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2012-08-05, 01:58 AM

The infinite expanse of the sky spills forth beneath the pillars that compose Skypoint. It would have been serene and peaceful, if not for the fact that three young boys had hurled themselves over the edge. Those same boys make their way back to where their new teacher waits, but find her to be missing. In her place, they discover a kid--a messenger ninja--who produces a note for each of them.

Rendezvous at the Main Rail. We're going to ground. First mission is easy, so count yourselves lucky. Good luck.


If questioned about the note, the young boy just repeats what happened: Maaya received your mission scroll, gave him the note, then left. He stayed to deliver it. The boy brushes off his pants, then starts heading back down into Soragakure without looking back to see if the team is obeying their orders. His part was done, and he needed to get back to work regardless of their choices.

Takuya, Iyasumaru, and Hideki

The three of you arrive in Soragakure proper; Specifically you're in the bustling Commercial sector that grew up around Skypoint. A mess of merchants hawking overpriced goods, overworked parents, irritating children, and off-duty ninja mill about the congested walkways. The three of you are headed through the area, when you run head long into another trio of ninjas your age. The first is a girl with short cropped black hair adorned by two hair buns on opposing sides of her head. Red and white cloth covers both buns, but none of her other clothes differentiate her from other Sora-genin. Her face is unfamiliar, and none of you recognize her from the academy. The second ninja is a young boy you do recognize from the academy--Sano Atsuhi, one of Takuya's old friends, wearing the traditional Sora-genin uniform. The final member of that team is another girl, one of the girls from class whose name escapes you. Her appearance is fairly unremarkable as well, and picking her out from a crowd would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

The bunheaded girl is the first to notice your group, and she points you out to Atsuhi. The idiotic boy waves toward Takuya, and without a second thought starts dashing toward him. Shoppers, merchants, and ninjas alike leap back to make room as he barrels through the street. "Takuya! Hey! Stop!" It's almost like Atsuhi will always act like a child. Did he forget you were adults now? You're supposed to put away childish things, but this idiot drags it up all the time. Atsuhi's group follows him slowly, gradually apologizing to everyone he interrupts or almost runs over in his charge toward your group.

Maaya and Manabu

You arrived at the village's entrance shortly after receiving the mission scroll. The Main Rail of Soragakure stood in all its imposing majesty at the central gate of Soragakure. Merchants, civilians, and all other kinds of outsiders used the massive elevator to move from the ground floor to Soragakure's commercial district. Truly the massive Rail was an engineering work of art, and many of the village's engineers worked hard on maintaining the vital link to the village's trading partners--and, more importantly, her clients.

On top of its status as a work of art, the Rail doubled as a primary defensive line for Soragakure. Any attempt to attack the village would have to go through the Rail, and that meant it had to be the most heavily guarded position in the entire village. Theoretically, the village was unassailable without direct and overwhelming brute force coming from the Rail. But recent whispers spoke of dangers that couldn't be fought off so easily.

A lot of the mercenary ninja, particularly those who are employed by on a long term basis by the country, were naturally quite upset about the possibility of their cushy and well paid jobs ending. They saw Soragakure as a threat, and the presence of outside ninja within Soragakure always put the guards on edge.

One of those outsiders approached Maaya right now.

He was somewhere in his mid-twenties, and bore the physique of a ninja. His spike-y and unruly black hair looked more at home on a much younger man than he. He wore a Konohagakure headband with a long scratch through it, but his uniform was that of a Soragakure special jounin. Upon sighting Maaya a silly but friendly grin sneaks across his face like a burglar in the night. His dark eyes flicker between Maaya and the very young boy at his side, but his grin never changes. The boy in question wears long, dark grey shorts, a black hooded t-shirt, and black sandals. He wears his Soragakure forehead protector as a necklace. His hair is startlingly, naturally, bright white and needs a bit of a trim. He has yellow eyes too, which make him quite the oddity.

"Maaya? You just got control of Team 3 today, right?" He flashed a deeper smile, then stuck out his right hand for a handshake. "Uchiha. Uchiha Kaede. How're ya doin'?"

2012-08-05, 10:32 PM
Manabu looked up at the woman who was to be his new Jounin with a grin much similar to the one his counterpart was wearing. It was the kind of smile that would be heartwarming if it didn't also look like he was getting away with something. He stood fairly relaxed, though not without the impatient energy of youth. He shifted from foot to foot and made little hopsteps when he was walking. It was obvious he'd rather be doing more entertaining things, but was tolerating this because he had to.

Manabu wondered idly if Maaya knew why he and Kaede were here. It wouldn't surprise him, but then, many adults didn't fully comprehend his being a full genin at his age. Nah, Maaya-sensei would realise that something was up when she saw his forehead protector, she was a Jounin after all, she wouldn't be foolish enough to make assumptions based on age. Especially with all the rumors abounding about herself. He wondered which was true: That she was trying to force a new chakra type without a kekkei genkai, or that she just suffered from some genetic disease. Maybe it was both. Or neither. It was just rumor after all.

As he stood waiting for Maaya to either accept or reject the greetings of Kaede, he thought about what was about to happen in his life. He was joining a squad. He was going to have teammates. He wondered if they were special like he was. Young, and skilled beyond their ages. He wondered if he was going to have male or female teamates, maybe a mixture of both. He was curious as to their specialties, assuming they had decided to specialize or not. Though, most did end up discovering a gift for a certain skillset and ran with it.

Mostly, he stood and fidgetted and wondered if Maaya-sensei was going to accept Kaede's handshake or not.

Overlord Rion
2012-08-09, 06:46 PM
Rendezvous at the Main Rail. We're going to ground. First mission is easy, so count yourselves lucky. Good luck.


Wait, seriously? She had the gall to make them jump off a building to catch a scroll, and then not be here!? The least she could have done was berate them for taking so long. Something, anything, was better than, than...THIS.


Could that be? Oh yeah, that was Atsuhi. It was both comforting and terrifying to know he hadn't decided to adopt airs of importance yet. So what would happen once he saw all the death and pain being a ninja wrought? Would he still be as happy minded in a we-

Unfortunately, as is often the case when dealing with Atsuhi, Takuya wasn't able to finish that thought before he had to react to Atsuhi's charge. He would stop, right?


Oh god, no. Not again.

2012-08-09, 11:32 PM

Atsuhi doesn't stop. Instead, he throws himself at Takuya in a headlong flying charge.

...But he misses. Atsuhi slams headfirst into the ground and skids a bit. The whole thing has to be embarrassing, but Atsuhi hops up as if nothing had happened.

"Ahaha. I can't believe I missed. So! How's your team? Are these guys it?"

Atsuhi points toward Ieyasumaru and Hideki, but both of them seem to have went into their stand-offish modes.

Charging hug-grapple! Touch attack: [roll0]; Grapple check: [roll1].

2012-08-10, 05:14 PM

Kaede and Maaya chat about things, but eventually the conversation turns to the young boy at Kaede's side. The Uchiha jounin claims the boy is Maaya's third team member, but Maaya claims to already have three members in her team. She produces a scroll to prove it, and Kaede agrees after a thorough reading. Maaya just shrugs, and remarks that the boy will probably do best in a sheltered one-on-one setting anyway. But before Kaede has a chance to say anything else a wild-haired messenger-nin appears. The unkempt young man provides Maaya with a scroll, then disappears in a poof of smoke.

The female jounin becomes visibly agitated with the contents of the scroll, and eventually burns it. Manabu overhears her tell Kaede that she'll have to go, and that he can handle her team in the meantime. The Uchiha tries to object, but she's gone before he can even say no. The dark haired jounin just looks down at Manabu, shrugs, motions for Manabu to follow, and starts walking toward the commercial district.

Takuya and Manabu

Kaede and Manabu materialize from the crowd shortly after Atsuhi's flying failure. The two girls with Atsuhi greet them both, and Manabu recognizes the bun-headed girl as Kaede's younger sister.

"Momo, shouldn't you be off with your team?" The bun-headed girl responds quickly. "We're done already. My teacher was so lazy all he had us do was tell him our likes, dislikes, and dreams then sent us home."

Kaede frowns at that. It was customary for a jounin to have some kind of initiation, but it seems that his little sister got lucky--or unlucky as the case may be. "Well, you can hang out around here."

The jounin turns toward Maaya's group, claps his hands together, and starts explaining himself. "Maaya was called away on a personal mission. I don't know what exactly, but she won't be back for awhile. So I'll be taking over as your teacher for a little bit. My name is Kaede, and this is my team." He motions to Atsuhi, the bland girl, and the little boy at his side.

"And one freeloader." He then points at Momo. "Hey!" The jounin carries on without a hitch. "So, since there's so many of you guys, we'll be doing a joint training session. If you would all follow me please."


Kaede leads your group through Soragakure. Your group goes through many twists and turns, but finally stop when you've arrived at one of the many structures reserved for ninja training. The short squat building sits on a corner facing two other taller structures. It looks quite angry with its bright red paint, peeling siding, and almost eye-like windows that glare across the street. Kaede leads you inside, where you discover a series of makeshift walls built like a maze. Six entrances stand ready to receive challengers, and you can probably guess what's going on before Kaede explains. Nonetheless, he feels the need to point out the obvious.

"Today, we'll be doing trap evasion, information gathering, and team building training." Kaede reaches into his belt pouch, produces a pair of scrolls, then hands one to Takuya and the other to Atsuhi.

"In the ninja world, you won't always have teammates you know closely. So with that in mind... Team A will be Takuya, Manabu, and Momo. Team B will be Hanako, Atsuhi, and Hideki." Kaede turns to the tall sword-armed genin. "You'll be sitting this one out, Iyasumaru."

He waits for you to assemble into your teams before explaining the training. "You'll both start at opposite ends of the maze. Takuya, your team will start on the far left over there. Atsuhi, your team will start on the far right. Your goal is to reach the center, then come back out again, without anyone on your team getting hurt or lost. If you exit out of the entrance you didn't enter through, then you'll have to try again. If you lose your scroll, then you must find it before leaving the maze or your team is disqualified."

He looks toward both groups with one eyebrow raised. "Any questions?"

2012-08-10, 08:38 PM
Manabu just quietly watches all as he is not spoken to by Maaya, who surprisingly is not his Team-Leader as was previously thought and then brought this joint training exercise ground with similarly little conversation. He keeps an ear out for any real conversation among the groups, but otherwise keeps to himself. Barely. He did have the urge to introduce himself and rattle off averything he could think of, but he was supposed to be a shinobi of a high caliber. Even though he was merely a genin.

He raises his hand before asking several questions. "Are we allowed to interfere with the other team? Can we attack them or attempt to remove their scroll from the exercise? Is there a limit on what can be done inside the maze? Ninjutsu, genjustu, taijutsu?"

Overlord Rion
2012-08-11, 12:17 AM
Prior to the announcement, Takuya had just been relieved that Atsuhi had missed. Takuya didn't have the physical strength to stay standing after one of those. He would stand, and listen to the explanation. Once questions were asked, the plans were already forming in his head. There were gaps though, like in most plans. The biggest gaps were his current teammates abilities. That would need to be fixed, and quickly.

"Well, this is most certainly going to be interesting. Names are...Momo and Manabu, right? Wonderful. To make this work I'm going to need a quick rundown of both your abilities before we start. You can detail me along the way."

2012-08-11, 01:01 AM

Kaede nods. "Within the maze you may use any of your abilities to the best of your abilities, but you may not harm the other team."

Momo looks toward Takuya, then shrugs. "I'm probably about as well trained as you are, but my talents focus on genjutsu."

2012-08-11, 11:19 PM
Manabu looked up at the boy who had been picked as the leader of the team. "My specialty lies in Ninjutsu. I am trained beyond my years, if I look too young to you." He grins a little, it's both childish and a little something else. "I can demonstrate if you like?" He says before turning to face Kaede again. "Are we allow to use non-lethal force? I would like all to be clear of the rules of this exercise before we begin." Inside his head, Manabu was already forming a potential strategy.

2012-08-12, 05:22 AM

Kaede raises an eyebrow. "Is "you may not harm the other team" at all unclear? Because it seems pretty clear to me. Absolutely no harm, what so ever, period, no not even then. Is that clearer?"

2012-08-12, 03:43 PM
"Ok, Kaede. I was just making sure! You don't have to be angry." Manabu gave Kaede little innocent eyes. "I'm ready to start. No more silly questions." He stretched from side to side and flexed his spine backwards to warm up.

2012-08-12, 03:56 PM

"Not good." Maaya said in a matter-of-fact way as she folded her arms. "I had a great idea for the whole 'trial' thing, but it didn't turn out as well as I hoped." Head craned back she let out a sigh. "Jumping off Skypoint was supposed to be..." Another sigh. "I don't know. I just expected a little bit more. How much thought do I really need to put into 'get my team to jump to their death'?! It was supposed to be simple. They leap, they fall, they fail and then I get to see their character in the face of defeat." Maaya looked ready to punch somebody as she spoke. "Stupid kids. Should've just beaten them up and then thrown them off Skypoint. That would've worked."

2012-08-12, 04:27 PM

The mission turned out to be a bust, and ranting and rambling didn't serve much purpose. Maaya knew that Kaede always used the same training building for all his tests. She could head there easily and reclaim her genin in time for their first mission. Getting there from the main gate didn't take long, and since Kaede had only just left to pick up her team she'd likely arrive before he started some kind of annoying training session. On the way there she's stopped by a messenger ninja giving her yet another rearranging of her group. Whomever did team assignments in Soragakure was probably on some powerful opiates, and certainly didn't stop using them while working. Her new team would be Kuroda Takuya, Hara Manabu, and Uchiha Momo.


Before Kaede can say "go" the door busts open. Maaya storms into the building looking quite irate at the world. The Uchiha turns around, sighs, and turns to both teams. "Looks like Mommy is here to pick you kids up. Iyasumaru, Takuya, and Hideki; Get your stuff." He says while jabbing a thumb toward Maaya.

2012-08-13, 12:51 PM
Manabu sighed. It looked like training wouldn't be happening. Or if it did, it would likely be a different exercise. "Awww, ok. Have fun with whatever you guys are doing." He had that slight whine in his voice that little kids get when they're told they aren't going to the park after all. Manabu frowned slightly. The day was going about as badly as possible. First, issues with his team assignment and now a potentially fun training exercise cut short by the rather angry Maaya.

Overlord Rion
2012-08-13, 10:17 PM
And there went all of Takuya's plans. This was beginning to get frustrating. Every time he got a chance to do something, somebody had to stop him. How was he supposed to get any better when he couldn't train? "Well, I suppose that's a bust. So do we actually have a mission, sensei, or are we going to jump off more buildings?"

2012-08-13, 11:47 PM
The bun-haired girl leans on the wall and makes a derisive snort.

"This is not the right way to promote group synergy, you know, this back and forth," she mumbles, partly to her brother and partly to the direction (not the person itself) of Maaya. She eyes the angry jounin with reservation.

2012-08-14, 12:26 AM

The elder Uchiha just scratches his head. "I agree, but what can I do? I've just gotta do what I can and hope for the best."

With that said he turns to Maaya and asks. "Are you gonna take these kids off my hands?"

Overlord Rion
2012-08-15, 09:38 PM
"I resent being called a kid. I'd prefer teenager, thank you very much." Being snippy wasn't usually in him, but he was tired of his plans for the day being constantly changed and altered with no warning. If it was for a mission, sure, but this was starting to get ridiculous.

2012-08-15, 10:20 PM

Maaya frowns. "You're a kid until I say otherwise, age be damned."

She thrusts a scroll at Kaede, then motions for the genin. "There's been a screw up at Central. Things are supposed to be fixed now. Shorty, bunhead, Takuya. You three are on my team now."

Kaede reads the scroll he'd been given, sighs, then nods to confirm what she's just said. "Yup. Everything's in order. Go on you three."


Maaya leads the three of you toward the Main Gate. The Main Gate of Soragakure isn't like that of most other villages. Most hidden villages had an ostentatious and grand gateway clearly intended to strike awe and terror in equal parts. But Soragakure had a simple steel reinforced gate, with extremely spartan defensive barricades, and a secondary steel gate behind it. The Main Gate of Soragakure didn't intend to awe others, but it did intend to protect the village to the best of its ability. The gate's spartan nature combined with Soragakure's floating nature to make the Main Gate an impregnable stronghold. As the only possible way to attack from the ground it needed to be practical, and extremely well defended. Several ninja, mostly mercenaries without the Soragakure headband, stood at attention around the gate at all hours. Today wasn't any different, and the defenders of the gate stood in preparation for any attempt to break through.

The gate stood open even though it was so well defended, because just as it was the only way to attack it was also the only way to get trade through to the village itself. Several merchants and civilians looking to hire ninja traversed the gate quickly and efficiently. Each one went under the careful scrutiny of the village's defenders, and some were taken aside to be questioned. Almost all of them were still allowed entry, but a few had a ninja dispatched from the gate to go with them. Maaya stops in front of the Rail leading to the ground in order to explain what's going on.

"You've been given a pretty simple mission. A merchant--Muro Matsuta--hired us to protect his daughter--Muro Remi--from a potential stalker. He says the two were dating, but the boy wanted to get physical. The two of them fought, broke up, and then Remi started to receive threatening letters. Lately, a group of thugs have been hanging around their home. You're being called in to protect her for one week. Questions?"

