View Full Version : [Scion] Greater Titan: Alluminas, the Cosmic Egg

2012-09-28, 11:25 PM
Well, over on White Wolf, a project to make the Gods of Chaos of Warhammer fame(/infamy) a possible Pantheon for use in the game has been set in motion.

Seeing as how I love the very concept of the Titans, I made their Greater Titan Nemesis. And in honor of a coming 2E that is actually playable, here he/it is and the bits I already wrote, for your inspirational pleasure!

(Also, I am terribad with crunch, so please, try to make some of these things out yourself)

Greater Titan: Alluminas (Love)

Alternative Names: Blessed Order, the Singularity, Stasis, the Cosmic Egg

Favored Purviews: Guardian, Justice, Stars, Prophecy, Sun, Fire. Alluminas' Aspects must possess one of these, but they may choose any others except its Banned Purviews, as Love is an extremely complex and nuanced concept that contains many things within it. The Banned Purviews are Animal (as beasts are too close to the Id for such a Superego-reliant concept) Chaos (as Love desires to bring disparate forces together in unity and detests change), and Mystery (as Love does not comprehend uncertainty to be solved).

Many Scions of the Ruinous Powers, when confronted with what their Titanic nemesis actually is, usually have to excuse themselves to laugh hysterically or just double over right then and there. Seriously, Love? That's what their parents are so terrified of? What, did they offend the Care Bears somehow? Did Princess Celestia of My Little Pony fame bully them in Divine High School? Do they have bad memories involving Valentine's Day?

These Scions have either never fallen in love or been in the way of someone trying to protect the thing that has made him or her do so. Or at least, are unaware they have or being terribly naive. Love is terrifying, particularly when it is filtered through the amoral lens of the Dark Virtues. If these Scions need further confirmation, here's one-like its equal and opposite sibling, Hundun, Alluminas cannot be bound-Love, in and of itself, is a form of fetter, and so any attempted bind in Tartarus was simply absorbed into the Titanrealm. If you enter the body of the Cosmic Egg, you can even visit the monoliths the Gods attempted to use in order to seal it, though it is not recommended. They have, after all, been turned into its Aspects' palaces.

See, Order is not the opposite of Chaos, Moorcock books aside. Order is ultimately a dynamic thing, hence there is a place, however small, for Chaos within it. The Greeks had it right though, when they said that it was Love that is truly the opposite. Love binds, Love fetters, Love makes everything in the life the person or beast who feels it revolve around another creature, ideal, or place, removing their free will. Loyalty, friendship, faith-all things that bind thought into forms that would never consider a certain action or always performs it are aspects of Love, even the devotion the worshipers of Chaos feel for the Dark Powers. And Alluminas is Love in its purest and more volatile state-not devotion, not romance, not even an emotion, but a force of pure restraint, that which cancels out all possibilities except for those it deems favorable to it. And therein lies the irony of Alluminas-it would strangle the world even as it embraces it, canceling out first the possibility of emotion that is not filtered through the lens of devotion to it, then independent thought, then even movement and time. A world completely in the grip of the Singularity would be, as one of the titles suggest, a static one, without even the possibility of movement until Alluminas' tendency towards unification resulted in a Big Crunch, resetting the universe.

As might be obvious from the fact it does not have all those titles, however, Alluminas, up until very recently, was regarded as a bit of a joke at worst, outright useful at best. While rogue Gods could draw a bit of its cthonic might into themselves and so become Aspects of it, they did not become true Titan Avatars, as the personal nature of Love, in an ironic twist, prevents the full unification with the Greater Titan needed for true Titanic nature. Even accounting that, the Love that the Aspects drew into themselves was filtered through their own perspectives into more nuanced, socially acceptable forms, meaning that they were the peaceful gadflies of divine society, even helping out their cousins a few times to increase the amount of Love in the world. Very recently, the Chaos Gods did not enter this world from wherever they came-with their own Aspect nemeses hot on their tails. Very hostile Aspect nemeses.

Similar enough to each other that many people wonder if they are not a bifurcated entity like Xolotol, Sigmar and the God-Emperor of Mankind both embody two different forms of Love that actively despises or is suspicious of all else not under its domain-Faith and Myopia, respectively. Sigmar's Faith is by far the less hostile, but as many unfortunate Yazata Scions who fought against the Crusaders might know, Faith cannot-must not-accept forms of worship that it does not permit. Thus, while Sigmar barely tolerates Gods not part of the Ruinous Powers, he is always carefully judging them and their followers for the least sign of things he forbids, and those who transgress his long and vast series of commandments are advised-by him-to expect no mercy. The God-Emperor's Myopia, on the other hand, never even makes a pretense of diplomacy-the Aspect hypocritically despises the very concept of Godhood for presuming that those even partially not human can rule over humans, and indeed, anything other than a human raises his genocidal ire. Unfortunately for everyone else, rogue Scions and humans influenced by Alluminas get a pass, as they have dedicated themselves to his vision of a humanity united under the power of Blessed Order-he merely treats them as expendable as the rest of his servants.

While the first thing on the two human paragons-turned-Aspects is the eradication of the Chaos Gods and everyone ever touched by them, neither is at all friendly to the other pantheons. Sigmar seems to believe that they are also daemons until proven otherwise (and even then, evidence to the contrary is suspect at best), and as mentioned, the God-Emperor loathes anything that is not a human or an "enhanced" human. Indeed, the Aspects are the primary reason why the other pantheons even barely tolerate the Dark Gods-after all, the latter may be annoying, amoral, and capricious, but at least they aren't (usually) actively trying to kill them. How long this alliance (if it can be called that) will last beyond the removal of the threat the Bright Two pose is a matter of debate (smart money is on thirty seconds, because that's how long it takes to see if a divine being is actually dead), but the Gods work under the idea that the Enemy of their enemies is their friend-and the Bright Two are certainly enough of an enemy to justify that maxim.

In terms of physical form, Alluminas is...vaguely defined. It seems strange to many Scions that such a Titan so well-known for its capacity to bind others into set forms is so hard to geographically define, but Love is very much a nonphysical concept. Thus, all but the most important locations within it are defined in narrative terms-a chasm as yawning and empty as Sigmar believes an atheist's heart to be, an ocean of tears as deep as the God-Emperor's grief for his dying Imperium, for instance. Trying to get a handle on this can be disorienting, to say the least-it requires a Legend + Perception + Empathy roll with a Difficulty of 20 every scene outside of one of these locations to get a hold on the metaphor of the hour needed to navigate, else the visitors get lost and find themselves in one of the tableaux that pop up everywhere in Alluminas. If it is a group traveling together, only one individual needs to succeed at the roll to lead the others down the correct route. If the roll is failed, roll the character's Virtues or the Virtues of the group added together in a pool against each other. The Virtue with the most successes indicates the type of tableaux the wanderers find.

