View Full Version : Way of the Twin Fists

2012-11-20, 12:01 AM
After two weeks travel from the monastery, you arrive at the capital city of Celestial Vale. The capital's streets are on the whole empty and those few people who do tread them seem to do so with purpose and a desire to be out in the open for as little time as possible. The buildings are made of stone painted with vibrant colors, even the clay tiles lining their roofs, and decorated with statues dedicated to protector spirits and ancestors. The texts are in the possession of Eunuch Falling Star who resides within the imperial palace, and as such it is your natural destination. The palace itself is decorated in red and gold with dragon lion mottifs in many areas, as these are the Emperor Hio's colors and patron animal.

Unfortunately you are not sure exactly where within the palace Falling Star is located. Within the courtyard there appears to be a large crowd gathering, as an orcish man in rags and chains is being led to the top of a wooden platform. Already present atop the platform are two large orcs wearing red hoods and a pot being heated by a well stocked fire. A eunuch wearing red robes and a black slant-topped hat is reading his crimes from a scroll.

Eunuch: Black Tooth, former patriarch-in-waiting of the Girallon Family. He has been charged and found guilty by our revered Lord Hio of attempting to assassinate the Emperor's current divine vessel. As punishment he shall be dipped in oil and left exposed through the night. Should the imperial ancestors take pity on him and spare his life, so shall we spare him, but his lands and holdings will not be returned.

At this point Black Tooth has nothing to say either too tired or too defeated to object to his punishment.

In front of the palace's entrance proper are two guards in gold inlaid armor carrying glaives. Each is wearing a helm that resembles a lion concealing their face as well as race.

2012-11-20, 12:55 AM
Unfettered Sky

Calm and graceful steps take Sky through the Imperial city, eyes darting here and there, taking in the details of this place. Having left the monastery on very few occasions, she was admittedly excited to see this place with her own eyes. It was an opportunity to experience new things, visit new places, and meet new people, and such opportunities were to be relished. Of course, not everything about Celestial Vale was as positive as she could have hoped for.

Stopping briefly, she watched as the sentence was passed upon the apparent criminal. Sky had hard something of a brewing rebellion against the Emperor, but it seemed like such a minor thing. Could it really have reached the Imperial City so soon? Or was this apparent assassin working for someone else? She could not know, but what she did know was that she and her brother had been sent her on a mission.

Unfettered Sky approached the two guards outside of the Imperial Palace, offering them a respectful bow, "Good day, honored protectors. I understand you have an important duty to uphold, but I was hoping that you might be able to give us directions. We are seeking a man by the name of Falling Star who resides within the palace. Would you know where we might find him?"

2012-11-20, 05:03 AM
I guard seems a bit relieved to be distracted from the execution, and perhaps his place int he coming conflict.

imperial Guard: Yes young miss he resides in the east wing. Simply enter the gated behind me and proceed to your right. His room has a jade torc on it. In fact it might be the only occupied room left.

After giving directions the guard nods to the men behind the gate who pull chains in order to life its portcullis from blocking your way. Once within the palace you see that passage north or west is barred by this steel doors and more guards. The east wing however appears to be for personal apartments, three of which are adorned by signets: a jade torc, a ruby rose, and an obsidian triangle. All of the other rooms appear to be empty and stripped of most everything valuable or even notable.

2012-11-20, 08:42 AM
Momoe was nowhere near as graceful as Unfettered Sky, but she knew how to walk for hours without tiring herself. Traveling had taught her much, over the past two years. She'd been certain she would never return here, and she wouldn't have if she had not felt obliged to help her newfound friends on their quest.

Momoe followed behind the two monks, letting them take the lead. It was their duty, after all, she was only providing assistance.

2012-11-21, 12:56 AM
This is just assuming that you went the way you were directed to speed things along, tell me if there was something you wanted to do something before this.

Within the jade torc room there is a man wearing plane red robes. He is fat from a life without work and shaved bald to make room for the tattoos of imperial service on his scalp. On his hip hangs a black short blade with a near mirror finish. He looks to have been conversing with a young woman sitting on a chair in his room, but is now before the door to greet you.

The woman is holding her hands. Her mouth is filled with long gagged teeth, sweeping horns protrude from her head, and her legs end in hooves like those of a goat.

The rest of the room is sparsely decorated housing only a small bookshelf and scroll rack, along with a single bed covered in blue blankets.

Man: Hello I am Falling Star, what business do you have in my quarters this day?

2012-11-21, 01:19 AM
Unfettered Sky

Sky headed directly for the room, not wanting to waste any time exploring areas of the palace she was likely not meant to be. As beautiful a building it was, she had no desire to cause trouble on her first visit to the Imperial City. Walking to the room, she made note of the two figures, a tad surprised by the horned woman but making effort to not let that surprise be known. Instead, she simply bowed to the man who met them at the doorway.

"Greetings, Fallen Star. I am Unfettered Sky and I have been sent here by the Temple of the Brush's Edge to retrieve several sacred texts that had been loaned to the Emperor by our humble monastery."

2012-11-21, 02:55 AM
Falling Star: Oh I have them here in my quarters as my liege has given up on his attempts at spiritual tranquility through study, and I no longer need them for my work on the historical records. Before I return them however I need an answer to a philosophical question, and a student of the high mysteries would doubtless be of great help. First introductions are in order; this is Masiana famed demon soldier of the former Lord Black Tooth. She willfully pledged herself to Black Tooth despite noble birth. When large quantities of black powder were discovered in her master's coach she denied knowledge there existence and refused to testify against Black Tooth in court even when offered an imperial pardon for her part in the assassination.

