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2011-11-15, 08:14 PM
The Year Is 320, New Dawn Era in the reign of King Mystar. King Mystar is known as an extremely succesful ruler, early in his reign. However the Golden Age of Mystar appears to have been gone for decades now after the death of his father and his wise advisor, Master Janos. Still, the people have been at peace for fourty years and enjoy great wealth. On the other hand, the country has declined in population immensely since his Grandfather's time. First a plague hit, then numerous wars, and finally the people just emigrated from the country. Though people may wish to return to their homeland one day, the people are now few. A mere eight thousand residents enjoy the rule of King Mystar where there was once a larger Kingdom covering a much larger territory.

OOC Is Here

Kingdom Report:
The Canzi Tribe, 1,000 strong, have settled to the mid-West of our fair city. Their intentions are unknown at this point.

A seperatist religious group of 100 visitors have claimed a tiny village to the far north barely at our borders. Their intentions are also unknown.

The Owl's Roost, an enormous Inn which is in the same area as our new religious guests, are currently equated with our largest means of income for our treasury's coffers. The establishment is run with 75 employees and our people, and travelers constantly seek the Owl's Roost for rest.

Our city is at peace with all of our neighbors.
Travel is unrestricted, and trade is going very well.
Crime is low.
Religious conflict is confined to debate and there has been no violence lately, or even for many years.
Our last harvest was a bonanza.

Recently, the local adventuring heroes, the Order of Mystaria have discovered an Underground passage between three nations under an island far to the north. They claim to have barely escaped ancient ruins from the Underground with their lives. Apparently, an ancient civilization that was wiped out and was supposed to be gaurding against a powerful threat to the world possessed ancient writings deciphered by the Order's Mage. The Order of Mystaria managed to activate a magical field which would seal a Portal from unleashing an ancient Evil from another Plane. The Order is saying that we have an uncertain quantity of time before the Seal could be broken.

Erik Vale
2011-11-15, 10:33 PM
The Owls Roost: Alex and a group of Adventurers

"You heare about that new religous group up north"
"Yea, there all supposed to be nutters, peaceful nutters though..."
"Aye, they've yet to do anything, and noone's doing anything about the town leaving. Just as long as no other towns do it, though the kings setting abad example. Anyhow, do you have news about the Can Tribe"
"The Canzi, no word, no one who has left to meet with them has arrived back yet. Speaking of things no ones really investigating, any of you heard about that portal that got sealed nearby?"
"Aye, and honestly wish the gods would keep apocalyptic events to 1 a decade, if not fewer, but then a bunch of you would be out of business."
"To right. Unfortunate about the Adventurers though..."
"Well... Anything I can get you?"

The next day Alex, the proprieter of the Inn, starts assembling a couple of large adventuring groups, (Large, in the terms most number 5) and a couple of freelance adventurers, to do some investigating for him.

2011-11-16, 01:41 AM
The Owls Roost: Alex and a group of Adventurers

"You heare about that new religous group up north"
"Yea, there all supposed to be nutters, peaceful nutters though..."
"Aye, they've yet to do anything, and noone's doing anything about the town leaving. Just as long as no other towns do it, though the kings setting abad example. Anyhow, do you have news about the Can Tribe"
"The Canzi, no word, no one who has left to meet with them has arrived back yet. Speaking of things no ones really investigating, any of you heard about that portal that got sealed nearby?"
"Aye, and honestly wish the gods would keep apocalyptic events to 1 a decade, if not fewer, but then a bunch of you would be out of business."
"To right. Unfortunate about the Adventurers though..."
"Well... Anything I can get you?"

The next day Alex, the proprieter of the Inn, starts assembling a couple of large adventuring groups, (Large, in the terms most number 5) and a couple of freelance adventurers, to do some investigating for him.

The adventurers first manage to discover that the foreign religionists (Seperatist as in "Seperating from foreign nations, sorry I forgot to mention that") apparently believe they have discovered very powerful magic. They revere their senior members so fervently that the native priests of Mystaria are very nervous. What the adventurers manage to discover is that the group can safely be classified as a cult, although not necessarily a dangerous one. The Head of the Religion wishes to speak with Alex. When questioned why the adventurers gave themselves away, they claimed that were unable to hold any information back, simply because of the man's extremely powerful personality.

The adventurers claim the only thing they told him was that you were investigating them, of course, this could spell disaster if the Cult decides to become hostile. Within four days, a curious looking man dressed in a red cloak with a walking stick arrives. You can immediately tell that this is the man you were looking for.

"Hello. I have heard that you have been investigating our new establishment. I wish to speak on this matter."

2011-11-16, 08:23 AM
Savrial sends out emissaries to both the speratists and the Canzi tribe. Their mandate is to extend greetings on behalf of the church of Pelor and to learn about the newcomers (also, note if any of them show signs of illness and offer whatever aid they can if they see signs of such. Include information of state of health of the two groups in their report, but donot be invasive in gathering said information). She sends her two most diplomatic subordinantes for this task, each with two acolytes and 100 goodberries (if the recipients don't recognise them, they are to explain what goodberries are and how they work,) and a potion of cure light wounds as a tokens of their peaceful intentions. They are also to extend an invitation for each group to send a representative to the church of Pelor to meet with her.

Also, she maintains her watch for signs of a return of the plague that struck some years ago, determined to stop it if it returns. As part of this vigil, she has accolytes working directly in all districts of town and at least one per smaller community in the country well trained in disease recognition report to her on any new outbreaks. This should also keep her informed of any other disease or disease-like events. She also maintains contacts with as many of the independant physicians in the area as possible and asks them to report any infectious (or possibly infectious) events.

(in short, she's trying to establish diplomatic relations with the newcomers on the one hand and trying to act like the country's CDC on the other.)