As a being of emotion made physical, the Cosmic Egg constantly shapes various aspects of its form into various scenes that tweak Virtue, whether the Dark ones or one of the various Divine ones. These tableaux, as befitting such a moralistic Titan, are well, morality plays. Someone with the Virtue of Intellect, for instance, may come across a library which a group of giants fearful of its knowledge are attempting to burn down, while a different character with the Dark Virtue of Zealotry may come across a heretical Titanspawn preaching the superiority of an enemy Titan (not necessarily Alluminas-other Titan minions can enter the Singularity too) to an interested crowd. Alluminas does not care if the Virtue overcomes the opposition or not (Love is sometimes only the moral victor, after all) only that it is done in the proper thematic way. The library arsonists may be turned back by the power of a book of magic found within, while the heretic may be debated into admitting the error of his ways or his selfish motives, but just shooting them violates the rules. Breaking the defined rules of a tableaux (which are always made obvious in some fashion, even if a friendly character within it has to talk very....slowly...) alerts the Titan's immune system to foreign invaders or possibly a rogue element within it. Within 1d10 minutes, a group of 3d10 Angyls show up and attempt to subdue the character(s) and drag them off to the nearest Confessional to be interrogated as to their purpose, then to be followed up by conversion into Beloved or execution.

Entering Alluminas is easy enough, if things have gotten almost too late-as certain locations are coming under its direct control, enthralled mortals are driven to build shrines to it and its' Aspects glory, incorporating twisted religious symbols (particularly Judeo-Christian ones). These shrines serve as Axis Mundi to the Chapels of the Aspects they represent or the Universal Temple...which at this point, are almost always under heavy guard to ensure the enemies of Blessed Order don't ruin the embrace of the populous at the last minute. For less suicidal and desperate options, being within (own Legend) feet of an act of Love (intercourse between two people who genuinely and deeply love each other, a faithful person offering a sacrifice to the Gods without expectation of reward, or even someone deciding to work in a soup kitchen) works in order to bring one to a tableaux similar to the act (assuming one can drag a Slaaneshi Scion away from the first), and those same tableaux are key to leaving; if a tableaux scene is resolved in such a way that it becomes clear that the characters must journey in order to more fully grasp the Virtue it represents (the library is saved but the book promises so much more if the character could test it, or the debater is so flummoxed by the heretic that he himself suffers a crisis of faith and must seek a way to reaffirm it), Alluminas opens a portal to a place thematic to the resolution (a scenic field just begging for SCIENCE! in the former case, a great cathedral in the latter, for instance).

(And before you ask, I stole the name of Angyl from The Shape of the Nightmare to Come, after the reincarnated divine form of the God-Emperor's daemons. Naturally, they're just as bad as normal daemons)

Locations in Alluminas:

The first thing to note about the geography of Alluminas that isn't subject to narrative interpretation is that its'...rather lacking in uniqueness. True, there is only one Universal Temple, but there are about a dozen Chapels, a hundred or so Monoliths, and thousands of Confessionals...and even the Temple is more of a category of terrain within the Cosmic Egg than a proper subrealm. The answer for this is simple-as a Titan without proper Avatars, Alluminas does not possess the clarity of roles needed to form proper subdivisions within itself, only distinctive quirks of the landscape. This does not prevent the Aspects from influencing the terrain, however-the very reason a Chapel exists is as a church dedicated to a particular form of Love an Aspect follows, and they tend to influence the particular symbolism of the landscape around their domains (many would say that influence is the domain). Areas and tableaux around Sigmar take a distinctly religious and medieval cast, while the God-Emperor's realm has the grim darkness of a mechanized battlefield about its lands. This tendency is doubled in places that are directly under Aspect control-one can usually tell that a Monolith has been claimed by an Aspect as palace thanks to the massive amounts of decoration meaningful to them covering and etched into the marble stone, to say nothing of the Chapels.

The Universal Temple: The "brain" of Alluminas if Greater Titans can be said to have one, the Universal Temple is a surreal mishmash of various forms of religious site; the spires of Christian cathedrals top the domes of Islamic mosques covering the halls of Jewish synagogues, inside of which is a statue of the Buddha in front of a doorway to a sacred grove, on the other side of which is another bizarre synthesis of completely different spiritual architecture. Unlike in all other set locations within Alluminas, the same navigational problems apply to the inside and grounds of the Temple as well; as a place not imposed upon Alluminas by separate will, the Titan has free reign to create tableaux here, although they are smaller, and it possesses the same narrative structure as most of the Titan. This is neutral ground for the Aspects-while the fighting may be as brutal as expected given their fanaticism and differing beliefs, the Angyls have decreed that there is to be no fighting among the Beloved in the Temple, as part of Alluminas' decree that the Temples exists only to further Love in all its forms. Beyond that, everything is acceptable, so long it does not impede others' Love-a couple may decide to screw in the middle of a sermon, or an inquisitor may choose to barge into the Temple's archives and look for seditious material; all the Angyls ask is that the horny Titanspawn find a convenient area away from the sermon so as to not distract the preacher or the more prudish flock, and that the inquisitor have a guide to explain what is simply intel on the enemies of the Beloved and what is actually seditious.

Chapels: If the Universal Temple is the sacred ground of Alluminas itself, then the Chapels are much the same to the Aspects, serving as a very physical way of stating "this is the kind of Love I embody and seek to visit upon the world". There is one Chapel for every Aspect, and indeed, creating one is integral to actually becoming an Aspect in the first place, as such a cerebral and metaphor-based Titanrealm decrees that a spiritual undertaking must also be a physical one. While chapels are generally a term for a small shrine in the mortal world, the Chapels of the Cosmic Egg are massive constructions the size of cities, serving as home for the majority of the owning Aspect's servants, and as a base of operations for incursions into other realms, whether Earth, the Underworld, the Overworld, or other Greater Titans. Each one is carefully built to the owning Aspect's concept and specifications; Sigmar's Chapel seems like the one most deserving of that title, being a stone and iron castle surrounding a township where every building has some intended purpose in his Divine Plan with the keep being the home of his high priest, the Grand Theogonist, for instance. By contrast, the other half of the Bright Two has a clanking, grimy arcology for his Chapel, a mechanical sore on the face of the Titanrealm which packs over three hundred million Beloved humans into itself, with quality of life gradually rising from the worst of the third world into obscene decadence as one nears the top, with the spire reserved for the God-Emperor's personal aides, who coordinate the Chapel-Hive's impressive automated defenses. Unsurprisingly, these are the targets of much of intra-Aspect fighting-while destroying a Chapel does not destroy the Aspect, and none of them are nearly stupid enough to actually live in the Chapels themselves, they are, in a sense, Birthrights of Alluminas, and destroying one cripples an Aspects' abilities (to the tune of losing two dots in all Attributes and associated Epic abilities, as well as access to their Alluminas-granted Boon) while it reforms over the course of about a couple weeks, not to mention the logistical nightmare of controlling forces without a headquarters. Naturally, destroying an Aspect destroys his or her Chapel, though "ruins" of it will figure strongly into the tableaux for the next century.

Aspect of Alluminas: Lilith Kadmon

Other Names: Lilitu, Lamashtu, The Shedim Queen, The Serpent of Wisdom, That Fickle Bitch (not actually a proper name mind you, just a common refrain shared by her rebuffed would-be lovers. She does not mind one bit).

