View Full Version : Star Wars: Rebellion Born [IC]

Dr. Roboto
2011-08-26, 10:17 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213163)

A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away...

Star Wars

Rebellion Born

The Galactic's Empire's hold on the galaxy
has been loosened. Only days ago, several
influential senators have signed the Declaration
of Rebellion, openly waging war on the Empire.

In response, the Empire has begun a campaign
of brutal repression. They have begun to force
those suspected of seditious intent into concentration
camps, located in several secure systems.

The Empire has deemed you to be a threat to the
preservation of the New Order, and has arrested
you for treason. You are currently on the prisoner
ship Tranquil Spirit on the way to the prison world of Despayre...

Arriurra, Kiff, and Damen: The two-man crew barely manages to smuggle a Wookiee slave off of Kashyyk after stopping there for "refueling". Barely a day after leaving the planet, your vessel is boarded at a remote refueling station for a routine search. Arriurra hastily squeezes into a smuggling compartment, but the Imperial inspectors are too thorough, and use their blaster's stun settings liberally in subduing you all. You are taken straight from Kiff's vessel to a prison barge and all of your possessions are taken. Kiff and Arriurra are roughly strip-searched, and Kiff is given a oversized orange jumpsuit before being thrown into a large cell. Damen is treated slightly better, given a mockery of a trial before being found guilty on counts of Consorting with Subhumans, Smuggling, Aiding a Known Convict, and Engineering Without a License. You are sentenced to life in prison, and thrown into the cell with Kiff and Arriurra. You have been on the barge for about five days, enduring constant taunting by the guards during that time.

Crim: After being caught near an Imperial governor's estate on Duro with an unregistered firearm, an investigation is launched into your past. It reveals three different aliases and subversive records on five planets, including Sabotage, Incitation of Rebellion, and Assault of Imperial Personnel. You are sentenced to life in prison, and transferred to a prison barge headed for Despayre, which you have never heard of before. Minutes ago, you were put into a cell with a human, a Bothan, and a Wookiee.

Mayli: You are turned in by your Loyalist pilot, and given a quick trial, simply a formality for the press, since by this time, your lack of loyalty to the Empire is well-known. You are put on a prison barge with two humans, a Bothan, and a Wookiee, headed for Despayre, a prison planet that, officially, doesn't exist. You only came aboard a few minutes ago.

Karbin: Attempting to arrange the hiding of explosives in the critical systems of a Star Destroyer as it's being built turns out to be a horrible idea. For one thing, you'll get caught. You are given a highly publicized trial, complete with sobbing Mon Cal, obviously puppets of the Empire, telling what a disappointment you are to your people. Forced onto to a prison barge bound for Despayre, the Empire is obviously making you "disappear".


You hear the sound of a door sliding open, but can't see it because of the layout of the room. Seconds later, you see a Mon Calamari, wearing an orange jumpsuit, identical to what all of you are wearing, except for Arriurra. He's being led by one guard, with two others carrying blaster pistols. The Mon Cal is wearing shock cuffs, which crackle with electricity. One of the guards waves a datacard in front of the cell door, which opens with a click. Another points his blaster significantly at all of you.

"No tricks. This isn't on stun; no one cares what happens to you anymore." The shock cuffs are detached, and the Mon Cal is roughly pushed into the cell, falling on his face. The guards begin to leave, muttering, but then one turns back. "I almost forgot, Wookiee," he says, pulling a disgusting, raw piece of meat from a bag. "I saved this for you from dinner." He sneers and throws the meat into the cell, where it lands with a plop, and leaves.

2011-08-27, 12:09 AM
Crim's head snapped up as the guards walked in, watching every detail.'Three. Human. Armed. Trained. Never took their eyes off us. No chance.' As they turned to leave one threw some meat down for the Wookiee.

The meat hit the floor with a wet slap. It stank.

"Check that before you eat it," he said in Basic. "Might be poisoned."

2011-08-27, 04:55 AM
Mayli Malo

"I swear I'm loyal."

No one wanted to be accused of being a traitor, and through-out the media circus she had retained her innocent stance. It didn't stand up at all once the hard indisputable facts started to come in- damn that pilot! Loyal to my family for years than suddenly decides the Empire is who he's really loyal to. Well, it wasn't really a surprise, she'd seen seeds of it, but thought they were past that.

"Apparently not." She muttered bitterly as a piece of meat slapped wetly against the cold floor. It had only been a few minutes since she was pushed in here, and she held herself for comfort holding back tears. Seemed like a life-time had passed since her trail and her sentence was passed down. Mayli had been working politics on Coruscant and Alderaan long enough to know they were going somewhere they'd never see the light of day again.

And who knows who they'd put her in a cell with.

"Probably just more like me." Mayli said to herself, sliding down against the wall and looking sullen. She tried to steel herself against the torture that lay ahead and wonder at her predicament.

2011-08-27, 01:58 PM
Lazlo looks up hopefully as he hears the door slides open. However upon seeing the new prisoner being drug in, his face descends into a scowl. After the guards leave, he gets up to help the Mon Cal back up to his feet.

"Welcome to our charming resort hotel. It's good to have another visitor. Did you sign up for the extended stay as well?" Lazlo says in a highly sarcastic voice, offering a hand to pull the newest "guest" up. "I'm Lazlo."

2011-08-27, 09:18 PM
Karbin Osla

"Why of course, I love dealing with Imperial Scum." Karbin says with venom in his voice. Still disgusted, thinking of the traitors at his sham of a trial. Taking a second glance at the offered hand, he gets back in control of his emotions and accepts.

"Thank you." Karbin instinctively attempts to straighten his outfit, as pointless as that is. "Karbin Osla." He looks over the rest of the other occupants, measuring them up. Even in prison, there's a hierarchy to learn and to work with.

2011-08-27, 11:20 PM
Crim glanced at the Mon Cal from his corner away from the others. He was bored as all hell, having deduced by this point getting out of the cell was all but impossible. Normally he was content to wait, bide his time. It was a skill all hunters possessed. The ability to endure those motionless hours before the shot. However, thanks to the meat and the Wookiee, it stank unmercifully in the now crowded cell. His patience was worn out and his worries weighed heavy on his mind.

His ill humor got the best of him. He smirked and opened his mouth.

"Looking spiffy, fish. Or uppity. They don't like that."

2011-08-28, 12:06 AM
For the five days that Arriurra, Kiff and Damen were alone in the cell, the Wookie had become relatively quiet to them. Having lost his means of communication with the fellow prisoners, there was little reason to speak, and trying to trace characters out in the air or on the wall is just undignified for a warrior. With the speed of the new arrivals, he has not yet made any attempt to see if he had the unlikely "fortune" of having someone speak Shyriiwook brought in the cell.

