View Full Version : The Encyclopedia Magica

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 02:27 AM
I have recently unearthed my copy of the Encyclopedia Magica (of which I am unfortunately missing the second and fourth volumes) and have decided to update a variety of the items within. I'll start with Vol. III, and I'll post it all in this thread.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 02:38 AM
Pick of Earth Parting
This enchanted pick allows its wielder to cut through earth quickly. The wielder of the pick can carve out a 10 foot by 10 foot by 60 foot tunnel in one round. The pick's magical porperties create a smooth, clean surface regardless of the mining skill of the user. All rubble from the excavation magically disappears, leaving a clear passage. The pick deals damage as a light pick +1.

Strong transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; passwall; Price 100,304 gp; Cost 50,152 gp and 4,012 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 02:52 AM
Palette of Identity
This device offers protection against polymorph spells and other magical effects that change a person's physical appearance.

The item is an artist's palette covered with bright, mystical paints. To use the item, a person must paint a self-portrait. The painting does not need to be created with any expertise, but the painter must believe that the portrait is accurate. Any time a character carries this self-portrait on his or her person, the portrait suffers the effects of unsuccessful saving throws against spells of the Polymorph subschool.

The character makes svaing throws as normal against spells of the Polymorph subschool. If the saving throw fails, the portrait is altered, reflecting the effect of the spell, but the character remains unaffected. Once the portrait suffers the effects, it no longer can offer protection for the person it represents.

The palette contains enough paint for only one portrait.

Strong abjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item; greater spell immunity; Price 6036 gp; Cost 3018 gp and 241 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 03:11 AM
Marvelous Pigments
These magical pigments enable their possessor to create actual objects simply by depicting their form as a painting. One pot of marvelous pigments is sufficient ot cretae an object of 1,000 cubic feet by depicting it in two dimensions over a surface 100 feet square.

Only normal, inanimate things can be created--doors, pits, flowers, trees, cells, but monsters, people, golems, and the like can't be created. The pigments must be applied to a flat surface.

Any objects created--such as a sword, shield, or door--takes away 100 cubic feet of use, regardless of how small the item is. Larger items--like a carriage--may take more cubic feet off the further total, but that is entirely up to the DM. Furthermore, any object created is a mundane item, not magical or masterwork.

Strong conjuration; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item; instant summons; Price 15,140 gp; Cost 7,570 gp and 605 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 03:18 AM
Desalination Tablet
These orange pills are about the size of a marble. Each pill transforms one gallon of seawater into fresh, drinkable water.

If a creature ingests a desalination tablet, they are nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. If a creature with the Water subtype ingests a desalination tablet, they are nauseated for 5 rounds and take 2d4 points of dessication damage.

Faint transmutation; CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item; purify food and drink; Price 100 gp; Cost 50 gp and 4 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 03:30 AM
Book Plate
This bookplate can be affixed to the inside of the front cover of a book (magical or otherwise).

A command word causes the entire book to turn into a pewter plate, returnable by use of another command word.

Moderate transmutation; CL 4nd; Craft Wondrous Item; alter self; Price 3750 gp; Cost 1875 gp and 150 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 03:44 AM
Quill Pen of Copying
AThis quill can be commanded to copy any spell from a scroll. It copies only one spell per week. The original scroll must be burned and the ashes mixed with ink costing at least 600 gp. The quill is then placed on a blank scroll or on a blank page of a spellbook.

If placed on a blank scroll, the quill writes two identical spells on the scroll. If the scroll burnt contains two or more spells, only one spell is copied, determined randomly.

If placed on a spellbook, the quill copies the spell into the spellbook without error.

The user of the quill pen of copying must still pay all experience point costs of transcription.

Faint evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item; telekinesis; Price 3500 gp; Cost 1750 gp and 140 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 01:55 PM
Quill of Necromancy
This quill can write the words of the dead. It must be filled with special ink cotaining powdered bone (100 gp per use) and then placed along with a parchment on the grave or body of any dead creature. When preparations are complete and the command word spoken, the quill then creates a speak with dead effect. The answers from the dead creature are written on the parchment by the quill. The quill may be used once per day as long as the proper ink is available.

Faint necromancy; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item; speak with dead, mage hand; Price 13,504 gp; Cost 6752 gp and 540 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 02:06 PM
Quill of Pyrophilius
More than two dzen quills are known to have been enchanted by a mighty magician living on Toril. Each quill is made from a Ki-Rin feather, and the spirit of a sprite has been focibly trapped within them. The sprite listens to any intelligible conversation within normal hearing distance and write it down on the nearest piece of paper, or any other suitable substance. The quill never runs out of ink, and cannot move, other than to write. Any language that is heard by the quill can be transcribed, being written in the language being spoen. If more than one person is speaking at a time, the quill transcribes the loudest voice. The quill is activated by a specific command word, and ca nbe deactivated by restating the command word, or phyisically destroying the item, which frees the trapped sprite.

Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; comprehend languages; Price 3604 gp; Cost 1802 gp and 144 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 02:41 PM
Death Rock
The death rock is an evil relic of inky black stone, roughly the size of a man's clenched fist. When touched, the rock pulsates faintly, like the beating of a heart, and leaves the sensation of warm greasy moistness on the fingertips. The death rock exudes a palpable aura of evil noticeable to intelligent creatures.

It is said that the death rock is the product of some far-distant eastern cult that worshipped the great salamander of a certain river. The cult was evil and its rites unspeakable. For years the cult survived openly and although it was hated by all, no one could act against it.

Their terror finally came to an end when a peasant woman whose sons had been taken by the cult took up the sword. Though she was old and scorned by her neighbors for her folly, the woman prayed to all the powers of justice for revenge. For five nights the five judgs of men came to her, bringing courage, faith, purity, mercy, and might. With these she challenged the living god. Their battle was great, but in the end the old woman cut the fiend's heart free and cast it far away.

It is said that the heart became a stone, still filled with great and evil powers. Over the centuries, the death rock has found its way to the west, leaving ruin and destruction in its wake. It has not been seen for a very long time and it might now be finally lost forever.

The death rock grants its owner the spellcasting ability of a necromancer of the same level as the character. The character know all necromancy spells appropriate to that level, but can only memorize and use necromantic spells. The character gains no hit points, hit dice, base attack bonus, or saves. Experience points are gained normally in the character's normal class and each time a new level is achieved, the character also advances as a necromancer.

To activate and maintain the power of the rock, the character's closest companion must be claimed each week as a zombie slave. If this is not done, the rock instantly vnishes, never to be seen again.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 03:08 PM
Saddle of Flying
This saddle resembles a normal leather saddlewith a small, silver buckle near the pommel. When the saddle is secured to a horse or any other nonmagical mount and the silver buckle is fastened, the mount sprouts wings and acquires the ability to fly at its normal movement rate, with average maneuverability. The flying mount can carry its normal encumberance.

A saddle of flying functions for only one hour per day. When the silver buckle is unfastened or the duration expires, the wings disappear and all flying ability is immediately lost, regardless of whether the mount is airborne or on the ground.

Faint transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item; fly; Price 13,520 gp; Cost 6760 gp and 540 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 03:22 PM
Saddle of the Spirit Horse
To all appearances, this is an ordinary, worn leather military saddle of good quality. However, it is a magical item. If worn by a single horse, it attunes itself to that horse when worn for three days.

Once it is attuned to the horse, nothing remarkable happens--unless the horse dies while wearing the saddle. If it does, the spirit of the horse stays with the saddle for another 24 hours. Half an hour after the horse dies, the spirit of the horse will "awaken", climb to its unseen feet, and prepare to carry its master wherever he or she wants to go. The ghost horse continues to wear the saddle.

For the next 24 hours, the ghost horse will tirelessly carry its rider wherever he wants to go, at the full running speed the horse could manage when it was alive. It is a spooky sight: the saddle floats in the air, 4 or 5 feet up; the rider must mount normally, treat the horse normally, and pretend that the animal is as it ever was.