2012-08-15, 10:37 PM
Manabu just blinked at the revelation. He was supposed to be on her team from the beginning anyway, so it really wasn't that much of an issue to him. He did have an issue with her calling him short however. "I'll have you know I am of above average height for an 8 year old, Maaya-sensei!" That sounded much better to Manabu than Kaede-sensei. Maybe it was the rhyming. He grinned all the same and followed Maaya to the front gate where they received their mission-briefing.

Manabu listened to Maaya describe the mission, rolling his eyes slightly about the task in a general sense. Teenagers and their hormones. He severly wished he could skip that step in growing up. it would be a nightmare if his tempermant suddenly reflected that of a thunderstorm. "I have a question: Is it true that you were, or are, trying to create and advanced chakra type through sheer for of will and training?" To Manabu, it seemed innocent enough a question and he was utterly fascinated by the potential results. If one person could do it, then there was hope for any ninja of significant skill to create their own.

2012-08-15, 10:41 PM

"Yes, I am trying to create an advanced chakra type without the use of bloodlines. Work is still ongoing." Which was just code for "things aren't going well", but that didn't need to be said.

2012-08-16, 12:08 AM
Momo took it skeptically as they were told the final version of their team. The boys seemed nice enough - at first glance anyway, but the madwoman of a jounin worried her a bit. If she didn't mishear, she supposedly threw some of these kids off of a building for "training". Or something like that. Regardless, she knew showing her feelings were the best way to draw the "sensei"'s ire, so she put on a mask of subordination.

But she did start to like this Manabu kid for rattling Maaya's cage like that, even if only a little. Heh.

"The boy himself weren't seen among those thugs, did he?" she asks to check, wondering if the question was a bit too detailed for her to know.

2012-08-16, 12:47 AM

"There wasn't a mention in the mission profile, but it's possible that he hired them. It's also possible that the thugs were hired by a third party to get the girl, her father, or for someone else entirely."

2012-08-16, 01:49 AM
Momo nods, unsatisfied with the vague answer but unwilling to push. She glances at Takuya and Manabu to see if they have smarter questions.

2012-08-16, 10:52 PM
Manabu nods. He was rather hoping to hear more about it, but accepted that with progress, she wouldn't be wanting to talk about it that much. Momo asked an interesting question that actually had any relation to the mission at hand. "Is the group acting in any pattern? Specific times of day, particular locations, peculiar behaviors? Any identifying marks? What's the situation of the place where the mission is taking place? Quiet? Seedy? Humble? Energetic?" He rattled off a list of questions fairly rapidly, stopping only once to find the right word, the word being seedy. "What are the odds of encountering enemy shinobi?"

2012-08-17, 01:16 AM

"Do you really expect scared civilians to keep patterns or the time of day they show up at? And would you expect genin to be sent on this mission if there was a high chance of encountering enemy ninja? I know I'm your teacher, but I expect you to know the basics already."

2012-08-17, 01:35 AM
"And I expect that the man who is worried for his daughter would pay attention. I also expect to be as prepared as possible for any eventuality." Manabu said with no hesitating. "I mean, our client hired ninja to protect his daughter. There is nothing to say another party wouldn't do something similar. What I don't expect is that you berate me in the first ten minutes of knowing me. It's just plain rude. And a terrible way to garner respect."

2012-08-17, 02:14 AM
Momo lays a calming, supporting hand on the 8-year-old's shoulder without trying to come off as patronizing. She didn't like the jounin's attitude herself, but talk like this would only provoke her further.

"We can leave as soon as you can give us the destination, sensei," she cuts in tactfully, hoping to defuse the situation before it grows.

If needed, taking 10 in Diplomacy for a 22.

2012-08-17, 02:45 AM

Maaya just shrugs. "Kids will be kids."

2012-08-17, 08:10 PM

Team 3 travels out through the Main Gate and down to the world below. From there, they travel northwest for a day before arriving in the small city of Sunomou shortly after sunset. Great gates of wood and stone greet the group as they gather before the city's main entrance. Two guards are posted outside, but they seem to be little more than civilians with spears and battered metal armor. Both guards give the sky-ninja a wary look, but don't challenge their right to approach or enter the city. A network of very tight alleyways, strong smelling markets, and short stocky homes make up the inside of Sunomou City. Sunomou's massive size is never truly appreciable due to the tight confines of its streets, but the small fraction of the city visible to Team 3 tells a sordid tale. Ladies of the evening stand at every street corner like cuts of meat at market. Many drunks and unsavory looking characters wander through the claustrophobic streets with all the grace of a cow. Restaurants, pubs, and other establishments remain open, but all of them seem to be catering toward more adult tastes based on the scantily clad young women advertising their "services" inside.

The four of you meander through the streets shortly before you arrive at the client's home--well, place of business really, but he happens to live there too. The squat three story inn, dressed in gaudy silver-colored walls and wearing a gaudy golden roof, advertises itself as the "best place to become a man"--whatever that meant. Two burly men are there to greet you at the front door. Each of them has arms thicker than tree trunks, and legs even thicker than that. They lead you inside after confirming that you're the group their boss hired. Regardless of the quality of its customers, or staff if that's what they were, the inn's insides are clean and comfortable. Several round tables lay scattered about the inn's main floor. Some are occupied by lonely men, others by lonely women, still others by businessmen and their "escorts", still others by businesswomen and their "entertainers", and one table even has a man who looks less like a human and more like a wall of beef. The beef wall sits with two well-painted courtesans at his side, and four rough looking gangsters at his back. A scrawny young boy sits opposite from the beef wall, and beside the boy sits a fat and very worried older man. The pair of minotaurs-in-human-shape guide your group to the table, and the worried man furiously rubs the sweat away from his forehead.

The burly man nods toward Maaya and the kids. "So this is what my money buys?"

A flurry of movement has the sweating man get up, bow, sit back down, get back up, move to shake Maaya's hand, then sit back down just to get back up and bow again. He's obviously quite shaken up, and the beef wall explains why soon enough.

"Whatever", he says in a flippant tone, "you don't seem like cattle to me. Get out of here Muro. My benevolence is at an end, and your debt will only grow the longer you stay here."

The thugs behind the speaker move to unseat the worried man--Muro Matsuta--but the merchant gets up before they get to him. He bows deeply to the beef wall of a gangster, then turns toward Team 3.


Muro leads your group outside, and explains his predicament on the way. "I-I had to borrow quite a lot from Gonzou in order to pay your village. Please, you have to protect my daughter. She's learning how to dance with Gonzou's blessing, and her skill will save her from..." The older man looks around, then off-handedly motions toward the disturbing, disgusting, and depressing nature of the city around him. "This."

"She should be at home right now. In the mornings she goes to dance class, in the evening she picks up fresh ingredients for our dinner, and at night she usually dances in... In a... Well, a place not unlike the rest of the city." The man wipes his head once more, clearly upset with himself or his predicament.

"She's been taking off work with the threats, but she can't do that forever." He wrings his towel between his hands, and the copious amounts of grime it's collected ooze out between his fingers. He doesn't seem to care though, and just anxiously fiddles with the rag. "Do you have any questions?"

Maaya shrugs, then looks toward the three of you. "Well, it's your mission."

2012-08-18, 03:57 AM
Momo didn't like Sunomou.

That was a given. It was not like she haven't seen any place like this before. On the contrary, in her and her brother's eight year exodus, they have seen many a sleazy hole calling itself a city like this one. But, as she had to admit to herself, she was a kid in those times, under Kaede's vigilant protection, and the reality of the situation never fully hit him like this until she was her own individual.

Still, she was to be a "ninja", and whatever that truly meant, it probably didn't involve letting herself vulnerable against aspects of real life, such as this.

So, with a sigh, she recollects herself, mentally blocks the part of her brain that was going "What if I were to grow up in a place like this", and tries to slide into the professional's role.

"Let's start with the basics," she says, and starts laying some questions on the man, waiting each time for him to answer fully.

"The boy that started this, do you know his name? Is he anyone of note?"

"When do these thugs appear? Every night? Every other night?"

"Do they only appear around your home, or do they stalk you elsewhere as well?"

"Roughly how many of them are there? About 4-5? About 10? Or more?"

Her cynical side was already having some rather... darker theories about all this, but they were simply theories. Yet.

2012-08-18, 08:48 AM

"Ah, he is name was K-Kyosuke, yes. He didn't give us a last name, but he was quite handsome. Young man though, older than my baby doll. Probably in his early 20s. I don't know anything about him, but he always seemed to have money. He didn't like to spend it either. He was quite nice though."

The man becomes slightly more nervous as he thinks and talks about the situation. "The th-thugs appear every night these days, but o-originally they only appeared every th-three days. I-I have only seen them at home, and if they f-follow my little pumpkin then she's never told me. When they're around the house, they number around fif-fifteen or more."

2012-08-18, 11:39 PM
Manabu was grossed out by Sunomu. There were ladies standing on street corners and every street was small and cramped and it smelled bad. The city was skeazy, the locals appeared the same, and GOD THE SMELL. Manabu was fixated on the foul scent. It was pervasive and rancid. Sheesh. It needed to rain hear for like several months.

He was about to ask questions of the man when Momo broke in herself and asked. Asked all the questions he had asked, though in a slightly different manner, but the questions were there. "Wow, it seems like you actually paid attention and made note of any patterns about the thugs watching your home." Manabu rolled his eyes. Maaya-sensei needed to have more faith in the common person. "Is it the same people? Or are there different people some days? Where is it you would prefer us to stay?" Manabu looked up at the man, his typically present smile having faded to a much more serious face. "What is it exactly you would like us to do? Do you want us to confront these thugs or are you just after peace of mind?"

2012-08-19, 12:05 AM

"Did you mention this pattern in your letter to the Council? No? Very well then. I would hope all our clients forget useful information like that." Maaya looks down at Manabu. Idiots deserved one another.

The nervous man rubs his forehead with his sweat-soaked rag. "I don't know. T-They all looked the same to me. Big tall statues of meat and bone."

When the conversation turns to what you should do, the man looks a bit confused. "I-I don't know. I just hired you to protect her, and assumed you'd act on your own. I just want this to stop, and I want my Remi safe. From anything. I-I paid for a week of service, but I don't care about the specifics as long as you can guarantee her safety. Forever, I hope."

2012-08-19, 09:18 PM
"I have to agree with Maaya-sensei. That was definitely something that should have been included in your request for our services." Manabu frowns slightly at the man. His nervous habits could cost dearly if he didn't keep himself under control. "I suppose... Take us to where the thugs are when they come?" He asked, mildly unsure as to what to do next. It was his first mission after all.

It seemed the man wanted a permanent end to the threat to his daughter. Likey then, that a direct confrontation would have to take place. Well, if these thugs were as persistant as avertised, it might not be the team who initiates the confrontation.

2012-08-20, 10:00 AM
Momo nods at Manabu's words. "Yes, take us to your home, please."

After a couple of seconds, she recoils slightly as memory strikes.

"Oh, by the way, Matsuta-san. Who was that boy sitting across the meathead- I mean, Gonzou?"

2012-08-20, 10:14 AM

"A-ah? Oh, that. That was Kyohei. Nice young man. H-He put me in touch with Gonzou, and vouched for me. W-without him I never would have gotten Gonzou's money."

The fat merchant takes your group around the corner into a tight back alley. Due to the close proximity of the hostel and the building next to it your group is forced to walk single-file through the area. The fat man leads you to a staircase, which goes up to the roof of the hostel. A squat one-story addition has been built onto the roof, and it seems to be the merchant's home.

"Here's where we live." He walks over to northern edge of the roof, then points toward a circular three story building on the other side of the street. The flat roof of the opposite building makes it easy to watch the Muro residence, and the proximity means they don't need a telescope or binoculars. "They're usually on that roof, but I've seen them in the streets sometimes when we leave in the morning. They don't have weapons, as far as I could tell, but... N-No one would have any reason to go up on that roof. So they have to be following us."

2012-08-20, 12:28 PM
Momo puts a hand on her cheek, thoughtful. Suspicion seemed to be creeping into her mind with every new piece of information. Keeping them bottled for the moment, however, she fires another question.

"So, where's your daughter? Still working?"

2012-08-20, 12:34 PM
"She's been taking off work with the threats, but she can't do that forever."


The merchant reiterates what he said before about his daugher's work.

2012-08-20, 01:28 PM
"Right," she nods, smacking her forehead in a jokingly exaggerated move.

She glances at her teammates, who were keeping somewhat silent for some reason.

"So, let's read the threat note itself. And hear your daughter's point of view," she says, gesturing into the Muro "residence".

2012-08-20, 02:00 PM

Matsuta heads inside and beckons for you to follow. His home feels cozy, and not just because of its small rooms and antiquated floors. Pictures of a beautiful older woman are hung around the living room. Some of them have the woman holding a baby, others have her just standing on her own, and still others have her hugging a very young girl. The pictures seem to have been taken at random, and have no real unifying theme to them at all. But one thing pervades every single picture: They're treated with care and diligence, and the subject is clearly quite loved.

A young girl, still in her budding youth, sits on the floor in front of a cozy table dominating the center of the room. She's wearing a dirty tee-shirt, shorts, and has this air of mischief about her. Her hands are scuffed, and a passing observation reveals that they're calloused and will used. Her looks mimic the woman in the portraits: Silky black hair, pale green eyes, soft features, and a bright smile. She waves to greet the group barreling into her living room.

"Welcome!" Her smile grows brighter, and she seems genuinely happy to see your group.

Matsuta introduces the girl as his daughter, Remi, and then disappears into the back to get the notes. He returns a few seconds later and provides several notes. He picks one then passes it to teach person in the four man team. The "note" seems to have been made from a get-well card, and the letters are pieces of newspaper clippings pasted onto the card in a crude fashion. Whomever did it either did not have a study hand, or was just lazy about the whole matter. Either way, it reads as follows:

G et o u t of y o ur ho u s e.
I f yo u d o not t h e n w e wi l l k i l l y o u r k i d .
N o po l i c e or w e b u rn t he pl a c e d o w n .

"They all mostly read like that", Matsuta says while everyone is reading, "with varying degrees of urgency. Some have even threatened to... t-to kidnap her."

2012-08-20, 02:41 PM
Momo casually walks around inside, taking time to gaze at the pictures and take in the overall air of the place. It looked, smelled, and felt like a home, a place some people were happy to live in, even if it was sometime in the past. They almost reminded her of her home, back in... how many years ago? She couldn't remember now.

Eventually she returns to the daughter in question, and sits her and herself down, to create a little more relaxed atmosphere, at the least. She gives the letter a brief read, but it doesn't present anything unexpected.

"So," she says to Remi, smiling in an encouraging manner, as if chatting with a close friend over coffee. "Tell me about Kyosuke."

2012-08-20, 05:18 PM

The girl blushes deeply at Momo's question. She idly scratches her chin, wiggled around with embarrassment, and ultimately answers with a the most diplomatic response she could come up with. "Hands-y. But... He was also nice. I don't know what got into him, because one day he just up and demanded that I, "become his woman", like I was property to be owned."

She sighs at that. "That made me mad, and we fought. Now he's gone. I don't know where he went, but poppa says he's a bad guy now. I don't really believe that, but he's always taken care of me before, so I'll do what he says."

2012-08-20, 10:39 PM
Manabu read the note with more than a little suspicion. "Is there any reason you can think of that they would want you out of the house?" He asks mildly. "Are you supposed to leave your daughter?" He takes a small walk as he speaks, examining the home himself. He takes a look out the windows. "Which roof do they stand on?" He took a seat on the floor, looking up at everyone. "What are the surrounding buildings about? As in, their purpose."

2012-08-20, 11:07 PM

Matsuta shakes his head. "I don't know why they would want us out. I don't know what the others do, but I do know there are no other reputable businessmen in this district. All of them could be the threat."

2012-08-21, 12:04 AM
"That didn't really answer all the questions." Manabu said, friendly enough. "But I understand you're a little anxious. Probably a lot, really." He stood up and bowed to the man. "I vow that as long as we're here, we'll keep your daughter as safe as possible."

2012-08-21, 10:43 AM
Momo nods at the girl understandingly, but there's a hint of skepticism in her voice as she starts.

"How bad was your fight? I mean, one doesn't hire that many thugs just because of a fight with a girlfriend. The worst an angry guy such as himself would do is to come here and wreck up the place. Hit you a couple of times, maybe."

She pauses for a second, letting the absurdity of the situation sink in, and then meets her straight in the eye.

"Is there anything else you might be... forgetting to tell?"

Taking 10 in Diplomacy for a 22, for getting her to open up, if applicable.

2012-08-21, 10:57 AM

The fat men's eyes start to swell and he begins to quietly but openly cry. "T-thank you."


The girl just frowns. "He's not that kind of guy. Kyosuke wouldn't lay a hand on me, or my father. We had our share of arguments, but he would always listen to me. He didn't agree all the time, ya, but he listened."

She shakes her head at the question. "No. Like I said, we had a fight, then he left and didn't come back. I don't know who the thugs are working for, but dad says they're Kyosuke's friends. All I know is that I don't like the way they look at me."

2012-08-21, 12:59 PM
Momo raises an eyebrow and turns to Matsuta this time. She waits for a moment or two to outwait the tears.

"How do you know these thugs are Kyosuke's friends?"

2012-08-21, 01:33 PM

"I don't, but who else could it be?"

