2011-05-12, 08:47 AM
I'm not good enough to do that yet >> I'm not even level 20 yet. Thats why I've been trying to play normal matches so I can level up and earn IP for those delicious, albeit expensive T3 runes. And I don't have a microphone, which is probably an advantage, because people laugh at my accent anyways ^^;

I was level 1 when I started playing on mumble. So, yeah.

Zen Master
2011-05-12, 08:49 AM
So ok ... I finally have 6300+ IP.

I've been saving up for Blitzcrank. But now doubts hit me. Is he the proper purchase? I have Shen for tanking, but Blitz is just so fun - the rocket grab is simply hilarious.

Other possible candidates: Akali, Sion, Karthus, Nasus, and ... well - many more =)

2011-05-12, 09:01 AM
Nasus is my homie. He's the first champ I bought, and I loves him. I don't know how all the new Tenacity items are going to interfere with him though. Part of his strength was in his absurd ability to slow you down with Wither, and with all the new Tenacity items... I'm not sure if he'll be as good a pick.

He's tons of fun though.

2011-05-12, 09:06 AM
Found a cheque for £100.

Riot points, **** yeah.

EDIT: Definitly gonna get karthus. But which other champ? Vayne, or Caitlyn?

2011-05-12, 09:24 AM
Nasus is my homie. He's the first champ I bought, and I loves him. I don't know how all the new Tenacity items are going to interfere with him though. Part of his strength was in his absurd ability to slow you down with Wither, and with all the new Tenacity items... I'm not sure if he'll be as good a pick.

He's tons of fun though.


2011-05-12, 09:32 AM
He's tons of fun though.

I also love Nasus, though he is a character I usually bomb very hard on.

I just played a game with him actually, and decided to experiment with a build I thought up.

Against a balanced team the idea was to sheer up some good magic resist and let my W/exhaust take care of the AD carries (so no real focus on armor, besides Nasus's natural armor is amazing). For masteries I went 9/0/21 for the mana regen and cd so I wouldn't have to worry about grabbing a mana item, which I normally feel like I need with Nasus. I also took Exhaust/Ghost (for further AD shutdown and Ghost is just good)

I built like this,

Rushed Hexdrinker (This + Ult is amazing early game. sudden 600 HP yes please)
Ninja Tabi (Probably Treads normally but the enemy wasn't CC heavy)
Wit's Edge (The new version is really fantastic and the AS helps my lifesteal)
Sheen to Triforce
and I didn't get this far but Replace Hexdrinker with ??? (i'm thinking a Frozen Mallet as the extra AD is nice and the HP puts you in the 4-5k range, which is good for atma's)

I ended up casually carrying 16/4/11. It was easily my best score with nasus so far and it felt... effortless. the other team wasn't bad but I could quickly dispatch both there AP character (by surviving the burst) and there AD carries (by shutting them down). Defiantly lots of fun. I dare say if I was more engaged with the game and less on choosing items I would of gotten a few more kills as well. (I may of missed a few teamfight's while deciding on what to buy... :D)

So, what do you lot think? was I simply lucky or is it a viable build?

(just noticed i'm not on the list, Summoner Name: Alcopop on the US Server :D)

2011-05-12, 09:42 AM
IIRC, Volatar was <20 when he started playing with the gang.

IIRC I was level 14. I had been playing 5 man premades with an entirely different group of friends (some of them 30's (now all 30)) from level 1-14.

The game is meant to be played with 5 people in voice chat. It's best that way :smallwink:

On Nasus: Man, I really have a hard time with him. I am not very good at melee characters in general though. Theres a reason my favorite characters are Annie, Lux, Janna, Ashe, Zilean, and Galio. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-12, 09:44 AM
So, two things.
Summoner Name: Hatevah on US Server

been lurking here for a while, and what is the solo queue fascination with trynd? I'm almost lvl 20, and it seems like every other game I get an instalock trynd. I wouldn't mind so much, except for that they generally feed hard and or otherwise useless. It's gotten to the point that I dodge pretty much any instalock trynd, on account of me not being able to carry 4v5+. Is there an end in sight, or should I really just do 5mans to level up?