Christian-or formerly Christian, in any case-Scions know the tale; When the One God created Adam, the First Man, he desired company. Hearing the request of his creation, God took one of Adam's ribs, and made Eve, the First Woman. The primordial couple was warned not to eat the fruit of a Tree of Wisdom, but a sapient serpent (who may or may not have had limbs) convinced Eve otherwise, and so the two were cast out of the utopia of the Garden of Eden. A smaller subset of these individuals know that snake was, in fact, Adam's first wife (and entirely separate creation of God's) Lilith, who was exiled for not acknowledging Adam's authority and became the snake out of jealousy of Eve and anger at Adam.

Many feminists have adopted the story of Lilith as a symbol of a woman who resisted the patriarchy, an anti-heroine who would not be tamed and suffered for it. These feminists are more right than they know-there probably wasn't a Garden of Eden as we imagine it, but there was a Tree of Wisdom and a primordial couple with a jilted first wife. And yes, Lilith Kadmon refused to bow her head to Adam Kadmon.

What most don't realize (and in the case of certain chauvinists, cannot be made to realize) was that this was not because of Lilith being too headstrong for her own good-it was because she was headstrong enough to realize her destined husband was a bit of a dumbass. Yes, she did love him at first, as she was made to do so, but Lilith was born with the taste of the Fruit of Wisdom in her mouth, and thus, was more self-aware and empathetic than Adam-and as a woman who was quite capable of thinking for herself, she decided she'd rather be single than married to a man who's goals in life were "eat, sleep, breed, repeat". She chose exile herself, and outside of Adam's influence, her anger cooled, and she realized that perhaps the reason she disliked her supposed soulmate was because he did not have the touch of Wisdom that allowed intellectual pursuits and a true conscience. Thus, when she snuck back into the Garden as a snake and saw that Eve was just as hopelessly dim and unambitious as Adam, she decided to give them both the gift of Wisdom and lead a life as fulfilled as hers, accepting the punishment of the loss of much of her access to the Overworld (the curse to crawl on the ground and eat dust) as an acceptable trade.

Eventually, she found her way to Mesopotamia during the heyday of its Pantheon, the Annuaki,where she found (much to her dismay) that as a creature created to serve as a companion and mate to another as he to her, she fell in love over and over again, often with people that hurt her gravely. Eventually, she realized that she could no more avoid her affections than a mortal could avoid food, and so she decided to become their master instead. Coming to be known as Lilitu or Lamashtu, she became the cheerful origin of the "succubus" image, a seducer who would visit any man (and later, woman-as soon as she realized homosexuality was a thing, she made herself bisexual in order to more fully master romantic love in all its forms, though it took her a while to be comfortable with changing sexes on occasion) who caught her fancy. She would enter into their dreams and remake herself into the perfect image of his (or her) romantic fantasy and seduce them, impregnating herself with his child (or, if it was a woman, the seduced of the the child of the man she last slept with-Lilith is capable of many things, but changing one of her egg cells into a functioning sperm is not one of them). She would then carry the child to term over an accelerated pregnancy, soon giving birth to a daughter who inherited both her mother's power over the wind and dreams and carried her tameless nature (incidentally, though she would give women a son not related to her, they still would have her rebellious side and powers). These Lilim (sons of Lilith are called Cambions) would come to assist their mother in both her desire to live a comfortable, independent life, as well as find lovers of their own. Many of them would accidentally choose Scions to visit their seductive affections on, and wound up dead for their deceptive ways-understandable, given how many Lilim actually wanted to dominate their loves rather than simply enjoy their company (in more than one way) like their mother.

However, a less manipulative daughter (who's name has been lost to history) found out that, when she was honest with a Scion named Pazuzu about her real origins when lying to him became too much for her to bare, he did not strike her down. Rather, he was intrigued that the girl he had grown rather fond of was apparently exactly as she presented herself, personality-wise, and decided to keep her as a secret Guide. Over time, what was simply what we would call a crush today blossomed into genuine and mutual romance, to the point where Pazuzu started to deliberately sabotaging operations to stop (and kill) his paramour's kin. When the Annuaki realized this, they confronted their Scion and gave him a choice-end the romance with the Lilim or choose exile with her. Much like a reversed version his future mother-in-law, he choose his lover and exile. Unfortunately for them both, the Annuaki did not take rebuffing of them lightly-even as part of an explicitly offered option-and so they ambushed the newlyweds as they nestled in their bed after the ceremony, killing Pazuzu's wife in front of him. Given how skilled Pazuzu was in Health and Sky Boons, and the patronage of Lilith (who's dislike of the Annuaki hardened into hatred after this), the fall of Babylon not long after should not come a huge surprise. Indeed, the statues of Pazuzu from that point onward were meant as attempts to placate his and Lilith's revenge by showing him that he was welcome to return after the violation of trust and as acknowledgement of his assistance of Mursilis, the conqueror of Babylon.

After the true fall of the Annuaki and the cultures they sponsored, Lilith journeyed to the future site of the Roman Empire, and interacted with the young Dokatheton, who saw in her passion and self-assurance a kindred spirit, and eventually revealed to her the existence of Alluminas, reasoning that even if she became an Aspect, she would be a friend to them. The Dokatheton was not incorrect-while she did spend most of Rome's reign building her Chapel, so as to fully master Love, she has not forgotten the kindness the Greek gods showed her, and they are even regarded as on-again, off-again allies by her (though contrary to Hera's beliefs, she has not had a child with Zeus. Amazing, we know).

Now one of the older Aspects of Alluminas, Lilith embodies the two sides of romantic love-its caring, devoted aspect and its utter inability to be controlled. A patron of both gender equality and open sexuality, she got something of a bad rap (and poor Fatebind) in the repressed and early days of Western Civilization, forcing her to act, well, demonically and forcing her to be an enemy of the Gods. As the more modern, enlightened ideals of gender relations and sex have come into play, the role Fate has for her has similarly eased, though enough of the world is backwards enough in its gender roles to the point where she's still forced to act somewhat malevolently there (though she does everything in her power to make those areas more equal). More recently, she has joined the resistance movement against the Bright Two as morale officer and ethical leader, ensuring that the minions of the Aspects do not lose faith in the fall of the interlopers or that they become just as bad. In form, she is a master shapeshifter (though she lost her access to her snake form when she became a part and lord of Alluminas), so its difficult to lay down a proper shape, but her favored form is of a classical Arabic beauty with hair as dark as the night sky and a starry twinkle in her similarly dark eyes, often found wearing a modified burqua so that it emphasizes her femininity rather than hides it (although her breasts are covered completely-again, gender equality, and that includes looking the lass in the eye). Personality-wise, she has two modes-one is a calm, regal ice queen who greets any attempt to intimidate her or control her with ego-shredding sarcasm (she is a master at attacking insecurities about one's attractiveness), the other a kind, nurturing woman who wears her emotions on her sleeve (technically, she can also be a seductress, but that's a deliberately affected demeanor on her part). She also tends to switch between the two without warning, and in her opinion, if you can't deal with the headstrong alpha female contradicting you and doing her own thing, you probably don't deserve the delicate paramour, either. She is also happy to dispense romantic advice, and in particular likes helping "nice guys" who are actually trying to not infringe on a woman's rights by asking her out, rather than the more common variety who are just trying to manipulate her into sex.

