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2012-12-18, 07:30 PM
Fate is strange and works in mysterious ways, for it has gathered five unknowing individuals and has placed them on Shores unknown. You all awaken to the surf brushing against your legs and sand covering most of everywhere on your person. A quick look around reveals other individuals washed up on the beach (basically you see each other) and a shore line that goes on for some great distance. Looking towards inland you can see it leads to a lightly wooded area. You all get the feeling that this place is very wrong, but you also feel as if something is welcoming you.

As far as each of you are able to tell, you’re all unharmed with no signs of force that suggests that you were brought here against your will. As for your memories, it’s all mostly intact, except for the huge glaring gap of the moments that you think what happened right before waking up on this shore. Your head just seems to feel foggier the more you try to recall those moments.

2012-12-18, 08:11 PM
Roger scrambles to his feat, grabbing Loo's pokeball as he does so. Releasing the canine he quickly back pedals away from the strangers, straying no closer to the forest nor the 'ocean'. Who are you!? Where am I? This is some Cult trickery isn't it!? Tell me! I won't be fooled, the Elder's taught me well. He takes up a fighting stance but his expression is far more worry and fear than battle ready. Your dirty tricks won't cloud my mind. Except they were.

Roger closes his eyes, before opening them again. The world looked different, the other individuals sporting amorphous blobs of color around them. His now red piercing eyes study the Aura's of these individuals for hostile intent.

Make sure you tell me if your hostile!

2012-12-18, 08:39 PM
The water against his leg woke him easily enough, as he'd always been a light sleeper and his pants were soaking up water. He sat up slowly rubbing his head, muttering. With only one eye open he gauged his surroundings carefully. When he saw the others however he stood up carefully. He was glancing over the closer of the group, checking the chest for breathing movement before attempting to check pulses. When another nearby person jumped up and yelled aggressively. The man straightened up and glanced at him.

" Boy'a You're yelling at a bunch of mostly still sleeping people, whom if unless I miss my guess have no less idea than you or I how we got here. And instead of checking them you threaten them, what does that say about you're teaching? Now are you thinking clearly or should I examine you for whatever is causing such hysterics? It appears the rest aren't in need of medical attention as of yet at least. "

He opened up his medical pack and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pulled out one cigarette and lit it before putting the items back. Light smoke exhaled after he took a drag.

2012-12-18, 08:52 PM
Yuu looks around taking in his surroundings and notices the others on the beach. He slowly gets up making sure if he's hurt not to injure himself further by quick movements. He pats and looks over himself to make sure he's fine. He then checks to see if he still has his stuff on him. He first checks to see if Yamato's ball is there, it is, then he checks his extra balls and potions are there, they are. He check one pocket in his jacket. Good its there.
He's been lost before but he always knew what region he was in. This is different he has no idea what region he is in or if he is even in a region. For all he knows this is a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with no chance of possible rescue. He notices one of the other's get up and starts making a ruckus obviously confused and paranoid for whatever reason, and another that looks like a doctor trying to calm him down. He pulls out his pokeball and releases Yamato just incase he does something rash.

Don't guess anyone has a clue where we are at?

not hostile but ready to defend.

2012-12-18, 08:59 PM
Taylor's Aura doesn't show much of anything. Simple confusion, like probably everyone else's. As he pushes himself up, he feels for Shadow's ball. Good, still with him. As one man starts yelling about Uxie knows what, he backs off quickly. "Whoa now! What in Void are you talking about?" The pale, twiggy young man was likely one of the least threatening looking people in the group, especially as he scrambled backwards. Though the other man seems to be calming the the hostile. Good, would never be able to talk him down. How did I even survive- wait, what did I survive? A crash? An attack? No, not relevant now. He feels for injuries, but finds none. That would make things easier. Survival. That's what mattered. Wood, fire, shelter. Food. "I don't suppose any of you have a mon capable of generating fire? Or water, actually." His eyes constantly shift to the forest. Is there anything of use in there? Probably, but could they get it was the real question.

2012-12-18, 09:05 PM
Amelia sits up, rubs her head, and looks around, "Oh you've got to be kidding me," she says, "This really takes the cake on weird scenarios," she flops back onto the sand and sighs, "and I thought seeing that cave in the ruins was weird, Ha!" she says before standing up and looking for her sword, only to find it gone, and that's when she actually starts to panic, "where's my sword!? Oh god, where is it?" she starts to look around frantically for it, then freezes and checks her belt, only to sigh in relief as she finds the belt pouch with her cards and pokeball unscathed inside. As long as she has them she'll be fine.

Confused and a little annoyed, but not hostile.

2012-12-18, 09:10 PM
Seeing their Aura's do not betray their words, Roger lowers his stances though he still looked uneasy. At least his unease wasn't directed at them anymore. Closing his eyes again, opening them again revealing sparkling sky blue eyes in marked contrast to the red eyes he was sporting a moment ago. Obviously you don't know about the Cult. I, uh, should shut up know. I don't know where we are. Loo, are you ok? I'm fine Roger. Calm down. They aren't hostile. I know that now. I didn't get a chance to see their Aura's right away.

Just a note: You can't hear Loo. So he looks like he's having a conversation with his mon. Bit odd no?

2012-12-18, 09:31 PM
He watches the man speak to his mon and seems to get a response. Another with that ability? He lets out Shadow, his Zorua, who sniffs around a bit at the unusual place, then the other mons and people. "Okay, I don't know any of you, but we need to find a way off of here... Wherever 'here' is."

2012-12-18, 09:38 PM
He took another drag before glancing around at the rest as they roused. He perked a brow at the woman searching around frantically for something or other, but lets it be for the moment instead looking to the questions.

