View Full Version : Corruption, Insanity, and Wounds

2011-08-07, 04:21 AM
Charts (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxPtqo6TmxERYjE4ZGJmZDgtNjkzMC00YTJhLWFlOWY tYTI2YzI0ZTYzNDdm&hl=en_US)

Those charts I'm currently working on are a series of charts for a campaign I'm hoping to run soon in pathfinder.. Its based a bit off arkam horror, so the players are expected to die and TPK are also expected. Most of the time combat shouldn't be something the players take lightly and running away is almost always a good option.

Corruption is caused by the use of some supernatural powers they players get, as well as attacks of special monsters and areas plagued with miasma. Think of it as the Taint from Oriental Adventures or Spellplague from 4e.

For every 5 points of corruption they have they need to make a DC 10+1 per check point (every five points) or be afflicted with an affliction from the corruption chart.

At 25, they are hit with it regardless. There might be other times it is provoked as well. After 25, the move up to the next level of corruption chart, where stuff is even less friendly.

Insanity is also caused by some of the powers the players get, special attacks from monsters and various other things they might run into. (Note, that the super natural powers I'm referring to are not class features, but something special the players get. Most of the time they don't do both corruption and insanity)

Insanity follows the same rules.

Wounds however are a bit different. When a player dips blow 75% health, he must make a fort save, or be afflicted with a t1 wound. These can typically be healed within a few days. 50% is t2.. 75% is t3 and 0% is t4. T4 can mean instant death there..

Or if the player takes damage equal to 25% of their health, they automatically get a wound. This also goes up.

Any case, I'm looking for some more ideas, or if things should be moved around or the % changed a bit.