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2012-07-30, 03:10 PM
[Cody] (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=428510) - [Arya] (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=428511) - [Map of Kathor] (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/15vtbDg5lMI22R24nkiIScRZFZUTwTu7H8ip2IzPpRjI/edit) - [Lorka] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiZcaAqLuX0TdHZOQU9yZktIRGd3M1lqTnk2VzduQ 1E#gid=0)

After flying from Nielesti and landing on the hills, it's getting late and your group of two decides to get some sleep. It happens and the following morning, you wake up. It's still early and the weather is cold and calm, like usual.

Temperature:Yesterday's Temperature: 14 degrees Fahrenheit.
Last night's Temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
Today's Temperature: 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

Notes for the DM: 4d12-6, rerolling anything below 0 or above 40, is for the standard temperature of the day. It reduces by 2d6+8 during the nights.

2012-07-30, 04:28 PM
Ruethel stretches his wings as he pushes himself up from his bedroll, the first day of their journey had been uneventful, just gliding over the hills below their home of Nielesti. His eyes had been scanning the lands he recognized from their expeditions outside of Nielesti.

They hadn't reached the river yet, which was the farthest he had ever been from their home. He knew they had a good ways to go before they would reach the bubbling river from which his nick-name was derived.

The glide along with the long ceremony earlier that day had left him winded, so the rest after landing was a relief. He gives a quick prayer to Tuilviel Glithien for keeping them safe, then and looks around at the surrounding hills.

Waking up to the the sun rather than the moon was a bit odd, but he supposed it was something he would have to get used to. The other races didn't live like the Raptoran, they slept at night, so they would have to as well until they returned home.

The cold air feels good against his feathers, and he takes a deep breath of the morning air.

He looks over to Lamine who is still lying on her bedroll with one leg crossed over the other and is in a reclining position.

She was a great friend, and he couldn't have wished to talk the Walk of the Four Winds with any other person. Her antics were renowned throughout their tribe, and her stories and singing were even more well known.

Her mother had been a bard for the tribe, and she continued the tradition through her.

"Good nig... I mean good morning! Haha, you ready to go?" he asks in a happy voice.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]


Lamine looks up at her age-mate Ruethel, they had been hatched in the same Spring, and thus had been paired in many of their actions. They had quickly become close friends hunting, playing games, telling stories, and debating together.

Ruethel was a bit strange, choosing to favor books to their oral tradition, and with her a bard it did truly seem a strange combination. He loved the knowledge he could find hidden in books, and tried trading for them whenever a traveler would happen across their home.

His parents hadn't loved his choice of wizardry, but they accepted it for what it was and hoped that he would find his way in the world regardless.

She answers his question "Sure am!"

She jumps to her feet using her wings to help her spring up, she then grabs her bedroll and ties it back on her pack. She looks around at the surrounding hills as well, and takes a glance back towards their home hoping to spot it.

Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2012-07-30, 05:53 PM
The home is a few pockets of black against the sun, but nothing more can be seen at this distance.

Looking around, there are few trees and the hills gently rise up towards the mountain. You can see pretty far from up here, the city of Crux in the far off distance and the thin line of blue on the plains and hill across from them that you can make out. You can't see the water on your side of the hills, because of the hills themselves. You see a few wildlife moving around, a wolf in the distance and the like, but none seem to be moving towards you, or in general be near you.

The world is waking up around you, squirrels leaving their nests and birds singing their first songs of the day.

2012-07-30, 11:48 PM
The two Raptorans stood on the hillside staring back at their home, they let out a mutual sigh. The wide world was awaiting them, and now was their time to go out and see it.

They were silent for some moments before Lamine spoke "How long do you think it will be before we can come back?"


Ruethel stares at the structure of their home, so small in the distance. He remembered his days hiding in the niches of the towers and reading or writing, and the games they had played as hatchlings. He answers her question "I don't know, sooner, later, it won't matter until the time comes. Could even be that we might not want to come back. Its a big world out there, who knows what we'll find."


"I guess you're right, I just hope we can return one day. No matter where we go, no matter what we see though, this will always be home." She puts a wing around Ruethal, and he returns the gesture.

The two stare longingly at the hills around them, it hadn't really fully hit them until they took that final look back. It had to happen now though, there was no turning back.

After staying like that for a short time, Lamine's stomach growls. "Hehe, looks like it might be time for breakfast." She giggles as she pulls some dried meat out of her backpack, then starts to nibble on it.


Ruethel is too excited to be quite so hungry, so he waits to eat until later, although Lamine was known to be hungry most of the time so it didn't surprise him that she was. "We'll have to watch our food supplies if they get too low, once we leave the flock's lands behind it might be harder to find food depending on where the winds take us."

Lamine simply nods as she continues to bite off pieces of the spiced meat with her beak.

Ruethel focuses for a second, determining which direction North was then waves for Lamine to follow. "C'mon, we've got a lot of ground to cover and we won't have such a nice gliding distance this time. Most of what we do from here on out will have to be on foot." He heads off in a North Easterly direction, with the East preferred, the same direction as yesterday.

The wind ruffles some of his facial feathers as Lamine follows behind and they start their trek down the hill.

2012-07-31, 12:06 AM
Chance = 10%

2012-07-31, 12:08 AM
You have no dangerous encounter for the entire day. It's peaceful, you get to watch the scenery, the animals, and the like. When you made camp for lunch, a few herbivores came closer and you could've fed them if you wanted to. If not, you could've simply watched them. Still, at the end of the day, the sun is setting and nothing has provoked you yet.

2012-07-31, 12:38 AM
The two raptorans simply watch the herbivores come close, but do not offer them any food or attempt to attack them. Ruethel eats one of his trail rations, which is the same as Lamine's. With no obvious threats nearby, they decide it is a good place to make camp and they unroll their bed-rolls.

As slight insurance against any possible danger Ruethal casts a mental alarm on the area around the camp, it wouldn't last long, but it was better than nothing.

The two lie down next to one another and watch as the stars begin to fill the night sky, making out constellations as they begin their dance. After a time they both drift off to sleep with the sounds of nature around them.

2012-07-31, 01:00 AM
You soon wake up the following morning, the sun is pretty blocked off by the mountain, but the sky around the mountains shows you the approximate time of day to be early morning. The world in general is waking as well, and yada-yada-yada.

Temperature Last Night's Temperature: [roll0]
Today's temperature: [roll1]

2012-07-31, 01:24 AM
Ruethal knew they were nearing the river, and that they would probably reach it before needing to stop to rest for the night again. There they could travel along the river, drinking, fishing, and relaxing as they needed to.

He wants to see if he can see the river from where they are, so he climbs the tallest tree he can find nearby and attempts to spot the river, he also listens for the sound of running water.

Climb: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]


Meanwhile Lamine looks up at her silly friend as he starts climbing the tree, as he does so, she tries to remember anything special about the river and the areas around it from the stories of her people and the tales she had heard from travelers.

Knowledge (Geography): [roll3]
Knowledge (History): [roll4]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll5]

2012-07-31, 01:37 AM
Even up the tree, which isn't all that tall, you can't spot the river. It's still about 16 miles away, though.

Geography: The river flows down from the mountain and then empties out into the ocean.

History: There have been a few disputes over which race and city held different parts of the river, but currently, they have an agreement.

Nature: You know that in this area, frost wolves prowl, dire rats roam, and armored rats are a rare sight. The river never freezes too, and it's cold the entire year round.

2012-07-31, 02:19 AM
Most of the information was general knowledge, but keeping what dangerous animals they might come across in mind wasn't a bad idea. Lamine notes to watch out for them as they travel.

Ruethel climbs down the tree disappointed at not seeing anything, but still excited at the fact that it was most likely close by. He says "Well I couldn't' see the river from here, but its close, I know it!"


Lamine laughs a little at her friend, he always got overzealous about things like that. "Well in that case we better get going before your tail-feathers fall off in anticipation!"

She pulls at one of his tail feathers, enough to surprise him but not hurt him. She runs off following her innate sense of direction as a guide, Ruethel quickly follows suit laughing behind her. He yells out between breaths laughing "I'll get you for that!"

(Note: Not running all the way, just running for a short while.)

2012-07-31, 02:20 AM
Chance = 10%

2012-07-31, 02:37 AM
You travel for the entire day without encountering hostilities or possible hostilities. It isn't until you're nearing the river that you see one of these (but with white fur):http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG257.jpghttp://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG257.jpg

You see it drinking water, by the river. It has yet to notice you.

(https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiZcaAqLuX0TdGpTMHQ4UTdLcy1KMzNnMzRpMW52U mc#gid=0)

[b]Knowledge: Ruethel: You know that the creature you're looking at is a worg (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/worg.htm). It's smarter and larger than a normal wolf. They tend to work together, but this is a single one. Lone worgs chase down creatures smaller than themselves, most of the time. They often use hit-and-run tactics to exhaust their quarry before killing it. When they do bite, they can trip an enemy soon after.

Knowledge: Lamine: You know it's not a frost wolf. You're not sure what it is, though.

2012-07-31, 01:32 PM
Ruethel pauses at the sight of what he recognizes as a worg, from his readings of traveler's books, something considerably more wily and deadly than your average frost wolf. Some older Raptorans had told them that they were a rarer sight than most, but one did come across them from time to time.

It seemed to be a lone worg, which was a relief because they were far more deadly in a pack than alone.

The pair of Raptorans backs off cautiously, and Ruethel motions with a talon in front of his beak for Lamine to stay quiet, then quickly casts a message spell including her in its effects.

After the spell is complete he whispers to her "That's a worg, we need to be more than cautious with this one. Some can talk but others would rather just rip our throats out..."


Lamine then whispers back "A worg!?" She had heard about them from the elders, but she had never seen one before, much less been this close. "I have an idea, follow me." She motions for him to stay close by her, and she heads for a singular tree to their right.

The pair attempt to move quietly and stay unnoticed as they make their way to the tree and attempt to climb it while the worg is busy lapping at the water.

To Tree:

Arya MS: [roll0]
Cody MS: [roll1]
Arya MS: [roll2]
Cody MS: [roll3]

Climb: All take 10's on climb and move silently.

2012-07-31, 01:37 PM
You are able to get up the tree without the worg changing its position. It's still lapping water. The tree is 30 feet tall, with branches at 10 feet and higher.

2012-07-31, 02:01 PM
Ruethel gives Lamine a look of confusion as they scale the tree, they wrap their talons firmly around a branch that is about 25 feet up and keep themselves balanced.