2012-08-21, 01:55 PM
"I have a few ideas, but never mind that just yet," she replies, not wanting to worry the man further by telling him what are only theories.

She looks at her teammates.

"We'll need to put up a plan."

Overlord Rion
2012-08-21, 09:42 PM
Takuya has been taking mental notes this entire time, his mind like a inescapable filing cabinet. Organized, efficient. The girl, Momo, asking good questions.

Keep an eye on her, decent mind.

The other one, Manabu. Young, easily angered. Probably overconfident with something to prove. File away for later.

He'd need their specialties later, so he could inform them of his complete lack of Taijutsu. He really needed to learn a few basic ones, but no matter. The man's crying threw Takuya off slightly, but his face hardened quickly. There was a disturbing lack of information here, and it looked like Momo was picking up on some of the same things he was. "You're right, a plan is needed. This kind of domestic stuff has a bad habit of escalating quickly."

2012-08-22, 10:16 PM
"I agree." Manabu said, smiling again. "Matsuta-sama, you look worn out. Why don't you go rest while we talk. You've nothing to worry about." He smiled his best 8 year old smile and nodded to the overweight man.

2012-08-22, 10:44 PM

Matsuta nods. "I agree. Remi, lets go to bed and leave these good people to their jobs."

Remi frowns a bit, but goes ahead and obeys her father. "Good night, and please take care of us." With that, Matsuta and Remi head to bed.

2012-08-23, 12:23 AM
Watching the Muros leave for bed, Momo turns to the group and raises an eyebrow.

"So, initial thoughts?"

2012-08-23, 12:47 AM
"Doesn't seem much like a domestic dispute." Manabu said, climbing up into a chair. "A little much, don't you think?"

2012-08-23, 12:49 AM
Momo nods matter-of-factly, expecting more.

Overlord Rion
2012-08-23, 10:14 PM
My opinion is that we need to find out more about Kyosuke, as people certainly aren't telling us everything." Takuya tilts his head, as if searching for the right words. "Actually, I'd like to hear your theories, Momo."

2012-08-24, 12:57 AM
Momo nods, appreciating the gesture. She begins to walk back and forth while gazing at the ceiling, as if her thoughts are floating somewhere up there.

"Well," she says, keeping her voice low enough to trouble any possible eavesdroppers, "First, the obvious. Fifteen hired thugs? Fitting for a drug deal or a gang war, maybe, but just because a girl dissed you? I'm not buying that."

"Then there's the situation of who ended up profiting from all this. Matsuta is afraid, and in order to pay for us, he indebts himself to this Gonzou character. With the aid of this, helpful, helpful Kyohei boy," she pauses for a long moment there, for anyone else to finish that train of thought by themselves.

"And Matsuta-san might not be able to ever pay his debt back. Not with the money he makes. He does have one valuable thing, though, that they might take," she finishes, and throws a glance at the bedroom where he and Remi have disappeared into. Momo's face is a study in cold, grim reality, and it makes her look even older than her relatively-already-pretty-old age of 15.

She realizes that it was a long shot in terms of deduction, but she doesn't care, as long as it can contribute even a little to the situation at hand.

2012-08-24, 10:46 PM
Manabu listened to Momo speak on her thoughts and theories. He made sure to listen intently and not become distracted as 8 year olds tend to. "Hmm... A plot to have the girl forced into Gonzou's "employment?" Not a bad idea, but something about doesn't sit right in my head." He says, regarding Momo with a type of enthusiam at her logical thinking process. "Matsuta doesn't seem the type that more than 3 or four thugs wouldn't send him into a fit. Paying all those thugs to camp on a rooftop and THEN lending him money to hire a team of ninjas, an inexperienced team admittedly, to protect the thing he wants?" He frowned. "Doesn't seem like a way to go about things."

Manabu swung his legs back and forth. "I mean, I would do if differently. I would send a couple of people, 4 or 5 maybe, to the roof in disguise. Then, when Matsuta came to me for help, I'd offer my protection in exchange. If he refused, well, not much else I could do." He shrugged. "Plus, that doesn't explain the notes. Why would being out of the house matter?"

"One of my thoughts is that this home is the right place to do... something. They want him out, but need to do it without killing him for some reason... Nah, my theory doesn't make much more sense." He shrugs and leans back in the chair. "Takuya? You have any theories?"

2012-08-26, 12:23 AM

Maaya remains nearby, but provides no commentary unless pressed. Given that Takuya had already expressed his opinions, she does suggest one thing. "Since it's late, it's probably best to follow things up in the morning. You kids can get some rest, and I'll take first watch over the house. We'll do four hour shifts after that: Momo, you're up first, then Takuya, and finally Manabu. Good night." With that said, Maaya heads outside to start her watch.

If you follow Maaya's orders, then the night passes without incident. Each of your watch cycles are uninterrupted, and quiet. No thugs show up tonight, and nothing seems to happen.


The next morning your group is treated to breakfast made by the young lady of the house. Remi's strangely already ready to leave for the day. Her long silky black hair cascades down her shoulders to terminate in a well loved bundle of curls. She's wearing a rather thin black shirt and miniskirt combo, but her soft curves are covered by a thick and rugged denim jacket. The jacket's probably four sizes too big for her, and almost covers more than her miniskirt. She lacks make-up, relying on her natural beauty and charm to cover that, but she does have a pair of small golden dragons hanging from her earrings. The girl's clearly wearing far too little and is dressed far too glamorously for a young lady her age, but that's the only way to get noticed in Sunomou.

Remi provides your group with a bland, but edible breakfast. Her father doesn't seem to have woken up yet, and when questioned the young Remi just shrugs.

"Dad doesn't wake up until almost noon. The bar doesn't open until 3 PM anyway, so it works out." She then brings up something rather important to her.

"Well, since you guys are here now, I've got to get back to work. So eat up quickly. I gotta be at the studio early." She smiles brightly, but is clearly in a hurry and would rather speed you along than waste anymore time.

2012-08-26, 03:41 PM
Momo isn't up early (compared to the group, at least) but she makes up by adjusting quickly. She eats the food if not with gusto then with an appreciating dedication, and helps with the dishes to hasten the process.

"That's a lovely pair of earrings," she comments while helping out, refraining to refer to the girl's too-little-for-her-age outfit with natural tact.

2012-08-26, 03:58 PM

Remi giggles. "I know what you're getting at, and it's fine. Publicity and all." Her hand goes under her earrings to highlight them. "And these were a gift. From, uh... Kyosuke."

2012-08-26, 04:11 PM
"Pretty," she repeats with a smile, and cleans her hands on a nearby towel.

Kyosuke, she says inwardly, associating the word.

"Hey, uh, do you happen to know that boy, Kyohei?"

2012-08-26, 04:59 PM

"Who?" The girl raises an eyebrow at the strange question, but then shrugs and writes it off. "Sorry, I don't know who that is."

2012-08-26, 05:06 PM
Manabu is up on watch when Remi gets up. He isn't paying much attention until he's officially off watch and the others are awake. He watches Remi while he eats brekfast, trying to pick his brain. She was so familiar dressed up like that. Why? Why did he get this intense sensation of deja-vu? And then she mentioned the studio. "OH MY GOD." He says, nearly choking on his spoon.

Coughing, he sets the spoon back down on his dish and bangs on his chest to try and recover quicker. "I know who you are! You're Remi from Queens of Flowers!" He looks around at the rest of his team. "Do you guys not pay attention? Their lead single hit number one last week? Remi is the lead singer!" He gets all red-faced. "How did I not recognise you?" He slaps his own forehead. "This explain so very much."

2012-08-26, 05:12 PM

The girl smiles and blushes brightly. "Heehe. Ya. We're recording, but things have, well... You know." She has a sudden burst of inspiration, and claps her hands together. "Do you guys wanna meet the band? They're probably hanging around the studio somewhere, so if we get there early we could talk a bit."

2012-08-26, 09:07 PM
"YES!" Manabu outbursts before quickly catching himself. Clearing his throat he speaks again. "I mean, we are supposed to be keeping you safe. I think accompanying you and keeping an eye on your general day to day activies quite covers that." Anyone with even half a brain can see that he's trying not to bounce up an down in his seat.

2012-08-26, 09:12 PM

Remi looks toward Maaya. "Can I take him with me?" Maaya just shrugs, finishes off what little of her breakfast remains, and gets up to leave with Remi.

The songstress looks down at Manabu and gives him a bright smile. "Looks like we can go on ahead. Oh!" She turns to Momo and Takuya. "Do you two wanna come with us?"

2012-08-27, 12:35 AM
Momo looks at Manabu and simply blinks. She hadn't thought of the kid as one for following popular culture, but now that she thinks of it... why did she think that way, she doesn't know. Most people did it. Hence, popular culture. Shrugging, she leaves the issue.

"Wow, you sing in a band? I used to sing too, you know, but obviously not as good or professional as you," she says, dismissing herself with a flick of an hand.

She joins the rest for the studio.

2012-08-27, 03:31 AM

Remi seems genuinely surprised. "Really? I'm surprised. I didn't know ninja got time off to learn singing!" Remi speaks in a light-hearted and teasing tone. She grasps the young Uchiha by the hand and starts dragging her outside. "Come on, come on! We'll need to do a duet sometime."

Whether all the genin follow or not Remi heads out into Sunomou with the irreverence of youth. Sunomou remains much the same even with the sun rising high in the sky. The dirty streets didn't magically change with the sunrise, the "ladies of the evening" ply their trade even during the day, but one thing did change with the coming of the light: The streets are now littered with con-men with card games, shell games, and all other kinds of ways to separate fools and their money.

But Remi either doesn't care, or doesn't judge these people. She waves at a passing hooker more than twice her age. "That's Saya-chan. She's trying to raise six kids you know. Too bad things haven't worked out for her recently.". Remi chats with many prostitutes, con-men, thugs, and all manner of unsavory characters other girls would avoid like the plague. Many of them wave as well, several give her hugs, and one particularly burly man covered in tattoos and scars hands little Remi a large picnic basket. The young songbird has retained a warm and inviting smile all throughout the group's journey.

DC 15 Spot check
A watchful eye reveals that you're being followed at a rather long distance. A group of five thick-necked gangsters trail the girl at a very respectable distance. They keep far enough away that they don't seem like a threat.


Finally your group arrives at a rundown squat building with the words "Morimoto Studios" written across the side in flaking paint. Remi balances the massive picnic basket in one hand, and her other hand points toward three youngsters standing in front of the building's aging front door. The one closest to the door is a rather well-endowed young lady wearing an all black ensemble of tee-shirt, denim jeans, a tattered jacket, and a baseball cap pulled all the way down to shadow her face. Manabu and Momo recognize her as Goto Yuya, the band's bass guitar player. The second is a short young lady wearing the same kind of jacket as Yuya, but with white dress pants, a light blue blouse, and a bunch of golden bracelets. She nurses a half-burnt cigarette, and her fake-blond bangs obscure her vision of your group. Both the Uchiha and the pint-sized ninja recognize her as Shiokawa Masako, the band's lead guitar. The final band member and drummer, Kamachi Yoko, sits on the sidewalk beside Masako. She's wearing a pair of tight red pants with a matching tee-shirt. Her short dark hair is spiked up, and highlighted with blond at the tips. A single silver earring dangles down from her right ear, and occasionally she fiddles with it as she waits.

Yoko's the first one to notice your group, and she hops up immediately. The drummer nudges Masako lightly with an elbow, and the two of them dash toward your group rather quickly. Yuya just remains behind, apparently asleep based on her slump and stance. As Yoko gets closer Remi quickly hands off the basket to whomever can take it from her.

"Ohnono." Remi's worries are quickly realized as Yoko goes into a flying leap once she gets close enough. The drummer tackles Remi head on, and immediately buries her head in Remi's chest.

"I-was-so-worried-about-you-why-didn't-you-visit-or-call-or-write-or-anything." Yoko displays an amazing ability to talk and breathe through Remi's chest, while also showcasing her unbreakable iron grip. The squished singer just pats her friend on the back and does her best to not get crushed. Masako slows down as she gets nearer, and points toward the genin following Remi.

"Who're these guys?" She asks in an almost accusatory tone, but that changes quickly once Remi explains the situation. Masako goes over to your group and extends a hand in friendship to each of you. "Oh, so you're watching over this little idiot? Alright. Just don't let anything happen to her, alright? She's our only hope to get out of this place."

DC 10 Spot Check
A group of four gorillas in suits hang around an alley just down the street from the studio. They seem to have been there awhile.

DC 15 Spot Check
A watchful eye reveals that you're being followed at a rather long distance. A group of five thick-necked gangsters trail the girl at a very respectable distance. They keep far enough away that they don't seem like a threat.

2012-08-27, 07:50 AM
"Yeah, definitely," is all Momo could manage when Remi jokes (or was it real?) about a duet and pulls her into the street.

She watches Remi with approval during their journey through the streets, however. Even in a dunghole such as Sunomou, she apparently won the friendship and/or respect of many unsavory characters, and that in itself was an applaudable feat; but as opposed to, say, Momo herself, Remi apparently did it with actual sincerity and good will. Or so she guesses, at least.

When they finally meet the band, Momo is surprisingly pleased to see the people she heard so much about in person, but to a degree. She is still aware enough to notice the four burly men hanging around a street away, for instance. She glances at her companions to see if they noticed them as well.

Still, she is able to shake the lead guitar's hand with a grin.

"Yeah, that's our plan as well."

2012-08-28, 11:04 PM

The guitarist's hands have the callouses Momo would expect a guitarist to have. She shoots Momo a sly smile, then looks toward Remi and Yoko's hug. Masako points toward the studio. "We've got about fifteen minutes before the producer starts yelling at us. You guys wanna come in and hear us practice?"

2012-08-29, 12:37 AM
"Of course! Just a second though," she adds, and signals her companions to come closer.

"The stealthiest of us should track that group back there to see if they report back to someone, I think," she suggests, whispering.

And just like that, she breaks out and flashes a grin at Masako.

"Let's go."

2012-08-29, 03:45 PM
Manabu stands in awe of the group he now stood in front of. Never had he dreamed he would actually meet the entire Queens of Flowers band. He was going to burst. Not even the thugs around would dampen his mood. Though, it did cause him to bristle up a little bit. He squeaks a little to himself as he shakes the hand of the band's lead guitarist. "I'm shaking hands with Shiokawa Masako and I've met the entire Queens of Flowers. Best. Mission. Ever."

He could only nod as the group was asked to come watch them practice. Being more than a little star-struck. He leaned into Momo when she whispered to him. "There's also a group that's been following us since we left the house. Five guys at a pretty big distance. Don't turn and look. Also, I suck at being stealthy." He is still smiling like a rather large idiot.

2012-08-29, 04:55 PM

Masako laughs at Manabu's antics. "Aw, he's cute. I wanna keep him. What do you think about that little guy? You could tour with us, get free tickets, and be my personal lackey."

The group's jounin shakes her head at that. "Sorry, but he's not for sale." Masako frowns, but Remi just laughs at the whole exchange. Eventually Yoko's untangled from Remi and the three band members go over to pick up their fourth member. Remi motions for the group to follow, but doesn't wait for them.

If the genin follow the band they're treated to a scene of the band getting in place before practice. Remi's standing in front of a long mike-stand, Masako's right beside her with lead guitar, Yuya's near the back with her bass, and Yoko's climbing into the drum pit. After a minute of checking their instruments, tuning, and general prep Yoko starts clicking her drumsticks together.

The band starts, and the melodic pop-punk mix that made them famous flows out from their instruments. Remi seems to be doing worse than normal today, but she and Yuya are capable of carrying the band through even at Remi's worst. Masako sounds like the weak link tonight and makes several mistakes, but Yuya expertly covers them by altering the bass line to match. Even to untrained ears it's plainly obvious that both Remi and Yuya are substantially better than their bandmates, but the looks on their faces say that girls aren't together for fame or fortune. As each one focuses on the flow of music, their love for their craft, and the friendship they have together it's plainly obvious that they're a band because they care for one another. It's also plainly obvious that Remi really is their only chance to break out into rock stardom.

Perform Checks
Remi: [roll0]
Yoko: [roll1]
Masako: [roll2]
Yuya: [roll3]

DC 18 Spot check
The bassist, Goto Yuya, seems to be walking really oddly compared to the other girls. She seems to be slightly limping and favoring her right leg a lot.

DC 23 Spot check
She's a man, baby! Goto Yuya's walk, shoulders, and face seem to be those of a teenage boy in very, very good drag.

2012-08-29, 11:17 PM
Manabu's eyes brighten visibly, the already bright yellow literally brightening at the offer to come with them. He is brought crashing to reality with Maaya's words though, realising them to be true. "I wish I could. But I've got previous dedications." He kind of bowed his head in defeat and followed them inside, still as bouncy as ever. He was going to get to watch them practice! Still the best mission ever. He got to spend a whole with Remi of Queens of Flowers!

For ZN
Their was something wrong with Yuya's leg, maybe she'd hurt it? Whatever it was likely had nothing to do with the fact that she was a he. He waited till after the set to motion for Yuya to come over to the side for a chat. He moved over to the far side of the room before he started talking. "Two questions: What's wrong with your leg? And how many people know about you?" He keeps his voice very quiet.