He snorts at the slab of meat when it hits the floor; late enough that the guards will not hear. Arri did not expect to have any dignity returned to him by the Empire, but he wouldn't give leap for it like an animal either. He gives a passive nod towards crim as he picks the meat up, giving it a long sniff.

2011-08-28, 12:57 AM
Karbin Osla

"I don't see them in here, do you? Why should they care what we do while they have us locked up? It's not like we're going anywhere."

2011-08-28, 09:25 AM
"Right. We can't go anywhere. Can't get away. Unwise to draw attention to this fact. They are watching."

2011-08-28, 01:57 PM
Mayli Malo

Why would they be chit-chatting in here? It was useless- the lives they had were over.

"Mayli Malo." She offered, standing up from her position of woe and leaning against the wall for support. "No good deed goes unpunished, right?" The woman continued, chuckling darkly.

"Probably cameras all over this room.. Who knows why. I know those doors are strong enough to hold wookiee prisoners, and there's enough guards out there.." Mayli whispered to herself just barely loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"So, maybe I watch too much Stormtroopers, but what are you in for?" The former royal asked generally to the room. "I know it's cliche, but it's not like you can incriminate yourself further, right?"

2011-08-28, 02:59 PM
Crim looked the girl up and down. A pitiful sight. It looked as if she'd already accepted death. Crim would not give up so easily.

"Terrorist," he said with a shrug. "You?"

2011-08-28, 03:09 PM

Lazlo shrugs. "They convicted me of Engineering without a Licence. It was 3 weeks out of date, which makes it void. Apparently, it carries the death penalty. Who knew?"

He does a double take and looks at Mayli. "You actually watched Stromtroppers? By the Sith, that's an awful show. All they do is go after deathstick dealers...

2011-08-28, 03:11 PM
Mayli Malo

"Freedom Fighter." She said curtly in return, trying to make the distinction pronounced. "But I guess we're all terrorists now.. I, ah, rescued some people from the life I now dread for myself." Mayli felt nervous talking about it in public like this, especially if the Imperials were listening in, but it felt useless keeping up her charade of loyalty. She'd already been sentenced, after all.

"I guess it was worth it."

2011-08-28, 03:54 PM
Crim chuckled. He did not fight for freedom, though he admitted inwardly that would likely change.
"Terrorist. I don't line up headshots because I'm a rebel. Or set off a bomb in a barracks to bring down the Empire. I do it because I like to."

2011-08-28, 04:22 PM
Arriurra breaks a bit of the meat off to view the inside of it. He makes a sound akin to a cough followed by some grunts at Lazlo's description of the conviction. Any who don't speak Shyriiwook might take it as a reaction to the meat.

"You also had a Wookie Warrior who broke out of a camp and 'stole' many things before leaving planet on board your ship."

2011-08-28, 05:06 PM
Karbin Osla

"I approve of your taste in targets, at least." Karbin says to Crim before answering the question himself. "In my case, it turns out the Imperials don't like attempted sabotage of their Star Destoryers. Though they deserve it for what they're doing to my planet. I'm sure you know what that's like, 'Warrior'." He addresses the last part to the yet-unnamed wookie.

2011-08-28, 06:41 PM
"A Star Destroyer? Now that would've made one hell of boom. Bigger than anything I've pulled off. Pity you failed."

2011-08-28, 06:54 PM
The Wookie's demeanor noticeably improves, albeit slightly. At least he's not cut off entirely from communicating. A slightly more emphatic series of groans and growls, with what's best written as Arriurra noticeably being in there for those who already know his name.

"The battle against The Empire was fierce, but with all their numbers, they still live in fear of things that dwell among the Wroshyr. I am Arriurra, Warrior of Okikuti.

Hmm, I imagine Arriurra would have some idea of what he's looking for with poison (albiet, possibly needing a slight taste...) Don't know if or what you'd want me to roll with his check though. Heal or some Knowledge skill maybe?

Dr. Roboto
2011-08-28, 07:18 PM
Your fine Wookiee senses tell you that there is definitely something chemical added to the meat, with no need for a check. A Heal check, and/or a Knowledge(Life Sciences) check, will help you identify it.

Dr. Roboto
2011-08-28, 08:55 PM
(Apologies for double post)

You are unable to determine what the strange smell in the meat is. It's a sharp chemical smell that stings your nose a bit, but the meat looks and feels normal.

2011-08-28, 09:24 PM
Karbin Osla

Karbin nods. "That sounds like them alright. Afraid of the depths, only concerning themselves with us on the surface. May our fellows have better luck dealing with them than we did," He says, working on forging some bond with Arriurra, since he knows one of the first rules of surviving in anywhere dangerous, make friends with any wookie you meet.

2011-08-28, 09:37 PM

Listening to the group, Lazlo felt slightly ill at ease. He was never one to start a fight, wanting to try and talk his way out of it. Now it seems he was imprisoned with killers and terrorists.

Cautiously, he spoke up "Sounds like the Imps. Poke their noses where we don't want them to, and ignore us when we plead for help. Shifting on his feet slightly, he says Also, not all of us speak Shyriiwook, so if one of you does, I'll love to be able to hear what Arriurra is saying, now that they took away his translator."

He begins to slowly pace around the room, not wanting to stand still. He glances in each nook and cranny, simply looking at everything.

2011-08-28, 10:46 PM
Mayli Malo

"..I see.." Mayli responded to Crim before leaning back against the wall. She'd at least hoped for some sense of fellowship to form before this inevitable fate, but her first instinct may prove true after all. At least he didn't appear to have any weapons in case he decided to liked to slice up Alderaanian Royalty instead.

She looks over at the wookie while he talks, of course not noticing it for the first time but paying attention to the silent one. "I can't begin to know what's that like.. losing your planet? I'm just glad they haven't done anything to beautiful Alderaan- but I know they will, it's just a matter of time. They'll ruin Alderaan too." She said in a strained voice, holding her arms together over her waist.

"Pleased to meet you." Mayli half-waves to the wookie, and to the rest of the clan, even those who haven't introduced themselves yet. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She said, tapping herself in the head to high-light her absent-mindedness. "I forgot it was hard for people.. well, what Arriurra," She continued, gesturing at the wookie and trying her best to pronounce his name correctly, "Was trying to gently remind you that he was picked up off your ship, and that he is a mighty warrior. I mean, Arriurra is a great warrior, not you Lazlo, he fought against the Empire's hordes before he wound up with us somehow. Crazy."