Other than running the horse spirit has no unusual abilities. It cannot be seeen or touched. It can whinny and neigh, and it can buck--though only the saddle is seen to buck in the air. It cannot truly fly; when it comes to a ravine, for instance, it must descend to the bottom and cimb the other slope as it would have had to do to if it were alive.

This frightens living horses. No normal horse will approach the animated saddle within 100 feet. For this reason, it is best used when a character is alone and whose horse has died.

If a character kills his horse to get 24 hours of fast, tireless service, the ghost horse will remember this and be offended by it--even if the character did it secretly, by poison or long-distance magic, the horse will know it. It will allow the character to mount the floating saddle, and behave normally for a while, but at some catastrophic time, it will try to to kill the character. It may jump off a cliff, or ride straight back at the enemy the rider is trying to elude, or buck the miscreant into a pit of snakes.

Faint conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item; mount; Price 9020 gp; Cost 4510 gp and 360 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 07:22 PM
Sand of Truth
This coarse, blue-gray sand is a magical dust forked from the dusty remains of a slain sandman. It can reveal illusions, false aura, and polymorphed or otherwise altered creatures. In short, it acts as a true seeing spell, except it physically returns things to true shape when thrown into the air or sprinkled on objects, rather than merely revealing them to a single viewer. Sand of truth can be applied to creatures or objects only once, and its enchantment fades after that. In combat, the wielder must make a melee touch attack to coat an unwilling target.

Strong divination; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item; true seeing; Price 3600gp; Cost 1800 gp and 144 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 07:29 PM
Scabbard of Holding
This item looks like an ordinary sheath for a large knife. The sheath is anywhere from 6 to 10 inches long, including its belt loop, but it doesn't hold a knife. It holds a sword--a full-sized sword. With magic rather like that found in the bag of holding, this item slides most of the length of the blade into a pocket dimension, so that only the weapon's hilt shows, with the "sheath" suggesting another 5 inches or so of blade. This looks rather strange when it holds a bastard sword or greatsword,where the hilt is longer than the apparent blade, but a scabbard of holding can do it.

Each scabbard of holding is designed to hold one type of sword. The scabbard will not hold a sword it is not built to hold.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item; secret chest; Price 1800 gp; Cost 900 gp and 72 xp

2006-11-15, 07:45 PM
Quill Pen of Copying
AThis quill can be commanded to copy any spell from a scroll. It copies only one spell per week. The original scroll must be burned and the ashes mixed with ink costing at least 600 gp. The quill is then placed on a blank scroll or on a blank page of a spellbook.

If placed on a blank scroll, the quill writes two identical spells on the scroll. If the scroll burnt contains two or more spells, only one spell is copied, determined randomly.

If placed on a spellbook, the quill copies the spell into the spellbook without error.

Faint evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item; telekinesis; Price 3500 gp; Cost 1750 gp and 140 xp
Very broken if you have a lot of down-time, unless you add something about it draining any needed XP from the person who sets it running.

Suppose I have a scroll of wish, this item, and enough gold to buy the ink to use this item once.

I burn the scroll of Wish, mix it with the ink, and set the pen to work on a blank scroll.

I now have two Wish spells on scrolls.

With one, I use it, and get something worth the 25,000 gp, which I then sell for half (12,500 gp). And buy enough ink to run the pen ten times (leaving me with 6,500 gp). I then wait a week, burn the second scroll of Wish, mix it with the ink, and set the pen running. I now have two scrolls of Wish, this pen, enough ink to do this nine more times, and 6,500 gp. In two weeks. Well, I just keep duplicating the scroll of Wish, and after another nine weeks, I've got 11 scrolls of Wish (or one scroll of Wish and a lot of stuff worth 25k a pop, if both spells are written on the same scroll).

Death Rock
The death rock is an evil relic of inky black stone, roughly the size of a man's clenched fist. When touched, the rock pulsates faintly, like the beating of a heart, and leaves the sensation of warm greasy moistness on the fingertips. The death rock exudes a palpable aura of evil noticeable to intelligent creatures.

It is said that the death rock is the product of some far-distant eastern cult that worshipped the great salamander of a certain river. The cult was evil and its rites unspeakable. For years the cult survived openly and although it was hated by all, no one could act against it.

Their terror finally came to an end when a peasant woman whose sons had been taken by the cult took up the sword. Though she was old and scorned by her neighbors for her folly, the woman prayed to all the powers of justice for revenge. For five nights the five judgs of men came to her, bringing courage, faith, purity, mercy, and might. With these she challenged the living god. Their battle was great, but in the end the old woman cut the fiend's heart free and cast it far away.

It is said that the heart became a stone, still filled with great and evil powers. Over the centuries, the death rock has found its way to the west, leaving ruin and destruction in its wake. It has not been seen for a very long time and it might now be finally lost forever.

The death rock grants its owner the spellcasting ability of a necromancer of the same level as the character. The character know all necromancy spells appropriate to that level, but can only memorize and use necromantic spells. The character gains no hit points, hit dice, base attack bonus, or saves. Experience points are gained normally in the character's normal class and each time a new level is achieved, the character also advances as a necromancer.

To activate and maintain the power of the rock, the character's closest companion must be claimed each week as a zombie slave. If this is not done, the rock instantly vnishes, never to be seen again.

Very, very broken in the hands of a Thrallherd. Sacrafice a thrall once a week? No problem, he's replaced in 24 hours. Okay, the loss of gems could get annoying after a little while... but hey! Partial Gestalt!

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 07:45 PM
Ballant's Stonesplit
Evocation [Force]
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Area of Effect: One 10' cube/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None or Fortitude half; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

The wizard who casts this spell cleaves the next stone object he or she touches, the force extending from his fingertips manifesting in a spray of light and a thick, winding crack that appears in the stone iwth considerable force. The crack reduces an amount of stone to rubble equal to the spell's area of effect, but it does nothing to clear the rubble away.

There is a 3-point initiative delay between the wizard's touch and the full extent of the spell's damage, which is usually enough time for a mobile caster to escape being crushed by his own spell. A successful dispel magic during this interval period negates Ballant's stonesplit.

If this spell is cast on a stone floor, a fissure opens and the rubble settles quickly, dropping the floor 1d4 feet and causing 1d4 points of damage to all in the area of effect. The devastating effect of this spell when cast on a stone ceiling is limited both by its range and by its 3-point delays.

Ballant's stonesplit causes great damage to stone-composed creatures--1d8 points of damage per caster level, halved on a successful Fortitude save. Magical items composed of stone are allowed a Fortitude save to avoid destruction.

Material component: a diamond-tipped chisel worth at least 1000 gp.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 07:46 PM
Very broken if you have a lot of down-time, unless you add something about it draining any needed XP from the person who sets it running.

Suppose I have a scroll of wish, this item, and enough gold to buy the ink to use this item once.

I burn the scroll of Wish, mix it with the ink, and set the pen to work on a blank scroll.

I now have two Wish spells on scrolls.

With one, I use it, and get something worth the 25,000 gp, which I then sell for half (12,500 gp). And buy enough ink to run the pen ten times (leaving me with 6,500 gp). I then wait a week, burn the second scroll of Wish, mix it with the ink, and set the pen running. I now have two scrolls of Wish, this pen, enough ink to do this nine more times, and 6,500 gp. In two weeks. Well, I just keep duplicating the scroll of Wish, and after another nine weeks, I've got 11 scrolls of Wish (or one scroll of Wish and a lot of stuff worth 25k a pop, if both spells are written on the same scroll).

I should clarify that. The main issue that it's supposed to solve is that of time, not costs.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 07:51 PM
Scroll of Communication
This scroll actually consists of two scrolls, one wrapped inside the other. They are easily separated. If a message is written on one scroll, it immediately appears on the other. There is no limit to the range, as long as both scrolls are on the same plane of existence. The message may be up to 100 words in length. If one message is erased, the other disappears as well. Each must be erased before another can be written, and there is a 5% chance that erasing destroys the magic of both scrolls.

Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item; sending; Price 18,000 gp; Cost 9000 gp and 720 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 08:21 PM
Very, very broken in the hands of a Thrallherd. Sacrafice a thrall once a week? No problem, he's replaced in 24 hours. Okay, the loss of gems could get annoying after a little while... but hey! Partial Gestalt!

Well, it is an artifact.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 08:23 PM
Eternal Salt Shaker
The eternal salt shaker provides a modest amount of salt for the user each time it is used. The salt cannot be poured from the shaker. The amount is small, perhaps a quarter gram per shake (approximately two grams per round, or 15 hours of constant shaking to produce a pound), but neverending if the character's arm lasts.

Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; create food and water; Price 3,000 gp; Cost 1,500 gp and 120 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 08:27 PM
Hugrin's Spice Shaker
The renowned wizard and chef Hugrin created this magical spice shaker. It appears as a small cilinder iwth a large "H" written on one end. Each shake yields an ounce of any spice desired. To produce a spice the user speaks the command word followed by the name of the desired spice, then shakes the spice shaker with the H side down. Each spice shaker can be used 100 times before it must be recharged.

Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; create food and water; Price 5000 gp; Cost 2500 gp and 200 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 08:40 PM
Sleeping Bag of Armor Nullification
The sleeping bag of armor nullification is a good substitute for the various kinds of armor in which one can sleep. The powerful magic of this bag enables anyone wearing any suit of armor of any type to sleep in it as though he or she were unarmored.

The only problem is that if the enemy attacks before the character can get out of the bag (a full-round action that provokes attacks of oppportunity), the character is at AC 10, as the bag totally nullifies any armor in it and is too constricting to add a character's Dexterity modifier to AC.

Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item; freedom of movement; Price 11,201 gp; Cost 5600 gp and 448 xp

The Glyphstone
2006-11-15, 08:43 PM
Well, it is an artifact.

And I don't know if a mindbound servant counts as a "closest companion"...even the Thralls are a little iffy...

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 08:48 PM
Dragon Slippers
These slippers are made of green silk. The magic of the dragon slippers is activated if the wearer concentrates and speaks the word "change." When activated, the dragon slippers cause the wearer to appear as a 20-foot dragon with bright yellow scales, a barbed tail, and long green fangs; the wearer does not gain any of the abilities of a dragon. While the illusion is in effect, the wearer retains all normal abilities and statistics. The effect lasts for one hour, but can be cancelled at any time by the command of the wearer.

Those viewing the effect receive a Will save versus DC 18 to resist the effect.

Moderate illusion; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; major image; Price 6000 gp; Cost 3000 gp and 240 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 09:07 PM
Soap of Washing
This small brownish cake of soap will, when placed into a bucket or tub of water, dissolve completely. The water then becomes magical; any item or creature placed within or doused by the wate rbecomes completely clean. The soap removes all normal and magical stains and dyes and can even remove curses removable by a remove curse spell. The soap washes any number of normal items, its effect lasting one hour; it washes away up to three magical stains or dyes or one curse. Magical water removed from the container immediately becomes nonmagical.

Moderate abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; remove curse, purify food and drink; Price 1200 gp; Cost 600 gp and 48 xp

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 09:15 PM
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Target: 1 unattended, nonmagical object, not thicker than 1 inch/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

By means of this spell, thin objects such as rope, cord, delicate chain, wire, cloth, wax candles, sausages, and the like, up to 1 inch thick per caster level, can be instantly severed. The caster must b eable to see the object to be cut, and it must be within close range. The verbal component is a soft "snick" sound, and the somatic component is a scissoring motion made with two adjoining fingers. Magical (even temporarily ensorcelled) objects and living beings are unaffected by this spell.

2006-11-15, 09:22 PM
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Target: 1 object, not thicker than 1 inch/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

By means of this spell, thin objects such as rope, cord, delicate chain, wire, cloth, wax candles, sausages, and the like, up to 1 inch thick per caster level, can be instantly severed. The caster must b eable to see the object to be cut, and it must be within close range. The verbal component is a soft "snick" sound, and the somatic component is a scissoring motion made with two adjoining fingers. Magical (even temporarily ensorcelled) objects and living beings are unaffected by this spell.
Hmm. A Cantrip that nullifies an archer until magic weapons are available? Umm....

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 09:26 PM
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: 40 feet
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell enables the caster to harm a single creature up to 40 feet distant, including people, in a minor way: by making a buzzing noise and pointing an extended finger at an area of his own anatomy, the caster causes a brief but intense pain in the corresponding area of the target creature. This pain causes no permanent damage, but if applied to the eyes it can blind for one round, or it can silence coherent speech by afflicting the tongue, or cause delicate manipulation of small objects (like jewelry) to be ruined, and the handled items dropped or fumbled. The pain from this spell is not sufficient to interfere with spellcasting, but spellcasting can be ruined through clever manipulation (such as afflicting the tongue).

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 09:27 PM
Hmm. A Cantrip that nullifies an archer until magic weapons are available? Umm....

Except that, as an attended object, an archer's bow receives a fortitude save.

Though perhaps I should specify "unattended, nonmagical object".

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 09:43 PM
Illusion/Transmutation (Phantasm) [Force]
Level: Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: One broken item
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

By means of this spell, the caster temporarily restores a broken item, even if it is badly shattered and portions are missing. The object is restored to its appearance before being broken--even to smell, weight, solidity, sound when struck, and texture, and appears whole and unbroken to normal scrutiny. Detect magic shows the spell's dweomer, and true seeing reveals the illusion for what it is, but the item can be touched and used normally, without dispelling the illusion, and with results as though the item were whole. Thus, the hilt of a rusted longsword found in a tomb could be temporarily transformed into a brand-new longsword, doing the same damage in battle as the original did. Magical weapons can be temporarily mended by this spell, and due to the spell, will be magical for damage reduction purposes, but do not regain any bonuses or special properties.

If a reconstructed item is subjected to prolonged heat and impacts, however (such as a blade being reforged), or if a permanency or magic weapon spell is cast on one, the magic ends and the item reverts instantly to its real, damaged form. a reconstructed item does not revert to its true for if its illusion is merely revealed, and it cannot be "disbelieved" out of existence by an onlooker.

Living things (including constructs) cannot be affected by a reconstruction spell, nor can unbroken items be altered to the prior forms of their component materials; thus, a stone statue cannot be made to look like the boulder or the mountain from which it was carved. The caster need not know the original appearance of the whole item to duplicate it. Regardless of the amount of actual material remaining, the caster can reconstruct 10 cubic feet plus 1 cubic foot of the actual item per level (although the reconstructed whole may be far larger and will still appear in its entirety).

Material components: the item to be reconstructed, a pinch of fine sand, and a pinch of sticky sap or gum.

2006-11-15, 09:49 PM
Marvelous Pigments
These magical pigments enable their possessor to create actual objects simply by depicting their form as a painting. One pot of marvelous pigments is sufficient ot cretae an object of 1,000 cubic feet by depicting it in two dimensions over a surface 100 feet square.

Only normal, inanimate things can be created--doors, pits, flowers, trees, cells, but monsters, people, golems, and the like can't be created. The pigments must be applied to a flat surface.

Any objects created--such as a sword, shield, or door--takes away 100 cubic feet of use, regardless of how small the item is. Larger items--like a carriage--may take more cubic feet off the further total, but that is entirely up to the DM. Furthermore, any object created is a mundane item, not magical or masterwork.

Strong conjuration; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item; instant summons; Price 15,140 gp; Cost 7,570 gp and 605 xp

This is already in 3.5, Nolzur's Marvelous pigments. It's much cheaper, and has an adendum about how you can't just create 1,000 square feet of platnum.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 09:51 PM
This is already in 3.5, Nolzur's Marvelous pigments. It's much cheaper, and has an adendum about how you can't just create 1,000 square feet of platnum.