"I don't think any of us know how we got here. As I'm not able to drink anymore I highly doubt it's another drunken stupor. I was rather content in the busy city treating patients, and as such find it hard to conceive how I got here with four people I don't recognize. As for fire, I've a lighter, but an easier course may be the little growlithe there."

He nodded towards the one released nearby then patted his pocket.

"As for water, if you don't mind something spit up by a squirtle... Shelter and exploration may be more of a priority than getting off. Unless we know why we were brought here, it could just occur again. I assume we were brought here by someone, or something, as no one seems to recall choosing."

2012-12-18, 09:47 PM
Well we won't find any shelter out on a beach. We should head inland. I don't like it but its probably our best bet. Uh, we should introduce ourselves. I'm Roger and this is Loo. The little Riolu gives a shallow bow to the others, before the duo start heading towards the treeline cautiously, scanning for Auras.

2012-12-18, 10:51 PM
Amelia sighs, "Amelia Blackmoor," she says, then lets her Torchic out, "and this is Valyrie," she shifts weight from foot to foot, looking restless. She didn't like being unarmed in places she knew nothing about, it was just stupid to do in her and her parent's line of work.

2012-12-18, 11:05 PM
"Gray. Taylor Gray. Inland would be good." As the group heads towards the forest, Taylor keeps an eye out.
Any Perception required as we go in: [roll0]

2012-12-18, 11:12 PM
Dojima Yuu, and this is Yamato. Yuu walks up to and tree and looks to see which side the moss is growing to get a bearing on which way is north. He also searches for any tree limbs, sticks or anything that could be useful.

[roll0] perception roll if needed

2012-12-18, 11:25 PM
He took another drag before breaking the cigarette off just below where the embers were. He slid the unburnt part into a small pocket of his labcoat, and the ember into the sand near the water.

"Jack Griever, but most people just call me Doctor. My squirtle's name is River. If we're moving inland also should keep an eye out for higher ground. A better view of our delima, might be prudent."

He pulled his pokeball out of his pocket, and released his squirtle in front of him as he's begins following along. She looked up at him and looked around looking confused, but he shrugged and nodded forward. She followed along beside him. He glanced at the girl fidgeting about.

"You fidgeting for a medical reason or mental?"


2012-12-18, 11:39 PM
Amelia rubs the back of her head and laughs nervously, "I'm not used to being unarmed in unfamiliar areas," she says, "trained to use a sword and fight alongside Valkyrie rather than letting her take care of them on her own."

2012-12-19, 12:14 AM
As the group travels deeper into the woods, you all can plainly see that the forest becomes more dense as you go along, but after a few minutes of walking you come across some kind of a statue of a rather large spider that seems to be covered in cobwebs. Now that you mention it there seems to be a lot of cobwebs near by.

Dojima and Taylor are the first to notice the number of green spiders descending from the trees, while the others just seem to be fixed on the statue. The spiders just seem to be looking at lot of beings that have gathered around the statue.

Dojima also sees some moss growing on some of the trees, on the side where you are heading.

Roger notices the statue is emitting a light purple aura about it.

2012-12-19, 12:18 AM
Roger starts edging around the statue, trying to find the source of the Aura. He had never seen anything non-living with an Aura, something must be on or in the statue to be emitting it. Be careful around that statue. It looks weird.

2012-12-19, 12:31 AM
Taylor watches the spiders nervously. He reaches out to the largest one visible.
Channel: [roll0]

2012-12-19, 12:47 AM
"Well then I wouldn't feel too bad yet. You've plenty of company at the moment, and a big stick can do in a pinch."

He shrugged a little glancing around at the statue, and the spider webs. The amount of webs alone put him on edge a bit. He reached down and pat River.

"Keep an eye out girl."

2012-12-19, 12:54 AM
Yuu finds moss on the tree and he now knows where north is.

As the group travels forward he notices the webs are increasing as they continue. He see's the statue and notices the spiders around them. Yamato growls a little. Easy boy, this is there home, lets try not to start something. He remains on alert though.

2012-12-19, 01:10 AM
"Interesting statue," Amelia says, "I wonder how old it is..." she says, looking it over, her ruin delver side kicking in. She refrains from touching, may very well be a holy symbol that could get the locals very mad at them if they touched it.

2012-12-19, 01:34 AM
As Roger, Jake, and Amelia all examine the statue, Roger can see that aura seems to be pulsating from the it's 'eyes', but before you can get a closer look at it a lone spider lands on top of it's head makes a motion as if to shoo you away from it.

It so happens to be the same spider that Taylor reached out to and formed a link with. 'No. Stay away from stone spider!' Taylor heard it's thoughts while Roger can see it's aura was showed how annoyed it was. Shortly after two more spiders descend onto the statue and stares at your pokemon, these auras are more dark hostile shade compared to the one who shoo'd you away.

spinarak channel moves:
poison sting
string shot
scary face
leech life

frisk ability
and normal spinarak capabilities

2012-12-19, 02:16 AM
Roger raises his hands slowly as he starts backing away from the statue. No worries. We won't bother you any more. We should get out of here. Loo, be ready. Always am Roger.

2012-12-19, 02:20 AM
"Guys, back away. They mean no harm to you. They want to protect the statue, nothing more, and you being that close is making them hostile."

Please relax, they didn't know. I've called them off. He looks directly at the Spinarak as he speaks to it. If I may ask you, what is that a statue of? What is it for?

2012-12-19, 03:11 AM
"Wasn't going to touch," Amelia says, "touching any kind of statue that looks like it might be a religious symbol is a bad idea," she backs away to stand with the rest of the group as she unclips her card case, just in case, she had one red and one brown that'd be effective against these things, she hoped it didn't come to that, they were cute.

2012-12-19, 11:59 AM
Jack hadn't approached too close to the statue. Taking a few steps back, he made sure he wasn't backing into any webs. His squirtle followed after him.