2011-11-16, 08:48 AM
The Lady Estrani reclined on a comfortable divan, and looked over the reports of the kingdom. Dressed in a thin gossamer gown, which used tasteful clothwork and darker shades of ivory to cover up all of the important aspects of her frame, and with a simple semi-clear half-veil around the lower half of her face connected to the silver circlet that was her symbol of rank she looked more like a Queen than a Paladin.

And she knew it.

... and she wasn't sure if she liked that. On one hand she was doing her best to do good for the country as a whole... but she had a deep ache to go and don her armor so she could fight evil that inhabited the land. Maybe she should ask her lord husband to gather a party to that underground tunnel that was recently found.

She looked up, and towards one of her personal retainers, a young town girl named Marianne (an Orphan that Estrani had brought to the palace to give her work and solid meals, for which she had accidently bought the girl's unwavering loyalty) "Mari, is their a report on the cities poverty level?"

2011-11-16, 09:08 AM
Darek stands in his library pouring over his books looking for anything about This underground passage and portal. He looks through anything that might give him a clue architect designs, stories even mad ramblings of long dead people for an answer.

There has to be something. He mutters to himself as he pulls another book out of the shelf.

2011-11-16, 04:34 PM
The princess, Myra, sits in silence in her tower, a book in hand and parchment and paper nearby. The time was almost right to begin her assent.
She started to write lists, analyzing her peers and competitors for the throne. Rebellion, she knew lied waiting in the hearts of everyone in power, save her uncorruptable mother and father. But she knew that their purity, their goodness, would be the very thing that sent the world spiraling downwards.
She switched to a different sheet of paper and made out another quick bit of writing, then smiled.
Yes, the time was almost right.

Erik Vale
2011-11-16, 07:26 PM
The adventurers first manage to discover that the foreign religionists (Seperatist as in "Seperating from foreign nations, sorry I forgot to mention that") apparently believe they have discovered very powerful magic. They revere their senior members so fervently that the native priests of Mystaria are very nervous. What the adventurers manage to discover is that the group can safely be classified as a cult, although not necessarily a dangerous one. The Head of the Religion wishes to speak with Alex. When questioned why the adventurers gave themselves away, they claimed that were unable to hold any information back, simply because of the man's extremely powerful personality.

The adventurers claim the only thing they told him was that you were investigating them, of course, this could spell disaster if the Cult decides to become hostile. Within four days, a curious looking man dressed in a red cloak with a walking stick arrives. You can immediately tell that this is the man you were looking for.

"Hello. I have heard that you have been investigating our new establishment. I wish to speak on this matter."

"Well, it is good that we meet, I've got a room set aside for meetings, if you would follow me."

Alex leeds the Cult Member to a side both, a smallish room with two benches next to a table. He pulls the curtan closed and touches a small rune.

"Well, now, your my guest so I will let you inquire first. So what would you like to know?"

2011-11-16, 11:56 PM
The Lady Estrani reclined on a comfortable divan, and looked over the reports of the kingdom. Dressed in a thin gossamer gown, which used tasteful clothwork and darker shades of ivory to cover up all of the important aspects of her frame, and with a simple semi-clear half-veil around the lower half of her face connected to the silver circlet that was her symbol of rank she looked more like a Queen than a Paladin.

And she knew it.

... and she wasn't sure if she liked that. On one hand she was doing her best to do good for the country as a whole... but she had a deep ache to go and don her armor so she could fight evil that inhabited the land. Maybe she should ask her lord husband to gather a party to that underground tunnel that was recently found.

She looked up, and towards one of her personal retainers, a young town girl named Marianne (an Orphan that Estrani had brought to the palace to give her work and solid meals, for which she had accidently bought the girl's unwavering loyalty) "Mari, is their a report on the cities poverty level?"

"It's as small as ever. Less than three hundred can be considered impovershed, you're majesty. Nearly all, if not all of them can eat, be clean, clothed and sheltered, although without their own property"

Darek stands in his library pouring over his books looking for anything about This underground passage and portal. He looks through anything that might give him a clue architect designs, stories even mad ramblings of long dead people for an answer.

There has to be something. He mutters to himself as he pulls another book out of the shelf.

*Pending results*

"Well, it is good that we meet, I've got a room set aside for meetings, if you would follow me."

Alex leeds the Cult Member to a side both, a smallish room with two benches next to a table. He pulls the curtan closed and touches a small rune.

"Well, now, your my guest so I will let you inquire first. So what would you like to know?"

"Why is it that your adventurers were investigating us? You don't convert non-believers here by force, do you?" Gomer asks seriously.

2011-11-17, 12:43 AM
Estrani nods with a small smile, hidden behind the veil "Excellent. Do your customary sweep to see if any of them have any skills- whether it be farming or sowing"

Marianne nods her head and leaves the room. The Queen turns to a small desk and writes a note that would be sent to the High Cleric of the Chruch of Pelor, and one to the High Mage. She handed both to a servent who nodded to her instructions before hurrying off.

Finally she sent a servent to summon her daughter Myra to her chambers.

High Cleric Savriel,

It has come to my attention that you and your church has been doing our city and people a great service. I would be honored if you had the time to stop by the palace for some tea and talk.

Queen Estrani

High Mage Davrek,

If you find anything about these... tunnel ruins, feel free to stop by my quarters to share in your results.

If you require any assistence, let me know.

Queen Estrani

2011-11-17, 01:11 AM
Antonio sat behind his desk, smoking heavily from a clay pipe. His quill worked quickly over warrants, pardons, legal documents, and all other manner of paperwork that he was expected to look over every day. The morning had been quiet so far, with no interruptions from petitioning townsfolk, demanding one thing or another from the Lord Mayor.

2011-11-17, 04:50 AM
Darek quickly writes a reply and hands it back to the servant

My Majesty Queen Estrani,

You offer of help is welcome but I need no help at this time.