These things happen when updating fro 2.x to 3.5. Ignore that one and move on.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 10:14 PM
Evocation [Force, Sonic]
Level: Duskblade 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Casting this spell brings into existence a thin shaft of faint gray, shimmering force extending 10 feet from the caster's pointing finger. The thunderlance is weightless and intangible, but if any creature touches or passes through any part of it, the lance vanishes with a loud clap of thunder and the creature struck is dealt 4d6 points of sonic damage. The lance may be dismissed by its caster as a free action, and disappears if the caster dies, loses consciousness, or begins another spell.

The caster can employ a thunderlance in many ways--held steady as a barrier against some creature's passage or as a tripwire, at ankle height, to stop a pursuer. It is also highly effective when wielded as a weapon; the caster can move his arm and finger about to strike with the lance. Attacking with a thunderlance in this manner uses a touch attack roll instead of a regular attack roll to determine if the attack hits.

The touch of a thunderlance destroys a shield spell, wall of force, or minor globe of invulnerability, but the lance itself discharges upon contact. Stronger protective spells also cause the lance to discharge, but will themselves remain in existence. A lance penetrates fire, water, and electrical discharges of natural or magical origin without discharging.

Anyone wielding a thunderlance cannot be harmed by magic missile spells ,regardless of the direction from which they strike--their force passes harmlessly through the lance wielder to be absorbed by the lance, increasing the damage of the lance by 1d4+1 points of force damage per missile. This will not occur if the lance wielder has some other magical protection against magic missiles, such as a shield spell. A thunderlance does not confer protection against other forms of attack, nor can it be passed to any other creature without discharging--an ally cannot wield the lance on the caster's behalf.

2006-11-15, 10:36 PM
I have recently unearthed my copy of the Encyclopedia Magica (of which I am unfortunately missing the second and fourth volumes) and have decided to update a variety of the items within. I'll start with Vol. III, and I'll post it all in this thread.

I still have all four volumes - I might be able to help out with this project. If you're willing, of course.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 10:37 PM
Go right ahead.

2006-11-15, 10:42 PM
Hmm. A Cantrip that nullifies an archer until magic weapons are available? Umm....

If the archer is within the requisite range - and at that point should get a saving throw per the item description. And if it's in use or otherwise qualifies as attended, it gets it's wielder's likely better save (as with pretty much all attacks on objects outside of the sunder rules directly).

Since most archers prefer to shoot you from outside this range (the exception of course being the ones who rely on precision damage to make their shots hurt, as opposed to weapon qualities, strength, weapon spec, ex cetera) - and it only affects a single object, it's not hideously broken. I'd not want to be using this spell in place of an effective spell against any more than one archer shooting at me.

Personally, I don't think it's problematic.

2006-11-15, 10:56 PM
Dust, Decoy
This dust forms the shape of a size medium snake. It appears to attack creatures in the area of effect, but it is merely a decoy and cannot directly damage anyone. It tries to draw attention and then attacks until someone realizes it is harmless. Weapon attacks and most natural weapons pass through the dust, appearing to damage it, but having no actual effect. However, if any creature uses a bite attack against the snake dust and hits (against its AC of 10) that creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or begin to suffocate, choked by the dust. This use expends the dust, otherwise it lasts for 10 rounds.

Aura: Moderate Necromancy / Illusion
Caster Level: 9th

2006-11-15, 11:17 PM
Dust of Dullness
This appears to be normal, silty dust. One large pinch affects one size Medium creature; a handful can affect 1d4+1 Medium creatures; it can be thrown up to 10 feet, cascading down on its intended targets. Targets that make a DC 20 Fortitude save are unaffected, otherwise roll 1d6 and consult the table below; results are cumulative. (A roll of three would affect sight, taste and hearing, for instance.)

Roll - - - Result
1 - - Sight: Vision is blurred for 1d6 hours. Roll 1d10 for severity.
- - - 1-3 : Sufficent to give targetted opponents the benefit of a 20% miss chance. Spot checks suffer a -4 penalty.
- - - 4-8 : As above, and cannot run.
- - - 9-0 : Victim is blinded.
2 - - Taste: Victim loses taste sense for 1d6 hours.
3 - - Hearing: Victim is deafened for 1d6 minutes.
4 - - Touch: Victim cannot feel anything for 1d6 minutes; cannot run and suffers a -2 penalty to Dexterity. There is a 20% chance each minute and any time it is used that something is held in the hands that it will be dropped.
5 - - Smell: Victim loses smell sense for 1d6 minutes (losing the benefit of the Scent feat during this peroid if it possessed it), and cannot smell anything.
6 - - Sixth Senses: Victim may not receive, transmit, use or interpret psychic, magical or psionic powers for 1d6 minutes. All those functions relating to dreams, intuitions, "hunches", extra sensory perceptions, and/or magical spells or items that would produce, heighten or elaborate these areas are "wiped clean" from the victim's mind. No telepathic or empathic communication is possible. Spells affected are listed below, and magical items that resemble or use these spells are treated in the same way, and their use is not possible. All detect spells, commune with nature, commune, divination, find traps, find the path, know alignment, locate creature, locate object, stone tell, true seeing, clairvoyance/clairaudience, contact other plane, ESP, identify, analyze dweomer, legend lore, mass suggestion, mind blank, nondetection, suggestion, telekinesis, vision, arcane eye - and any other spells whose effects fall into the same venue are affected.

Aura: Strong abjuration
Caster Level: 14th

2006-11-15, 11:22 PM
Feather Dust
This dust appears similiar to another sort of more beneficial magic dust (and is protected by Nystul's Magic Aura, DC 13). However, when used, it simply creates a cloud of small harmless feathers in a 10 foot radius spread. The feathers obscure vision somewhat (providing a -2 penalty to Spot checks to see objects in or beyond the cloud), but settle to the ground in 6 rounds.

Aura: Faint Transmutation or Illusion (false aura from Nystul's)
True aura is Faint Conjuration.

Caster Level: 3rd

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 11:27 PM
Level: Cleric 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

To enact this spell, the priest must touch a target creature with his or holy symbol. If a successful melee touch attack indicates that the priest has done so, the priest, by word and gesture, "casts out" the target of the spell. The target creature is allowed a Will save, and if it fails, the creature is marked by the spell. The mark is visible only to the casting cleric and those of the same faith. Other priests of the same alignment who worship other deities instinctively react with fear, hatred, and aversion to a censured creature, and do neither trust nor willingly aid it.

Those faithful to the same deity able to see the mark refuse to aid or even approach the creature, and ignore it if it attempts to deal with them, or drive it away if it tries to enter a building, home, or even a territory controlled by one who can see the mark. The mark is invisible to the one bearing it, who may not even know of its existence if it was bestowed in a battle or while the victim was asleep or unconscious, and shines clearly through clothing or disguises.

Worshippers can thus readily spy upon and follow those marked as enemies, even in crowds or busy city streets. It will be revealed to others by detect magic, and can be removed by break enchantment. Clerics are warned that misuse of such a spell brings about divine disfavor.

2006-11-15, 11:30 PM
Dust of Fertilization

Dust of Fertilization, when sprinkled on any plant, causes it to gain a year's growth (or full growth in the case of shorter lived plants) in one week. The dust does not function on self aware plants (generally defined as any plant with an Intelligence score higher than 2), or enchanted plants.

It is rumoured that priests of certain agricultural deities have developed a version that promotes fertility in mammalian life. This version requires the receipient to be willing or else it automatically fails; the target will become pregnant if the proper conditions [e.g. breeding] are met within a month of application. If the target is under the effects of a curse or similiar malady that would prevent this, resolve as a dispel magic, pitting the dust's caster level against that of the curse/effect.

Aura: Faint Transmutation. Moderate Transmutation for the mammalian version.