Now that the imminent danger of the worg is out of the way her face assumes the curious visage which she so often wears. She whispers to Ruethel using the spell "I want to see if it is a good worg, or a bad worg, so just watch and wait. Also, speak normally if you don't want the worg to hear you."

Before Ruethel can react to her words she quickly casts a message spell of her own on herself, Ruethel, and the Worg, then she begins to whisper in the common tongue using the spell "Hello friend, graceful hunter of the wilds, if you can understand me, we travelers have yet to meet a worg before and would gladly speak to you if you would so allow it."

Arya Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-07-31, 02:12 PM
The worg looked up from the river and looked around. He soon spotted the two of you in the tree and replied to Lamine in a rough common, each word taking longer than if you would have said it, "And what would you like to speak about?"

2012-07-31, 02:18 PM
Lamine waves down at the worg and Ruethel just watches with slight amusement, his friend was always finding new ways to surprise him. He was just glad they were up in the tree, and not down on the ground. He listened as they spoke.


Lamine says "Well just about anything, but I don't want to be rude, before we start talking at length, what's your name?" She is sitting on the branch out farther, looking down at the worg, her feet dangling back and forth as she speaks.

2012-07-31, 02:26 PM
"Lorkan, strange bird. What are you doing up a tree?" The worg sat down and just kept staring at the girl.

2012-07-31, 02:35 PM
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Lorkan, you can call me Lamine and my friend here Ruethel since it might be hard for us to know who you are talking to just using the title strange bird." As she says her name she motions to herself, and his name she motions to Ruethel who is sitting a bit off to her left on another branch.

"To answer your question though, we've been traveling for a long while, and well a Raptoran always feels more at home up in the air than on the ground."

This made her think of the others that had also set out on their own paths, she wondered how they were fairing so far, she bet none had had the luck to speak with a worg yet!

2012-07-31, 02:57 PM
The worg stood up and dashed forward, getting to the tree and jumping up. He hits the tree 8 feet high and begins climbing up it. But soon after, his claws couldn't find proper holds and he fell, landing on his back. "How did you get up there?!"

Jump: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]
Climb: [roll2]
Climb: [roll3]
(He moves up at a speed of 12.5 feet per roll, so one success should get him up there.)

2012-07-31, 03:16 PM
Lamine jumps a little as Lorkan hits the tree, which sways back and forth slightly under his force, and Ruethel grabs onto the trunk for dear life since he hadn't expected it at all. He attempts to re-gain his composure by fixing his ruffled feathers, but still holds on tightly to the trunk.

Lamine then replies to Lorkan's question "Why we're built for this sort of stuff, all talons and feathers." She laughs as she shows off the talons on her feet.

"I have heard tales that worgs from time to time collect objects they have found in the wilds, you wouldn't happen to have some things you wouldn't mind sparing for traveler's would you?"

Behind her words though, she tries to judge just what the worg's thoughts on them are. Ruethel tries to do the same, hoping that he could determine whether this Lorkan character meant to make conversation or have them for lunch.

Sense Motive Arya: [roll0]
Sense Motive Cody: [roll1]

2012-07-31, 03:40 PM
You don't get a single idea of what this worg might have been trying to do more than what you already thought.

"Hmm... I might have some things... But..." He again tried to climb the tree. This time, his claws found ample footholds and he was able to climb up the tree, sitting down on a branch at the same level as Lamine. "Why do you ask?"

Climb: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]

2012-07-31, 03:47 PM
Ruethel's eyes bulge a little as the worg is suddenly but a few feet from him, yet Lamine stays calm even as he nears her. She trusts the worg isn't going to hurt them.

"Any little thing helps us on the Walk of the Four Winds, we could trade you food for it if you want. We have a good amount of spiced meat, and I doubt a worg has much use for trinkets and coins. A positive result for us both I believe." She then adds "You're a pretty good climber yourself, I didn't know worgs could do that. Do you climb often?" She tilts her head.

2012-07-31, 03:57 PM
"Not really. I don't climb all that much. I find plenty of things to hunt on the ground." He looks down at the ground but doesn't flinch at the height. [b]"And I don't, but those things are shiny. At least, some are."

2012-07-31, 04:09 PM
"I suppose, not a whole lot to eat up in the trees anyway. What sort of shiny things are there, do you live around here? If you like shiny things I could trade you this for your's if you want." Lamine pulls out a small glass bauble hanging from a string, it reflects the daylight into rays of scintillating light.

"Its called a Liessit."

2012-07-31, 08:59 PM
"Oooooh... shiny... I have something like that. Back at home. Except it's black and has a star on it." He moves his eyes closer to the gem.

2012-07-31, 09:26 PM
"That sounds pretty, would we be able to see it?" She puts the Liessit back in her pack before he gets too close.

2012-07-31, 09:28 PM
When it is put away, his shoulders droop a bit. Sad, maybe? "But no touch?"

2012-07-31, 09:35 PM
"Yep, I just want to see it, and I promise if he gets any funny ideas about touching it I'll hit him for you." She motions to Ruethel who gives her a look of exasperation, but still can't avoid chuckling a little bit.

He then adds "You have my word that I won't try to touch it."

Lamine continues "I love seeing new things, especially if it is something like the Liessit, we're always looking for new techniques."

2012-07-31, 09:49 PM
Lorkan nods and gets up before jumping down to a lower branch and so on until he got to the ground. "I show then. Follow." He ran off, going upriver.

Current Temperature (Night): 0
Temperature Drop: [roll0]

2012-07-31, 09:55 PM
Lamine and Ruethel glide out of the tree to the ground and follow him as fast as they can, he was quite quick to keep up with, so they hoped they wouldn't lose him.

The moon was rising, it felt good to be under the stars again. The colder air of night was refreshing as they ran, their breath coming out in misty bursts.

2012-07-31, 10:05 PM
You're able to keep him on your sight and he eventually stops and looks down at the ground. He slows down and begins to sniff around. When you catch up to him, he's digging through the dirt. Soon, he pulls something out of the ground in a claw, it's a string. At the end of the string is a black stone which, no matter which side you looked at it from, it had a star on it. "What'cha think?"

Image, if you can't see it. (http://www.stargemstones.com/info/star-sapphire/images/rare-12-ray-golden-star-sapphire.jpg)

2012-07-31, 10:22 PM
The two are huffing slightly after their run after Lorkan, and they are glad to see him finally come to a stop. After he digs it up they get in for a closer look and the two gasp, it was a beautiful gem like none other they had seen.

"Its so pretty," Lamine says starry eyed, the moonlight streaming down seemed to amplify its beauty even further.

Ruethel marvels at it, even with dirt still on it, it was a grand gem. He asks "Where did you find this?"

2012-07-31, 10:34 PM
He takes it to the river and dips it in for a few seconds, allowing all the dirt to get removed. "I was following a merchant one day, to talk to him, but he was running from something. He dropped this, I saw it drop, I stopped to look at it, he was gone. So I kept it."

2012-07-31, 10:42 PM
Ruethel remarks "That's strange, I wonder what a merchant was doing out here, especially one with something like this. Did you see what was chasing them?"

Lamine adds "I hope the merchant made it alright from whatever was chasing him, what did they look like and how long ago did it happen, maybe they made it to Nielesti?"

2012-07-31, 10:48 PM
"I didn't see anything at all chasing him. And he looked human. But this was some time ago, maybe a year? Maybe more? I don't remember."

2012-07-31, 10:57 PM
Ruethel replies "Hmm, it could have been anyone then, we get humans from time to time, so maybe they did make it to Nielesti." He shrugs.

Lamine says "Thank you for showing us your treasure, you seem to like shiny things, so I want you to have this!" She places the Liessit in front of him on the ground.

"Think of it as not only a gift from me to you, but also as a thanks for your kindness towards us." Lamine always thought the best part about getting something was giving it to someone else later.

2012-07-31, 11:17 PM
Lorkan pushed it back towards her with the tip of his nose. "I keep in dirt, dirt keep it from seen. It's pretty, you should show it to others." He considered what he had said for a bit before raising the paw with the gem up to her. "Keep this too, show to others. Maybe they like too."

2012-08-01, 12:34 AM
Lamine gasps, she is surprised by Lorkan's decision "You mean it?! I definitely won't refuse the offer, thank you!"

Her eyes seem to sparkle as she picks up the gem carefully with her talons. She ties the string so that it can be worn like a necklace "I'll treasure it, and make sure to show it to many others."

She also picks up the Liessit and places it back in her pack. She then rubs the stone with her feathered fingers, it was so smooth, it was still a bit of a shock he gave it to her.

She looks off into the wilderness for a second, then asks "Do you live out here alone?"

2012-08-01, 12:46 AM
He nodded his head. "Yea, hunting, sleeping, everything, alone. Why?"

2012-08-01, 12:57 AM
She thinks of all the commotion that always was going on in Nielesti, she tried to remember a day where she was totally alone and honestly she couldn't recall many. The thought of Lorkan being alone in the wilds made her a little sad, he was so nice. "Don't you ever get lonely out here?"

Ruethel watches quietly preening himself as the two speak, he hadn't expected the worg to prove friendly in truth.

2012-08-01, 01:01 AM
"Sometimes." He looks around, sighting a squirrel, before shaking his head and turning back to the bird. "But then I go hunting and I'm fine."

2012-08-01, 01:06 AM
"Hmm I suppose it gives you something to do, what do you like to hunt the most? I'm a big fan of hunting rodents myself, always tricky to catch, but its more fun that way."

2012-08-01, 01:08 AM
"Deer, you ever hunt deer? They big, stronger than squirrels and them. Require crafty mind, they get away if you don't. And they feed me plenty."

2012-08-01, 01:19 AM
"Alone I've never hunted a Deer, but our tribe often works together to bring down deer and elk. Speaking of tribe, don't worgs usually travel in packs? I hope I'm not being rude asking, but why are you alone instead of in a pack?"

2012-08-01, 01:27 AM
"I left them, they were not good enough for me."

Bluff: [roll0]
(If you beat this with a Sense Motive, you know he's lying.)

2012-08-01, 01:30 AM
Cody SM: [roll0]
Arya SM: [roll1]

Lamine's eyes droop a little, and a sad tint comes into her voice "You're not telling us the truth are you?" It was just something in the way he said it that seemed to give it away. Like there was more behind his words than what he said.

Ruethel was surprised by what she said, he hadn't seen any evidence he was lying. She usually seemed better at telling these sort of things though, so he left her to it and waited to see what Lorkan would say.