If I find anything you will be among the first to know.

High Mage Darek.

2011-11-17, 08:33 AM
Receiving the queen's letter, Savrial is grateful for a reason to put aside her masses of paperwork for the day, especially when that reason is to meet with one so noble and kind as the paladin Queen Estrani.

However, she had one matter to attend to first:

picking up her parts of the sending stone sets she sent with her emissaries, she sent the following message:

for Savrial's emissaries to the seperatists and the Canzai tribe (Sending):
Checking in, Have meeting with queen. Please report on progress sometime tomorrow. Pelor's blessings go with you, Savrial.

She then places those particular stones back in her pockets (incase her emissaries are facing an actual emergency) Dons a reasonibly fashionable outfit (inculding her Healer's Protective and Logistical Coordination Garment, which can alter its appearance to go with any outfit) and activates its sending ability to contact the queen:

For Queen Estrani (Sending):
Thank you for the invitation, Your Majesty. What time would you like me to arrive? Your servant and ally, Savrial

(incase you forget how sending works, you can respond immediately, but the message must be limmited to 25 words or less/ooc)

2011-11-17, 11:04 AM
For Savrial
I understand how busy you are, so whenever you are free.

2011-11-17, 01:31 PM
Savrial bakes a goodberry tart (actually mostly just regular berries, with one goodberry added to each of the 12 serving sections after it's been baked.) Packs it up, and catches a coach to the palace. After presenting her credentials (and the queen's letter, if nessicary) she is announced to the queen.

I'm assuming the High Priestess of (at least one of the) main religions can get into the palace with little problem, particularly when she has a letter of invitation from the queen? Also, just for kicks, I built an actual charactersheet for savrial, by my calculation, she could make 63d4 goodberries every day With abit over half of them lasting 20 days and the rest lasting 10 days. Oh, and each of her goodberries provides 4 points of healing when consumed thanks to the "healing hands" class feature, which adds her charisma mod to damage healed by any spell that heals damage, not just [healing] subschool spells.

Erik Vale
2011-11-17, 04:37 PM
"Why is it that your adventurers were investigating us? You don't convert non-believers here by force, do you?" Gomer asks seriously.

"Ahh, my dear man, I merely asked them to go to sate my curiosity. Honestly, I was wondering what you where doing, it's odd for religous groups to pop up, especially ones that gain converts so quickly. As for converting you, I wouldn't dream to, I myself don't follow any of the more established religons."

Alex speaks truthfully, but seems to be rather happy, his voice being like a walk with a spring in its step.

2011-11-17, 06:29 PM
Finally she sent a servent to summon her daughter Myra to her chambers.

A few minutes later, the servant and the Queen's half-drow daughter, fair in skin and white in hair, enter the Queen's chambers.
You wished to see me mother? the princess asks sweetly, smiling warmly.

2011-11-17, 07:45 PM
The Queen stood as Myra entered the room, and with her greeting she embraced her daughter "Hello dalharil*" ignoring the strange feeling that swept through her as she touched Myra she stepped back, taking a seat on a comfortable chair, rather than the divan.

"I always like to check up on my children, slyan*. I was wondering what my eldest daughter has been up too recently? Still teasing the men of the court" she teased.

dalharil mean daughter and slyan is one of the drow words for star.

For translation purposes I use http://www.grey-company.org/Maerdyn/resources/translator/index.cgi?text=age&lang=Drow

And Chillingsworth, you should have no problem getting in, feel free to show up at any time.

2011-11-17, 08:14 PM
Savrial joins the other women, with her tart.

Greetings Your Majesty, Princess *she curtsey's and smiles warmly* I brought one of my berry tarts to go with our tea. *she places it and the simple serving set she brought with it on the table and takes a seat on one of the comfortable chairs* Would you like a piece now, or shall we wait for the tea?

2011-11-17, 09:25 PM
Myra smiles and blushes slightly.
I try to keep myself out of trouble, mother.
She glances over at the cleric as they walk in.
Oh! I'm sorry mother! Did I come right before you had a meeting? I could come back later, if you want. she smiles nicely at Savrial.

2011-11-17, 09:52 PM
If either of us are disturbing anything, it is I, princess. Your Majesty, I wouldn't impinge on your family time. If you'd prefer, we can have our tea later, though I certainly have nothing against the princess joining us. The tart is spiked with goodberries, there's enough there to make a meal for twelve people, so it wont run out. *Savrial smiles brightly*

2011-11-17, 10:46 PM
"Oh Savriel how good of you for coming" with a small gesture she indicates that the cleric should sit across from her "You are not interrupting anything. In fact, I was hoping that I could talk to the two of you togethor."

She waits for the Cleric to seat herself before continuing "We can have some of that tart I think. The tea should be just about" a small bell rings as two servents bring tea and cups "Done! Excellent"

"Now, Savriel, have you met my daughter Myra?"

2011-11-17, 10:47 PM
Ovidius had been down in his personal workshop trying to finish up his latest invention when he hit a snag. As was his usual process he decided to leave the project be for now and work on other matters, that most often was the fastest route to the answers he sought. He walks quickly to his bedchamber calling for a servant on his way up. Once he reaches the room he sits down in a large plush chair, the boy stops abruptly near the door. "I have messages for you to send, one to the High Mage, one to the High Cleric of Pelor, and one to the Lord Mayor." The king writes quickly yet efficiently and at last hands the boy the letters.

Letter to Darek:
Do you have any information on the recent events pertaining to the Order of Mystaria and the discovery of the ruins? I would like to meet you later today on the topic.

~Sincerely, your friend and pupil Ovidius

Letter to Savrial:
As High Cleric to our mighty church, I have a request to ask of you. I would like you to learn about the new religious faction forming near our borders, if they threaten our fair land I need to know straight away.