So tell me is the betrayal of a heaven appointed sovereign justified if it is required to remain loyal to a lord taken by one's own will? More would advance knowledge that staying true to her lord would likely result in execution change the answer?

2012-11-22, 03:44 AM
Unfettered Sky

Sky thinks about the question carefully, taking her time and considering all the elements of it before finally speaking again, "I would say that Masiana is in a difficult position, and so am I in attempting to answer this question without knowing all of the details. It seems that one should not betray their sovereign, but can she accept a pardon if she had no knowledge of the assassination attempt, or even testify against her lord when she does not know if he was attempting to assassinate the Emperor? If she is truly innocent, then she should not be judged by the actions of her lord, nor should she be forced to betray the man that she has pledged herself to."

The young woman frowns slightly, "But that is my opinion."

2012-11-22, 05:41 PM
Falling Star: Then let us engage in an experiment. I will release her into your care along with the texts, and in return would you be willing to take her to Loxodonta Mons, tomb mountain of the great Invictan elephant king Pliny. Despite being an invader in our lands, his memory is to be respected for his extreme honesty and honor. As such any who enter his sanctum are burned of all falsehood and those who have betrayed a lord whom they honestly serve are struck dead. Take her there and have her stand before his podium and the bleached skulls of his war beasts, there her innocence can be proven. May I have your word as a student of philosophy?

Something for Saidoro's eyes only
You can hear Rokkir's voice though faint and muffled, still piercing to your mind.

Rokkir: He bares the blade of the Deceiver, whose soul still resides within. The myth of the Elephant King is meaningless; it is surely a trap. We must learn what is there, but the Deceiver means to kill us both or awaken another of his brothers.

2012-11-22, 11:01 PM
Masiana smiles slightly at the monk's attempted mercy, though with her mismatched and malformed teeth it comes out closer to a snarl or an animal baring of fangs. A thought of mentioning the convenience of such a tomb existin forms in her mind and is instantly struck dead by her sense of self preservation. It would be inadvisable to antagonize either the Eunuch or the newcomer at this point.
Masiana reacts to the sword's missive with a practiced calm, having spent much of her youth listening to it. All the same, she did not ignore Rokkir. Though his views on many things were prehistoric his knowledge of strange magics was unequalled.
The sword does or the Eunuch? Is it another like you?
You flatter me with the promise of such an escort, Falling Star. Though I do somewhat wonder if there is not a better use of their time than aiding a criminal such as myself, surely you have less distinguished agents who could be trusted.

2012-11-22, 11:08 PM
Unfettered Sky

Sky bowed again to the Eunuch, "I see no reason why I can not fulfill this request. I must admit that I do not know the way to Loxodona Mons, but if you could provide me with directions, I would be happy to escort the lady there."

2012-11-23, 01:39 AM
Falling Star: Nonsense my lovely room guest. Did you see how there were only three inhabited rooms left here? There is no one left to answer any summons I give, as the rest have either been executed or joined the rebellion. I can see the writing on the wall, and even if this dynasty does survive the coming storm it will not be in a form that my services are necessary.

I will provide you with a map. The mountain is due east of the capital through Octopus territory, but they are not in open rebellion yet and should be willing to assist travelers.

The eunuch then moves behind Masiana to release the bonds that are presumably behind her back. He then retrieves several scrolls from his shelf, some of which you recognize as the holy scripts and another you assume to be the map he promised; which he then hands to Unfettered Sky.

Falling Star: Oh yes and before you leave I must return your possessions. I was able to retrieve most of what was confiscated.

He then removes a sack full of traveling equipment and an ominous looking blade and hands it to Masiana.

Returned to your immediate presence Rokkir's words become clearer, in fact he is possibly at the most lucid you have ever heard him.

Rokkir: It is the blade, though the serving man may no longer be himself. The Deceiver may have made him a meat puppet, a doll to speak through. For the Deceiver is only now a sword he was once a student of the Master as I once was, if I was a man I may have been a blade even then. The Deceiver and his brothers grew monstrous loving the Master's work but failing to grasp its spirit. We the loyal had to seal them as they are now, but he speaks to me now and I can hear him. He welcomes me once more by the word brother, but it is one of his horrid tricks. We must find what he wants at the elephant mountain, but we cannot enter that room. I can remember some of importance in that location but not specifics. I will try to remember the times of glory before the binding but it is difficult.

2012-11-25, 12:35 AM
Masiana began reaching for the sword the moment it came into view, swinging it back in a controlled arc before sheathing it again. It is good to feel its distinctive weight and balance in hand again.
Next she checks though the bag, somehow pushing her entire arm into it as she looks around despite its small size. After verifying that it contains the Gherentian Texts and checking what else was recovered she withdraws herself and looks to the Eunuch.
I thank you, Falling Star, for the hospitality you have shown me in my imprisonment.
DM:Masiana was stunned by Rokkir's communication, both for its clarity and its specific usefulness. She decided to gather as much information as she could before he lapsed once again into babbling incoherence.
Who are his brothers? And who was your master? And which room are we not to enter?

2012-11-27, 02:43 AM
Unless they have further desires the party is then shown out of the palace and is once more in the courtyard.

I need to start giving other people super secret mission spoilers, Avian's will from now on all be monty python quotes.