2012-08-01, 01:53 AM
Lorkan took a step back, not having thought it would be that easy to get through. "N- no, that's the..." He saw how Lamine was getting and took another step towards her. He followed that up with another step, rubbing against her body and arm. "I challenged the alpha and got beat. Ran away after that..."

2012-08-01, 02:15 AM
She wraps her wing around him and begins to pet him gently "Aww, you poor thing. You didn't need to hide that from us." She begins cooing almost instinctively, she loved the feel of his sleek fur.

2012-08-01, 02:42 AM
Lorkan didn't speak, he just laid down by putting his paws under him and drawing closer to the ground.

2012-08-01, 02:46 AM
"Do you want to stay with us tonight, we've probably wasted some of your hunting time so the least we can do is offer you some of our food and company." She continues to stroke his fur as she speaks.

Ruethel nods in agreement "She's right, feel free to stay with us if you want." He begins removing his bed-roll from his pack, figuring this was as good a place as any to sleep.

2012-08-01, 02:48 AM
He considers it and looks up, to her face. Then he leans in and licks it. "Can I stay for longer?"

2012-08-01, 02:52 AM
She laughs happily "Of course you can, as long as you would like!" She gives him a squeeze with her wings.

Ruethel smiles as he thinks about the strange sight they'll be if anyone spots them. Two raptorans and a worg, that oughta turn some heads.

2012-08-01, 02:56 AM
He's overjoyed and tackles the girl to the ground, licking at her face. You might get the feeling that this is how they kiss.

2012-08-01, 04:02 PM
Lamine giggles as he knocks her to the ground. After he stops she stands up and laughs at her ruffled appearence, Ruethel can't help but smirk (as well as one can with a beak) as she smooths herself out.

Ruethel finishes up laying out the bed-rolls, he prepares Lamine's as well. Lamine offers some of the spiced meat to Lorkan before they go off to sleep.

2012-08-01, 04:05 PM
He eats it and then sleep comes and sleep goes.

Current Temperature: [roll0]
Current Weather: [roll1]

2012-08-01, 04:24 PM
Blizzard Details: Duration: [roll0]
Feet of Snow: [roll1]
Temperature: [roll2]
Wind Speeds (mph): [roll3]

You are woken by powerful winds tugging at your feathers. Lorkan is already away, from what Lamine can feel, and he's speaking. "Get up, storm's coming. Gotta get to shelter quickly. Get up, girl-bird."

When you do wake up, you can tell he's being serious. It's currently snowing, not much but plenty, and the wind is going by pretty quickly.

2012-08-01, 09:44 PM
Lamine stands up and re-packs her bedroll, snow already beginning to gather on her feather's. She shakes Ruethel awake and his eyes flutter open in surprise, he shakes the snow off himself and also stands up.

After gathering together all their belongings they look around them, waiting to see what Lorkan had in mind.

2012-08-01, 10:54 PM
"We gotta go, find shelter. My shelter too small for three, where your shelter?"

2012-08-01, 10:57 PM
Arya, Geography: [roll0]
Cody, Local: [roll1]

Arya, History: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3634243/

You know that there's a nearby cave which some humans used when holding the river from some raptorans. It was one of the skirmishes that they had often, contesting the owner of the river. They used it and were able to hold off the raptorans for a few days, enough for a larger human squad to arrive and help them out. This cave is about a mile to the west of your current position.

At first the two sit silently in the snow and they exchange worried glances Ruethel begins to speak "We... we don't have any shelter nearby, we've been traveling for days now... the closest shelter is either Nielesti or the city downriver..."

Lamine looks down at the ground, obviously extremely worried. Her thoughts race, trying to remember anything that might help them. Suddenly she exclaims "I know where they're is shelter her enough for all of us, follow me!" She begins trudging off through the growing snow on the ground towards the direction of the cave. Her only true guide is her sense of direction, so she hopes her memory of the story is enough to get them there in one piece...

2012-08-01, 11:20 PM
It's a 40 minute walk at your speed.

Ruethel's Fort Save: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Lamine's Fort Save: [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]
Lorkan's Fort Save: [roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15] [roll16] [roll17]

The first 20 minutes is slow going, as everyone but Ruethel is slowed down. You travel nearly nothing this time.

The second 20 minutes is much faster, but Ruethel is slowed down slightly. Made progress: 1/4 of the mile.

The same thing happens on the next 20 minutes. You travel another forth of the mile.

The start of the next hour, Ruethel can't push against the wind.

The next 20 minutes, everyone pushes forward, traveling 1/4 of the distance.

The next 20, nothing.

Extra rolls required.
Ruethel: 09 | 03 | 06 | 16 | 05 | 12 | 09 | 16
Lamine: 15 | 16 | 05 | 08 | 14 | 10 | 20 | 13
Lorkan: 19 | 10 | 23 | 11 | 16 | 09 | 11 | 14

After being stuck at 3/4 of the distance for... 2 hours and 40 minutes, you were able to push forward and get to the cave.

Total time it took you: 4 hours, 40 minutes.

2012-08-01, 11:41 PM
After what seemed like an eternity in the blizzard Lamine finally locates the cave she remembered from her Family's oral stories. She lights her bulls-eye lantern using her flint and steel just after entering, and leads the group to the back of the cave.

Ruethel and Lamine lay out their bedrolls side by side and lie together for warmth, Lamine says to Lorkan "We need to stay together for warmth." She motions for him to join them.

2012-08-02, 12:18 AM
He does and his fur feels warm against your bodies. He kinda lays across both your laps.

Three days later... (Subtract 3 trail rations per person)

You were able to get water from the snow, but the food comes from your packs. Unless you kill Lorkan and take his meat, but I doubt that.

Current Temperature: [roll0]
Current Weather: [roll1]

2012-08-02, 12:19 AM
Heat or Cold Wave: [roll0]

Current Temperature: 14

You wake up, the storm's over. The sun's shining for the first time in 3 days. The air's a bit chilly, but that doesn't matter to you, you're raptorans.

2012-08-02, 12:26 AM
The storm finally subsides and Lamine and Ruethel leave the cave that had been their home for three days. It was truly a blessing the elders had given them so many rations for their journey.

They stretch happy to be free, reveling in the 'warmth' of the sun. Ruethel says "We ought to try to make it to the city downriver soon, there we can buy or trade for more food that can last us. For now we should preserve what rations we have left, and hunt as we follow the river."

Lamine nods. They group start working their way back toward the river, motioning for Lorkan to follow along.

2012-08-02, 12:53 AM
Lorkan follows you. He attempts to gather food for you guys, about an hour each time before you camp.

[roll0] - Couldn't find anything.
[roll1] - Was able to supply 7 rations of food, but it would go bad. Most was fish.

[roll2] - Was able to gather 4 rations of food, again, most was fish.

Chance = 10%

You encounter NOTHING of hostile intent during that 12 hour trek that lasts 2 days. You arrived at the city of Crux. It's a small town, really. Roll knowledges to know more about it.

It has a sign above it from the way you enter. It reads 'Welcome to Crux'. As you're walking into town, people are giving you strange looks and moving away from you.

2012-08-02, 01:41 AM
After all those days in the cave it was nice to stretch their legs and get moving. Lorkan's catches helped keep them going until they reached Crux.

The strange looks were expected, they just hoped they didn't turn to anything worse. After sleeping on various uncomfortable surfaces for so long, Lamine thought it might be a good idea to try visiting what the other races call an 'inn.'

"Should we try finding someplace to stay, if the stories are right there should be something called an 'inn' around somehwere?"

Ruethel shrugs "Sounds good to me."

2012-08-02, 02:01 AM
Entering the Raging Moose, the innkeeper gives you a glare, but doesn't shoo you out of it. It's not that crowded, but at least 75% of the chairs are taken on the first floor.

2012-08-02, 11:38 AM
The number of the people in the town itself shocked them, they were used to seeing a couple of wandering humans here and there, but truly this place was crawling with them. Tall ones, short ones, fat ones, skinny ones, ones with no hair, too much hair, and all other sorts of descriptions, they were all so strange.

Even if they weren't humans (and the occasional non-human), just the general volume was shocking. Many more lived here than in Nielesti.

They take a seat at one of the few empty tables, the smell of old beer and sweaty bodies filled their nostrils. Lamine whispers after they sit "This isn't quite what I expected from the stories, do you have any idea what we are even supposed to do now?"

Ruethel looks around and sees what appears to be an young human girl carrying around a tray of drinks, she seems to stop at tables and take old drinks while bringing new ones. "Perhaps we wait for her, I'm not entirely sure myself," he whispers back.

He also notices a fat sweaty man wearing an apron behind a long bar (innkeeper), at the bar is sitting one of the few non-humans, what appears to be a gnome male drinking down what looks like his fifth or sixth ale.

The bar is fairly rowdy, although it seems to have quieted as they entered, with the sound level slowly returning to its previous volume as the strange looks dissipate, although a few still eye them suspiciously.

Lorkan is probably under the table if he can fit, otherwise he is apt to get stepped on by anyone moving around.

2012-08-02, 04:31 PM
The girl finally notices your group and begins to make her way towards you, a notepad and pen in her hands as she deftly dodges groping hands with a practiced ease. She stops in front of your table and speaks quickly, "Ale is four copper pieces per mug, wine is two silver pieces for a pitcher. A hunk of cheese is a silver piece and bread is two copper per loaf. A chunk of meat for three silver pieces as well. Or a full meal, which would be a silver for a poor meal, three for the usual meal, and five for a nice meal."

2012-08-02, 09:31 PM
The two just look at her, they weren't used to this sort of thing. Then Ruethel says hesitantly "Umm, I think we'll take two ales please."

He digs for a silver piece in his pack that the elders had given him before leaving and hands it to her.

"Keep the change." They had told him he might need to know what 'change' was when dealing with humans, it looks like it was true.

2012-08-02, 09:37 PM
She leaves after taking the coin and thanking you, again dodging hands along the way. Several minutes later, she returned with two mugs and placed them in front of you. Then she noticed the worg under the table and pet him before leaving.

2012-08-02, 10:01 PM
The drinks she brought them were... strange looking to say the least. An odd yellowish brown color, smelling of both a sweetness and a bitterness. Lamine leans over towards Ruethel and whispers "What did she say these were again..."

Ruethel tips the mug back and forth, sloshing the ale side to side. The froth at the top nearly spilled out as he did so. "I think she said they are called ales, if I remember correctly its one of the more popular drinks with the other races." He takes a sip of the liquid, and he nearly chokes on the liquid.

He coughs "What do they see in this, it burns!?"