2012-08-29, 11:41 PM

Before Manabu can pull Yuya aside the doors burst open. A man in a black leather jacket covered in shiny belts, buckles, and snaps saunters through the studio's doors. His boots click as he walks across the waxed floor toward the stage. The tall strawberry blonde man is flanked by three younger men, all of which wear casual tee shirts, jeans, and other clothing appropriate to young rockstars. The lead rocker points toward the stage, then gives the girls a thumbs down. "All of you are still sounding like losers! You girls are lucky Remi is there to carry you, or you'd never make it in this world!"

The strawberry blond's mouth twists into a self-assured grin, but the young men behind him frown at his antics. They're clearly happy for another rock group to come out of Sunomou, but their leader just carries on. "Come on Remi. Join us and you can leave these losers in the dust. With you, our group will be unbeatable!" Remi frowns, and ignores the leather-clad intruder. Remi's entire band pulls together as if they were a wagon train circling their wagons to protect Remi. They don't say anything, but the look in their eyes tells the story: They are not happy.

2012-08-30, 12:15 AM
Manabu considers for a split second drawing his weapon on the intruder that had entered into the building, he'd had his hand on the hilt of ninja-to anyway. Well it was there when the door banged open. But it was just some nameless wanna-be rockers. The white haired boy snorted and let his hand drop. "Here I thought there was going to be trouble, and instead we get a horrible attempt at recruitment by a bunch of talent-less no-names." He rolled his eyes and walked towards the leader. "Why don't you take your cute little no-names and leave? You're upsetting the girls. And I'm fairly sure you can't just come barging in here anyway." He folded his arms across his thin chest and motioned casually with one hand.

2012-08-30, 12:25 AM

"BAHAHA. You don't know who we are?! I'll show ya kid." The rocker's leather jacket twists as he pulls it open to reveal a tee-shirt with a name on it. "STAR☆LIGHT" is scrawled across the surface in professional letting, but none of the other members are wearing one of those shirts. "Bam! Starlight. We're kind of a big deal!"

Masako rolls her eyes. "Psh. Ya. Ten years ago." The strawberry blond man glares at her, then continues on. "Whatever, so we went through some reconstruction, that doesn't matter! Once we have Remi, we'll be on top! And we will get her!"

2012-08-30, 12:42 AM
Manabu was grinning again. Strawberry head was like a clown. Not a particularly funny one, but a clown none the less. "Wow, that's just amazing." He said, putting on a star-struck face, then letting it drop. "I still have no idea who you are. I take the time to read most of the current pop cuture magazines and I don't remember seeing you anywhere." He shrugged. "Pretty sure it qualifies you as no-name posers. No offense, guys who are not making fools of themselves." He nodded to the other members of Starlight. "However, Remi will not be joining you. Your presence obvious is upsetting her and I have to ask you to leave." He smiled again, showing a few too many teeth for it to be considered freindly.

2012-08-30, 04:24 AM
Momo lays a hand on Manabu's shoulder.

"Actually, they were pretty big... ah, was it ten years ago? Before your age, anyway," Momo adds with a smirk. Preserving that expression, she turns to Starlight members.

"I have to agree with my friend here, however, on the fact that you should leave while it's still only somewhat awkward."

2012-08-30, 05:28 AM

The other three members of STAR☆LIGHT try to convince their leader to withdraw, and eventually one of them--wearing a gray tight tee-shirt, with glasses and messy hair--wins him over. He does point toward Remi for one final passing shot. "You'll be joining us eventually sweetheart, so you may as well say your goodbyes to these failures!" With that said STAR☆LIGHT head out the door and leave.

The whole band of Queens move closer to the genin. Remi sighs. "Don't think too badly about those guys. Tonoya is a great guy, but Shojiro's bark makes them seem worse than they are. Really, they're good people."

Masako interjects. "You're being too damn lenient again. Those guys have always been trouble. Sure, Tonoya's pretty cool, but those other losers just wanna harass our poor Remi. Worst part is the manager lets them do it. Says conflict sells tickets! The nerve of that sleazeball."

Yuya and Yoko remain further back from both genin. They don't provide any commentary, but both seem visibly concerned.

2012-08-30, 06:23 AM
Momo palms her face and sighs. "Good people"? How could someone be this nice?

"At least they left. Seriously, these people..." Acting a little more pissed than she actually is, Momo heads for the exit as well.

"I'm going out for some fresh air. You got here?" she asks at her teammates rhetorically, but silently adds as she passes near them.

"I'm gonna tail these guys with Henge."

Just before she leaves the building, she tries to find a blind spot, and uses Henge no Jutsu to transform into a cat before going out. Once she's out, she checks where the guys are headed, and also if the formerly positioned two gangster groups are still around here.

-Converting the chakra cost, probably without needing a roll?
-Taking 10 in Disguise for 25.
-Taking 10 in Hide for 10 + 9 (ranks) + 8 (size) = 27.
-HP: 34/35

Anything I missed?

2012-08-30, 06:29 AM

Momo finds both groups outside. The group that had been there already are still in the same position, but the group that had been following them has set up shop inside a cafe nearby. They're watching the studio, but aren't being obvious about it.

2012-08-30, 11:09 PM
Manabu frowns. He didn't like this "Starlight" group. But that was likely because their spokesman was kind of a doofus. He shrugged and turned back to the group. "Why don't you and Masako go take a break? I'd like to talk with Yuya and Yoko." He motions the pair over to the side of the room and waits for them to work their way over.

"So, what's the real deal going on here? Neither of you seem to want to say anything." He says plainly. "Also, Yuya, what's wrong with your leg? You're favoring it rather noticably."

2012-08-30, 11:15 PM

Remi looks confused, but starts to walk away. Masako, on the other hand, stands her ground. "If you have something to say to them, then you have something to say to all of us." The lead guitarist grabs her singer by the arm and pulls her back over. "And you shouldn't just obey!"

If Manabu continues on regardless of whether Remi or Masako leave, then Yoko explains for Yuya and herself. "Well, those guys showed up outside my house this morning. So I was worried they were here to do something to us."

Masako looks concerned. "Damnit Yoko. You gotta tell us when stuff like that happens. I bet they're trying something before the big show."

2012-08-30, 11:53 PM
Manabu sighed. "Masako, I was trying to avoid upsetting you further. You're already agitated and I didn't want to stress you." He puts on as much as a serious face as he can muster. "As for that, I do want to speak to Yuya alone for a moment. We aren't even going to leave your sight." If pressed against he scowls and says. "It is a private matter."

Assuming Yuya follows him to the other side of the room, he motions her close and speaks. "Two questions: What's wrong with your leg? And how many people know about you?" He keeps his voice very quiet.

2012-08-30, 11:58 PM
If the gangsters seem to be staying where they do, Momo tails the Starlight fellows to see where they are going. Hide check is, as I put it in the last post, 27.

2012-08-30, 11:58 PM

Masako again interferes with Manabu's attempts to get Yuya alone. "Like I said: If you have anything to say to any one of us, then you have something to say to all of us. We're a team, no matter what, right?" She looks back to Remi and Yoko, and both of them nod. Yuya doesn't move to follow, and has said nothing throughout the entire exchange.


The gangsters certainly haven't moved, and don't seem to be moving anytime soon. STAR☆LIGHT heads out of the building and toward the cafe. They don't react as if they were expecting to be followed, and are very easy to follow as a result. They eventually enter the same cafe as the thugs, but Momo can see through the window that they don't sit down at the thug's table. Instead, they take up seats in the back and order something from the baristas.

2012-08-31, 12:03 AM
Manabu scowls. "Fine then. Yuya is limping on her right leg. I want to know why." He crosses his arms again. "But my other question remains private. It's not my business discuss the private dealings of others in public."

2012-08-31, 12:16 AM

Masako shrugs. "Oh. That's because he squeezes his balls when he walks with his knees together. So he fakes a limp so he can walk like a guy."

Remi looks rather upset with Masako, and Yoko giggles when Masako says balls. "Masako", Remi groans, "you can't just tell people that. Keiji's really se--I... I just said his name didn't I?" Masako, Yoko, and "Yuya" all face palm at Remi.

"Yuya" finally speaks up in his defense. "Well, they're here to watch over you, right? So they'd find out eventually. My name is Saejima Keiji. I'm the bassist. But Queens is an all girl band, so I'm also Goto Yuya." Keiji speaks in a rough masculine voice that betrays his sexual characteristics almost immediately. Naturally, none of the girls are phased at all by this revelation. "The girls came up with it, and help me do make-up and things every morning. At least I don't have to wear a skirt like them, so it could be worse."

2012-08-31, 12:29 AM
Manabu blinks. "Hmm. That both makes sense and answers my other question at the same time." He shrugs. "As long as you are all ok with it." He is quickly regaining the bounce he had earlier. "I just count myself lucky to be near you guys!" The 8 year old doesn't spend much time dwelling on the reveation. He's too excited by being close to his favorite band. "So, what do you guys do when you're not practicing?"

2012-08-31, 12:39 AM
Momo continues hanging around the cafe.

2012-08-31, 12:47 AM

The STAR☆LIGHT members and the gangsters all remain where they're at. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that the gangsters aren't going to move at all until Remi does. STAR☆LIGHT on the other hand are just having breakfast.


The band all look at one another, then collectively shrug. "We hang out. There's lots of places that are pretty nice around here. Like there's an arcade down the street that's pretty fun." Masako looks at Remi with a frown.

"Isn't that the one with the creepy guy who runs the money changer?" Yoko sighs at the two girls almost get off on a tangent.

"Basically we hang out, shop, go to the arcade, or harass Keiji for being in drag." Keiji crosses his arms under his "chest" and yells.

"Hey!" Keiji grumbles as Masako interjects.

"Sorry hun, but it's true."

Finally, Remi stops the potential argument by pointing out that Momo had left. "Hey, Manabu-chan. Where's your friend?"

2012-08-31, 01:04 AM
Sighing as much as a cat can do, Momo trails back to the studio. Barring any surprises, she dismisses the jutsu in an appropriate place and walks back to the group. She shakes her head ever so slightly if her teammates glance at her inquiringly.

"What did I miss?" she asks jokingly, stretching his back.

2012-08-31, 06:34 AM

Momo walks back in shortly before another visitor interrupts them. The middle aged man is muscular, ridiculously so, almost to the point of self-parody. The wall of meat that makes up his body ripples and strains against the tight confines of his shirt. A single flex of his bicep would no doubt shred his shirt into confetti, and his pants are in equally dire straits. His face looks like it had seen the worst part of a razor for several years, and the criss-crossed network of scars travels from his chiseled chin to his furrowed brow. His eyes hide behind opaque black glasses, and his spiked brown hair juts straight up. His head turns toward the band, then to the ninja, then back to the band.

"Ninja rock group. I love it. Listen: You ladies need to get finished here super quick. Got a buyer coming in. Sorry, but there's nothing I can do. I know, I know, you don't have to say it. You don't want the place sold. But, ladies, as much as I love the money you've made me this guy is offering more. How much more? Far more. So much money. I won't need you guys anymore. Sorry, but I'll need to ask you to leave. We're closing down for the day, and I've gotta get ready to retire. Good luck girls, now scram." He doesn't seem to ever pause for breath, and the stream of word vomit cascading out of his mouth leaves one clear message: Queens of Flowers just aren't as important as whoever is coming in.

The man asks you to leave once more, and Maaya points toward the door. Queens and Maaya head out first, and if you follow then you're treated to the band gathered around Remi as she starts to tear up. "W-we need to p-p-practice. We," she sniffs loudly to fight back the tears, "we're gonna lose e-e-everything~" Remi goes into full-on bawling mode as Masako hugs the young girl.

Almost as if on cue the giant wall of beef from last night, Gonzou, comes into view as he strolls down the road. A quartet of thugs follow his every move, and the man seems to be heading toward the studio the group had just left. A conservative estimate says he'll arrive in about a minute.

2012-08-31, 09:13 AM
Momo was surprised. All the players were playing their hands awfully quick. And why was that? Because of a disturbing agent, such as their group?

Hmph, Momo pouts inwardly. Her earlier theory wasn't in the right. Not completely anyway. It was clear that Gonzou was in this somehow, but it apparently was important enough of a deal for him to spend an inordinate amount of cash.

Not to mention that the girl Remi was in the center of all this, she was almost completely sure of it, but why and how?

This seems like it will take some time to figure out, she thinks to herself while glancing sideways to her companions.

2012-09-01, 11:58 PM
Manabu stands with his mouth dropped at the revelation by the girls' apparent manager. He was selling their practice space and firing them, it seemed. How could he? The Queens of Flowers were currently topping the charts. It was inconcievable, yet it was happening before him. "How could you? These girls work hard, making you a fairly significant sum of money I'd imagine. And you repay them by selling their practice space and telling them to get lost." He seemed stuck at repeating the obvious. "May your greed lead you to an empty end."

He followed everyone outside and was overcome by the urge to start shooting lightning everywhere. It was a good way to blow off steam, but there was nowhere nearby he could do it safely. This city sucked. What was going on! Gonzou bought out the practice place of the girl he had lent money to hire ninjas to protect? Whose scheme was this? Where did it start and end?

2012-09-02, 03:38 AM

Gonzou seems set to keep on walking past your group without saying a word, but Remi's tears draw his attention. The thugs flanking him stop as Gonzou moves over to talk to your group.

"Oh? I didn't know this was your studio." Gonzou's mocking tone of voice shows the truth, even if his words were lies. "Well it looks I own all the studios in town now. And if you want to use them, then you'll have to sign on with my company." The beef-wall shudders and shakes as he laughs a deep belly laugh. "But... Since you don't have any other choice: My cut has gone up. 95%, and maybe I'll consider making your album."

Masako stares at the giant man angrily, clenches her fists, and given the last few minutes you've seen of her it's not hard to guess what she's about to do. Luckily Keiji's hand stops Masako from punching the yakuza boss and potentially making their lives hell.

2012-09-02, 04:27 AM
Momo almost threw her hands out in frustration. She recognized economic bullying if she ever saw one, but it was all in business. Their group was explicitly hired to guard Remi's life for one week. How could they do anything if the opposition only played "legitimate" cards and didn't attack her outright?

"Listen," she says to Remi in an attempt to find a solution. "Just pack up and go to another city. You're the hottest band around these days. Studios will jump over each other to get you to sign with them. Seriously, you don't need to live in this hellhole."

2012-09-02, 07:11 AM

Gonzou coldly glares at Momo for the young girl's suggestion. "I paid a lot of money to her father to protect my latest investment. If she leaves, then I'll want my money back. With interest it might only require that fat cow to sell his house. Maybe."

Remi looks a bit overwhelmed as Gonzou hammers his point home. "So leave the city. Go to Shurayin or Kanzebou. I don't care what you do. But your father will repay that debt if you leave, one way or another." The implied threat in his voice left a little to the imagination, but his point couldn't be clearer. If Remi left, then her father would be homeless--or worse. And in a city like Sunomou, being homeless may as well be the same as being dead.

2012-09-02, 07:28 AM
"Ugh!" Momo grunts with overboiled anger as she revolves around herself if only to avoid seeing that man's ugly face anymore. It was so good of a set-up that their ninja team wasn't even probably needed in the first place. They were just hired to create a debt.

But they were there. So, the only thing they can do was to find a way to make themselves relevant. Somehow.

She glances at Remi to see what she will decide. This was their band, ultimately.

2012-09-02, 07:37 AM

Momo finds nothing in Remi's stance or look that betrays anything close to resembling a plan. Remi likely doesn't have any idea on what to do, and it shows. The teenager's lost in darkness as her mind reels about searching for an escape.

Gonzou, feeling either benevolent or sadistic, just shrugs. "I'll give you time to think it over." Unless stopped by someone he and his thugs head inside the building to finish negotiating the sales contract.

2012-09-03, 11:33 PM
This turn of events has quickly made Manabu angrier than he had been in his entire life. So mad, that he was probably going to do something stupid. He followed the giant meat-wall Gonzou into the building, approaching the manager as Gonzou did. Before Gonzou could speak, Manabu started in. "I would like to purchase this building. What is the running price?"

Wealth Check: [roll0]

2012-09-03, 11:44 PM

Gonzou just smirks as Manabu makes a play, but the manager looks a bit confused. He looks toward Gonzou, then Manabu, then back again before the gorilla-in-a-suit gives the manager a nod. He finally lets go of the breath he hadn't known he was holding in, then starts talking. "Uh. One million, seven hundred and fifty thousand ryo. D-Do you have anything like that?"

Unfortunately for Manabu, his ceiling of wealth only extends up to 200,000 at the moment. It's possible for him to purchase it, but he would need to take some time. Gonzou simply laughs at the kid.

"Good try. Get some more money and you might become human. Until then, be a good little sheep and get out of my building."

2012-09-04, 12:58 AM
Manabu looked at Gonzou with a small measure of contempt. He really couldn't blame the man for being as successful as he was, but his methodologies were repugnant. He looked backed to the manager. "Give me a day and a half. I can easily beat that price." The statement was seemingly fact. Though, coming out of an 8 year old, it likely sounds incredibly incredulous.

2012-09-04, 01:01 AM

Naturally the manager scoffs at Manabu. Kids like him couldn't possibly have that much money, and there's no way they'd ever spend it on something like a recording studio. Even so, Gonzou just smiles. "Alright. I'll withdraw my bid for twenty four hours. Twenty four hours kid."