Caster Level: 5th (7th for the Mammalian version)

2006-11-15, 11:39 PM
Dust, Fodder

A single pinch of this dust added to a gallon of water balloons out into a heap of vegetable fodder sufficent to feed 30 horses or the equivalent for a day. It usually comes in a small flat box of 3d4+1 pinches. A single dry pinch, if consumed inadvertently (or as a sick dare or somehow forced down as a means of assassination), expands the imbiber's innards, killing him gruesomely unless he makes a Fortitude Save (DC 19).

Aura: Moderate Conjuration

Caster Level: 11th

Conversion Notes: Create Food and Water would normally take a 20th level caster to create enough food for twenty horses, but it has the option (which this spell does not) to create food for 60 people instead. Heroes' Feast, three levels higher, also would require 20th level to affect 20 targets (though type no longer matters), but it also gives a slew of bonuses. I split the difference, made it a sixth level spell that could create fodder for 30 horses as per the original item description. This is how I derived the save DC for stupidly eating the dust, and the aura strength and caster level.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 11:42 PM
Beltyn's Burning Blood
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No

By means of this spell, the caster can cause any creature who is presently bearing open, bleeding wounds (such as one who has been damaged by edged weapons recently and whose wounds have not yet been dressed or healed) to suffer 3d4 points of additional acid damage per round, by causing a subtle, temporary change in the victim's blood, causing it to be corrosive to adjacent tissue.

Obviously, the creature must have blood to be affected (elementals, undead, constructs, and most outsiders are immune to this spell's effects, in that case). The target receives a Fortitude saving throw each round to avoid its effects, and the spell causes no damage if the target's saving throw is successful. In any round in which the target successfully saves, no damage is inflicted by the spell, but this result has no influence on the saving throws of any remaining rounds.

The caster does not need to concentrate to maintain the spell.

Material component: a pinch of saltpeter.

2006-11-15, 11:45 PM
Dust, Green Sleeping

Green sleeping dust is made from the bija tree of the Quang Muku. It is primarily used by ninjas of the Soretyo family, a secret society based in Foo Nakar. Shady merchants can get it at high price, but it is completely effective. The dust works like a Deep Slumber spell, except there is no saving throw if inhaled; the victim sleeps for 5 minutes. A target attempting to avoid breathing the dust can do so using the holding one's breath rules, but if caught flat-footed will be unable to do so. Creatures immune to sleep effects are also immune to Green sleeping dust, as are creatures immune to mind-affecting effects or compulsions.

Aura: Moderate Enchantment
Caster Level: 9th

2006-11-15, 11:46 PM
Erm, are we reading from the same Encyclopedia Magicka? Mine seems to be (almost) all magic items - you seem to have a bunch of spells...

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 11:55 PM
Hold Vapor
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Target: 20' radius globe + 5'/level
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell allows a wizard to halt or prevent the movement of any visible clouds or vapor in a given area distinct from the air around, such as a gaseous weapon, a creature in gaseous form, pyrotechnics, cloudkill, or incendiary cloud. Such enforce immobility may be continued for as long as the caster continues to concentrate on holding the vapor. If such a hold is ever lost, it can never be regained except by use of another spell; the hold is broken and magic expires. The hold prevents gas clouds from altering shape, breaking up, or moving about in any way. Oxygen may pass freely through and about such vapor, dissipating it if its formative magic expires, and allowing (for example) a flammable vapor to burn or explode if it is held by hold vapor and attacked with fire.

The hold is absolute, even in the face of natural gales or magical gusts of wind. If the gaseous form is that of an intelligent creature who is normally in control of personal movement, such as a vampire in gaseous form, the affected cretaure receives a Will saving throw to break the effect each round. If such a saving throw is successful, the spell ends immediately, and the creature is free to move. Until the spell is so broken, a creature in gaseous form cannot move, nor can it change to a nongaseous form even if it normally has the ability to do so. Note that spectral, ethereal, and insubstantial forms that are not gaseous cannot be affected by this spell. This spell cannot be used to push or direct a vapor, or control it in any way, but only to halt and hold it.

Material component: a balloon or bladder.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-15, 11:56 PM
Erm, are we reading from the same Encyclopedia Magicka? Mine seems to be (almost) all magic items - you seem to have a bunch of spells...

I'm in "Spellbook" right now. I'll be getting back to items soon.

2006-11-15, 11:56 PM
Dust, Leech

When a satchel of Leech Dust is thrown (up to 20 feet away, no range increment), it forms a 20 foot wide, 20 foot high spread; the dust adheres to all living creatures in the area of effect that weakens, stuns, paralyzes and then kills those within.

In the first round, targets are allowed a Fortitude save (DC 20). Those who succeed are immune to all effects of the dust. Those who fail take a -4 penalty to Strength and Dexterity as the dust robs them of strength and mobility.

In the second round, those who failed may make another Fortitude save (DC 20). Those who succeed suffer no further ill effects. Those who fail are stunned.

In the third round, those who failed may make a third Fortitude save (DC 20). Those who succeed suffer no further ill effects. Those who fail are paralyzed.

In the fourth and final round, those who failed may make one last Fortitude save (DC 20). Failure results in death.

A victim who survives contact with the dust recovers from the paralysis after 2d6 minutes, the stunning 2d6 rounds after the fourth round; the Strength and Dexterity penalties wear off after 2d6 hours, or can be removed via lesser restoration or any equivalent greater spell.

Aura: Strong Necromancy
Caster Level: 13th

2006-11-15, 11:57 PM
I'm in "Spellbook" right now. I'll be getting back to items soon.

Ahh, okay then ... now it makes sense.

2006-11-16, 12:10 AM
Earring of Alignment Detection
This earring has a gold spring clamp with a chain holding a large, polished, irregular piece of clear sapphire worth 5,000 gp. It detects alignment of any creature touched, by turning colour. The table below depicts the colours and their corresponding alignments. The user will have to do some experimenting to determine the colours and the alignments they register.

No more than two magic earrings can affect a creature at once.

Alignment-Earring Colour
Lawful Evil - Black
Neutral Evil - Orange
Chaotic Evil - Red
Lawful Neutral - Steel Grey
Neutral Neutral - Brown
Chaotic Neutral - Gold
Lawful Good - White
Neutral Good - Green
Chaotic Good - Blue

Aura: Faint Divination
Caster Level: 5th (Minimum for a Wonderous Item)

Fax Celestis
2006-11-16, 12:23 AM
Shaeroon's Scimitar
Evocation [Force]
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent until activated
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell brings into being a shimmering, scimitar-shaped blade of force. This scimitar appears in the air directly above a target creature, hanging point downwards some 2 feet above the head of the target creature. Invisible to al lbut the caster and those employing detect magic, the scimitar has no physical existence, and cannot be attacked, magically repulsed, dispelled, or left behind by teleportation or travel to other planes.

It will fall (upon the target creature only, regardless of physical or magical barriers) upon the fulfillment of a single condition set verbally during casting of the scimitar, doing 1d10 points of damage per caster level. The unwitting target creature is allowed a Will saving throw at this time, and if successful, the scimitar dissipates harmlesly into nothingness, and the spell is wasted. Otherwise, it plummets downwards in 10 seconds, vanishing upon contact with the target's body, dealing its damage and causing the target to collapse in a convulsion of wracking pain that momentarily affects movement, speech, spellcasting, and even posture--victims of a scimitar often fall, writhing, to the ground. This pain causes the traget to be dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Typical conditions include the target creature uttering a certain name or word, or commencing spellcasting, or drawing a weapon, or going to sleep. The condition cannot be tied to a specific time or location, and in some cases many years have passed between the casting of a scimitar and its strike.

A limited wish or similar powerful magic can destroy the scimitar--unless, of course, the casting of such a magic is the condition which will cause the scimitar to fall.

Material component: a miniature scimitar carved of diamond or clear sapphire of at least 2000 gp.

2006-11-16, 01:16 PM
Dust of Forgetfulness
This dust looks exactly like other magical dust. When thrown at a living creature, the dust causes the creature to forget everything that has happened in the last hour (including having the dust tossed at him or her). Enemies encountered during that time will be forgotten, paths explored look unfamiliar, and newly made friends are viewed with suspicion. If the victim's surroundings are similiar to those the character was in an hour before, the victim won't even be aware of the difference without close examination (if any differences in the environment exist). After one week, lost memories are restored - no experience is lost. No saving throw is given against this power. This effect qualifies as an Enchantment with the Mind-Affecting and Compulsion tags.