2011-08-28, 11:01 PM
Crim could sense their unease and inwardly cursed himself. The last thing he needed were enemies who were not Imperials. Being blunt was a double edged sword.

"Look, if you're all here the Imps hate you. You hate the Imps. I hate the Imps. We're allies. Drop the worried glances. I'm not carving anyone up. The name is Crim."

2011-08-28, 11:50 PM
Arriurra takes another sniff at his meat, sneezes and tosses it to "his" corner. The mostly dark-coated Wookie begins roaring again, about as softly as a Wookie can. Quickly in his speech he makes a sweeping gesture towards Lazlo.

"Would you please apologize for me to <Lazlo> for getting him stuck here. It was not what I had intended."

2011-08-28, 11:55 PM
Mayli Malo

"He's also very, very sorry about getting you stuck in here, Lazlo. It wasn't what he intended. And I'm sure there was nothing either of you could do about it, Arriurra. Don't beat yourself up- none of us got away."

2011-08-29, 01:36 AM
Kiff waves a hand dismissively, glancing around the room and struggling to keep the arms and legs of his oversized suit from sliding down again. "Not your fault, Arriurra. These Imp bastards were looking for any excuse to drag us in here and deny us our citizens' rights while stealing our property and incredibly valuable time. If they hadn't found you, they'd have just planted something, or not even given an excuse. It's how they operate."

Kiff then gestures for everyone in the cell to huddle together closely, and whispers at the barest audible level to everyone who complies, "Whatever happens, we don't want to get to where they're taking us. That would be bad for our health. You get me to a shuttle and I get us out of here; any thoughts on how to make that happen?"

2011-08-29, 02:44 AM
Before "huddling" in with Kiff, Arriurra looks towards Karbin again, and utters a few more low growls. In the circle he does not speak, probably for the best if someone listening in can understand Shyriiwook.

"They are cowards, fighting only with superior numbers. As soon as someone gets an early warning of their attacks, or are just prepared anyway, they are gone and we'll take it all back."

2011-08-29, 07:41 AM

Lazlo gives the wookiee a rueful grin. "Ah, nothing to worry about buddy. I've never been unfairly charged with trumped up crimes, given a trial, and then thrown into prison with some of the scariest people in the galaxy before!"

Looking slightly more serious, he nods towards his captain. "I agree sir. We should focus on what we can do, and not what we can't. Even if they are listening...." He trails off casting significant looks towards the walls.

2011-08-29, 10:09 AM
Crim huddled with the rest of the inmates, glad to be doing something other than waiting. He speaks very quietly.
"The Wookiee is worth at least two humans in close combat. Those blasters make them over-confident. Maybe we can surprise them. It would have to be very quick, whatever we do."

2011-08-29, 12:10 PM
Kiff will also glance around the room, looking for any signs of weakness in the cell, any cameras or microphones, or anything at all that could be used in an escape.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-08-29, 03:27 PM
Mayli Malo

"Escape?" Mayli whispered through clenched teeth as she joined the huddle. The thought hadn't really crossed her mind, she was resigned to her fate here confident that she couldn't do it alone and none other was fool hardly enough to try. The cell, those guards.. it seemed like suicide.

She smiled. Suicide was better than the alternative.

Mayli nodded in agreement with the Bothan while he spoke for the first time, giving them a purpose. She also started to really search the room, focusing her attention mainly on any weakness in the door.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-08-29, 08:53 PM
Crim saw the smile, and returned it. No need to worry about this one.

"Once you lose your fear of death, anything becomes possible."

Dr. Roboto
2011-08-29, 09:31 PM
The floor, ceiling and three of the walls are all made from the same durasteel plate, which is covered with graffiti from countless prisoners. The plates are welded together. One wall is made of durasteel bars, with holes only about 10 cm by 10 cm. A solid durasteel door is set into the center of the bars with heavy hinges. Opposite the bars are eight uncomfortable metal bunks, stacked two high, bolted to the wall. There is also a speaker built into the ceiling of the cell, but it's only about 5 cm wide, so escape through there isn't an option.

You spot a camera, about 2 meters outside the cell, pointed straight at the cell. In an upper corner of the cell, you see some sort of clear fluid dripping from the ceiling.

You spot a camera, about 2 meters outside the cell, pointed straight at the cell. The door is sturdily built, and you see no way to get through it beyond brute force or by hacking the datacard slot, which is well out of your reach.

You spot a camera, about 2 meters outside the cell, pointed straight at the cell. In an upper corner of the cell, you see some sort of clear fluid dripping from the ceiling. Where it's dripping, you see that the durasteel sheets bend inwards, possibly giving you leverage to pry them away.

2011-08-29, 10:26 PM
Karbin Osla

Karbin looks somewhat incredulously at the rest of them. They barely know their companion's names and yet they're trying to organize a prison break? Still, what choice did they have? "We'll only have one shot at this," Karbin says quietly, "We need to make sure we make the most of it. I'm not much use in a brawl myself, but I'll do what I can."

2011-08-29, 11:05 PM
Crim opened his mouth, but stopped himself from commenting on the Mon Cal's statement. He noticed one of the upper corners of the wall was bent and...well, leaking.

He walked over and examined it as best he could while attempting to appear nonchalant about it.

Attempting to roll Life Sciences to identify the liquid/chemical: [roll0]

2011-08-30, 08:11 PM

As Crim wanders off wordlessly, Lazlo speaks quietly. "No matter what happens, we will need to create some form of distraction. No offence to you Mr. Osla, but I believe we should fight. A human fighting an alien? The guards will come running. And if you are beating me to pieces, they may just come in to stop it."

Dr. Roboto
2011-08-30, 10:39 PM
The fluid is some sort of coolant. It's toxic; not enough to harm anyone, but enough to burn through the durasteel, given enough time.

2011-08-30, 10:43 PM
You, engineer," Crim whispers. "Take a looks at this," nodding in the direction of the structural weakness.

2011-08-30, 10:53 PM

Lazlo walks over, and takes a look at the dripping fluid and the warped metal. He examines it with a critical eye, then dips a finger in the liquid. He brings it up to his noise, and sniffs. Then he very cautiously licks at the fluid.

I'm assuming a mechanics roll here is appropriate.
Mechanics [roll0]

Dr. Roboto
2011-08-30, 11:21 PM
You recognize the fluid as an industrial-grade coolant, used to cool the engines of large ships and cycled throughout the exterior to release heat. It's mostly harmless, but becomes caustic when it comes into contact with water.

