View Full Version : Dark heresy - Stranded (IC)

2012-01-13, 12:52 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12524598#post12524598)

Onboard Space-Transporter 'Eldritch light'

''We will be arriving at- Btzzzz.....tccchhhh''

The shipwide Vox goes silent for nearly 2 minutes, THEN....

You all feel the as the ship exit active warp as it enters realspace.

ALL PASSENGERS, HEAD FOR EMERGENCY ESCAPE-PODS IMMIDIATELY, MAY THE EMPEROR BE WITH US ALL. This message is repeated over and over as all of you tries to find an escape-pod.

All of you, by some miracle, find yourself in an escape-pod with three other persons and all of you are being strapped into a voidsuit as you take seat.

you just before ejection, you hear a cool female voice.
''Have a safe landing, the emperor protects.''
EJECTION! The sudden change from artificial gravity, to zero-G Causes all of you to feel a slight urge to puke.

Go ahead and introduce your character everyone, your characters are able to speak with eachother while decending towards to planet. When you're all done with whatever intro duction you see fit, i will post the landing and begin the REAL part of the game. May the emperor guide you all

2012-01-13, 01:55 PM

Liesl was silent for the first few seconds in transit, gripping the necklace of narl-teeth so tightly that they cut into the palms of her hands, opening thin cuts.

Think this through rationally. she thought. You are safe for the moment. Panic will help no-one. Assess the situation. Escape pod. Standard issue, mid-size, strapped in. Three other occupants. Male. Tough guys. And me, tiny and female. Frankly that's not the biggest problem in this situation, though a secondary one that could arise.

Liesl looked up, and released her necklace.

"Um. Gentlemen. My name is Liesl, of the family..." and there she froze. Considering the last thing her father had said to her was to disown her, using the family name was inadvisable. Instead... "Macharius." It was the first surname that leapt to mind. If it was any consolation, the lineage should provide some measure of protection. "Liesl Macharius. Do any of you know what happened?"

2012-01-13, 05:00 PM

The Imperial monk was the first to arrive at the life-pod, a lucky result of his habitual wandering through the ship's corridors leaving him only a few dozen metres away when the warning went out, but only barely managed to squeeze himself into an ill-fitting voidsuit (which is rendered extraordinarily uncomfortable by the weapons and equipment now inside of it) and strap in before the gut-wrenching ejection from their doomed vessel. He manages to largely ignore the nauseating sensation of their instantaneous transition to a low-g environment, largely due to spending most of the last decade in space travelling from one Imperial Shrine to the next, and begins a short, quiet prayer to the Emperor. "Shelter us, Almighty Emperor, from the dangers of the void. Defend us, Exalted Emperor, for we live to serve you. Watch over us, Father of Humanity, for without you we are nothing."

When the well-dressed woman introduces herself, Caius looks up and really examines the others for the first time. He looks almost comical, wearing a void suit at least three sizes too tall and almost as badly too narrow in the shoulders and torso, which is only exacerbated by the odd shapes and ridges imprinted on it by his bullky robes. The whole ensemble looks extremely uncomfortable, but the plain-faced man inside of it somehow manages to smile and reply in a warm, reassuring and firm voice. "Greetings to you, madame, and to both of you as well." He nods to each of the other survivers in turn. "I am Brother Mikelus, humble member of the Clergy of the God-Emperor of Mankind. Worry not, for He will deliver us according to His will."

2012-01-14, 01:20 PM
The man is lanky, his voidsuit stretched too-tight across a gaunt frame. Beneath the suit's faceplate stare the black orbs of goggles on a thin, tanned male face. He carries a large, thin black plastic case by its single handle, strapping it in lovingly as a parent would a child. Those from hive worlds might have seen such cases used by midhive performers to carry their instruments or by Administratum workers to carry large volumes of sheafs or data-slates. Two of the case's metal corners are caked in newly-drying blood. Across his lap is a sheathed blade, its scabbard some kind of dull black hide. Unadorned. Casually he wipes a bit of blood from the hilt onto the escape pod's seat.