"Animals don't tend to protect simple statues, religious or not. They do however protect nests or sometimes items that resonate on a harmonious frequency that they can hear. Unless, perhaps, it's us they're attempting to protect.. In any case I think the warning is sound advise."

2012-12-19, 06:07 PM
The three spiders chatter among themselves for a moment, but this it appears to have change nothing about their hostilities towards you. 'Stone spider was put here long ago. Spinarak were told to watch it.' As you communicate with the Spinarak, you notice the others remaining in trees are begin to stir but attention doesn't seemed focused on you. Most of which still have an aggressive aura, though the smaller ones seem to have shifted to a more panicked shade and retreated back into the trees.

Soon you see the reason why the smaller ones choose to hide themselves back into their trees. You can all hear the fluttering of wings, and by the sounds of it there was a lot of them and they are all coming in fast.

'Bad! Hungry birds!' The Spinarak goes into a bit of a panic as the three on the statue skitter about before a flock of birds brown birds swoop in knocking one of the spiders off the statue while the other two spiders leave the statue and start spraying the birds with their webs.

Most of all of the flock seem to be in the trees trying to get at the spinarak nests while a few are doing a low sweep to try to catch something off guard. Their auras are clearly hostile.

A couple of birds turns to your attention and one dives down to tackle Yamato Dealing 14 Physical damage to it while another dives in for another tackle targeting Valkyrie and dealt 8 physical damage.

Posted damages are AFTER defense
you're still connect to the spinarak


T= trees
ST= Statue
Br= bird

2012-12-19, 06:27 PM
Damn, give them your ember Yamato. Yamato spits embers at the bird that attacked him.

[roll0] accuracy ember burns on a 18-20

2012-12-19, 09:44 PM
Bloody hell! Mukking birds, scat! Roger dashes forward, swinging a round house kick to one of the birds, using his hands to scan it as he twirls.

Roger to E4. Unarmed Arms attack on BR4.
[roll0] AC 6 P/N
Loo will use Quick Attack as an Interrupt. Targeting first one to attack him. If none attack, I will post target and location in proper initiative order (IE after birds).
[roll2] AC 2 P/N
Roger Scans the birds.

2012-12-19, 10:52 PM
Amelia pulls snaps open the pouch at her waist, "Valkyrie, Blue Crimson," she says to her torchic before light blue energy surrounds her fist. She circles around the tree and attacks one of the birds with the glowing fist.

Amelia moves to I6 and Attacks BR2
Uses Energy Discard on her Blue Energy to make her Arms Attack Ice Type

Arms Attack
AC: [roll0] vs 6
Damage: [roll1] Phys Ice
Crit: [roll2]

2012-12-19, 10:54 PM
Nothing worth borrowing from the Spinarak. Get involved? Six of them, two Spinarak and us. We can take them.

Don't worry, we got you guys. Hey, have you and your buddies stare them down (Scary Face), then web them (String Shot).

"Shadow, slash 'em up. We're eating bird tonight." Shadow runs forward, smacking and biting BR4.
Move to E4, Pursuit
Physical, Dark
AC: [roll0] 2
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: [roll2]

2012-12-19, 11:13 PM
After Amelia's attack, Valkyrie steps back and launches a volley of small fireballs at the bird.

Valkyrie moves to H8

AC: [roll0] vs 2; Burns on 18-20
Damage: [roll1] Spec Fire
Crit: [roll2]

2012-12-20, 12:18 AM
Yamato's ember just barely hits BR 1 and it does seem to be hurting from the attack but it's not enough to drop it so it goes in for another tackle, dealing 16 physical damage.

Br 2 is still standing after the ice and fiery attack and it didn't take a liking to Amelia's icy attack, so it flys over to I4 and rapidly flaps it's wings to kick up some dust that gets into Amelia's eyes impairing her vision slightly.

Br 3 three continues it's attack against it's spinarak prey flapping it's wings causing the air to stir knocking the poor spider around while Br 4 takes a beating from shadow and Chuck Norris (get it? ...okay i won't do that again sorry) and it appears very weak after it's assault but it still strong enough to attack with it's wings flapping to send a gust of air aimed at Roger dealing 16 damage.

Br5 fly down to F4 dives down to attack shadow and hits its for 18 while Br6 flys over to H5 and tackles Amelia for 17 damage.

Posted damages are AFTER defense
you're still connect to the spinarak

T= trees
ST= Statue
Br= bird

2012-12-20, 12:31 AM
Loo dashes at BR1 (E6) smacking into it for 24. Roger breaks out a pokeball, smashing it into the birds face infront of him (BR4)

Rolls for QA previous, 15 should hit right? :smallwink:
Same as before, QA on any who attack him.

2012-12-20, 12:44 AM
Jack pulled a free poke ball out of his coat pocket. He had watched the combat so far with a caution, waiting for a proper moment. River seems anxious, so he stepped to the side a bit. (H7) He threw the pokeball at the bird closest to them that seemed injured. (BR1)

"River, Bubble on the one by the girl."

His Squirtle eyed him and the closer one a moment before, turning to attack the one he'd said. (BR6)

capture on BR1: [roll0]
Bubble: on BR6
Ac: [roll1] on a 2 -spd on 16-20
Dmg: [roll2]

2012-12-20, 12:48 AM
"Shadow, around and Scratch!" They'll go down if you gang up on them, you know. Shadow runs a circle and slashes B5, ending on E5.
Normal, Physical
AC: [roll0] 2
Damage: [roll1]

2012-12-20, 12:51 AM
Taylor meanwhile steps up to E5 and delivers a swift jab at BR5.
AC: [roll0] 6
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: [roll2]

2012-12-20, 12:55 AM
C'mere boy. Here's a potion. Yuu sprays Yamato with the potion and Yamato yips as he feels better.