2012-09-04, 01:10 AM
"No can do. I need at least..." Manabu looked over the giant man's shoulder and thought for a moment. "35 hours. Preferably 2 days. But 35 hours minimum." He looks a Gonzou. "Unless, you're actually afraid that I can gather enough money to beat your offer in that time. I mean, I am merely 8. How could I ever get that much money?" He doesn't press farther into it than that.

2012-09-04, 01:11 AM

Gonzou just shrugs. "Don't push my benevolence kid. You're lucky to get twenty four hours, and should keep your mouth shut concerning more time. Unless, of course, you got something to make it worth my while."

2012-09-04, 01:13 AM
"I am a full-fledged ninja. Certainly you could use something a ninja could provide." Manabu said, folding his arms across his chest. "Unless you don't believe that, either."

2012-09-04, 01:13 AM
Momo cuts in and flashes a charming smile at the manager, and talks directly to him, as if Gonzou isn't even there.

"Day and a half," she repeats Manabu's words, trying to override Gonzou's 'one day'. "Trust the kid. He comes from a wealthy family, and the Queens are his favorite band. It's just a matter of procuring the money he already has."

"Plus," she adds as an afterthought, "We will personally guard your studio for the 36 hours. In case something happens."

Taking 10 in Diplomacy for 27.

2012-09-04, 01:24 AM

Gonzou ignores the young boy. Children weren't useful, and at best he'd just sell the boy for parts.

The manager looks extremely conflicted when Momo arrives. He really wants to help, but he can't just turn down the biggest yakuza in town for more money. He's not quite that suicidally enamored with the young Uchiha just yet. "W-Well, if Gonzou-sama agrees, then I have no trouble waiting thirty-six hours. B-But otherwise, I can't just put it on hold for more money. H-How greedy would that be?"

Gonzou smirks again. "Alright. I agree to thirty six hours, but only on one condition: If you fail to buy me out then all the girls, including that one," he says as he points toward Momo, "belong to me."

At this point Maaya makes herself known. "I can't let you do that. She belongs to someone else." Gonzou looks irritated, but the detached irreverence in Maaya's tone warns the yakuza that she'd have little trouble murdering him and everyone in his organization if he disagrees.

"Heh. Alright then," Gonzou says with a wider smile, "I guess the deal's off."

2012-09-04, 01:38 AM
"Certainly you'd take something else in exchange for one girl." Manabu says earnestly. "I'm certain we can come to some sort of agreement."

2012-09-04, 03:39 AM
"Let's say, instead of that," Momo continues, not willing to let the hook slip just yet, "I'll do one... favor for you if we fail to buy you out. You can decide the favor," she adds, almost puking inwardly for even thinking of suggesting such a thing, but also aware of how it could be an effective bait. Also, she had no desire to lose the bet at all.

2012-09-04, 04:29 AM

Gonzou shakes his head at Manabu's statement. "Sorry, not interested. I only want the girls because they'll make me a lot of money. You're only useful for your organs, but the girls have talents I can utilize. Either you agree to my terms, or I don't waste my time." Characteristic of what the group has seen of him lately, Gonzou seems to be solely motivated by how much money he can make off the deal. He doesn't seem like he'll budge for less than total control over the band and Momo.

2012-09-04, 04:55 PM
Manabu looks up at Gonzou. "If I fail, how does all the money I have sound? I already have 200,000 ryo."

2012-09-04, 05:09 PM

Gonzou looks down his nose at the young genin. 200,000 was a lot of money, and it was an easy win so why not? "All of your money right now, and the girls outside if I win. If you win, then I'll let you keep the building and I promise I won't torch it. Deal?" His massive hand reaches out to Manabu in a gesture of friendship, but an evil toothy grin spreads across his lips at the same time.

2012-09-05, 11:37 PM
Manabu looks up at the mammoth man. "... Give me a minute. I need to talk with the girls." Manabu steps outside and looks up at the girls. "I have some news and a question or two." He starts, hesitantly. "Gonzou has agreed to give me 36 hours to collect enough money to outbid him. He has done so likely believing there is no way I can come up with one-million, seven-hundred fifty-thousand ryo." He looks down at his feet. "Unfortunately, one of the conditions of allowing this extra time, is that if I fail to gather the money... You all belong to him, in the sense that he will be selling your bodies, most likely."

He looks back up. "I haven't told him yes or no. That's not my desicion to make. It's yours. The question are: How much are you willing to risk for your dreams and are you willing to have an 8 year old manager?"

2012-09-05, 11:58 PM

The girls(and Keiji) all respond with varying states of surprise, except for two: Remi and Masako. Masako glares at Manabu. "Who the hell do you think we are?! We've lived in this place our entire lives. What you're describing: The fear of being nothing and dying in obscurity... That's a fear we've come to terms with! No matter what: I'll put everything on the line for my dream!" Momo, Manabu, and Takuya all know and recognize that Masako's "dream" is impossible for her on her own. Remi and Keiji are both her only chance to escape this world.

Remi, on the other hand, is much more apprehensive about the whole situation. "W-we can't. If we're all together, then the band can replace me and live on to chase their dreams. But if you fail, then none of us have dreams anymore. And... And they'll find out about Ke--I mean, Yuya-san. And h--she'll get..." She means to say "killed", but the word doesn't come when bidden. Instead, Remi just continues on with her statement. "I refuse to put them in danger. I couldn't live with myself if we failed. Please, forget about me and just save their dreams."

All three genin are smart enough to realize that the band is dead in the water without Remi. If she refuses, then the sale will go through as per normal. So Manabu's plan isn't workable unless there's some way to convince her to take the leap.

2012-09-06, 12:16 AM
Momo gets closer to Remi and whispers very softly as not to make it heard to the meathead.

"Don't worry. Technically, if it comes to that, our contract to protect you will take priority over a mere handshake agreement. You (and your band) will not be sold to that guy. Trust us."

2012-09-06, 12:33 AM
Manabu glares at Masako. "Who do you think I am? Do you think I ask this lightly? This is a decision that will literally be the rest of your lives. To make a decision for someone else... That's horrific." He shakes he head. "To agree to his terms without consulting all of you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

Manabu turns to Remi. "Remi, as much as you might think otherwise, you are the center of the band. It's like a flower arrangement, you pick one center flower and organise the rest around it to be as beautiful as possible." He thought the reference was a perfect one for the situation. "Do you really think Gonzou would be denied what he wanted just because one of you said no? Without the studio, none of you could practice anyway. No one would be able to get away from here." He looked her in the eye.

"Do you think that if I thought for one second I could fail this, that I would even consider it?"

2012-09-06, 07:12 AM

Remi looks a bit sad, but nods at what Manabu says anyway. "I suppose you're right. Then, I guess, I'll do it if everyone else agrees."

Keiji and Yoko just look at one another, shrug, then simultaneously answer. "If Remi wants to do it, then what choice do we have?" All four band members have now agreed, and it's now up to Manabu to decide on whether to go through with it or not.

2012-09-06, 10:00 PM
Manabu nods and heads back inside the building. "Everyone has agreed. 36 hours to postpone your bid and allow me time to gather money. Should I fail, they've agreed to your terms." Manabu extended his hand.

Overlord Rion
2012-09-06, 11:53 PM
No, no, no, this was all wrong. Takuya should have figured his first job wasn't going to be all that easy. But this was stupid. Gonzou was violating every single principle Takuya liked to believe he had stood for. And instead of doing something to aid his team, he had sat idly by. He had been trying to find some way to end all this conflict legally.

That last word was a distinct problem. Legal. Even with Manabu's deal, they had only bought 36 hours. And chances were Gonzou wouldn't include the 200,000 with the rest of the money. Takuya only had enough for himself, so he was useless in that regard.


Yes, that might work. His teammates needed to be on board with something illegal. They needed to be on board with either grand theft or cold blooded murder.

Oh, THAT was going to be a sale. While he had the time, he pulled out a notecard and wrote something down. He folded it and handed it to Momo detailing his two ideas.

2012-09-07, 12:35 AM

Gonzou smirks. "Alright then. Manager. I'd like to put down 5 million for the building!" He motions for one of his men, and the goon provides the manager with a bank note. "Good luck little boy."

Gonzou increases his bid to a DC of 39.

2012-09-07, 11:09 PM
Manabu's mouth drops open. "You can't do that! that's not what we agreed to!" He reached back and seized the grip to his blade.

Stopping there to give others the chance to stop me if they wish.

2012-09-07, 11:14 PM

Gonzou gives the boy a wide smile. "Our agreement was that I would withdraw my bid for thirty-six hours. I didn't say anything about my bid staying where it was at."

2012-09-08, 01:01 AM
Momo is suddenly at Manabu's side, putting a hand over the hand gripping the weapon. She doesn't exert force, though, not yet. The touch would suffice in this case.

"Never mind him. We can still do it," she mumbles.

2012-09-08, 03:46 PM

Unless attacked Gonzou gaffs at the young boy then leaves. He seems quite secure in his victory, and the girls look quite dejected when they come back into the building. They've clearly seen Gonzou leave, and seem to have resigned themselves to prostitution(and death, in the case of Keiji).

2012-09-08, 09:34 PM
"Why shouldn't I? He's become a legitimate threat to the safety of our client." Manabu says, not releasing his grip. "Our job is to eliminate threats." He turned to look up at Momo. "He can't even try to play fair. Why should I?"

2012-09-09, 06:02 AM
"Because we are more than just gangsters with an extra card or two up our sleeves," Momo retorts, keeping her hand in place, but still not forcing it.

"At least, we should aim to look that way," she continues but with a whisper, loud enough only for Manabu to hear. A smirk appears and vanishes on her face.

Assuming the boy doesn't push it further, Momo suddenly parts herself from him and turns to the Queens.

"Hey, why are you all sulking for? He will get the money. We will all pitch in. And even if Gonzou could somehow outsmart us about the deal," she says with a tone as if talking about flying pigs, "...our contract still takes precedence. You lot won't be forced into anything. He will go down either way." She speaks in such a matter-of-factly tone that it is disconcerting. Clearly she knows something that they don't.

Taking 10 in Bluff for a 20. Probably needless, but anyway.

2012-09-09, 12:06 PM
The girls(and Keiji) smile at Momo's words of encouragement. It seems all that's left is to gather the money and prepare.

Everyone gets 1,000 xp for coming up with an original idea to defeating this scenario, and 250 xp for story completion. Really, good job, I had not planned at all for someone to just buy the place.

2012-09-10, 05:08 AM

The next day and a half comes and goes without event. There aren't anymore groups of thick-necked gorillas following Remi around, there aren't any sudden ambushes by smelly street vendors selling sausages, nor are there any events requiring your direct intervention. Remi goes through the days with her head held high and her spirits up. Your mere presence keeps the seedier elements away, but Remi herself still reaches out to all the people she knew. Ultimately, the last day and a half had probably been the most peaceful time you've had in Sunomou. Well, as peaceful as one can be when fights break out in the streets at all hours of the day, ladies of the evening are plying their trade in the alley out back, and drunken idiots shout half-baked love songs to the local hookers.

On the day of the meeting, Gonzou arrives just ten minutes before the full 36 hours elapse. He brings Kyohei with him, and the boy gives the genin the same cold disinterested look he gave them when they met at the restaurant. He smugly awaits the results of Manabu's expedition for money. He remains cool and calm as the genin counts out his money. Each stack of cash going higher and higher represents the rising anger of the mob boss, and he finally explodes when Manabu places the last 200,000 on the table.

"What are you worthless bastards doing?! Kill them! We'll work things out on our own!" Gonzou berates his men as he demands the genin's heads, but a single voice of dissent speaks out from Gonzou's camp.

"Sir. They are under contract. It would be extremely dangerous to anger Soragakure by killing any of their ninjas." The voice belongs to Kyohei. One sole voice of reason stands as a block to the orgy of violence that would likely leave Gonzou and all of his men dead. "It would be extremely unwise to kill them. We'll simply reinvent elsewhere. You know how bands are: They'll be out of favor in a month."

Gonzou just glares at the genin present. He seems like he'd much rather be trying to kill you than allowing Kyohei to talk.

2012-09-10, 05:50 AM
Momo stands a couple feet behind Manabu, arms crossed and with a serious expression on her face. This was a pleasant surprise from the potential bloodbath she expected when she first observed Gonzou and his gorillas, but the situation wasn't completely defused, not yet. This was the breaking point, actually. The cards were played, the opponent lost, and now it was all about whether he would flip the table or not.

Momo's body tenses, her legs very, very slowly spreading to assume a battle stance, and with a very brief burst of chakra, her eyes develop the signature black-over-red pattern of the Uchiha bloodline. When she speaks, though, her voice is casual, with a hint of comedy.

"The kid is smart. I suggest you listen to him now at the end, as you have done in the beginning."

Activating Sharingan and concentrating on it to See Chakra on Kyohei, just for the kicks.

Also, 27 Diplomacy, 25 Intimidate. Choose the one the situation is relevant to. :smalltongue:

2012-09-10, 12:58 PM
Manabu stood with an unnatural rigidity. He kept his face as clear of emotion as possible as he counted out the enourmous sum of money on the table. "What? Are you surprised that I gathered the money as I said I would? You really must not be very smart to realise that a ninja does not say things lightly." He glared at the muscle-bound gorilla. "I wouldn't let you beat me at this just because you changed the rules."

He kept his arms behind his back as he spoke. "Did you just not take me seriously because of my age?" Momo would obviously be able to see his hands clench into tight fists. "I would have to agree with Kyohei though. You would be an imbecile to assault us. Of course, you did think to challange me after I made a clear statement, so I suppose you are."

I am clearly trying to bait him into attacking. I have another plan.

2012-09-10, 02:44 PM

Kyohei nods slightly at Momo's assessment. It's almost as if he's agreeing to her assessment, and thus his own involvement in the entire charade, without actually saying anything. The young man just looks at Manabu with his dispassionate gaze as the younger boy tries to goad Gonzou into doing something stupid. "Sir. They're children. It would look terribly uncouth for us to be seen killing them. Especially after having lost to them. We would look like sore losers, sir." Kyohei stresses the words almost like he's goading Gonzou himself, but the big man doesn't act.

Instead Gonzou smirks at Kyohei's words, and shrugs the tension out of his shoulders. "You're right Kyohei. I'm disappointed I only got one of the two brothers working for me. I bet the two of you together would have made me lord over this worthless country." With that said, Gonzou storms out with his goons in tow. Kyohei, on the other hand, lags behind a little. He stops, turns to the genin with his same dispassionate gaze, and speaks to them calmly.

"I had truly hoped you would kill him. He'll be going to see his daughter ice-skate tonight. That would be a good chance." The dark-haired pretty boy leaves without further conversation. He has no interest in answering their questions, and even less interest in petty small talk with a bunch of dangerous ninja.

2012-09-10, 02:46 PM
"What are you doing, Manabu?" Momo hisses between her teeth, stretching out the words.

But then, things turn out fine.


2012-09-10, 03:37 PM
Manabu turned to Momo and the girls after Gonzou and his group had left. "See? I told you everything was going to be alright. You can always trust me when I say something." His serious expression broke out into that infectious grin of youth. "I really thought he was going to try and kill me for a second. Who wants to get some ice cream?" Manabu paid Momo's words no attention. Or, seemingly did anyway.

2012-09-10, 03:48 PM
Momo looks frustrated for a moment, reaches back... and throws a mock punch at Manabu's shoulder. A grin breaks out on her face as well.

"Ice cream? Can you even afford one now?" she says mockingly.

2012-09-10, 03:54 PM
Manabu rolls his eyes. "I think I've spent enought money today, don't you? I was hoping you'd treat us." He gave Momo the sad puppy face.

2012-09-10, 03:58 PM

Remi hops up and down at the mention of ice cream. "Yay! Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!" She hugs Momo from behind, and shouts. "Thank you Momo-chan!"

The others just face palm, then Masako grins at the little guy. "You really had us worried there. Next time I come this close to losing my dreams, at least give me a stiff drink first."

2012-09-10, 04:22 PM
"There was never anything to be worried about." Manabu stuck his tongue out. "You guys go on ahead. I'll finish ironing things out with Ex-manager here."

2012-09-11, 02:10 AM
Momo grins again and hugs Remi back with one arm from her awkward position.

"Okay, but don't plan something new on the way," she says half-jokingly to Manabu, and leads the group to the nearest place they can grab a cone.

2012-09-11, 02:51 AM
Manabu grins and waves the girls off. He waits till everyone leaves, and a few moments after before turning around to face the ex-manager of the Queens of Flowers. "Care to try and reason why I shouldn't beat you to a pulp?" He asks solemnly. "Maybe Gonzou threatened you to sell?" He asked stepping back over tot he table. "Please, do tell."

2012-09-11, 02:58 AM

Maaya stays with Manabu, but warns Momo(and Takuya if he goes with her) about staying on their toes.


The group heads outside and Yoko leads the way to the nearest ice cream place. Unfortunately there's nothing like Tsumaki Sweets from back home, and the nearest ice cream shop is just a tall cart parked on a street corner. The proprietor seems to be a young girl wearing extremely short hip-hugging pants, and an equally short and equally tight tank-top. She's standing in front of the cart rather than inside due to her state of dress, but does her best to hawk ice cream anyway.

The girl charges Momo for five ice cream bars, but hands over six. The last, and free, one went to Remi. "I hear you're finally making it big. Well, this one's on the house."