"He will deliver us or not, at His whim. Such is proper. Should our shed blood fulfill His will, such would be a right and proper death." He smiles, an immaculate white smile that seems out-of-place against his darkened skin. "Curious how so many of you escaped. A noble and a priest and something else. But perhaps you, like me, have the will to live and carry out His works?" A head tilt.

2012-01-14, 01:48 PM


Black smoke billowed through ventilation shafts while lurid shadows writhed across corridors. Screams of panic and pain, howls of lust and rage from voices of increasingly inhuman quality rattled the rust-riven bulkheads while emergency claxons blared over the voxcasters.

Panic-stricken passengers clashed with security personnel, ship's staff and with each other... and with things unutterable... in a roiling melee to get to the escape pods. Anarchy ruled the decks as baser natures emerged from baser characters, with dregs and vagrants taking advantage of the chaos to rape and plunder and murder, either not believing the emergency announcement or simply taking what they can while they can before joining the desperate throng throwing themselves at every hatch they could find.


ktangk! SKLARTCH!

...blood and brains painted a bulkhead as a ganger's body falls to the floor. He turned, dripping axe in one hand, Guard-issue duffel-bag of his meagre possessions in the other. An ironshod boot pulps the mutant in underdeck-ganger's leathers when it twitches again.

Taking a brief moment to listen for sounds of footfalls and breathing and check his forced-and-broken door-panels for telltale reflections, he dashed out the corridor, following the screams, straining his savage eyes in trying to read the signs to where the escape pods might be. All the while, the little part of his mind that wasn't dedicated to fighting and surviving was going, By the Dragon's claws, who in the bloody hells brings a goddamned cannon to crash a bloody wedding?!

When he finally found an escape pod's doors still open, taking advantage of the already-patchy gravity, he threw himself in, his braced legs landing with a pantherine grace, duffel-bag cinched tight across his frame, one arm cradling a ready rifle, the other brandishing a bloodstained axe. Seeing the other occupants of the pod, a lady and a priest, the great brute with a face consisting of mostly scars-and-beard, clad in the grey-and-green of Guardsmen too recently mustered out, grunts near-incomprehensible apologies and clumsily follows suit, or tries to, at least, struggling with getting into the voidsuit and strapped into his seat.


...The feral Guardsman's thickly thewed arms still he hold that axe and that gun, the weathered wood stocks and well-worn blade and barrel evident of countless strifes they have seen him through, his forearms resting on the great bulge in his voidsuit where he'd shifted his bag to the front so as not to be an extra burden to the air-bag at the back.

Through the suit's glass, with a brown piercing gaze he looks at the others and noddingly smiles a simple man's smile at the priest's words. "Dassaright, padre. As th'Emperar wills"

Turning to the little lady in fine robes toying with the teeth strung about her neck, he grates out, "Issa nice chompas ya gots there, milady. Kill'd dem yerself? ...Ah, right, ousside? Damned if I know. Who the blight brings a cannon ta crash a weddin'? Dregs'n twists runnin' amuck, uzzem-hwarrets crazyin' arrundah... 'screzzeh..."

"Sumfin' else... of the Endrite Eleventy-First" Meeting the sword-singer's tilted gaze with his own, he smirkingly snarls, flexing his fingers, crackling his knuckles about that well-worn leather-wrapped haft. "As th'Emperar wills, aye... dough, ye smell likes ye be questionin' da good Padre's wisdom ov'r thar. Izzat so, 'singer?"

2012-01-14, 03:15 PM
With all of you strapped to the seats like a grox in a barrel, you hear that same cool female voice.

''Entering Planetary atmosphere in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... firing emergency boosters.''

in the dim red lighting, you all feel the change in gravity as you enter the the planets gravitational pull and the boosters slow your descend downward.

after a short while the speed with which you hurl downward has significantly slowed down.

''Planetary impact in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, impact imminent....''

SLAAAAM!!. the force with which you hit knocks the breath out of the lot of you. Sparks of electricity and the sound of broken glass can be heard as soon as the beltd strapping you in, releases you all. The red light is no longer present.

Escape-Pod Info

There is a square floor in the middel which goes 4x4 metres. the lighting has gone out so it's TOTALLY dark now. from where you entered the pod, there is a 1x1 square (with half a meter to each side) and the hatch right slab in the middle. none of you can see anything, except when a spark happens to light the pod for a nano-second. look around the pod if you wish but get some light would be a god place to start.