Aura: Strong Enchantment
Caster Level: 12th

Conversion Notes: Modify memory used as the base spell effect; caster level bumped up from 8th to 12th to represent both the extended duration (1 hour vs 5 minutes) and the lack of a permitted saving throw. If the idea of not permitting a saving throw doesn't sit well with the GM, a Will Save vs DC 16, (Modify Memory being a 4th level bard spell requires a minimum Cha of 14 to cast, so minimum DC would be 10+4 (spell level) + 2) though personally I'd bump it up to an 18 on the assumption that the 12th level bard would probably have at least an 18 Charisma, and/or Spell Focus (Enchantment).

2006-11-16, 01:27 PM
Dust of Mind Dulling

This dust appears to be harmless, but it is the bane of spellcasters. A single pinch can be flung up to 30 feet from the user, and scatters to fill a five foot radius burst.

All spellcasters within the area must make a Fortitude save (DC 16) or find their minds dulled and their wits slowed. Any spell cast by an affected caster takes longer - a standard action spell becomes a full round action, a full round action becomes a spell with a casting time of 1 round, and a spell with a longer casting time adds an additional unit of time (round if measured in rounds, minute if measured in minutes, et cetera) to complete as the caster hesitates, trying to remember the procedures to 'make the magic work'. The dust persists in the area for 1 minute, though it can be dispersed sooner as if it were an obscuring mist spell. Spellcasters affected by the dust remain affected for 1d4+1 minutes after they leave the dust or it is dispersed.

Aura: Moderate Transmutation
Caster Level: 7th

Conversion Notes: Used the Slow spell as it was the closest equivalent spell that I could find that affected 'speed' detrimentally, even though in this case it's casting speed; bumped it up to a 4th level spell to represent the differences. DMs might wish to change the Aura to Enchantment based on the descriptive text of how the item functions.

2006-11-16, 01:34 PM
Dust of Opposition
This dust appears identical to decoy dust, but when the decoy is created, it turns on the user. The user now victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or begin to suffocate immediately, choking on the dust. If the save is made, the victim is seized by violent coughing, unable to attack or cast spells for one turn until the decoy disappears in 10 rounds (unlike decoy dust, the dust snake made by Dust of Opposition does not immediately disperse - it lasts for the full minute, though it can only affect one target - the user/victim.) The decoy can be dispersed earlier by dousing with a large volume of water, or by a strong or greater strength wind. A successful dispel check will also render it inert.

Aura: Moderate Illusion / Necromancy
Caster Level: 9th

2006-11-16, 01:41 PM
Dust of Paralyzation
This fine dust appears (complete with Nystul's Magic Aura) to be Dust of Appearance (Will DC 16 to 'see past' the aura when identifying). If cast into the air, it causes those within a 20 foot spread to make a DC 16 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1 hour.

Aura: (fake) Faint Conjuration (real) Faint Necromancy
Caster Level: 7th

2006-11-16, 01:46 PM
Dust of Revealing
This dust is commonly found in an eggshell grenade (range increment 10 feet). When released into the air, the dust magically expands to fill a 30 foot spread. Everything in this area that is disguised is revealed for what it truly is. Shapechangers are forced into their natural forms, all magical and mundane disguises are removed. Unlike dust of appearance, dust of revealing does not reveal invisible, astral, or ethereal creatures.

Aura: Moderate Divination
Caster Level: 9th

2006-11-16, 01:54 PM
Dust, Rust
Rust Dust affects unattended nonprecious metallic objects as if they had been exposed to a rust monster's rusting feelers; if nonmagical, they are affected automatically, if magical they gain the standard save for a magic item of its caster level against the effect. Items in someone's possession may use their intrinsic save or that of their possessor whichever is better. This is a DC 17 Reflex save.

If shaken out by hand, rust dust covers a 10 foot radius area; blown from a tube, it affects a 20 foot cone. It is typically found in pouches of 1d10 doses.

Aura: Moderate Transmutation
Caster Level: 7th

2006-11-16, 02:06 PM
Dust, Sleep (not to be confused with Dust of Sleeping)
Made with the aid of pixies and using exceptionally rare ingrediants, including the dusty coating of pixie wings and the breath of a hibernating bear, Sleep Dust has a surprising potency; a sparse handful can affect a giant, a sprinkle affects a size medium creature, and a single pinch is all that is needed for a size small or smaller target to be affected. Because of the way this dust functions and its potency, even elves are not immune to the effects. When sleep dust touches a living target, it falls asleep into an enchanted slumber lasting 1d4+1 hours. The dust is most effective when sifted upon persons from above, or cast on them from a foot or two away (an adjacent square). At this distance, there is no saving throw against the effect. Should the dust be used at greater range (typically through the use of a blowgun or similiar delivery device), the dust loses some of its potency - affected targets are permitted a DC 14 Fortitude save; on failure they sleep for 1d3 hours. Sleep dust is light and easily blows on a breeze; if it should blow back on the one who cast it, they are as susceptible as any other target. Once sleep dust settles on a surface, it's magical power is discharged and it has no more power to cause sleep.

Aura: Moderate Enchantment
Caster Level: 9th

Conversion Notes: Deep Slumber used as base spell. Caster level raised to 9th to account for the lack of a saving throw, the ability to affect elves and the longer duration.

2006-11-16, 02:10 PM
Dust of Sleeping (not to be confused with Dust, Sleep)
When used, all creatures of 10 HD or less in the area of effect (10 foot spread if thrown by hand, 20 foot cone if discharged through a blowgun), must make a DC 14 Will save or be affected as per the Deep Slumber spell.

Aura: Faint Enchantment
Caster Level: 5th

2006-11-16, 02:16 PM
Dust of Bird Repulsion
Dust of Bird repulsion, sprinkled on an area 20 ft. square, prevents any bird smaller than size Medium from landing there for one year.

Aura: Strong Enchantment
Caster Level: 11th

Conversion Notes: The spell that most closely mirrored this effect is the Dru 6 spell anti-life shell. DMs should feel more than free, given its reduced effect, to reduce the aura strength to Moderate and caster level to something more reasonable, such as 5th or 7th.

2006-11-16, 02:20 PM
Dust of Sneezing
This dust comes in two potencies - both are less lethal than Dust of Sneezing and Choking. Those failing the Fortitude save are stunned for 5d4 rounds.
The DC is 13 for the lesser potency, 15 for the greater. It affects all within a 20 foot spread of where it is cast.

Aura: Lesser: Faint Necromancy Greater: Moderate Necromancy
Caster Level: Lesser: 5th Greater: 7th

2006-11-16, 02:24 PM
Dust, Sparkling
This dust comes in a silk bag, and contains 5d4 uses. Anyone who shares a use from the same bag is able to communicate by telepathy with a range of 50 feet for the next 2d6 hours.

Aura: Moderate Divination
Caster Level: 9th

Conversion Notes: This is another item whose caster level could probably benefit from an ad hoc lowering given the greatly reduced range of the telepathy effect. If you reduce the caster level to 5th or less, change the aura strength to faint.

2006-11-16, 02:41 PM
Dynamo of Flying
This permanent magical device converts spell energy into motive power, lift capacity and sometimes other vessel-wide spell effects. Usually crafted as a large black box (1 cubic yard in size, weight 800 lbs.), a dynamo of flying can function anywhere on board a ship. For convienience and safety, it's typically secured in the vessel's control area. A dispel magic effect may cause the dynamo and all spell effects powered by it to 'go down' for 1d10 rounds, and for this reason a vessel rarely relies solely on her dynamo for lifting capabilities.

