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2007-03-29, 08:16 PM
The volunteers for the Bounty Hunter mission to Sneeve are transported to and eventually all end up on a MC80 star cruiser, which is being retrofitted with numerous turbo laser batteries. The cruiser is stationed near the Knught nebula, only a dozen light years from the Sneeve system. A pair of Nebulon-B escort frigates and a score of smaller ships are supporting the retrofitting activities.

The volunteers have arrived, with a rate of one per day, over the last week, having arrived on the numerous support craft that come and go on a daily basis. The first to arrive was Dekar Sekk, followed the next day by 3D-4N. On the third day Dross arrived, followed by Partak Garvaan on the forth day. The fifth and final day brought Jon Helkin and Kaedus aboard the Nerf's Republic while Byalid arrived on a small freighter delivering food and water to the small fleet.

Unfortunately for the early arrivers, most of the areas of the cruiser, which would normally be dedicated to entertainment, had been turned into workshops to allow for a speedier retrofitting. Anyone willing to work was able to keep busy, but those looking to relax and have a drink were left high and dry. In fact, after the second day, the one remaining bar on the ship ran dry.

On the evening of the fifth day all of the volunteers received a message to meet in CIC the next morning at 6am. In the message, the meeting is described as a final briefing, a review of objectives, and a last discussion of ConOps before deployment.

{{ If your character would have stayed in their assigned quarters for the duration, then you probably didn’t meet any of the other volunteers. If you wandered the ship, you’d be the only people aboard who were not in one of the various uniforms. }}

{{ Anyone wishing to make an additional purchase from the ship’s stores, this is your last chance before you get to Sneeve. }}

{{ Anyone wandering the ship should feel free to describe themselves, otherwise, you can wait for the briefing. Likewise, if everyone is out wandering around on day 5 looking for a card game, go for it. }}

{{ I intend to use the recruiting thread for OOC discussion. So, feel free. }}

2007-03-30, 12:13 AM
Jon Gently sets down the Nerf's Republic a Modified Corellian XS-800 Light Freighter on the deck of the MC-80 star cruiser, Shutting down the main propulsion unit Jon begins to put the ship into standby mode. once that's done Jon turns to his traveling companion and says, Well Caeda, we're here are first job since buying the Republic. I don't know about you bu...as he stifles a yawn, But I'm going to get some shuteye with that Jon head to his cabin and falls a sleep, after about 6 hours sleep, Jon gets up and head out of the Republic to go explore the MC-80 star cruiser and to see what type of refits the ship is going thought.

Jon Helkin is a six-foot tall human with sandy brown hair, blue eyes, and a pale complication with rugged features. He wears at the moment a pair of black pants and boots, with a light Blue shirt with a Forest Green Strip down the sleeve, and a black vest. At his waist hangs a Dark Brown Utility belt and holster on the right side with his DL-18 Blaster pistol in it.

2007-03-30, 12:16 AM
((I call Golden Yellow))

Caeda Trayus

The Miraluka seer walked into the Ship's stores on a mission.

For several years now, she had been part of a bounty hunting duo with a Corellian scout named Jon Helkin. The two got along well, and he knew her secrets so she made no attempt to hide them.

This time was different. From what she was told, there would be more then just a Target, a bystander, and the two bounty hunter involved. People who should couldn't just wave a hand and say "You saw no lightsaber."

In all those years, she had only used two weapons...an Ion Pistol do to it's harmlessness and the golden light of her lightsaber in emergences. If she needed, there was a back up blaster in the duo's ship, the Nerf's Republic, and she knew Jon usually carried two.

But this time, she would need her own alternative. She would need her own blaster pistol.

The doors parted and the Miraluka entered the stores. She was dressed in gray robes that had a combat jumpsuit and protective padding meshed into it. She had forgotten her darkened goggles that day, so she had wrapped a grey sash around her shaved and tatoo'd head to cover her eyelessness. Her Ion Pistol had been confiscated as an act of good faith to the Rebels, and her lightsaber hung by a hook in the folds of her robes, away from sight.

She walked with somewhat cautious grace to the man in charge and asked him in the tone of a diplomat, her voice smooth as milk underneath her thick accent.

"Dost thou have a blaster I could purchase? A pistol and cells perhaps?"

2007-03-30, 04:06 AM

A greenskinned young twi'lek wanders the hallways of the Mon Calamari cruiser. He is dressed in grey trousers and a black, hooded jacket. A sleek blaster hangs at his hip, and you can tell by the tarnished silver plating that it's seen a lot of use. (Maybe not in his hands, but nonetheless.) His long lekku hang freely behind his back, and he seems to have managed to smear something black on his face.