Rokkir: His brothers are the ones who joined him in treachery. They betrayed their principles when the Master, the Teacher, opposed them. He taught us to fight for our principles our beliefs, and to stand by them even when they turn us against him, but they were unable to accept such sacrifice.

The teacher was first among spirits, mortality ascendant. He was ideals made flesh and gave to all orcs power over their own minds, bodies, and souls. He was the friend of men but an enemy of mankind. He would destroy all that which was built through mutual cooperation, but prized individual wonder above all. He gave us nine perfect blades and when the time came we had to stand against him for all nine were swords of principles pledged to the empire, to building for our children.

The room is the senate forum atop the mountain, where we killed the elephant-man and bound the Beast within his blade. A horrible weapon made of bone, teeth, and obsidian.

2012-11-27, 03:25 AM
Unfettered Sky

Needing nothing more from the eunuch, Sky simply begins to leave, wandering back out of the palace and looking over the map carefully, "Hopefully, it will not be a long journey to Loxodona Mons. I trust that you will not attempt to flee my custody, Masiana? I harbor you no ill will, and only wish to help you in proving your innocence."

2012-11-27, 08:03 AM
Momoe retrieves Tamotsu from the stables where the small elephant was being kept. "I won't be much help in guiding you to Loxodona Mons, but I'll still offer my assistance." She follows Sky at a comfortable pace.

2012-11-27, 06:40 PM
I wouldn't dream of fleeing from such an interesting journey, you have my word.
Masiana avoids mentioning what she'll do after they have arrived at the mountain.

2012-11-28, 03:52 PM
Once again if you guys want to do something in the middle of one of my descriptions just say so and we can go back if I skipped over something you wanted to interact with.

As you leave the city you can hear the screams and cheers in reaction to the commencement of Black Tooth's boiling, both his own and those that come from the crowd. The punishment itself will only take a few minutes, but the follow up exposure will take several hours if not a full day.

Once outside of the city you notice that the map you are using moves off of the imperial roads almost immediately and the trail it guides you to looks to have several unnecessary loops and turns. Compounding this is the strange problem wherein you seem to get lost in the jungle anytime you are not directly referencing the map itself while traveling on anything other than a straightaway part of the path.

The wildlife along the trail begins looking stranger and more unnatural as you progress along it. Many insects have three or more pairs of wings, rodents possess deer-like antlers, and lizards screech like predatory birds.

You notice a legged serpent with small bat-like wings. It approaches you and begins to speak in a low whisper that you don't believe the others can hear.

Serpent: You are entering the domain of the Beast. He has been chained but his influence still seeps into the earth and spawns his many children. You are one of the wilderness though not his child, but the others are of the temple and the city. They are enemies of the Beast and of the Master. You will face great enemies that impede their progress and your own.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-02, 04:49 PM
Shan merely stands passively, observing the conversation between the bureaucrat and his sheltered sister. Unlink her he had seen the world outside of the temple walls, though only in brief glimpses, his ears heard the spoken words of rebellion and the cries of the downtrodden. He was at first troubled and conflicted, he had always been taught to be loyal to your master but his heart ached at the sounds of suffering. He meditated over this conflict for many moons and consulted several elders but was never able to resolve it. So he instead turned his back and steeled his heart against the cries of the people. Shan would never let it interfere with his training and thus removed the thought from his mind. He regarded the fat man with a look of disdain, before him was not a man but a fattened lap dog, a creature he had no sympathy for whatsoever. The warrior on the other hand, he could tell this one had forged herself into something more and he respected that. He judged that the warrior had done right by her master and had not in any way violated her oath and thus was an innocent. Anger began stirring within his heart These rats believe they have the right to judge a warrior, they are the bugs that crawl at our feet!.

He followed behind the group as the left the apartment, intrigued by the possibility the proposed mission offered. Shan was a student of history and was interested in the story of the elephant king and the chance to visit the tom and garner knowledge was indeed tempting. The screams of agony emanating from the convicted 'assassin' and took a brief moment to study the scene. He wanted to remember this act, to truly see what mankind was capable of. The cheers of the populace sickened him and a scowl formed on his face as he walked by. His mood eventually softened as they approached the open road for he regarded them as a friend during his travels. He gave off an audible sigh, letting the tension and emotions he had felt in the city flow out of him like water from a spring. His mind was calm and centred. He took this time to look at his new companions, avoiding making eye contact with his sister. The demon was an interesting character, he had heard about them during his studies and though his peers often spoke of them with fear and loathing he was only curious. Were they are vicious and cruel as history portrayed them or were they the unfortunate victims of a jaded victor.

"That blade you carry, it is rather interesting, I have never seen one of its kind before. Tell me, is this the standard craft of your people?"

2012-12-02, 05:57 PM
Masiana's stance becomes more rigid as she passes the site of Black Tooth's execution, her eyes fixed intently on the road ahead. There's nothing I can do. There's too many of them and I don't have the power to oppose them.
Instinctively she rests her hand on the hilt of her sword, leaving it there as she broods until shocked into response by Shan's question.
I... The design is not unheard of.
The story of the demon warrior had been a necessary fiction while working with Black Tooth, her family's pride would prevent them from acknowledging that they had lost the sword, but if she herself admitted to taking it they may have pursued her for the theft. It would probably be wise to continue a fiction which had proved useful, and wiser still to prevent it from being tested.
I see that you carry no weapons yourselves, have you no concern for the dangers of travel?