Before the group gets a chance to seriously enjoy their ice cream the sky-nin notice a group of four burly looking men moving toward them very quickly. Each one has a makeshift club--either a thick pipe, metal bar, or wooden stick--in his hands, and they seem intent on seriously harming somebody. The ice cream vendor notices them too, and immediately closes up shop. She starts pulling her cart away as quickly as she can. Unfortunately for the genin the band members don't notice anything.

Dark brown- Building walls
Brown- Road
Dark Gray- Civilians. Treated as hostiles who make no Attacks of Opportunity, but their squares cannot be passed through.
Yellow- Thugs
Pink- Queens(R = Remi, K = Keiji, Yo = Yoko, M = Masako)
Dark Red- Momo

Thugs act on initiative 8+1=9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3691197/).

Queens act on Momo's initiative.

The four thugs are 50ft away from the group right now. Remi and Masako are in high heels, and thus can't take Run actions. They can make double moves though, but each double move will require balance checks from them. And neither one has a terribly good Balance modifier.


Maaya just looks at the little boy. "Other than the fact that it's morally reprehensible? And illegal?"

The manager's up in his office, counting his money and signing the deed over to Manabu. But shortly after the girls, and Keiji, leave someone kicks the door in. Four burly men in loose fitting civilian clothes burst into the main lobby of the studio. Each one carries a thin bottle with a flaming rag in it, and it's not hard to tell that they're molotov cocktails. Each man hurls his incendiary weapon into the lobby. Soon the stage, the backroom, and several areas in the studio are awash in rapidly spreading flame.

Unfortunately all the sky-nin were in the back talking to the manager. Maaya looks toward Manabu, and frowns. "You need to get out of here kiddo. Even fire can catch ninja, you know?" Meanwhile, the manager is appropriately freaking out. He's clearly useless in a crisis, and will have to be babysat in order to survive the whole ordeal.

Super Dark Brown: The Stage. Moving from the floor to the Stage costs an additional 5 feet of movement. Moving across the stage is as per normal movement.
Brown: The floor
Dark Brown: The walls
Red: Fire. Deals 1d6 fire damage if you attempt to cross the square it's in. DC 15 Reflex Save negates the damage.
Yellow: Thugs
Dark Green: Manabu
Purple: Maaya
Blue: Takuya, if he's here.
Pink: The manager

The thugs are acting on initiative count: [roll0]. They spend their surprise round making attacks against the building with their molotovs.

2012-09-11, 09:45 PM
Manabu scoffs. "Illegal, I'll give you. Morally? Not so much." He doesn't say any more on that unless pressed.

He is angry about the arsonists, but rather unsurprised. "I knew that scumbag couldn't be trusted." He concentrated chakra to the bottom of his feet, turned and stepped out of the room. "I'd like to protect my investment, you wouldn't happen to know any suiton jutsu, would you?" He stepped up onto the wall and came around the corner. "Why are you pricks burning down my studio?!"

[SPOILER]Hit Points: 37/37
Chakra Pool: 37/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects: Kinobori: 49 rounds remaining

Activate Kinobori, auto succede
Chakra Cost: 1

Walk up wall and over to 11-8

Overlord Rion
2012-09-12, 12:33 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

"Oh, absolutely wonderful." NOW, I'm pissed. I'm going to beat those thugs into pulp. But first, the fire right in front of me. Can't have that going. Unfortunately, he only had one technique that didn't require a source of water nearby. He made the appropriate hand signs and hoped he didn't break the floor.

Hit Points: 35/35
Chakra Pool: 38/42
Chakra Reserve: 11/11
Armour Class: 16
Meta-Chakra Charges: 2/2

Activating Kaihoudan (Pressure Cannon). Going to aim for the conjunction of the four squares to put out the fire. If I can't do that, then as much as I can. And if I need the attack roll [roll1]

2012-09-12, 02:32 AM
Noticing the burly men, a grim scowl falls into Momo's otherwise graceful features, and she turns to the Queens.

"Girls, you might want to take off your heels," she says to them, gesturing at the oncoming gangsters if any of them looks inquiringly at her.

"Wait here, but run if I fall. Don't go to Remi's house, though, they might look for you there as well. "

With that, she breaks off of them and takes a couple of steps towards the approaching threat. What she was about to do might not be very tactful, but she didn't care. They had their chance at resolving this diplomatically.

"Oh, and also," she says, turning back to the girls one more time. "Look away for a second."

"Gehidama no Jutsu!" A deep breath, and blazing flames.

Moving 10 ft. south, and using Godai Taigeki: Sandan Jutsu on the gangsters. The range is just about enough I think, and the radius can envelop all four of them. Auto-success on the Perform.

Empowering the Jutsu to make it deal 5d6 fire damage, Reflex half, DC 17. I believe I can't empower it any further than that, right?


HP: 35/35
AC: 14
Pool: 15/22
Reserve: 11/11

2012-09-12, 10:03 AM

Remi and Masako obey Momo's orders to take off their shoes. Keiji seems a bit confused, and he almost asks Momo about what she means. But it all becomes painfully obvious when the genin spits a ball of flame at the enemy.

The thugs attempt to roll out of the way, but Momo's powerful flames scorch all of them. The flames roar for a split second, then burn out to reveal four still-smoking slightly charred corpses remaining. All four of them had burnt to death under the intense heat of Momo's technique.

Immediately townspeople start running for their lives, and even the band is taken aback by the brutality of Momo's reprisal. Masako and Keiji look at the young girl with a hint of fear blunting their gazes, and even Yoko seems to regard Momo with a bit more suspicion. Only Remi's eyes haven't changed, and the young songstress just sighs. She wipes her forehead with her ratty jacket, and in the process almost hits herself in the face with her shoes.

"Phew. I was worried."

"W-were those bad guys?"

"Of course! Momo-chan wouldn't kill random people you know?"

Masako and Keiji breathe a sigh of relief, and seem to regain some of the trust they had originally placed in Momo. Remi looks over to the genin. "Um... What about the studio?"

Momo gets 400 XP for killing the thugs.

Manabu & Takuya

Maaya looks at Manabu. "Sorry, no. Wind and Fire."

All four thugs immediately bolt out the door when Manabu makes an appearance. They clearly don't want to mess with ninja, and running away seemed the most likely way to extend their lives. The fires they've started spread further, and soon large swathes of the floor are covered in flames. Takuya's Water Cannon technique can put out large blocks of flames, but can't put out the fire fast enough.

Maaya heads toward the entrance as the flames spread further. "Come on kids! We gotta get out of here."

Originally, I intended to have the thugs fight, but then I realized something... They're in a burning building. Why would they stay?

Either way, the thugs run so the "encounter" has been defeated. Takuya and Manabu gain 400 XP.

2012-09-12, 02:07 PM
Momo raises her head as she walks back to the band, glances over them with an expectation of fear, but is mildly relieved when she finds out that at least one of the faces didn't have that.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that."

Many excuses come to her mind, waiting on the tip of her tongue, but she swallows them back. She did what she did, and she didn't have to explain herself to anyone but her own conscious. Her face grows even more grim, if such a thing were possible.

"The studio, right." She nods at Remi and ushers the group to that way.

2012-09-13, 12:33 AM
"Blast it!" Manabu shouts over the gathering flames. He runs around the flames and out of the building into the street, looking for where the thugs have run.

Moving outside into the street, trying to see if i can't spot the arnsonists. Spot: [roll0]

2012-09-13, 01:06 AM

They're pretty obvious, since they're both unable and unwilling to hide their flight. They seem to be feeling toward the south. The arsonists continue running away at top speed.


The band plus Momo arrive on scene just in time to see Manabu rush out of the studio. Smoke bellows out of the door behind him. Four thugs are running as fast as they can away from the studio, and likely will get away unless either ninja has some way of moving extremely fast extremely quickly.


Maaya looks down at the water-using genin, then points toward the man cowering in the back. "I'll get him out. You get to safety too. Don't get killed by some low-level thugs or I'll be pissed."

2012-09-13, 04:20 AM
Momo takes a brief look at the building and heads over to Manabu.

"I'm going to have a look at Remi's house, maybe they are attacking there as well," she says, trying to make sure that Remi doesn't overhear her.

"What should we do with them?" She points to the band.

Overlord Rion
2012-09-13, 09:08 PM
"Gotcha, Teach. Time to boogie." Takuya tries to follow Manabu through the open doors. If that brat was chasing after them Takuya would have no choice but to help.

2012-09-14, 06:33 PM
Manabu watched the thugs running. There was no way he could catch up with them. It seemed he would have to invest in some taijutsu training when they got downtime next. "Those guys set the studio on fire! We've got to put it out!"

2012-09-15, 04:49 PM
"I don't know any jutsu that could put out fire," Momo answers Manabu, shaking her head. She looks around hopelessly, trying to spot a fire hydrant or a well or something similar.


2012-09-16, 12:35 AM

In the slums of Sunomou there isn't so much as a volunteer fire brigade, let alone a fire hydrant. Momo's investigation turns up nothing except crowds of on-lookers who gathered around to watch the place burn. The band's gathered around Momo, and all of them look naturally upset to see the studio burning down. After all, they had expected to make use of it in the future.

Maaya walks out of the building carrying the manager on her back. She unceremoniously drops the cowering man in the road, then stretches her back as if carrying him had actually been troublesome. The jounin looks toward the three of you, sighs, then shrugs. "Well. What do you plan to do now?"

2012-09-17, 06:44 AM
Momo spares a glance at the building and sighs. "Unless you guys have an idea, that studio looks like it's done for," she says with a shrug. She turns to the Queens.

"Don't worry. You'll have your pick from all of the studios in Sunomou once we take Gonzou down," she says with determination, completely unlike the person who stopped Manabu not half an hour ago.

She seems more than ready to go and do just that.

2012-09-18, 01:04 AM

The band looks a bit more determined with Momo's words. Remi's the only one to ask the question on all of their minds though. "But... If you guys take out Gonzou, then who's going to keep the peace? I mean... Sure, he's a bad guy, but he's got all the other gangsters under his thumb. If he's gone, then who will end up in charge?"

2012-09-18, 07:59 AM
Momo wonders for a moment.

"Kyohei, perhaps?" she says, thinking about the boy's earlier offer. Now to think of it, this did sound a little fishy...

2012-09-18, 06:53 PM
"We'll find someone. It doesn't matter whom. Anyone would be better than that backstabbing prick." Manabu violently spits the words out. "Where is this ice skating rink?"

2012-09-18, 08:58 PM

Masako speaks up at that. "There's several, but Gonzou's daughter only frequents one of them. She's pretty famous--Azai Emiko. Her father owns the Black Ice rink where she does all of her practicing. But... That place will be crawling with goons. Are we really going there?"

Popular Culture DC 16 [+2 Rep Bonus]
Azai Emiko is a very well known ice skater who represents the Fire Country in international ice skating competitions. At first blush she doesn't seem like the kind of thing Gonzou invests in, but given her fame and subsequently endorsement contracts: It's not hard to see where the draw lies.

2012-09-19, 12:23 AM
"WE are not going anywhere. You girls are coming nowhere near that ice rink." He stretched his arms above his head and flexed backwards, working the kinks from his back. "That's all there is to say on the matter. As for goons? As long as they aren't trained ninja, I don't really think we should have much of a problem." He eyes the group, daring them to speak against it.

2012-09-19, 08:22 AM

Masako looks a little offended. "Hey! You can't just march off into danger and expect us to stay here."

Maaya points toward Remi. "Idiots aside. Your mission is to protect her, remember? So are you gonna leave her unguarded when you go off on this revenge mission?"

2012-09-19, 11:25 AM
"Excellent point, Maaya-sensei." He turned to face his other two genin teammates. "Draw straws to see who goes and see who stays?" He paid Masako's comment little attention other than to vaguely shake his hand at her. "You're not going Masako."

2012-09-19, 11:54 AM

Masako gets angrier at being ignored, and that anger makes her reckless. "I don't know about that. I feel like skating today, so I'll just take a trip to the ice rink." Masako moves as if to storm off, and Yoko goes to follow her. Keiji and Remi stay behind, and both seem rather upset. Unless stopped, the two girls go straight to the ice rink.

Maaya sighs. "This is why you should plan revenge quietly, and to yourself."

2012-09-19, 12:25 PM
Manabu looks at the girls. "It seems I have yet, much to learn. I hope you'll educate me against my foolishness in the future. Excuse me for a moment." He ran in front of the girls.

"Masako, if you really want to come, than hit me." He looked up at her. "If you can't, you stay with the others."

Readying an action to use substitution if it looks like she's going to hit me.

2012-09-19, 01:03 PM

Masako makes no attempt to hit Manabu, nor does she slow down. "Why would I? I'm just going ice-skating. You're not my boss, so you can't force me to do anything." Masako and Yoko keep moving past Manabu.

Maaya looks toward Momo and Takuya. "Wanna stop him?"

2012-09-19, 01:30 PM
"Masako, either you stop yourself or I will stop you. I may not be you boss, but I am under contract to protect my client. I'm pretty sure that includes from emotional trauma as well. Which means, I'm free to restrain ou if I think it will help to protect my client." Manabu turns slowly, keeping his face as blank as possible. "That was the last warning you're getting."

2012-09-19, 01:48 PM
"Manabu. Just wait for a second. Thank you."

Momo mentally palms her face, wondering why she let go of the situation in the first place. She walks up to the hot blooded girls, but keeps walking alongside instead of stopping them. She glances sideways at them.

"Masako. Yoko."

"You are putting your friends in danger. If you decide to do this, do you think Remi will simply let you go alone? Do you really want her to be in the same room with Gonzou and his countless goons?"

"No. Your place is with your friends. And your friends need to be safe. We will keep you safe. And in the same time, we will set this thing right. Just... trust us with this, like you did until now."

Momo turns to her team.

"Maaya-sensei and Takuya, you can stay with them, while Manabu and I go and dethrone a certain gangster. Any problems?"

2012-09-19, 02:20 PM

Masako's about to keep shouting at Manabu when Momo interrupts her. She looks rather upset when Momo talks about her friends being in danger. "I am? And what about you? You'll going off to fight a bunch of guys and leave us all alone? What happens to us?" When Momo expresses the plan for Maaya to stay behind Masako looks toward the jounin.

But Maaya isn't onboard. "Sorry little Momo-chan, but her safety isn't my mission." She looks toward Manabu, Takuya, then Momo in turn. "Your safety is my mission, and that means I'm sticking with you--and that means we're all sticking together."

Masako points at Maaya. "See? She's just gonna abandon us!"

Maaya nods. "Ya, pretty much."

Masako looks back to Momo. "And you're just gonna go along with this?!"

2012-09-19, 02:39 PM
Momo's brows furrow. She begins to get frustrated, but manages to swallow it. For now.

She blinks. "You're being unreasonable sensei. How can a ninja team utilize tactics, if they couldn't even split into two groups?"

2012-09-19, 02:52 PM

Maaya shrugs. "Sorry Momo-chan, but I won't let you get lost in a city like this. It's just too dangerous."

Overlord Rion
2012-09-19, 03:09 PM
Well, if there is one thing I know, it's people. I think the ladies are going to go regardless of what we say. We go as a group, or not at all. I'll take responsibility of their actions and keep them safe. My abilities are more suited for defense anyway.

2012-09-19, 03:59 PM
Manabu sighs. "I suppose if that's how it has to be." He shook his head. "If any of you come out of hiding after we get there... Well, the results won't be pleasent." He looked at Momo. "It's really because of who you are." He shakes his head again. "Let's go I suppose."

2012-09-20, 12:35 AM
Momo echoes Manabu's sigh with one of her own, and nods.

"I know."

"I guess we'll adapt to the situation then. Takuya can do what he says - protecting the Queens. Manabu and I will deliver, while sensei... can do whatever that she wants."

"Also, it'd be nice if we strike surgically to remove Gonzou and him alone. I suspect things might not go that way, but let's at least try."

2012-09-20, 01:52 AM

Maaya shakes her head at Momo's idealistic, almost naive, approach to their goal of killing only Gonzou. "Well, okay. How do you propose killing only Gonzou?"

2012-09-20, 02:44 AM
"With a sneak attack?" Momo says, shrugging.

"Or, use a diversion with Bunshin to lure out some guards, and focus on the man himself. Gangsters like them don't follow a man like Gonzou out of loyalty and honor. They do so because of fear and/or gain. We take down Gonzou, and the rest will have no reason to fight with crazy people wielding fire and lightning."

2012-09-20, 02:48 AM

"Details, Momo, details. The bunshins are a plan, but what about the men inside? What about the men around Gonzou himself? How will you deal with them?" Maaya fully expects an answer or plan from the young Uchiha.

2012-09-20, 02:54 AM
"I'll need to see the situation itself in order to set a proper plan. Maybe if we could sneak next to the building, I can have a glimpse to the inside via a high window."

Overlord Rion
2012-09-20, 11:22 AM
I'll be assisting with Genjutsu from the sidelines whenever possible. That should at least make things a little easier for everyone."

2012-09-20, 02:07 PM

Maaya smiles at Momo's last idea. "Now that's an idea. Reconnaissance and intelligence is the key to any good plan. But what are you gonna do about them?" Maaya jabs a thumb at the band.

"You can't sneak around if they're following us everywhere."

