View Full Version : People of Keran [3.5e Races] (PEACH)

Milo v3
2012-08-21, 08:14 AM
Within the grim world of Keran the creations of the divines wander. They Live, Learn, Hate, Unite, Kill, Survive, Advance.

They formed alliances, enemies, nations, and empires.

These are the people of Keran. Some are new and designed for the world, some were recreated for world, but either way, none of them are the same as the standard races.

Milo v3
2012-08-21, 08:15 AM
Aegis were a creation by the the gnomes using Koumarn technology during the Second Era. Originally we had no minds and were simple soldiers. The Aegis & Gnomish soldiers struck first at the kobolds of the Dragon Isles. Most kobolds were wiped out during the raids and sieges, or taken as slaves. One slave noticed that the Koumarn were so powerful that they didn't need Aegis, but they had started to rely on them. So he and another slave who happened to be a powerful binder summoned a powerful outsider. Some say it was a Infernal Duke others, a Celestial Angel. The two then gave their souls to the outsider, in return the outsider gave them a staff. Which upon contact with an Aegis it would grant it sentience. The Aegis were wracked with guilt over the thousands that they had slaughtered. They immediately rebelled and turned on the Gnomes & Koumarn and set the Kobolds free.

Aegis spend the majority of their days contemplating their existence and trying to think of a potential future for the Aegis. Aegis were infused with small shreds of the Astral Sea, not unlike the way a Binder infuses the soul to a golem, this gives them thought capabilities on par with most humanoids. But despite their similar mental capabilities, there is a large social gap between Aegis and "organic" species. Aegis are incredibly analytical and pragmatic, often opting for the option with the least difficulty for all involved, but they generally don't understand many emotions and have no physical desires. Though constructs, there are exceptionally altruistic, and no longer malicious, individuals. Since their creation and subsequent rebellion, the Aegis have strived to assume control over their own lives and fates.

Physical Description
Aegis are large humanoids, typically 6'10". Their crystalline composition give them considerable weight and a slow, stomping gait. Aegis often sport intricate etchings and arcane runes from their former lives as enslaved war machines. An Aegis is made of Bright Crystal, a positively-charged crystal that gives the Aegis such living qualities. An Aegis face is a large shard of crystal with blank yellow eyes. Aegis lack any form of circulatory system but have a simple nervous system, enough to be aware of pain and damage done to them.

Most races recede at the sight of an Aegis, this is because they were originally used as weapons of war. Hatred runs deep for most races due to the deaths of loved ones at the hands of them. To more forgiving races, the enigmatic Dunesti and the short-lived, forgetful Karmainian's, the Aegis present a unique trade partner and possible ally. Dwarves respect the craftsmanship of the stone and applaud their combat prowess, though Dwarves are still wary of Aegis, they count them as friends. The have a strong relationship with Kobolds, as they were all given sentience because of kobold sacrifice. All Aegis have a deep seated hatred for Gnomes and Koumarn, there previous enslavers. They will never willing work with a Koumarn, but they have been known to trust gnomes after a few years of contact.

Almost all Aegis follow some form of Neutrality. All alignments are present in the race, however. The most common would be Neutral/Good, because of the Aegis' drive to remove their title of 'war machine'.

An evil Aegis is a peculiar sight, the Crystal rejects the mind and turns a dark red or an empty black, depending on how destructive the soul is (this is merely aesthetic and has no effect on healing or other effects). This colouration remains for the Aegis's whole existence, even if the Aegis changes its alignment its crystal will remained stained.

The Aegis have no lands to speak of, though they can live virtually anywhere. Aegis are more likely to associate with whatever race accepts them than most of their own kind. Aegis 'families', that is, groups that decided to travel together, may sometimes set up camps on the outskirts of villages. Though they may not be liked, the defence offered by sentinel constructs has its appeal.

Surprisingly, Aegis are highly religious, often wondering of the gods opinions on the Aegis, and whether or not they have a proper afterlife. They typically worship the local deities of the population in an attempt at assimilation. Aegis almost never worship any deity of war, believing it would brand them a tool of war.

Aegis were taught "Koumay" by their enslavers. Their analytical minds allow them to learn or comprehend almost any language fairly easily. But they have no language of their own.

Most Aegis were given titles like Warrior-2 or Destroyer-99 by the Gnomes who created them. They thought they lacked flavour or appeal and now pick names found in books or from stories.
Typical Names include: Firebrand, Heart-Seeker, Aegis Fang, Twinkle. For some reason or another, they seem to prefer the names of the weapons as opposed to the characters.

Racial Traits

Humanoid (Forged Soul)
Medium: Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Aegis base land speed is 20 ft. An Aegis’s speed is never reduced by armor or encumbrance.
+2 Con, +2 Int, -4 Wis: Aegis are durable, and have tactical mind, but they are new to the world and as such they generally lack "common sense".
Constructed Immunities: Being artificial in make, the body of an Aegis has many defenses. Aegis are are immune to paralysis, phantasms, and poison. Also as Aegis do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This means that an Aegis can drink potions to benefit from their effects and can sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these activities is required for the construct to survive or stay in good health.
Constructed Resistance: Being artificial in make, the body of an Aegis has many defenses. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, spells, spell-like abilities, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue. Also, Aegis cannot be raised or resurrected.
Crystalline Form: The crystals which make up the body of an Aegis grants them a +2 racial bonus to AC against rays. Once per day, they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat. An Aegis is also Vulnerable to Sonic damage.
Dense Crystal: An Aegis suffers a -4 penalty to Stealth and Swim checks.
Natural Weapons: Aegis have a primary slam attack that deals 1d6 points of slashing damage plus 1-1/2 Strength bonus. Aegis are physically strong and their arms are razor sharp.
Natural Armour: Aegis gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class
Powerful Build: The physical stature of Aegis lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever an Aegis is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as Hide), the Aegis is treated as one size large if doing so is advantageous to the character. An Aegis is also considered to be one size larger when "squeezing" through a restrictive space. An Aegis can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, the space and reach of an Aegis remain those of a creature of their actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.
Language: Aegis begin play speaking the Koumay language. Aegis with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Karmainian, Kratoan, Trader’s Tongue.
Favored Class: Barbarian and Fighter.

Vital Statistics
Aegis Random Starting Ages| | |
1 Year|+1d10|+2d8|+4d6

Aegis Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
300 Years|600 Years|1200 Years|No Maximum Age

Aegis Random Height and Weight| | |
Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
6'2"|+1d10|100 lb.|x (1d6) lb.

Normally Dragonborn are only created when a Karmainian or similar creature makes a pact with the god Trothar. They then enter a state where they become encased within a fleshy egg-like sac. Inside the egg they decide on their Aspect. After eight hours they exit the sac and come out as a Dragonborn regardless of what they once were. While they are being "born" the Dragonborn seems to lose its reproductive system during the transition. A Dragonborn "birthed" in this way is called a True Dragonborn.

But they can also be created in another way. In the late Second Era when Sventar attacked, most Dragonborn were killed and their souls were damaged. As such Trothar grant 1 in 10 True Dragonborn the ability to breed with other Dragonborn and they retain their reproductive system instead of losing it during the transformation. The child would have the soul of one of the Dragonborn which died when Sventar attacked. It wouldn't have the memories or personality of the original, but they did have the same aspect as its original. A Dragonborn "birthed" in this way is called a Reborn Dragonborn. Reborn Dragonborn are always born with reproductive systems.

True Dragonborn are Devoted to Trothar's cause, having chosen a pure and noble path of service to the King of Good Dragons. This choice was not lightly made, but arrived at through ceremony and contemplation. Dragonborn have given up their former lives, loves, and interest for a hard life of duty. A Dragonborn, therefore has a strong sense of identity of themselves with a clear purpose in life. This causes them to be more content with what they have than other species in Keran.

But a Reborn Dragonborn is different. They weren't allowed to choose their destiny, unlike their parent, instead being forced into the destiny of killer of evil dragonkind. This causes them to be more aggressive than most other people.

Physical Description
A Dragonborn stands around 5 foot to 7 feet tall and is covered in scales. The colour of these scales can be from a Dark Sanguine Red to a Shining Pure White. A Dragonborn is a humanoid generally of muscular build, regardless of gender. Instead of hair, a Dragonborn has a few tendrils which after a week raise and harden into horn like structures.

Dragonborn take a strategic view towards other humanoid races. Anyone and everyone might be useful to the Dragonborn cause. These folks can and should be employed in the fight against Tiam's spawn.

In addition a True Dragonborn tends to hold members of its original race in a place of high esteem and gentle affection. Having grown up as that creature they better understand them and their culture.

A Reborn Dragonborn generally despise True Dragonborn, especially the two who birthed it, seeing them as fools who have given up the only thing that makes mortals special.


True Dragonborn are normally some form of good, as they have dedicated their lives to the cause of slaying evil dragons. They cannot be evil as Trothar will revoke his gift from the Dragonborn.

Reborn Dragonborn are generally chaotic, and doesn't care about harm coming to others. This causes them to steer toward evil acts, which allow them to finish each mission more efficiently at the cost of their morality.

They have no homeland. They closest thing they had to a homeland is now destroyed. The Ruins was a once a small nation of Good Draconic creatures and Karmainian's. The goddess Sventar saw that they were a threat to her children and flew over the nation. Then she opened all her heads, and let out their breath weapons upon the terrain. The land is now a wasteland where only abominations dwell, except in a single location. A kobold city built in the middle of a volcano. The Dragonborn see this as a single sign of hope for a future nation.

True Dragonborn view Trothar simultaneously as their deity and their father. They accord him honour and worship. Trothar allows his children to worship other deities as long as they are of Good Alignment, but they seldom do.

Reborn Dragonborn generally hate the gods. They see themselves as pawns in gods schemes, and know that there creator will never let them go.

Dragonborn know all the languages from their previous life and normally try and learn Draconic the Language of Dragons to help gain allies or frighten enemies.


True Dragonborn regularly keep their old names to remind them of what they once were and what they have become. But recently some True Dragonborn have been taking new names in Draconic to symbolise they have are a new person after rebirth.

Reborn Dragonborn instinctively know of the name of its previous-self and uses that as its name.

Racial Traits

Dragonblood: Dragonborn are humanoids with the dragonblood subtype.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Dragonborn have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Dragonborn base land speed is 30 ft.
+2 Con, +2 Cha, -4 Dex: Dragonborn are hearty and charismatic, but their bodies are stiff and slow moving.
Blood Foe: Dragonborns were created to combat evil dragons and whenever they fight with there natural foe they're blood begins to boil. Dragonborn gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against Dragons, a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks made to grapple creatures with the Dragon type, and a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against Dragons.
Draconic Aspect: Trothar has blessed the Dragonborn with the ability to imbue dragon power within their bodies. By touching the corpse of a True Dragon and expending a Move action they gain some of the traits of the slain creature. This aspect is retained until a new one is gained, upon which time as the previous aspect is lost. See below for the abilities granted by the specific dragon.
Dragon Fury: Dragonborn have two primary claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of bludgeon, and slashing damage plus Strength bonus, and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d3 points of bludgeon, piercing, and slashing damage plus 1/2 Strength bonus.
Low Metabolism: A Dragonborn can survive on one-tenth the food and water it takes to sustain a Karmainian.
Silent Soul: A Dragonborn innately infuses body with the elemental energy of his surroundings, this stops creatures with an elemental subtype being able to pin point the Dragonborn using Blindsense.
Language: Dragonborn begin play speaking the Draconic and Trader’s Tongue languages. Dragonborn with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Estilex, Infernal, Karmainian, Kratoan, Sumran, Turvani.
Favored Class: Paladin and Ranger.


Amber: Gains a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks while within a Forest.
Black: Gains 5 resistance to acid.
Blue: Gains 5 resistance to electricity.
Brass: Gains 5 resistance to fire.
Bronze: Gains 5 resistance to electricity.
Copper: Gains 5 resistance to acid.
Dry: The Dragonborn can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.
Gold: Gains blindsense 30 feet against creatures that are touching the same body of water.
Green: Gains Poison Use and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying it to weapons.
Plains: Gain Spell Resistance equal to 2 + Character Level.
Plague: Gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened.
Red: Gains 5 resistance to Fire.
Silver: Once per day, the Dragonborn can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll.
Spellwaste: Gains the Spell Warding ability of a Spellwaste dragon. This only affects level 0 spells and spell-like abilities.
White: Gains 5 resistance to Cold.

Vital Statistics
Dragonborn Random Starting Ages| | |
20 Years|+2d4|+3d6|+4d8

Dragonborn Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
150 Years|250 Years|500 Years|+5d% Years

{table="head"]Dragonborn Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|5'2"|+2d10|125 lb.|x (3d4) lb.
Female|4'9"|+2d10|90 lb.|x (3d4) lb.[/table]

During the early years of the Second Era, a race known to others as elves were created by the god Kephra, Lord of the Wild. He designed them to have an eternal bond with nature. They lived happily for two generations but afterword’s two cults were forged. One worshiped the primordials and thought that the world should be returned to its base elements. The Domễ cult believed that they deserve more gifts from their god who left them in the wilds without any tools or resources. The Primordial Cult were slain by the Divines for their blasphemy. The Cult of Domễ saw this as the Divines attacking and began a plan to kill the Divines before they destroyed all mortals.

They began to learn magic separate to divine. Using these new talents they tried to recreate the Primordial Cult to turn them into warriors of vengeance. But the reanimated creatures that come back weren't undead. They were first Demons. They were the first creatures to have died without worshipping a god. As such they had nowhere for their souls to go. These souls just drifted the Astral Sea until they reached Primus. He talked to these souls and corrupted them further than anything ever seen before.

These Demons then started to slaughter the Domễ cult. The survivors of the cult were exiled by the other elves to the plains of Sumra for betraying their creators. The cultists were branded the name Dunesti (Or Exiled Elves), while the others elves saw themselves as being true uncorrupted elves and adopted the name Newesti (True Elves).