2012-01-15, 09:33 AM

Liesl was distinctly shaken by the crash, and tasted blood in her mouth- it seemed she had bitten her lip. Cursing, and feeling it drip down her chin, she untangled herself from the belt and began groping in the darkness for her bag. It took her a few seconds, but she found it, and scrabbled inside until she found her dataslate.

The familiar green glow from the screen lit the cabin in a particularly sickly way, but it was oddly comforting to Liesl. She panned the glow around, giving the cabin a closer look, before reaching into her bag again and pulling out the heavy, ornate Palatine Pistol. She checked it was loaded and slid it into her belt, before bringing her Salvation Auger up to inspect. "I don't know where we are. I don't even know where we could reasonably be near. We should be lucky if we're somewhere with a breathable atmosphere. At least we know there's reasonable gravity."

2012-01-15, 11:36 AM
Scratch feels a ringing in his ears and a pounding in his head from where it struck the padded bulkhead behind him. Ignoring both, he undergoes a quick internal check of his body, tensing each muscle and noting any particular types of pain. Next he checks the status of his case and his sword, finding both to be in unbroken condition, he hits the release to the harness. "Wherever we are cannot be more dangerous than the world on which I was born." He steadies himself for a moment, then moves to open the hatch.

2012-01-15, 01:48 PM
In the sickly dim green lighting, the mangled parts of the interior plating can be seen. a metal rod has pierced itself right into the wall, next to where Liesl's head had been as you hit the planet.


So far, there is no response from the salvation Auger

The hatch won't budge and you can't seem to find the 'Open Hatch' button.


Those who wants may roll a routine search (+20) check, to look for anything useful in the pod.

2012-01-15, 02:32 PM
Scratch's face tightens for just an instance behind the faceplate as he surveys the hatch. "Would that I had the strength to cut this machine open. Alas, I do not, nor the proper blade for such a task." He begins to survey the insides of the pod by the green light of the dataslate, the light oddly reminiscent of the glowing swamp-slugs of Dusk.

Search vs. TN 39 (19+20): [roll0]

EDIT: Just straight success.

2012-01-15, 04:44 PM

Brother Mikelus blinks a few times and shakes his head, trying to clear the ringing in his ears from the pod's impact. He notes absentmindedly that the pod appears to have lost whatever sources of lighting it might have posessed, then immediately begins groping around his feet for his backpack and its precious charge. The pack is in his arms when the cloying green light of the data-slate begins shedding its illumination on the scene. "We should worry about one thing at a time, madame Liesl. Once we have stripped this vessel of its survival gear, we can worry about the conditions of our landing site." He deftly reaches for the clasps on his restraints and lets them loose, then stands up and pulls a second data-slate from his pack, activating it and using it to provide some illumination where Liesl's does not. "Hopefully, there is an emergency release for the door somewhere in here. I would rather not have to try to smash re-entry grade steel open..."

Making that Search test.
[roll0] vs 37 (35/2 +20(routine))

Edit: :smallbiggrin: Was not expecting a roll like that. Three degrees of success on an untrained skill? Extraordinary.

2012-01-16, 01:51 PM

With brutish grunt and snarled prayer
Used to Guard deployment, he held on tight
Bile in his throat rose, but vomit he did not shower
Teeth gritted, eyes started at sudden light
From salvation belts' malfunctioned
Embrace, sawed himself free
Though little the light
He is a hunter from Endrite
Beastly steppes he'd stalked with less
And so he bent, to the priest's word, obedient
Who was he to question a cleric's coursed wisdom?

"Yes, sir, Padre"

Search away, then. As the Emperor and his resident minister will. [roll0]

2012-01-16, 03:27 PM
Scratch Happens to stumple upon a relatively intact medi-kit (box containing an assorted array of medical supplies), without opening it, you have no idea just WHAT is inside it.

You find a partially eaten sandwich which looks quite rotten.

In a slightly rectancular Case, you find what appears to be an intact Lascutter. Futhermore, on the left wall you happen to find a small button on the surface of an inward half-sphere. you also find a badly damaged book. it's title is 'Escape-pod manual'.