A leak probably sprung in the coolant system, somehow went undetected by the maintenance systems, and the humidity in the air activated the coolant, allowing it to melt through the durasteel and into the cell.

Unfortunately, your saliva also contains water. The drop of coolant burns your tongue, giving you a -2 penalty on all Persuasion checks for the next 8 hours. Altho, you hath to talk like you thust burned your thongue.

2011-08-31, 12:16 AM

As soon as the liquid touches Lazlo's tongue, his face recoils. Spitting quickly off the to the side, he takes a moment to compose himself.

Coughing, he says "It themes thith ith...thith-thpith! It thcrewed upth mah thunth! Don't drinth thith thuff!" Lalzo sticks his tongue out and tries to look at it. However, being human, it doesn't work very well at all. "Oh welth. Thith thtuff is cul-lant, but with wader it gets corrothive. We could twy to bwurn awayth da weast of da wall I thuppoth.

Lazlo spits again, and looks to the group, seeking ideas.

2011-08-31, 09:52 AM
"If it's inert without water, we can collect at points of the bulkhead, then add the catalyst to weaken the bulkhead even more. The Wookiee can pry it off then."

2011-08-31, 03:01 PM
Kiff listens intently to the suggestion, then casually nods his head ever so slightly towards the camera outside, whispering "Thoughts on our viewing audience? Not sure they'd like that show."

2011-08-31, 03:45 PM
"We die here now,trying to escape and possibly earn our freedom. Or we die later after years of hard labor and torture with no hope of ever being free again. Either way we die, so why not?"

Crim pause a moment, not accustom to speaking at length so often.

"Simply put; the hell with what they think."

2011-08-31, 04:02 PM
Arriurra begins stretching at hearing the plan, just the sound of that shows that he really hasn't gotten enough movement for a Wookie the last couple days. He emits a few low growls and moans punctuated with a roar, all as quietly as a Wookie can manage.

"I can do that, if we can get a jump on them most of us will probably make it out of this room."

2011-08-31, 04:22 PM

Lalzo nods in agreement with whats been said. After all a life of hard labor in some mine somewhere is not a life worth living. You've got to take risks if you want to be the top! Risks are fun. But unnecessarily dangerous risks....

He attempts to speak once more "We need a dithtractin" as he looks at the camera.

2011-08-31, 06:48 PM
At that, Arriurra walks over towards Crim, lets out a loud, elongated roar, and pushes him at Karbin.

Taking advantage that practically anything said in Shyriiwook is intimidating sounding, he merely says "Play along."

2011-08-31, 08:42 PM
The Wookiees shrug caught Crim completely off guard. He stumbled into the Mon Cal and swore loudly. The roar sounded like a challenge, and Crim was more than happy to answer.

"You damn rug! Push me into the smelly walking fish?! C'mere!"

He shoved the Mon Cal away roughly, and advanced toward the towering Wookiee. Even though his blood was pounding in his ears, Crim considered the altercation quite timely. It would provide a distraction for Lalzo.

He threw a hard left hook at the Wookiee.

2011-08-31, 09:02 PM

Despite being tempted to watch a Wookiee tear a man apart, Lazlo quickly springs into action as stealthy as possible. As the brawl escalates, he grabs some blankets off the cell beds, and (carefully wrapping his hands in one), proceeds to mop up as much of the spilled coolant as possible.

Lazlo flinches as he hears the punches landing on flesh, perhaps stronger than necessary. Ah well, not everyone knows how to throw a punch, or how to act like you got the wind knocked out of you...

He quickly sneaks back over to the wall, and spreads as much of the liquid along the joints of the durasteel walls, hoping that it would work out....


Dr. Roboto
2011-08-31, 09:17 PM
The coolant spreads easily. It gathers in the joints between the durasteel plates, and is sticky enough to not drip down quickly. Without a source of moisture, however, it sits there inactive.

Meanwhile, the speaker overhead clicks to life. "Cut it out in there," calls a bored-sounding guard, his voice distorted by the grainy sound quality. "We're supposed to bring in six of you, not five and a pulp."

2011-08-31, 09:44 PM
Crim's punch was just short of the Wookiee's jaw. It left him dangerously unbalanced, as he had had to stretch to reach the Wookiee's jaw in the first place. The Wookiee's retaliatory swat to the head left him seeing stars. Crim hoped to whatever gods existed that this would be worth it in the end.

2011-08-31, 10:13 PM
Had the wookie even felt the blow, it was not obvious, but what a sound he made after it. He lifts Crim up and walks him over to a wall, blocking the pointed at camera from being able to see the man. Arriurra promplty drops him on his feet.


2011-08-31, 10:24 PM
Crim had actually begun to panic, something he was not used to. The Wookiee had lifted him as casually as a sack of grain and dropped him in a corner. Unsure if this was by design or merely a mistake, Crim lashed out again. However, fear had wormed its way into his head and the punch never landed. Instead Crim tried to make himself as small as possible in one of the corners of the cell, terrified and thoroughly embarrassed for having shown his fear.

2011-09-01, 08:37 PM

While the Wookiee was throwing around the other prisoners, Lazlo took the opportunity to quickly apply his closest water source to coolant on the wall. He was hoping to save some dignity, but in dire situations, one must do what one must do...

2011-09-01, 09:02 PM
Karbin Osla

Karbin joins in on the distraction, cheering on Arriurra. "Teach that xenophobic human scum a lesson! Show him they're not in charge in here."

2011-09-01, 09:35 PM
With the ongoing distraction of the fight, Kiff follows Lazlo's lead and sneaks up to the opposite cell corner whereupon he 'lets out his feelings'.

2011-09-02, 02:02 AM
Mayli Malo

Having slunk back into the corner near the door, she tried to stay out of the way. She hadn't seen anything when she looked around but obviously others had so she was staying out of the way. With the following actions that took place, Mayli knew it was working when they came over the intercom. They had to keep focus on that most of all.

"Yeah, umm, you walking carpet.. leave him alone!" Mayli yelled over, having heard everything the wookie had said, and ran over to join Crim by the wall. "Don't worry." She whispered, "It's just a distraction."

Sitting there beside Crim, she tried to look defiant against her wookie "oppressor" and even spat at his feet for good measure with an apologetic look on her face.

2011-09-02, 10:11 AM
Crim suppressed another bout of swearing. Bad that he'd been made to look the fool. Good that they had a distraction. If it resulted in freedom, he was happy to suffer a bit of fear and embarrassment. He smelled an unpleasant scent in the air, over the Wookiee and the meat. He glanced over to the wall and noticed Lazlo and the Bothan catalyzing the coolant. He smirked.