Morbis Meh
2012-12-02, 07:18 PM
Shan laughs, a rare sound indeed, he thinks back to his days of training and says in a deep monotone voice "Only a fool relies on a piece of steel for what is a blade but the extension of the arm that wields it. Those that call themselves true warriors are the ones who know that they are the weapon." He smile disappears as he is reminded of the passing of his former teacher. Looking back up he gives a plain answer "I am learned in the ways of the fist, they are all I will ever need."

2012-12-02, 07:42 PM
Perhaps. But a wise warrior should not limit themselves to only one weapon, even if it is a weapon which may never be taken away. You may one day find yourself fighting a foe against whom another weapon would be more effective.

2012-12-02, 10:15 PM
Unfettered Sky

Given that she was the one with the map, Sky did her best to direct them, having to constantly refer to it just to make sure they were headed in the right direction. She listened to her brother and their latest companion talk, the slightest frown forming upon her lips. Often, she had wanted to trade in such simple, light hearted, banter with her sibling, but ever since their reunion he seemed to have had no interest in doing so. He rarely spoke to her and he would never look her in the eye.

The young monk continued to remain uncertain of her brother's behavior. Was he disappointed in her? Was it hatred? Disgust? Yes, Sky had been taught and trained to be an enlightened individual, to look beyond petty concerns and problems. But can anyone overlook it when one's own flesh and blood wishes nothing to do with them?

She stopped temporarily, looking down at her map as though to get her bearings. Brushing away the little drop of water that fell upon the scroll, she took a deep breath, smiled, and said, "We need to head this way," before continuing along.

2012-12-05, 12:37 AM
As the path extends further it becomes obfuscated by mist to the point that your vision ends less than a meter away. The pure white surroundings reflecting light near perfectly make the passing of time difficult to measure; though you are sure that you have marched for hours without seeing a single living creature or any substantial change in the surrounding environment. Just at the point when you begin to believe the mist would never end it parts to reveal a single lonely peak amidst the jungle. The trail you walk becomes a full road, sixteen shoulders wide and paved with white stone. It leads up to an arch, twenty feet tall, built into the mountain that was clearly once the grand entrance to an immense fortress but is now completely closed by fallen stones. However to its north you can make out a small staircase climbing up the mountain, only wide enough for two to walk abreast.

At the stairs' base are two men locked in debate, though far enough away that you cannot understand precisely what about. One of them is a human clad in dark blue armor, and upon it a crest of an angry dragon. On his hip is a sword of dull grey metal resembling stone. He was clearly once fit and strong, but his hair is now greying and his eyes tired. The other is an orc, who despite appearing much younger looks far less physically fit. His back is stooped, his joins are large and bony, and his left eye is swollen beyond its lid. He holds a large knot covered tree limb for use as a cane.

2012-12-05, 01:14 AM
You mind is filled by near deafening mental screams


This speech begins to lose coherency after that point.

2012-12-06, 03:10 AM
Unfettered Sky

Thankful that they have made their way out of the obscuring mist, Sky breaths a sigh of relief and looks about the area. She makes note of the place, checking her map again to make sure they're in the right area. They certainly seem to be, and so she decides to approach the two men who seem to be having a rather heated discussion. The young monk attempts to wait for a brief lull in their argument before speaking, bowing to them both respectfully, "Excuse me, kind sirs. I was wondering if you might be able to tell me why you are both arguing? What is the matter?"

Morbis Meh
2012-12-06, 09:24 AM
Shan rolls his eyes when his sister opens her mouth It is none of our business, why do you always feel the need to put your nose into other peoples matters. predicting that this was going to be a long, drawn out conversation Shan takes his time to get a proper look at their path. Walking over towards the steps he begins to look at their condition, while archetecture usually was designed better in the past time still had its way of affecting stone. Last thing he wanted was to walk up to the peak of a mountain on a set of decrepit stairs.

Perception because I can [roll0]
Well that is most certainly a good way to start any campaign

2012-12-06, 10:59 AM
Masiana rocks slightly onto her heels as Rokkir's voice hits her. She quickly recovers her senses and takes note of the apparent reasons for the blade's excitement. Resolving to draw no more attention from the men than is immediately necessary, she remains back with Shan rather than approaching them along with Unfettered Sky.

2012-12-06, 03:19 PM
The orc takes as much of a bow as his hunched back will allow and responds in a voice that seems to take most of the air out of his lungs.

Stooped Orc: We are merely debating the merits of our opposing philosophies, and how they relate to our latest protege. He should be returning-

Armored Man: He will not be coming back. He was not the weapon's fated wielder and will die within the mountain regardless of whatever you did to help him.

Stooped Orc: You simply cannot be hopeful can you.

Armored Man: It is already written.

Stooped Orc: Fine then lilord. Young lady do you believe that our lives are dictated by fate or our actions and would be willing to participate in an experiment to prove said belief?

As the last words leave his lips they curl into a smile that seems quite a bit to happy.

2012-12-06, 03:36 PM
Unfettered Sky

The young monk considers the question for a few moments, taking her time to really think about it before speaking, "Hmm, I do not know if I believe that our lives are determined by fate. I believe that a person will always make a choice before it is even given to them. It is in the nature of them, to do something as they would do it, no matter what. Neither fate nor action, but more.. fate of the self. Still, I will take this test of yours, if only for the sake of my own curiosity."