Dynamos of flying are usually tailor-made for a specific vessel. They may be enchanted with multiple effects: fly, teleport, invisibility, and dimension door are a few of the common examples. The user chooses which effects to activate.

To power a dynamo of flying, the user must cast a spell on the device. This requires physical contact, but can be done with any spell, including those that create something, and those that normally affect the caster only. It does not accept spells from scrolls or other magic items, however. The dynamo gains one 'charge' per level of the spell cast upon it and can hold up to 50 charges at a time.

Each spell effect the dynamo creates costs one charge per spell level. (For example, fly costs three charges, while teleport costs five.) Duration of effect of these spells is as though cast by an 18th level caster. (If the item creator's level is known, use that instead.) Dynamos of flying come in different strengths.

The Lesser Dynamo can easily power vessels up to 50 tons. Moving larger vessels increases the rate charges are used - a vessel up to twice the weight doubles the charges used, a vessel greater than double up to three times the weight triples the charges used, et cetera.

The normal Dynamo can power vessels weighing up to 150 tons; between 150 and 300 tons, the charge usage is doubled, between 300 and 450 tons it is tripled, and so on.

The Greater Dynamo can power vessels weighing up to 450 tons, up to 900 tons by using double charges, 1350 tons using triple charges, and so forth.

If the dynamo is used to provide lift as well as motive power, its lift capacity is double the tonnage of the ship.

A dynamo's user can elect to spend more charges to increase the vessel's air speed past the normal maximum of the spell involved. Each increase costs an additional equal number of charges to what would normally be required, and grants a 20% increase in speed - but also a 20% chance that a malfunction will occur when the effect lapses, causing the dynamo to lose all charges for 1d6 days. These increases are cumulative - if you spend 6 times the normal number of charges, (the base # plus 5x the base number for 5 speed increases) the spell's speed will be doubled, but when the spell expires, the ship will automatically malfunction as above.

Aura: Strong (or possibly overwhelming) Transmutation
Caster Level: 18th (or higher)

Conversion Notes: Obviously, the cost for a Dynamo is going to vary depending on what spells are used in its construction, the level they're cast at, and whether it qualifies as a Lesser, Normal, or Greater Dynamo. Costing one of these can be crudely done with the magic item creation rules in the back of the DMG, but will be at least partly an ad hoc process.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-16, 09:30 PM
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

A wizard who casts a discern spell is provided (or provides another) with the ability to determine if a person has the potential to become a powerful spellcaster. Once cast, the discern spell lasts for 24 hours and functions without concentration on the part of the caster. Discern is used primarily as a recruiting device for various magical orders and schools of every sort of alignment and ethic.

Once cast, discern confers upon the recipient the ability to magically determine if a person has the potential to become a powerful spellcaster simply by being within 10 feet of that person and interacting win a normal fashion with the candidate for two rounds. The recipient of the spell perceives tes potenital for using magic by a canddate as a dim aura surrounding the subject. The aura is invisible by any other means, including true seeing and similar spells, and is so dim that it cannot be perceived in direct sunlight or other bright light. The aura is of constant strength, regardless of the potential of the candidate.

For game purposes, any character canned by this spell registers favorably if he has an Intelligence (for wizardry) or Charisma (for sorcery) of at least 16 and score of 10 or better in all other characteristics. A variation of this spell may exist that is more selective and detects only those who have the potential to become great specialist wizards.

Even if a positive result is obtained, the spell in no way guarantees that the person wil become a great spellcaster (or even a spellcsater at all); it simply indicates ability based on ability scores, aptitude, and the will to achieve.

Material component: a gem of seeing.

Fax Celestis
2006-11-16, 10:47 PM
Block Advancement
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 8
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent until dispelled
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

When a block advancement spell is successfully cast upon an individual, the character is instantly stripped of the ability to advance in levels of spellcasting ability until the recipient successfully survives the ordeal induced by a conquer self spell. This spell will only affect a spellcaster of no less than 5th level and no greater than 15th, and of an alignment identical to the caster. Block advancement cannot be removed otherwise except through a wish spell.

The recipient of the spell is allowed a Will save, and the spell does not come into effect if the saving throw is successful because the spell was designed to stop the advancement of any spellcaster deemed not worthy of power until such time as he proved himself. The original researcher of the spell assumed that the recipient would be willing to receive the spell. However, if the spell is applied to an unwilling subject and the target successfully saves, the csater takes damage equal to twice the number of levels possessed by the caster but is otherwise unaffected.

Once block advancement comes into effect, the recipient cannot learn any new spells (though spellcasters with spellbooks can still transcribe spells from scrolls), nor can any spells be cast of a level above the highest level that the wizard was able to use before being blocked. He or she may, however, gain more spells of the levels currently held. Thus, if cast upon a 5th level wizard, block advancement would prohibit the wizard from casting 4th level spells until the spell was removed--but would not prevent the attainment of additional 3rd-level spells. A block advancement spell does not prevent the target from gaining experience or levels while it remains in effect. Advancement in level occurs as it normally would. Thus, the net effect of the spell is only to limit a spellcaster to the current level of spellcasting ability. Once the spell is removed, the recipient immediately gains al lof the normal spellcasting abilities appropriate to his or her level.

Focus: a small jade statue of the recipient of the spell, upon which a feeblemind spell has been cast prior to the casting of block advancement.

Conquer Self
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One creature under the effects of a block advancement spell
Duration: 6 hours
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

Upon the completion of this spell, the recipient of a block advancement spell begins a great personal ordeal which either results in death or in the removal of the block advancement spell and the gaining of an experience-point bonus--if the target is deemed worthy of the conquer self spell. The spell is useless for any other purpose.

Once cast, the recipient undergoes a six-hour ordeal during which he is rendered helpless by wrenching pains and powerful hallucinatory visions--hence the recipient is usually placed in a special area where he is relatively save from attack. The outcome of the ordeal is dependent upon the actions of the recipient sine he received the block advancement spell. Although the recipient is automatically affected by this spell if he meets the previous requirements, the final outcome of the spell is dependent upon a successful Will saving throw. This saving throw roll is modified by several conditions, most of which are dependent on the actions and performance of the recipient. No form of magic affects this saving throw, and all other saving throw modifiers from which the target would normally benefit--besides the bonuses gained from a high ability score and from class levels--are ineffective.

The modifiers apply only from the time of the application of the block advancement spell. They are as follows:

Per 100,000 XP gained|+1
Perfect alignment performance|+3
Average alignment performance|+1
Poor alignment performance|-1
Every successful major quest performed|+4
Each point of Intelligence[br]or Charisma above 12|+1
Evaluation of recipient by[br]caster of conquer selfspell based[br]on ability, ambition, heroism, etc.|-3 to +3[/table]

If the recipient's save fails, he dies. If the recipient's save is successful, the effects end after 6 hours. At this time, spellcasting abilities appropriate to the present level are regained and a 10% experience point bonus awarded for all experience earned since block advancement was cast upon the character.

Material component: the jade statue used in the block advancement spell, which shatters at the end of the 6 hours.

2006-11-20, 01:13 AM
Earring of Burrowing
This items appears to be an earring of protection. However, when worn it changes into a small burrowing bug that enters the ear immediately. The victim becomes deaf in that ear (suffering half the normal penalties for the deafness condition unless multiheaded, in which case there is no mechanical effect) and dies in 24 hours unless a remove curse is applied by a caster of at least 15th level. A cure disease spell stops the bug for four hours, increasing the cursed victim's survival time by that amount.

The DC to bypass the Nystul's Magic Aura effect is 16.

Aura: Fake: Faint Abjuration Real: Moderate Transmutation
Caster Level: 9th

2006-11-20, 01:19 AM
Earring of Defense
This earring is adorned with a small "X" design. Upon command, the "X" turns into a masterwork sword and masterwork dagger of normal size. These items cannot return to their original form; however, if a +1 sword and +1 dagger are placed by the remainder of the earring and a command word is spoken, the magical items shrink and becme part of the design as originally found. When enlarged, the weapons are masterwork but nonmagical. The same procedure can be repeated whenever desires; the earring disguises only two weapons and only in the manner described.