Lamine gently puts it to her beak and swallows some, she sloshes it around in her mouth a bit and then swallows "I don't know, its not too bad. Not as good as that wine my family got off a trader, but it isn't horrible."

Ruethel gives her a strange look and pushes his mug towards her.

She swiftly drinks both then says "Shall we ask about a room now, who do we even ask?"

Ruethel looks at the large man again and motions towards him "I think we ask him, might as well, then we can get some rest."

The two stand up and Lamine gets Lorkan's attention, they then approach the innkeeper and says "How much is it to rent a room here?"

2012-08-02, 11:10 PM
"For the two..." He glanced down at the wolf. "Or three. That'll be two gold pieces for a room for yourselves."

2012-08-02, 11:13 PM
Ruethel digs for two gold pieces and then fishes them out, handing them to the man. He then asks "Do you know of a place in town that we can buy preserved meat and trail rations, we'll probably need to re-stock our supplies in the morning?"

2012-08-02, 11:34 PM
He points at the door across the room. "Across the street, Roy's Traveling Necessities. If you need anything, ask him."

2012-08-02, 11:39 PM
"Thanks, I guess we'll be heading to our room then, where is it exactly?" Ruethel asks.

2012-08-02, 11:42 PM
"Go up a floor." He points to the stairs. "And it'll be the second room to your right."

2012-08-03, 12:15 AM
"Ah, thank you." He looks a little embarrassed having to ask, but he honestly didn't know. It was still all so alien. The trio go upstairs and try opening the door the man mentioned.

2012-08-03, 12:16 AM
It's locked and there's a small opening in the handle.

2012-08-03, 12:24 AM
"What the..." Ruethel says.

Lamine looks at the door strangely "What do you think is wrong?"

Ruethel replies "I don't know, wait here I'm going back to the man we payed for the room." He trudges downstairs back to the large man and says "We appear to be having problems getting into our room, the door won't open."

2012-08-03, 12:35 AM
"Oh, that. Yea, it's locked. You need a key to open it, I forgot to give it to you." He pulled a key out from behind the counter and gave it to you.

Bartender's Bluff: [roll0]
Ruethel's Sense Motive: [roll1]

You're not certain he's lying, but you might be suspicious, especially due to his tone.

2012-08-03, 12:45 AM
Ruethel gives the man a strange look, his tone and form of speech seemed to imply their trio wasn't quite welcome here and that perhaps the 'forgetting' had been more on purpose. With humans it was hard to tell though, so he let the matter slide. He simply says "Ah." then retreats back up the stairs and after a short time unlocks the door.

The three then enter the room.

Lamine asks "So they use those little things to keep doors closed, and then open them?"

Ruethel replies "I guess, I think I might lock the door behind us, I'm getting a feeling we aren't quite welcome here and I don't relish the idea of leaving ourselves at their drunken mercy."

He knew these humans used to truly hate the Raptoran, but he hadn't realized that perhaps that hatred had survived with such intensity. "Once we get our supplies tomorrow I suggest we leave town immediately, it appears they hold grudges well around here."

Lamine simply nods, after a short time they both attempt to get some sleep, but not before Ruethel casts a mental Alarm spell on the room.

2012-08-03, 12:50 AM
The room held only a single bed, which is large enough for one normally, but nothing stops you from both sleeping in it. The room didn't have much more than that, though. At least it was private, right? Well, you get sleep.

You wake up the following day to find nothing stolen, fortunately. It's not a blizzard too, which is another boost. Actually, it's not snowing at all, and the temperature is in the highs.

Weather: [roll0]
Temperature: [roll1]

2012-08-03, 12:58 AM
They awoke glad to see everything was as it should be, the quickly gather all of their things together, and head back downstairs. Ruethel has the key, he drops it off at the counter without saying anything if the man is still there.

They then quickly head over to the shop the man had mentioned.

2012-08-03, 01:09 AM
It's run by a half-elf, and he doesn't seem to have a sour expression on his face when you enter. There are all manner of items along the walls, and he's walking around between them. He doesn't speak when you enter, though.

2012-08-03, 01:14 AM
The raptorans look relieved to see someone who's demeanor didn't look quite so menacing. Ruethel says "Hello there, do you happen to have any preserved meats and trail rations we can buy? Our personal stock ran out, and game meat only stays good for so long."

2012-08-03, 01:16 AM
The half-elf nodded and went to the back before coming out with eight packs of trail rations. "Is this enough or more?"

2012-08-03, 01:18 AM
Ruethel looks at the packages and nods in return "That should be plenty, you don't happen to have any fresh meat as well do you?" He looks down at Lorkan, figuring he could use some food as well after not eating for a while.

2012-08-03, 01:39 AM
"[Lorkan] I can hunt on my own, don't worry about it." The half-elf jumped back when he spoke.

"[Half-Elf] A... worg? And it's not attacking? Now, that's a rare sight. Even rarer than a worg itself." He seemed to calm down when he saw it wasn't attacking. "Right, that'll be four gold pieces. And the meat, do you still want it?"

2012-08-03, 01:47 AM
Ruethel shrugs, he had started getting used to having Lorkan being there, so it surprised him to see the Half-Elf jump at first "Just the rations should be fine, thanks anyway though."

This time Lamine pulls out four gold pieces and hands them to the shopkeeper. She says "Thank you," when he hands them to her. After they get the rations they then split them up so that each of them gets four.

Ruethel then adds "Can I ask you something, we're looking for an area with a little less negative history with Raptorans. You wouldn't be able to point us in the right direction would you? We're just trying to make our way along The Walk of the Four Winds."

2012-08-03, 02:22 AM
"Well, if you go south, you'll be able to arrive at Mirador in a bit over three days. It's near the forest, which could be interesting. Other than that, you could go north, the city of Maramant is larger than the village of Mirador, but it's slightly farther away. This is basically the only place that really doesn't enjoy the presence of raptorans. Worgs, though, you'd best pretend he's a wolf and one of you's a druid."

2012-08-03, 02:23 AM
"Well, if you go south, you'll be able to arrive at Mirador in a bit over three days. It's near the forest, which could be interesting. Other than that, you could go north, the city of Maramant is larger than the village of Mirador, but it's slightly farther away. This is basically the only place that really doesn't enjoy the presence of raptorans. Worgs, though, you'd best pretend he's a wolf and one of you's a druid."

2012-08-03, 02:25 AM
Lamine nods "I can pretend to be a druid if we need to, thanks for the tip and the directions!"

Ruethel says "I think we might head towards Mirador, thank you for your help."

2012-08-03, 03:08 PM
You start to head on your way, south. Lorkan tries to gather food for you the two times you stop, and he's rarely with you, usually somewhere nearby.

Survival Checks: [roll0] - He was able to find more than enough food for all of you, no food packs used today.

Chance = 20%


An hour after leaving the town, you met a man going the opposite way that stopped you and told you, "Have you ever wanted to be rich? Don't answer that, everyone wants it. Well, I hold the key to that, a map, and I'm willing to sell it to you. Do you want to buy it? How much will you offer?"

2012-08-03, 03:35 PM
The two Raptorans look at each other, honestly getting rich isn't overly important to them, but if following where this might take them could help them on their journey they would take the chance.

Ruethel replies to the man "We might be interested in buying it, but we might prefer to hear your idea of what a reasonable price is first and perhaps."

2012-08-03, 03:36 PM

The man thinks for a moment. "How about 32 gold pieces? This map should let you get much more than that."

2012-08-03, 03:40 PM
"All we can offer you is five gold pieces, sorry."

2012-08-03, 03:42 PM
"Tough luck, huh? I'll be seeing you, then." He put the map case away and kept going forward.

Over the day, you found nothing else. You camp and sleep eventually. Then wake up.

StuffNext Day's Weather: [roll0]
Other d100s: [roll1]
Other d100s: [roll2]

Chance = 20%

2012-08-03, 03:44 PM
The weather is calm and cool.

Stuff that needs to be rolled:
Roll1: [roll0]
Roll2: [roll1]

Roll3: [roll2]
Roll4: [roll3]
Roll5: [roll4]

Lorkan's Survival: 2+2 = 4 - he wasn't able to find any food today (-3 Trail Rations)

You encountered a dwarf today at the end of the day. He had two mules following after him and they looked pretty burdened. Asking him, he's a peddler that deals in furniture, for homes and the like. Since it's pretty late, you end up camping with him.

2012-08-03, 03:51 PM
As they settle down to camp with the dwarf Lamine asks him a question "I hope I'm not being rude in asking, but I've never met a dwarf before so I'm curious. Is it true that Dwarves live under the ground, and if so what is it like?"

2012-08-03, 03:56 PM
He nodded. "Aye, we do. Most of us 'nyway. Dwarven cities be underground, and that be where most dwarves live. I'm sure you won't understand how it feels for me, with those wings o' yours. You probably hate bein' underground and all, not I. I and my race feel more comfortable with stone below and stone above us. And we can see in the dark easy, no problem for us at all. How is it to be able to fly?" He directed his question at either of the two of you.

2012-08-03, 04:02 PM
Lamine answers "Where you seek stone, we seek open sky above and beneath our wings. To fly is to feel as though the whole world just melts away around you, to let go and be one with the sky. I'm sorry if that doesn't make much sense. I've only ever flown in short bursts, we're actually on The Walk of the Four Winds which is a trial to see if we have proven ourselves worthy enough to truly fly."

Ruethel nods "I've only flown for short times as well, but the experience is always breathtaking. Although I would love to see a dwarven city once, it sounds intriguing even if the sky is out of reach."

Lamine then asks "What made you choose to leave and travel the roads of the world as a peddler?"

2012-08-03, 04:07 PM
"Don't really know, I decided to leave one day and go around, see if I can get myself some adventure. Ended up with these two mules and a job delivering furniture. The human who employed me died, leaving behind his business with me, and I decided to get up and move around again. Recently arrived from Vivux, actually. Gonna go 'round this place for a few weeks, maybe a month or two, and then I'm off again."

2012-08-03, 04:11 PM
Lamine says "Hmm, I suppose you never know where the road will take you."

Ruethel says good night to the two and heads off to sleep, while Lamine stays up later, if the dwarf speaks more she might talk with him, otherwise she eventually heads off to sleep as well.

2012-08-03, 08:51 PM
You eventually go to sleep and the time passes.

Weather: [roll0]
d100s: [roll1]
d100s: [roll2]

Chance = 20%

2012-08-03, 09:03 PM
The temperature is slightly warmer than normal.

[roll0] is the current temperature.