After a year of the Dunesti travelling through the plains a blight fell upon them, the land of Sumra was transformed from its former virgin soil into a near lifeless desert. Currently only a single mortal knows the cause for this severe change and he is currently being hunted by the Sumran Empire.

The Dunesti are arrogant and intelligent. Dunesti are also cold and slightly distant, knowing that survival in the desert is hard, and they need to do whatever is required to survive. It is knowing that they do survive in the hostile land of the desert is actually the cause of their sense of superiority.

Dunesti try to think of all the risks of an action, but because of the speed of thought they don't take long to make decisions. This allows them to be great leaders.

Physical Description
They stand at the same height as Karmainians, with less weight because of their lithe and thin bodies. They have tanned skin, and slightly pointed ears. Their eyes aren't almond shaped unlike the Newesti, looking more like Karmainian. Their hair is dark and normally long, serving to keep the sun's glare and heat off their faces.

They have slower metabolisms than Newesti or Karmainians, which is very useful when travelling the desert, but this often causes them to gain weight faster if they aren't nomadic. This also slows the effects of poison slightly, which is useful in that most creatures of the dunes have dangerous toxins.

Dunesti are separated from the Fey unlike the Newesti, and as such cannot breed with Fey, the aging process is much quicker, and they don't naturally merge with the Feywilds. This has made them more likely to be able to procreate with Karmainians and the children that result aren't sterile.

They aren't seen as elves anymore by the Newesti, as they were exiled long ago, but since that was eras ago they are instead treated like Karmainians. They are also currently in a war with the Karmainians and the Gnomes of North Karma so most are suspicious of each other at best. Dunesti are friendly with all other species though, because of a treaty between Sumra and most other nations. They also strangely friendly with Aegis because they didn't reach Sumra during the Aliēnus War.

They tend towards Chaotic Neutral, doing whatever is necessary for them to survive.

The Dunesti rule the Empire of Sumra. Sumra is a largest country in the world of Keran, being of continental size. It is a giant desert with the exception of the Mountain ranges in the east and the forests beyond the mountains. It has many cities in it, with the largest being Sumrana a city on the back of a colossal golem in the image of a Tortoise. With the exception of Sumrana, all the major cities are built from sand and clay, both of which are empowered by magic.

The reason Sumra's a desert is because the Sun Rana heats it more than anywhere else. He burns the entire desert, but his focus is centred on the city of Sumrana itself. This has caused the people of Sumrana only able to go outside at night, as the surface of Sumrana at day becomes hot enough to set even the toughest and wettest flesh aflame.

There are very few oasises, but those that exist are surrounded by small towns which rely on its water. Bandits normally attack these towns for water.

During the season of Desertbane it is basically impossible to survive in the wastes. It gets so hot that flesh dries and sets alight. Water is nigh existent. The only refuge is underground or inside the city of Sumrana.

They turned their backs on the Divines in their creation, so there generally no religious practice in Dunesti culture. Often they only have temples to the Moons of magic and Atlan, goddess of water. The Dunesti hate the Divine Rana as he lays waste to Dunesti's land each day with his unrelenting heat.

In addition to the Divines, it is legal to worship Demon Princes and the Infernal Lords publicly. This strangely has reduced the amount of cults in Sumra, with most instead opperating more similiarly to policed religions in other countries.

They are all taught to speak Sumran from a young age; this language is based off an ancient dialect of Estilex with several words of Infernal mixed in. When spoken its words sound poetic but give off a cold and distant persona.

They are given their names from their parents two weeks after they are born. This name is generally words in Sumran.

Male Names: Belshatzzar, Dawid, Filippu, Gedeon, Jericho, Samuilu, Zaboulon
Female Name: Jescha, Merob, Michol, Naamah, Sepphora, Thamar
Surnames: Bolshadi, Masajaes, Pascaes, Tyser

Racial Traits

Elf: Dunesti are humanoids with the Elf subtype.
+2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Str: Dunesti are nimble and have swift minds. But like their Newesti cousins, they have weaker muscles.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Dunesti have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Dunesti's base land speed is 30 feet.
Abyssal Taint: Because of the Dunesti's hand in creating the first Demons they're minds are slightly linked. Dunesti gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks against creatures with the Demon Subtype.
Low-Light Vision: Dunesti can see twice the distance of Karmainians in Moon-light or otherwise shadowy illumination.
Magic of the Dune's: Dunesti gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively. Also while within a desert he gains a +1 bonus to caster level.
Slow Metabolism: Dunesti gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison. They also only require only one-half the the food and water it takes to sustain a Karmainian.
Waste Walkers: Dunesti receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.
Language: Dunesti begin play speaking the Sumran and Trader’s Tongue languages. Dunesti with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Estilex, Infernal, Karmainian, Kephan, and Kratoan.
Favored Class: Sumran Warcaster and Wizard.

Vital Statistics
Dunesti Random Starting Ages| | |
25 Years|+1d6|+2d8|+4d6

Dunesti Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
80 Years|250 Years|330 Years|+5d12 Years

{table="head"]Dunesti Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'10"|+2d8|100 lb.|x (1d4) lb.
Female|4'5"|+2d8|80 lb.|x (1d4) lb.[/table]

Durzites are very patient by nature, but also heavily driven by desire and greed. They use their intelligence to get what they want, and when that fails, they resort to magic and tools to finish the job. Art and leisure are very important to durzites, and use bound creatures or golems to do menial labour for them.

Durzites aren't as empathetic as other races, with their sense of survival being more prominent. This attitude has helped them survive in the upper areas of the underdark. But this has weakened ties to surface races.

Physical Description
Durzites stand 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh 30 to 40 pounds. Their skin is pale and their faces are tight and angular. They have rather long pointed ears that jut back rather than point up like more sylvan folk. Their eyes are commonly unnatural shades, ranging from deep purples, aquas, yellows as well as the occasional human shade of eye. Interestingly, instead of hair, their heads are topped with coarse spines, similar to that of a hedgehog. These spines slowly continue to grow longer as they age. The oldest of their kind have foot-long spines.

Valuing privacy, they often wear loose robes, cloaks and capes to conceal anything that they may have on them, like armour or weapons. Of course, in the constantly briskly chilled underground, these clothes also serve to keep them warm. Having to traipse across hard stone, often slippery with dew or loose pebbles, their craftsman took it to heart to provide their people the best possible footwear made. Durzite boots are renowned as being comfortable, long lasting and sure-footed and fetch prime prices in markets and bazaars.

Traditionally, durzite clothing is drab or dark colour with a few flourishes for personal taste and style. They seldom wear hoods or hats, but can. Their spines don't prevent them from wearing such things, though it does make them uncomfortable.

Durzites don't get along with other races very well, because of their lack of empathy and lazy nature. Outsiders from the planes don't typically trust durzites either, so knowing that they could use binding magic to trap them.

Occasionally gnomes establish trade routes with durzites, but the Durzites regard them as too destructive to be trusted. Dwarves, with similar living environs, have never gotten along with durzites. Durzites keep to themselves and can hardly be expected to bother with the troubles of the outside world. Many creatures of the underdark fear the cities of the durzites and their secret weapons and schemes.

Durzites run structured, organized lives, and thus tend toward lawful. Though, with adventures and outcasts, they tend toward neutrality, living without the rigors of daily study and schedules. But as all species they're outlooks and alignment are greatly varied.

Durzites live deep within mountains. They build great golems to carve away at the rock and haul away huge boulders. Druids, Earth Elementals, and Wizards follow after and smooth and decorated their halls. Though it is not the halls that impress as much as their caverns, huge open spaces underground filled with stone buildings shaped by magic and lit from all around by thousands of tiny fire beetle souls. Spiralling walkways line the walls of the cavern, leading off to other smaller chambers. In the centre of the city, lies a fortified stronghold, home to the senate of Council Elders, High Mages and High Priests who rule over their city-states. The stronghold reaches to the ceiling of the great cavern, and acts as a support pillar. The Council of Elders is composed of those durzites who win public election, as well as those who live to 100 years, which automatically earns them a seat on the Council.

Elders, Wizards and Binders form the city's Governing Commons. They elect one of their own to sit as the High Elder, who rules until his passing, or his retirement. Though, during peace time, the job is easy, as durzite cities, for all their size, are sparsely populated. For this reason, durzites are wary of letting too many outsiders in at one time. Durzites keep track of visitors, never allowing more than 1 visitor per 2 durzites.

Visitors come to trade, as with gnomes, or to shop for goods in their bazaars, which are always filled with finely made crafts. Durzite made boots are well renowned as the finest footwear available.

In every Durzite city, there is a Gate Room that has portals that connect to every durzite city and often to other planes of existence.

Durzites regularly worship the four moons of magic, despite not being able to see them from their underground cities. They don't have many clerics though and generally use magic items to heal.


Durzites are all taught to speak Trader's Tongue and Turvani at a young age. By the time they reach adulthood they are fluent in both of these languages and often another, chosen by the Durzite as it develops.

Occasionally, other races will refer to durzites as "durzees", or to a single durzite as "durzee". This isn't meant to be a racial slur, it is merely slang.

Durzite names are commonly long and obtuse. In modern ages, their names have gotten progressively shorter. Though, in ages past, it was not uncommon for names to reach past seven syllables. Since they are so long lived and few in number, a durzite will rarely use his surname, saving it for formal occasions only. Surnames are not necessarily taken from the father, and a durzite man may take the surname of his wife if she is of a nobler stature upon marriage.

Male Names: Adelmorn, Alkin, Diyamaki, Ganikarto, Ganteka, Gurdok, Kakarneb, Neoseraphi, Ornugon, Varden
Female Name: Amekmia, Emediomana, Fadameta, Mekanouta, Mesvanterra, Quinata, Votumeta, Zota
Surnames: Arekton, Bakuearol, Cantemarden, Jotenberki, Kanderlan, Penkaron, Setsaravar, Sotaragas

Racial Traits

Durzite: Durzites are humanoids with the Durzite subtype.
Small: As small creatures, durzites gain a +1 size bonus to Armour Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of medium-size characters.
Durzite base land speed is 20 feet.
+2 Int, +2 Wis, −2 Strength : Durzites are smart and have strong wills, but also weaker and less than other races.
Inborn Summoner (Sp): At first level a Durzite must choose a spell from the following list:

Summon Eldritch Abomination I
Summon Monster I
Summon Nature's Ally I
Summon Noble Blood I
Summon Planar Agent I
Summon Primal Being I
Summon Undying Servant I
A Durzite can cast that spell as a spell-like ability once per day. Caster level is equal to character level.
Low-Light Vision: Durzites can see twice as far as humans under conditions of poor illumination. They are able to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Shielded Soul: The soul of a Durzite is protected from the binding of others. Any Binder attempting to make a pact with a Durzite against its will suffers a -5 Racial Penalty.
Language: Durzite begin play speaking the Turvani language. Durzite with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Ignan, Terran, Trader’s Tongue.
Favored Class: Binder and Wizard.

Vital Statistics
Durzite Random Starting Ages| | |
15 Years|+2d4|+2d6|+4d4

Durzite Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
50 Years|75 Years|90 Years|+1d20 Years

{table="head"]Durzite Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|3'0"|+3d6|40 lb.|x (1) lb.
Female|3'0"|+3d4|35 lb.|x (1) lb.[/table]

Dwarves are said to have been created by Genon, the god of elemental stone, during the early stages of the second era. He aimed for them to be the perfect society, but found they didn't develop. So he made a deal with Rana, god of the sun and elemental fire, and imbued his creations with fire.

This trait normally only causes them to have independent thoughts and act as unique individuals, but sometimes it is more powerful resulting in Jinn.

Dwarves are very patient and cautious by nature, but also are stubborn and won't change their minds after they have made a decision. They are very traditional people, but they are known to spontaneous change the tradition. They don't believe in giving something for nothing, this has made the Dwarves seem inhospitable to others despite simply being rational.

They generally aren't greedy and simply believe that you must earn what you gain, otherwise you are greedy and a bane to society. These people generally aren't cared for by others and get no sympathy.

These traits generally alienate others; they enjoy the solitude this has granted them as it allows them to enrich their own culture how they wish rather than losing control because of other races.

Physical Description
Dwarves stand only 4 feet tall but they are so broad and compact that they are on average, almost as heavy as Karmainians. Dwarven men are slightly taller and noticeably heavier, than dwarven women. Dwarven skin is typically a shade of white, brown or black with the colour determining their social Caste.

The lower chin of a Dwarf is covered by a thin layer of bone and at the very bottom of the chin a single horn curves outwards. The horn of a male is normally seen as a personal area in dwarven culture and is never to be seen by anyone but family and intimidate individuals. Females on the other hand lack the horn and do not need to cover their faces in any way.

As such men generally grow beards or cover their faces with clothing, helmets, or clay masks. Most Dwarves wear thick clothes as their homes are cold.

Jinn are a rare caste of Dwarf which is imbued with elemental fire upon being chosen. Their breath is like smoke and their skin is always tanned. They strangely cannot grow facial hair and lack the bone that covers the chins of other dwarves.

Dwarves are seen as selfish by other races. They have never gotten along with the Durzites seeing them as amoral and selfish. This caused the Dwarves to develop in isolation which has caused dwarves to slowly become slightly xenophobic of other cultures. They are currently in a War with the Newesti. They generally don't trust Sarli or Murderer's because of their nature to create undead.

Gnomes generally aren't allowed in Dwarven cities because of the damage caused during the Aliēnus War.

Dwarves are usually lawful, and they tend towards neutral.

Dwarven cities lie on the sides of colossal caverns, deep within the Tulvarn. These caverns are actually part of the underdark so they often have several guard towers around the outside walls.

As these cities are vertical rather than horizontal they Dwarves can section their cities better than other species. As such each caste is placed in a different layer. The Workers dwell in the upper most layer, Artisans in the second, Merchants in the third, Knights in the fourth, and Nobles and Jinn in the lowest layer. Slaves have no layer as they must move through the whole city, they do have an area that only they move through though.