"Figures." he whispered."Do you think we sold it?"

2011-09-02, 07:36 PM
For a bit of extra measure, the Wookie "chuckles" at Mayli's joining into the fray. The sound is akin to a flat tire on a highway. He slaps a paw down on Mayli's shoulder waiting for the call to help break the door down.

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-02, 11:17 PM
The coolant begins to sizzle, then steam and evaporate. Where it was is now a dull grey goo, obviously residue from the durasteel. The edges of the plate where it was smeared are now mostly melted away, allowing you to see glimpses into the dark maintenance areas of the ship. However, the durasteel is still attached by small sections–it'll take a good push to break off the plate.

Meanwhile, the guard on the intercom is sounding more agitated. "That's it. I'm sending down a security team! If you're not all friends before they get down there..."

Whenever you like, make a Strength check to force the plate. Alternatively, you can make a Strength check against DC 10 to give the next person to try a +2 bonus on their roll.

2011-09-02, 11:50 PM
Kiff quickly glances sidelong at the weakened wall and then up to the camera. He emphatically waves his arms in a placating gesture, speaking calmly and loudly to the camera, "No, that's alright! We'll behave ourselves, the beast stopped! We're being nice now! No need to send down anyone, we're... Please don't hit us anymore...!"

Deception - [roll0]

EDIT: *sigh*

2011-09-03, 01:14 AM
Crim could smell the chemical reaction from across the cell. His fear left him and he whispered quickly to the Wookie. "Sith me it worked. Wookiee, we could use some of your real strength. Please."

2011-09-03, 01:19 AM

Lalzo suppresses a smirk at his hard work. Never done that before....

"Yesh! I'll be good." he shouts, running back to his bunk and jumping in it.

Deception [roll0]

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-03, 10:38 PM
The voice keeps blaring through the speakers. "Wookiee! Back away from the other prisoners, and I'll call off security! If they get down there, they're not going to be amused."

2011-09-05, 01:34 AM
Arriurra puts his hands up, turns from the group and walks over to his bed, hopefully getting security to be called off.

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-05, 02:28 PM
You hear a shouting in the background of the intercom. Then the bored, crackling voice comes back on. "Alright, I called security off–for now. Make sure that I don't have to send them down again."

There's a click as the intercom shuts off.

2011-09-05, 09:19 PM
Crim let go of a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He walked over to Kiff and Lazlo.

"Are we good here?" he whispered. "Because I don't think we can do another one of those unnoticed."

2011-09-05, 10:38 PM

Lazlo nods almost imperceptibility back at the man. Laying down on his bunk, he whispers back "We should have activated the chemicals. Now we just need to wait for the right time to escape."

2011-09-05, 10:52 PM
Crim kept his voice low and controlled, despite himself.
"The right time? How about now? Now seems like the perfect time."

2011-09-06, 04:25 PM
Mayli Malo

"We need some kind of plan.. if only we knew when they slept. Bastards." Mayli cursed from her bunk. "Because when we start filing out of here we need to do it very, very fast." She whispered.

2011-09-06, 04:31 PM
In the quietest whisper, Kiff replies to Mayli and Crim, "Same deal as before. You get me to a shuttle, I get you out of here. I say plan is whatever shuttlebay we can find the fastest, near the guts of the ship most like. Speed, speed, speed. That will keep us safe." He glances towards the Wookie, and nods in her general direction, "Whenever she's ready. We don't want to wait long."

2011-09-06, 05:02 PM
Arriurra Leans up against a wall to keep distance from the other prisoners, and to be close to the door for when Mayli is ready. As soon as she gives a signal, he makes a single "Ooh" noise and tries to push through the door.


Strength roll: [roll0]

2011-09-07, 09:17 AM
"Who has a decent knowledge of ships? Specifically, this class? Maybe we can get to the cell block controls and start ourselves a little riot. Might be useful to cover our escape."

2011-09-08, 09:12 PM
Mayli Malo

"Escape first, talk later." Mayli harshly whispered before moving towards the wookie stealth-fully, trying to help push through the worn down material. While assisting, she tried to think of anything she'd ever heard of someone managing to escape from a Centurion-class star-ship. How they did it, if they escaped, or how they were re-captured.

Strength Roll: [roll0]
Galactic Lore: [roll1]

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-08, 09:58 PM
Mayli and Arriurra's combined strength is able to push the durasteel plate out of place. It splits from the rest of the wall with a loud CRACK.

Light from the cell floods into the maintenance area, showing a forest of cords, tubes, and pipes. A single glowrod hangs on the wall. The maintenance passage is barely half a meter wide, and stretches out to the left and right.

You remember one notorious criminal who almost escaped from a Centurion-class. Zyn Lerin, known as "the Klatooinian Strangler," killed over twenty Imperials with a garrote made from his jumpsuit, before being shot down.

You do remember that he had sabatoged the hyperdrive capacitors in the very bottom of the ship, forcing it out of hyperspace.

2011-09-08, 11:22 PM
Crim moved toward the opening. He tried to keep his voice low.
"Laz, take the lead. You know ship systems best. Kiff next, then Mayli, then fish, then me. Arriurra I suggest you take the rearguard. Agreed?"
He waited, albeit impatiently, by the opening.

2011-09-08, 11:27 PM
"Don't have to tell me twice!" Kiff slides into the passageway, glancing about and trying to dissolve into the shadows...

Perception - [roll0]
Stealth - [roll1]

2011-09-08, 11:50 PM
Crim nodded and then decided it was better not to wait. Self-preservation was on everybody's mind, of this he was sure. He followed Kiff as stealthily as possible.


2011-09-09, 07:45 AM

Lazlo sneaks into the maintenance hallway. His face contorts in the dark light as he tries to figure out which way to go...

Stealth: [roll0]
And I'm assuming I can make a mechanic roll to navigate? If not, let me know the appropriate one and I will do so
mechanic [roll1]

2011-09-09, 05:24 PM
"Enrooah." Arriurra groans as he lets the others by, he keeps his eyes peeled down both hallways, expecting someone to show up at any moment.

"That sounds good."
Use the Force standing in for Perception, as Arriurra does not see with his eyes. Not that he knows that. [roll0]

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-09, 07:16 PM
You fail to spot anything that wasn't already apparent.

You know very little about the Centurion-class. The only tidbit of information that you can think of is that the maintenance tunnels go through the ship's outer layer, but do not run deeper inside.

You fail to spot anything not already apparent.