2012-12-20, 01:40 AM
Amelia runs up and punches at the bird that tackled her, her fist suddenly getting a stony grey appearance as she does.

Amelia Attacks BR6

HP: 35/52

Arms Attack
AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Phys Rock
Crit: [roll2]

"Val, hit the one attacking the spider," she calls out, getting the bird to let fly another volley of fireballs.

Valkyrie Attacks BR3

HP: 23/31

AC: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] Spec Fire
Crit: [roll5]

2012-12-20, 04:01 AM
Both of Jack and Roger's collide with the birds they open to absorb the feathered creatures before they fall to the ground with and -Ding- you each caught a pidgey.

Br2 a little weary moves up to F1, while br3 doesn't appreciate the fire balls in it's face while it tried to get to it's prey and flys down to H6 and flaps wildly kicking up dust aimed at the torchic but it also hits Jack in it's path and stings both of their eyes and makes it difficult for them to see.

Br5 flies a in a short semi circle tackling Loo but not before Loo's reflexes allow him to land a hit before the pidgey could even touch it, knocking it out cold. Meanwhile Br6 tackles Amelia for 18 damage.

The Spinaraks now each take their turns to help with attacking the birds. Spinarak 1 moves over to F4 shoots off a poison sting sting at Br 3, just bearly hitting it for 9 poison damage. Spinarak 2 moves F6 and blasts Br3 with it's silky web while the last spinarak pulls itself together enough to latch on to Br6 and restricts some of it's movement (not trapped) and deals 9 normal physical damage to it.

Br6 is now looking very weak and seems to have difficulties trying to stay a flutter while Br3 is also hurting but not as much Br6.
Posted damages are AFTER defense

T= trees
ST= Statue
Br= bird

2012-12-20, 04:06 AM
Yuu notices that one of the birds is looking weak.Here we go! Yuu throws a pokeball at bird6.


2012-12-20, 09:19 AM
Taylor runs up to G4 and takes a swing at BR6.
Arms Attack
AC: [roll0] 6
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: +[roll2]

"Shadow, help Amelia!" The Zorua runs forward, slamming into and biting BR3.
Move to G6, Pursuit
Physical, Dark
AC: [roll3] 2
Damage: [roll4]
If Crit: +[roll5]

2012-12-20, 10:53 AM
Roger foes to E1 punching ar BR2.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] sorry on a phone

2012-12-20, 05:13 PM
Amelia punches at the remaining pidgey while Valkyrie dashes forward and scratches the thing.

Amelia makes an Arms Attack on BR6
Valkyrie moves to H4, scratching BR6 as she passes

Amelia's HP: 17/52
Valkyrie's HP: 23/31

Arms Attack
AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]

AC: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]

2012-12-20, 05:59 PM
Roger manages knock out his target with his punch while Amelia and Taylor make a swing at the remaining pidgey but fails to connect their attacks but Valkyrie's talons finds its mark and brings the bird down.

The Remaining flock sees their kin fallen in the combat and all decide flee since their attack had gone south. As the pidgey flee, some of the spinarak who had gone into hiding come out to and start chattering with each other. You can even see some of the spiders wrapping up a pidgey or two in a webbing cocoon, evidently some had victories in defending their nests.

'Hungry birds come, but you fight back. Why?' The channeled Spinarak approaches Taylor, but still keeps a safe distance while the other one seems to be checking on spinarak 3.

Mesi' pidgey: Level 10, Keen eye, quite. female
Requiem's pidgey: level 10, Tangled Feet, calm. Female

900 exp drop

2012-12-20, 06:02 PM
Jack watched the last of the birds go down. He pat's his squirtle before walking over to the girl. He was still eying the spiders cautiously. He opened up his med pack when he got over to her. River following behind him.

"Let's see to those wounds first of all. Then we can sort out the rest of this mess."

2012-12-20, 07:01 PM
"Yea, if I had my sword this would be a lot easier," she says, rubbing the back of her head, but flinching when she hits a bruised spot, "had to help though," she sighs as she pulls out her red card, a small ingot of red metal in the shape of a card, the red energy symbol printed on it, "hope we don't run into anything else today, I've only got one more I can use today," anyone looking would see two other, similar objects in her belt pouch, except both are grey. She slips the card back into the pouch.

2012-12-20, 07:06 PM
I don't know. I kind of empathize with you guys more, for one. They also attacked some of us as well as you. You weren't a threat, and they were. Then there's that based on these webs, you have a lot of friends here. Picking a fight against you all would be crazy. He smiles to the Spinarak. How old is the statue? Who told you to guard it?

2012-12-20, 09:20 PM
Roger gingerly touched the spot the bird had hit him on. It stung but he'd had a lot worse. That's the last of them then? Good. Loo you alright? I was too fast for them. Good.

2012-12-20, 09:59 PM
The Spinarak seems pleased with your answer as it turns back to the statue. 'Stone spider was put here long time ago. We Spinarak do not remember when, but we have watched the stone spider for a very long time. Just like the lady asked us to.'

2012-12-20, 10:13 PM
Lady? Huh. Taylor doesn't even notice the world going on around him. Do you know where she came from? Please tell me what you know about her, if anything... Oh, and anything you know about the island.

2012-12-20, 11:05 PM
You all hear the other spinarak chattering about before you get a replay. 'The lady comes and goes whenever she pleases. She is kind to us Spinarak but we have not seen her in many moons.' The Spinarak climbs back on top of the statue and points further into the woods. 'The lady comes from deeper in land, she is not the only people to come. Sometimes other people come to visit statue from the deeper lands, but they bring a mark so we do not attack them.'

2012-12-20, 11:30 PM
So if we came back through, you would attack us unless we had this mark?

2012-12-20, 11:40 PM
The Spinarak looks back to you. 'You helped fight back hungry birds. Will not attack you, unless you give us a reason to.'