In the first hour, you encounter another peddler, this one selling clothing and clothing accessories. She's a half-elf. She's got a single mules following her around and asks, "I'm Elishia, a peddler of clothing and accessories. Do you two want anything?"

2012-08-03, 09:08 PM
Ruethel doesn't pay her much mind besides a simple greeting, but Lamine goes further "What sort of wares do you have?"

2012-08-03, 09:09 PM
The half-elf begins to pull out different items. Some are simple clothing, others more elegant. Then she shows you a few bracelets and other jewelry. "It's not much, but I make it myself and I'm rather proud of my work." It looks nice, but the jewelry is most likely too expensive for you at this point. The clothing, it might not be so expensive.

2012-08-03, 09:52 PM
Lamine looks over the wears and then notices a set of clothing she really likes, she wasn't entirely sure what style it was, but it looked nice.

She points to it and says "I think I'll buy this one."

She remembered the lady had said it would cost 5 silver pieces, so she fished them out and handed them to her.

2012-08-04, 12:49 AM
You buy the outfit and she takes the money. When nothing else was going to be bought, the peddler began to carry on again, leaving.

[roll1] - [roll2] - [roll3] - [roll4] - [roll5]

And you went on your own way, for a few hours. Lorkan eventually returns, at around an hour before you set down to sleep. "Tracks, of humanoids. Leading away from the pathway. I found them."

2012-08-04, 12:58 AM
Ruethel asks "Where were they, bring us to them?" People getting of the trail could be just a coincidence, but he also knew it could bandits and he didn't feel comfortable sleeping with that thought in mind anyway.

2012-08-04, 11:01 AM
He leads you to the tracks and begins to follow them, by scent.

Survival Check: [roll0]

Eventually, he leads you to a small encampment with tents and all that. You can see 4 or 5 people sitting around a fire there.

Currently, you're about 600 feet from them.

2012-08-04, 11:45 AM
The group attempt to sneak closer, close enough to be able to listen in and yet not be easily spotted.

Take 10 Move Silent/Hide

Listen Arya [roll0]
Spot Arya [roll1]
Listen Cody [roll2]
Spot Cody [roll3]

2012-08-04, 01:55 PM
You get within 100 feet of them without being spotted and then stop.

You can make out 4 different people by the fire.

Ruethel can hear them, talking about the loot they found today off a few travelers. They don't seem to have noticed you yet.

2012-08-05, 01:27 PM
After hearing about them "looting" someone, Ruethel feels it would be better to find out exactly what's going on, and if necessary remove the problem.

Lamine casts message on herself, Lorkan, and Ruethel. "What do you think we should do, it sounds like they might be bandits?"

Ruethel responds "Well I won't feel safe sleeping knowing these men may be bandits and slit our throats, I suggest we find out just what they are."

She replies "What do you mean?"

Ruethel: "I plan on casting a sleep spell on them, then we can wake one and interrogate him before the rest awaken. If they really are bandits we'll... umm well..."

Lamine: "We'll what?"

Lorkan suddenly interrupts "We'll kill them, in wild, it is kill or be killed."

Lamine and Ruethel give each other a look, but eventually nod in agreement. Neither had ever killed something besides in the name of the hunt before, and the idea left butterflies of worry in their stomachs.

Ruethel hands one of his daggers to Lamine in case bloodshed became more than just talk. "Just... just cut the neck, it makes the death quicker, like in a hunt." Ruethel says as he swallows hard.

He casts sleep on the hapless men, then prepares to move in, motioning for Arya and Lorkan to stay quiet and await his signal.

As he casts the spell Lamine just stares at the dagger as it glistens, thinking about what she may soon have to do, and wondering about the people she may soon take the lives of.

2012-08-05, 01:29 PM
Will Saves! DC14
Half Orc Male: [roll0]
Orc Male: [roll1]
Dwarf Male: [roll2]
Catfolk Female: [roll3]

Each and every one of the 'bandits' fell asleep.

Left: 60 seconds

2012-08-05, 01:42 PM
As they fall asleep the trio rush towards the bandits Ruethel tries to determine which appears the weakest, he didn't feel like wrestling with someone after they awoke. They were working against the clock now...

Spot Ruethel: [roll0]

OOC: Still next to the bandits, ready to grab one and start interrogating them when he determines the weakest of the bunch. Lorkan is ready to rip a throat out Coup De Grace, Lamine is waiting also ready with the dagger, she will help Ruethel interrogate.

2012-08-05, 01:54 PM
You spent 6 seconds running there. Time: 54 seconds

You check all four bodies and find that that catfolk female is most likely the weakest after a few seconds, you ignore the orc and half-orc, since you've heard of their big strength before. Time: 51 seconds

(Do the hold, pin them if you plan to, roll intimidate, etc.)

2012-08-05, 02:06 PM
Lorkan positions himself over the orc ready to coup de grace him if need be.

Ruethel then whispers using the message spell "You grab her too, if my strength fails we don't want her waking the others." Lamine nods.

Reuthel and Lamine both attempt to grapple and pin the cat-folk female.

Ruethel Grapple/Pin Roll: [roll0]
Lamine Grapple/Pin Roll: [roll1]

2012-08-05, 02:08 PM
Since shaking doesn't wake them up, she's still fast asleep. Slap her across the face when you wish to wake her up.

Time left: 48 seconds

2012-08-05, 02:10 PM
Ruethel knows they cannot hesitate, so he slaps her awake with the palm of his hand.

2012-08-05, 02:11 PM
She awakens and tries to struggle. ([roll0]) But she can't move any piece of her body, so she tries shouting instead (if you let her, pinned you can stop her from speaking).

2012-08-05, 02:19 PM
As Ruethel continues to keep her from moving Lamine starts the interrogation, her experience telling stories and building emotions in others comes to her aid. Her eyes are set in a very serious look, and her dagger comes to find itself at the nape of the cat-folk's neck. She ruffles her head feathers slightly using the muscles on her head, creating a more aggressive look.

"Shut up, your friends can't hear you anyway. Now if you want to keep your life-blood flowing within you, I suggest you answer my questions quickly."

Lorkan growls and bares his teeth over the orc, looking towards the cat-folk, making sure she notices him.

Lamine continues "Now tell us, we heard you say you found loot on someone, are you bandits and thieves? What are you doing out here?" She pushes the blade against her throat harder, but not yet cutting as she ends her question.

Lamine Intimidate: [roll0]

2012-08-05, 02:21 PM
Will Save: [roll0]

You see fear in her eyes and she slowly nods. "Bandits, we're robbing folk, like all bandits do."

2012-08-05, 02:32 PM
Ruethel says "That's all we needed to hear, close your eyes. May whatever gods you worship look kindly upon your soul." He nods to Lamine and Lorkan as he speaks.

Lorkan coup de graces the orc.

Lamine then attempts to slit the cat-folks throat.

Lamine Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-05, 02:36 PM
Your dagger cut into her throat and Lorkan bit into it himself, before tearing the skin off her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The girl fainted and began to bleed out. She'll be dead within the minute.

2012-08-05, 02:42 PM
Lamine backs off slightly, after cutting the Cat-Folk's throat some of the blood had run down onto her hand. She couldn't help but just stare at it, it... it was different than hunting. She drops the dagger in her hand to the ground.

Ruethel lowers her body to the ground gently and ends her suffering, he then says in a cold distant voice "Lorkan you finish off the orc, I'll take the Dwarf and Half-Orc." He pulls out one of his daggers and coup de graces them.

2012-08-05, 02:54 PM
Dwarf: [roll0] - Fort: [roll1]
Half-Orc: [roll2] - Fort: [roll3]

Orc: [roll4] - Fort: [roll5]

Everyone died.

2012-08-05, 03:26 PM
Ruethel goes over to Lamine after looking at the bodies to make sure they were surely no longer a threat. Both of them are solemn.

Lamine is still looking at her blood soaked hand, and as Ruethel approaches shes says "I can't stop seeing her eyes, it feels so... I don't even know. An animal dies with dignity, when it knows death is coming it no longer fears, it dies with honor. All I felt from her was fear... it felt wrong..." She starts to tear up.

Ruethel places his wings around her, comforting her with his presence, his own gut was a knot of a mixture of feelings and was about to speak to soothe her, but before he spoke he decided it best not to.

The only words he could think to say were those of reasoning, such as that the bandit's death meant they could no longer harm others.

But cold reason is a poor salve for the pain of the emotions, and sometimes no words at all was the better choice.

After a time he walks her away from the scene and calls for Lorkan "Lorkan, take Lamine somewhere away from here and keep her safe. I am going to finish up here, I'll meet you soon. Once you find a safe place, use the message spell to tell me where you are."

He then says to Lamine tenderly "I'll be back soon, just follow Lorkan and I'll meet up with you. Ok?" she nods.

He waits until Lorkan comes up to them, then slowly lets go of Lamine. She looks down at Lorkan.

2012-08-05, 03:32 PM
Lorkan nods and speaks, "Get on, if you don't feel like you can walk." After she either gets on his back or is visibly ready to follow, he began to go. If she's following, he stayed by her side at all times, not darting ahead or behind. When he was about 100 feet, he told him, "We'll be at the road, meet us there." And he kept on going, leading her there.

2012-08-05, 03:39 PM
Lamine says "I... I can walk, just lead the way."

As the two of head off Ruethel heads back towards the bandit camp.

First he checks the bodies thoroughly finding everything he can, removing armor, weapons, clothing, and items alike and putting them into separate piles.

After this, he then searches the camp itself, looking to see if he can find anything nearby.

After finishing that he checks everything over once more, making sure he hadn't missed anything.

Orc- [roll0]
Half-Orc- [roll1]
Cat-Folk- [roll2]
Dwarf- [roll3]
Camp- [roll4]

2012-08-05, 03:41 PM
You found an unlocked chest and, inside, you found a bag of golden coins, a small gem of malachite, and a potion.

Looting the rest of the encampment, you get their weapons and a few other items. The following, to be specfic: 10 trail rations, 4 bedrolls, 3 tents, 1 iron pot, 4 stacks of firewood, 1 rope of hemp (50 feet), 10 torches, 4 waterskins, 2 whetstones, 1 (now) empty chest, 3 sacks, 4 winter blankets, and 2 backpacks. You also found another dagger, a shortbow, and 10 arrows. among their weapons and armor, you found 1 battleaxe, 3 studded leather, 1 leather, 1 dagger, 1 scimitar, and 1 warhammer. On the people, you found a total of 12 silver pieces. As for clothing, all of them were wearing pretty poorly made outfits (Peasant's Outfit).