2012-01-18, 02:44 AM

After poking around the dimly-lit pod interior for a few moments, Caius looks up and remarks "Hmm... I think I've found the door release." He hefts the lascatter up for the others to see as well. "Also, looks like we have a way out if it's stuck. Everyone should make whatever preparations they can; there's no telling what we'll find outside." He grabs his backpack again and reaches in, pulling a civilian-model Autopistol and a magazine of ammunition out of it. He quickly checks the weapon's safety then inserts the magazine and chambers a round, then places it on the nearest flat surface to the switch. "Tell me when you're ready, and I'll try to open this up."

2012-01-18, 02:53 AM

Liesl pulled her bag onto her sholder and cinched the straps tight. She cast around the cabin for anything else useful. "I'm ready. Well, as i'll ever be."

2012-01-20, 11:46 AM

Quickly deciding that it's better to heed the old proverbs Waste not, want not and When the Emperor tosses a pear into yer lap, don't stand around waiting for apples...

...or in this case, a sandwich whose state of decay borders on the heretical, the ox-limbed former Guardsman scoops it up in one rough paw and wolfs it down.

Reverently laying his gun and blade lean on the nearby wall, quick as he can, he clumsily and foul-mouthedly takes off the upper half of the voidsuit, knotting the sleeves about his waist. He then shoulders his heavy-laden bag, patting down his grenades and blades in their webbing.

With one last quick check on the charge and safety of the laspistol holstered at his right hip, words of the Litany slipping unconsciously from his lips in doing so. He takes up once more his trusty Armageddon-pattern autogun, positions himself front and centre, more than ready to spit hot steel upon any hostiles beyond the door, more than ready to bleed...

The feral grins, crumbs tumbling down his great beard as he nods to the others. "Singer, cova' tha' door, shank 'ny **** wot ain't us. Lady, 't'aside an' back'n ready. Padre... as the Firefather wills..."

2012-01-20, 02:33 PM
Scratch makes a dismissive gesture. "Those who follow my path take no orders save from the Emperor himself." He pops the helmet off his void suit, running a hand through close-cropped black hair, strapping on his blade and a quiver of arrows. "Yet should there be foeblood to spill without, I shall eagerly spill it in tribute to Him-on-Terra."

2012-01-20, 03:11 PM

Give me a Thoughness Check (+0), failiure (and amount of DoF) will cause varying degree of foodpoisoning (will post how bad it is, if you fail)

2012-01-20, 03:26 PM
Scratch all of his gear closely, nearly pressing his eye against it in some cases, before attaching the helmet and resvealing his vac suit. "If you care to breathe in an atmo of mustard gas and viruses, be my guest, Guardsman. Should your foolishness result in your prematurely journey to the Emperor in horrific death throes, I will gladly speed your travel."

2012-01-20, 06:18 PM

The uncomfortable-looking monk nods at the others, though he looks slightly queasy after seeing the bestial Guardsman ingest a sandwhich that may well have been left here by the shipyard crew that installed the pod in the first place. "Very well. May He on Terra guide our path." He picks up his pistol again with his right hand, then thumbs the button with his left and takes up a firing position covering the door.

If the door does not open, Caius will begin using the Lascutter to cut it open. If it does open... Well, then things depend on what we see outside.

2012-01-20, 06:50 PM
FYI, the button is in the opposite end of the pod, from the bulkhead. the button AT the bulkhead door doesn't work, someone already tried it.

As the Caius pushed the button, nothing seems to happen. Then a small click is heard and the half-sphere splits in the middle. Inside is a compartment holding a Beacon of some sort, most likely an emergency rescue-beacon. It currently seems inactive


It will take about 10 minutes to cut through the bulkhead door, with a few extra minutes for the edges to cool off (it's a HOT planet)

2012-01-21, 05:14 PM

Caius tenses up when he hears the click, then sighs as the beacon is uncovered. "Hum. Well, I suppose we'll need to do this the hard way, then." He grabs the book he found earlier and hands it to Liesl. "I think this might contain information of some value to us. You might as well take a look while I open the door. If nothing else, that beacon might lead to some sort of rescue attempt." He hefts the lascutter and presses it firmly against the exit portal then thumbs the venerable machine's activation rune and sets to the hot, tedius work.