2011-05-12, 09:49 AM
I don't think I'd be quite what you're expecting though >_>

Seeing as I'm actually a guy and all, and yes, I know that my profile says I'm a chick, but I had to chameleonise it because there were some people I was trying to avoid on the forums >_>

As long as thats not a problem though <_<

Whatever dude. :smalltongue:

Found a cheque for £100.

Riot points, **** yeah.

EDIT: Definitly gonna get karthus. But which other champ? Vayne, or Caitlyn?

That's kinda hard. Caitlyn kinda sucks but has been getting buffed, whereas Vayne is OP and will probably get nerfed. So you could get Vayne and then end up having her nerfed too hard, or you could get Caitlyn and either have a crappy character or end up with her buffed to usefulness. *shrug* I'd say Vayne personally. She seems more interesting, and if all they do is target her true damage, she should still be good.

Misery Esquire
2011-05-12, 09:51 AM
been lurking here for a while, and what is the solo queue fascination with trynd?

Pub 1 : "Man, Tryndamere gets to be invincible for 7 6 5 seconds!"
Pub 2 : "Yeah, I saw a good Trynd 1v5 a team!"
Pub 3 : "I can never beat Tryndamere in 1v1s!"
Pub 4 : "You know you can CC hi-"
Pub 1-3 : "NAH UH."
Poppy : "Trololololo"

2011-05-12, 09:57 AM
been lurking here for a while, and what is the solo queue fascination with trynd? I'm almost lvl 20, and it seems like every other game I get an instalock trynd. I wouldn't mind so much, except for that they generally feed hard and or otherwise useless. It's gotten to the point that I dodge pretty much any instalock trynd, on account of me not being able to carry 4v5+. Is there an end in sight, or should I really just do 5mans to level up?

This is because Riot made a load of experimental characters that didn't work out, but now can't be removed from the game because it would cause rage.

Shades of Gray
2011-05-12, 10:12 AM
They eventually get remade though, hopefully, like Ryze and Kayle did.

2011-05-12, 10:14 AM
I think some just have broken kits. Like, Master Yi just shouldn't exist. Nocturne is what Yi was supposed to be. Jax is similar. He's the only character based on RNG. If you take away his Dodge mechanic, you can balance him but you take away his flavor and uniqueness. If you leave the uniqueness, you have a crappy character.

2011-05-12, 10:38 AM
I think some just have broken kits. Like, Master Yi just shouldn't exist. Nocturne is what Yi was supposed to be. Jax is similar. He's the only character based on RNG. If you take away his Dodge mechanic, you can balance him but you take away his flavor and uniqueness. If you leave the uniqueness, you have a crappy character.

Out of curiosity, I'm a low level player I've seen good Master Yi's and bad Master Yi's, good Ashe's and pitiful Ashe's. But what would you say makes a good kit or a broken kit? Why shouldn't Master Yi exist and so forth?

Maybe a bit of a long and complicated question though.

2011-05-12, 11:03 AM
IIRC, Volatar was <20 when he started playing with the gang.
I was level one. Played my very first game with a smurf of Faulty's called "IMainEvelynn". I didn't get the joke.

As long as thats not a problem though <_<
Trust me, that is incredibly not a problem.

So ok ... I finally have 6300+ IP.

I've been saving up for Blitzcrank. But now doubts hit me. Is he the proper purchase? I have Shen for tanking, but Blitz is just so fun - the rocket grab is simply hilarious.

Other possible candidates: Akali, Sion, Karthus, Nasus, and ... well - many more =)
Get Blitzcrank. Robots are better than trees.

Out of curiosity, I'm a low level player I've seen good Master Yi's and bad Master Yi's, good Ashe's and pitiful Ashe's. But what would you say makes a good kit or a broken kit? Why shouldn't Master Yi exist and so forth?