2012-12-21, 12:01 AM
Jack treated and bound her wounds in short order, he closed his pack and straightened up. He sighed a little and pulled his half used cigarette out.

"Don't take it too rough for a bit, lass. That's all i can do for the moment I'm afraid, we can look at it again in the morning. We need to look for shelter.... I really need to look for some berries, they can supplement treatments more readily."

He eyed the spinarak's chattering, and Taylor just starting at one. He walked over to Taylor and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Look Boya, not sure what the commotion is about, but I'm hoping its directions to a shelter. We've got wounded and so do they, I'm willing to treat them if I can find some berries nearby."

2012-12-21, 12:25 AM
Shelter, right. Do you know where we might find some of these humans? Or at least somewhere we could find food? We would be willing to treat some of your wounded in exchange. He looks at some of the Spinarak who didn't fare so well.

2012-12-21, 01:02 AM
"Thanks," Amelia says, standing back up, "I needed that," she continues before searching for a branch she could use in place of her sword for now.

2012-12-21, 08:11 PM
‘Food? Spinarak can show you where to get food.’ The spinarak chatters its allies before the three spiders begin skittering off in the direction it had previously pointed towards. Along the way Amelia finds short branch that could be used as an improvised weapon.

Soon you all come to a tree with a few apples growing from it. ‘Food!’ The spiders stop at the base of the tree and pointed up to the tree.

2012-12-21, 08:56 PM
Taylor looks around at the woods as he goes along. Upon seeing the fruit tree, he smiles. Awesome. Thank you very much. This should help us. Taylor grabs a few apples and puts them in his bag, as well as taking a bite of one. So where are these people you mentioned? Do you know how they treat outsiders? "Hey Jack, help them with some of their wounded. They found us food, it's only fair."

2012-12-21, 10:03 PM
Yuu walks up to the tree and grabs a apple, takes a small bite to taste if its good or not. Tastes fine. Might want to ask if there's a water source nearby, depending on how long were here we made need to know where we can get fresh water. Yuu pockets a few apples and gets ready to head out.

2012-12-21, 10:37 PM
Jack just shook his head a bit. He followed them because he hadn't been given any patients. Looking along the side as he walked, he searched for berries that he recognized. He perked a brow and frowned at what he'd been told.

"Treating them was never in question. I can stabilize any wounded, but I'll need some berries to do any decent help. We'll need to stay close for full recovery, hence need shelter. Food isn't shelter, though it is appreciated. If there are any serious wounded back there and I've come all the way out here, I'm going to hurt someone or something..."

Search: [roll0] /15
Berry Type: [roll1]

2012-12-22, 12:56 AM
Unfortunately Jack doesn't seem to be able to find any berries along the way. 'Do not worry. Spinarak can take care of our own.' The spinarak chattered. 'People live deeper in the forest. We do not know they treat new people. Spinarak have not seen new people in many seasons.'

you each picked 3 apples

2012-12-22, 03:13 AM
Huh, well thank you for your...hospitality, I guess... Would any of you like to come along with me? I could use some help, in case the other humans are...territorial towards us. He tries to put things in terms the Spinarak would get. We don't have much, and your abilities would be very helpful. Plus you would become stronger, inevitably.

2012-12-23, 01:50 AM
The Spinarak pauses at your request to join you before it turns to it's friends and starts to chatter among themselves, apparently discussing the deal among themselves. Every so often you see them poke each other on their heads, as if to drive in the points of their arguments. After a bit of spider slapstick, the main spinarak turns back to you. 'You helped fight hungry birds. You are all strong. So we will travel with you, for now but you must keep promise to make us stronger!'

2012-12-23, 01:39 PM
Not to worry. Okay, it's a deal. He takes out a ball and taps the Spinarak he channeled.
Go! Pokéball! [roll0]

2012-12-23, 02:38 PM
The spinarak disappears into the ball and it dings with no resistance. The other two watch as their friend goes into your ball. One shakes its head slightly but then gets poked on the head by the other one before they look around at the other trainers.

Spinarak stats: level 12, Adamant nature, frisk nature. male

2012-12-23, 02:49 PM
Yuu walks up to one of the spinerak's and takes out a pokeball. If you don't mind. Yuu taps one of the spinerak's with the pokeball to capture it.


2012-12-23, 02:55 PM
Roger leans at the other tappimg it with a ball.


2012-12-23, 03:40 PM
Taylor lets the Spinarak back out quickly. Sorry about that, but you will thank me later. That will let me keep you safe if you get knocked out. He puts his hand down for the Spinarak to climb up. Mind if I call you by a name? Skitter, Aragog, something like that? Or do you have a name already?

Shadow watches the Spinarak and scoffs. His fur flattens against his back and goes green and blue, his front legs split in two and change color, and his body becomes rounded. In a few moments he's indistinguishable from the Spinarak. The Zorua/Spinarak spits a web onto Taylor's shoulder before the Spinarak can get there, chittering at the new recruit. Taylor gives him a light flick. "Hey, don't be a brat." Shadow chitters again before climbing over to the other shoulder.

2012-12-24, 11:34 PM
As Yuu's ball taps against the spinarak, something starts going wrong as the ball as it starts to spark and smoke for a quick second before it goes poof in your hands. The ball falls apart into pieces and it startled the Spider. Luckily it wasn't injured but it chatters at angrily at you before webbing it's way into the tree.

Meanwhile, Roger's pokeball seems to have better luck as the spider went into the ball but it wobbles in his hand with some resistance before it dies down with a -ding-.

The spinarak Taylor caught has some mild disorientation since it was it's first time in a pokeball. 'Dizzy...' It quickly gets over it before climbing onto Taylor's vacant shoulder. 'Name? Spinarak don't have name...but do like the sound of Aragog.' It said before taking notice of the fake spinarak on Taylor's other shoulder and lightly chattered at it.