Dekar seems a bit lost, and his lekku twitch in mild embarrassment.
Bugger, you'd think I'd have learnt the corridors already. A sheepish grin spreads on his face. Some bounty hunter I am.

2007-03-30, 01:00 PM
Partak Garvaan

A tall chestnut-furred Gotal leans against the back wall of the backup astronomy bubble, staring out the viewport at the nebula. He is wearing a grey mesh uniform similar to those worn by military forces on Ryloth, and a bantha-hide tracker's vest. He wears an SoroSuub Security S-5 blaster in a crossdraw holster on his left hip.
"Dust" he says aloud to the empty room as he stares, transfixed by the beauty of the Knught nebula, "Nothing but space dust, trying to escape the horrors of a dying sun."

Tau Fury
2007-03-30, 06:42 PM

A young, male Twi'lek stands on observation platform overlooking the hanger deck. He wears a grey cloak over black, nerf hide outfit. He finds standing there watching the humans, mon calamari, and so many other spieces busy with various tasks very relaxing. Sadly, he knows calm moments like these will be few in the days to come. Sacrificing that calm and peace is a small price to pay for his newfound freedom, and it pleases him greatly that he would get an opportunity to repay those who helped him acquire his freedom. His moods changes as he pats himself checking for something. He stops and smiles, he has found the Merr-Sonn J1 palm blaster secured in a hidden pouch of his vest. He moves his right hand to rest on the sleek SoroSuub ELG-3A blaster holstered on the hip."Well, my two newest friends, you'll be good for Dross." He tightens his cloak around him, turns and walks off the hanger deck seeking something a bit more entertaining until the briefing.

2007-03-30, 07:51 PM
((I call Silver.))


Byalid, a small rabbit/cat like creature called a Kushiban, stands in the corner of the bridge, his normally white coat very lightly tinted blue. He hums to himself, looking over some information on a datacard. He seems to be uninterested in the goings on around him.

2007-03-30, 08:26 PM

The MC80 cruiser is vast. Walking its corridors one can easily become lost. The crew, mostly Mon Calamari with a dozen or so humans, always seem to be busy and walk the halls with a purpose. Rarely are they to be seen standing around talking or acting in an unprofessional manner.

The maintenance teams, on the other hand, represent a vast diversity of the galaxy. With Bothans, Humans, Wookies, and Sullestans making up the majority of the workers, one or two members of just about every race can be seen occasionally. The maintenance teams are very much more boisterous during working hours and after them. They seem to be able to easily carry on a conversation while also wielding a fusion cutter. After hours, the maintenance teams thin as they return to various other ships for the night. Some of them remain on board the MC80, which you now know has been named the Oro's Gambit. Groups of them are easy to locate on the vast ship by simply listening for their hoots, hollers, and laughter.


Caeda has little trouble locating the ship's stores. Her outfit and the blandness as well as the baldness of her shaved head immediately draw the attention of the young Mon Calamari Lieutenant in charge of the stores. Caeda approaches and asks her question. As Caeda speaks the Lieutenant makes a difficult to 'decode' expression which results in strange patterns in the colored bands that cover his large head.

The Lieutenant starts to answer several times and then says, "Yes, blasters we have. Selection we do not have. At this time all of our weapons are of BlasTech manufacture. Do you know what type of weapon you seek? Something standard issue for the Rebel soldiers, like the BlasTech DL-18? Something more sporty, like an officier might possess, such as the BlasTech DL-07? Maybe something more fitting your pseudo illegal status as a Bounty Hunter, the BlasTech-44, which is illegal in several systems." While speaking the Lieutenant open three different shipping containers and removes a single weapon placing it on top of the container for Caeda's inspection. "We have energy cells available for each of these models. I've been instructed to charge any of the Bounty Hunters list price for any of their purchases."

Stats as per basic models in the core rules except :
Sporting Blaster(DL-07) - 240 credits
Blaster Pistol(DL-18) - 400 credits
Heavy Blaster Pistol (DL-44) - 600 credits

2007-03-30, 11:09 PM
Caeda Trayus

"I need not much. I do not oft find myself needing one...but one must prepare for the not-often I find..." The miraluka responds in her eloquent voice as she feels each of the blasters, testing their grips for comfort.

Caeda wished that Jon was around at that moment...despite her brief career during the Clone Wars, Jon had much more experience in the terms of weaponary.