2012-12-06, 04:54 PM
Momoe speaks up. "I'd suggest against it, Sky. We have tasks ahead which must be completed and this will only delay. You have no need to prove yourself to me, at least."

Morbis Meh
2012-12-06, 04:59 PM
Shan mutters "At least someone here has sense not to pry into other peoples business and has a sense of duty, especially after agreeing to escort a so called 'convicted traitor'. Besides why waste time trying to prove the point of a hunchback?"

2012-12-06, 05:08 PM
Unfettered Sky

Again, Shan's words cut deep, but she did her best to hide the pain of the verbal daggers being twisted in her gut, "Our Master chose us for this mission, sent us out into the world for the first time. I believe he did so for more than simply retrieving a few scrolls. He wants us to learn, to come back with greater understanding of the world than when we left the monastery. We should take every opportunity to challenge ourselves and grow."

Morbis Meh
2012-12-06, 05:32 PM
Shan raises an eyebrow "You seem to forget that I have already done so sister, Our master already sent me away to other temples. This does not change the fact that you agreed to perform a duty, will you shirk off responsibility so easily? "

2012-12-06, 05:55 PM
Stooped Orc: It is no matter if you happen to find our student within the fortress tell him that we are growing impatient. You'll know him when you see him.

2012-12-07, 12:57 AM
Unfettered Sky

Sky looks down again, wincing at her brother's harsh words once more, his distaste for her evident. Frowning, the young monk simply gave a respectful nod towards the orc and began making her way up the steps, "It was not my intention to shirk my responsibility. I am sorry that I have failed you, brother. I will.. I will try not to let it happen again."

Morbis Meh
2012-12-07, 09:21 AM
Shan ignores his sister for a moment and studies the orc for the first time, after a short silence he says off handidly "If it is of no inconvenience to us we might pass of the message but know we have other matters to attend to." Turning to the others "I believe we have been distracted long enough, at least enough time for a short rest. I suggest we press onwards so we don't have to climb these steps when it is pitch black."

2012-12-08, 08:20 PM
Agreed, I'd rather not have to guide you up, and I'm sure your friend feels likewise.
Masiana gestures to Momoe with the last phrase.

2012-12-09, 07:53 PM
Stooped Orc: It is of no matter you are exercising your right of will.

As you ascend the stairs and the ground shrinks from view you see that the mist of the jungle seems to form a wall some hundred yards out from the mountain but does not impede vision of the mountain itself or the area immediately surrounding it. The stairs end on an balcony, carve into the mountain fifteen feet across; it is connected to an arched entryway ten feet wide. Past the archway is a hall forty feet long and extending at least five feet on each side beyond the archway. The hall is supported by six pillars but otherwise barren of formal decorations. The floor is covered in bleached bone and crushed statuary, this destruction seems to have been relatively recent given the lack of dust or other signs of age. You can here chants drifting to the outside from within the hall, their source is not apparent, their language however is obviously Invictan.

for anyone who can speak Invictan.
We vow not just our lives but our very souls.
This legion swears to serve the Elephant King and our risen god the Unconquered Sun, now and for all times.
We vow not just our lives but our very souls.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-10, 09:18 AM
Upon hearing the chanting on the wind, Shan shifts into his dragon stance and begins to move up even more cautiously they were going to a crypt after all...

Perception I suppose [roll0]

2012-12-11, 03:30 AM
I've been trying to let other people get in some actions but due to the darth I'll just answer Morbis first
Perception check result
You are able to see the bone and broken masonry begin to shift and shake as you approach. Over their movement however you can hear voices similar to young children coming from a door on the hall's north-facing wall, to your left.

2012-12-11, 03:42 AM
Unfettered Sky

Despite being of Invictan blood, Sky had never been taught their language. Still, she did her best to try and infer the meaning behind the words, even as she slowly, carefully, and quietly approached the opening, raising her hands to prepare for any danger. She had never made use of her martial skills against anyone except in simple training, the idea of fighting someone admittedly scared her.

Perception: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]
Stealth: [roll2]

2012-12-11, 03:59 AM
Check results
You are able to see the bone and broken masonry begin to shift and shake as you approach. Over their movement however you can hear voices similar to young children coming from a door on the hall's north-facing wall, to your left.

The chanting seems to be a vow of some kind and possibly a warning. The voices through the door sound to be in distress and calling for help.

2012-12-11, 05:21 PM
Masiana draws Rokkir from her belt and holds him with her arm straight down at her side, a position intended to be nonthreatening without leaving her unable to act. She closes her eyes, whispers a few words under her breath and then opens them again, her eyes seeming to emit a dull shine as she does so.

Masiana opens her mind to Rokkir and tries to calm him down. As soon as she's able to get a thought in she starts asking for information.
Can you remember anything more about this place? Is this chanting normal?
Casting Detect Magic, she'll probably maintain it unless she starts needing her standard actions for something else.

2012-12-11, 05:52 PM
Momoe and Tamotsu walk next to Shan, speaking to him so that the others couldn't hear (hopefully)."Diverting from our course may be unwise, however it certainly did not merit a tone so laden with scorn. You do not see eye to eye with your sister, do you?"