Maybe a bit of a long and complicated question though.
Yi's skillset has very little synergy and he doesn't have an absolute defense (like Trynd's Endless Rage), meaning he fails as squishy melee. Half his skills benefit from building AP, his passive and one of his abilities benefit from Attack Speed and his ult likes AD, and apart from Alpha Strike, all of his abilities don't really have great utility, so unless they do scale they turn out to be almost useless. It just makes it a little bit harder to get going with your build. Ashe on the other hand has plenty of synergy. Being a ranged character she doesn't need an absolute defense, and she has a slow to facilitate kiting or chasing, a long ranged poke (with slow) to keep dealing damage while she's kiting, a scouting ability to either aid the team, make sure she doesn't need the kiting or set up her ultimate, which she can use to initiate, help kite, or finish off an enemy who might have got away. All of Ashe's abilities either scale with the same stat she wants or have natural utility.

Though Master Yi's main problem isn't so much that he has a broken kit, it's that his role is broken in LoL. Since there's no upside to being melee, there is no upside of having a melee carry because they'll die really quickly when they go in.

2011-05-12, 11:11 AM
I'm not good enough to do that yet >> I'm not even level 20 yet. Thats why I've been trying to play normal matches so I can level up and earn IP for those delicious, albeit expensive T3 runes. And I don't have a microphone, which is probably an advantage, because people laugh at my accent anyways ^^;

No excuse. We have had a bunch of people join when they weren't level 20. Like...

I was level 1 when I started playing on mumble. So, yeah.

Ya, like him.

IIRC I was level 14. I had been playing 5 man premades with an entirely different group of friends (some of them 30's (now all 30)) from level 1-14.

And him as well.

Trust me, people probably won't. Depending, I may every now and then say that I like the way you say certain words like I do with Dog, but like. I can never make guarentees about what interacting with me is like.

You really should hop on mumble though. We have some dedicated tank and support players, so you can Ez to your heart's content.

Yup. For example, my mouth dropped when I first heard Djinn's voice. Now, I feel comforted hearing it!:smallbiggrin:

Also, I am one of those dedicated tank/support players. I don't know why, but I seem to just be a natural at those characters.:smallwink:

Brother Oni
2011-05-12, 11:25 AM
I agree. Besides, we have our share of silly accents with me, Mustache and Seyruun.

Unless you're me, in which case half the Americans can't understand a word I say. :smallsigh:
I don't even have a particularly strong regional accent.

Yup. For example, my mouth dropped when I first heard Djinn's voice. Now, I feel comforted hearing it!:smallbiggrin:

Agreed. :smallbiggrin:

I wonder if Djinn can do a Barry White impression...

2011-05-12, 11:37 AM
Oh, if anyone is still making LoLatars, and is reading this topic still, could they possible make me a Sona-tar? Sona is one of my favourite champs, despite her being not terribly good compared to other supports :smallsmile:

I might be able too. Though I've promised Volatar an Annie avatar a while ago and haven't started yet, so no guarantees. :smallredface:

2011-05-12, 11:40 AM
Out of curiosity, I'm a low level player I've seen good Master Yi's and bad Master Yi's, good Ashe's and pitiful Ashe's. But what would you say makes a good kit or a broken kit? Why shouldn't Master Yi exist and so forth?

Maybe a bit of a long and complicated question though.

Think about Yi's kit for a moment.

He's got his Q which is a nuke/gap-closer that helps him farm. But it also takes a lot longer than other gap-closers (Compare Xin), giving the target time to run away or reposition, and giving him less time to DPS. It scales off AP.

His W would be a good skill, except its completely useless for chasing people down or doing DPS (Again, scales off AP).

His E is extremely boring, easily the lamest ability in the game (It 'scales' of AS).

And his Ult is about the only thing he has that would actually suggest he is a melee DPS (It scales off AD).