Mesi, you caught it because it was willing. Yuki you rolled a 100...
Mesi's spinarak: level 11, Venom, proud nature. Female

2012-12-24, 11:52 PM
Roger releases Wrack the Spinarak so she could get to know him better. He wasn't going to let Gee the Pidgey out, not yet and especially not with Wrack out. Hello. I'm Roger. You are Wrack. This is Loo. Greetings... She says 'Hello'

2012-12-25, 12:27 AM
Shocked and surprised at what happened, Yuu picked a piece of the pokeball that had shattered. He looks up at the Spinarak that he was trying to catch, sigh, and looks at Yamato. Looks like its still going to be just you and me buddy. Yuu picks up the rest of the pieces of the pokeball and puts them in a pocket. He doesn't like littering.

2012-12-25, 12:31 AM
Amelia pets one of the Spinarak, but doesn't try to catch it, "we only have a few pokeballs, I'm not going to waste them on pokemon we already have on the team," she says, "not to say I don't like you, just that we need to be practical when we're not sure what's around the corner."

2012-12-25, 12:58 AM
Well then, glad to have you, Aragog Shadow chitters back, none too polite. Don't mind him. He's not used to other teammates. He gives the false-Spinarak a flick again. Well, which way to the humans?

2012-12-26, 02:57 PM
Jack retrieved his used pokeball and the three apples. After a few moments he returned to the others but stood back from the rest of the group a bit and leaned against a tree. He pulled out his lighter and lit up the rest of his previous cigarette. His squirtle just followed along. After a few drags from he coughed slightly and drew his handkerchief out to cough into. He glanced at it a moment before quickly putting it back into his pocket out of sight.

2012-12-26, 07:49 PM
Wrack takes a moment to adjust to her name, before greeting and climbing onto you. She chirps happily at you and Loo.

Taylor hears something resembling a giggle from Aragog when you give shadow a flick. 'Humans live that way.' Aragog points off in a direction leading deep yet past the apple tree.

As you follow Aragog's directions you all notice that it was starting to get darker. The apparent hour twilight was upon you now. 'Will be night soon.' Both Roger and Taylor can sense an uneasiness from their Spinaraks.

2012-12-26, 08:21 PM
"We should probably rest tonight and head out in the morning," Amelia says, glancing at the sky, "we don't know what's out there, and I don't think we want to find out."

2012-12-26, 08:37 PM
What kinds of things come out here at night? He watches the other Spinarak. "The Spinarak are getting uncomfortable about the oncoming night. Did anyone manage to hold onto supplies when they arrived here?"

2012-12-26, 08:43 PM
No. I honestly don't remember how I got here. I was just in the courtyard after morning exercises and then...... I woke up here. He scratches the Spinarak's head gently to calm her down. He looked around for a good place to set up camp, not that it be much of anything.

2012-12-26, 11:41 PM
Jack simply shrugged as he wandered behind the group a little. He finished off his cigarette and found a patch of dirt to stomp it out in. He sighed a bit as he listened in and looked around for a decent camping area or cave.

"I don't even know why i have my planter and pokeballs.. Not like I carry them around on me all the time. Doesn't make much sense in the cities."

2012-12-26, 11:52 PM
"I was in some newly discovered ruins, I had my sword on me, I don't have it now," Amelia says, "but I have my pokeballs and cards," she pulls out said cards, made of metal ingots, "what I didn't have on me was my cloak," she says, pulling up the hood of said piece of clothing, "useful in the area I was in, but not in the ruins."

2012-12-27, 12:06 AM
I was traveling between towns. I had supplies for a four day trek to the next town. All my supplies are gone. My bow and arrows are gone as well. Yuu is clearly annoyed at remembering about his supplies being lost but even more annoyed at his bow being lost.

As there walking along Yuu is at the back of the group. He notices the Doctor throw his cigarette on the ground and stomp it out. Watching the doctor walk off Yuu reaches over and takes the cigarette and puts it in the pocket where the broken pokeball is. He glares at the doctor a little from behind. He REALLY doesn't like littering.

2012-12-27, 12:23 AM
"Well if we need a fire, that lighter could help." He looks around for some thick grasses to cover himself in and to sleep on (after checking them out for bugs, obviously).

2012-12-27, 12:44 AM
'Sometimes in the night, things come out. We do not know what these things are, but we're are sure they're not friendly.' Aragog explained while you all looked about for a place to camp out for the night. After a few minutes you find a small clearing for you to set up camp in.

2012-12-27, 01:05 AM
Noted. Thank you, Aragog. "Guys, we're gonna have people take turns on watch. Five of us, with eight hours sleep for everyone...I can do the math, one sec...we'll each take two hour shifts. Unless we want to try running on less. I'll take first watch. Now what we need first is to get some basic sleeping stuff going. If we get a fire going and something to keep us off the ground, we should be well enough. Even something as basic as leaves and grass on top of sticks would suffice, if not be a bit uncomfortable."

2012-12-27, 01:24 AM
"...couldn't these little guys make hammocks out of webbing?" Amelia asks curiously.

2012-12-27, 02:10 AM
"I don't know." How much non-sticky webbing are you able to make in a short amount of time?

2012-12-27, 06:31 PM
"Guys, we're gonna have people take turns on watch...I'll take first watch..."
"I need an unbroken sleep to really recover from channeling a mon. I'm getting better at it, but its still a bit exhausting."
How are you doing rest-recovery, by the way, Dragon?

2012-12-27, 06:35 PM
Uh I thought she was taking the first watch? Besides we need shelter before we even think about sleeping. I have ancient idea. Roger goes to the largest tree near bywith study boughs and begins climbing, Wrack still sitting on his head.