In terms of the Titanomachy, Lilith is probably the part of the Alluminan Resistance that is most open to divine entreaties. Besides the fact she doesn't carry any particular grudge against any Pantheon other than the Annuaki (who may be extinct), she also quite enjoys Scions or Gods who treasure the independence and freedom of their lovers (on both sides-both misogynists and true feminazis find no sympathy from her) and may take who is open to the relationship as one of her many lovers, even offering the benefits of the Beloved condition without actually needing to be loyal to Alluminas. Fittingly, she is also the Aspect with the least amount of ability to actually turn the tide against the Bright Two-her powers are of the bower and the poet, not the battlefield and the warrior. Still, she and her children's power over dreams and espionage abilities would definitely come in handy, and getting her voucher would open up the other Aspects of the Resistance to diplomacy.

Virtues: Ambition 3, Loyalty 3, Harmony 4, Zealotry 4.

[Sidebar: Hold On, What Happened To The Dark Virtues?

Love, while often dangerous and uncompromising, is a concept that requires a certain degree of altruism. Thus, it is not uncommon-at all-to find Alluminan Titanspawn with mixed Virtues, and even the Dark Virtues are a bit tamer. Lilith's Ambition, for instance, does not require her to betray her friends and lovers to gain social position, only that she gather more power for them at any cost. On the other hand, normal Virtues can be taken to unhealthy extremes-Lilith's Harmony causes her to be a bit anal-retentive about making sure any relationship she is aware of, whether hers or someone else's, be truly equal and thus, healthy, to the point of being a slight control freak. Also, all of Alluminas' children and those touched by it possess Zealotry, as Love in all its forms is uncompromising.

Common divine Virtues for both Beloved and Sanctified creatures are Loyalty, Harmony, Piety, and Intellect].

(also, notice how I gave it two templates. I figured that being a convert and being a direct creation are different enough to deserve consideration).

2012-09-29, 11:40 PM
I seem to be on a Lilith kick right now, mainly because I like anti-heroic/villainous Titans...and because I am a shameless pervert. A chivalrous pervert, but still.

That, and I think the Titanspawn Scion suggestions in Ragnarok deserve at least some attention, as seen below.

Children of Lilith: The initial source of succubi/incubi myths (besides their mother), the Children of Lilith are the most common, the most intelligent and the most socially adept of Lilith's minions. Similar to giants, they are a humanoid race created from the power of a Greater Titan, but unlike giants, crossbreeding with humans does not cause their mental capacities to regress. In fact, there is actually no other way for them to reproduce properly-as a race who are all directly related to one Aspect, inbreeding between them would result in some rather horrific deformities, with the lucky children only being stillborn instead of forced to endure a week or so of torturous life before those same malformations killed them. Even if that wasn't the case, Children find the idea of incest as repellent as everyone else who is not a God (and thus have a more flexible form of genetics due to ichor), and the only ones who are actually open to the idea tend to be repulsive enough that even a human feeling the full brunt of their charms would rather cut off his own arm than sleep with one.

Technically, the Children of Lilith are two separate species, the all-female Lilim and the all-male Cambions, with any children being the same sex and thus race as the Child parent. The Lilim, as a rule, are fewer and more powerful and wily than Cambions, but this is due to natural selection rather than the women being wiser, as the case may be; the Children are just as addicted to romance as their mother, falling in and out of lust at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately for Lilim, both sexes are also very virile, and while a Cambion can simply wander off and leave the inseminated mortal behind, a Lilim has to deal with all the problems that come with pregnancy and later child-rearing, and given how violent the life of a Titanspawn can be, many expectant Lilim have met their end this way. Thus, a Lilim who survives past her first daughters (as a recognition of the difficulties Lilim face with motherhood, Lilith made it so they usually have twins or occasionally triplets), by the rules of Darwinian fitness, is usually stronger or more clever than the rest. Thankfully, Lilim don't actually have to raise their children that long-also like their mother, Children are very self-sufficient and are usually ready to go out on their own around the age of twelve or so.

Surprisingly, at least to modern sensibilities, most Children of Lilith aren't actually that pretty. They're not ugly, by any sense of the term, but most look like people you'd cross by on the street...assuming the wings they all have aren't out, which is unique to every Child but always both frightening and alluring. Rather, they come off as being more attractive than they actually are due to the sheer force of their personality, which is almost always energetic and focused. Unsettlingly, they don't breathe except to speak-as the spawn of a spirit of the night winds, the Children have an inner wind that supplies the oxygen they need, and actually breathing overfills their lungs to uncomfortable levels. Not that it really matters-the Children are born actors and can play everything from a demure doormat to a shallow sexpot if it gets them closer to their marks, and all possess the Illusion Purview, so they can disguise themselves as anything they want. And "mark" is accurate-most Children are not nearly as kind or nurturing as Lilith, and even the nice ones are manipulators (though the nice ones think they're doing it for your own good-they might be right, but that's beside the point). Even beyond the all-consuming drive to seduce and reproduce, the Children weave social networks like a spider around themselves, using their enthralled contacts to gain anything they desire, legal or otherwise-including the completion of mercenary missions for other powers, usually Titans. They also have a particular dislike for the Ruinous Powers, more specifically Slaanesh-officially, they look down upon him as a purveyor of empty desire rather than true love, unofficially it's because they realize exactly how hypocritical the official line is and fear the comparison she could make.

That being said, Children of Lilith can and do have affections that run deeper than simple physical desire. In particular, a mortal who can match their ferocious intellect or rebuff their charms earns their respect, and for the Children, respect is often a short stepping stone to commitment. Naturally, they fight the process of actually falling head over heals in genuine love every step of the way, meeting every idle fantasy with denial and every show of affection from their paramour with mixed signals (as one might have guessed, this phobia of feelings deeper than lust was entirely intentional by Lilith, in one of her more sadistic moves). A persistent paramour, however, usually can get them to open up, even to the point of dropping the facade and revealing themselves for what they really are. Of course, many relationships end there, with a mortal scared out of their wits that when confronted with an actual succubus or incubus, and the succubus or incubus in question dragging themselves over to the liquor cabinet. A brave (or at least, kinky) few mortals go back after they calm down however, and always manages to make up (assuming they can endure the drunken rant about the Child's life). These Children nearly invariably settle down and raise their own children with the mortal spouse, and even after the mortal dies before the Child's time, living among humans as something other than an outsider makes the settled child more empathetic. These Children are open as Guides.

[Sidebar: Dude, Succubi Are Sexy And Awesome. Why Can't I Play Them?