2012-01-21, 08:31 PM
after about ten minutes of relative silence (beside the BZZZZZ! sound from the lascutter), the bulkhead door tips forward. You would all expect a quick thud, but instead you all hear a SPLORTCH! sound and what sounds like bubbles bursting.

Nothing can be seen right now. It's dark, as in pitch black outside.

2012-01-22, 03:39 AM
As Liesl waits for the door to open she begins scanning through the book, straining her eyes in the data-slates dim light.

[roll0] vs Literacy 51, in case it's needed.

There's about nothing else to do. She thought. If this is some kind of manual, it might detail where we can find survival supplies or something. And if i'm holding the book, my hands shake less. Interesting. A neurological response to familiarity i suppose, as opposed to anything physical.

2012-01-22, 05:05 AM
The book is badly damaged, but you are able to read it without too much difficulty.

The book is an altered version of the Imperial Infantryman's uplifting primer. Basicly a survival guide (prayers, litanies and much more as well as how to treat light injuries and so on) plus a helper to navigate the pod and finding it's content (how to strap in, where the first aid kit is, etc.).

2012-01-23, 02:24 PM

A slight headshake, dizz'ness to clear
Re-entry is nothing to fear
At newfound comrades' reprimand
Meaty palm on helmed forehead smacks
But n'more comes, at sight of new land
Or rather--- silence, dark and vast
Dataslate, faint lum'nance does cast
Sandwich-stained fingers, the bag, racks
Quickly comes, with tape and lamp-packs
One light to the Padre does hand...


...T'other to rifle's barrel tapes
Flicks it on, peers into th'darkness
Well-wary of any strangeness

Hand a flashlight luuuuuminator to Brother Caius... And look outside. Awareness/Perception check, lessee... against 30.
Ho-lee assballs, Batman. Hahaha. What's that? Ooh, welding spark got in yer eye? Swamp gas? Or eye-bug in the Nurglite sandwich? Ahahaha!

2012-01-23, 03:07 PM
"That noise definitely reminded me of home," Scratch murmurs at the splortch, peering into the gloom. "Macharius," he says with slightly ironic emphasis on some syllables. "Your augur, I presume you can use it. What says it of the atmosphere?" He moves to crouch nimbly on the lip of the hole cut in the pod, fingers gingerly feeling around the cooling edges of the hole and to the ground beyond.

2012-01-24, 10:02 AM
The pod is totally silent, but as far as you can see, there seems to be an atmosphere that can sustain biological life, since you can see oddlooking trees just outside the pod, which seems to have crash inside a forest of some kind. So far the auger is silent.

i Take it that the salvation auger is in a pocket or is it in a backpack? cuz it someone is carrying it inside their voidsuit, then it won't alarm you even if the atmosphere is toxic to human life.

2012-01-24, 10:42 AM
Scratch closes his eyes to acclimate them to the gloom; opening them several minutes later, he surveys the world they've landed on.

2012-01-24, 07:02 PM
You are all allowed to make a callenging (+0) awareness test

2012-01-25, 12:12 AM

Caius takes the offered luminator and holds it with his left hand while gripping his pistol in his right, then activates in and quickly surveys the area immediately outside of the pod. "Looks like the ground is... Sludgy. Hum. Well, we'd best take a quick look around. Maybe we'll be able to figure out where we are..." Even as he makes the comment, he leans carefully outside of the pod and takes a step onto the planet's surface. "I too am curious about the atmosphere. Is it safe to remove our suits?" He calls back inside, as he begins to survey the immediate area.

Awareness: [roll0] vs base Per 35.
Edit: Hrnk. Whelp, no success for me. Too busy admiring the swamp, I guess. I guess there are downsides to living most of your life in spaceports and space ships and the rest in a comfy monestary.

2012-01-25, 12:53 PM

The bearded bruiser peers into the darkness, kneeling warily just within the pod's threshold, rifle held ready. Hairy ears prick and great nostrils flare, black eyes gazing at the blackness beyond...

...then stands, following the brave Brother, placing his great bulk between the group and the shadows of the swamp.

W'elp. Aaaaaawareness of [roll0] against Per 30.
Edit: Aaaagh! Nurglite sandwich zombie crumbs! They're in the eeeeyes!