May Pelor's light shine brightly upon us for all eternity.

~King Ovidius

Letter to Antonio:
I would like to request that you send a diplomatic envoy to the Canzi tribe west of our city, determine their purpose in coming here and what they may be after. Do not send any troops with the diplomats, we don't want them to think we are there for their blood. Once the diplomats report back give me a full debriefing on the matter.

~King Ovidius

2011-11-17, 11:38 PM
Darek writes a reply and sends it back to King Ovidius.

I am currently reading into these ruins and hope to find something soon. Shall we meet later this evening over dinner?

Sincerely your friend Darek

2011-11-17, 11:43 PM
Receiving his first reply he has another letter sent out.

Letter to Darek:
Yes, that would be a good time to meet, until then good luck in your research.

~Sincerely, Ovidius

2011-11-17, 11:51 PM
Thank you, your Majesty. *Savrial smiles warmly as she takes her seat* I believe I've seen your lovely daughter at a state function or two, but I haven't had the pleasure of being properly introduced. *as she speaks she cuts and serves thin pieces of the tart, each topped with a single goodberry.*

2011-11-18, 12:13 AM
Antonio broke the royal seal on the envelope that the page boy had delivered to him. He knew better than to keep the King's correspondence waiting. Reading over it quickly, he smirked.

So the good king is worried about upsetting the poor tribe. Perhaps he will enjoy this idea.

A few quick scribbles of his pen, and he folds up the parchment. Dripping red wax on the center of it, he pressed his ring down into it, the red wax now having the crossed saber and quill that was his coat of arms, awarded to him by the King upon his donning the mantle of Lord Mayor.

Reply To King Ovidius
My liege, I have thought similarly, and while I worry about the safety of the city, I do not think they would be interested in an outright attack at this time. I agree with the wisdom of sending an unarmed diplomat without military escort.

If they prove to be less than amiable towards us, we may offer them mercenary work. In this way we can draw down their numbers, while also having them serve a useful purpose. Perhaps it is not the time to consider such things, but I shall plant the seed of that thought in your mind. Should they prove friendly and useful in other ways, it would be a waste. I will dispatch the diplomat immediately.

Your loyal Servant,

Antonio then called for one of his trusted spies. Shylock was a Jerudian, or so he claimed. It was a mysterious cult that many years ago evolved into the more well known Pelorian religion. Antonio didn't care what god the man followed, he was a skilled negotiator and could squeeze information out of a dead man. What was better is that he was precisely the observant kind of man that the Lord Mayor needed to get information.

"Shylock, my friend, I want you to go and speak with this Canzi Tribe to the West. The King has ordered any information that can be gleaned be gathered. Do your best, my friend."

The old Jerudian said nothing, just nodded, and left swiftly. The Lord Mayor already had his quill busy with another letter, which was also soon dispatched.

To High Mage Darek

Great Magical Sir,
I wish to know if you have any information pertinent to the Canzi Tribe that has settled nearby. Certainly we have had some interactions with them in the past, and I am certain your library of ancient secrets may contain something that will be useful. I am interested particularly in any mention of the sort of magic they believe in. Anything you have will be useful in the investigation I am conducting under orders from the King.

I appreciate your cooperation,
-Lord Mayor Antonio

He wrote another, similar letter to the High Cleric

Your Holiness,
I wish to know if you have any information pertinent to the Canzi Tribe that has settled nearby. Certainly we have had some interactions with them in the past, and I am certain your order may have information that is pertinent. I am interested particularly in any mention of their religious beliefs, and their reaction towards missionaries. Anything you have will be useful in the investigation I am conducting under orders from the King, especially if you have anything regarding past treaties we may have had with them.

I appreciate your cooperation,
-Lord Mayor Antonio

Handing the dispatches off to the page boy, Antonio massages his wrist. A long day of writing was almost as hard work as campaigning...though he would miss the latter much more than the former. He looked out the open window towards the lush city below, and smiled.

2011-11-18, 12:16 AM
Estrani takes slice of tart, and takes a bite. A small smile, partly hidden behind her veil, graces her face "This is excellent Savriel. Your skills seem not to have been exagerrated."

"I would like to commend you for your service to the people, especially the poor and hungry, of this city. It is refreshing to see such kindness in others. I was hoping to as a favor to me, that you would help my daughter Myra understand the people of Mystaria, by taking her among them, and show her what it is you and your clerics do."

She holds up a hand to ward off any interruptions " Myra. I fear that you grow detached from the people. A good noble is one who feels for the common folk. It would be a wonderful experience for you"

2011-11-18, 12:21 AM
Darek opens the letter from Antonio.

"Ahh yes the Canzi. I am sure I have a book about them somewhere. I shall have to look for that aswell as these ruins." Darek says to himself.

He quickly writes a return letter.

To Antonio
Lord Mayor Antonio.
I shall look for any mention about the Canzi tribe and if I find anything I shall inform you of it.
Sincerely, High Mage Darek

2011-11-18, 12:29 AM
She holds up a hand to ward off any interruptions " Myra. I fear that you grow detached from the people. A good noble is one who feels for the common folk. It would be a wonderful experience for you"

At this Myra's eyes light up with glee.
Truly mother? I know that I have grown sequestered within marble walls, a bird trapped in a gilded cage, but I hope that, once I learn my people, I can bring joy to their lives and aid my brother, Vancar, since he refuses to mingle with his future subjects. she smiles sweetly eating one of the goodberry tarts daintily.
Her outward facade is one of joy, but deep inside Myra is formulating how the sudden expulsion from the castle could affect her plans. Did her mother suspect? No, it was coincidence. This could work to her favor...