2011-09-09, 08:46 PM
Karbin Osla

Letting the "fish" comment slide for the time being, Karbin follows behind Mayli, translating Arriurra for the others. "Arriurra's fine with the idea." In the tunnels, he watches out for anything useful for their escape.


2011-09-09, 09:51 PM
"Sith me its dark in here. Which way grease monkey?"

2011-09-09, 11:35 PM

Lazlo reaches out and grabs the glowrod off the holder. Pausing for a moment, he points to the left. "Not sure which way would be better. These just run along the perimeter of the ship. But anywhere is better than back there." He walks quickly down the branch leading to the left.

2011-09-09, 11:42 PM
Mayli Malo

The girl from Alderran looks down at her jump-suit tentatively, considering something as she moves into the maintenance area attempting to stick generally to Crim's line order. Then she goes a little pale and shakes her head.

"Lucky that." She whispers as Lazlo grabs the glowrod, and the group prepares to move along. "Keep an eye out for another one of those things- I've got an idea. The Imperials aren't deaf they might be on us at anytime so somebody should be getting a ship ready.. but we'll need those hyperdrive capacitors in the bottom of the ship down if we hope to get anywhere. We can risk getting to the ships and finding a Dock full of TIES, all go after the hyperdrive capacitors and hope they don't bar the Dock, or.. split up."

2011-09-09, 11:52 PM
"I'm for finding the hyperdrive, and slagging it. If we split up in these tunnels, chances are good we'll get very lost, and the get very dead."

2011-09-09, 11:56 PM

Turning sideways to manuver around a pipe jutting out into the hallway, Lazlo grunts back a reply "We need to stick together. We've got an advantage that way, and it's our only one."

He pauses for a moment on the other side of the pipe, waiting to make sure everyone is following. "We shouldn't slag anything until we find an alternative way off this thing. We don't want to be stuck out in the middle of no where with a bunch of Imps on one side and cold dark space on the other."

2011-09-11, 11:30 AM
"I don't know, there's something to be said about breaking something important and having the Imps have to worry about freezing to death more than tracking us down, but regardless this is a conversation we should be having while moving." Kiff starts half sprinting down the passageway darting from shadow to shadow, then turning around and waiting for the group to follow...

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-12, 10:08 PM
You make your way agonizingly slow through the tangle of pipes and wires. Luckily, there's a lot of foam insulation that muffles your noise.

You notice a column of light ahead. As you get closer, it becomes clear that the light comes from a grate set into the ceiling. A few horizontal pipes nearby could allow you to climb up without difficulty. The room, or at least what you see of it, is done in typical Imperial military style–durasteel sheets with concealed lighting, and no decorations. Despite your limited angle of view, you see a few lockers lining the walls.

2011-09-12, 10:56 PM
Crim saw the grate and the lockers paled visibly. His voice was barely a whisper. "Barracks?" he asked worriedly.

2011-09-12, 11:03 PM
Signaling for the group to hold back, Kiff climbs the pipes as silently as he can manage to press his ears and eyes up against the grate and figure out what's up there...

Perception - [roll0]
Stealth - [roll1]

2011-09-13, 08:06 AM
Mayli Malo

"A barracks means weapons.." Mayli whispers with a little excitement, "As long as there aren't any guards."

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-13, 08:23 PM
You can't hear anyone coming, but without lifting up the grate, you can't see much of the room.

2011-09-13, 10:06 PM
In an odd sort of way, the small tunnels were like home to Arriurra. The twisting wires were at least similar to the mazes of vines on Kashyyyk. This does not really improve the Wookie's demeanor.

Arri's going to "listen" in on the room above to see if there's anything interesting. Use the Force: [roll0]

2011-09-14, 12:57 AM
Kiff signals the group from his place next to the grate, once 'Come Forward', and once 'Be Quiet'. Then, following his own advice, he gently lifts the grate up far enough to look inside the room...

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-16, 10:55 PM
It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust from the dim green light of the glowrod to the harsh glare and polished metal surfaces of the room. Once they do, you see that it's about three meters wide and five meters long, with lockers lining the walls. There is a closed door in the corner of the room, and a metal table with a datapad on it in the middle.

2011-09-17, 01:08 AM
Karbin Osla

The Mon Calamari looks into the room as best he can from the middle of the pack, content to let others take the lead. "An empty room. Promising. Let's check for anything useful while we have the chance." Once the group moves into the room, assuming nothing happens, Karbin moves to check out the datapad on the table.

2011-09-17, 01:17 PM
Kiff waves the rest of the group up into the room, and then begins to open the lockers and check them for supplies and weapons...

2011-09-17, 03:53 PM
Crim let out an audible sigh of relief when Kiff waved the group forward. He climbed out of the maintenance tunnel and began searching the lockers.

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-17, 11:10 PM
The datapad appears to be an inventory of incoming prisoners. It contains various details about the prisoner's backgrounds, crime, and possessions when arrested. You can tell that you could access more information with a little work, but you're not sure what you'd uncover.

Kiff and Crim:
The lockers contain a mixture of civilian clothes, weapons, and personal effects. Each contains a set of clothes, often a weapon or two, and a few trinkets, such as wallets, multitools, and jewelry.

2011-09-17, 11:19 PM
Crim chuckled as he rifled through the lockers. What kind of idiot stores weapons in an unsecured locker? He grabbed a set of clothes that looked his size and changed out of his prisoner jumper hastily. He grabbed a multi-tool, and then took stock of what kind of weapons he had pulled from the lockers.

2011-09-17, 11:32 PM
Kiff continued to take stock of the lockers, looking especially for tools he can use and a couple fancy pistols if he's particularly lucky, as well as any manacles or restraints. In a hushed voice, he leans over to the more Human-stature of his companions and whispers, "I don't think I'm going to pass for a Storm Trooper, and I doubt our tall furry friend will have much luck either. Jailer-Prisoner ploy? And is anyone hearing any alarms going off? Do they know we're gone?" He glances to the lockers, then says again, "Eyes open for comlinks, I want to hear what they're saying to eachother."

Do I need any rolls for any of this?

2011-09-18, 12:26 AM
Karbin Osla

Karbin searches the data on the datapad, looking for information on the guards or, failing that, how many other prisoners are on board and how they might let them out in case they attempt the riot idea.

Computer use, if necessary:[roll0]

Dr. Roboto
2011-09-19, 09:13 PM
Crim and Kiff:
It appears that these lockers were used for the latest arrivals; namely, you. Searching through the lockers, you find your own possessions, and things that look as if they belong to the others in your group. However, all spare credits were apparently taken, as there are no credit chips in any of the lockers.

