View Full Version : Feyheart (4e, Redo)

Howler Dagger
2011-09-09, 08:01 PM
okay, this is the redo of a project from a long time ago, with some changes:
In the beggining, when Correlon created Arvandor, Lolth planted a poison into the foundations, corrupting the domain and the feywild around it. Correlon had no choice but to destroy the first foundation, and rebuild somewhere else. But the curious magics left a giant stone, which radiated arcane energy. It almost had a sentience, and it started to rebuld the ruins of Arvandor. It lacked the divine energy to trully rebuild Arvandor, but it tried to replace it with Arcane energy. What happened next was odd. The feywild started to center itself around the the area created by the stone, but it always remained curiously seperated from the rest of the feywild. Correlon returned eventually, to find a majestic forest-land infused with the arcane. Seeing how the feywild had become centered upon it, he named the area and the stone that created it the Feyheart(When one refers to the feyheart as a place, such as "Im going to the Feyheart", they refer to the area. When they refer to it as an object, they are talking about the stone that created the area, such as in "Im going to smash the feyheart").
The First Creatures
As Correlon looked upon the feyheart one day, he decided to poulate it with his favored people, the Elves. After a while, they feyheart began to twist the mind of some elves. It called out to them, trying to gain itself followers. Thos who took up the call became the Eladrin. Some eladrin were withered by the magic of the feyheart, and turned into gnomes. The feyheart rejected these imperfect Eladrin, and forced them to flee.
Lolth was always present, she seeked to corrupt the Feyheart, and destroy it. She called out to some Elves and Gnomes, and only a few elves responded. The gnomes flat-out refused, and the elves who acepted the call were slowly transformed into Drow. The Drow's first mission from Lolth was to enslave the gnomes, because they all rejected her. They did so, with huge success. Over time the Elves formed a nation on the west side of the Feyheart, and the Drows on the east. the Eladrin remained centered on the feyheart. Eventually the Elves recieved a call from correlon to free the gnomes. So they fought for millenia.
The Naturals
On the material plane, there was a warlock, whos race was not known, and was only known as Balasaar. He formed a pact with the fey, not realising such pacts were made with the Feyheart. He grew so strong, he discovered the nature of the feyheart. He petitioned mortal empires for an army so he could invade the Feyheart. When he had a large enough army, he opened a gate way to the Feyheart, appearing the in cavern which held the stone. He threw up a shield around his army, so they would not be harmed by th eoverpowering energies of the feyheart. But it did not work out too well for the humans of his army, and they all died. No human is known to survive and live in the feyheart. The Army of Naturals (as they were called by the residents of the feyheart), agreeing not to conquer any land around the feyheart (due to being unable to defeated the Eladrin), forged a land for themselves. The elves and drow were in the middle of their war, and the elves formed an agreement with the naturals: if the naturals assisted them in the war, the elves would not contest the land ownership of the Naturals. The elves finally defeated the drow with the aid of the Naturals. Balasaar negotiated the creation of Gnome Lands, and after that opened the gate to the material plane back, allowing the families of the Natural soldiers to come in. The soldiers were transfixed by the beauty of the Feyheart, and most persuaded there families to stay. For others, it was not a mater of choice. Balasaar eventually disappeared, and so did the gate to the material plane.
Coming soon to a forum near you!
The Feyheart Today
Coming soon to a forum near you!
The Races
The elves currently hold the largest amount of territory in the feywild. They are governed by the priests of Correlon, with the High-Priest being the most powerful elf in the nation. He sits on his adamentine throne, inhaling the "divine fumes" that give him the visions that guide the country, such as the ones that told him to ally with the naturals and to free the gnomes. Some of his enemies say that he is no more tha a withered old elf hyped up on drugs.

Eladrin: Thralls of the Feyheart, they appear to be elves with silver, glazed eyes. While they act as normal sentient beings, the feyheart has immense control over them, and can sometimes posses them. They are guided by the feyheart, and thus have no ruler. The elves hate them, viewing them as traitors to Correlon.

Naturals: While they used to have a united nation under Balaasar, with his disappeerence the nation was thrown into chaos and in-fighting. The most common are the Shifters, whose love of nature drew them here, Tieflings, Wildens, and warforged.

Howler Dagger
2011-09-11, 01:01 PM
PEACH, anybody?

Howler Dagger
2011-10-10, 01:12 PM
Updated the OP with info on the races