View Full Version : Bastion defenders (Changeling the lost)

2011-08-18, 10:49 AM
The main court house

The waiting room was silent and quiet. No sound was heard aside from the sound of scratching as the quill of the secretery wrote another note. The room itself is relativly plain and not memorable. Cheap, but it served it's purpose, behind the two brown worn doors the Monarchs were convening on the current situation. You all have been summoned to meet them to discuss an important mission, as you look across at the strange changeling assembled, all of different courts and Seemings. The secretery cleared his throat " The Monarchs will see you in a few more moments. "

2011-08-18, 10:55 AM
Robert had already sunk into his work, scribbling notes as he eyed the other, assembled changelings in the room. The dry scratching of his own quill worked as a counterpart to that of the secretary and seemed to give the Draconic something to work on.

Resembling a Dungeons and dragons dragonborn more then anything else, Robert was covered in reddish scales with amber, glowing eyes. If one looked close enough, they could make out tiny writing all across those scales.

The Autumn courtier kept quiet for now, simply watching, studying and writing.

Mono Vertigo
2011-08-18, 11:38 AM
Among the Lost, another one was waiting calmly, faintly humming the melody of some recent pop song and playing with an old sheet of paper. Despite his fingers being sharp metal blades, Thomas safely folded and unfolded the paper without cutting it. His hands and neck were wrapped in bandages that could not be removed, and had suspicious stains around his eyes. How did you fold origami cranes again? The Wizened wasn't particularly focused on remembering this, but he needed to keep himself busy in some way.

2011-08-19, 04:36 AM
Jack relaxed in his chair, awaiting the coming Monarchs. While he too was a little bored, he was content to wait until the little lords were ready to present themselves.

2011-08-19, 11:47 AM
Emily sits in the room, running her hands through the vines that have replaced her hair. Eyeing up the other Changelings, she notices that none are bonded, at least not yet.

2011-08-19, 06:18 PM
There was a breif Silence in the Waiting room for another breif moment before the two large doors slowly opened , another ensorceled Mortal poked his head out and Nodded at the receptionist. He cleared his throat again, echoing loudly in the small plain room " The Lords will see you now" He said Gesturing to the doors.

2011-08-19, 06:43 PM
Jack nodded and sprang from his chair like a jack-in-the-box before moving over to hold the door open for the rest of the assembled changelings to enter the monarchs' room.

2011-08-19, 09:39 PM
Emily stands up and walks into the room with the delicacy of a petal. As she passes, a fragrant odor fills the nasal cavities of those she passes.

2011-08-20, 03:54 AM
Robert slunk in, notebook tucked under his arm and eyes sombre. "I was in the middle of a most interesting thesis. What's the trouble now?"

Mono Vertigo
2011-08-20, 04:58 AM
Thomas stopped right as he remembered how to fold the paper, put it inside a pocket instead, and joined Jack and Emily. He noticed the latter's sweet smell and smiled faintly.

2011-08-20, 06:41 PM
The throne room was expansive, much larger than it let on. Four Banners each representing the four Courts hung behind where they monarchs sat on their respective thrones. The walls were decorated with gilded wallpaper a mixed variety of paints and colours, giving the room the neutrility that it had intended. But of course the most important part of the room were the four powerfull changelings who know lowered their gazes as the group entered.

The King Of winter sat low on his chair, the firehearts flaming heart flickered, however it was blue and cold. It gave no heat and only reflected snowflakes around the room as he sat, every breath he took made clouded air escape from his mouth , his eyes where stoic and icy, the very site of him gave the impression of a ruthless and uncaring king. To his right sat a less impossing figure but no less terrifying. The queen of autum sat tall and regal, a pleasent smile across her face only highlighted by the small red roses that grew in her hair, and the rosey tint across her cheek. To ever get near her invited smells of fresh apples and dying embers. Of course while she looked the part the queen was non the less the monarch of the court of Fear, and in a intance could change the pleasant smile into a deathly stare.

The last two monarchs could scarcly keep themselves from glowering at each other as you enter. The King of Spring, a regal and mighty broadback with an antlered crow to meet the courts nickname, glared across at the King of Summer, a hulking stonebones with red burning skin like coal, the air around him shimmered like a mirage in the depts of the desert.

The King of Winter was the first to speak. "Greetings, I suppose you are all wondering why you have been summoned her" He said slowly, more frozen air escaping from his lips.