There is a passage of thin tunnels which twist and turn through the different sections of Dwarven Cities, these tunnels connect the the main areas of the city and are known as Whisper Caves, because you can here whispers from the whole city in them.

They worship Genon of the earth. They believe that he is the creator of the Dwarven species and seeks to help them. It is believed every thousand years a Dwarf is chosen by Genon to be his prophet, this prophet automatically becomes the current ruler of the dwarves overriding the previous ruler. The first prophet Jachin used his power to create a colossal sphere; at the centre of this sphere is a large black Onyx which is said to be a gate to Genon's personal realm.

After your Clan Elder chooses your Caste you must touch this Black Crystal, after which you are sworn to be that caste for all your life.

Dwarves are taught to speak Traders Tongue and Turvani. This way they can communicate not only with themselves but also travellers who have stumbled into Dwarven Land.

Dwarves name is granted to him by his clan's elder, in accordance with tradition. Every proper Dwarven Name has been used and reused through the generations. A dwarves name is not technically his own. It belongs to his clan, and if he has shamed the clan they will revoke his name and clanship. From then onward they will be known as "Falkner", which means Fallen in Turvani. In addition to his name, a Dwarf also has a Caste that he is born into. This caste is the Dwarves role in society and cannot be changed by any but the clan's elder.

Male Names: Asad, Hisein, Maram, Murad, Nagi, Naveed, Qadir, Suhayl, Zulfikar.
Female Name: Arij, Ayesha, Galila, Gawahir, Khadiga, Lulu, Maryam, Rajya, Taliba.
Castes: Slave, Worker, Artisan, Merchant, Knight, Noble, Jinn.

Racial Traits

Dwarf: Dwarves are humanoids with the Dwarf subtype.
Small: As a Small creature, a Dwarf gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
+2 Constitution, –2 Charisma.
Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet.
Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkv/ision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and Dwarves can function just fine with no light at all.
Caste: The Caste of the Dwarf grants it abilities for the Caste. See below for Details.
Fortified Body: Dwarves gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease, including magical diseases. Dwarves also gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice + 4.
Feyborn Foe: A Dwarf is trained from a young age in the art of killing elves. Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls and a +4 dodge bonus to AC against creatures of the Elf Subtype.
Language: Dwarves begin play speaking the Turvani language. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Estilex, Karmainian, Trader’s Tongue, Umbrese.
Favored Class: Fighter and Sorcerer. A multiclass dwarf’s Fighter class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

Caste Traits

Slave: A Slave must know how to move through the city as fast as possible and innately knows how to travel through the Whisper Caves. Members of this caste have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants.
Worker: A Worker must be able to work for as long as possible with low cost to resources. All members of this caste gain Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level.
Artisan: An Artisan must be able to form the structures of the great dwarven cities. Members of this caste receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking. In addition the Craft and Knowledge (Engineering) skills are always considered class skills for members of the Artisan caste.
Merchant: A Merchant is a trickster at heart who's life depends on his wares. Members of this caste gain a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie
Knight: A Knight is a strong warrior who must never falter. Members of this caste receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground. In addition they also gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.
Noble: Members of this caste gains a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks. Against Athach this bonus increases to +5.
Jinn: A Jinn is a natural born mage that is imbued with fire. If a member of this cast is a sorcerer with the Fire bloodline, it treats its Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Furthermore, a member of this cast able to cast domain spells that correspond to the elemental plane the race has ties to casts its domain powers and spells at +1 caster level. This trait does not give members of this caste early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers that they could already use without this trait.

Also, once per day as a swift action, a member of this caster can call on the elemental power lurking in its veins to shroud its arms in fire. Unarmed strikes with its elbows or hands (or attacks with weapons held in those hands) deal +1d6 points of fire damage. This lasts for 1 round per character level. The creature may end the effects of this firey assault early as a free action.

Vital Statistics
Dwarf Random Starting Ages| | |
40 Years|+3d6|+5d6|+7d8

Dwarf Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
125 Years|188 Years|250 Years|+2d% Years

{table="head"]Dwarf Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|3'9"|+2d4|130 lb.|x (2d6) lb.
Female|3'7"|+2d4|100 lb.|x (2d6) lb.[/table]

Milo v3
2012-08-21, 08:17 AM
In the Second Era Gnomes were forged from primordial magma by Rana, King of the Burning Sun. Rana filled each of these creatures with a great passion to create. Soon these crafters started to develop a society in the Tulvarn Mountains. Gnomish culture was in a near constant renaissance, with the hundreds of gnomish inventors, artists, and researchers. As their numbers grew the Gnomes dug deep into Keran, but they soon reached the underdark. Within these dark depths they made contact with a strange species known as the Koumarn. But their wasn't any conflict, instead the two cultures made a deal; the Gnomes would gain access to Koumarn technology to supplement their own Steam-powered technology, and in return the Gnomes would give the Koumarn knowledge about Keran.

This partnership went for 100 years, but ended once the Koumarn had all of the Gnomish knowledge. But the gnomes were desperate, they didn't want to lose the possibility of getting more of the highly advanced technology.
So the Gnomes created a weapon for the Koumarn. The Aegis were hulking living titans of crystal, and a hybrid of Koumarn and Gnomish technology.

With these new weapons in their command the Koumarn started to lay siege to the surface of Keran, this was known as the Aliēnus War. The Dragon Isles took the most of the attack, hundreds of kobolds were taking captive, and thousands more were killed. During this invasion the Koumarn left the gnomes to command the Aegis which ran the prisons. When the Aegis gained sentience at the hands of the Kobolds and all the prisoners started to escape, the blame turned to the gnomes. The Koumarn killed the leaders of the Gnomish people as a punishment for their failure and exiled them from the underdark.

The Gnomes left, but when they returned to the surface, they were attacked by those who suffered in the war. Thus the Gnomes decided to build away from the other species. Aquiter was the result. Aquiter was a colossal metallic city which floated on the ocean. But the Kobolds held a severe grudge. They used magic to pierce the illusions of the Gnomes and after many years located Aquiter.

The kobolds annihilated it, killing most of the Gnomes within. Ever since the Gnomes were a dying race; their home destroyed, most of their technology had been lost, they were viewed with distrust. But there is a glimmer of hope, as the North Karmainian's allow them into their lands in return for having to help them in the war against Sumra.

Gnomes have inquisitive minds and are nearly all have an urge to create. This causes them to be very curious in finding out new information. They are always thinking of what to do next and often can't work on long projects because of lack of interest.

They can focus on tasks though if they are important enough though.

Physical Description
Gnomes appear as small deformed humanoids. Their arms are long thin and each leg is stocky and short. In addition to the Gnomes also have a large number of thin whiskers, which are heat sensitive.

The Gnomes are currently viewed with suspicion because of their past of helping the Koumarn Aliēnus War. The Kobolds harbour a special hatred for the Gnomes because they were attacked with the most force and thousands of kobolds were slaughtered because of their actions. The Karmainians do not view them with hostility because of a pact the two races have an alliance against the Empire of Sumra.

They are normally neutral, and they nearly always are chaotic because of their erratic thought pattern.

The Gnomes once lived in the Tulvarn Mountain, but were Exiled upon failing the masters. They then dwelt within the floating city of Aquiter but this was destroyed by the Kobolds in revenge. They are currently nomadic in the plains of North Karma, one of the only places in the world they aren't hated.

Gnomes weren't originally religious, preferring to drive their own destinies rather than been forced to have their life chosen by another. This is slowly changing as the Gnomes are living in the very religious culture of the Karmainians, causing a small number to worship Dylian.

The Gnomes often speak one of two languages; firstly the language of the original gnomes, Mecan, and Karmainian, the language of North Karma. Though gnomes have been known to learn other languages quickly.

There names are short and efficient words in Mecan.
Male Names: Cyrus, Draco, Kyros, Linus
Female Names: Agape, Alexis, Gaiane, Helene

Racial Traits

+2 Consititution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Gnome: Gnomes are humanoids with the Gnomes subtype.
Small: As a Small creature, a Gnome gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Gnomes base land speed is 20 feet.
Cinder Soul: Gnomes are treated as +1 level higher when determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage. If a Gnome has an Intelligence score of 11 or higher, it also gains the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these spell-like abilities is equal to the user's character level.
Eldritch Knowledge: Gnomes have knowledge from beyond the far realm which warps their view slightly and they can gain insight from it in creation. This grants them a +1 racial bonus to Craft and Knowledge (Engineering) checks. In addition they are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice the distance of Karmainians in Moon-light or otherwise shadowy illumination.
Whiskers: Gnome whiskers are heat-sensitive. This allows them to sense fire coming at them before others normally would. This grants them a +1 racial bonus on saves against fire.
Language: Gnomes start with knowledge of the Karmainian and Mecan languages. Furthermore, gnomes with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages).
Favored Class: Alchemist and Xenoalchemist.

Vital Statistics
Gnomes Random Starting Ages| | |
30 Years|+2d6|+3d6|+4d6

Gnome Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
60 Years|85 Years|120 Years|+2d% Years

{table="head"]Gnome Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|3'0"|+2d4|40 lb.|x (1) lb.
Female|2'10"|+2d4|35 lb.|x (1) lb.[/table]

In the begining of the Second Era Karmainian's were created by Dylian, Patriarch God of Good, from the bodies of elves. The creator of the elves decided he disliked similarity between his children and Dylians. So Kephrana linked the souls of each Elf to his home realm, the Feywilds. After this event the raw energy of their god warped them into new beings.

But when the Domễ Cult of the Elves was cut off from the Feywilds they strangely started to revert back into their ancient forms, but they were tainted by the act of creating the first demons. The result of this was the Dunesti (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=241088) The Dunesti were biologically the ancient elves, and as such they were similar to Karmainians, this makes it possible for Dunesti and Karmainians to reproduce.

Even in the Third Era Karmainians and Dunesti are still close enough biologically to reproduce successfully. This results in a Half-Elf. If this Half-Elf breeds with the Karmainian or a Dunesti then the result will be Half-Elf. Strangely they're are rare exceptions, such as the Children of Pravelius, the Count of the Grand City of Everfall.

They are as diverse as Karmainians when it comes to personality. Except that is it alot more common for a Half-Elf to feel like an outsider, as its blood is seperate from both of its parent's cultures. Because of this they have learnt to lie, decieve, and charm with great skill so they can merge with the culture rather than being an outsider.

Physical Description
A Half-Elf appears Karmainian in many respects, but has thinner darker eyes, tanned skin, and raven coloured hair. The ears of a Half-Elf are pointed like those of a Dunesti. They're arms are thinner, more flexible, but because of their heavier build than Dunesti and the trace amounts of Dead Iron in their body this doesn't increase the Half-Elves agility enough to make a difference.

The eyes of the Half-Elf are designed for use in the dark. This allows them to see further in darkness and they can actually see more detail when shrouded in shadow.

Most races on Keran pity the Half-Elves, seeing them as outsiders who have no true home. In Sumran society they have no rights and are classed as seen regardless of blood. Karmainians see them as strange yet similar and distrust them as they have the blood of the enemy in them. The Aegis, Dwarves, and Kobolds are slightly saddened by the fact that the Half-Elves aren't part of either of their parent's societies and generally are rather friendly to them.

They do a lot in common with Aasimar and Tiefling, and the three generally get along quite well. Durzite, Murderers, Ranx, and Sarli treat them as they would any other sentient species.

They tend towards Neutral, having to adapt to their environments rather than question it they have less thoughts about morality.

Most Half-Elves travel to or are born in Kratoa as it has a mixture of Elves and Karmainians, while allowing Half-Elves to have equal rights. The other Half-Elves generally reside in Sumra as they have a some rights and Half-Elves aren't seen in a bad light, compared to North Karma where they are openly distrusted and seen as traitors.

Half-Elves generally worship the deities of the local nation. For a Half-Elf religion is less about personal views and more about what it represents to a culture

For example a Half-Elf will generally worship Dylian if they live in Kratoa or North Karma as his followers are seen as trustworthy and respectable.

Half-Elves learn to speak Trade Tongue, and either Karmainian, or Sumran depending on its culture.

They are given their names from their parents two weeks after they are born. This name is generally two words merged into one made from the Karmainian and Sumran Languages.

Male Names: Belmark, David, Jerob, Samule
Female Name: Jesika, Merob, Michol, Naamah, Sepphora, Thamar
Surnames: Bolshadi, Masajaes, Pascaes, Tyser

Racial Traits

Half-Blood: Half-Elves are humanoids with the Elf and Karmainian subtype.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Half-Elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Half-Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
Talented: Half Elves gain a +2 to any single ability score of your choice during character creation.
Charming Nature: A Half-Elf quickly learn to lie and be charming to try and stop them from being outcasts. They gain a +1 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy Checks.
Karmainian Blood: Because of the Dead Iron in your blood you gain spell resistance equal to 6 + your character level.
Low-Light Vision: Half-Elves can see twice the distance of Karmainians in Moon-light or otherwise shadowy illumination.
Twisted Diversity: Half-Elves have the taint of both the Demons and the Devils within them. As such Half-Elves gain cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5 and gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws because of their combination of traits.
Language: Half-Elves begin play speaking Trader’s Tongue and either Karmainian or Sumran (Chosen at character creation). Half-Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Estilex, Infernal, Karmainian, Kratoan, Sumran, Turvani, Umbrese.
Favored Class: Bard and Fighter.

Vital Statistics
Half-Elf Random Starting Ages| | |
20 Years|+1d6|+2d6|+3d6

Half-Elf Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
60 Years|90 Years|125 Years|+3d20 Years

{table="head"]Half-Elf Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'7"|+2d8|100 lb.|x (2d4) lb.
Female|4'5"|+2d8|80 lb.|x (2d4) lb.[/table]

In the beginning of the Second Era Karmainian's were created by Dylian, Patriarch God of Good, from the bodies of elves. These first Karmainians wandered around the forest and plains of Karma, slowly learning how to live off the land. This eventually formed small farming villages. But as they start to develop into a true society they were attacked by wild magical beasts. On the verge of extinction Dylian gave them two gifts, Divine Magic and Dead Iron. The Dead Iron imbued within their blood resisted the magic of the beasts and soon the towns started to flourish.