Furthermore, it seems as if the prisoners the ship picked up were mostly nonhuman, and some non-humanoid. Most of the weapons aren't made for a standard five-fingered hand, however, there are plenty of these. You find plenty of blaster carbines, blaster pistols and vibroblades, however, if you use them, you'll take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

There are some weapons that fit your bodies. Beyond your own weapons that you find along with your clothes, you find 2 blaster pistols, 1 blaster rifle, 1 blaster carbine, and 1 vibroblade fit for the group's use.

You easily slice into the datapad, moving past password protection and firewalls quickly. Beyond administrative details, the only additional information you find is a basic map. The prisoner's lockers are located near the back end of the ship. The hyperdrive is located one deck down. You could get there by moving about 30 meters down the hallway and into the lift, but risking being seen by Imps. Unfortunately, the map doesn't show the maintenance tunnels, so you're not sure how to go down in those.

2011-09-19, 11:05 PM

"Good news, everyone. We're not far from the hyperdrive, it's only a deck below us. Not as good news, the map doesn't have the maintenance tunnels, so we either need to risk being seen in the hallway, or try to find our way down." While letting the others look at the map, Karbin quickly gathers up his own belongings.

2011-09-19, 11:15 PM
Crim's eyes lit up at the sight of his rifle. He checked it for damage. The scope was badly misaligned, no doubt from mistreatment. Crim adjusted it back to perfection. His pistol was also there, still in its holster. This he strapped to his hip. He spied the vibro knife and took it with a malignant smile. Everything was back to normal, minus the fact they were all still on this damn ship. Crim heard the Mon Cal mention the hyperdrive.

"I say we risk the tunnels. They don't know we're out. No reason to let them know just yet. Soon though."

He slung his rifle onto his back and moved toward the grate a grim smile on his face.

2011-09-20, 01:48 AM
As soon as Arriurra figures out what's in the lockers; he immediately goes for a long semi-tubular cloth with a makeshift bandolier attached to it and puts it on. He claims his spear, bow and quiver next, and finally his datapad, which he promplty begins writing into, while making various Shriian barks. He flips it around with large text and lets out a sigh.

[Finally, I missed being able to communicate.]

It mirrors what he wrote, except with the addition of "My Ryyk," before it.

2011-09-20, 09:11 AM

Rummaging through the collected belongings, Lazlo graps his gear. Quickly changing out of the jumpsuits, he dons his typical clothes of dark pants, grey shirt and flight jacket. Securing his pistol to his hip, he nods as Crim offers his suggestion.

I don't have any problem screwing up the hyperdrive, but I don't want to be doing it until we find a way to get ourselves off of here!" He stands up after secreting his knife in his boots.

2011-09-20, 11:18 AM
Kiff breathed a sigh of relief as he strapped his old trusty blaster to his belt; he was never a fan of using it in combat as that always meant he'd screwed up somehow and had to rely on violence, but he was well trained to use it and loved to be prepared for all circumstances. He also slipped his bootknife back into place before cursing softly about his missing Creds. "D***ed Imperials, as if kidnapping me wasn't enough they have to go and pick my pocket of an honest month's wages?"

Glancing at the remaining weapons and seeing noone reaching for the found spares, Kiff shrugs and snags a second blaster pistol then turns back to his companions. "Waste not, I suppose. Who wants the other guns? And these other weapons; they're not for Humans. The other prisoners here could use them, or we could foul them and try to leave a nasty surprise for whoever comes looking for us; an overloaded Rifle charge isn't anything to laugh at."

Glancing at Crim, Kiff crumpled up his nose in thought, then replied, "I vote we go for the lift. Yeah, we'll probably get spotted, no way around that. But it's a 15 second sprint versus Gods know how long slogging through tunnels; time is our enemy here, surprise is our friend."

2011-09-20, 11:19 AM
Crim stopped, annoyed at the lack of a clear direction. He shrugged. "Whatever. Either way, Fish is right. We need a way off." He glanced over the map again, trying to find the hangar bays. He looked up at Kiff suddenly. "You said something about overloading a charge? How hard is that? Some explosives may come in handy."

2011-09-24, 05:15 PM
Crim mulled over what the Bothan had said a bit more. After a few moment, he decided. As much as he loathed leading, Crim knew indecision could be lethal at a time like this. He grimaced and then spoke.

"To be honest, I like Kiff's plan better than wandering around in the maintenance tunnels. Kiff, rig up some of those power packs. See if we can't get a boom. Fish, we need to know where the hangar is, 'cause things are gonna get real hot soon. Everyone else get a blaster. Doesnt matter if you can't shoot to well, so long as you can shoot. We're taking the elevator. Surprise is our best weapon, like Kiff said. Let's use it."

Sorry for double post, but Im taking the GM's advice and kick starting this.

2011-09-25, 04:21 AM
A quick grunt from Arriurra and he's typing again, with a few more despondent moans towards the end of his message.

[We have initiative, and the surprise of strength, yet we do not know their's in that room. Attacking from an expected entrance where they could very well surround us could be our death.] It takes a bit of scrolling for his entire message to display.

First grunt is non-communicative, but towards the end. "I need to get a sound-maker for this."

2011-09-25, 09:33 PM

Karbin looks over the datapad some more for the hanger bay, moving to take command of the situation as well. "You're right, we do have the imitative. All the more reason to move quickly, before they can respond to our breakout. Getting lost in the tunnels won't help. We don't have time to argue, get armed and let's get going."

2011-09-25, 10:35 PM
Crim nodded and began distributing the weapons.

"Simple point and shoot interface. I'm assuming everyone can grasp that concept?"

2011-09-29, 03:40 PM
Mayli Malo

"Nice fit.." Mayli mused as she walked out from behind a well-placed visual blockade now dressed in her adventuring clothes. The jumpsuit was graciously discarded as Mayli took a moment to play with the end of her vest gleefully, taking small pleasure in having a proper set of clothes at long last.

Strapping her Wristlink on and checking her Blaster Pistol to make sure the scope still lined up properly, the young Alderaanian noble was confident enough to stroll back over to the rest of the group. "I've been trying to get their frequency.." The girl complains, twisting a few knobs on her Comlink and testing a couple different ones. Static mostly greeted her but she kept on with it.