2012-01-26, 07:41 PM
You can all see what appears to be a another escape pod soaring through the sky. about a dosen seconds later you hear the crashing sound from it's impact.

You can see that this must be a swamp, from the looks of the trees, it must be in the middle of the dry season becuase of the water markings on them. then you realize something dreadful, the swamp fumes seems to be slowly disolving your suit, along with the others suits as well.

Your eyes still haven't acclimated to the lights from the lamp packs

That's some very nice trees....

2012-01-26, 07:56 PM
"Hrm. Repent, living dead, and put leg to foot if you're not willing to rejoin Him-on-Terra today, though your sunken blood is tribute even here. I suggest we find higher ground. This is no swamp like Dusk, even her air is trying to eat you here." He motions to the corrosion forming on the voidsuits. "Tis the season of ebbed earthblood, not flow. Fortunate. Higher ground may provide a respite."

2012-01-27, 01:33 PM

Liesl nods. "This sort of gas is generally heavy and low-lying. If we can find a hill or something, we might be able to avoid it." She looked up. "Or we might want to see if we can track that other pod. Someone might have survived."

She gingerly stepped off the edge of the pod and into the swamp, and cast around for anything she could see.

[roll0] Awareness vs 34/2 = 17

"Also, once we're in a clearing or something and i can see more of the sky, i can try and see what i can see of the stars. I doubt i can pin down where we are now... but maybe i can tell what subsector we're in."

2012-01-27, 06:05 PM
You notice the same as scratch, but also something that moved just in the outer edge of your vision, in the shadowy part of the swampy forest in a direct line of the opened bulkhead-door.

2012-01-28, 03:35 AM

"Aye, thassaright, Singer..." Grunts the old groundpounder as he moves to the outer edge of the group's formation, loose though it might be, to serve as their first line, or rather, point of protection. He keeps a beady eye on the trees beyond and their sinister shadows, with a silent prayer on the tip of his tongue and an tingling finger across the trigger.

Moving together with the group, but positioned at the edge.
Ready an action to blast full-auto at anything dangerous/hostile.

2012-01-28, 05:03 PM

Liesl drew her pistol from her bag and swung it up to point into the shadows. "Something moved out there"

Ready action, half aim and fire if i can see something definitely hostile.

2012-01-28, 05:36 PM
Scratch tenses and drops into a crouch, years of training kicking in. "If these vapors chew void suits, they shall bite nicely into guns. Keep moving, little lambs. Let the wolves hunt the tigers." He looks at the other feral-worlder, thumb gently striking the scabbard of his blade.

2012-01-28, 06:59 PM
As all of you leaves the escape pod behind, you must choose where to go. a random direction, or to what seems like slightly higher ground where that other escape pod crashed.

2012-02-01, 09:43 AM

"Magra 'ere's a-seen me through quite some scrapes..."
So says the Endrite-man, rifle's sights roving
'Mongst mirk and mire, sinister shapes
"...Aye, Singer, 'twould be best that we be ta 'igher ground getting..."
Again he pats the fiery machine spirit's abode
"...But if 'tis her time, or ours, or nay, Firefather's will be done,
An' may we allus by 'Is light abide, an' th' Darkness shun...
Innae tha' right, Padre?"
Little luminator's lux lashes through mist
Towards crackling atmospheric entry's fires, his booted, squelching feet now list
"Looks ta be a tad o' higher ground thattaway--- that other pod, looksee?
Less o' this 'ere devouring mist, hopefully"

Going! Thattaway! To! Other escape pod and other survivors [or loot], hopefully! Also, away from this 'ere degrading mist.
Still keeping up the vigil, still keeping meatshielding vanguarding duties up front and centre. Readied actions to blast away any nasty gribblies should they show themselves.
Also, koff... hwat have I dooooone? Blended prosaic dialogue with a rhyming backframe, caramba!

2012-02-02, 05:41 PM
The Foggy swamp fumes, clears the further you go upwards, towards the other pod that crashed. after about 30 minutes your suits stop coroding but they are pretty much useless by now, though still look intact.

make an easy (+30) awareness test.