2011-08-20, 07:29 PM
Jack follows the others into the throne room proper and listens attentively to the nobles. He makes no response as he believes that the group is being asked a rhetorical question, and he does not wish to make a fool of himself.

Mono Vertigo
2011-08-21, 03:58 AM
Thomas, on the other hand, believed that questions are meant to be answered, even when asked by someone as cold as the Winter King. “Indeed, my Lord”, he said, however obvious he was.

2011-08-21, 05:26 AM
Robert rubbed an itching scale idly, regarding the monarchs before bowing his head, giving the Autumn Queen an extra nod of respect that the others did not receive.

"Yes, but I saw no need to ask, it was likely to become clear with listening."

2011-08-21, 07:24 AM
"Attentive as usual Robert" The Winter queen said dryly giving him a nod. The king of winter cleared his throat again, more frost escaping it " As of late the hedge surrounding the freehold has become...more volitile than usual. The hobs are gaining power and expanding the goblin market at a rate we cannot control from here."

" It has also come to our attention that there are others groups of lost working from within the hedge, Privateers, Loyalists, Milita and Bridge burners" Said The Summer King

"Not to mention misguided revolutionaries that want to over throw us" Chimed the King of Spring.

"Therefore we have decided we need to have representatives of the courts working within the hedge, mointering the situation and dealing with problems that arise. Of course leaving us to deal with the many other other pressing issues we must deal with on this side of the hedge. "

2011-08-21, 11:55 AM
"So you want us to be your eyes, my lords?" Emily asks. While it was a rhetorical question, she thought it best to clarify.

2011-08-21, 12:15 PM
The Draconic let out a hiss, smoke drifting from the corner of his mouth. "I.. suppose some field study would be useful to my research. If my work is to be disrupted by this assignment then I can make use of it.

I presume this is the reason for my involvement, my knowledge of such matters. I would assume required resources would be provided, yes?"

Mono Vertigo
2011-08-21, 01:57 PM
He wasn't entirely sure he liked the idea of going into the Hedge when he had no real reason to be there personally. Fortunately for his superiors, it dawned on him that he could only have been selected for his medical skills; surely the presence of a medic was necessary. With an understanding but still apprehensive look on his face, he asked: “And how many of us are going to investigate there, exactly?”

2011-08-21, 03:04 PM
The queen nodded "Indeed Robert, there will be adequete resources for any research you may need. "

" We want you to be our eyes , hands, and if need be fists in the hedge, you're duty is to make sure the hobs understand that the freehold won't be dicked aroud with" Said the Summer king

" Making allies wouldn't be too bad either, we could use some goblin merchants on our side" Chimed in the Spring king.

" The four of you will be going, along with one of my agents who will be joining you shortly. " Said the winter king "Make no mistake however, this is an oppertuinty to improve your standing and power within the courts. However fail, and the consequences will be dire." The room seemed to get deathly cold as he spoke.

2011-08-21, 03:52 PM
Jack was reluctant to return to the hedge and all of the dangers that lay within, but he was fairly sure that he was being sent to protect those even weaker and more naive than himself. Still, the hunting had always been better in the hedge, and he did pine for those thorny walls from time to time.

Speaking up for the first time in the meeting, with a voice that sounded like the wind through the autumn wood, Jack asked "How are we to report our findings noble ones?".

Mono Vertigo
2011-08-24, 09:21 AM
Thomas nodded slowly and silently. He secretly hoped that with the rewards, he would be able to get himself a new identity in the human world and enjoy his newfound freedom with more ease. Hah... "human world", it sounded so weird, coming from himself.

2011-08-24, 09:35 AM
There was a hiss from Robert, and a smirk. "If we fail, Lord of Winter, our fate will be beyond this court and this world."

He swept his gaze over the others chosen to go. "But they seem to accept the risk, and I will as well. The rewards are worth such things."

2011-08-24, 12:00 PM
"Good" Said the Queen of autum lounging back slightly in her chair, her face impassive and only a small curl of her lip to give any indication to ther thoughts "Provisions will be made to move you all into the Bastion at once, I suggest you begin readying yourselves for the trials aheas."

2011-08-24, 07:22 PM
Jack silently bows to the four nobles and walks backwards out of the room to begin preparations for a journey into the hedge and to await the others in his new group to discuss the particulars of their impending journey.