2011-11-18, 12:29 AM
Ovidius reclines in his chair and falls asleep. After a short time he is awakened by another servant. He asks the boy for the time and then promptly opens the letter. After reading it he writes up a response and sends the boy off.

He continued to ponder over his problem with the invention earlier, and walked over to a window in his room. Looking down upon the city he smiled.

Letter to Antonio:
"Thank you for your haste in this matter. Mercenary work, if they proved to not be interested in settling down, could definitely be an option although as you said a slightly wasteful one. I would prefer to hear what they have to say first before deciding on anything though.

~King Ovidius

2011-11-18, 12:50 AM
Diplomats With Canzi
The diplomat returns soon after he is sent back to King Mystar. He explains that the Canzi are currently settling in ancient ancestral grounds on our Western border in order to escape an evil enemy. They claim that as long as they remain in the area the undead that have taken over their territory will not follow them. However, they are concerned with our presence.

Records say that a century ago the Canzi were very friendly to Mystaria, but they left for a fabled promised land called the Canzi lands.

Customs involving magic is totally either druidic or sorcery magic. They have a few priests in the traditional sense as well.

2011-11-18, 12:57 AM
*Savrial smiles* I would be glad and honored to fulfil that favor, Your Majesty. *she takes a large sip of her tea, which she is obviously enjoying and a bite of tart* I may be a couple of days before I can do so, though. In any case, I'd suggest the Princess accompanies me disguised, mostly to ensure as "natural" a reaction from those she encounters and for her own protection in the unlikely event someone might wish to harrass the royal family. As I said, it's unlikely, I'd actually expect a larger threat would be people seeking her autograph, but it's not impossible. Should something happen, I feel I must remind you, I'm a healer, not a cleric in the traditional sense. I am quite skilled at fixing wounds and other maladies, but not so good at preventing them by force of arms. Also, as part of her disguise and for practical reasons, I'd have to ask that she adhere to the routines of a newly recruited acolyte. Lastly, if she is firmly against this, then I cannot cocerce her. Both because of my personal beliefs and because in all likelyhood I am indeed physically incapable of cocercing her or preventing her from returning to the palace (or even running off) should she desire to do so.

With these things in mind, I would be as I said, happy to assist you in this matter and could begin making preliminary arrangements as soon as I return to my temple and clear any pressing communiques that have landed on my desk while I've been gone.

*Savrial sighs heavily*

Your Majesty, do you ever feel overly confined by your responibilities? Sometimes I long for the days when I ran the city's old hospice. Back during the last days of the plague. Those days are long gone, Pelor be Praised! but still, I was actually doing something then. It was my work during that crisis that earned me the experience and the respect that saw my election to my current position. Nowadays almost everything I do is paperwork, that and enchanting goodberries. They're a great way to feed large numbers of people for the magical investment, and they heal as a bonus, but they get boring after a few years.

*Then she brightens*

Yes, if the Princess is willing, I will be delighted to show her the city and what we do... personally.

*she beams*

2011-11-18, 01:07 AM
"Escellent, Shylock...this could work greatly in our favor." Antonio scribbled some quick notes on a parchment and gave it to Shylock. "Go to the King and tell him all you know, and give him my notes. You have done good work, my friend."

Notes to the King
The Canzi are having trouble with undead, perhaps we could provide them with support in the form of priests and holy warriors to regain their ancestral lands.

With that taken care of, he sent for a page boy to ask the High Priest Savrial and High Mage Darek to dine at his house later that night.

2011-11-18, 01:09 AM
When Darek collects this information he summons his raven familiar.
"Deliver these to messages to the Ovidius and to Lord Mayor Antonio in that order."

To Ovidius
Ovidius my friend.
My records Indicate that a century ago the Canzi were very friendly to Mystaria, but they left for a fabled promised land called the Canzi lands.
They follow either druidic or sorcery magic. They have a few priests in the traditional sense as well.
Your friend Darek.

To the Lord Mayor
Lord Mayor Antonio
My records Indicate that a century ago the Canzi were very friendly to Mystaria, but they left for a fabled promised land called the Canzi lands.
They follow either druidic or sorcery magic. They have a few priests in the traditional sense as well.
High Mage Darek.

2011-11-18, 07:22 PM
Estrani nods sagely "I understand fully. There are days when I wish to strap on my armor and ride into a dungeon to save the people from some evil. But I have to contain myself to the occasions when my lord husband allows me to ride with my moonguard*. "

She turns to Myra "Do you accept her terms Myra?"

The Moonguard are an order of knights and paladins who serve the Queen directly as bodyguards and elite soldiers.

2011-11-18, 08:32 PM
Clarissa wakes up late in the day to the sound of the hustle and bustle of the city outside her windows. She swore to herself. Not only had she overslept again, she had forgotten to close her window after her night on the town. If she kept being careless, someone might begin to suspect...

She heard the footsteps well before they arrived at her door, but she must maintain appearances. At the sound of the handmaidens bursting open the door, Clarissa let out a timid yelp, allowing her magic to break free with just enough energy to knock a plate off a nearby table, sending it shattering to the ground.

Her handmaiden recoiled apologetically, such inconveniences in the lives of nobles could mean the end of their employment.

"Im so sorry for startling you mylady but your parents have instructed me to wake you if you are still asleep when the sun is highest in the sky"

Clarissa rolled her eyes. Her parents thought of her as lazy and spoiled. if only they knew.... definatly better they don't.

Clarissa turned to her maiden Evelyn

No no no evelyn you musn't fret. it was my fault. you just woke me from the most horrible dream.
Clarissa turned to look to the shattered plate
I do wish this wouldnt keep happening, though it does give me a chance to practice.
Clarissa places her hands on the plate, channeling her mending spell and watches the pieces slide back together flawlessly. Childsplay

Evelyn Claps her hands excitedly, clearly milking her enthusiasm

"One day you could be the high mage Mylady. You must come and get ready. Your going to be late"

The princess rolled her eyes but didn't let the grin fade from her face. She truly hated the monotony of it all, spending hours as as her servents washed her, picked her clothes, and made sure she didn't leave without looking her absolute best.