[roll0] I think I have 18 str away from comp cant check

2012-12-27, 07:12 PM
Aragog thinks about the question for a second. 'Donno. Spinarak usually only make enough webbing for nests or fights. You need us to make something?'

Roger gets up the tree, although rather clumsily with him almost loosing his grip a few times.

if you want the spinarak to construct something give me a wis or int check while instructing it to make something.

you have a 19 str Mesi

8 hours of rest recovers 1.5x con stat of HP, 6 hours recovers your con stat, and 4 hours recovers half your con stat? this sound good?

2012-12-27, 07:32 PM
Some non-sticky web structures to hold humans off the cold ground at night. We aren't as hardy as your kind, unfortunately. He guides Aragog in constructing the hammock.
WIS check to guide him: [roll0]

2012-12-27, 07:51 PM
"Unfortunately I won't be of much use until morning, my cards are my only weapon now and I only have one I can use," Amelia says, rubbing the back of her head lightly, "don't ask, you probably wouldn't believe me."

2012-12-27, 08:44 PM
Finding the sturdiest branch, Roger pushes his back against the the tree's trunk. Alright Wrack, do you think you can wrap some web around my waist real tight? Loo, c'mon up! The little Riolu nods, hopping gracefully up into Roger's lap. Wake me up for my shift, ok?

do I need Wis for that? [roll0] What about Martial Endurance? My HP is over inflated for my Con stat due to it (even worse next level when i take the + version).

2012-12-27, 11:23 PM
Aragog follows your instructions as best as it could, scurrying between two trees using its webbing to create a hammock for you. The construction looks solid at first but when you go to try it out, you can hear the strain of the silk before it snaps and you fall over on your fanny. 'Sorry. Not used to making webs to support anything as big as you.' Aragog apologized, dangling down from its web.

Wrack nods before going around your body a few times with her webbing, tying you to the tree. When she finishes, the web seems sturdy enough to hold you up for a while.

good point there Mesi, i'll try to think of something when i'm trying to not throw up.

2012-12-27, 11:37 PM
Not your fault. Try it again, add some more support crisscrossing. I'm gonna get some stuff for building a bed of sorts for myself or someone else. Taylor goes to find some grasses, leaves and downed sticks to build a basic bed. Nothing fancy, just some grass for softness and the sticks for volume.
WIS Checks: [roll0]

2012-12-28, 12:09 AM
"Let me try explaining it," Amelia says, "I've made hammocks before."

Int Check: [roll0]

2012-12-28, 12:34 AM
When Yuu picked up the cigarette filter, it'd be easier to tell. The filter was made of an odd smelling leaf, just wrapped in a white outer coat. Jack never noticed and kept walking. He seemed a little distracted while walking behind the others anyway. He sat down against a tree when they got to the clearing. He stayed there a little while, before he sighed and stood up.

"Kiddos, I know sleeps on everyone's mind, but how bout a fire? A quick glance around for a water source maybe? I don't particularly make a habit of drinking from a squirtle's spit up."

He walked over to about the center of where people were setting up to sleep and started trying to clear room for a fire.

2012-12-28, 12:41 AM
"Valkyrie can help light one," Amelia replies, "just get the materials together and she'll light it. We'll need a good pile of wood to keep it going through the night though."

2012-12-30, 05:09 AM
Under the new instructions, Aragog manages to make a better construction of the hammock and finds itself tired after the construction is completed. 'Finished..tried..' The spider then moves to one end of the hammock and nestles itself in comfortably. Meanwhile Taylor finds a fair amount of sticks, leaves, and grass to make his bed.

2012-12-30, 05:24 AM
Good, hopefully that one holds for the night. Taylor takes the reasonably thick sticks and sets them side by side, reasonably close to where the fire would be. By the end of that he has a sort of link-in log pile of sticks about two feet wide, six feet long and two sticks thick, plenty big for a person and just off the ground. He then adds the leaves and grass on top of the pile, making the cushioning for makeshift bed, adding extra at one end to act as a pillow. By no means would it be the best night's sleep the user has, but it will suffice to keep them off the ground.

Taylor then goes about collecting more wood for a fire, as well as adding a few of the sticks that were too small as kindling. When just about everything is settled, Taylor takes a seat by the fire. Need to get some food besides just apples tomorrow.

2013-01-05, 12:17 AM
valkyrie (or Yamato. Doesn't really matter) starts the campfire after Taylor sets up the firewood and kindling. Night falls upon you as everyone settles in for the night. The fire gives the campsite some lighting.

give me a perception check for your shift

2013-01-05, 12:23 AM
Perception: [roll0]

2013-01-05, 12:24 AM
[roll0] Perception

2013-01-05, 12:48 AM
Night vision activate! [roll0]

Also, for what it's worth, the Spinarak is still channeled until I go to bed.

2013-01-05, 04:39 AM
[roll0] perception

2013-01-05, 08:50 PM
Jack folded up his vest for a pillow and used his labcoat as a blanket. He rested against a tree until his watch.

perception: 1d20+4

2013-01-06, 03:32 PM
Night finally settles in as Taylor takes up is shift. The night air breeze was cool but the fire kept you warm enough. You can hear the nocturnal life begin to stir in the distance with sounds of insects chirping. Once in a while you hear Aragog do some chirping of his own add to the night orchestra, but he mostly finds himself listening. Occasionally you hear some hooting nearby, as you around to see a round bird looking down at you from one of the trees. It seems to be just looking at you but Aragog does move closer to you.

what was the order of shifts you guys wanted?

2013-01-06, 04:09 PM
Taylor gives a hiss at the owl. "No, git!" He watches the bird carefully. Don't worry, Aragog. It's only a bird. Shadow will fight it off if need be.