^-( What of this do you take? )-^

Taking 10 is allowed on all of these:
Roll Appraise (DC12) to learn the worth of the gem.
Roll Appraise (DC12) for everything else's worth as well, one check per category.
Roll Spellcraft (DC25) to learn the potion.
Use Detect Magic and Spellcraft (DC16) to learn the school of magic related to the potion.

2012-08-05, 03:53 PM

-All armor and weapons, not clothing
-Both backpacks (stuffing armor and weapons into them)
-All Rations, 1 waterskin
-3 torches
-All 3 sacks (stuffing misc goods in them)
-1 tent
-Bag of coins, silver coins from bodies, malachite, and the potion

The rest he leaves behind.

Taking 10 on appraising the gem and the prices of everything else, so a 13 for both.

Spellcraft Roll for learning what the potion is: [roll0]
Spellcraft Roll plus detect magic spell to learn its related school: [roll1]

After doing all of this, he heads back towards the road in search of Lamine and Lorkan.

2012-08-05, 03:57 PM
You take the **** and then go.

You learned of the value of it all and the gem's worth is at 11gp. Counting the coins would have to wait, though.

When you get close to the road, message activates again. With his help, you meet back up. You could continue moving for an hour, maybe, or you could camp down here.

2012-08-05, 04:04 PM
Seeing Lamine was still feeling out of it, Ruethel decides to just set up camp for the night. "Thank you Lorkan," he says before he begins to set up the bed-rolls. He thought about using the tent, but he figured he would wait for now, he didn't want to remind Lamine anymore of earlier than he had to.

As they lie down to sleep Ruethel asks Lamine "How are you doing?"

She replies "I'm doing better, I... I think I can manage." She looks up at the stars and the moon above. Something hardens within her, a sort of resolve "This wide world is far different from our home, if we want to survive we may need to be ready for anything. We must adapt, but we must not let it change who we are. We will not let it make us worse, we must merely weather the bad so that we may find the good among it."

Ruethel just looks up into the sky with her, and as the night moves around them they drift off to sleep.

2012-08-05, 04:10 PM
Weather: [roll0]

Chance = 20%[/spoiler]

2012-08-05, 04:13 PM
When you wake up, the temperature is [roll0] degrees F.

You pack up your things and then set out. An hour in, you find a backpack on the side of the road. Do you look into it?

By the way, if you counted the coins before sleeping: 90 gold pieces.

2012-08-05, 04:16 PM
Ruethel takes his quarterstaff which he is using as a walking stick and gently pokes the sack, just to make sure some sort of animal didn't crawl into it.

2012-08-05, 04:17 PM
Nothing attacks your quarterstaff, nothing at all.

2012-08-05, 04:19 PM
Ruethel approaches the sack and opens it.

2012-08-05, 04:24 PM
Looking through the backpack, you find the following:
> [roll0] trail rations.
> [roll1] hemp rope (50 feet)
> [roll2] waterskins
> [roll3] flint and steel
> [roll4] small steel mirrors
> [roll5] gold pieces, [roll6] silver pieces, and [roll7] copper pieces.
(Anything at 0 or negatives means nothing.)
> 1 dagger
> 1 book titled 'Demons and Devils'

2012-08-05, 04:39 PM
Lamine comments as Ruethel digs through the pack "I wonder what happened to the original owner?"

Ruethel replies "Who knows, although my guess is those bandits may have known exactly who."

Lamine nods, it didn't bother her anymore, but it was still a dark thing to think about.

When she sees the book in his hands she comments "Hey a book, looks like you're in luck! Quite a name it has." She laughs.

Ruethel quickly pages through it, giving it a quick scan trying to figure out exactly what it was about, and how detailed it was. "I'll probably take a closer look at it before we sleep tonight," he says.

Ruethel took everything but the pack itself, they then leave.

2012-08-05, 04:42 PM
The book seems to detail demons and devils, with a picture and description, in fine detail.

[New Full-Round Action: By skimming through the book when you have a demon/devil in front of you, you can get all the information on them, as if you had succeeded at a knowledge check.]

Continuing on, the man from when you left the previous city runs past you. You could probably buy the map now, with the gold from the bandits

2012-08-05, 04:44 PM
Ruethel recognizes the man from earlier and yells out "Hey, you, wait! We have gold now if that map is still for sale!"

2012-08-05, 04:45 PM
He stops in his tracks and turns around. "Oh? How much will you offer, then?"

2012-08-05, 04:48 PM
Lamine says "I think 20 gold pieces is a fair trade for your map."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-08-05, 04:50 PM
The man thought about it for a few moments... before replying, "How about thirty?"

2012-08-05, 04:51 PM
Lamine replies "Would you meet in the middle at 25 gold pieces?"

2012-08-05, 04:53 PM
He nodded. "Fine, twenty five gold it is." The trade was done, you lost 25 gold, and you gained a map. Opening it up, you could see the map was of the area around here and there was a red X drawn on the hills. (Check the map to see where.)

2012-08-05, 04:58 PM
Ruethel peaks at the map as Lamine opens it, she says "That's a pretty good ways out there."

Ruethel nods and says "I suggest we finish our journey to Mirador first, sell our excess, and then ask around if anyone knows anything about the area. After that, we can head out that way."

After that the trio continue their way along the road.

2012-08-05, 05:01 PM
You eventually arrive at Mirador within the hour. It's a small village, where not many live. From the looks of the size, there aren't probably even 100 citizens of this town. You spot the inn, the blacksmith (weapons/armor), the general store, and a few other stores, all clustered in the center of the place. People don't seem scared of you, or Lorkan, here. In fact, they seem amicable. Some walked up to you and welcomed you to the town, others went to pet your wolf.

2012-08-05, 05:08 PM
It was nice to be some place where people didn't give you nasty looks the whole time. They return the greetings to those they meet as they head towards the black-smithy first to try to sell their recovered weapons and armor.

2012-08-05, 05:44 PM
The blacksmith is run by a dwarf, from the looks of it, and you show him the following items:

> Scimitar
> Warhammer
> 3 Studded Leather
> 1 Leather
> Shortbow
> Dagger
> Battleaxe

He looks it all over and gives you a price, "I'll buy it all for 62 gold pieces."

This is about 50% of the market price.

2012-08-05, 06:03 PM
Knowing the Dwarf would have to re-sell the items, they agree that is a fair price for the items. After that, they move on to whatever constitutes as the "General Store" next to sell some of their other items.

2012-08-05, 06:06 PM
The general store seemed to sell all manner of tools and equipment, in addition to food for travel. Crafting tools, simple weapons, hammers for pounding stuff, tents, bedrolls, bags, etc. Here seemed where one would sell anything miscellaneous to the town.

2012-08-05, 06:18 PM
Ruethel places the Malachite and the tent on the counter and asks "What would you give us for these?"

2012-08-05, 06:21 PM
He looks at the gem and tells you, "Eleven gold, for the gem. The tent... I've got enough of them in my inventory already, sorry."

2012-08-05, 06:37 PM
He nods "We'll take the eleven gold then."

After that they look for any strange/interesting shops that might be nearby, if they find none they head tot he inn.

2012-08-05, 06:51 PM
As this is a small town, mostly self-supplied, there didn't seem to be many places of interest. There is a wood carver, selling wooden figures, furnitures, and the like (including wooden holy symbols), most likely using the wood from the nearby forest, but other than that, there was nothing of interest.

When you went to the inn, there was a single house-wagon parked next to it. The inn didn't have a name, just 'the inn'. When you enter, it's a small establishment and doesn't hold many people. The innkeeper is an elf, and another elf, this one female, was going around and servicing the only two occupied tables. One occupied by a group of humans, another occupied by a group of halflings.

DC 14 Knowledge (Local) for Halflings:(House-Wagon: This is what halflings tend to travel in. It's a house, but a small house on wheels. It's about 30x15, not including the horses. Though, typically, they travel in caravans of twenty-five to thirty-five, not a single one.)

2012-08-05, 06:55 PM
They both sit down and wait to order good meals, asking Lorkan if he wanted anything he might be interested in eating too. It had been a while since they had eaten well, so they figured they would treat themselves.

Ruethel thinks the wagon a bit strange, so he tries to remember anything about something like that.

Local: [roll0]

2012-08-05, 07:58 PM
You don't remember the information, unfortunately.

Eventually, the elven girl comes your way and asks you what you'd want. When you tell her, she takes a gold coin from you and returns later with a meal, all fruits and vegetables. "This is our best type of salad, enjoy." She leaves afterwards, unless you say anything to her to make her stay.

2012-08-05, 07:59 PM
Before the girl leaves Ruethel asks "Excuse me Miss, but do you happen to know the best place in town to buy some horses?"

2012-08-05, 08:13 PM
"That'd be at the southern end of town. 'Tis where the stable is too."

2012-08-05, 08:17 PM
"Thank you," he replies, after she leaves the two eat their salads. After finishing they go up to the innkeeper and Ruethel asks "We'd like one good room please." This time he makes sure he is given the key first.

2012-08-05, 08:20 PM
"Two beds, am I right? That'll be two gold, then." You pay the man and he directs you up, to a specific room, and then hands you the key, without ever needing to be asked.

2012-08-05, 08:23 PM
After the man leads them to their room and hands them the key, Ruethel says "I am going to head to the stables to see if I can't get a horse for the two of us before our trip into the hills. If you can ask around about what that X might be, I'd feel better heading off tomorrow."

Lamine nods and takes the case with the map in it "I'm on it." She then looks to Lorkan "Do you want to come with me, go with Ruethel, or do you have something else in mind?"

2012-08-05, 08:48 PM
"I'll go with Ruethel. Can't have a horse scared of me, after all."

Details: Stable is the last building in the city's south side. It's got several horses in it and is run by a male human.

2012-08-05, 08:55 PM
Ruethel approaches the stable with Lorkan and walks up to the man running them, he says "I'm looking for a horse that is fast, reliable, but not too expensive. What do you have?" He then looks down at Lorkan and adds "Oh, the horse has to be ok dealing with my friend here as well," he motions towards Lorkan.

Meanwhile Lamine goes downstairs to the innkeep and asks "Excuse me sir, I have a question I was hoping you might be able to help me with, maybe you know, or know someone who might know, what is in the general area around this X here?" She holds up the map and points at the X in the hills.

2012-08-06, 12:21 PM

"Now, that depends on your meaning of expensive. What is too much that you won't pay?"


The innkeeper takes a look at the map and only shrugs. "Sorry, I don't know anything about this place. Looks to be just off the river though, maybe a settlement of sorts? A camp?"