Given that they are the often-sympathetic spawn of a very sympathetic Aspect, a few players might wonder why they can't, y'know, play the bad-ish guy. Leaving aside the more creepy members of the troupe (you know who they are), that is completely understandable. However, we do not have the time or the desire to put in place a system for playing Titanspawn, even ones who usually possess mixed Virtues. Instead, we suggest that a Child PC be an adopted Scion of another God, probably a Love God like Aphrodite or Slaanesh or a Trickster God like Loki or Tzeentch. While most Children of Lilith are born with their powers or develop them very early in life, your PC, for some reason, never developed his or hers. Still, ichor is ichor, and your adopted parent decided to capitalize on your potential, possibly with urging by Lilith or your Child parent.

Certain considerations must be kept in mind, however. For example, were you aware of your parentage? Did your Child parent abandon you, either being a Cambion who left your mother behind or a Lilim who realized she couldn't take care of a seemingly-mortal daughter and gave you up for adoption? If so, did you feel cheated by Fate or relieved you could live a mortal life? And most importantly, why the Underworld didn't your heritage manifest?]

2012-10-01, 10:57 AM
We now return to your regularly scheduled Greater Titan writeup.

Monoliths: The Gods have many faults, but a lack of persistence is not one of them. Over two hundred times they tried to bind Alluminas within Tartarus, and over two hundred times, they only managed to add a defined feature to the Titanrealm's landscape, each basalt and iron spike becoming a massive tower with a different internal floor layout and covering of arcane runes. Eventually, the Gods realized the Titan's binding would cost more than it gained if they simply made a truce with the distant intellect of the Greater Titan and its Aspects. That still didn't get rid of the Monoliths now burrowed into the Cosmic Egg's surreal flesh, but neither it nor the Aspects care-in the case of the Aspects, being able to use the Monoliths as fortresses was part of the deal. See, one of the funny things about living in a world that is defined by narrative and concept is that, well, narrative and concept conform to the shape of the plot, directed by the Greater Titan's alien intellect...which means that any fortress not part of one of the landmarks would likely disappear if it got in the way of a tableaux. Needless to say, the Aspects were not amused by this, especially given the other two types of landmark were too dangerous to live in, so the Monoliths have been converted into a series of fortresses and palaces where the Aspects and their senior followers live. More importantly, the large series of Monoliths and their relatively close locations to one another mean that an Aspect can, if need be, migrate to another Monolith if the constant warring gets too close. Naturally, one of the first things the Bright Two did when they realized the Monoliths could not be destroyed was to wall off an entire sector of about twenty for themselves.

Confessionals: Simultaneously the most common true landmarks of Alluminas and the most important from a strategic perspective in the Aspects' bickering, the Confessionals can be considered the arteries and muscles of the Greater Titan if the Universal Temple is the brain. Unlike the Temple, however, the Confessionals are not narratively defined like the Temple or the general landscape-they are physical extensions of the Greater Titan's desire to expand its concept and reach across all the universe, and thus are as deeply set as its conviction. Physically, they are not so much seen so much as felt, the profound weight of Alluminas' intention bearing down on the viewers, despite the Confessionals themselves only being the size of a large house and lacking in decoration, being metallic domes marked with the sigils of all the current Aspects-as well they should. While they can and do serve as grounds for execution, the Angyls and Alluminas view this as a waste-really, that's only the fate reserved for those who cannot receive the true purpose of the Confessionals-conversion.

Inside each Confessional is a small chamber where a Teraphim Angyl picks the brains of any captures and dutifully logs them before they are thrown into the main area-a direct link to the mind of Alluminas, where it, guided by one of the Aspects, explains in a vast, fantastical dreamworld why the prisoner should forsake all previous obligations and allies and dedicate herself to the cause of Love forever more. Enhanced by the information taken by the scribe, the prisoner is assaulted with images of a utopia without hatred or loneliness, filtered through the lens of the guiding Aspect-Sigmar tends to send visions of a glorious theocracy where all live in peace with Alluminas, the True Divinity, while Shesha shows a world just reborn, cleansed of all sin and sorrow (the God-Emperor tends to just execute the prisoner via not filtering the communion with the Titan at all, causing her to be lobotomized). Already an extremely tempting vision before the scribe's info is brought to bare, the Greater Titan is extremely adept at focusing on the prisoner's doubts and insecurities, more specifically how they will all go away if you just let it hold you in its arms...needless to say, all but the strongest of strong wills crumple before the offer and tearfully accept, leaving the Confessional with a song in their souls and Zealotry in their hearts. While it is possible to deprogram the Beloved, doing so requires that they become disillusioned with the dream Stasis showed to them, and to know that such a seemingly perfect place would be horribly flawed breaks them; more than one Scion has been cured of the template only to throw himself off somewhere very high and not activate Sky boons.

Of course, the Aspects want to embrace the cosmos as much as the Greater Titan does, but as anyone who has dealt with ideologues who are as equally passionate about their particular causes knows, their different concepts of Love don't get along. At all. Thus, what the Aspects call the War of Blue Roses, after the infamous English conflict-the right to claim the Confessionals and thus direct what kind of Love Alluminas imprints on the beings taken there. See, while the Angyls who bring prisoners to the Confessional are, like the overseers of the Temple, neutral in the feud, they cannot actually open the Confessionals themselves-it requires an Aspect or minion thereof to actually touch their respective sigil and so create a brief archway into the interrogation chamber-and naturally, this is the Aspect which the conversion dreamworld is filtered through. Beloved created through the aegis of a particular Aspect naturally have a similar philosophical view to that Aspect, thus making both someone who agrees with the Aspect's policies and is predisposed to working for him or her. Thus, much of the War of Blue Roses is a vicious custody battle over who has the right to "serve as gatekeeper" for the Confessionals, rightly deducing that he who holds the domes holds the reins of Alluminas.

Curiously, despite being even more gung-ho about the War than his closest ally, the God-Emperor never really gets the chance to convert many people-the Angyls seem to realize that he deliberately kills anything other than a baseline human who enter his guarded Confessionals, and thus deliberately avoid them. He himself knows this, and does not care-so long as his Confessionals aren't in the hands of other Aspects, he is satisfied. Better no one has it than the "enemies of Man".

(will have more soon)

Tanuki Tales
2012-10-01, 11:05 AM
Am reading through this currently, but the first thing I want to say is:

You guys do know that the Ruinous Powers have positive aspects, right? And that Slaanesh is the God of Love (Khorne is the God of Honor, Nurgle is the God of Life and Tzeentch is the God of Hope)?


The Chaos Gods represent the totality of sentient emotion and are only the way they are because sentient life is more rife with chaotic, corrupt influence than positive, altruistic influence. So a proper antithesis to all of that is something that represents Nihilism or complete and utter Apathy.

2012-10-01, 11:10 AM
Am reading through this currently, but the first thing I want to say is:

You guys do know that the Ruinous Powers have positive aspects, right? And that Slaanesh is the God of Love (Khorne is the God of Honor, Nurgle is the God of Life and Tzeentch is the God of Hope)?

Of course we do. They also have very negative aspects (and really, more like God of Creativity for Slaanesh).