Oh I cant wait to see what you girls have chosen for me. You must also fill me in on the latest gossip.

(Clarissa is going to spend the necessary time getting ready then she will head up to meet her parents. She and the handmaidens will gossip incessantly about the goings on of the town and castle)

gather information check:

2011-11-18, 08:59 PM
Myra nods joyfully.
Yes, of course I agree! It sounds exciting great! the half-drow princess smiles and giggles happily.

2011-11-18, 09:46 PM
*Savrial smiles*

Excellent! I'll send you a package containing details of the rules you'll have to follow and a set of initiate robes soon, probably sometime tomorrow. If not, I'll send word of why.

*Savrial sighs*

I suppose I must return to my daily grind.
Thank you for your hospitality, your Majesty. It was a pleasure to meet you, Princess Myra and I greatly forward to showing you our works.

*She curtsies and takes her leave.*

2011-11-18, 10:28 PM
Returning to her dreaded desk, Savrial notices several letters

Hmm... a letter from King Ovidius? *she reads the letter*
Ah, of course.

King Ovidius:

Your Majesty,
I have infact sent an emissary to establish communication with and investigate the newcomers. I have yet to hear from him, but expect to sometime tomorrow via sending stone. I shall also set my chief reseacher on the task of investigating our records on them once we have a name for their group. Lastly, the stone I have sent with this missive is a sending stone. It will allow you or I to contact the other and transmit one message of twenty-five words or less per day each.

Two letters from the Lord Mayor?! Well now, this is a surprise.

*reads the letters*

Hmm... I should check up on my emassaries.

*Activates farspeaking amulet.*
Boris, Winters, are you free to speak? TPTB are interested in the folks you're studying. What can you report?

[Boris (the emissary to the Canzi Tribe) tells her what's already been revealed to other diplomats. Winters (the emissary to the seperatists) responds that he'll have to report tomorrow.]

Ah. Okay then, definately interesting.

Letter to Antonio:

Lord High Mayor,
I have sent an emissary to the Canzi. It would appear that they are refugees from some form of undead menace that has taken over their homeland. They further claim that their ancestors previously inhabited the land they are taking refuge in before their migration to the area now overrun with this menace. They also claim that this area keeps them safe from said undead. Our records show that their ancestors were infact once part of our nation, but has nothing to say about the region's anti-undead efficacy. They seem to primarily practice druidic rites, though there are some priests among them, my reports do not indicate that these are any more than oddities. They also have some sorcerers among their number.

As for Dinner, I will gladly join you. At what time shall I arrive and is it to be casual of formal?

Lastly, I have sent a sending stone with this missive. It will allow you to send one message of twenty-five words or less to me per day. I will also be able to contact you in a like manner.

She then wraps the stones and seals them and the letters with both her personal seal (skyblue wax imprinted with a pair of angel's wings) and the seal of the church of Pelor (Gold-tinted wax imprinted with Pelor's holy symbol.)

This accomplished, she summons Valyia, her chief reseacher and recordkeeper to her office.
"Yes High Sister, what can I do for you?"

Ah, Valyia, The King wishes to know if we have any information on these apparent seperatists that have moved into the region. I've sent Winters to make contact and gather intelligence, but he's taking longer than the king would like. So, what do we already know, or at least suspect?

Valyia is a diviner wizard, Boris and Winters are both bards with curative spells as spells known.

2011-11-19, 05:21 PM
Vancar sits deep in thought at his favorite table in the smoke inn. His hangers on gossip and joke about him. One of Vancar's gloved fingers lazily trace blue sparkling shapes on the ceiling above him. His powder blue eyes out of focus and drift from one of the inn to the other as if looking for invisible answers to a question never asked.
"Fools!" Vancar shouts as he swipes his glass of wine to the ground. The inn falls silent as they stare at the prince. I keep you arround for council, me the future king and what do i get? A pack of gossiping, laughing milk maids! Our Kingdom is under attack! There is near a thousand of them outside of our walls! "
Oh,Sure they seem harmelss now that the land is fat and the granaries are full, but come winter where do you think that they will turn? Vancar pauses for a moment to glare at his bewildered flunkies.
His voice lowers to a calm confident tone as he answers his own question. "Us, they shall come to us. With bowls in hand to start for sure slowly leeching our winter stores. And when the king finally sees the mistake of aiding the rabble they will sneak into our city with knives and take what they want. And when the kingdom sees the lives it costs to let these vermin to exist they will swarm our great kingdom carrying sword and spell destroying everything we hold dear! Well I say why wait for them to come to us with weapons drawn? I say that they should bend their knees or loose their heads and that is exactly what I will tell my father right now!
Vancar leaves the inn to the applause of his thralls and makes his way by horse to see his father.

2011-11-20, 12:46 AM
Myra waits for the healer to leave, then embraces her mother lovingly, a stream of thanks and excitement bubbling forth from her mouth at high speed and tone.

2011-11-24, 07:51 PM
Antonio reads the letters from the High mage and High Priest, pocketing the sending stone. He writes short, quick replies, and heads off to freshen up for dinner.

High Mage Darek
Thank you for your information, it proves most useful. I'd like you to join me for dinner at my mansion at seven. I have invited the High Priest Savrial as well. I would like to discuss what we can all do to support Mystaria and deal with these Tribals.

-Lord Mayor Antonio

High Priest Savrial
Dinner will be at Seven at my mansion. I appreciate the sending stone, it will prove useful. I have invited your arcane counterpart, High Mage Darek, so that we may discuss what can be done about the tribals.