"I say we go downstairs, blow that Hyperdrive up.. blow everything up, blow this whole damned thing to pieces!" Mayli Malo growled as she grabbed an extra Blaster Pistol, assuming there was no objection. "Who knows how well guarded this elevator is? I don't care. I'll kill whatever's down there.. as best I can. They're not expecting well-armed prisoners. Not even any alarms yet." She continued, putting away the extra Pistol and wringing her hands, her natural Alderaan peaceful nurture conflicting with the unparalleled rage building inside.

I'll try a.. Gather Information? check to try and find the Stormtrooper Frequency.

Gather Information: [roll0]

2011-09-29, 07:34 PM

Once they're armed, Karbin moves over to the door, opening it and checking out the hallway before waving the others forward if it's clear.

2011-09-29, 08:43 PM

Rummaging through the pile of non-humanoid weapons, Lazlo takes about a dozen power packs and some computer parts. He plops down on the floor, concentrating on his work. Quickly setting to work, he creates six grenades and 6 timed bombs.

Timed explosives

Wiping sweat off his forehead, he stands up and steps back from his handy work. "O-K. Looks like we've got ourselves a party. I always wanted to go out in a bang...."

2011-09-29, 09:28 PM
Mayli's words, while a tad surprising, were not unwelcome. If they had been anywhere else, Crim might have actually found them endearing, as they mirrored his own thoughts on the Imperials. He saw Lazlo sit in the middle of the floor with an armful of powerpacks, and then begin to tinker with them.

Crim studied how the improvised grenades were made, filing their extremely useful nature away for a later date. He grabbed a timed one and a regular one and slipped them into his pack.

After this was done Crim took position opposite of Karbin, pistol ready, and waited for the go signal. He chose to forgo the pistol scope he had. No need at such close range, and he luckily had his rifle with him if the need arose.

2011-09-30, 12:39 AM
Kiff stuffed one of the timed power pack grenades into his pouch, grinning at Lazlo quietly. He draws his pistol, holds it down against his leg, then nods at his companions. "Let's go."

Raising his pistol to point at the door, Kiff walks towards it, presses the button, and watches it raise up with trigger finger and legs tensed for action...

2011-09-30, 09:14 AM
Crim took three quick breaths, calming himself, as Kiff keyed the door.
"Karbin, left. Kiff, center. I have right."

2011-10-01, 04:52 AM
By this point, seeing as no one was interested, Arriurra claims the carbine for himself; finding a way to attach it to his bandolier. He get's his spear out as the group moves towards the door, silently. Ready to charge in the direction of blasterfire at the slightest notice.

Dr. Roboto
2011-10-01, 04:28 PM
Since there's no activity on any frequencies, it's impossible to find which one the guards are using. Once they find out that something's wrong, you can make another check to find it.

The door slides open with a hiss. With the same lack of decoration as the rest of the ship, the lifeless hallway is almost unnaturally quiet. Off to your left you can see the lift, above it a security camera.

Since the lift is located at a T-intersection, the camera rotates at predictable intervals. There are three unmarked doors between the lift and you.

2011-10-01, 07:44 PM
Seeing that the hallway was empty, Crim peeked out and took a look. He saw the lift and the camera. He tried to gauge the distance, and wondered if he could cover it in the interval sweeps of the camera. He studied the timing for a few moments. When he was sure of it, he turned and whispered to Karbin.

"Bring along that datapad with the map. Might be useful."

He checked the timing on the camera again, and then moved as quickly and quietly to the lift as he could.

Stealth: [roll0]

2011-10-02, 12:16 PM

Following Crim's lead, Lazlo collects the remainder of his improvised explosives, and sneaks down the hall. He pauses for a moment, and then swiftly runs past while the camera is not focused on him.

Stealth [roll0]

2011-10-03, 02:50 AM
Grabbing the datapad, Kiff follows his companions as silently as possible...

Stealth = [roll0]

2011-10-03, 01:31 PM
Cursing as silently as possible, Mayli follows along with the rest of the group.

Stealth: [roll0]

2011-10-03, 07:17 PM

Karbin also tries to slip by the camera as they approach the lift.

Stealth [roll0]

2011-10-07, 04:32 AM
With a Kashyyykan frown, Arriurra tries to follow along with the others, still keeping his spear in his hand. Stealth is an important aspect of the warrior, but it was never one he was too skilled at.


2011-10-12, 12:41 AM
Crim cursed quietly as the wookie stomped toward the lift. Their advantage of stealth was going to evaporate very quickly if this kept up.

Dr. Roboto
2011-10-17, 08:05 PM
Everyone makes it past the camera and into the lift. When Arriurra tries to sneak past, though, he misjudges the timing, and the camera catches a glimpse of him.

Suddenly, a siren begins to blare over the loudspeaker. The guard from before begins transmitting orders throughout the ship, sounding flustered instead of bored now. "There are escaped prisoners in administrative area C! Security teams Nu and Tau, move to administrative area C! Prisoners are armed and dangerous, full battle gear!"

Meanwhile, you've all gotten to the lift. It descends quickly into the hyperdrive maintenance room. As the doors slide open to reveal the room, the hot and humid air rushes into the turbolift. The hyperdrive room is filled with stacks of machinery, with aisles running through them. In stark contrast to the austere aesthetic of the rest of the ship, it's grimy and run-down. Jets of steam burst from pipes at seemingly random intervals, and the floor is covered with a thin film of grease. The only light seems to come from a single glowrod, dangling from a wire in the center of the room, bathing the whole engine room in a sickly green glow.

2011-10-18, 08:40 AM

Lazlo grunts. "Typical Imperials. Make everything unnaturally clean on the outside, while the inside is rotting away. This shouldn't be too hard to break."
He glances around, looking for anything useful or a place to start.

Perception [roll0]

2011-10-18, 11:32 AM
"In my personal experience, explosives are the easiest way to wreck something."

With that, Crim began to search for a good spot to place his improvised explosive.

Can't recall if it's Mechanic, or Perception, so ill go ahead and do both.
Mech: [roll0]
Per: [roll1]

Dr. Roboto
2011-10-22, 09:52 PM
Crim + Lazlo: You recognize the bank of capacitors, the most vulnerable component of the hyperdrive, as a large block at the corner of the room.

Meanwhile, the lift goes back up, called by the security teams; it looks like you're about to have company.

2011-10-22, 11:36 PM
"Sith me, here they come!" Crim turned and handed Lazlo one of his timed grenades. Then he took a defensive position some 50 feet away from the elevator in the surrounding machinery, attempting to maximize his line of sight and cover. He went prone, and set up his rifle, finger hovering over the trigger, waiting to shoot the first Imp he saw.

Take cover with line of sight on the door way, and ready action to shoot first visible imperial antagonist. Stealth: [roll0]