You are all what looks like about 15 minutes from the burned forest-part where the secondary pod landed. The terrain around you are mossy ground with rainforest-like trees and a slight humidity in the luke-warm night air.

2012-02-02, 05:54 PM
"You, Macharius, ask your machine spirit if the air is breathable here." Scratch crouches, gloved fingers digging into and feeling the soil, eyes scanning about.

Awareness vs TN 78 (sight)/TN 68 (other senses): [roll0]

Awareness vs TN 68 (hearing): [roll1]

2012-02-02, 06:31 PM
Caius picks his way along behind the two Feral-worlders, nervously hefting his autopistol and uncomfortably trying and failing to adjust the ill-fitting void suit to something approximating a livable position. His left hand drifts occasionally towards his chest, as though he's attempting to grab something before realizing that the sealed void-suit prevents it, and every few minutes he mutters a short prayer to the Emperor under his breath. "I must agree. The sooner I can remove this warp-spawned suit, the happier I'll be."

[roll0] vs Awareness 35+30(Easy) (65)

Edit: Never mind. That's apparently a pass, then.

2012-02-03, 12:02 PM
"Like the wetlands under ol' 'Goyle's Gorge, this" mutters the bearded behemoth as they clear the mists and slowly but surely begin an uphill trek. Squelching mud and clinging wet reeds give way to firmer earth and rocks with tall grasses swaying to an errant night wind. A vast verdance of gnarled trees sprawls into the distance, but with a certain swath scorch-cleared by the passage and crash of the other visible escape pod.

Still Konn keeps alert, wary of what might lurk in the shadows of leaf and heart...

Aaaaawareness at Easy, so Per [30] + 30 = 60
[roll0] <---Ha-HAAAH!

2012-02-07, 05:24 PM

One hand in her bag on the auger, the other still on her pistol, Liesl continued through the forest. As the corruption knawed at her void suit, Liesl pulled out the auger and held it up in the air, giving it a vigourous shake.

Awareness test [roll0] vs 16

2012-02-08, 08:34 AM
First you hear the movement, then you see it. somekind of flapping, maybe wings, or was it just a branch? no it's rather big and it's in that tree! (a tree that's about 5 metres away to the left.)

Something is closing in on you all, but where is it?

Something is close, you can almost feel it's eyes staring at you. you hear a sound to your left.

The darkness past the light from your lamps are to hard to see into

The swampy ground turns more and more into some kind of hard dirt, small piffs of it spreads into the air with each step you take. you all get the feeling that something isn't right here, there is no noise. no bugs, no birds and only your footsteps are heard as you all keep walking towards the smouldering trees not to far away now. the pod is almost in sight. the auspex remains silent.

2012-02-08, 10:20 AM
"Living dead, I have an urgency to share with you but when I do so, you must keep calm or be prepared to remove the 'living' moniker. Now. Keep moving as you were but be aware: we are being hunted. And our erstwhile devourer is close" Scratch flips open the end of his case, drawing out a polished and treated bow, aged and buffed wood and grey horn and dark metal. He slings the case across his back and strings it with practiced ease as he walks.

2012-02-09, 09:16 AM
"Contact confirmed, Singer. Biggurn beastie, left flank, spitting distance... see them warpspawned eyes amidst them shrubberies..." interjects the grunting Guardsman, with the gun's black barrel covering the suspect spot in the shadows the whole while. Even as he keeps pace with the others, his senses are tensed on a steel spring, his trigger finger ready to let loose a hail of hot lead...

Nominally walking along, [~shrug~ or not if it'd be too obvious] but taking Overwatch for the group. Once something hostile comes, immediate Full Auto Burst [BS 65 (+10 if short-range, +30 if point-blank)], with Pinning. [-20 WP or flee]

2012-02-10, 06:49 PM
Caius grips his autopistol more tightly and warily tries to get a glimpse of the creature out of the corner of his eyes. "Acknowledged.", he whispers to his companions in response to their warnings, preferring brevity in this case. Damn this void-suit. I'd feel much better with a proper gun in my hands...

Oh how I wish I had my shotgun or hammer. Guess I shouldn't have hamstrung myself by putting all of that useful stuff underneath the void suit in a rush to put it on. Oh well.