-Lord Mayor Antonio

2011-11-24, 11:19 PM
(Roll call, then I'll get the ball rolling))

2011-11-24, 11:24 PM
Savrial reads the Mayor's reply and finishes readying herself for the appointment: cleaning, changing into her formal wear (still with her Healer's Protective and Logistical Coordination Garment), packs an extra set of sending stones and grabs a notebook and graphite pencil to keep notes with. Then, she calls her carriage and arrives at the Lord Mayor's mannor at at the appropriate time.

Good evening Mayor, thank you for inviting me. *she gives a respectful slight bow.* When can we expect the High Mage?

2011-11-25, 03:45 AM
Antonio appears in a well cut black tunic and trousers. The clothes are of obvious high quality, but very spare, belying the military man wearing them.

"If the High Mage decides to come, it should be soon. " Antonio says. returning the bow with a nod. "I'm sure you received letters from the King sharing the same concern with you that he shared with me regarding our temporary neighbors."

2011-11-25, 06:36 AM
Darek quickly grabs his staff tells his raven to inform the king he will be late and heads off to the mayor.
Greeting's Lord mayor. I am sorry as I cannot stay long for I have a meeting with the King. But i can stay for a short time. Greetings High Priest.

2011-11-25, 11:41 AM
Ovidius is slightly startled by the appearance of the raven, but after realizing it is trying to relay a message he listens attentively. He watched the raven fly off and sighed, he just hoped he could get some answers by the end of the day.

2011-11-25, 12:24 PM
Greetings, High Mage. *Savrial smiles kindly*

Yes, Mayor. His Majesty charged me with investigating the issue of this new cult that has set itself up in one of outlying villages. I had already sent an emissary to them to investigate. As of an hour ago, he was well, but had no information to offer me. I've also set my chief researcher on the task of searching our records for information. I'm expecting a report from my agent tomorrow and that my researcher can use compare that report to possible match candidates soon after.

*She pauses*

As for the barbarians: As I said, they seem to be refugees from an undead menace. My churces' records also indicate that their claims of having decended from our people are true. Their claim of the efficacy in undead repellance of the land they are currently inhabiting has yet to be directly tested, but I believe it bares further investigating. My preliminary recomendation with regards to them is to offer them aid. We should learn about this undead menace and either help them reclaim thier lands, or if that is impossible, enlist them in protecting ours.

2011-11-25, 12:26 PM
((Anything I need to respond to ?))

2011-11-26, 03:47 AM
Darek nods as Savriel speaks.
I agree with the High Priest. We must send someone to investigate this undead menace. We should offer these people aid but they should not be let inside the city until we can confirm their intentions. Now if you'll excuse me I have an imporant meeting with the king that I cannot miss.
Darek turns and briskly walks out the door to hurry to the king for his meeting.

2011-11-27, 05:31 PM
"Ahh, my dear man, I merely asked them to go to sate my curiosity. Honestly, I was wondering what you where doing, it's odd for religous groups to pop up, especially ones that gain converts so quickly. As for converting you, I wouldn't dream to, I myself don't follow any of the more established religons."

Alex speaks truthfully, but seems to be rather happy, his voice being like a walk with a spring in its step.

"Ah, I am more concerned of the religion of the Kingdom being mandatory for those in it."

"If you wish to learn of our people's beliefs, I can schedule for them to leave camp and just have our caretakers stay and take care of things in the village. This Inn is more than large enough to accomodate all of us."

An old man, your Co-Owner stands behind him and nods.

Erik Vale
2011-11-27, 06:24 PM

"No, worship is not required in the Kingdom, just being of personal preference."

Alex looks at his Co-Owner quizically, with a coded are you sure look, something that would go strieght past the Cult Leaders head, being a pre arragned signal, that looks almost like his normal face.

"I would be happy to entertain people of you belief, as not only I, but others can get to know your religon. However I dont think most of the Clergy would be needed, if just to keep in contact with your flock."

2011-11-27, 07:57 PM

"No, worship is not required in the Kingdom, just being of personal preference."

Alex looks at his Co-Owner quizically, with a coded are you sure look, something that would go strieght past the Cult Leaders head, being a pre arragned signal, that looks almost like his normal face.

"I would be happy to entertain people of you belief, as not only I, but others can get to know your religon. However I dont think most of the Clergy would be needed, if just to keep in contact with your flock."

The Old man, Janos, frowns and speaks magically through you so the Leader can't hear. "We need to talk, and soon. Like right after he's out of our, and his, sight and range of hearing." Soon after the man leaves, Janos enters the room. "I've just learned that the people in that village of his are about to be ambushed and under assault. The attack will happen tomorrow, and we need to get everyone out of there and our soldiers in. Get your adventurers that you can spare and we'll ambush the enemy as soon as they enter the village and we'll get'em."

"I have proof that the Cult is benign, and the Kingdom needs friends at the moment."

Erik Vale
2011-11-27, 08:40 PM

"Ok, well I have roughly a score on standby for two other investigations, I think we should be able to catch up. I think we only, ok, 12, I can have 12 going now, and several soon, to help get... I'll start organising it now, however I'm going to wan't to see your proof tonight.

Alex then moves quickly, sending his messengers (Count 2) to gather up most of the Adventurers on standby, and get them moving. They would be over paid, but quite competent, as they were planned to go somewhere rather dangerous.

((Groups makeup, if required))
The group is made up 6 are Warriors, with 2 Rouges, a Priest/Healer, a Wizard, and a Hunter (Parties Leader)

Alex will give the Leader, a message for the cult leader on Alex's behalf, and the parties Wizard a set of instructions, which is a ritual that would summon Alex when the battle starts. After this is done, he sends the party off at speed, and starts mobilizing mercenary reinforcements, some would leave an hour after, some leaving about nightfall on horse.