2012-12-11, 06:42 PM
Rokkir: I remember we buried the Beast within these walls for they were the site of an honorable and disciplined opponent. Their bravery and order to counteract his rage. The chanting is their pledge to serve god and country beyond death until they can be properly buried in the Nightless Sea. They will reanimate to perform whatever was the last action their lord commanded of them until their souls are put to rest or a new order is given by he. I can also hear some creatures affected by the Beast's rage beyond a door on the hall's left. They are the child snatchers, creatures crafted for him by the Deceiver out of native wild-life that spoke like children.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-12, 09:08 AM
Shan looks over with a stony expression
"My relationship with my sister is none of your concern, I suggest you leave it at that, sheand I will always be different despite our common birth. I believe this aphorisim says it best 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' she needs to learn to pull her head out of the clouds and see the world as it truly is. I in no way was given the same luxuries she has been given."

2012-12-12, 09:42 AM
As Shan and Sky approach the entryway the debris covering the floor begins to slowly float into the air. The bone and masonry begins to condense into five distinct shapes; each one a skeleton clad in stone breastplate. Atop their heads rest helm of ivory that had been little more than white powder moments before, and at their sides are short swords made of like material and studded with obsidian. The forward most of them speaks in slow and stilted common.

Skeleton Leader: You are of the twilight tribes, those who live in daylight and darkness? You defiled this grave once making it a prison. Twice you then try free the prisoner. Now you come a third?

2012-12-12, 01:09 PM
Unfettered Sky

When the shapes moved, revealing themselves to be skeletons, Sky was ready for a fight. However, they began speaking instead. She frowned softly at the thing's words, "We have done no such thing. We come here because we were told that this place burns away all falsehood, and were charged with bringing a woman here to ascertain her guilt, to see if she knowingly betrayed the Emperor."

2012-12-12, 02:51 PM
Momoe meets Shan's eyes, unafraid. We'll speak more later.She returns to watching Sky speak to the skeleton, laying her hand on Tamotsu's side and ready in case of attack.

2012-12-13, 04:20 AM
Skeleton Leader: You claim peace, but one of your race is even now within the tomb freeing the prisoner.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-13, 09:11 AM
Shan rolls his eyes "Isn't nice how you lump all of us into one big group because you know free will amongst individuals is just a petty thing. Heck why not we do the same with your kind the udead; why you have murdered, sacked and razed cities to the ground for centuries just out of spite for the living. I can not think of a single story about the undead acting in an honourable and peaceful manner towards the living and you dare stand before us and judge us? You claim someone is violating the tomb, of their own volition, and blame it on us: a bunch of travelers seeking nothing more to perform an agreed duty while paying homage to the past. How about you shake the cobwebs out of your head and we came here to do what we intended to do? If you won't let us we could always drag the defiler out of the tomb and present him to you so you can pass judgement on him."

2012-12-13, 04:30 PM
Skeleton Leader: You are brash, easily offended. You remind me of a young legionnaire. Go on if you must but the rest of the tomb has been infested by minions of the Beast. They allowed the invader to move with much freedom as he is here to free their master.

With that the skeletons part allowing you access to the rest of the tomb. The hall is of fine though obviously aged masonry and decorated in elephant and sun motifs across its floor and walls. There are doors forward and to your left. The door directly in front of you and to the east is obviously damaged with the entire area around its handle removed creating a small hole through to the next room. Moving forward you can all now clearly here whispers like those of children coming from the door on your left.

2012-12-14, 12:15 PM
Masiana acknowledges the skeleton's words with a nod and stalks forward to stand near the left hand door, her sword at the ready.
Better not to leave them behind us, I suppose. Let me know when we're getting close to the room we cannot enter.
Stealth: [roll0](Guidance)

2012-12-14, 01:37 PM
Unfettered Sky

Sky offered a small and respectful bow to the skeleton for allowing them to pass, before moving forward. The living impaired fellow had told them that the tomb was infested by something, and so she continued to maintain her ready stance, trying to be prepared for anything as she moved forward.

2012-12-15, 06:17 AM
As you near it the voices from the left room become more distinct and are joined by a much deeper but quieter voice.

Child Voice 1: Why nu we eats him?

Deep Voice: The disciple says that the masters have need of him little ones. He is to be left mostly whole.

Child Voice 2: Maybe just a wittwe bit of his leg nummies?

Deep Voice: Maybe in a bit child.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-15, 02:03 PM
Shan shudders momentarily at the grisly exchange but keeps moving ahead, doing his best to remain unnoticed. He simply wanted to remove the defiler and leave this place, obviously some type of wizard had roosted here and was cursing the place.

stealth [roll0]

2012-12-15, 04:28 PM
Unfettered Sky

Sky frowns at the disturbing words, but doesn't let them shake her focus. From her best guess they were talking about the one already inside, but she still didn't know what was going on here exactly. Instead, she just kept trying to move quietly, hoping to take whatever horrors waited within by surprise.

Stealth: [roll0]

2012-12-17, 08:09 PM
As you move past them the skeletal guardians they move to the walls and lay on the ground parallel to them. Through the double doors in front of you is a room that would appear to be a large circular gathering room easily fifty feet from floor to ceiling. The walls have hundreds of alcoves for statues of the various Invictan saints and a large hole in domed roof's center to allow their living god to gaze upon them without hindrance. As as result of this hole however much of the cracked floor now has grass growing out of it perhaps causing further erosion damage. In the room's center is a three yard tall humanoid statue in repose, that at on time looks to have had four arms but now only a single limb remains attached. Its elephantine head now rests on the ground beside it having apparently been wrenched off with great force.