Thus, for their Titanic nemesis, we thought that we should have a Titan who also has both directly postive and directly negative aspects. Love is faith and fullfillment, but is also domineering and controlling-thus, the oppostite of Chaos.

Hence, the Mixed Virtues many Alluminan Titanspawn have-a systemic representation of how love can be both altruistic and antagonistic.

EDIT: Well, creative license rule. That, and in Scion, the Titans already fill that role, only more so, since they represent the composing elements of the cosmos itself, utterly untamed and uncaring of that which gets in thier way. Both the eloements themselves and the emotions they symbolize. Prometheus, for example, represents Fire as Innovation and Technology, while Mami Wata represents Water as Drowining in Emotions.

In fact, the Greater Titans owe a lot-a lot-to the Chaos Gods as they originally were, right down to corruption of their enemies into service.

2012-10-06, 09:30 AM

Naturally, the threat of being captured and brainwashed into a fanatical cultist should be an ever-present threat when fighting the forces of the Titan of Love, but before we even get into the systems, the ST must make sure it's okay with the players. It's only a particular person who enjoys "your character is now evil, hand over your character sheet", ie, "save or die" effects, especially given the nigh-impossibility of resurrection in Scion. While these rules are made in mind that a brainwashed Scion can be saved (though it is as difficult as breaking free from the influence of any other cult), not everyone enjoys RPing such a sudden change to their characters, particularly given how the process fiddles with the Virtues of a character. MAKE SURE THIS IS OKAY WITH YOUR PLAYERS FIRST.

While the actual "vision of perfection" does not begin as soon as the prisoner/potential convert is brought into the Confessional, the conversion process does. Inside the dome is an overwhelming psychic field of Love that exerts a powerful pacifying effect-while the prisoner can think and reason quite well, actually taking physical action (escape, fighting, even squirming against the chairs in the waiting area and in the scribe's office) is impossible. After a possible wait (the interrogations work on a first-come, first-serve basis, and given the impossibility of there being enough Confessionals to have one prisoner being interrogated, especially in these times of conquest), the prisoner is taken before the scribe and his gilded desk. The Angyl is calm, polite, and professional-rather than being a terrifying figure out to torture weakness out of the prisoner, the Teraphim seeks to make itself the target's friend, offering a drink of water, some coffee-room pastries, and pleasant small talk. Soon, however, the conversation moves to the past and personality of the prisoner, the scribe gently prodding her (enforced by the Truthseeking ability of Teraphim) to tell it about certain moments that lead to the formation of the Scion's personality and more importantly, Virtue spread. This is the chance for a socially-adept prisoner to cripple the dreamworld before it forms-while the Angyl won't stop until it has a working picture of the Scion's failings, it is not infallible and can be mislead. Either way, the scribe dutifully jots down its report on the Scion's personality and the gatekeeping Aspect's sigil on a vellum scroll, which it then ties to the prisoner's neck. At that point, a pair of red-cloaked Angyls which have deliberately remained unseen grab the prisoner, host her up, and toss both her and the scroll into a bowl of perfectly clear water at the top of a raised dais of carved obsidian in the very center of the Confessional, both of which vanish in a flash of light as soon as they impact the water.

Now within the mind of Alluminas, the conversion process truly begins as the prisoner wanders a dreamlike utopia as stated above, assaulted with visions drawn directly from his own memories-dead loved ones welcoming him to Paradise, friends and family in blissful contentment, enemies broken and forgotten or even offering apologies for their misdeeds towards him. The Greater Titan almost immediately begins a contest for the very soul of the prisoner, attacking the Scion's lowest Virtue in an attempt to disprove its very existence as a meaningful concept, and in doing so, open his mind to the possibility of a different path (if multiple Virtues share the lowest number, the ST chooses which Alluminas focuses on). The potential convert is immediately met with a series of personalized tableaux drawn from the scribe's writings, each one trying to inure the idea of the Cosmic Egg's perfection to the Scion. These are usually in the theme of the Aspect laying claim to the prisoner-for example, Sigmar favors pseudo-religious scenes that cast the Scion as a lost sheep which the promised Holy Land is trying to reach out to and accept as part of their holy empire, Shensha favors scenes of tragedies and pain undone or in the process of being so by the world's rebirth, while Lilith shows the Scion a place where innocence is cherished and true love is never betrayed. At the end of every tableaux, roll the Scion's pool of Integrity + Willpower against the Greater Titan's own pool of 20. Success for the Scion means that a point goes towards a "freedom pool".

Success for the Titan means that either the Scion must immediately spend two Willpower points (representing the gradual wearing down of the prisoner's resolve and self-assurance) or lose a dot from the targeted Virtue (representing the Scion losing faith in what she already doubted about his Pantheon and coming around to Alluminas' point of view). Breaking the tableaux rules does nothing to stop this-rather, the Titan counts on it, spinning the out-of-theme event to show just how pointless fighting against Love is, with slain illusions of loved ones crying plaintively as they die, slowly and painfully, while unloved heathens break into the sanctuary where the Scion's Guide works and brutally murder him, which shatters the Scion's will to continue, even if only for a second-her dice pool for the next brainwashing contest is halved, rounding down. On the other hand, fooling the scribe makes the Titan work from incomplete and misleading information, making the visions have glaring and obvious inconsistencies with what the Scion knows to be true-the Titan must score two overall wins on the brainwashing contests (which stack across tableaux) before the Scion must shed Willpower or a Virtue dot, while resolving a tableaux in such a way that resoundingly and logically rejects the point it is trying to make while not breaking the rules (when faced with an atoning enemy subtly urging the Scion to reconsider Vengeance, forgiving him while also making it clear that it was only her pursuit of justice that made him reconsider his actions, for instance) halves the Greater Titan's dice pool to 10, as well as gives the Scion a Willpower point (before the brainwashing contest).

If the Titan manages to reduce the targeted Virtue to zero, the Scion's resolve finally crumples before the glory of Blessed Order, and he submits to the embrace of Alluminas. Through one final tableaux that symbolizes the new convert joining the cause of the Greater Titan (one of Sigmar's templars taking the Scion up as a squire, taking a swim in the rich amrita of Shensha's reborn world, following a real-world spouse now with Child of Lilith wings to bed), the convert appears, now dressed in a gold and red silk cloak (which contains any Birthrights he may have in its pockets and attached satchel) that protects the fragile reborn from the elements of Alluminas, near the Chapel of the Aspect that claimed him. In place of his old Virtue, he now has a dot of Zealotry (although for more sex-focused Aspects, Rapacity may not be out of the question) and all the benefits and drawbacks of the Beloved template. The scroll made by the scribe reappears, now instructions on what to do to satisfy the guards that one is actually a convert and not a spy (the robes aren't unique by any means) and then directions to an instructor that will guide and ease the new Beloved into his new life. While he will be called upon to make regular visits to the Confessional, he no longer resists the will of the Titan and honestly cannot comprehend why anyone else would. Eventually, the Dark Virtue, with the Confessional's guidance, will become the highest Virtue, and possibly with a second Dark Virtue replacing another divine one, at which point the Scion Beloved will become part of the Aspect's elite guard and direct aides, with the hope of becoming Sanctified one day.