2012-09-20, 10:55 PM
"The answer is our initial dillema. And another riddle on top of it: Where do you hide a tree?" Manabu responds glibly. "Why not go ice skating? I'm not stealthy in the least sense. I can keep the girls out of the line of fire and make sure the line doesn't find them either."

2012-09-21, 12:27 AM
"Don't they already know you, and no less the Queens?" replies Momo to Manabu, skeptic.

"How are you going into that rink without sneaking, now that they are outright attacking us? I don't expect you can find a crowd big enough to blend in too, in a city like this."

2012-09-21, 10:32 AM
Manabu frowns. "Look, the girls and I are heading back to Remi's place." He shakes his head. "No more discussion. None of you are being anywhere near Gonzou. Period." He looks at all of them. "I'm keeping you safe and keeping you hidden." He looks at Maaya, Takuya and Momo. "Punch him once for me." He smiles and then motions the girls down the street.

2012-09-22, 11:38 AM

The dark-haired jounin looks at Manabu. "I did say we aren't splitting up, didn't I? That includes annoying little brats. Either all of you go for revenge, or none of you go. Splitting up in this city isn't going to happen."

Maaya gathers the girls, plus Takuya and Manabu, then performs a long series of hand-signs. She touches the ground, and a summoning seal spreads out across the ground under the entire group. The world turns into bright white light, and shortly afterward the group finds themselves standing on top of a three story building.

In front of them lies a large stadium. Two burly men stand at each of the four entrances to the stadium, and large neon letters identify it as the Rikamitsu Center. Aside from the two guards at each entrance there don't seem to be any other obvious dangers.

"H-how...?" Maaya looks at her and frowns.

"Focus. Where's this ice rink?"

Masako points toward the Rikamitsu Center. "That's the place. Uh... Azai-san's in there, and she's usually skating on her own."

Remi looks a bit worried. "I-Is this really the right thing to do?"

Maaya looks toward the genin after that. "Well?"

2012-09-22, 11:45 PM
Manabu grits his teeth and follows his sensei's orders. She was determined, if nothing else. He lets himself be rounded up and then is impressed by the jutsu used to transport everyone. "Clever Jutsu. Combining dimension shift and summoning into a single technique. Quite ingenious. Something of your own devising, Sensei? Or should I recognize it?" He looks at Momo. "This is your show. Make us a plan."

2012-09-23, 04:16 AM
Momo turns to face Remi.

"Gonzou sent armed thugs to kill us and force you into prostitution. If you're planning to stay in this city, how would you see things done?"

She starts to examine the stadium and take in the details.

2012-09-23, 11:37 AM

Remi looks toward Momo. "I..." Her morality clashes with her desire to protect her friends, and it shows via the pained look on her face. She doesn't answer Momo for a full two minutes, as the emotional war going on inside finally comes to a head. "I want my friends to be safe, but I also don't want anyone to die. All lives are precious. Mine, yours, my friend's, even those guys you..." Remi lets that train of conversation derail naturally, and just shakes her head before continuing.

"What do you think I should do?" A sense of dread overtakes the young girl. Whatever the genin decide here will likely shape her fate for a long time.

Revenge and safety at the cost of a young girl's innocence, or is that innocence sacred even if it could be a detriment to her life? You decide.

2012-09-23, 01:59 PM
Momo palms her face yet again, though this time not out of incredulity or boredom, but for the sheer difficulty of the situation before her. She shakes her head for a few moments, and then speaks.


"You are an amazingly nice and innocent person," she starts, and a glint of tear is visible on Momo's eyes. "But all lives are... not precious."

"Lives don't have an importance or meaning just for their own sake. You see, it's the potential a life has that gives meaning to it. And some people, like Gonzou, actively diminish the quality and potential of other lives around him. When you look at Gonzou, all you may see is one person, but I see all the pain and suffering he creates. He is, effectively, a negative person."

"I am sorry."

2012-09-23, 03:04 PM
Manabu watched the building while Momo talked. He listened to her statements and decided perhaps that she was a little soft to be a ninja proper. Though, it seemed girls on a general sense were not able to cut off their emotions entirely. Manabu certainly couldn't, so he couldn't really critisise. "Remi... Sometimes there are no good answers to questions." He doesn't look away from the building. "Sometimes, for others to be safe, something has to be done."

"Life is a precious gift. But to use one to take anothers life is unforgivable." He looks up into her eye. "Makes you wonder why anyone would become a ninja." He turns his head to face the building again. "You're wrong Momo. Lives are just as valuable by themselves as they are to others." Staring at the guards, Manabu considers just walking in. They couldn't really stop him.

2012-09-23, 03:54 PM

The guards certainly couldn't stop any of the genin on their own. Even Takuya's total ineptitude with taijutsu was still leagues above what non-ninjas could do with their swords and knives. And if all three genin went in together then it wouldn't matter how many guards Gonzou had. Short of another ninja, there simply wasn't any visible threat to the group.

Remi looks a bit depressed at what the genin have said so far. "M-maybe you're right. Maybe not everyone is worth the trouble. Maybe some people are better off dead." Her voice trails off until she grows quiet. Masako puts her hand around Remi's shoulder. Yoko looks a bit sad and wraps her arms around Keiji, but the young man's disconnected himself from the whole situation. The boy in drag looks up to the stars, and just sighs.

Maaya looks at all three genin then back to the stadium. "I'm gonna guess there's about fifteen or so guards in there. None of them are really dangerous, but you should always be prepared." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Well, ready when you are."

Queens all lose their Shoujo Protagonist talents, and gain the Jaded Punk Rocker talent instead.

2012-09-23, 05:59 PM
Manabu, instead of continuing the conversation steps out onto the edge of the roof and just kept walking straight down the side of the building. "I'll be back in a couple minutes. Maybe. Could be a little more or less." He just treads down the side of the building, ignoring words in the attempt to stop him. He comes down onto the street and straightens his shirt. He pulls the headband off his neck and wraps it around his forehead properly.

Manabu walks towards the nearest entrance without any sort of hurry.

2012-09-24, 12:11 AM
Momo gazes half-surprised and half-frustrated after Manabu, but does nothing to stop the kid.

Didn't he himself told me to make the plan?

2012-09-25, 10:57 AM

Maaya makes no attempt to stop Manabu. Sure, she said they should stick together, but she really only meant it for Momo. The genin's approach is spotted by the guards rather quickly. One of them points toward him and says something to his companion, who in turn heads inside. The one remaining guard just stands there as Manabu gets closer, and once the genin gets within 50ft the gangster shouts at the boy. "Hey, kid! Get out of here! We got twenty guys in there ready to kick your ass if you try anything funny!"

Maaya looks at Momo and Takuya. "Looks like we're just going in the front door then?"

2012-09-25, 12:18 PM
Manabu slows down greatly but does not stop. "Am I not allowed to go ice skating? Some new law I've been rendered unaware of?" He calls back to them as he slowly steps towards the building. He takes in the immediate area, counting anyone that could get hurt in the crossfire.

2012-09-25, 12:55 PM

"Ya right", the thug shouts, "you're just going ice skating and I'm the daimyo of the fire country. Go no kid. Get out of here and maybe the boss'll stop messing with your girls." The guy gets ready to run inside after his friend.

2012-09-25, 02:10 PM
Manabu's glare tightened. "I'm sorry, you're right. I do have business to discuss. You see, an interesting thing happened a couple minutes ago. My new studio was burned." He focused on the one who had called him kid. "However, I won't be leaving until after I see him." He keeps walking.

2012-09-25, 02:18 PM

Since Manabu isn't stopping the guard just runs inside to join up with everyone else.

2012-09-25, 02:53 PM
Manabu sighed. "We can play games. I like games." He stopped and put his hands together in a series of hand signs. In a puff of smoke, there were suddenly four of the minute genin were standing side to side.

Hit Points: 32/37
Chakra Pool: 31/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects:
Kinobori: 24 rounds remaining

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Ninjutsu Roll: +19 to perform. Pretty sure an auto success.
Chakra Cost: 6

2012-09-25, 03:08 PM

Manabu pops three Shadow Clones in the middle of the parking lot. There's no one else around as far as he can see.

Manabu takes [roll0] 5 lethal from creating 3 clones.

2012-09-25, 03:55 PM
The Manabu's head for the door, each except for one, drawing their blade and keeping an eye out for danger.

Hit Points: 32/37
Chakra Pool: 31/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects:
Kinobori: 23 rounds remaining

Move forward 60 feet, into the doorway if possible. Draw weapons as part of the move action. Orginal Manabu does not draw. Clone 1 in the front.
Spot and Listen Manabu: [roll0] & [roll1]
Spot and Listen Clone 1: [roll2] & [roll3]
Spot and Listen Clone 2: [roll4] & [roll5]
Spot and Listen Clone 3: [roll6] & [roll7]
I believe the clones can do this. If I am wrong.... Oh well.

2012-09-26, 01:15 AM
Momo goes back and forth about helping Manabu for several seconds, and finally sighs audibly. What was he going to do anyway? What was the big idea?

She jumps down the building, and tries to cover Manabu while keeping to the shadows, from a distance back. She intentionally doesn't check to see what her sensei does.

If the roof is too tall, then I'll spend 1 chakra for Minor Harmless Fall Technique.

Also, taking 10 on Hide for 19.

2012-09-26, 01:30 AM

Manabu's clones head up to the door. They're not stopped or assaulted when they make it up there. Once inside the clones find a corridor, about fifty-five feet long, and head inside just in time to see the guard going through a set of double doors at the end.

Momo, and by proxy Maaya, leaps down without any problems. They can both see that the thugs who used to be guarding the other entrances have all gone inside as well. Logically the enemy is gathering together for a pitched battle of some sort.

2012-09-26, 02:10 AM
Clone 1 heads forward down the hall, the rest following a short distance behind. Blades at the ready, they continue to keep eyes and ears open. C1 braces himself against the door and cracks it open to peer through it.

Hit Points: 32/37
Chakra Pool: 31/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects:
Kinobori: 22 rounds remaining
Kage Bunshin: 48 rounds remaining, 3 clones

Move forward 55 feet.
Spot and Listen Manabu: [roll0] & [roll1]
Spot and Listen Clone 1: [roll2] & [roll3]
Spot and Listen Clone 2: [roll4] & [roll5]
Spot and Listen Clone 3: [roll6] & [roll7]

2012-09-26, 02:24 AM
Momo decides to utilize at least a smidgen of tactics, and decides to find a new vantage point to cover Manabu from. She concentrates her chakra on her feet and starts to run up the stadium's wall.

Spending 1 Chakra on Kinobori.
Chakra: 15/22
Pool: 10/10

Overlord Rion
2012-09-26, 07:12 AM
"Girls, stick close to me. Things are about to get hairy and I'm still not sure I want you to see it yet." Takuya was...well, flip-flopping about this plan of attack now that it was actually happening. It wasn't that he was still wondering about killing Gonzou, that S.O.B. was going to drown if Takuya had anything to say about it, but...something felt wrong to him.

He just couldn't place it.

2012-09-26, 10:31 AM

Manabu's clone opens the door a little to see a very large group of gangsters inside a concession area. A quick head count puts them at 25, but Gonzou is no where to be seen. The enclosed space plus Manabu's clones would let him fight them in a long series of one-versus-ones.

Dark Green - Clone Manabu
Pink - Gangsters
Light brown - Floor
Dark brown - Walls
Yellow Lines - Doors. Require a move action to open or expend an extra five feet of movement to open them as part of a move action.

2012-09-26, 11:48 AM
The Manabu's push through the doorway, the one not weilding a sword takes a deep breath, weaves a flurry of hand signs and then breathes out as he stops. "Gentlemen! I suggest you tell me were Gonzou is before you all die!"

Hit Points: 32/37
Chakra Pool: 25/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects:
Kinobori: 21 rounds remaining
Kage Bunshin: 47 rounds remaining, 3 clones

Manabu moves to 9-13, Clones follow in formation.

San Ibuki no Jutsu
Chakra Cost: 6
Ninjutsu Roll: [roll0]

2012-09-26, 04:13 PM

Maaya and Momo finally make it up to the roof, and discovers that the roof is closed. Logically, they would need to have it closed and cold or the ice rink would melt. Luckily she spots an air vent on the roof she could try to climb inside.

Manabu breathes out air, then shouts at the gangsters. They all back off, and one of them(#14) shouts at the genin. "Gonzou's further inside, but that won't matter after we kill you. So why don't you come out of your hide-y hole and try to fight us all?"


Legend: The same.
Light green clouds = San Ibuki effect.

2012-09-26, 04:39 PM
"Why? Because there are twenty five of you and four of myself." Manabu says, grimacing internally. They moved out of range. "Unless you think 25 guys can't beat up an 8 year old." He made a motion with his hand. "Tell you what, I'll put my weapons away. Will that make you feel better?" The Manabu's sheathes their weapons. They also step back and away from the room.

Hit Points: 32/37
Chakra Pool: 25/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects:
Kinobori: 20 rounds remaining
Kage Bunshin: 46 rounds remaining, 3 clones

Sheathe weapons. Move back to the door.

2012-09-27, 12:31 AM
Momo slides into the vent and continues to sneak her way into the building.

2012-09-27, 03:34 PM

The gangsters all look at one another. Surely one of them could kill the kid, but they'd been given orders. They're deadlocked on whether to act on those orders or not, but eventually their decision is taken away from them. The double doors at the back burst open and a woman wearing an odd get-up (http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c26/ZeroNumerous/16a2b85f02e561928b4c11cc0a402254.jpg) walks through. Her long blond hair hangs down to her shoulders. A metal shoulder protector in the same of a face covers her left shoulder, and a ring of black feathers covers her right. She's wearing a tight red corset decorated in golden vine-like embroidery. A pair of snug blue shorts cover her waist, and long black leggings extend down from them. The toes of her shoes are lightly protected with thin metal. The gangsters split as she walks through the large crowd toward Manabu. When she gets close enough to see him clearly she places her left hand on her hip, then extends the right toward Manabu.

"What are you doing young man?" She says plainly in a vaguely familiar voice. She motions toward the trio of ninja behind him. "Do the four of you want to see my boss? He ordered me to take you to him. I suppose he wants to gloat at you for awhile."

Legend: Dark Red - Girl


Popping the grate open is easy, but crawling into the air duct requires Momo to crouch down and crawl on her belly. Maaya tries to follow suit, but she's simply too large to do so. The jounin yells after the Uchiha girl. "Damnit. Don't get yourself hurt in there. I'll go around front to help Manabu." Momo can hear the jounin walking away as she crawls further along.

The young girl crawls for awhile before finally arriving inside what looks to be an announcer's box. Several microphones and mic cords are laying on the ground nearby, and a 360 degree view of the rink is available from the windows all around. Luckily the room is quite dark, and Momo's not visible from the rink. She can see a beautiful young girl in a lacy and sheer pink outfit practically dancing across the ice. A burly man Momo recognizes as Gonzou sits in the stands. Behind him stands the young boy Kyohei, and behind him stands several thugs wearing swords. A wooden door in the back of the room presumably leads out of the sky-box, but Momo discovers its locked if she tries to open it.

Momo's suspended 45 feet in the air above the arena. Gonzou is 75 feet away from Momo's current position.

2012-09-27, 09:14 PM
Manabu considers this for a moment. "If that's so, than I suggest not coming any closer for a little bit. Unless you'd like to die." One of the Clones pulls a kunai from his pouch and throws it into the cloud, striking the ground near the middle. It starts hissing as the acid starts its work on the metal. "I really wasn't expecting to let these men live. You understand." Manabu just looks at the woman, wondering why she seemed vaguely familiar.

Then it struck him. "Fujiwara-san, your intention is not to interfere with my mission, is it?" He looked down at her. He took his headband off and retied it around his neck, the face-plate ending up on his chin. "Certainly not..." He sent the order to one of his clones and it went through the door back out into the hallway.

Hit Points: 32/37
Chakra Pool: 25/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects:
Kinobori: 19 rounds remaining
Kage Bunshin: 45 rounds remaining, 3 clones

Manabu walks onto roof. Clone 3 exits out into the hallway, heading for the entrance.

2012-09-27, 11:25 PM

When the Manabu clone attempts to leave the woman throws a shuriken at the door. It embeds itself in the door, and stops the clone from leaving. "I said the four of you, didn't I? I know the academy taught you how to count."

Min scoffs when Manabu makes the pompous assumption of her being the interloper. "Me? It looks to me like you're interfering in my mission. Soragakure wouldn't send another sky-nin on a mission to oppose a sky-nin, and my mission is to protect my client's life. So what problems do you have with my client little man?"

No one makes any movements. The acid cloud size doesn't change. It disappears in 3 rounds.

2012-09-27, 11:48 PM
"Assuming your client is Gonzou, than he has endangered the safety of my client." Manabu said, not blinking at the shuriken. "And I can assure you, we're still here. You should be experienced enough to recognize the techniques we're using." He stood, waiting for the mist to dissipate. "I feel I should mention that our two mission's might not have thought to insersect and thus no mention was seen to be needed."

2012-09-27, 11:55 PM

Min looks at Manabu for a while, then to each of the three clones in turn. She then nods. "At first I assumed you and your team were just transformed in order to fool these idiots. But if that's not the case, then dismiss them."

When Manabu talks about their missions not intersect Min nods. "Well I was told that some ninja were out for my client's blood, but I wasn't informed of any sky-nin operating in Sunomou. Central would have told me of you, even if our missions had not relation what-so-ever. After all, I might need your help or vice versa."