The creature creature that vandalized the central statue is likely the furred humanoid currently climbing across the room's walls. It is has brown shaggy fur and a head that looks like a horned ape, along with bat-like wings of flesh. It is currently ripping the statuary from their alcoves and hurling them to the ground.

There is a large set of stone doors to your north through which you can hear chanting in old orcish (DC 15 linguistics check if you know modern orcish), and very large wooden door to your right above which are runes that says "barracks" in three languages Invictan, orcish, and common.

2012-12-17, 09:16 PM
Linguistics check for Shan

Ode to you great Beast. You were only among the students meant to stand beside the Teacher. You alone were both by the Master's side and stayed true to your school's edict. Those traitors who sided with the Teacher despite the loss of their school are nothing compared to your Majesty. Allow my soul to break the chains placed on you by those who were true to their school, but enemies of the Master.

2012-12-17, 11:23 PM
Unfettered Sky

Sky doesn't bother trying to glean any meaning from the chant, far more focused on the creature that is destroying the statue. Though she doesn't know what it is or why its hear, the young monk is certain that its intentions can't be good if it is determined to vandalize this tomb, "Who are you?! Stop desecrating this place or I will be forced to stop you!"

2012-12-18, 12:14 AM
The creature freezes in mid motion one of its feet still hanging in the air rather than finding a foothold. It then turns its head more than one half circle in order to stare at the young monk. Its speech is quick with many small pauses for breath.

Creature: Minions of order. Champions of the society of peaceful death. Wasteful tyranny.

It then begins to elevate to shouting.


You can hear the door behind you smash open resembling a ten foot tall baboon with the muzzle of a hound and talons like a bird of prey barrels in from the room which you passed by.

Roll for initiative

Baboon: [roll0]
Winged Creature: [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-12-18, 09:32 AM
Shan places his palm against his forehead and shakes his head whilst displaying a pained expression on his face "Bloody naive fool opening her fat mouth to rattle off idealistic prattle."

Initiative [roll0]

2012-12-19, 08:55 AM
Momoe growls, "Shut up, Shan." She touches Tamotsu and that same guttural voice chants a few words. Tamotsu balloons in size and trumpets defiance at the enemies. Momoe seems pleased by the results. "Tamotsu. Break them."

Tamotsu charges at the Baboon creature, tusks leveled.


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If critical, then

Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Morbis Meh
2012-12-19, 09:27 AM
Shan shifts his stance from the strong elegant dragon form to a more powerful, primal tiger form. He charges at the massive baboon hands striking at it like claws, trying to rend its flesh. He roars as he strikes allowing himself to be fully immersed in the form.

Swift action, shifting from dragon to tiger so I can use both of them, then charging/ attacking which i can do through party members and over difficult terrain.
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-12-19, 04:53 PM
Unfettered Sky

Sky simply glares at her brother before her stance changes, becoming fluid, hands pointing outwards like the heads of snakes. Turning her attention to the baboon-like creature, she rushes it, trusting in her training and striking fast and hard.

Move: Moving to Baboon-Thing
Standard: Flurry of Blows 1 [roll0]
Flurry of Blows 2 [roll1]
Damage (Piercing): FoB 1 [roll2]
FoB 2 [roll3]

Immediate (if attacked): Sense Motive [roll4]
Because of Snake Style, I can make a Sense Motive check and replace my AC with the result for that first attack against me, which I'll do.

2012-12-19, 05:23 PM
Masiana speaks a word of power and the claws of her off hand clack against one another as they dance in a complex pattern. She moves towards the Baboon, her sword moving in graceful curves, both to strike at the beast and to deflect any attacks. Moments before striking Rokkir bursts into a massive burst of lightning, scorching the beast's flesh.
Casting Shocking Grasp, using 1 arcane pool point to enhance Rokkir, moving next to the Baboon and then making my attack against it with spellstrike. Rokkir will use shield of faith, granting a +2 deflection bonus to AC for 1 minute before going back to guidance.
Shocking Grasp:[roll2]

2012-12-19, 09:01 PM
Tamotsu's tusks are blocked by a move of its hands and Shan's strike fails to break its leathery hide, but Sky and Masiana's attacks hit true. It recoils back from its wounds; a long gash across its chest and a crushed left shoulder.

Baboon: No such small creatures cannot defeat a julajimus of the Beast.

The creature then lets loose a horrible scream that fills your minds with images of violence and bloodshed. Meanwhile its comrade turns around using its wings to slow its fall and breath forth a torrent of fire.

Everyone make will saves (DC 16) or be stunned for 1 round and reflex saves (DC 17) for half damage of [roll0]

2012-12-21, 02:40 AM
Masiana seems largely unaffected by the Baboon's scream, its cacophany meaning little next to Rokkir's prescence. The fire is likewise ignored, though it at least does singe her somewhat, despite being mitigated by her darkened flesh.
Having fully closed with her target, Masiana begins to swing her blade in shorter, tighter arcs which allow her to bring the claw on her off hand into play. The clacking of her claws as she channeles magic into her blade never ceases throughout.
Full attack with spell combat applied to arcane mark
Attack 1:[roll0]
Damage 1:[roll1]
Attack 2(Arcane Mark):[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]
Claw Attack:[roll4]
Claw Damage:[roll5]

Hanging onto Rokkir's guidance this round, in case of more saving throws.

Morbis Meh
2012-12-21, 09:08 AM
Shan flinch at the scream only laughs it off "Fool do you not know who you face, I will go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb! For it shall be I, Shan, whose fist shall pierce the heavens, earth and tomorrow!" He fist barrels through the air searching for his targets pressure point in hope of landing a deciding blow.

