View Full Version : Rogue Aid

2012-04-03, 03:21 PM
I have the actual character pretty much done, but he is still going to need the numbery powery bits all fleshed out. After a while of debate (wondering if some sort of hex blade or fighter type might be better) I've settled on rogue.

He's going to be the charismatic sort, wise though not always the brightest. He will to most of the world be the cook at a local inn, but his other life will be that of the thief, the smuggler, and the information man. He's the type to smile kindly all the while having small blades hidden all over him.

Now, combat. I can certainly see him kneeing people in the stomach, elbowing them in the face if they tried to grab him. I can see blades hidden up his sleeves set to appear at someone's throat if he needs to threaten them. I can also some working knowledge of traps, poisons, etc yet no real desire to create them.

This looks handy, but I want to know what you guys think! And feel free to ask questions!


Kurald Galain
2012-04-03, 03:29 PM
Sure, rogues are an effective and fun class, and they have access to thievery and intimidate ... so what is your question exactly?

2012-04-03, 03:46 PM
I think the question is about the guide? If so that one is outdated and not the one I'd recommend.

Try: http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/22953353/Dirty_Deeds..._Done_Dirt_Cheap:_The_Rogues_Handboo k

2012-04-03, 08:01 PM
The question is:

Forum, do you have any suggestions while designing my rogue to make it both a very effective character in combat while staying within my personality/character concept?

2012-04-03, 10:12 PM
Uhm, well. You don't mention race or level or who else is in the party, so there's only so much we can say really.

A Halfling Artful Dodger rogue certainly seems to match everything you've listed. A good character build for that can be found here: http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/20987141/The_Most_Annoying_Rogue_Ever__Optimized_Halfling_R ogue I don't entirely agree with everything in there, but it's a good start.

2012-04-04, 04:17 PM
Level 10 human. Neverwinter campaign setting.

Rest of party to be determined. But I called dibbs on rogue. (Have never played one)

2012-04-09, 12:17 PM
A changeling sorcerer and war-forged monk are now confirmed as well.

2012-04-10, 07:10 AM
I thought it was Neverwinter setting. How many other players left that still haven't made their choice?

2012-04-22, 12:12 PM
It's a NWN setting, but the DM is allowing anything from 4E official printing.

We also have a cleric now, I believe.

There is one person who hasn't made a choice. She will be getting talked to tonight. This will also be her first interaction with tabletop gaming.

2012-04-22, 02:44 PM
You're going to lack a strong defender, even if the new person plays one. :smalltongue: As a rogue, make fast friends with your Monk and don't overlook your own defenses.

2012-04-26, 02:43 PM
The first session went fairly well. It was well staged, however. At the 'defeat' of the boss we were all knocked unconscious and woke up level 10. I left one feat unchoosen, and think more hit might do me well.

So far, I've designed him with the ability to dual-wield the hand crossbows, but switch to daggers as a free action. Really wish I had brought my character sheet with me to work today.

I should also mention that the DM gave us ALL the spells in the book for our class and available at level (IE, at 10 I would get 1-10). I ended up only selecting what I really wanted from the PDP, MP 1 +2, Dragon Magazine, ETC.

2012-04-27, 07:30 AM
I should also mention that the DM gave us ALL the spells in the book for our class and available at level (IE, at 10 I would get 1-10). I ended up only selecting what I really wanted from the PDP, MP 1 +2, Dragon Magazine, ETC.

I'm not sure I get what this means. Still, since you're Level 10, I'd suggest you started by looking at your Paragon Path or choice, and Paragon Tier Feats, so you can choose your feats accordingly, remember, next level, it's paragon time, you only get to do 1 retrain to fix anything you messed up, not to mention it should be WAY more useful to simply use that to retrain a Heroic Feat into a Paragon Feat, so choose carefully.

2012-04-27, 07:44 PM
It means that I already know all spells, utilities, dailies, encounters, etc from 1-10.

Haven't looked at paragon yet.

2012-04-28, 10:59 AM
Can you use multiple dailies per day of the same level? Ie; can you use all ...nine?...of the level 5 rogue daily powers?

If so, I humbly note that your DM is kind of ridiculous, and I understand why the other two first-picks were sorc and monk.

2012-04-29, 07:15 PM
Same amount of everything per day, just a bigger list.

2012-04-29, 07:51 PM
So, every character has the wizard's spellbook, and a calligraphy degree?

2012-04-30, 07:42 AM
Seems like it, yeah. And yes, I have to agree, it does seem like a bit... ludicrous. It's taking away a nice, important aspect of the game, which are choices. But anyway, as I said, stick with Paragon Paths. Think about what Paragon Path you want to take at 11, and plan the feats accordingly (not only for pre-requisites, but also what goes well with the Paragon Path once you took it, because as I said, I'd much rather spend my 11th level retraining upgrading a feat that fixing something up or picking a heroic that goes well with it).

2012-04-30, 03:39 PM
Don't you still have to choose which at the start of each day for the wizards spell-book?

In this case, we got the # of spells located for us in the PHB1, and then had to exchange if we wanted to use any from any other official published works, and still allowed the same # of per day/encounter/etc as before.

We all then narrowed it down further (as most of the spells are crap for certain builds) and are using a selected amount.

At level 10, I am mainly selecting from 2 dailies, less than 5 encounters, and haven't used any encounter utilities or daily anythings at all.

The campaign was ported from 3.5

However, the topic of the thread is my character. >>