2012-08-06, 10:17 PM
Ruethel: "Well I would prefer to not pay anything above 80 gold pieces if at all possible."

Lamine: "Hmm, thank you." She scans the inn to see if there might be anyone else in there who would maybe know.

2012-08-06, 10:23 PM
"Well, a light horse is worth around 75 gold, while a saddle is 10... so that pushes it right above that 80 mark."

There are the humans and halflings, as stated earlier.

2012-08-06, 10:26 PM
Ruethel: "I think I'll be back shortly, my friend has some extra gold that would give us just enough." He begins to head back to the inn if the man says nothing.

Lamine: She approaches the halflings and asks "Excuse me, but would any of you happen to know what this X might represent here?" She motions to the X like she did for the innkeeper.

2012-08-06, 10:35 PM

The halflings talk about something in halfling for a bit of time, before the eldest looking one looks to you and says, "Yea, we might know the place. Maybe a few coins hitting the table will refresh our memories."

Ruethel is returning to the inn currently.

2012-08-06, 10:39 PM
Lamine slides two gold coins to the halfling and waits to see what he'll say.

2012-08-06, 11:19 PM
The halflings speak, "Aye, we know the place. It's a cave. We haven't gone very far, but it looks decently long. We suspect it's also not natural, at least not the further in areas. A crypt, maybe. Or a dungeon of sorts."

2012-08-07, 12:14 AM
"A crypt or dungeon you say, thank you for the information!" She is excited to have gotten any information about the cave.

2012-08-07, 12:37 AM
And then Ruethel arrives not long after.

2012-08-07, 12:43 AM
Ruethel and Lorkan enter just as Lamine was about to leave, Lamine says "I found out that the X might be a crypt or dungeon of some sort from the halflings here, they say they went into the mouth of a cave there but not too far, and that the cave didn't look natural."

Ruethel nods "We'll have to be prepared then, on my end I discovered we can procure a horse and saddle for about 85 gold pieces. I need at least ten more gold pieces to afford it though."

Lamine replies "That isn't too bad of a price, it'll beat walking, that's for sure." she hands him ten gold pieces. "Make sure the horse is ok with Lorkan too, we don't want the horse running off every minute in fear. I'll be waiting here if you need me."

After that Ruethel and Lorkan head back out, while Lamine orders two ales.

2012-08-07, 12:58 AM
The ales cost a total of 8 copper pieces.

Ruethel and Lorkan return to the establishment and after going through a few horses that reeled back at the sight of Lorkan, they found one that bent down and sniffed him, apparently more curious that afraid.

2012-08-07, 01:07 AM
Ruethel gets the man's attention and says "I think we'll take this one, with a saddle too please."

2012-08-07, 01:25 AM
The trade is done, you lose 85 gold pieces, and the man includes the bit and bridle, usually 2 gold pieces, for free. You can't use the mount to carry items, as you don't have saddlebags, but it can carry 150 pounds at a rate of 60 feet, or up to 450 at a rate of 40 feet.

You're told, "The horse knows three commands. Come, which will make it go to you. Heel, which will make it follow closely no matter where you go. Stay, which will make it stay at one spot. It also won't fight, at all. Loud noises scare it, which includes the sound of fighting, and it will flee until the noises calm down."

2012-08-07, 02:10 AM
Ruethel nods at what he says "Can we stable here for the night as well, we'll be heading out tomorrow?"

If they can he pays him for that as well and then heads back to the inn with Lorkan.

2012-08-07, 02:12 AM
"We'll just say you bought him tomorrow, then, or that you bought him now and I took the night to get him ready. Either way, sure, free of charge."

You return to the inn to find Lamine with more alcohol.

2012-08-07, 02:28 AM
Ruethel just gives Lamine a strange look and sighs, Lamine finishes off her last gulp of ale in one long drink before standing up and joining them. She then asks "Shall we meet the locals?"

Ruethel shrugs "We've got time to kill."

They go out into the town, greeting people, watching others go about their business, and chatting with some. They go about this for the rest of the day then head back to the inn in time to catch some sleep, which they promptly do.

2012-08-07, 02:59 AM
You do that and find this town to be full of friendly people.

You sleep and nothing happens as you sleep as far as you know. Pleasant dreams? You know it. Wet? Only if you want them to be... or if a sorcerer comes around to forcing them to you.

Anyway, you awake early the next morning, at roughly 6 am.

Weather Roll: [roll0]
Result: It's a cold and calm day, no storm brewing from what you can tell.

2012-08-07, 09:57 AM
There may have been dreams of varied varieties, sleeping Raptorans tell no tales. :smalltongue:

After waking they drop off the key, and then head to the stable to pick up the horse. If the man is there to answer, Lamine asks "Does the horse have a name?"

2012-08-07, 09:01 PM
"None, you can name him."

2012-08-07, 10:55 PM
Lamine pets the horses mane and says "I think his name should be Oros, that's elvish for swift."

Ruethel nods "A fine name if any." He then turns to the man "Thank you sir, farewell."

If the man has nothing more to say than goodbye they prepare the horse, then begin their ride out of town following the road towards the X for now (once they get closer they will leave the road).

2012-08-08, 02:09 PM
When you leave, it takes you four hours to arrive at the river...

Chance = 20%

2012-08-08, 02:11 PM
Other rolls...

Less than an hour after departing, you encountered four dire rats, all charging you on your position.

[Map] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiZcaAqLuX0TdGpTMHQ4UTdLcy1KMzNnMzRpMW52U mc#gid=0)

2012-08-08, 02:23 PM
[Initiative:]Lorkan: [roll0]
Ruethel: [roll1]
Lamine: [roll2]
DR 1: [roll3]
DR 2: [roll4]
DR 3: [roll5]
DR 4: [roll6]

DR 2
DR 1 & DR 3
DR 4

2012-08-08, 02:30 PM
[And my last post in a row :/ ]

DR2 closed the distance between it and your horse, but didn't nibble your horse.

[[Note: Your horse moves at the end of the round.]]

2012-08-08, 02:50 PM
Ruethel's fast reaction allows him to cast a sleep spell on the majority of the pack before Oros takes off.

Concentration: [roll0]

DC For Sleep: 14

2012-08-08, 02:57 PM
[1 round cast time, it takes effect the moment your turn starts next round.]

As you cast the spell, #1 and #3 close the distance towards you.

[Lamine's turn]

2012-08-08, 03:07 PM
Lamine considers trying to jump off the horse, but not wanting to get caught in a rat swarm she stays on the horse and draws her shortbow and knocks an arrow. She fires at rat 3 while they pass.

Attack Roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3644375/
Damage Roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3644376/

2012-08-08, 03:30 PM
DR 4 moves forward! But it doesn't get next to the horse.


The Lorkan finally finds out what's going on, turns, and heads over to help. He gets up to the third dire rat and strikes at it with his fangs.

Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

But his fangs bite away at where a medium foe would be.

2012-08-08, 03:39 PM
The horse breaks away from combat, startled, provoking an attack from each of the rats.

Attacks: [roll0] | [roll1] | [roll2]
Checks: [roll3] | [roll4] | [roll5]
Damages: [roll6] | [roll7] | [roll8]
Criticals: [roll9] | [roll10] | [roll11]
Fort Saves: [roll12] | [roll13] | [roll14]

Ruethel keeps his concentration.

Lamine's shot doesn't miss and finds its target nicely.


DR 2 goes and tries to bite at Lorkan.
Attack: [roll15]
Check: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]
Critical: [roll18]
Fort Save: [roll19]


You unleash your magical spell at... K12... hitting all 4 of the rats!

Will Saves: [roll20] | [roll21] | [roll22] | [roll23]

DR1 and DR4 went to sleep, while DR2 and DR3 stayed fully awake.

2012-08-08, 08:56 PM
Ruethel dismounts from the horse and draws his quarterstaff in the same movement, he then moves to I11, hoping to coup de grace the sleeping rats before they can be woken. He just hoped Lorkan could keep the waking ones distracted.

2012-08-08, 09:45 PM
DR1 is asleep.

DR3 attacks your pet dog!
Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]
Fort: [roll4]

Then Lamine's turn came.

2012-08-08, 11:09 PM
Lamine hops off the horse to D11 and then fires another arrow at the third rat. She stays back for now, to continue firing at them from afar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-08, 11:42 PM
DR 4 slumbers!

Lorkan moves to remove the 1st DR's throat.

Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

Then DR 2 attacks!

Attack: [roll4]
Check: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Critical: [roll7]
Fortitude: [roll8]
Incubation: [roll9]

Neither of their blows hit, but the arrow does!

2012-08-09, 12:16 AM
Ruethel moves to K12 and finishes off rat 1 with a coup de grace with his quarterstaff.

2012-08-09, 12:27 AM
Coup-de-Grace: [roll0]
Survive: [roll1]
Result: The rat perishes.


DR3 attacks the worg!

Attack: [roll2]
Check: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]
Fortitude: [roll6]
Incubation: [roll7]
Result: The rat missed.


Lamine's turn.

2012-08-09, 12:30 AM
She fires at rat 2.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-09, 12:36 AM
The arrow misses. [roll0] 1 is that it's retrievable!


DR 4 is fast asleep!


Lorkan attempts to rip the throat out of the second rat, again.

Attack: [roll1]
Check: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Critical: [roll4]
Result: Failed


And if the rat survives, it attempts to bite at Lorkan's foreankles!
Attack: [roll5]
Check: [roll6]
Attack: [roll7]
Critical: [roll8]
Fortitude: [roll9]
Incubation: [roll10]
Result: Failed


Ruethel's Act

2012-08-09, 12:49 AM
Ruethel moves up to rat four and bashes it with his quarterstaff, coup de grace.

2012-08-09, 12:51 AM
Damage: [roll0]


DR3 attacked Lorkan!
Attack: [roll1]
Check: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Critical: [roll4]
Fortitude: [roll5]
Incubation: [roll6]
Result: Missed


Lamine's turn to act

2012-08-09, 09:38 AM
Lamine shoots at rat 3.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-09, 01:57 PM
But, unfortunately, you arrow goes wide.


Lorkan attempts to remove the second's throat, once again. :/

Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

Lorkan finally hits, ripping the rat, making it go down to the ground.


And unless it's dead, it goes to bite Lorkan's feet.

Attack: [roll4]
Check: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Critical: [roll7]
Fortitude: [roll8]
Incubation: [roll9]



2012-08-09, 02:07 PM
Ruethel approaches rat three from the side (L10), and strikes at it with his quarterstaff.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-09, 02:17 PM
ChecK [roll0]
Critical: [roll1]


XP: 200 for each of you


You hit the rat and send it flying past Lorkan, somehow.