In the Third Era the Karmainian's have control over the nation of North Karma.

The Karmainians are a diverse people. They are as likely to be hot-headed as calm. They are more varied than any other race. But there are still similarities. Most Karmainians are judgmental and will normally see people for their heritage and profession (Especially North Karmainians) rather than who they actually are.

Karmainian's are very proud and see them as being the favourite of the Divines as they were the first to be gifted Divine Magic.

They also act on emotion more than logic and are prone to rash decisions.

Physical Description
Karmainians are normally slightly taller and heavier than elves, but there are hundreds of humans which are exceptions to this. Karmainians come in various different shapes. Their skin tones can range from a dark brown to a pale white. Karmainians generally grow long hair, which can range from blonde, brown, raven coloured, and rarely red. They have oval shaped eyes which are generally a green tinted brown, but variants often occur. Such variants are Amber eyes, Blue eyes, Green eyes, and in some amazingly rare cases purple and eyes which change with the weather.

Karmainians also have a small quantity of Dead Iron in their bodies. This amount increases over time, which causes minor side-effects of Dead Iron. This means that eventually a Karmainian will faintly glow blue in moonlight.

The people from North Karma are currently in a war with the Sumran Empire causing distrust with the Dunesti and some Newesti. This also causes hostilities with the allies of the Dunesti such as the Kobolds and the Aegis.

Because of the War of Sands the Karmainians have enlisted the help of the Gnomes to combat Sumra despite the gnomes past. So Gnomes are free to travel in North Karma and it isn't uncommon to see Gnomish merchants traveling through North Karma. They treat Aasimar, Half-Elves, and Tieflings as outsiders because of their Non-Karmainian blood makes them untrustworthy.

They are normally neutral, but they all do have a small pull towards good.

The Karmainians were first created in the Northern Sections of Karma and spread from there. As such they quickly forged the nation of Karma. But during the War of the Dunes they lost huge portions of the south to the Lizardfolk and Ranx armies from the Moonshadow Isles. Once the war started to die down the Lizardfolk and Ranx had taken full control over South Karma forming a nation seperate to the North.

In addition to North Karma, Karmainian's are also commonly found in Kratoa and they have a good number of control in the Kratoan government.

Most Karmainians are religious at an extreme level. They nearly always worship their creator Dylian and his children.
As they are mainly fanatics they will generally do whatever the Leader of their religion says even if it makes no sense believing that they must have more knowledge and wisdom.

As the Karmainians are so focused when it comes to religion, worshiping gods which oppose Dylian such as Jaccob, and Electren, are seen as blasphemous and are severely discouraged.

They all to learn to speak Trade Tongue, and either Karmainan or Kratoan.

They first names are from other languages. Their last names are normally titles only gained upon an achievement. This is why all Nobles in Karmainian society have adventurers in their blood. These titles are normally the combination of two Karmainian words.

Racial Traits

Karmainian: Karmainians are humanoids with the Karmainian subtype.
Karmainian base land speed is 30 feet.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Karmainians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Innate Talent: Karmainians gain a +2 bonus to any two ability scores.
Dead Blood: The strange mineral known as Dead Iron flows through the blood of the Karmainians, forcing the species to be resistant to magic. Karmainians have Spell Resistance equal to 11 + your character level.
Innate Adaption : Karmainians are very good at adapting, and they are known to grow in skill to suit their changing needs. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, Karmainians gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
Language: Karmainians begin play speaking the Karmainian and Trader’s Tongue languages. Karmainians with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Estilex, Kratoan, Turvani, Umbrese.
Favored Class: Cleric and Paladin.

Vital Statistics
Karmainian Random Starting Ages| | |
15 Years|+1d4|+1d6|+2d6

Karmainian Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
35 Years|53 Years|70 Years|+2d20 Years

{table="head"]Karmainian Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'10"|+2d10|120 lb.|x (2d4) lb.
Female|4'5"|+2d10|85 lb.|x (2d4) lb.[/table]

Formed by the divine of life, Procern, these creatures which formed from scarabs which were infused with positive energy. They originally dwelt within the fertile plains and forests of Sumra, but when the Dunesti arrived they had to change.

The land turned into a desert in only three years, causing the Kephra to quickly learn to burrow in sand as they did soil. Even after the hurdle of the desert was overcome, the Dunesti brought more suffering.

The Dunesti wanted the lands of the Kephra, and quickly overpowered the insectiod people with magic. After the domination of the Kephra and the extinction of the Lorna, the Dunesti formed the Sumran Empire.

The Kephra prefer small groups and are nomadic. They have no fear of death and feel no grief for those who have entered the afterlife. Despite this they are rather caring individuals, who understand that life is short for others.

Physical Description
Their heads are strange and insectoid, with two large, compound eyes taking up a large amount of the face. They have small mandibles that serve only for eating, not for attacking. They have two antennae atop their heads that function as sensory organs, as well as indicators of mood.

Kephra stand 4 – 5 feet in height on average, with females being slightly larger, but with more slender heads. Their bodies, like most insects, have a defined head, thorax, and an abdomen.

Kephra's sleek bodies and powerful limbs allow them to move through lose materials (like sand) very easily. This helps them move around in the hot desert without being attacked or burnt by the sun.

A Kephra begins life with a hard and smooth exoskeleton. This exoskeleton is black in colour, and is known to shine even after the Kephra has been tunnelling. This exoskeleton is also covered in small bioluminescent orbs which can glow blue.

Kephra feed on raw flesh.

Kephra are rarely ever seen by other species because of their travel method and nomadic lifestyle. This has caused them to seem strange and exotic, especially to the Dunesti which despite living in the desert for many generations have only recently encountered them. They are a myth in many desert nations.

They are generally neutral, preferring to care about their survival rather than morality.

The Kephra travel under the Desert of Sumra using their burrowing to great effect. Being Nomadic they generally don't form settlements, but some have been known to create temporary homes for themselves in the corpses of colossal beasts.

Kephra worship and respect Atlan, Mistress of the Oasis. Atlan is the bringer of life in the desert, but death to the Kephra because of their scarab physiology. Even though Kephra lack settlements, they do pray at Oasis's which serve as temples.

Kephra speak by vibrating their version of vocal cords in their necks. This causes their language to sound very reedy and sound like the wind. The language of Kephan is very similar to the Auran of Air Elementals.

Kephra names are normally hard to say in any language other than Auran or Kephran. Their names are normally a soothing word in Kephan.

Male Names: Lathan, Preher, Monu, Soma.
Female Names: Anon, Kulai, Malai Saccith.

Racial Traits

Insectiod: Kephra are humanoids with the Insectiod subtype.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Kephra have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Kephra base land speed is 30 feet.
+2 Constitution, +2 Wis, -2 Strength: Kephra are wise and have hardened shells, but this exoskeleton restricts its growth of the insects muscle.
+1 Natural Armor: A Kephra's chitinous exoskeleton is tough and resistant to blows.
Carrion Seeker: Kephra have a natural ability to sniff out carrion. This functions like the scent ability, but only for corpses and badly wounded creatures (creatures with 25% or fewer hit points).
Come into Being (Su): Kephra are linked to the afterlife at birth. When a Kephra dies of old age he must make a fortitude save (DC 10) or immediately die. If he succeeds at this saving throw he dies and returns to life at the age of 1 year in 1d4 days (all ability modifiers from aging are removed).
Desert Nomads:[/B] Kephra can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while within the Desert. Magically altered terrain affects them normally. In addition, Heal and Survival are always class skills for Kephra.
Hard to Read (Ex): Their inhuman facial features and foreign body language make it extremely difficult for creatures without the insectiod subtype to tell when they are lying, bluffing, or even joking. Insectoid creatures gain a +2 racial bonus to all bluff, and intimidate checks against all creatures without the insectiod subtype. While Kephra gain a -2 racial penalty to all Diplomacy checks against all creatures without the insectiod subtype.
Insect anatomy: Kephra, like most insects, breathe not through their mouths, but through six spicules in their thorax, three on either side of the body, though they can (and do) speak by vibrating their version of vocal cords in their necks. A Kephra will drown if standing in water of even chest height. Their clothing is designed to accommodate this, but it makes tailoring armor extremely difficult. For a non-Insectiod creatures to create armour for a Kephra, the cost of creation is double, and the time to craft it is tripled.
Sanguine Weakness: Though a Kephra's exoskeleton is extremely durable, it is vulnerable. If cracked, a Kephra is in real danger of bleeding to death. Kephra that take lethal damage begin losing hp due to blood loss at the rate of 2 hp per round per wound until either magically healed or a heal check is made (DC 15). Left on it's own, treat fractured chitin the same as a broken bone as far as natural healing time goes.
Tunneller (Su): Kephra are naturally born to burrow through sand, and inanimate flesh. A Kephra can "Tunnel" through such materials at his land speed while wearing light armour or carrying a light load. His speed drops to 5 feet if a Kephra wears heavier armour or carrier a medium load. A Kephra cannot Tunnel while carrying a heavy load. A Kephra breathes normally while tunnelling. This supernatural ability doesn't allow a Kephra to breath in mediums other than sand, or flesh. When tunnelling through flesh you leave a passage.
Language: Kephra begin play speaking the Kephan language. Kephra with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Infernal, Sumran, Trader’s Tongue.
Favoured Class: Cleric and Necromaster.

Vital Statistics
Kephra Random Starting Ages| | |
1 Year|+1d4|+1d6|+1d8

Kephra Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
5 Years|10 Years|15 Years|+1d4 Years*
* See Come into Being above.

{table="head"]Kephra Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'5"|+1d8|80 lb.|x (1d6) lb.
Female|4'9"|+1d8|90 lb.|x (1d6) lb.[/table]

When Eos created the first dragons he was disappointed with the creatures. They were strong, cunning, and their bodies drew in arcane magic, but they were creatures which valued solitude.

To solve this issue, he forged a new race, one designed to work with the dragons. The Kobolds were these creatures.

In the second era, the Aliēnus War begun and the Dragon Isles was the primary target. This caused the deaths of over half of the lands kobolds, and most others were imprisoned by the gnomish people.

Through the use of arcane magic, a kobold binder was able to grant sentience to the war machines of the army, the Aegis, and grant not only the freedom of the kobolds, but also the end of the war.

Kobolds are industrious and are always attempting to help others in the tribe. In this regard the are selfless to the point of sacrificing their lives in attempts to assist the tribe.

While kobolds do focus on forming large tribes, they still retain a want of privacy, but this only applies to outsiders. When in the presence of foreigners they generally try to appear weak and non-threating, simply so that they don't continue to examine their lives.

This has slowly caused Kobolds to seem pathetic in the eyes of other sentient creatures, but this is merely an illusion to hide their intentions.

From a combination of secrecy and desire to protect, the Kobold species has quickly learnt how to craft traps with great finesse.

Physical Description
A kobold’s scaly skin ranges from a smooth brown to a rusty black colour. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is not prehensile. Kobolds wear thin clothing for mobility, favouring red and orange in colour.

On the brows of their heads lie several small horns of bone, which slowly grow backwards as the kobold ages. At the end of each hand lies tiny but sharp claws, these are generally used for cutting of thin materials, but can be used as weak weapons.

A kobold is 2 to 2-1/2 feet tall and weighs 35 to 45 pounds. Kobolds speak Draconic with a voice that sounds like that of a hissing serpent.

Sometimes a Kobold is born with stronger manifestations of draconic power, these are known as Dragonwroughts and are immediately sent to the MABLIK KITRIL.

The Kobolds keep to themselves, preferring to keep other creatures at bay through trickery and deceit. These actions have now caused most to view Kobolds are weak and pathetic creatures.

They aren't without allies though; from their creation, kobolds innately formed groups around True Dragons, seeing them as higher beings. The Kobolds help True Dragons in any way they can, knowing they are serving a higher purpose. Strangely despite their want of solitude, dragons generally appreciate Kobolds as they have an innate connection.

In return for the devotion of the Kobolds, tribes have wise and intelligent leadership and a protector in case of danger, a role the Dragon seems obliged to grant.

Also the Kobolds are allied with the Elemental Draketooth, a species which were created from the hunting companions of the Kobolds. Despite their newfound sentience, they live in harmony with kobolds, seeing each other as excellent hunters. Many Draketooth serve as cohorts and companions for Kobolds when not in Tribe lands.

Finally, because of their actions in the Aliēnus War, they are permanent friends of the Aegis they freed, and enemies of the gnomes who imprisoned them.

Born directly from Eos, they tend towards neutrality. Kobolds often do not caring about good and evil, instead simply want to survive.

The Kobolds control the Dragon Isles. These islands are rather rocky and mountainous, but has many resources like forests, rivers, and lakes. Also through severe mining into the upper areas of the Underdark, they were able to reach the Ruins. Currently, the Kobolds control the only major settlement in the Ruins, which lies within a colossal volcano.

Kobolds generally worship one of the three dragon divines; Eos, Sventar, or Trothar. Which is often dependent on the dragon they serve.

Kobolds are taught draconic from birth; they rarely learn Trader's Tongue.

The names are formed from words in draconic.

Racial Traits
Dragonkin: Kobolds are humanoids with the Dragonblood and Reptilian subtypes.
Small size: +1 bonus to Armour Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, –4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 those of Medium characters.
Base land speed 30 feet.
+2 Dexterity,–4 Str, -2 Constitution: Kobolds are nimble, but they are physically weak and fragile.
+1 natural armour bonus.
Eyes in the Dark Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet, but are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light.
Slight Build: The physical stature of kobolds lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category smaller. Whenever a kobold is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as Hide), the kobold is treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to the character. A kobold is also considered to be one size smaller when "squeezing" through a restrictive space. A kobold can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller without penalty. However, the space and reach of a kobold remain those of a creature of their actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.
Wyrmblood: A Kobold's blood grows closer to that of a true dragon with each year. As the kobold enters new age categories, it gains new racial traits.
Language: Kobolds begin play speaking the Draconic language. Kobolds with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Karmainian, Kratoan, Sumran, and Trader’s Tongue.
Favored Class: Rogue and Sorcerer.