Time to miss :smallfrown: though I feel like this is more like a Kamina character anyway
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Well maybe that will hit after all... Ro Ro fight the power

2012-12-21, 06:14 PM
Unfettered Sky

Sky ignores the scream, throwing her arms in front of her face to shield herself from the fire breath. It burns, but she pushes the pain aside, focusing upon the task before her, continuing to strike desperately at the giant baboon, attempting to bring it down.

Using Flurry of Blows with Piranha Strike.

Standard: Flurry of Blows 1 [roll0]
Flurry of Blows 2 [roll1]
Damage (Piercing): FoB 1 [roll2]
FoB 2 [roll3]

Critical Confirmation: FoB 1 [roll4]
FoB 2 [roll5]
Critical Damage: FoB 1 [roll6]
FoB 2 [roll7]

Immediate (if attacked): Snake Style Sense Motive Roll [roll8]

2012-12-23, 03:15 PM
After a rain of blows from blade and fist the julajimus falls. As it dies it quickly tranforms into a small rabbit-like corpse instead of the great baboon that it was in life. The death of its ally seems to have broken the other creature's nerve and it begins eying the ceiling hole as a means of escape.

OOC: Still waiting on one more person to act but almost ready.

2012-12-24, 08:46 AM
"Tamotsu!" Momoe rushes to her elephant companion and tries to stop his bleeding.

Heal Check: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-12-24, 01:29 PM
Shan cracks his neck "That was rather disappointing, weakling didn't even bother to stick around for what was coming to it." He looks down at the elephant and its distraught master. His order did teach healing but he was never interested in doing so but if it got them out of this place quicker he may as well try his hand at it. Approaching the frantic woman he motions for her to step out of the way.

heal check [roll0]

2012-12-25, 01:05 PM
The initial healing attempts on the dwarf elephant appear unsuccessful but its blood seems to have begun clotting on their own. (It got its 10%) The demonic winged beast lets a quick shriek.

Winged Creature: You are not one of the proper opponents. We will end you once the ceremony is complete.

It then climbs up and through the sky light. You can hear the sound of wings flapping after it disappears from sight, but those too quickly fade from perception.

2012-12-28, 07:31 PM
Unfettered Sky

Sky tried to chase after the winged creature, glaring up at it as it flew away, "Unholy creature!"

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she returned to the group, staying nearby the elephant, wondering if she should try and help. She knew something of healing, but she doubted that her brother would offer her the chance to do so.

2012-12-29, 12:24 AM
The pachyderm is able to regain consciousness though it appears too wounded to actively participate in any further battles until healed.

2012-12-29, 02:20 AM
Momoe shakes her head. "That thing was stronger than I thought. Stay close to me, Tamotsu." She looks up at Sky as Tamotsu gets back up to his feet with surprising delicacy. "Thank you, Sky."

Morbis Meh
2013-01-01, 04:49 PM
Shan chuckles "Never thought an elephant would be so delicate, oh well I suppose it would be an appropriate place for it to die." Shan continues moving forward prepared for other inconveniences.

2013-01-01, 05:40 PM
Momoe tries to wack Shan with her staff.

AttackAttack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

If Critical threat, then

Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Morbis Meh
2013-01-01, 08:12 PM
Shan easily dodges the staff and continues laughing "Tsk tsk, watch your temper little one or I may do something about it next time and I assure you that is something you and your companion would not care for. "

2013-01-01, 08:41 PM
Fuming, Momoe kicks Shan in the shins.

Shoe to Shan's Shin Attack:[roll0]

If Crit, then
Crit Confirm:[roll2]
Crit Damage:[roll3]

Morbis Meh
2013-01-01, 09:37 PM
Shan playfully kicks Momoes foot away "I suggest sticking to your strengths, you are most certainly no monk, though if you want a lesson I would be more than happy to give a free trial."

2013-01-01, 10:33 PM
A strange light enters Momoe's eyes. "My strength's? I can do that." She says. She stands for a moment, looking thoughtful, before walking briskly away. She walks beside Tamotsu and refuses to look at Shan.

2013-01-04, 12:15 AM
OOC: I am assuming you guys go toward the northern voice due to it being an ambiguous "forward". Also it is 20 feet from one end of the room to another, so the occupant is 15 feet from anyone in the entrance.

Through the northern doors you find a much more sedately decorated room than the one you came from. It is a circular room with a similar domed ceiling with skylight. Its marble floor shows signs of wear presumably due to rain and wind from the roof. There are two rows of benches around the southern half of its circumference, all positioned to view a circular floorspace approximately 10 feet in diameter and behind it an ivory throne. The walls are decorated with what appears to be a map of the known world with the oceans represented in black marble and landmasses composed of ivory, including many locations you had not previously been aware of. Behind the throne appears to be an open door, in front of which kneels a very large young orc. His green skin is covered in black and red scares, and his only visible possessions are crude hide armor and a stone headed greataxe slung across his back. He is the source of the voice you heard earlier.

Past appears to a bedchamber of some kind. Within it is an enormous axe whose obsidian head is covered in steel chains driven into the marble floor, leaving fissures that make clear this was not originally a part of its current location.

After you enter the room the orc stands up and turns around to address you.

Orc: Who are you? More students sent by the masters to test whether or not I am the blade's proper vessel?