If the Scion reaches a freedom pool of ten points before the Titan breaks her will, however, she fully rejects the poisonous affections of the Cosmic Egg and frees herself from the vision of perfection, appearing on the outskirts Universal Temple clothed in a white cotton cloak of the same description. Any moment of victory the Scion has will be short-lived by necessity, as the scroll is sent back to the Confessional in an explosion of ash, animal musk, and multicolored energy that transforms everything it touches. The scribes know perfectly well what this is, and awaken the Malakim inside the Temple to the presence of a rogue and her physical description. They immediately begin sweeping the area (in an ironic twist, the seemingly-distinctive Heretic's Cloak is actually a Trophy that assists in hiding from Angyls, as well as a Birthright for all of Alluminas' Banned Purviews of Animal, Chaos, and Mystery) for the escapee, who is advised to find a tableaux and resolve it so they can get out, fast. Ironically, if the Malakim catch her, the execution scene they put her in is, in and of itself, a tableaux that, while it cannot be broken due to the Malakim's cleverness in plugging possible leaks, is inherently an Axis Mundi out if the Scion wins it...though it is likely an Angyl or three will follow her out of sheer stubbornness.

As a side note, it is often traditional for a Scion of the Ruinous Powers to dye his Heretic's Robe in the color of his parent. It gives them yet another thing to boast about, and it's stylish, too!

[Sidebar: Embrace of Others

While this section is Scion-focused, the Aspects can and do recruit Titanspawn of other Greater Titans for use in their armies, and indeed, this is how they shore up their armies with Chimarae and Nemeans, two things Alluminas has difficulty creating. In this case, much the same system occurs, but the intention is to attack the lowest Dark Virtue and replace it with a divine Virtue the Aspect likes, and Alluminas pointedly avoids Zealotry.

In the case of mortals without Virtues taken to the Confessionals, assume they are brainwashed automatically. These mortal Beloved are often remade by the Aspects into Titanspawn forms (including, strangely, therianthropes), with the exception of the God-Emperor, who simply gives them training and some skills in the Magic purview for more intelligent and strong-willed mortals. On the other hand, since they did not receive the full brunt of Alluminas' powers, these Beloved are easier to deprogram (even the therianthropes, who do not require divine interference to regain sanity-the superego-based Love of Alluminas changes the savagery and bloodthirst of the bestial side into a normal if intelligent animal personality unafraid of humans, which the therianthrope can easily turn to more divine and altruistic goals) and do not suffer the suicidal depression many freed Scions do, though they are still immensely traumatized and vulnerable afterwards]

2012-10-15, 10:09 PM
Aspects: The Bright Two

Many individuals have wondered why Alluminas didn't make more of a nuisance of itself. It was completely free, after all, and the Aspects had almost free reign to do what they desired. True, they aren't the most hostile of Titans, but still, if one of them achieved dominance over the others and set out to conquer the universe, than it would be just as bad as the Titanomachy now. Perhaps more, given its flexibility in creations and the relative ease of corruption.

The answer is simple-because the Aspects couldn't agree on anything. Love is, after all, uncompromising, and more that that, the Aspects had to be fanatics even before they made their Chapels and became masters and servants of the Cosmic Egg-they wouldn't have had the clarity of vision it requires of them otherwise. Thus, the political situation of the Aspects has been one of only war, for the most part-occasionally, when one seemed to have been getting ahead, the others banded against him or her, but really, any possible infrastructure needed for an invasion was quickly torn down, either to prevent enemies from getting to it or as part of the give-and-take of changing battle lines. Add that on top of the fact that the less militarily powerful Aspects either had the friendship of the Gods (Lilith) or literally could not stay dead (Shensha), and one had almost a platonic form of pointlessness.

That was, until the Bright Two came.

Were they once human, as they claim? Maybe. Are they something entirely different now? Definitely. Was that thing something neither the Titans or even the Gods could have anticipated? Very much so-quite simply, they had forms that possessed empathy for one another.

If you believe the Ruinous Powers-or the Bright Two themselves-they come from not one world, but two. And both could very easily contend for the title of "worst of all possibles" award. Sigmar Heldenhammer was once a deified Emperor of a vast realm gradually being torn apart by the forces of Chaos, bizarre and hostile non-human races, and its own paranoia and social divisions. Much the same with the God-Emperor, except his Imperium stretched across an entire galaxy, with similarly scaled threats and troubles, whereas instead of ascending like Sigmar, he was trapped inside his own decaying body on his great Golden Throne. Quite simply, both their realms have fallen into a long, dark twilight from which they will not recover, and the only thing they had left was revenge against the Dark Gods, their greatest enemies. So, when they fled their universes in search of a brighter, less grim cosmos in which to dwell and feed in, the Bright Two followed, and met. And from that meeting was born, though not quite a friendship, a strong bond.

Perhaps that bond was why when they brushed psychic presences, Alluminas gently nudged them into building Chapels-a nudge they were all too happy to yield to.

Unsurprisingly, it turns out that the creations of the Greater Titan of Love work well together, and combined with their new masters' knowledge of military tactics and experience with war allowed their joined forces to easily overpower the other Aspects before they realized what was happening, and claim rulership over the Singularity. While the other Aspects have since formed a Resistance, this was too little, too late-even fighting together, the Aspects cannot hang up their differences, and regularly sneak potshots at each other for when the Bright Two fall.

For the first time since the original Titanomachy, Alluminas is preparing to launch a full scale invasion of the mortal coil, and it is Sigmar and the God-Emperor at the helm.

2012-10-26, 06:30 AM
Ok, finally back. Lots of stuff in my life.

Sigmar Heldenhammer

Virtues: Ambition 4, Order 3, Piety 5, Zealotry 5

Backstory: Sigmar was a king. Sigmar was a god. Sigmar was a tyrant.

All these apply to the less hostile, less genocidal half of the Bright Two, though there's a bit of play-on words with the last. Sigmar was indeed the king, later emperor, later patron God of the Human Empire of his world, and all aspersions of his morality aside, he was indeed a tyrant-he had not a drop of noble blood in him other than the privilege he earned through strength, political acumen, and sometimes dumb luck, meaning he was a tyrant in the original sense of a commoner-born ruler. It is for this reason that he is often referred to as "the Great Hypocrite" in Chaotic parlance, as he despises the clergy of the Ruinous Powers for seeking to repeat his feat. He, of course, shoots back that he came to the world on a twin-tailed comet, but the Chaos Gods are doubtful of his claim-they can even show you a picture of his mother.

