View Full Version : Need Help Uploading HTML Pages.

2012-01-01, 07:43 PM
As part of learning HTML, I have been building a gaming website. I am now at a point where I am thinking about getting the website onto the web, and am not sure how. I am looking for something which:

Allows uploading already created HTML documents as web pages.
Allows editing the HTML in these documents.
Is free.

Any advice?

Thank you.

2012-01-01, 08:49 PM
On a Mac, I use Fetch for FTP (uploading/downloading), and TextWrangler for editing.

On a PC, WS_FTP is good for uploading. Maybe try something like Notepad++ for editing, although any word processor really works just fine.

2012-01-01, 10:08 PM
There is no single service that you should really use that is all inclusive of that, as each thing you asked is distinctly different.

Ultimately, what you want is a free web hosting service where you have control of the content, it sounds like. That is... generally not a reliable thing, unless a friend is willing to host for you or you find an educational account (or similar).

From just a quick scan of the internet, the service 0000free.com appears to seem reliable for your purposes.

And so you understand, how websites generally work (a basic description of something called "REST") is that a computer contacts a server IP and provides that server the location it wants information from. The server responds by delivering the document it finds at that location back to the computer.

You edit things by just modifying the document locally and then sending it back to the server to replace what was there before. How you modify the document (such as the suggested editors by Prendre) is up to you entirely.

There is a lot more to this than that, but this will get you where you want now.

2012-01-02, 02:13 PM
Thank you.