If he could just build like a Tanky DPS, that wouldn't be so bad (He'd be competing for a spot with Olaf, but still quite viable due to how fast he is), but due to his horrendous, non-synergistic kit, he can't, because then he'd do no damage.

2011-05-12, 11:41 AM
Yi's skillset has very little synergy and he doesn't have an absolute defense (like Trynd's Endless Rage), meaning he fails as squishy melee.

Ehhhh. I actually find Yi's kit to be pretty damn good.

That's because between his passive, his E, and his ult, he has enough built in steroids that you can afford to build bulk on him. His Q is a gap closer/skill evasion/sometimes escape, and his W is fairly decent recovery and gives you a massive armor/MR steroid that in a teamfight more often than not punishes the enemy team if they try to focus you. You can call his E a boring bonus, but it's a pretty damn good bonus steroid. His passive benefits from both AD and ASPD. He has two skills that give both of those, and in good amounts. Yi's actually considered one of the better characters in the game if you know what you're doing with him.

No really, play a Warmog's+Atma's Jungle Yi.

Edit: Honestly just a lot of the early champions need tweaks. So many of them still have abilities that scale off AP because the notion of scaling lots of things off AD was farfetched and ridiculous back from Ye Olde Beta days when I started. Like my Trist! Poor Trist, being forced to push a lane and having 3 AP-scaling abilities... Though honestly she's still pretty solid.

Jax is broken, yeah. He's based off dodge which is fallen heavily out of favor mechanics wise, what with there being only two items that grant it, one item that completely counters it, and most on-hit abilities ignoring dodge these days. Trynd still works if you get past 20 minutes and you get the other team to blow their CC elsewhere, but worked a lot better months ago when Cleanse still removed all negative effects from the character.

2011-05-12, 11:46 AM
Out of curiosity, I'm a low level player I've seen good Master Yi's and bad Master Yi's, good Ashe's and pitiful Ashe's. But what would you say makes a good kit or a broken kit? Why shouldn't Master Yi exist and so forth?

Maybe a bit of a long and complicated question though.

As Dog said, it's a matter of synergy. His analysis of Ashe's skill set is spot on; that's a good kit. Another highly functioning kit would be Amumu's. Amumu's kit is designed with the following goals in mind:

*AoE damage

His kit works for this and synergizes well. His Q allows him to get into the middle of the enemy team, allowing for initiation. The fact that it stuns and brings him right to someone makes it easier for him to get off his R, trapping a large chunk of the enemy team in place. He has two AoE abilities that work well together and with his Q's ability to get to people and his R's ability to keep them in place. His passive improves the effectiveness of his AoE's by reducing people's magic resist, also making enemies more susceptable to Amumu's Mage allies, helping fulfill his role as team supporter. Like wise, the passive physical damage reduction that comes with his E and the fact that his abilities work well without items (Q and R's CC functions without items, W is percentage damage so he doesn't need to worry about AP to boost it) means he naturally functions well when built as tank.

Yi has the problem of not having this synergy. Dog stated some reasons why. One thing I'd like to make note of is Dog's comment about the melee carry role not working, which is important. Squishy melee DPS just doesn't really work in this game. Between the ranged damage of mages and ranged carries and the abilities of tanks and supports to protect them, the squishy melee carry doesn't provide any advantages over the ranged carry. This is why most of the post-original 40 assassins and tanky dps (Akali, Nocturne, Xin Zhao, Renekton, and Irelia for example) have dashes, CC and/or survivability. They need to be able to get to the ranged characters, stay there and survive. This works with tanky dps, who don't have carry level dps, and assassins, who generally can only burst down a single target and escape. However, the sustained melee dps doesn't work because having both high sustained and burst damage (which is what carries have) and the ability to run up into people's faces and cut them off brutally without dying is stupid OP. If Yi could push out Ashe's damage, it'd be stupid. Which is why he's replaceable with the more assassination oriented Nocturne essentially. Yi's ult is also a problem. Realizing he has to be able to get to and stick to people, they made him fast and unslowable... which is IRRITATING AS CRAP. Dashes or mechanics like Olaf's R or the ghost built into Nocturne's Q are much better.