Message for Cult Leader

<Name> ((Never Given))

Im sorry for having to do this, but my co-owner has heard of an attack on the town planned, and I send these people to acompany you to your village, to protect it and evacuate as neccessary. Tommorow morning I will arive, the Wizard will be using a ritual but I won't go into details. I will speak to you when I am summoned, with news of why, and how he knows.

Latter That Night

"Ok Janos, what's this about?"

2011-11-27, 09:58 PM

"Ok, well I have roughly a score on standby for two other investigations, I think we should be able to catch up. I think we only, ok, 12, I can have 12 going now, and several soon, to help get... I'll start organising it now, however I'm going to wan't to see your proof tonight.

Alex then moves quickly, sending his messengers (Count 2) to gather up most of the Adventurers on standby, and get them moving. They would be over paid, but quite competent, as they were planned to go somewhere rather dangerous.

((Groups makeup, if required))
The group is made up 6 are Warriors, with 2 Rouges, a Priest/Healer, a Wizard, and a Hunter (Parties Leader)

Alex will give the Leader, a message for the cult leader on Alex's behalf, and the parties Wizard a set of instructions, which is a ritual that would summon Alex when the battle starts. After this is done, he sends the party off at speed, and starts mobilizing mercenary reinforcements, some would leave an hour after, some leaving about nightfall on horse.

Message for Cult Leader

<Name> ((Never Given))

Im sorry for having to do this, but my co-owner has heard of an attack on the town planned, and I send these people to acompany you to your village, to protect it and evacuate as neccessary. Tommorow morning I will arive, the Wizard will be using a ritual but I won't go into details. I will speak to you when I am summoned, with news of why, and how he knows.

Latter That Night

"Ok Janos, what's this about?"

"I sent some gaurds along with your adventurers, by the way. The thing is, that I have some sources who have stated that Mystaria has been infiltrated. The Cult comes from the North and is fleeing for it's life because of a dark monster which feeds on souls. The Cult knows how to free souls, perform excorsisms and such and thus, if they are killed, then many people will be forced to live for centuries in despair as monsters."

"If we can protect the Cult from eradication we could gain crucial allies for Mystaria."

Erik Vale
2011-11-27, 10:30 PM
"I sent some gaurds along with your adventurers, by the way. The thing is, that I have some sources who have stated that Mystaria has been infiltrated. The Cult comes from the North and is fleeing for it's life because of a dark monster which feeds on souls. The Cult knows how to free souls, perform excorsisms and such and thus, if they are killed, then many people will be forced to live for centuries in despair as monsters."

"If we can protect the Cult from eradication we could gain crucial allies for Mystaria."

"It is good you sent guards with the first group, as they may have to hold a time... Especially should this prove true. It seems we are also going to have to commune with the tribes to the south, as it seems to Apocalypses are sneaking up on us... It seems we will need allies for our country. If you excuse me, I have some communing to do, while I await summons from the travellers."

Alex sends his messanges, organising his other standby adventurers to go on thier orrigonal adventures, 1 group much smaller then it orrigionally was to be.

1 Group, consisting of 1 warrior and 2 diplomatic characters travel for the southern barbarian tribe.

A group of 5 adventurers (Warlock, Cleric, Wizard, Rouge, Paliden) go to seek infomation of the closed portal. The Warlock is also one of Alex's Patron, and has a spell to commune with Alex, to request help should they be no longer able to procede. In such a case, they are to try and remain as far into their dungeon delving as possible.

Alex enters a small ritual room he has attached to his bedroom, covered with Fey Runes, he seeks the attention of his Patron.

2011-11-28, 09:52 PM
Antonio bids the High Mage farewell, and turns to his other guest.

"I think we can agree the best way to resolve the issue is to help the Canzi to reclaim their lands by use of our military and priests to combat the undead. I can order the military, but I need you to order the goodly priests to accompany them."

Antonio ushers the priestess into the dining room, where a long table is set for two, servants quickly taking away the third place setting. Soon a seven course meal is on the table.

2011-11-28, 10:17 PM

The princess has returned to his quarters, by all outward appearances excited and enthused by the idea of posing as an acolyte. But inwardly, this is an unexpected piece in her plans. She flips through some books, contemplating how best this could serve her purposes.

2011-11-29, 07:10 PM
Savrial takes her seat graciously, then a sip of the offered wine before answering.

Yes, I can do that. At least, I can send several clerics and healers out to keep your toops healthy, and to help deal with the undead directly, of course. I also have several sending stones left and this *she taps her amulet* to act as part of a command and control system, though I wont have my amulet at full potential until my agents investigating the Canzi and the seperatists return.

She pauses for another sip of wine.

Now, what has your kitchen staff prepared, something smells delicious!

2011-12-05, 11:27 AM

"Roast Mutton is the main course, though I'm not sure what else my chef has made. She likes to be secretive about such things."

Dinner is served, including roast mutton, and several other delectable side dishes.

"I am thinking if we help the Canzi, we can get a powerful ally, as well as eliminating a potential problem on our border. Whatever ails their land is sure to come to ours in time. I will have soldiers prepared to head out whenever your priests can be ready."

2011-12-05, 03:56 PM

Yes, I concur. How many men are you thinking of sending? I can't send all my personel on this mission, since that would leave the city all but defenseless against a resugance of the plague. I could send several clerics, and/or healers, plus the man I sent as my agent to the Canzi. He's a bard and would significantly improve the combat effectiveness of your men.

How many people will you let me have in my organisation, of what levels? So far, I've claimed Myself, two 5th level bards, and a 5th level diviner wizard.

2011-12-05, 04:23 PM
What sort of military force could the Lord Mayor call up to send out on this task without depleting the defenses of the city

2011-12-15, 06:39 PM
((MY finals are over, I am semi-available again.:) )