Whatever the case, he did certainly appear as a baby with a twin-tailed comet darting across the skies, and as the Four begrudgingly admit, the humans did need him. His native planet, called the Old World by Chaos, was the site of a great accident in a world-hopping culture's portal network, ripping a hole at the north and south poles of the planet to the Overworld, but with the benefit of a pantheon-specific filter such as an Axis Mundi. While this did free the Chaos Gods to act freely in the Old World, it also sent a wave of toxic, mutative energy across the planet (only about 20% was their fault-the rest was Titanic in nature) that created races of mighty monsters and vicious creatures, among them the Ogres, the Trolls, and later, the Skaven (the Greenskins were actually an alien race that tagged along with the builders of the network, however). Humans were forced to survive in this hostile, dark environment as a series of disparate tribes until Sigmar was born to the mighty Unbeorgen tribe. At fifteen, he used his burgeoning strength and strategic genius to save the Dwarf king Kurgen Ironbeard from a Greenskin war-party, who as thanks made him the Birthright warhammer from which he got his surname. He soon proved himself the strongest and most cunning of the Unbeorgen, becoming their chieftain and later, uniting all the other tribes under his banner, gaining the right to call himself Emperor with the blessing of the War God Ulric (and, many suspect, a covert Visitation by Ulric).

It was soon after this that the true beginning of the rivalry between the Dark Gods and Sigmar would begin, when another would be Emperor, only blessed by the Chaos Gods (through technically Everchosen). Morkar the Uniter, as he was known, was a son of the Norse tribe that lived in the area of the broken portal, and thus had a closer relationship to the Overworld than most humans. More importantly, the Norse followed the Gods of Chaos to protect them from the Titanspawn and other monsters of their bleak homelands, and in return for their patronage, the Chaos Gods were allowed to father Scions. Morkar was one of the greatest (though from which Chaos God he sprang from has been respectfully forgotten), and on the cusp of true Godhood, he was tasked by the Chaos Gods to remake the Old World in the image of the Norse-their image. Uniting a great army of Chaos followers behind him, Morkar marched southward, conquering all he could see. Many histories of the Empire paint him and his soldiers as utterly savage, but this was long before Fatebinding forced the Chaos Gods into a form they found as loathsome as their enemies-truth is, Morkar was simply in the mold of General William Sherman of American Civil War fame/infamy, understanding that the key to defeating an enemy was not occupation, but the destruction of infrastructure-he did raze that which was unnecessary to the settlement of the Norse or needed for the war effort of his opposition, but he was never intentionally cruel (though admittedly, some of his men were). This proved all too effective until Sigmar realized his objectives, and decided to face him head on rather than allow him more time to burn the Empire's defenses to the ground.

The battle was long and brutal, but eventually Sigmar finally triumphed over his would-be conqueror, but unknown to the official histories of the Empire, Sigmar was somewhat impressed by the bravery and relative honor in battle possessed by the Everchosen's army, asking a dying Morkar where they found the strength to continue fighting long past the point where he knew he would fall. Morkar, with his dying breath, replied that "Because unlike you, I have faith in something greater than I". These words were something that Sigmar took to heart-the Warriors of Chaos may be have been a degenerate, brutal people, but unlike his own, they still had true faith in their Gods. Perhaps this is why he was inspired, upon gaining enough Legend to become a God himself, he founded a new faith in worship of him, a well-known, very reachable figure in their histories.

So he lead the so-called Cult of Sigmar in secret, but whatever noble intention he had in safeguarding and strengthening his Empire was for naught-the Old World, for all of the spirit of its inhabitants, had grown sick to the core. War was not only a way of life anymore, but actually described existing within it, as warring Greenskins, brutish Ogres, monstrous Trolls, scheming Skaven and myriad menaces besides-to say nothing of Chaos, which had a long memory and even longer vengeance for the death of its most beloved champion-began to tear both the Empire and all the virtuous, civillized nations apart. The final nail in its coffin, however, was an Everchosen Successor known as Archaon-and much to the dismay of everyone else, the only one even stronger than Morkar. A bitter and jaded nihilist who left the priesthood of the Cult of Sigmar after he found that the ability of a (relative) mortal to become a god was not unique, Archaon gathered six mighty Birthrights called the Treasures of Chaos (despite the best efforts of the ghost of Morkar) and made himself into a powerful Scion, sometimes known as the Lord of the End Times. He then proceeded to live down to every negative stereotype of Chaos in a massive war called the Storm of Chaos, which soldified the Dark Gods into a vile Fatebinding that forced them to act out only the worst of their nature. Thus, the Old World was condemned to a long, malingering end in sword and blood, as the new, vicious Chaos raped and pillaged and burned everything in its path. Eventually, even the Ruinous Powers grew sick of it all and with the help of their duplicates from the Dark Galaxy, crossed over into Earth, where they could let go and begin again.

Unfortunately, Sigmar followed them, curious about this gate to another universe and fearful of what his ancient rivals were planning.

As mentioned, he soon met the God-Emperor and erected their Chapels in Alluminas. In the case of Sigmar, he was awed by such a mighty and yet ordered force, finally meeting something primal and yet not Chaotic. He would become the Aspect of Faith, and like the other Aspects, declared his own concept of Love the only true path to perfection, as humanity without Faith is without purpose. To him, the modern world is an empty, bleak place as billions pay their respects to a deity that, as far as any God can tell, does not exist, and there is an increasing amount of people who believe in no God at all. In Sigmar's view, such a world is condemned to a slow, malingering death as the faithless mortals lose their way and their ideals to bleak and empty despair and nihilism, denied even the glorious, warrior's end of the Old World. He aims to change that by any means needed, and if that means converting the entire Earth to the Cult of Sigmar-Alluminas, so be it.

Compared to the God-Emperor, Sigmar is actually fairly merciful and compassionate. He's still a vicious zealot to be sure, and he views utter, uncompromising fanaticism as a virtue, but unlike the cruel, arrogant attitude of Aten and his servants, Sigmar's Faith is inclusive and desires converts preferably by word rather than sword. Part of the threat Sigmar poses to the world is that he is not nearly as xenophobic as his old Empire, and is quite willing to accept non-humans (even repentant Chaos mutants!) as part of his new order. Thus, his forces are adaptable and varied, and any conquered territory quickly becomes a source of new soldiers as they are converted to the Cult. This is, however, a point of strain in the Bright Two's alliance-quite simply, the genocidal ambitions of the God-Emperor make him nervous, and while they will not work against each other intentionally (at least until Earth is theirs), some of Sigmar's servants have picked up on this contention and will work with Gods to discreetly foil the more blatantly insane plots of the God-Emperor.

Sigmar usually appears as a elderly man of Germanic features, still greatly handsome and obviously strong in his advanced age. He favors Social Attributes, and prefers to woo his enemies to his side with reasonable arguments for his Faith and forcing them to question their belief systems in light of the simple perfection of the Cult. Barring that, he can just shred their morale with a few well-placed questions, leaving them open for a great blow from his warhammer-despite being more of a speaker than a warrior these days, Sigmar is still a powerful fighter.

2012-10-26, 06:41 AM
Do you have any plans to adapt Malal for play? he is my favorite chaos god. Too bad he is not supported anymore.

2012-10-26, 05:15 PM
Do you have any plans to adapt Malal for play? he is my favorite chaos god. Too bad he is not supported anymore.

We might. Not in the cards yet, but its the bare bones of a project.

We're still looking for someone to make a Pantheon-Specific Purview.