Aura: Strong Transmutation
Caster Level: 15th

2006-11-20, 01:50 AM
Equus Item
An equus is a magical piece of jewelry that, upon command, polymorphs into some form of a beast of burden. The word "equus" (plural "equi") comes from an ancient language and has no literal translation in the common tongue. The closest translation is "beast of burden" or "horse", but the word can be applied to anything that is used like a horse. Thus, an actual horse, mule, worg, camel, dog-sled team, nightmare, or any other creature that can be ridden, used to pull a load, or carry goods can be termed an equus. Equi come in many different varieties, with the most common listed below. While 80% of equi are either good or neutrally aligned, 20% polymorph into evil creatures such as nightmares, worgs, and giant spiders. It is said that the death knight Shan Nikkoleth once possessed an equus that polymorphed into gorgon form.

Creature List
The DM may choose the form of the creature into which the equus polymorphs from the following table. The jewelry form polymorphs into one type of creature only. If the equus is slain in creature form, the creature immediately reverts to jewelry form and cannot change into creature form again. Damage to the creature form of the equus can be healed magically by the cure wounds family of spells. If the creature is allowed food and rest, it heals naturally at the rate of 1 hp/HD per day. However, the equus cannot heal itself or be healed while in earring form. A DM who prefers to roll randomly should add the roll of 1d8 to that of 1d12 and consult the table below. The DM should use only a creature that he or she feels comfortable with and is sure will not give the PCs an unfair advantage in the campaign. Types of creatures can be added to or deleted from the list as the DM sees fit. Any of the following creatures not otherwise specified have the movement rate and encumbrance of a heavy horse.

Roll - Animal Type
02-02 Unicorn - if selected for a male character, use result 20 (ultra heavy war horse) instead.
03-03 Giant Stag : Use stats as per Bison with the following modifications:
Speed 50 AC 14 To 9 FF 13. Remove the Stampede special attack. Reflex +5, Dex 12. Int 1d4+3
04-05 Bull : Use Bison stats, except Int 1d4+3
06-08 Superheavy war horse: As Heavy Warhorse, +1 AC (natural), HP +8, Str +4, Con +4, Int 1d6+6; Immunity to hold and charm effects.
09-13 Heavy war horse: As Heavy Warhorse except Int 1d4+4
14-16 Superheavy war horse (special): As 06-08, except speed +10.
17-18 Camel : As per Camel, except Int 1d4+3 and mellow disposition.
19-19 Water Buffalo: Use Bison stats, except Int 1d4+3
20-20 Ultraheavy Warhorse : Dire Horse with immunity to poison, hold and charm spells. Can understand common, use wild empathy as a Druid of its Hit Dice, and use pass without trace as a spell-like ability 3x/day, locate creature 1x/day, and water walk once per week, as a druid of level equal to its HD. This horse has an Int of 1d8+8.

Aura: Faint to Moderate Conjuration as appropriate to animal.
Caster Level: As appropriate to Summon Nature's Ally spell needed to call an appropriate or equivalent creature.

Conversion Notes: The writers of the Encyclopaedia Magicka decided, in their wisdom, to record every form of the Equus item as a seperate magic item when in truth they only differed by where on the body they were worn/carried. Rather than repeat this practice, I have listed the generic information for an Equus Item.

2006-11-20, 01:52 AM
Earring of Paralysis
This earring allows the wearer to cast hold person three times per day as a cleric of 16th level.

Aura: Strong Enchantment
Caster Level: 16th

2006-11-20, 01:56 AM
Earring of Protection
When worn in one ear, this item adds a +1 to +3 deflection bonus to the wearer's armor class.

Roll (d10)
01-06 +1 Earring of Protection
07-09 +2 Earring of Protection
10-10 +3 Earring of Protection

Aura: +1: Faint Abjuration, +2 or +3: Moderate Abjuration.
Caster Level: 3rd, 6th or 9th respectively.

Conversion Notes: Price as Ring of Protection, but add 50% surcharge for nonstandard body location.

2006-11-20, 02:12 AM
Minor conversion note: the saddle of flying has a duration based on the old 10 min/level fly spell, needless to say it should be dropped to 6 min.

Zeb The Troll
2006-11-24, 11:14 AM
Very broken if you have a lot of down-time, unless you add something about it draining any needed XP from the person who sets it running.

Suppose I have a scroll of wish, this item, and enough gold to buy the ink to use this item once.

I burn the scroll of Wish, mix it with the ink, and set the pen to work on a blank scroll.

I now have two Wish spells on scrolls.

With one, I use it, and get something worth the 25,000 gp, which I then sell for half (12,500 gp). And buy enough ink to run the pen ten times (leaving me with 6,500 gp). I then wait a week, burn the second scroll of Wish, mix it with the ink, and set the pen running. I now have two scrolls of Wish, this pen, enough ink to do this nine more times, and 6,500 gp. In two weeks. Well, I just keep duplicating the scroll of Wish, and after another nine weeks, I've got 11 scrolls of Wish (or one scroll of Wish and a lot of stuff worth 25k a pop, if both spells are written on the same scroll).
The problem with this is that the Wish itself has a minimum of a 5000xp cost to it. You wouldn't be able to do this for very long.

2006-11-27, 01:06 AM
Earring of the Sea

This device enables the wearer to speak and understand the languages of all sea creatures. It is usable once per day for a duration of 10 minutes.

Aura: Faint Divination
Caster Level: 5th

Conversion Notes: Caster level set to minimum of 5th because you need to have 5 levels of spellcasting ability to take the feat needed to make the item. If this does not sit well with you, the caster level required to duplicate the base effect (a limited version of Speak with animals) would be 1st, as it is a 1st level druid spell.

2006-11-27, 01:12 AM
Earring of Seamanship

This earring appears to be an earring of defense and is usually found with a second matching (non-magical) earring. A see invisibility spell or similiar means reveals the X to be a mast and spar with a faint sail drawn around them. When the earring is worn in the left earlobe, the user gains all the knowledge of an able-bodied seaman - how to use any sort of seagoing vessel (and any part of it) - and is able to instruct others in its operation. In effect, the user gains a +10 competance bonus to the Profession (Sailor) and Profession (Pilot) skills and can use them untrained.

Aura: Faint Divination
Caster Level: 5th

Conversion Notes: This is a very ad hoc assignment of aura and caster level. I went with divination because the spell is imparting knowledge/discernment, as opposed to a transmutation which would probably be more appropriate to an item that enhanced, say, jump or climb. The caster level was set at 5th as the minimum for a Wonderous Item creation; also, determining what level of skill bonus can be granted by what level of spell isn't an exact science that I'm aware of (or I simply missed the formula altogether).

2006-11-27, 01:17 AM
Earrings of Understanding
These earrings come in a pair and both must be worn to be effective. Made of polished wood or silver, each bears the picture of an ear in its center. When the user wears a pair of these enchanted earrings, any language can be understood, though the earrings do not confer the ability to speak languages the wearer would not know without the aid of the earring. The ability functions as a Comprehend Languages spell for spoken language only otherwise. If only one of the earrings is worn, the user must make a Will save (DC 13) or be confused for 1 minute.

Aura: Faint Divination
Caster Level: 5th

Conversion Note: Caster Level per spell would be 3rd; as with all wonderous items, I have set caster level at the minimum of 5th needed to gain the feat.

2006-11-27, 01:23 AM
Eartrumpet, magic

This small metal cone increases any character's ability to hear noise. When held to the ear, it grants a +5 enhancement bonus to Listen checks. It can also be used to assist in the opening of combination style locks (if these exist in the DM's world) and in the disarming of similiarly designed traps. In these cases, it provides a +3 enhancement bonus to the appropriate skill check (Open Lock or Disable Device, respectively).

Aura: Faint Divination
Caster Level: 5th

Conversion Notes: See notes on Earring of Seamanship for rationale behind assignment of caster level.