Natural Weapons (Ex): Young or older Kobolds have two primary claw attacks that deal 1d3 points of bludgeon, and slashing damage plus Strength bonus, and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d2 points of bludgeon, piercing, and slashing damage plus 1/2 Strength bonus.

Empowered Heritage: An Adult or older Kobold gains a Minor Bloodline. This Bloodline must be from a True Dragon. If the Kobold already possesses a Bloodline, he doesn't gain the minor bloodline this ability grants.

Blood Calling (Sp): An Ancient or older kobold can spend a full-round action to cast Know Direction as a 3rd level Bard. This functions as normal except, it locates the direction of the nearest True Dragon rather than north. This can be used once per day.

Vital Statistics
Kobold Age Categories|
Wyrmling|Up to 6 months
Very Young|7 to 18 months
Young|19 to 30 months
Juvenile|31 months to 5 years
Young Adult|6 to 10 years
Adult|11 to 20 years
Mature Adult|21 to 40 years
Old|41 to 60 years
Very Old|61 to 80 years
Ancient|81 to 100 years
Wyrm|101 to 120 years
Great Wyrm|121 or older

Kobold Random Starting Ages| | |
6 Years|+1d3|+1d4|+2d4

Kobold Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
60 Years|90 Years|120 Years|+Cha Years1
1 Dragonwrought Kobolds multiply this number by 10.

{table="head"]Kobold Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|2'1"|+2d4|40 lb.|x (1) lb.
Female|1'10"|+2d4|30 lb.|x (1) lb.[/table]

Milo v3
2012-08-21, 08:20 AM
In the Second Era the Lacembra were created by Atlan, Queen of the Sea, from the dark waters of the Moonshadow Isles. These creatures were masters of the marsh and the coast, and quickly formed tribes. These tribes were barbaric but were very adaptable. They swiftly discovered how to make tools and were skilled hunters.

After many years, the Lacembra started to explore the other islands of the Moonshadow Archipelago, finding the Ranx. The two species, fought at first, but quickly realised that working together was a much better strategy for survival.

Lacembra are cautious and but strangely arrogant. They take time to think decisions over, making sure they are fine with the consequences. Lacembra's arrogance comes from their natural talent in hunting and their skill in surviving in the swampy jungle.

Physical Description
Lacembra usually stand 5 to 7 feet tall with green, dark bronze and grey scales to help them blend into the murky water. The Lacembra has a crocodile like head, they are equipped with jagged teeth that can deliver a powerful bite that can crush bone, tear and fillet meat. Their eyes are a very deep yellow or sometimes orange. Their thick neck connects to a lean but surprisingly muscular body. They use their tail for balance and propelling itself through the water, the tail is about 3 to 4 feet long.

Lacembra have had a long partnership with the Ranx and both races have very good relations. The Karmainians don't trust Lacembra as during the War of Dunes, they took over South Karma. Most other races are neutral in disposition to the Lacembra.

Lacembra don't care about morals, preferring to simply do what they need to survive. This causes them to generally be neutral.

They live in the Moonshadow Archipelago and in the marshes of South Karma. Preferring to inhabit the bogs and the deadly jungles in the southern regions, these green-scaled lizardfolk are well adapted to their semi-aquatic life. Like their animal cousins, Lacembra often hunt by lying half-submerged in the dark, reedy water of their homes, hoping to ambush any creature which wanders too close.

Worship of the Divines is common in the Moonshadow Isles. Most Lacembra hold Atlan, there creator as their patron, but it isn't uncommon for them to worship other gods of nature like Kephrana, Lord of the Wild.

They are the speakers of the Umbrese tongue. Which originated in their homeland of the Moonshadow Jungles. This language has a small number of words compared to most, but still functions in nearly any situation.

The names of a Lacembra is generally a word in the Umbrese Tongue.
Male Names: Klahan, Preecher, Mongkut, Somchai
Female Names: Anong, Kulap, Malai Sasithorn

Racial Traits

+2 Constitution, +2 Wis, -2 Intelligence
Cold Blooded: Lacembra are humanoids with the Reptilian subtypes.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Lacembra have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Base land speed is 30 feet.
Camouflage: Lacembra's rough scale pattern and dark bronze colouring allow it to blend into murky waters of the Moonshadow Archipelago. Lacembra gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks while within marsh.
Guerrilla Stealth: Lacembra reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty (this number includes the penalty reduction from this trait).
Hold Breath: A Lacembra can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.
Natural Armour: A Lacembra's scaly skin provides it with a +1 natural armour bonus to its Armour Class.
Natural Weapon: A Lacembra has a natural Bite Attack as a primary attack. This bite attack deals 1d6 plus 1 1/2 your strength modifier in bludgeon, piercing, and slashing damage.
Tail: A Lacembra's long tail gives it exceptional balance, great jumping skill and helps propel it through the water, a Lacembra gains a +1 racial bonus on all acrobatics, and Swim checks.
Language: Lacembra begin play speaking the Umbrese and Trader’s Tongue languages. Lacembra with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Estilex, Karmainian, Kratoan, Turvani.
Favored Class: Druid and Ranger.

Vital Statistics
Lacembra Random Starting Ages| | |
10 Years|+1d3|+1d6|+1d10

Lacembra Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
30 Years|50 Years|65 Years|+2d20 Years

{table="head"]Lacembra Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'5"|+3d10|150 lb.|x (1d6) lb.
Female|4'8"|+2d10|130 lb.|x (1d6) lb.[/table]

In the Second Era the Divine of Nothing, Nihlus imbued a female raven with Divine Energy, this raven then gave birth to a creature that was humanoid but avian. The Murderers were her children. Once she birthed this race, the pain killed the mortal bird. This Raven, now known as Aves, ascended as the Divine of Birds.

Despite Murderers often being called "Bird Brains", they are actually quite intelligent. They are generally pessimists, expecting the worst out of every situation. They are seen as cold, as they don't care about the dead because of their Necromancer-dense culture.

They also have a knack for puzzles because of their swift thought pattern.

Physical Description
Murderers generally stand only 5 feet tall but their wings add slightly to their weight. Murderers actually have the physical traits of Newesti except for a few details.

Glorious wings stretch from their bony arms. Their feathers are a blue so dark it appears black in all but direct sunlight. These feathers cover their bodies from head to ankle, except on their hands, feet, and on their faces. They have elven facial features, with the exception of their eye colour. Their eyes are normally purple, blue, red, or black.

Contrary to rumour they do not have chicken-like legs. They have thin and lithe legs, similar to those of elves.

Murderers are seen as a bad omen in North Karmainian culture. And as such are rarely allowed to stay at inns. Newesti normally are curious of Murderer's, because of their similarities in appearance. In dwarven and durzite culture Murderers are seen as creatures of myth, as dwarves rarely leave their underground homes. They get on well with Sarli as they are not only both shunned by Karmainian Culture, but also because they share their native land. They generally act indifferent to Kobolds seeing them as weak, but strange creatures.

Murderers are normally Neutral, in that they see no reason to be good or evil. They do what they do, and that is all they morals they need.

They live in the lands of Kratoa. The first known town of the murderer's was built into the side of the "Pits" at Everfall. That was decades before Karmainians even landed though so there was no Everfall to speak of in those times.

They worship Nihlus, The Balancer, and his children. The Murderers see the children of Nihlus as their siblings, because of their origin myth. They also often worship their mother, Aves.

They all speak speak Kratain and Trade Tongue. The Murderers were the first to use Kratoan and taught it to the Sarli. In their Kratoan they are known as Shadki and Murderer is simply their name in Traders Tongue and Karmainian.

Their names are normally words in Kratoan relating to birds.

Male Names: Archae, Rufous, Bismarck, Corax, Leucus, Ruficol,
Female Name: Pteryx, Altai, Fiji, Albicollis, Mellori, Tasma
Family Names: Raptor, Accentor, Artamida, Cerylida, Corvus

Racial Traits

Shadki: Murderers are humanoids with the Shadki subtype.
+4 Int, -2 Str, -2 Cha Murderers are highly intelligent, but relatively weak as all the muscles are based around the wings. In addition their tendency for necromancy often causes uneasiness in others.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Murderers have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Murderer's base land speed is 30 feet.
Dusk upon Wings: Murderers have a fly speed of 40 feet with poor maneuverability.
Father’s Gift: Murderers gain the use of deathwatch as a constant spell-like ability.
Mother’s Gift: Murderers have the ability to converse with Corvidae as if subject to a continual speak with animals spell, and gains a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence such creatures.
Language: Murderers begin play speaking the Kratoan and Trader’s Tongue languages. Murderers with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Estilex, Infernal, Karmainian, Sumran, Turvani, Umbrese.
Favored Class: Binder and Necromaster.
LA: +1.

Vital Statistics
Murderer Random Starting Ages| | |
12 Years|+2d4|+2d8|+1d10

Murderer Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
50 Years|75 Years|90 Years|+2d10 Years

{table="head"]Murderer Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'10"|+1d4|90 lb.|x (1d6) lb.
Female|4'10"|+1d4|85 lb.|x (1d6) lb.[/table]

During the early years of the Second Era, a race known to others as elves were created by the god Kephra, Lord of the Wild. He designed them to have an eternal bond with nature. They lived content for two generations but afterwards two cults were forged. Through the actions of these two cults, demons were created. The survivors of the cult were exiled by the other elves to the plains of Sumra for betraying their creators. The cultists were branded the name Dunesti (Or Exiled Elves), while the others elves saw themselves as being true uncorrupted elves and adopted the name Newesti (True Elves).

These Newesti dwelt within their lands, preferring not to trouble them with the rest of the world. They were content until the Dwarves tunnelled into their lands. Once the Newesti found out they sent Spider Blood Assasins against the miners, soon a war started between the two. This war has led to harsh regulations against leaving Estikar and the origin of the Seekers.

The personality of a True Elf is tied to their Soul Beast, a creature which their soul is linked to in the Feywild. Those with the Wolf might be cold, calculating and work best in teams, while a Newesti with Shark would be more spontaneous and self-serving.

Despite this causing a diverse number of traits most Newesti share some traits.
Nearly all Newesti are personal in their thinking , giving them an arrogant side and causing them prefer to do as they wish regardless of other. This causes them to often act selfish towards others but this doesn't mean they aren't empathetic. Despite their self-centred minds Newesti are very empathic to those who they consider family or friends.

The highest commendation from a Newesti is them being willing to risk their life to save yours. If this happens then the Newesti will probably be your ally for life.

Physical Description
Newesti are short and slim, standing about 4-1/2 to 5-1/2 feet tall and typically weighing only 95 to 135 pounds, with Newesti men the same height as and only marginally heavier than Newesti women. They are graceful but frail. They tend to be fair skinned and dark haired, with deep green or amber eyes. Both male and female Newesti grow hair very quickly, often causing large amounts of facial hair to arise in weeks. Facial Hair is frowned upon as it is seen as a sign of giving into the beast within, because of this it is amazingly rare to see a Newesti with a beard or moustache.

Because of their bond to the Feywild, once mature their bodies never show any normal sign of aging, but when they reach the age of 200 their bond with nature becomes uncontrollable.

They start to transform into that of their Soul Beast. If they are in their homeland the Newesti assembly will start a ritual, this will allow the Newesti to retain their mind and personality intact. A Newesti older than 211 has never been recorded and the maximum lifespan of a Newesti has never been found because of the transformation.

The Newesti generally don’t care enough about the outside world and see most races as strange but not exotic enough to garner any interest. This isn't true of three species though; Aasimar are sometimes born to Newesti parents these are seen as weaker because of their short lives and pity them. Dunesti are openly hated and distrusted because of the Dunesti's treason in the second era. Half-Elves are also pitied because of their tainted blood.

They are currently are war with Dwarves and distrust them almost immediately.

They tend towards Chaotic Neutral, doing as they wish as their main goal.

The Newesti rule the land of Estikar. Estikar is the smallest country in the world of Keran, being only a single large island. It is mainly tropical jungle with several large forested hills forming boundaries between Territories. It has no cities in it; instead each community has control over a Territory. With the exception of Mira, where the government and the Newesti Assembly of Estikar lies. The buildings in the territories are far and in between, and are generally built in the upper areas of large trees.

Because of the war with the Dwarves and the low-birth rates of Newesti, most True Elves aren't allowed to leave Estikar. There are often only three exceptions; Aristocrats, Seekers, and Soldiers. The Seekers are a specialized group of warriors trained by the Assembly for the sole purpose of hunting down Newesti who have illegally left Estikar.

Newesti have a close religious relationship with Kephrana and his children, The Divines of the Wild. Every Territory in Estikar has a large temple to each of these gods of nature, and hundreds of Newesti make pilgrimage to these temples each year.

Estilex is the ancient language of the Newesti. Despite what most tell you this language was originally learnt from the Fey rather than a Divine. Estilex is a rather poetic tongue and uses vowels to great extent.

Newesti do not choose their names nor do their parent's. Instead the name of the Newesti is the True Name of his Soul Beast. The parents don't find this out until a year after the child is born, upon which time this Soul Beast will manifest granting the parent's with his name, until which time they will call the baby Naeli (My Child). Because of the importance of this name, the parents create a public name for their child, this name is often derived from the Newesti's personal name.