Min also waits for the acid to dissolve. While waiting, she motions for the guards to leave and go back to guarding their boss. Several of them do so, and soon the room's only got four guards, Manabu, and Min in it.

"So who's your client, and what'd my client do?"

2 rounds remaining on the cloud.

2012-09-28, 12:22 AM
"I'd rather not. Kage Bunshin takes a bit more out of me than I'd like, so they stay for the moment." Manabu said, walking backing down the wall. "From what I here, the inner workings at Central are a little messed up. Or so my three various team compositions the other day would attest to." He shrugs. "I don't really know, this is my first mission."

Manabu nodded. "Approximately five days ago, Gonzou lent a sum of money to my client's father, one Muro Matsuta, to hire the services of my team to protect my client, one Muro Remi, from all harm for one week. Initially, it was the advent of thugs stalking my client that brought my team in. The day after we arrived, Gonzou attempted to buy out the practice space for my client's music group and career, The Queens of Flowers. My team and I convinced him to allow me 36 hours to gather the money needed to beat his offer, believing that I could not gather more than 5,000,000 ryo."

He placed a hand on the handle of his ninja-to, a casual gesture, like leaning on a wall. "Needless to say, when I gathered the money, he was not pleased. He ordered his men to kill us right off. But he was talked down from it." His grip tightened on the blade. "Not long after, and not long ago, less than five minutes in fact, a group of thugs set fire to the building I just purchased and another group tried to assault Remi-sama, her group and one of my teammates in the street."

"I have no reason not to believe this is the work of Gonzou." Manabu said, his grip not relaxing. "Though I'd be willing to here any theories on your end."

2012-09-28, 06:09 AM
Momo looks around the small room for a second and gazes down at the scene. She examines Gonzou first, then Kyohei, the thugs, and finally the girl. Producing an exploding tag from her small pouches, she sticks it to the glass, and then hangs back some 15 feet.

There, she focuses for a moment to tap her not-so-impressive reserves of extra chakra, in case she would need them. Finally, she moves some of that new chakra to her feet.

Using one exploding tag. Then, move action to tap reserves for 4 chakra. Taking 10 would suffice, I think. Also, Chouyaku no Jutsu for 1 chakra as a swift action. I think the moving 15 feet back bit strays a little into the second round, but I'll leave that to you.

Pool: 15+3/22
Reserves: 6/10

Overlord Rion
2012-09-28, 06:59 AM
It had been too long. No burning, no screams of pain. Nothing. Highly unusual. Warning bells were going off in Takuya's head. He remembered Manabu's path, disregarded it as too dangerous for him. but he couldn't leave them here...bah, screw it!

"Ladies, follow me! Staying in one place is far too dangerous!" Takuya heads toward the door, wishing he had a pact with something for messaging.

There was still so much to learn.

2012-09-28, 07:17 AM

The woman shrugs. "Sounds reasonable. He is a gangster, and kind of a ****. So I'd believe he'd set fire to your hard-won rewards. But the thing is kiddo..." Min shrugs. "None of that matters. Fact of the matter is: He's a paying client of Soragakure. I can't let you hurt him unless he renegotiates his contract to not include a bodyguard. I also don't wanna fight it out with you, because then Central will chew us both out. And, frankly, I don't like talking to or being around Sonia."

Maaya arrives on the scene at this point. She looks at Min, then to Manabu, then back again. "What's going on here Fujiwara?" Fujiwara explains the situation, and half way through her explanation Takuya arrives on the scene with Queens in tow.

"So", Min says with a shrug, "we're at an impasse. My orders still stand, so why don't you go to Gonzou and try to talk it out?"


A large group of armed thugs enter the arena. Some of them have their weapons drawn, but most are calm and collected. None of them are injured, and they don't seem to be boasting about a kill judging from their body posture, so it's not hard to guess that Manabu's still alive. Gonzou seems confused for a moment, then one of his men explains the situation in whispered tones to him.

The girl finishes her skate routine, then heads off the rink and into a hallway that presumably leads to locker rooms.

2012-09-28, 10:38 AM
Manabu grits his teeth behind closed lips. He turns and glares at Takuya. "What are they doing here? Take them back to where they were hiding. Now." He wasn't happy about the situation as a whole. A chuunin level ninja here protecting Gonzou, things were going four flavors of screwy. "I will talk with Gonzou. But if he attacks me first or has his men do it, I will not take courtesy for your mission, Fujiwara."

2012-09-28, 05:50 PM

Min shrugs. "I don't really care. I'm still beholden to my contract, regardless of how this goes down."

Maaya whispers to Manabu and Takuya. "You need to find some way to get Gonzou to release Min, or ask Remi to release you. Then you can go on this revenge trip without any problems."

After the acid cloud dissipates Min motions for everyone to follow her. She, and the four guards, escort the other sky-nin into the large ice rink. The group spots Gonzou sitting near the edge of the ice surrounded by big guards. Behind him sits the calm-faced Kyohei. While Gonzou acknowledges your presence Kyohei is as stone-faced as ever.

Gonzou gets up, turns to the genin, and his guards follow suit. The giant gorilla laughs at the ninja. "Hahaha. I didn't think you'd be so bold. Min, kill them."

The woman shakes her head. "Sorry boss. I'm from their village, so I can't just murder them for kicks. They have something they wanna talk about anyway, ya know?" She looks to Manabu and Takuya. "Go on kiddo."


Momo can see everything that transpires, but can't hear anything.

2012-09-28, 09:22 PM
The four Manabu look at Gonzou with almost no expression. They hold their hands behind their backs and it's obvious to see their clenched fists. "Why did you have my studio burned down and the Queens of Flowers attacked by thugs?" He has no preamble and keeps his sentence short and curt.

2012-09-29, 01:50 AM
Momo impatiently puts her entry plan on hold, and simply watches the scene below.

2012-09-29, 05:23 PM

Gonzou chuckles at Manabu's impudence. "Because you insulted me, and I can't have that. If I let some kid do business in my territory, then the other Families will think I'm weak. I can't let that happen."

2012-09-29, 09:46 PM
"And how will others react if they know that can't trust you in a business deal?" Manabu responds, flattening his voice and expression even more. "You agreed that if I beat you, you would not burn the building down, nor would you bother the girls." He kept his eyes leveled on Gonzou's, the clones staring straight forward. "I even continued the agreement after you increased your bid by more than double."

"You managed to completely violate those terms within minutes of losing." All four Manabu looked Gonzou in the eye and spoke at the same time. "Imagine how childish they'll think you are to throw a tantrum when you don't have your way. Who would do business with a child?" The clones go back to looking forward. "Imagine what they'll think when they find out you lost to an 8 year old in the first place."

2012-09-29, 10:21 PM

The crime lord openly laughs in Manabu's face. A long hearty laugh that soon has him doubled over, wheezing, and crying from amusement. His men join in a little, but they're otherwise quite serious. After a minute and a half Gonzou's finally able to talk with a straight face. "Ha... And who's gonna tell them kid? You? Sure, that's fine. Everyone knows ninjas can be all kinds of ages, so losing to a kid ninja? Oh well. But what happens when I tell the other Families about your village not keeping its secrets? How will they react when they hear about how you attacked me after a little bit of arson, huh?"

Gonzou just chuckles. "These old bags of bones in the Families: They understand one thing kid. Honor. Sure, I burned your place down. I hurt your business. But you killed my boys; Four of 'em didn't come back. Now that obligates me to do some real bad stuff. And it's just my word against yours that I struck first. Unless you wanna divulge a client's secrets, but hey... Its your village that's gotta pay the price of that, ya know?"

Gonzou then looks over Manabu's shoulder at Remi. "So, you ain't here forever. She is. You win the battle. You wanna hear that? Alright, I lost. Congratulations. But when you go home? I will win the war. So go on kid. Get out of here. Go crawl home and know that there's **** all you can do, because her ass is dead when you leave."

2012-09-29, 11:35 PM
Manabu's fists tightened behind his back. "I'll make you a deal. Release Fujiwara. Let the girls use one of your studios, take 90%. I will give you myself and all I can do for one year and one day." Manabu put his hands together in a series of handsigns and changes into the form of Fujiwara. "This is the deal I offer."

2012-09-29, 11:47 PM

Gonzou just laughs. "No. Goodbye young man."

2012-09-30, 10:36 AM
Seeing the conversation coming to an end, and Manabu turning into a girl to what end god knows, Momo decides she has waited enough. She takes a deep breath, and starts to run.

A quick snap of chakra and the glass wall explodes. Momo jumps through the smoke and shards, twirls once mid-air, and sends another burst of chakra to her feet just as they connect to the ground. She rolls once to lessen the stress on her legs, but the pain is there, the box was simply too high.

She raises her head, and sees that Gonzou still is too far away. Could her fiery breath cut it at this range? Grimacing, she takes a few steps more, and tries it.

Okay, this will probably end up bad, but here goes:

1) Instant action to detonate tag. Momo takes [roll0] damage of stupidity.

2) Jump down. Jumping down counts as 5 feet, I guess, and taking 10 makes me get the DC 15 to treat the jump as 10 feet less.

3) Swift action to use Minor Harmless Fall Technique for 1 chakra. It lessens the fall by a further 10 feet.

4) The fall is now 25 feet. If we're going by d20 Modern rules for this, let's make a Tumble check [roll1] against DC 15 to treat the fall another 10 feet. And finally, a reflex save [roll2] to divide the final falling damage by two. DC of the this save is 10 + 1 per 10 feet of fall, but I don't know if we round up or down the 5 feet, so I'll let you calculate this step and roll the ultimate falling damage yourself.

5) Used up 5 feet of movement as of now. Chouyaku gave me +5 movement, so I'll move as far as I can with my move action. If I'm not mistaken, I must be 40 feet close to Gonzou now. (75 at the start, moved 35 feet, so 40.)

6) Empowered Enga no Jutsu at Gonzou for 5 chakra. DC 16. [roll3] fire damage.

7) I assume this was the surprise round, so let's make a initiative check just in case. [roll4]

HP: ?/35
AC: 14
Pool: 12/22
Reserves: 6/10

2012-09-30, 03:02 PM

The glass shatters easily, and Momo leaps down to the ground. She lands roughly, and her entrance surprises almost all of the guards. Momo's easily able to finish the remainder of her movement closer, and very few people react. But when she starts to perform her technique the people aren't surprised start to move. In a flash Min has produced a shuriken and hurled it at Momo. In turn, Maaya has produced a kunai and flung it at Min. The black blade twists like a drill in the air and slices across the sky-chuunin's stomach. It seems Maaya was quite serious when she meant her mission was to protect the genin. Even if it meant fighting and killing Min to do so.

Finally, Gonzou's own guards begin pulling their weapons. Only Kyohei doesn't react with violence, and the boy almost casually backs away from the group.

The surprise round only lets you take one standard action. But I'll let Momo make her attack because of how cool it was. She doesn't take fall damage, because in Naruto a Jump check reduces the fall damage by 20ft rather than 10ft. Which puts her at a "fall distance" of 2.

Min's readied action goes off when Momo attempts an attack, and she makes a Shuriken attack at three range increments(up to 45ft) against Momo. If it hits, then Momo needs a DC 24 Concentration check or she loses the technique.

Attack: [roll0] + the better of [roll1]: 18+6=24 vs AC 14.
Damage: [roll2] piercing damage + [roll3] fire damage

Min's readied action sets off Maaya's readied action, and she makes a thrown Kunai attack at Min within point blank range.

Attack: [roll4] vs AC 29 against ranged weapon attacks.
Damage: [roll5] + [roll6]

2012-09-30, 03:53 PM
Momo was focused and resolute. She knew no one could have stopped her, since there were no ninja other then them on this scene.

Yet, she recoils with the pain of a -shuriken?- wound just as she was going through the signs. Impossible, she thinks, and in her surprise, misses a sign.

She stands there, clutching her wound, and looking for who's responsible.

"What..." she mumbles. "Who?" Her eyes turn to Min, and her mouth hangs open.

"Another ninja?" Her voice is loud enough to be carried over.

Does Momo recognize the chuunin?

2012-09-30, 06:08 PM
The prime Manabu, now in the form of Fujiwara, digs a hand into a pocket and pulls from it a coil of tightly wrapped wire. With a flurry of hand signs the coils leap from his hand and launch towards - Momo? Yes, it appears that Manabu is targetting Momo with the technique.

The other Manabu jump between Maaya and Min, trying to prevent them from targetting each other. "Really? You just attack?" He shakes his head. "We're done. We're leaving. We'll finish our mission and go home. This is pointless."

Hit Points: 32/37
Chakra Pool: 21/38
Chakra Reserve: 18/18
Armour Class: 13
Meta-Chakra Charges: 0/0
Ongoing Effects:
Kinobori: 15 rounds remaining
Kage Bunshin: 41 rounds remaining, 3 clones

Using Kousen Shibari on Momo, Ranged Touch attack: [roll0]
Cost: 4 chakra

2012-10-01, 01:19 AM
Momo is further baffled when Manabu-turned-Min throws a coil of wire at her. Even in her bafflement, though, the range was too far, and the throw weak. Momo sidesteps the wires, and looks at him.

"What are you doing?" she asks. "Who is this woman?"

2012-10-01, 09:42 PM

Manabu wastes chakra attempting to capture Momo, and both Min and Maaya have stopped. Min nurses her kunai wound with one hand, but doesn't respond to either Manabu's words nor Maaya's attack. Maaya doesn't look at Manabu as she responds to his question. "I don't need to explain myself to a child." She doesn't respond to Momo's question, and just remains quiet as she focuses her eyes on Min. Any movement the chuunin made would likely result in Maaya hurling another blade.

The gangsters nearby seem rather confused. Some of them still want blood, but others don't want anything to do with the situation. A few of them fully grasp the situation and have withdrawn out of range of all four ninja on scene. But Gonzou's in the middle of them just smirking. "So that was your plan. A good idea, but you don't have the guts to follow through. Get out of here you dogs."

Maaya doesn't move until the genin have withdrawn, and if they decide to leave then she takes up the rear.

2012-10-01, 11:35 PM
"It wasn't actually my plan. It seems rather ill-concieved, doesn't it?" Manabu says, dropping the transformation. "My plan was plain and simple: Come in, kill you and your goons, leave." The clones come together and walk with him towards the door. "One question: How long, Fujiwara?" He places a hand on the door and waits for the response.

2012-10-01, 11:38 PM

Min shakes her head. Obviously she wouldn't be able to share such information with Manabu, and it was frankly foolish of him to ask.

2012-10-02, 03:33 AM
"Sensei, can you put her down without killing her, please?" Momo says between gritted teeth.

2012-10-02, 04:57 AM

Maaya shakes her head. "No, for two reasons. A, it's not part of my mission. And B, even if I do, what will change? Those girl's lives were ruined the moment you stood up to a mob boss without a plan. Attacking Min would only get us into further trouble with Central, and I'm already in pretty deep for hitting her with that kunai."

2012-10-02, 05:31 AM
"Oh, we were doing just fine until the brilliant minds in Central decided to pit two ninja groups against each other!" Momo retorts, visibly angry now. "And she isn't in trouble by drawing first blood on a Sora-nin, but you are?" She waves her hands around while speaking, making sweeping, harsh gestures.

2012-10-02, 06:02 AM

Maaya looks at Momo, and shakes her questions off with a shrug. "Did you expect things to go easily when dealing with the yakuza when they don't win? And yes, I have problems fighting my countrymen. So sue me."

2012-10-02, 06:29 AM
"No, but I expected Central to not f*** up their act and assign two conflicting missions to their own ninja!" yells Momo, her cool totally lost.

2012-10-02, 06:47 AM

Maaya shrugs again. "Central's pretty chaotic right now. The Academy's first graduating class is hitting the world, and the Exams are just months away. Things like this will happen from time to time."

2012-10-02, 07:41 AM
"Well, 'things like that' are going to get people killed. Hmph. Aren't there any regulations to apply in such a conflict?" Momo asks, her fire somewhat subsided as Maaya seemed to accept Central's fault at this.

Overlord Rion
2012-10-02, 05:24 PM
It hadn't taken long, but Takuya was already miffed at the system. he was hoping this would have happened later, like mission 2 or something. "Let's all calm down for a moment, and discuss this someplace safer, shall we?"

2012-10-02, 10:07 PM

Maaya shakes her head. "Normally both groups would withdraw, unless a client's life is in danger. If a client's life is in danger, then that mission takes priority. If both missions have a client's life in the balance, then the higher ranked mission takes priority. If both are of the same rank, then it's up to highest rank ninja in the field to decide."

Maaya goes on to explain. "In our case, our mission is a C-rank. Min's mission involves enemy ninja activity, and thus would be a B-rank. Her mission takes priority over ours. Of course, if our mission wasn't in the cards, then you could freely attack her. You should expect to get some flak from Central for that though."

2012-10-02, 11:59 PM
"Enemy... ninja... activity?" Momo reiterates, some of her former anger resurfacing.

Overlord Rion
2012-10-03, 01:36 AM
"Obviously we can't be the enemy ninja, so that leaves somebody from another village. Deeper and deeper we go. In any case, this mission is a bust. We kept Remi safe, but in the process, ruined her career, lost their studio, and made it so they can never work in this town again."

Some ninja I am.