The old saying was true...take away the more flashy of force techniques and a lightsaber, and most jedi where rendered useless in terms of defense.

She 'looks' at the blasters once more and sighs. "I need not the truly lethal...what one has the strongest stun setting?"

2007-03-31, 12:44 AM

For most of the first day after its arrival, and indeed the second and third day as well, 3D-4N has been in his assigned quarters, taking advantage of the downtime to refit its blaster, a task he's been meaning to get around to for a long time now but never actually did until now. A useful task, but on the fourth day since its arrival, the droid decides there will be time on the second leg of the journey to finish, and ventures outside its quarters.

The droid much resembles most protocol droids, featuring silver plating and a frame that is perhaps taller than many droids, but most distinctive is its head, a chrome-plated cylinder that features a single, off-center red eye.

Not entirely sure where it wants to go before the briefing, the droid simply wanders the corridors, attempting to memorize the layout and occasionally pausing to watch the maintenance teams.

(Color is Dark Grey".)

2007-03-31, 06:34 AM

The Lieutenant's voice sort of gurgles for a moment or two as he leads Caeda back over to the heavy blaster container and then he says, "Of course.. can't collect a bounty if they are dead. Well, the DL-44 has the most power, while the DL-07 has the least power. They all have equal range when set on stun, but the DL-18 has the longest range when on its lethal setting."

The ship's stores echos with a crash as some of the stack supply cansiters crash to the floor on the other side of the vast room. The Lieutenant's voice gurgles again and he says, "Excuse me Madam, I must check on ensign Olothora... again." With that he hustles away towards the sound of the crash.

2007-03-31, 09:49 AM
After exploring the MC-80 for awhile Jon finds himself at the Ship's store where he see Caeda standing in front of a counter with three Blasters on it. so Jon walks over to stand by her and says, Hey Caeda, Need any help?

2007-03-31, 11:54 AM
Caeda Trayus

The Miraluka seems not surprised at the arrival of her partner...after all, she was a Jedi and a Miraluka...and she also knew the sound of her partner's boots against the metal flooring of the ship.

"Greetings Jon...I doth need some, yes...A selection of blasters I am previewing...I need to select one with a strong stun setting, both for ethical and professional reasons. That little ion gun will only serve me well for so long, after all." She replies.

She does not turn her head to look at him...after all, she doesn't need too. Instead, she just makes a sidestep to allow her partner and captain access to the blasters. "A DL-07 recommended by the lieutenant...but I trust your judgment more so then his."

2007-03-31, 12:27 PM

Byalid puts his datapad away, and leaves the Bridge. The Kushiban wanders the corridors, looking around to see if anybody has any electronics or computers that need working on.

2007-03-31, 02:15 PM
Jon Picks up the DL-07 and inspects it's once he finished his inspection he takes aim at several random item testing the weapons balance and aim when done he place it back on the counter.

He then turn to his partner and says, well there's no real resin for me to inspect the last two weapons, there the same ones i own and use, I'll admit I've never used the DL-07 but it seam to have excellent balance i think the lieutenant miss spoke when he said it had the best stun, i say you should go for the DL-44 it has the best stun setting I've ever used, also get at least 3 power packs that will give you about 150 shots opposed to the 300 you would get with the DL-07, i would also see if he carries the BlasTech Blaster Repair Kit so we can keep the weapon clean and tuned. And i wonder if he has any Hold Out Blaster available.

2007-03-31, 05:05 PM

Wandering the ship, the Kushiban elicits some odd looks, mostly from the less travelled Mon Calamari crew members. The ship seems so big for someone so small, but Byalid has no trouble locating a maintenance team in need of assistance.

The maintenance team, consisting of 2 humans, a Sullestan, and a Wookie, have just completed installation of a turbo laser battery. They wired it is, applied power, connect it to the fire control computer, and are attempting to get the computer to recognize the device and take control of it.

The wookie is working the terminal and everytime someone makes a suggestion, it howls at them and the suggestion seems to be ignored.

Caeda and Jon

The Lieutenant returns to the area after a minute or so and seems visibly surprised to now have two Bounty Hunters in his section. He happily begins the sale transaction when the subject of power cells comes up. At Jon's mention of 300 shots, the Lieutenant gurgles a little then says, "I regret to inform you, sir, that due to the high power output, the BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster will deplete a standard power cell in 50 shots. In any case, a power pack will cost you 20 credits."