Racial Traits

Feybound: Newesti are humanoids with the Elf and Feybound subtypes.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2 Constitution. Newesti are swift and cunning like a beast, but their bodies are weak.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Newesti have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Newesti base land speed is 30 feet. Newesti also have a climb speed of 10 feet, but only when climbing natural surfaces.
Fey Soul: A Newesti's soul takes the form of a creature in the Feywilds, this causes them to have many Fey Traits. Newesti gain Fey Heritage Feat as a bonus feat.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: A Newesti can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Soul Beast: A Newesti's soul lies in the Feywild as a creature, with experience a Newesti can learn to call it to his presence. Upon reaching 2 HD, a Newesti gains a familiar. The Newesti is treated as a Binder of half his Hit Dice for the purposes of the Familiar. In addition, as long as his familiar is alive, the Newesti is immune to soul moving effects such as Trap the Soul spells.
Language: Newesti begin play speaking the Estilex language. Newesti with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Karmainian, Kratoan, Sumran, Umbrese.
Favored Class: Spider Blood Assassin and Wizard.

Vital Statistics
Newesti Random Starting Ages| | |
20 Years|+4d4|+4d6|+6d8

Newesti Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
100 Years|150 Years|200 Years|? Years

{table="head"]Newesti Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'5"|+2d6|85 lb.|x (1d6) lb.
Female|4'5"|+2d6|80 lb.|x (1d6) lb.[/table]

Aasimar are created when a Karmainian or Newesti child is either blessed by a Divine while in the womb, or one of the parents was a Divine being. It only happens with Karmainians & Newesti because in their genesis they were given an eternal link to the Gods, while the others were granted freedom.

Aasimar are normally charismatic as they can feel that power is within reach at all times. They are normally very egotisical because of their inborn abilities. They also get traits from their Divine parent. An Aasimar which had Dylian as a parent is more likely to be kind and generous, while on which had Jaccob as a parent would be more likely to become a sarcastic liar who tries to trick people. These traits often come with advantages and disadvantages. It is also worth taking note that an Aasimar doesn't have to take the personality traits of their divine parent, but they are more likely.

Physical Description
Aasimar, like all Children of the Gods, appear as members of their previous race, though each is tainted by the blood of his Divine Parent.

E.g. An Aasimar of Dylian will normally have larger muscles and be bigger in size then an Aasimar of Jaccob, who is more likely to be thin and appear anorexic.

These unique traits only come into being once they reach the age of twelve. Until then they look like normal members of their race.

Their relations with others depend on their Ancestor's. The Vithui probably would like an Aasimar descended from Electren hundred times more than a Aasimar descended from Rana.

Other people often judge an Aasimar on their parentage instead of how the Aasimar acts. Most common people tend to think that Aasimar all act exactly like their parent. These can have its upsides and downsides. An Aasimar of Dylian that steals things will probably be dismissed as a rumor. While if Undead is animated in a town basically everyone will think it was the Aasimar of Electren.

They normally have the same alignment of the Ancestor, but their are exceptions. Other Alignments are more common when an Aasimar wants to be seen in a different light to their Divine Relative. This means that any alignment is possible regardless of the Aasimar's Divine Heritage.

Aasimar live were ever they were born. They have no lands of their own commonly living with Karmainians or Newesti. With most living in Kratoa, North Karma, and Estikar.

They are paradoxically rarely religious as their ego normally stops them from seeing any reason to worship anyone else, let alone a family member.

Even if they aren't egotistical, they still aren't prone to worshiping a Divine being as they see the gods as equals.

All Aasimar are taught "Trade Tongue" and the languages of their native homeland. But they have no language of their own.

They are named like their original race.

Racial Traits
An Aasimar combines some of the racial traits of his original race and his new form. Only those traits gained from the divine infusion are given here; see also the Children of Gods Sidebar.

Nephilim: Aasimar are humanoids with the Nephilim subtype and any other sutypes they gain from their original race. For all effects related to race, an Aasimar is considered an Outsider and a member of his original race.
Divine Blood: An Aasimar must choose a Divine. A bit of the Deities power is in the Aasimar's blood from birth. Once chosen this cannot be changed.
Low-Light Vision: An Aasimar can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish colour and detail under these conditions.
Inborn Magic (Sp): An Aasimar must select one domain from the Divine chosen in Divine Blood Domain List. The Aasimar can choose one spell from the list that is level one or lower and cast it once per day as a spell-like ability. If the spell chosen is level 0 then it can be cast at-will.
Inborn Skill: An Aasimar is very talented and gains an extra skill point at first level. They also gain one extra skill point at every level past 1st.
Weapon of the Gods: Aasimar are proficient with the Favored Weapon of the divine chosen for Divine Blood.
Favored Class: Cleric and Paladin.

Tieflings are created when a Karmainian or Dunesti child is either damned by a powerful Fiend while in the womb, or one of the parents was a fiendish creature. It only happens with Karmainians & Dunesti because in of the Karmainians link to devils and the Dunesti's creating the first demons.

Tiefling are normally charismatic as they can feel that power is within reach at all times. They are also oftern jokers, trying to make light of situations other may find difficult or emotionally grueling.

Physical Description
Tiefling, like all Children of the Gods, appear as members of their previous race, though each is tainted by the blood of fiends.

E.g. A Tiefling descended from a Glabrezu might have tiny non-mobile arms. While a Tiefling descended from a Cornugon might have tiny horns and a tail.

These unique traits only come into being once they reach the age of twelve. Until then they look like normal members of their race.

Other races normally hate and fear them because of their fiendish bloodline.

They normally have an evil alignment. This is because of how society treats them, and not to do with a taint from their bloodline.

They have no lands of their own and live wherever Karmainians dwell.

They are paradoxically religious. Hoping that the Divines will accept them for who they are, instead what their bloodline is.

All Tielfings are taught "Trade Tongue" and the languages of their native homeland. But they have no language of their own.

They are named like their original race.

Racial Traits
A Tiefling combines some of the racial traits of his original race and his new form. Only those traits gained from the divine infusion are given here; see also the Children of Gods Sidebar.

Nephilim: Tiefling are humanoids with the Nephilim subtype and any other sutypes they gain from their original race. For all effects related to race, a Tiefling is considered an Outsider and a member of his original race.
Darkvision: Tiefling can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and Tieflings can function just fine with no light at all.
Dark Bloodline: A Tiefling gains a intermediate bloodline. If he selected Abysal Heritor then he gains Demon Bloodline, while if he had chosen Devil's Favour he gains the Devil Bloodline. The DM may also allow more Bloodline options for specific forms of Demons and Devils, such as Succubus.
Fiendish Flesh: Tiefling gain cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
Grim Heritage: A Tiefling gains either an Abyssal Heritor Feat or Devil's Favour as a bonus feat. If you are a Dunesti Tiefling you must take Abyssal Heritor, if a Karmainian then you must take Devil's Favour, Half-Elves may choose between the two. You must fufil the prerequistes of the choosen feat, otherwise it becomes inactive and grants no benefit.
Favored Class: Sorcerer and Warlock.

Sidebar: Children of Gods
When an Aasimaror Tiefling is born, they lose many of the racial traits of their parents and gains those of their new race. The following information describes how to mechanically achieve this transformation.

Type, Subtype, and Race: You retain your original type and subtypes, gaining the Nephilim subtype. You still count as a member of your original race for the purpose of any effects or prerequiste that depends on race.
Racial Hit Dice: You retain your original racial Hit Dice, as well as all the benefits gained therefrom (base attack and save bonuses, skill points, hit points, and so on).
Ability Modifiers: You retain your original racial ability modifiers and gain the ability modifiers of the new race.
Size: You retain your orginal size.
Speed: You retain your original base land speed, as well as any other modes of movement possessed by your original race.
Favoured Class: You retain your original favoured classes and gain the favoured classes of your new race.
Other racial Traits: You lose all other racial traits of your original race, including bonus feats, skill bonuses, attack bonuses, save bonuses, and so forth.

Children of Gods can only be born to certain races.
Aasimar - Karmainians & Newesti.
Tiefling - Dunesti, Half-Elves & Karmainians.

Milo v3
2012-08-21, 08:21 AM
In the Second Era Aeros, Mistress of the Wind, formed the Ranx from the air, and placed them on an island in the Moonshadow Archipelago. These Ranx had the bodies of insects and were curious of the world. The Ranx formed small groups which travelled through the jungles, using they're agility to hunt. They only just started to form tribes when the Lacembra arrived on their island.

The Ranx quickly fought them off using guerrila tactics, but they soon returned. Strangely this time when the two races met, they did not fight. They formed a partnership to help each other survive in the dangerous world of Keran.

Ranx are very curious, often causing them to act rashly. They have very open minds, which can often cause them to go back on what they previously decided. Despite this chaotic nature, they are rather focused in one regard.

When it comes to family a Ranx is nearly always selfless and aims to help them even at the cost of their own lives if necessary.

Physical Description
A Ranx has six limbs: two legs, two arms that end in hands, and a set of intermediary limbs that can be used as weak arms or legs.

Their heads are strange and insectoid, with two large, compound eyes taking up a large amount of the face. They have small mandibles that serve only for eating, not for attacking. They have two antennae atop their heads that function as sensory organs, as well as indicators of mood.

Ranx stand 4 – 5 feet in height on average, with females being slightly larger, but with more slender heads. Their bodies, like most insects, have a defined head, thorax (where four of the six limbs are connected, as well as breathing spicules), and an abdomen.

A Ranx begins life with a green exoskeleton that fades in color causing it to turn yellow at adult hood, and eventually white.

Ranx have had a long partnership with the Lacembra and both races have very good relations. The Karmainians don't trust Ranx as during the War of Dunes, they took over South Karma. Most other races are neutral in dispostion to the Ranx, seeing them as strange but not hostile.

Because of their open minds, Ranx are commonly Chaotic in alignment. They also pull more towards good than evil because of their self-less inclination.

They live in the Moonshadow Archipelago and in the marshes of South Karma. Preferring to inhabit the the deadly jungles in the southern regions, these humanoid insects are well adapted to their treetop. They're homes are built into the trees out of a mixture of leaves, bark, and other materials common on the jungle undergrowth and are rather small in size.

They worship Kephrana, Lord of the Wilds, and his daughter, Aeros. They are known to sometimes worship other Divines, but they seldom do.

They are the speakers of the Umbrese tongue. Which originated in their homeland of the Moonshadow Isles. This language has a small number of words compared to most, but still functions in nearly any situation.

Ranx names are normally hard to say in any language other than Umbrese. Their names are normally a word in Umbrese with click sounds in it.

Male Names: Klatkcan, Preechter, Monqkut, Somkhait
Female Names: Anonqi, Kulapci, Malkai Saccithorn

Racial Traits

Insectiod: Ranx are humanoids with the Insectiod subtype.
Medium Size: As medium creatures, Ranx receive no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Ranx base land speed is 30 feet.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength: Ranx are quick, and wise, but their insectoid bodies make it hard for them to grow muscle.
Jungle Grip: Members of this race have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
+2 Natural Armor: A Ranx's chitinous exoskeleton is tough and resistant to blows.
Hard to Read (Ex): Their inhuman facial features and foreign body language make it extremely difficult for creatures without the insectiod subtype to tell when they are lying, bluffing, or even joking. Insectoid creatures gain a +2 racial bonus to all bluff, and intimidate checks against all creatures without the insectiod subtype. While Ranx gain a -2 racial penalty to all Diplomacy checks against all creatures without the insectiod subtype.
Insect Anatomy : Ranx, like most insects, breathe not through their mouths, but through six spicules in their thorax, three on either side of the body, though they can (and do) speak by vibrating their version of vocal cords in their necks. A Ranx will drown if standing in water of even chest height. Their clothing is designed to accommodate this, but it makes tailoring armour extremely difficult. For a non- Insectiod creature to create armour for a Ranx, the cost of creation is double, and the time to craft it is tripled.
Multiple Arms: Ranx possess four arms. As such Ranx can wield multiple weapons, but only one hand is its primary hand, and all others are off hands. It can also use its hands for other purposes that require free hands. The lower two arms can’t use any weapons other than Light Weapons.
Powerful Legs: Ranx are always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump.
Sanguine Weakness: Though a Ranx’s exoskeleton is extremely durable, it is vulnerable. If cracked, a Ranx is in real danger of bleeding to death. Ranx that take lethal damage begin losing hp due to blood loss at the rate of 2 hp per round per wound until either magically healed or a heal check is made (DC 15). Left on it's own, treat fractured chitin the same as a broken bone as far as natural healing time goes.
Language: Ranx begin play speaking the Umbrese and Trader’s Tongue languages. Ranx with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Estilex, Karmainian, Kratoan, Turvani.
Favored Class: Ranger and Sorcerer.
LA: +1.

Vital Statistics
Ranx Random Starting Ages| | |
20 Years|+2d6|+1d10|+2d8

Ranx Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
85 Years|140 Years|180 Years|+2d12 Years

{table="head"]Ranx Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'2"|+1d10|100 lb.|x (1d8) lb.
Female|4'2"|+2d6|85 lb.|x (1d8) lb.[/table]

In the Second Era Electren, Mistress of Death, created the Sarli, and placed them on the south west of Kratoa. These Sarli were quick to learn the art of necromancy and nearly every Sarli has some magical talent in manipulating negative energy.

Sarli tend to be mysterious and charming, though they always appear devious, as if they have something to hide or are plotting something. They always speak courteously and gently to all creatures, even in combat, but they have a semi-permanent snide look and often lace their soothing tone with sarcasm. Most Sarli's tends to be relaxed, calm, and easy-going.

Sarli's tends to be interested in the study of anatomy of other species and why life must lead to death. They commonly studying undeath and almost all subjects under it.

Apart from their sarcastic and sometimes easy-going nature, Sarli's are at most disciplined and cultured. They know how to act well mannered and civilized if the occasion ask it and they know how to dress well. They also like to groom themselves well, bathing, picking the right clothes, and present their selves to the public as best as possible.

Physical Description
Sarli's are a humanoid race, except that they have cat-like features, like having large cat ears, slightly loose skin, fur, cat tails and other minor cat-like details. They are humanoid in almost all aspects except that they are digitigrade in which they use their toes to walk, run or stand straight. Being a digitigrade does only apply to their feet and Sarli's still have access to a fully functional humanoid hands, and because of this body make-up, Sarli's have great difficulty on running on all four's unlike other feline humanoids and are not good swimmers.