The area is calm now, what'll you do?

2012-08-09, 02:27 PM
They gather up the rats (unless the one in the woods is really far away) and try to determine if they would be safe to eat.

Ruethel then asks Lorkan "Can you sniff out where their home might have been if it isn't too far off, perhaps they had a stash of some sort?"

Lamine, Knowledge, Nature: [roll0]

2012-08-09, 02:29 PM
"These are rats, not intelligent wolves. Why would they have a stash?"

You know that dire rats usually carry a disease called filth fever, so probably not.

2012-08-09, 03:12 PM
He responds "Have you ever heard the term 'pack-rat', they'll collect most anything they can find I've heard. I might be wrong, but it couldn't hurt to check."

Lamine says "I think we should skip eating these rats, everything I know about them tells me they probably are carrying the filth fever."

If Lorkan still doesn't want to look they simply continue on.

2012-08-09, 03:15 PM
Lorkan nods, you direct him to where you first saw them, and he goes off to sniff them out.

Survival: [roll0]

He finds the trail and you follow him. Not ten minutes later, he points to a small burrow on the ground. "That's where they came from."

2012-08-09, 03:26 PM
Ruethel sighs "Well if they do have something, we won't be getting to it I guess." They head back and continue on their way.

2012-08-09, 03:35 PM
You go for three more hours, and encounter nothing all the way to the river. Then you begin traveling up the river. It's slightly slower travel, but it's travel nontheless.

Chance = 20%

Night comes and eight hours have been traveled in total. Going any further would hurt your mount.

2012-08-09, 03:39 PM
To give the mount time to rest, they call it a night and pull out their bed-rolls for sleep.

2012-08-09, 03:54 PM
The night passes without happenings. Lorkan heals his wounds slightly, via the sleep, and you wake up in the morning.

Weather: [roll0]

The weather is calm yet cold, like usual.

What'll you do now?

2012-08-09, 03:57 PM
The group continue their journey towards the X.

2012-08-11, 09:54 AM
You walk along the path. Well, ride. After a few hours of riding, you come upon a peculiar sight: a large stone monolith on the coast of the river. It'll be a few hours until you reach your limit of the day.

2012-08-11, 12:33 PM
Ruethel brings the horse to a halt, then has the horse approach the stone tentatively.

He tries to remember anything he might know about these, as does Lamine.

Ruethel: Arcana- [roll0]
Local- [roll1]
Religion- [roll2]

Lamine: History- [roll3]
Bardic Knowledge- [roll4]

2012-08-11, 01:03 PM
Arcana: Might be special, might not. You are 95% sure you know magic.
Local: Nothing you know refers to it.
Religion: No religion you know of worships this stone.
History: No mentions of this stone are found in your mind.
Bardic Knowledge: It could be something related to plot, if this was a story.

2012-08-11, 01:10 PM
The two dismount and approach the stone on foot, examining it, trying to see anything of interest on it, or nearby.

Spot: Cody- [roll0] Arya- [roll1]
Search: Cody- [roll2] Arya- [roll3]

2012-08-11, 01:17 PM
Looking at the monolith, it has runes carved into it from the side opposite the river. Arya's capable of reading some of the runes. The ones she can read go as follows: "... extra... realm... magic..." All the rest of the draconic characters are too busted up to make out correctly.*

2012-08-11, 01:23 PM
The pair give up trying to learn more, but Ruethel says "Hey, we've got a map now, why don't we mark it on there. Maybe if we learn more about it, we can return later?"

Lamine nods, and Ruethel pulls the map out of its case, then grabs an ink vial and one of his quills. He does his best to mark the general location of the stone on the map, placing the map up against the stone to write against.

2012-08-11, 02:00 PM
The moment you touched the stone with your hand, you felt magic be drained from you in an instant and the stone's runes lit up red, revealing the text: "The extraplanar beings have been summoned to this realm through the magic of two."*Below them, runes of blue appeared where there had been none: "You are destined, now, for greatness or failure. Learn of your enemies, or suffer the consequences of ignorance."

[Effect: Lose 2 random lv1 spells. [roll0] Go from left to right, the number is each spell.]

2012-08-11, 02:21 PM
Ruethel jumps back, but he can physically feel the magic essence drained from him. "Wha.. what the hell!?"

The two of them examine the runes and Lamine asks "Extraplanar beings... like gods, and what does it mean you are destined for either greatness or failure?"

Ruethel still looks shocked "I'm not sure, so strange... learn from your enemies... suffer the consequences of ignorance?"

He brushes himself off, makes sure the stone is still marked on the map, tries examining the stone further, checking if any other runes had appeared, or if anything else had changed, although he hesitates from touching it now.

2012-08-11, 02:23 PM
The stone isn't any different than before and the map is still marked.

2012-08-11, 02:34 PM
He gives up and then says "We'll there doesn't seem to be much more we can do, let's just continue on."

Lamine nods and they re-mount the horse, and continue on their way.

2012-08-12, 07:40 PM
THE MAP HAS BEEN MARKED (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/15vtbDg5lMI22R24nkiIScRZFZUTwTu7H8ip2IzPpRjI/edit)

After the rest of the day of riding and onto the hills, you arrive the following day to the cavern on your map. The exterior and as far as you can see with your spectacular eyes and the sunlight looks like a natural cave in the side of a steeper hill.

Current Time: A bit past noon.

2012-08-12, 09:46 PM
Knowing a cave/dungeon is no place for a horse, they tie up the horse to the closest available spot to tie it down (tree if there is one nearby).

They then enter the cave, Lamine lights her lantern to illuminate the darkness.

2012-08-12, 10:14 PM
Your eyes allow you to see to the back of the cave, which actually isn't that deep.

Map, in case it's needed (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiZcaAqLuX0TdHZOQU9yZktIRGd3M1lqTnk2VzduQ 1E#gid=0)

2012-08-12, 11:15 PM
They enter the cave, trying to see if there is anything of interest.

Listen: [roll0] [roll1]
Spot: [roll2] [roll3]
Search: [roll4] [roll5]

2012-08-13, 03:25 AM
Listen: Nothing to be heard except the standard things that you'd expect in a cave like this.

Spot: Nothing of interest. There's a few mushrooms growing in this cave, though. Mushrooms and other things like it.

Search: Lamine is able to find a small movable piece of stone on one of the pillars in the cave. It's not very nicely disguised, as it's often used and has signs of wear.

2012-08-13, 03:21 PM
Lamine calls over Lorkan and Ruethel, and then moves the stone, seeing what it does.

2012-08-13, 03:31 PM
Once you move the stone all the way to the other side, a low rumble comes from behind you. A piece of the stone rises up out of the wall, revealing a stairway down.

Lorkan ruffles his nose as he smells whatever is beyond there. "Smells like goblin..."

2012-08-13, 03:37 PM
The raptorans give each other looks of slight worry, bandits were one thing, but a horde of goblins was another thing entirely if this turned out to be a nesting ground or something.

Lamine says "Well, we've come all the way out here, so lets not hesitate now. Onward to adventure!"

She marches forward and Ruethel follows close behind. She shifts the lantern to her left hand, and pulls out her morningstar with the right.

Ruethel has his quarterstaff readied, and is going over his list of spells in preparation for possible battle.

2012-08-13, 04:24 PM
Lorkan goes in front, leading the way kinda. Not really, as there was only one path, but still. You get to a landing eventually and this place is obviously carved out to serve some greater purpose.

[Please address your movements within your normal range, as goblins also move. :3]

2012-08-13, 08:47 PM
Lamine covers the lantern in a way to keep the light dimmed so that they aren't easily visible to others, but there is still enough light to see by.

Lamine moves to AA 22, and peers around the corner, Ruethel moves to Z 22.

All take 10s on hide and move silently. (+5 Arya, +3 Ruethel)

2012-08-14, 04:22 PM
[Move action taken, that's 6 seconds. Each post is a move or full action.]

You move to the corner and see past, seeing no enemies. You can't hear them either.

2012-08-17, 03:59 PM
Lamine motions to Ruethel to move to the hallway to the front and watch out, while she moves on further down the branching hall.

Lamine moves to AC19 and peeks around the corner, motioning for Lorkan to follow behind her.

Ruethel moves to AC23 and peeks around the corner, casting dancing lights so he isn't left in the dark.

Still sneaking and moving silently.

2012-08-17, 04:29 PM
Ruethel: You can't hear jack coming from your direction.

Lamine: You hear two creatures coming up from Ruethel's side, as does Lorkan by his movements. And in addition to that, you see three goblins appear on your side.

[Dancing Lights: 1/20 finished!]

2012-08-17, 04:35 PM
Lamine whispers to Lorkan "You stay here and keep an eye on those three and anymore that might come, if they start coming our way warn us. I'm going to go by Ruethel." She moves to AE23, Ruethel stays in place she asks him "Did you hear that?"

He shakes his head saying no, and she peeks around the corner.

2012-08-17, 04:37 PM
You move into place and the sound of the goblins in your new direction stops. The ones going towards Lorkan's direction are still heard, though.


2012-08-17, 04:39 PM
Ruethel moves the spheres to AK27 if he can, and then Lamine motions for him to follow her. She moves to AE25 while he moves to AD 25, she peeks around the corner.

2012-08-17, 04:44 PM
When you move 15 feet, you can see the light behind two goblins, both clad in leather. A1 is using a shortspear, T3 is using a spear. T3 is also using a light wooden shield.

[Full action not taken, you've still got 15 feet to move and standard. Combat has started, they are flat-footed since they didn't expect you.]

2012-08-17, 05:19 PM
Ruethel motions to Lamine for her to stand her ground, then moves to AE27 he whispers to her "I'm going to try talking to them, maybe we don't have to fight, cast message on all three of us." She casts message on Lorkan and Ruethel. Reuthel says to Lorkan "Wait to attack the goblins until we give you the go, unless they directly threaten you, lurk in the shadows for now. We're dealing with some without fighting for now. Lamine, look as threatening as you possibly can."

He then addresses the goblins as Lamine and himself attempt to look frightening "You two, halt! We do not wish to fight you, but we will not hesitate to kill you without mercy if you attempt to bring harm to us. Who is your master, and what is this place for, how many of you are there?"

The rough goblin words roll of his tongue as the raptoran's weapons are at the ready.

Intimidate Arya: [roll0]
Intimidate Cody: [roll1]