2013-01-07, 06:19 PM
The owl hoots and flaps its wings at you when hiss at it, but makes no motions towards you. Instead it stays perched on its branch for a few more moments, watching you before it flapped away into the dark veil beyond the firelight's reach. Aragog relaxes when the bird flies away. 'Too many birds today.' You feel a mental sigh from him before he returns to listening to night orchestra for the remainder of your watch.

so shifts will go, Taylor->Yuu->Roger->Jack->Amelia?

2013-01-07, 06:43 PM
As useful an addition as a Hoothoot would be, Taylor didn't want to risk a needless fight, or wake up the others. Given different circumstances, sure. As the two hour mark passes, he shakes Yuu. "Your shift. I'm passing out." After the man is woken, Taylor retires to his hammock of silk, Aragog making a small web to stay in nearby his teacher and Shadow falling asleep on his master's stomach. The Mystic has dreams of firing webs, swinging from tree to tree and webbing down food for the group as the Spinarak would, before losing his connection with the Spinarak and falling into normal dreams.
Borrowed String Shot using today's Daily use of Borrow, String Shot may be used once within the next 24 hours

2013-01-07, 07:48 PM
After being awaken by Taylor, Yuu stretches and gets up. He looks up to the sky to see the stars and tries to find any constellations he can recognize and possibly get a bearing on where they are. After looking at the sky for a bit he sits down and stares into the blackness of the forest. Yamato next to him is also looking into the blackness sniffing the air occasionally to see if he cant pick up any scents nearby.

2013-01-08, 02:51 AM
As Yuu looks off into the night sky he finds stars but fail to recognize any patterns or constellations in the alien sky. You hear the same nocturnal life chattering away in the distance Taylor listened to as you look out in to the dark veil. The growlithe sniffs the air once in a while but doesn't pick up anything until you both notice some shrubs rustling about. Seconds later you see a pair of little rodents popping out, they seem to be ignoring your presence and content with fighting over what appears to be seeds.

2013-01-08, 01:11 PM
Yuu stares at the little rodents for a bit and notices there fighting over seeds. He gets up and walks over to them with Yamato next to him and kneels next to them but still keeping a small distance between him and them.
Hey you two can't you both share the seeds with each other instead of fighting each other? Is there not enough?

2013-01-08, 08:32 PM
The rodents stop their scuffling for a moment, startled by the human and dog that they failed to notice during their scrap. On closer inspection you see one of them had a purple coat whist the other had brown fur. They both are stare at you while at the same time keeping each other in their peripheral vision.

2013-01-08, 08:51 PM
Look you two it's not good to fight over something that can be shared. But if that's really not enough for you both, here take these apples. Yuu reaches into his pocket and takes out two of his apples and sets them on the ground in front of him. I'm not even sure if you would like apples but there they are if you want them.

2013-01-10, 05:03 AM
The two rodents eye the apples and each give a sniff in the direction of the apples, but they each still keep a distance from you and each other. After a few moments of silence, other than the chirpings of the night, the brown rodent decides to brave it and moves forward towards one of the apples but the other one acts quickly and takes all the seeds that the two were fighting over moments ago.

The brown one stops briefly to turn back to see its rival escape with it's prize. Annoyed and with no other options for food, it reluctantly approaches an apple and takes it. It drags the one apple back a ways, but stays in view and starts nibbling the apple while keeping an eye on you.

2013-01-10, 06:49 AM
A little shocked that the other rodent grabbed the seeds and ran behind the others back, Yuu takes the other apple and dusts it off from being on the ground and puts it back into his pocket. Well that was really selfish. Yuu is clearly annoyed at what just happened. Well i guess that my fault, my apologies. Yuu apologetically bows his head to the rodent. But i bet that that apple taste better than those seeds anyway.

2013-01-18, 12:11 AM
The rodent keeps its distance away from you as it continues to nimble away at the apple. When it is done eating the apple, it keeps its distance but stays in view of the camp site. The remainder of your watch is rather uneventful with mostly only the nightly sounds and the Patrat nearby continuing to watch you.

When Roger's turn at watch comes, he finds nothing amiss. His aura showed him only things in the distance but they were too far out to make out anything. The patrat was still nearby when Yuu had done to sleep and only lingers for a few moments before running way back into the brush.

Unless Roger wants to do something during this time it will be Jack's turn.

2013-01-18, 12:17 AM
Roger remains on his perch, though shifts slightly to get a bit more comfortable. He checks to make sure Loo and Wrack were both ok, before going about his uneventful watch. When nothing happens, he tosses a twig or 20 at Jack to wake him for his watch.

2013-01-18, 10:20 PM
Being struck by sticks wakened the good doctor in a far worse mood than the act of waking up normally would leave him. He mumbled things about lack or supplies, leaving in traction, never treating, and dissections, as he acclimated his clothing back into place. He pulled a metal flask from an inside pocket and left it just close enough to the fire to warm. He lit a cigarette while taking a seat for watch duty.

2013-01-27, 07:29 AM
As Jack settles in for his shift, he can hear that the sounds of the night life begins to die down. Though you can still hear some faint chirping in the distance. Things seem to be all calm for the time being. That is, until something catches your eye when you looked up at the night sky. A lone figure floats leisurely across the sky, you fail to notice it at first due to its inky black cloak but its pale face sticks like a sore thumb. It doesn't seem to have noticed your presence and before you can notice any details about it, a blueish green flame begins to engulf its cloak and it vanishes into thin air.

2013-01-28, 06:16 PM
Jack watched the momentary event, then tilted his head. He heard a slight pop and returned to his flask, removing it from near the fire. After putting some more wood on it, he went back and opened the flask. A bitter foul smell came from it, but he was hopefully far enough away from the others. As he drank from the flask he glanced around the woods and walked along the edge of the clearing. He found himself looking up at the sky more often as well now.