Sarli have a variety of strange features. They look vaguely feline but have snake-like pupils and fangs that can give hint of their diet. Their bodies are slender, lithe, appears frail and almost all of it are covered with black, short, fur with the thickest are located at the chest, knees, at the elbows and arms(though it is still slightly short and albino Sarli's are seen but slightly rare). They have sharp claws and golden eyes(though red, and violet eyes also occur) as well as a long tail.

Sarli tends to have long flowing hair, though they tend to trim the male's hair to what is acceptable in human standards.

They stands from 2-1/2 to 3 feet tall and weighs between 15 to 25 pounds only, with female's shorter and lighter than male. Sarli tend to reach adulthood in their late teens and can live for almost two to three century with little to no change of their adult appearance.

Due to their appearance and reputation, few species, trust Sarli. However, Newesti and Dwarves are particularly unnerved by them and sometimes cannot even abide their very presence, largely because of their connection to the occult and the undead, not to mention their diet of daily blood.

Because of this, they are not usually welcomed to Dwarven or Newesti lands and if a Sarli visitor steps inside one of either territories, they are either be attacked or directed to the exit.

They tend to get along moderately well with Shadki, though neither can explain why, it may have to do with their natural talents with necromancy. Sometimes, Shadki will help a Sarli in its time of needs if needed be and will try to protect them if possible.

Vithui are in constant need of the Sarli's magical services, specially their expertise in the undead and are willing to pay high specially during war in where massive forces are needed to replace the casualties.

They are fairly tolerated and sometimes (though its rare) are taken good care by Karmainian's who finds them pleasing yet mysterious, even though Karmainians do get their fair share of sarcastic replies when they are with them. Good Karmainians are mostly concerned about their welfare and safety and sometimes will try their best to take good care of them.

However, with all the benefits that the Sarli's receive from Karmainians, there is always an air of a cold, sad feeling of fear and uncertainty when they are dealing with them and Sarli's are afraid to completely trust a Karmainians even those who treat them well. A large part of this is because some Karmainians find Sarli's as an object of love and desire, either finding them cute, entertaining or attractive and it is not limited to those of evil alignment.

Sarli have a mild tendency towards evil, but encountering a good or neutral Sarli is not at all uncommon. Those Sarli that are evil tend towards lawful or neutral evil, those that are good tend to stray away from lawful good. These is partly because of their upbringing and how they are taught on how to live in a world in where they are mistreated and not trusted.

They are native to Kratoa, but do not have a large territory that they call home. They have a small number of towns in the north of Kratoa, but most are forced to be nomadic because of the hostilies from other races.

Sarli often don't worship a god, instead paying homage to the whole pantheon. This generally doesn't grant them any favour from the gods though.

Those that do worship Divines are likely to follow Divines such as Electren, Queen of Decay, or Jaccob, Master of the Mind.

They all speak speak Kratain and Trade Tongue. The Sarli were taught Kratain by the Shadki during their first encounter.

Their names are normally words in Kratain relating to cats.

Male Names: Cara, Jacob, Pardo, Prion, Topu,
Female Name: Alliurus, Pardus, Nebulos, Onyx
Family Names: Aurata, Panth, Felin, Neofelis

Racial Traits

Feline: Sarli are humanoids with the Feline subtype.
Small: As small creatures, Sarli gain a +1 size bonus to Armour Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of medium-size characters.
Sarli base land speed is 20 feet.
+2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Con. Sarli are clever and charming but feeble.
Dark Connection: Sarli gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, disease, mind-affecting effects, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points.
Horrid Swiming: Sarli receive a -2 racial penalty to swim checks, as their bodies are ill adept to an aquatic environment.
Low-Light Vision: Sarli can see twice the distance of a Karmainian in Moon-light, or otherwise shadowy illumination.
Natural Weapon: Sarli possess a natural bite attack as a primary weapon, it deals 1d3 plus 1-1/2 the creature's Strength bonus points of bludgeon, piercing, and slashing damage.
Necromantic Link: Once per day as an immediate action, a member of this race can treat positive and negative energies as if it were an undead creature, taking damage from positive energy and healing damage from negative energy. This ability lasts for 1 minute once activated.
Sanguine Feast: Sarli must drink at least one ounce of blood each day in order to keep their iron supply up. Failing to do so will result in one point of temporary Constitution damage per day without blood. The loss will be regained at the normal rate of ability damage healing, but a Sarli can recover it all in an hour by drinking one eighth of its weight in blood.
Sarli Understanding: Sarli receive a +1 racial bonus to Bluff, and Sense Motive checks. Sarli' can naturally look at someone's intentions which helps them through their everyday lives.
Vampric Fang: When a Sarli bites a creature, it can lick up one ounce of blood as a free action. This has no statistical bonus other than its nutritional value. This doesn't work on creatures which lack blood, such as most undead and constructs.
Language: Sarli begin play speaking the Kratoan and Trader’s Tongue languages. Sarli with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Estilex, Infernal, Karmainian, Sumran, Turvani, Umbrese.
Favored Class: Necromaster and Wizard.

Vital Statistics
Sarli Random Starting Ages| | |
14 Years|+1d6|+2d8|+2d10

Sarli Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
50 Years|75 Years|125 Years|+5d10 Years

{table="head"]Sarli Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|2'6"|+2d4|20 lb.|x (1) lb.
Female|2'5"|+2d4|15 lb.|x (1) lb.[/table]

Xephii enjoy solitude, prefering to live with only a small number of others. This causes a lot hermits, in Xephii culture. This rich background of hermits causes the Xephii to very wise and introspective. They have few enemies, side from the Sahuagin, causing them to generally friendly to outsiders.

For the first 35 years of their lives Xephii are much more agressive than normal. This demenour slowly fades away as they grow older, becoming more placid. Luckily because of their wisdom they aren't foolish and learn when to strike, rather than being rash.

Physical Description
The Xephii are thin and lithe humanoids in body shape, their scaled flesh is a smooth light blue. They have sharp angular faces, with large eyes and very small chins. They have several gills running down the sides of their chests. Down their spine and on their limbs are small fins, which aid their swimming. Jutting out of the knuckles of thier hands are short sharp rapier like blades, which function as natural weapons. In their mouths are several rows of razor sharp teeth.

Like many fish, many Xephii change gender during their lives. Nearly every Xephii is born as a male, and one in twenty Xephii is born female. Upon reaching middle age males turn into females (weight should be recalculated).

While the Xephii don't have many allies, they generally aren't troubled by the surface races simply because of resources required to combat them is too great. The Xephii are the natural enemies of the shark spawned sahuagin which defile the ocean with sanguine mist.

Xephii are generally neutral in alignment, prefering balance in thier lives.

Xephii live in the grand blue oceans of the material plane. They have large coral cities near the surface, which are full of twisting passages. The nation of the Xephii is known as Pelagia.

The Xephii believe they were choosen to the protectors of the ocean by the gods during their creation. As such most are religious, with nearly every city in Pelagia having a temple to the water deity Atlan.

Xephii don't have a language of their own, speaking Aquan in their own culture. They generally learn common so they can speak with other races.

The names of Xephii are in Aquan, because of Aquan and elven is share many traits their names are rather similar.

Male Names: Belshatzzar, Dawid, Filippu, Gedeon, Jericho, Samuilu, Zaboulon
Female Name: Jescha, Merob, Michol, Naamah, Sepphora, Thamar
Surnames: Bolshadi, Masajaes, Pascaes, Tyser

Racial Traits

Aquatic A Xephii has the aquatic subtype. It can breathe underwater. A Xephii can hold its breath outside the water for 1 hour per point of Constitution. After that, it begins to suffocate.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Xephii have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Xephii base land speed is 30 feet.
Xephii have a swim speed of 50 feet and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution.
Bright Eyes: Because of the heat glands under the eyes of the Xephii, they recieve a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against cold weather.
Natural Weapons: Xephii have two primary claw attacks that deal 1d3 points of slashing damage plus Strength bonus.
Sea Sight: Xephii are specially adapted to the waters of the sea, but not to air-filled environments. They can see in the dark up to 120 feet while underwater, but do not gain this benefit out of water.
Slimy Flesh: Xephii gain a +2 racial bonus to Combat Manoeuvre and Escape Artist checks made to resist or escape a grapple or to escape a pin.
Automatic Languages: Common and Aquan. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
Favored Class: Druid and Fighter.
Level Adjustment: +0.

Vital Statistics
Xephii Random Starting Ages| | |
15 Years|+1d4|+1d6|+1d8

Xephii Aging Effects| | |
Middle Age|Old|Venerable|Maximum Age
25 Years|35 Years|45 Years|+1d12 Years

{table="head"]Xephii Random Height and Weight| | | |
Gender|Base Height|Height Modifier|Base Weight|Weight Modifier
Male|4'5"|+2d6|85 lb.|x (1d6) lb.
Female|4'5"|+2d6|80 lb.|x (1d6) lb.[/table]

New Subtypes

If a creature possesses the Feybound subtype, it has a strong affinity to the wild which means that spells, effects, powers, and abilities that affect or target Fey also affects it. The subtype qualifies a creature to use magic items normally only usable by Fey and qualifies the creature to take feats that have the subtype as a prerequiste. The Feybound subtype also makes creatures subject to harmful effects that affect Fey.

The Feybound subtype does not confer the Fey type or any traits associated with that type.

Fey automatically qualify for any classes, prestige classes, racial substitution levels, feats, powers, or spells that require the Feybound subtype. Should a creature acquire the Fey type, it loses the Feybound subtype.

Forged Soul
If a creature possesses the Forged Soul subtype, it has been crafted which means that spells, effects, powers, and abilities that affect or target constructs also affects it. The subtype qualifies a creature to use magic items normally only usable by Constructs and qualifies the creature to take feats that have the subtype as a prerequiste. The Forged Soul subtype also makes creatures subject to harmful effects that affect Constructs.

The Forged Soul subtype does not confer the Construct type or any traits associated with that type.

Construct automatically qualify for any classes, prestige classes, racial substitution levels, feats, powers, or spells that require the Forged Soul subtype. Should a creature acquire the Construct type, it loses the Forged Soul subtype.

If a creature possesses the Nephilim subtype, it has a strong affinity to outsiderswhich means that spells, effects, powers, and abilities that affect or target outsiders also affects it. The subtype qualifies a creature to use magic items normally only usable by outsiders and qualifies the creature to take feats that have the subtype as a prerequiste. The Nephilim subtype also makes creatures subject to harmful effects that affect outsiders.

The Nephilim subtype does not confer the outsider type or any traits associated with that type.

Outsiders automatically qualify for any classes, prestige classes, racial substitution levels, feats, powers, or spells that require the Nephilim subtype. Should a creature acquire the outsider type, it loses the Nephilim subtype.

RP Points
Aegis (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Half-Construct)(7)(7)
Size: Medium (0)(7)
Speed: Slow (-1)(6)
Abilities: Weakness (-1)(5)
Language: Xenophobic (0)(5)
Crystalline Form (2)(7)
Duergar Immunities (4)(11)
Natural Armour (2)(13)
Natural Attack (1)(14)
Powerful Build (5)(19)
Elemental Vulnerability (-2)(17)
Reverse Sneaky (-5)(12)
Reverse Minor Water Child (-3)(9)
Total = 9 RP (Human)

Dragonborn (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Dragonblood)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Normal (0)(0)
Abilities: Weakness (-1)(-1)
Language: Standard (0)(-1)
Ancient Foe (3)(2)
Bite (1)(3)
Hatred (1)(4)
Claws (2)(6)
Low Metabolism (1)(7)
Silent Soul (2)(9)
Draconic Aspect (2)(11)
Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Dunesti (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Elf)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Normal (0)(0)
Abilities: Standard (0)(0)
Language: Standard (0)(0)
Desert Runner (2)(2)
Modified Resistant (2)(4)
Fiendish Urbanite (1)(5)
Low Light Vision (1)(6)
Arcane Focus (1)(7)
Desert Arcana (2)(9)
Total = 9 RP (Human)

Durzite (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Durzite)(0)(0)
Size: Small (0)(0)
Speed: Slow (-1)(-1)
Abilities: Specialized (1)(0)
Language: Xenophobic (0)(0)
Lesser Spell-Like Ability (2)(2)[Inborn Summoner]
Magical Linguist (2)(4)
Shielded Soul (4)(8)
Lowlight Vision (1)(9)

Total = 9 RP (Human)

Dwarf (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Dwarf)(0)(0)
Size: Small (0)(0)
Speed: Slow (-1)(-1)
Abilities: Standard (0)(-1)
Language: Standard (0)(-1)
Darkvision (2)(1)
Hatred (1)(2)
Defensive Training, Lesser (1) (3)
Poison Resistance (3)(6)
Healthy (2)(8)
Caste (3)(11)

Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Gnome (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Gnome)(0)(0)
Size: Small (0)(0)
Speed: Slow (-1)(-1)
Abilities: Standard (0)(-1)
Language: Linguist (1)(0)
Low-Light Vision (1)(1)
Skill Bonus (2)(3)
Elven Immunities (2)(5)
Pyromaniac (3)(8)
Fire Resistant (Not Resistance) (1)(9)

Total = 9 RP (Halfling)

Half-Elf (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Elf, Karmainian)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Medium (0)(0)
Abilities: Human Heritage (0)(0)
Language: Standard (0)(0)
Skill Bonus (2)(2)
Lesser Spell Resistance (2)(4)
Low-light Vision (1)(5)
Lucky (2)(7)
Fiendish Resistance (3)(10)

Total = 10 RP (Half-Elves)

Karmainian (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Karmainian)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Medium (0)(0)
Abilities: Flexible (2)(2)
Language: Standard (0)(2)
Greater Spell Resistance (3)(5)
Focused Study (4)(9)

Total = 9 RP (Human)