2011-05-12, 12:06 PM
I wonder if Djinn can do a Barry White impression...

Ummm...maybe? I have no idea.

I do a mean Bullwinkle impersonation though. :smallbiggrin:

Misery Esquire
2011-05-12, 12:43 PM
Unless you're me, in which case half the Americans can't understand a word I say. :smallsigh:
I don't even have a particularly strong regional accent.

I usually can't understand you because of how quiet you are, compared to some others, and the varying levels of sound on my computer.


Brother Oni
2011-05-12, 12:58 PM
I usually can't understand you because of how quiet you are, compared to some others, and the varying levels of sound on my computer.


As you're Canadian, I'll make an effort to speak up then. :smalltongue:

2011-05-12, 01:15 PM
As you're Canadian, I'll make an effort to speak up then. :smalltongue:

What's that supposed to mean, punk? :smallmad:

Misery Esquire
2011-05-12, 01:29 PM
What's that supposed to mean, punk? :smallmad:

To be polite. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_aEMb_Iqug) :smalltongue:

2011-05-12, 01:35 PM
To be polite. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_aEMb_Iqug) :smalltongue:

I'm sorry. No I'm sorry. (http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=250)

2011-05-12, 02:18 PM
Yup. For example, my mouth dropped when I first heard Djinn's voice. Now, I feel comforted hearing it!:smallbiggrin:

Why were you shocked? I dun get it.

2011-05-12, 02:25 PM
I might be able too. Though I've promised Volatar an Annie avatar a while ago and haven't started yet, so no guarantees. :smallredface:

I assume that you got caught up in schoolwork right?

Anyways, I would like to present to the world:





Brother Oni
2011-05-12, 02:42 PM
I'm sorry. No I'm sorry. (http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=250)

It's something only English and Commonwealth people understand innately. :smalltongue:

Why were you shocked? I dun get it.
I can't speak for Silverraptor, but I find Djinn's voice simultaneously bass and melodious, making it uniquely easy on the ear. :smalltongue:

2011-05-12, 03:05 PM
We need to discuss the next thread name!

2011-05-12, 03:08 PM
I don't think I'd be quite what you're expecting though >_>

Seeing as I'm actually a guy and all, and yes, I know that my profile says I'm a chick, but I had to chameleonise it because there were some people I was trying to avoid on the forums >_>

As long as thats not a problem though <_<

uhm who cares? Australian accents are just awesome, always.

I really had no thoughts about whether you were a guy or girl. and who seriously looks at peoples' GitP accounts??

2011-05-12, 03:22 PM
EDIT: Definitly gonna get karthus. But which other champ? Vayne, or Caitlyn?

Vayne is a very teamfight and laning focused champion, while Caitlyn is built a lot around solo pushing or tower sieging depending on how far behind/ahead your team is. It's pretty much a choice between micro heavy DPS maximization with Vayne or a more strategy-oriented push strategy with Caitlyn.

On character strength, I'd say Vayne is definitely a stronger pick but Caitlyn is more likely to remain a strong pick. Pre-patch, Caitlyn was #3 ranged carry after Ashe and Corki, yet there were very few complaints and even many calls for buffs. In contrast, Vayne has been banned in the last three ranked games I've played and there's a high chance of a nerf somewhere along the line.

2011-05-12, 03:22 PM
Before becoming part of the GitpLoL group, I only ever saw Djinn's avatar a few times. I kind of imagined his voice being high a squeaky by having that avatar. And then I actually heard him talk and went all...


Edit: Oh, and I'm making the next thread right now. Just as a heads up guys.

2011-05-12, 03:31 PM

NEW THREAD!!!!! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=198948)

And thus, it continues.