Kephra (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Insectiod)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Medium (0)(0)
Abilities: Standard (0)(0)
Language: Standard (0)(0)
Natural Armour (2)(2)
Come into Being (1)(3)
Hard to Read (2)(5)
Insect Anatomy (-2)(3)
Sanguine Weakness (-1)(2)
Tunneller (2)(4)
Carrion Sense (1)(5)
Terrain Stride (1)(6)
Skill Training (1)(7)
Total = 7 RP (Half-Orc)

Kobold (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Dragonblood, Reptilian)(0)(0)
Size: Small (0)(0)
Speed: Standard (0)(0)
Abilities: Greater Weakness (-3)(-3)
Language: Xenophobic (0)(-3)
Natural Armour (2)(-1)
Darkvision 60ft. (2)(1)
Light Sensitivity (-1)(0)
Slight Build (5)(5)
Claws (2)(7)
Bite (1)(8)
Draconic Bloodline (2)(10)
SLA (1)(11)
Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Lacembra (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Reptilian)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Medium (0)(0)
Abilities: Standard (0)(0)
Language: Standard (0)(0)
Camouflage (1)(1)
Hold Breath (1)(2)
Natural Armour (2)(4)
Bite (3)(7)
Skill Bonus (2)(9)
Silent Hunter (2)(11)

Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Murderer (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Shadki)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Medium (0)(0)
Abilities: Greater Paragon (2)(2)
Language: Standard (0)(2)
Raven Speech (1)(3)
Flight (4+2)(9)
Soul Seer (4)(13)
Corvidae Empathy (1)(14)

Total = 14 RP (Drow)

Newesti (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Elf, Feybound)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: Medium (0)(0)
Abilities: Standard (0)(0)
Language: Xenophobic (0)(0)
Natural Climb (1)(1)
Static Bonus Feat (2)(3)
Soul Protection (1)(4)
Skill Bonus (2)(6)
Low-Light Vision (1)(7)
Soul Beast (4)(11)

Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Aasimar (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Nephilim)(0)(0)
Size: - (-)(-)
Speed: - (-)(-)
Abilities: - (-)(-)
Language: - (-)(-)
Low Light Vision (1)(1)
Inborn Magic (5)(6)
Skilled (4)(10)
Weapon Familiarity (1)(11)

Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Gensai (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Nephilim)(0)(0)
Size: - (-)(-)
Speed: - (-)(-)
Abilities: - (-)(-)
Language: - (-)(-)
Primal Bloodline(5)(7)
Breath Weapon (1)(8)
Energy Resistance (1)(9)
Improved Resistance (2)(11)

Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Tiefling (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Nephilim)(0)(0)
Size: - (-)(-)
Speed: - (-)(-)
Abilities: - (-)(-)
Language: - (-)(-)
Darkvision (2)(2)
Static Bonus Feat (2)(4)
Major Bloodline (4)(8)
Fiendish Resistance (3)(11)

Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Ranx (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Insectiod)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: 30 ft. (0)(0)
Abilities: Standard (0)(0)
Language: Standard (0)(0)
Climb (2)(2)
Darkvision (2)(4)
Natural Armour (2)(6)
Improved Natural Armour (1)(7)
Hard to Read (2)(9)
Insect Anatomy (-2)(7)
Sanguine Weakness (-1)(6)
Weakened Multiple Limbs (6)(12)
Jumper (2)(14)

Total = 14 RP (Drow)

Sarli (Standard)
Type: Humanoid (Feline)(0)(0)
Size: Small (0)(0)
Speed: 20 ft. (-1)(-1)
Abilities: Specialized (1)(0)
Language: Standard (0)(0)
Lifebound (2)(2)
Skill Penalty (-1)(1)
Low-light Vision (1)(2)
Bite (2)(4)
Sanguine Feast (-1)(3)
Skill Bonus (2)(5)
Light and Dark (1)(6)
Undead Resistance (1)(7)

Total = 7 RP (Half-Orc)

Xephii (Advanced)
Type: Humanoid (Aquatic)(0)(0)
Size: Medium (0)(0)
Speed: 30 ft. (0)(0)
Abilities: Standard (0)(0)
Language: Standard (0)(0)
Swim (2)(2)
Powerful Swimmer (2)(4)
Bright Eyes (1)(5)
Claws (2)(7)
Skill Bonus (3)(10)
Not Amphibious (-1)(9)
Deepsight (2)(11)

Total = 11 RP (Dwarf)

Milo v3
2012-08-23, 12:55 AM
So anything....

Any responses?

Any critques?

Any problems?

2012-08-23, 07:01 AM
None of your races are LA +0 and they are all over powered.

Milo v3
2012-08-23, 07:06 AM
None of your races are LA +0 and they are all over powered.

Could you explain how?
And the very least the Aegis, Durzites, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Lacembra, and Murderer's can't be LA +1.

2012-08-23, 08:08 AM
I have to break this to you as kindly as I can, but almost every race that you have ever created is overpowered, and that is why I don't like giving you feedback. I feel like my critiques fall on deaf ears and that I just waste my time.

You have decent ideas that would work so much better as creatures than as PCs.

The murderer is a bust on 2 things (3 if you include the trite "murder of crows" reference).

1. You should never give out class features as racial traits. It dilutes the class. Why should they get the ability to cast spells with the death domain without actually being a cleric with that?

2. They never take falling damage and that is worth LA +1.

Aegis (is a shield and again trite name)

1. Slams do bludgeoning damage. I get that it is a crystalline creature but either they have blades that slash or they arms that bludgeon.

2. DR 2/- as a racial trait is worth +2 (Why are they immune to magic and epic items? )

3. Medium creatures that are slow hold back a party. At 200 lbs. plus equipment, its a medium load for a regular horse to carry (and will slow down the horse). This is 50 lbs. heavier than the half-orc. Plus the +1d100 size can easily put one into Large category. It's 7'2 (it needs to roll 10 or less to stay Medium-sized).

Half-elf has Spell Resistance and that is worth +1 LA.

Lacembra has an overpowered bite attack at 1d6. +1 LA This is same bite damage a Small dragon has!

Debby (trying really hard not to sound mean or exasperated).

Milo v3
2012-08-23, 08:53 AM
I have to break this to you as kindly as I can, but almost every race that you have ever created is overpowered, and that is why I don't like giving you feedback. I feel like my critiques fall on deaf ears and that I just waste my time.
Aegis is the only race I remember you commenting on, and I listened and edited it....

The murderer is a bust on 2 things (3 if you include the trite "murder of crows" reference).
In my experience "Murder of Crow" references are not trite and I can only think of two from memory.

1. You should never give out class features as racial traits. It dilutes the class. Why should they get the ability to cast spells with the death domain without actually being a cleric with that?
I think you skimmed that. Also it gets is +1 caster level when casting spells of with the Death Descriptor. This doesn't grant it the Death Domain....

2. They never take falling damage and that is worth LA +1.
Raptoran. LA +0.

Aegis (is a shield and again trite name)
I'm sorry the name is so offensive to you. As I have previously said the original idea was of a golden defender, but while concept changed, the name stuck.

1. Slams do bludgeoning damage. I get that it is a crystalline creature but either they have blades that slash or they arms that bludgeon.
As you stated before, adding new natural weapons without properly defining them means there is confusion and it doesn't work. Thus I made it a Slam attack, which has working mechanics, and changed it's damage type of slashing.

2. DR 2/- as a racial trait is worth +2 (Why are they immune to magic and epic items? )
That replaced the original natural armor. I'll remove it.

3. Medium creatures that are slow hold back a party. At 200 lbs. plus equipment, its a medium load for a regular horse to carry (and will slow down the horse). This is 50 lbs. heavier than the half-orc. Plus the +1d100 size can easily put one into Large category. It's 7'2 (it needs to roll 10 or less to stay Medium-sized).
I'll fix.

Half-elf has Spell Resistance and that is worth +1 LA.
Drow = LA +2
Level 2 Drow SR = 13
Level 2 Half-Elf SR = 1
Level 20 Drow SR = 31
Level 20 Half-Elf SR = 10

Why should this count as LA +1?

Lacembra has an overpowered bite attack at 1d6. +1 LA This is same bite damage a Small dragon has!
I didn't expect a 1d6 would be that powerful, though it does deal piercing, slashing, and bludgeon.[/QUOTE]

Morph Bark
2012-08-23, 10:58 AM
Half-Elves are weaker than the official ones.
Gnomes likewise, aside from heat metal. IIRC, that is a spell of higher level than 1, making it unbalanced at low-levels.
Dwarves being Small with Powerful Build translates to "they're Medium, but have +1 AC, +1 attack and +4 Hide". That, combined with the caste abilities, means they're even better than official dwarves, which were already the second-best race of all time in many situations.
Durzites are likewise strong, even if only for the summoning SLA.
The Dunesti light sensivity might as well not be there. Keeping track of dazzled is pretty annoying, but it coming and going again soon just makes that worse.
Many of the Dragonborn Aspects warrant LA, especially Amber.
Aegis: Powerful Build is prettymuch auto-LA+1.

Karmainians are ridiculously weak.
Kephra have a netto +2 stat gain, +4 natural armor, have a rebirth mechanic, hefty bluff/intimidate bonuses and a burrow speed. There's no way these are LA+0, even with the measly downsides.
At higher age categories, kobolds definitely aren't LA+0. At the beginning, they are too weak.
The Lacembra are done pretty well, but I can't imagine anyone playing a melee warrior Lacembra at low levels due to the cost increase of armor.
The Murderer seems good, though I'd suggest a name change, lest they be stigmatized by everyone.
Newesti seem okay, aside from the fact that Binders don't get familiars, nor arcane caster levels necessary to take the Obtain Familiar feat.
Planetouched: what is a "Divine"? We can infer, but you don't explain it and your wording is awkward here. Gensai remind me of the genasi. Also, does the Nephilim subtype even do anything for them that the Planetouched subtype does not?
Ranx: multiple limbs is always worth LA, and the only multi-limbed playable official races also have always had RHD.
How much blood can be licked up with one Sarli bite?
Xephii seem okay, aside from how many natural weapons they got. Be aware that they can easily get all these attacks off in one full attack at level, which is very strong at low level. I'd advise turning at least some of the natural weapons into feats.

2012-08-23, 02:39 PM
2. They never take falling damage and that is worth LA +1.

I don't think so.

It can easily be made irrelevant with a single first level spell. This isn't Powerful Build, or anything.

Milo v3
2012-08-23, 06:59 PM
Half-Elves are weaker than the official ones.
Because they lack the +2 against enchantment and instead have SR?

Gnomes likewise, aside from heat metal. IIRC, that is a spell of higher level than 1, making it unbalanced at low-levels.
Changed to Produce Flame.

Dwarves being Small with Powerful Build translates to "they're Medium, but have +1 AC, +1 attack and +4 Hide". That, combined with the caste abilities, means they're even better than official dwarves, which were already the second-best race of all time in many situations.
I'll remove Powerful Build then.

Durzites are likewise strong, even if only for the summoning SLA.
I didn't think a single level one spell was worth LA +1. Also those spells listed function as weaker versions of the original summon monster.

The Dunesti light sensivity might as well not be there. Keeping track of dazzled is pretty annoying, but it coming and going again soon just makes that worse.
I wanted to place one weakness at going outside at day, though I have removed the 1d4 rounds thing.

Many of the Dragonborn Aspects warrant LA, especially Amber.
Basically all of them are minor benefits and the additional bonus require you to reach mid-levels to use them, which by then they aren't powerful abilities.

Except for the Amber Dragon. I cannot figure out how to balance it.

Karmainians are ridiculously weak.
I'll increase its skills.

Kephra have a netto +2 stat gain, +4 natural armor, have a rebirth mechanic, hefty bluff/intimidate bonuses and a burrow speed. There's no way these are LA+0, even with the measly downsides.
I've reduced it. Also the rebirth mechanic doesn't really effect mechanics or balance, it just means they generally don't die by old age.

At higher age categories, kobolds definitely aren't LA+0. At the beginning, they are too weak.
I'm removed the Magic Fang.

The Murderer seems good, though I'd suggest a name change, lest they be stigmatized by everyone.
Strangely everytime the appeared in the game (PC and NPC's), the name wasn't a problem at all. Everyone knew exactly which I was talking about each time.

Newesti seem okay, aside from the fact that Binders don't get familiars, nor arcane caster levels necessary to take the Obtain Familiar feat.
That refers to my Binder Class, not the one in Tome of Magic. I probably should've made that clearer.

Planetouched: what is a "Divine"? We can infer, but you don't explain it and your wording is awkward here.
In Blades of Keran, there are four types of gods: Divines are one of them. In other settings, Divines are generally a generic term for god.

Gensai remind me of the genasi.
They are balanced off the Genasai...

Also, does the Nephilim subtype even do anything for them that the Planetouched subtype does not?
Never heard of the Planetouched subtype.

Ranx: multiple limbs is always worth LA, and the only multi-limbed playable official races also have always had RHD.
Fair enough.

How much blood can be licked up with one Sarli bite?

Xephii seem okay, aside from how many natural weapons they got. Be aware that they can easily get all these attacks off in one full attack at level, which is very strong at low level. I'd advise turning at least some of the natural weapons into feats.
I'll remove the bite attack.

2012-08-23, 09:48 PM
In my opinion, raptorans should have LA +1. Races of the Wild needed errata which was never done. The problem is that every WotC product contained numerous errors. Their 3rd edition was somewhat better than their 2nd edition. as those had some downright dreadful proofreading and editing. However, they produced sloppy work. As a result, people point to the raptoran as if it is just fine and it isn't. It's a bad model to use.


Milo v3
2012-08-23, 10:06 PM
In my opinion, raptorans should have LA +1. Races of the Wild needed errata which was never done. The problem is that every WotC product contained numerous errors. Their 3rd edition was somewhat better than their 2nd edition. as those had some downright dreadful proofreading and editing. However, they produced sloppy work. As a result, people point to the raptoran as if it is just fine and it isn't. It's a bad model to use.


How does no fall damage make it overpowered.....