When the subject of the cleaning kit comes up, the Lieutenant says, "These weapons can be cleaned by simply wiping the dirt off the weapon. They rarely need anything more than that and when they do, the maintenance/repairs require a bit of skill to do successfully. Here on the Oro's Gambit, we reserve that activity for the master at arms. We do have a couple of the repair kits if you want one anyway, but I'm afraid they will cost you an additional 150 credits."


You can easily map out the ship and find that the crew, for the most part, completely ignores you as you make your way around the ship.

{{You'll be unable to begin upgrading your weapon until steps 1&2 below are completed. }}

1. Need to pay 187 credits for materials needed to upgrade the weapon.
2. Need to buy 'high complexity tools' for 150 credits
3. Need to make a craft skill check DC15 each day. Looks like your total modifier is +3. Each day you'll complete a number of credit's worth of modifications equal to your check result multiplied by 15. When the sum of those checks is greater than 1125, the modification will be 'complete'.
4. At that point you'll have to make one more check to finish the upgrade. Again DC15. See pg 6 A&E guide.


Wandering the ship, Dekar's appearance, or maybe the black smudge, draws the attention of quite a few of the crew members, some of whom whisper and/or point as he passes.


Wandering the ship in search of... entertainment. Less than an hour passes before the young Twilek gets invited to an inpromptu card game some of the maintenance team have begun to play. They claim to be looking for a fourth player, already having a Human, a Bothan, and a Sullestan player. The game, they claim is Knught-Out, a game they were taught by some of the old nebula gas miners. 50 credit buy in, 100 credit max.

2007-03-31, 05:10 PM

Byalid doesn't notice the odd looks, having been on the receiving end of them quite a few times over his life. Finding the technicians in trouble, Byalid walks up to one, but not the Wookie. Is there anything I can do to help?

Tau Fury
2007-04-01, 12:53 AM

The young Twi'lek smiles as he takes a seat with the three others. He has never taken the time to play a game chance but has watched the Niktos and other Twi'leks of Logru the Hutt. "The name's dross. I'll be glad to take your credits."

Several minutes into the game, he asks, "So what does anyone know about Sneeve?"

2007-04-01, 12:21 PM

Eventually Dekar finds his way to the Gambit's stores. He greets the other customers with a nod and turns to the Mon Cal officer. Evening, Lieutenant, Dekar says. "Do you happen to have one of those all-temperature cloaks?"

2007-04-01, 02:01 PM

Dross joins the card games and the games begin. Although they seemed to explain the game well enough at the start, the maintenance crew members continuously augment the previous rules, providing exceptions, etc with the ultimate goal of making Dross lose.

After the first 5 or 6 hands the game seems to smooth out a bit and Dross asks about Sneeve. The Bothan, apparently a bit of a wise guy, chimes in, "Yeah, I've heard of that system. High winds, very gusty. You really need to watch out for the globs of protoplasm which get picked up by the wind." The Human and Sullestan break out laughing then the Human says, "No no, that's Sneeze."

The Human then adds, "The freighter I came in on stopped there to resupply. The part I saw was very mountainous", and with a glance at the Bothan, "and a bit windy. The village we stopped at was quite small and primitive looking from the surface, but underground was a vast and modern complex. We weren't there very long and I wasn't able to leave the docking area, but I did get to sample the local cuisine... very spicy but" He suddenly shouts at the Sullestan, "I get the next deal." The Sullestan puts his hands up and turns over the cards.

The Bothan then inquires, "Is that where they've run to, Sneeve? Who is it that you all seek? I'd bet they're an imperial spy to warrent so many Bounty Hunters."


The Kushiban hops up near the Sullestan and asks, "Is there anything I can do to help?" The Sullestan takes a couple steps away from the Wookie and wispers, "It's Salwookca, he can't seem to get the fire control or targeting computer to acknowledge this turbo laser battery."

The Sullestan glances over at the Wookie to make sure he didn't hear and isn't listening, then he says, "Maybe you can convince him to let you try. He's a bit stubborn. I doubt he'll let us try." Just then the Wookie howls again and pounds his fists on the terminal as the turboshaft, opposite the access terminal, opens and a Mon Calamari officer exits. The officer glances at the enraged Wookie and hurries away.

3D-N4 / Partak

The nebula doesn't move very much as Partak watches, but due to explosions within the nebula, caused by aggressive gas mining operations, the lighting of the nebula and within the nebula constantly changes.

As Partak observes the beauty of the nebula from the viewport in the backup observation bubble, a tall silver droid with a single red eye on its long chrome plated head enters.

Caeda / Jon / Dekar

As Caeda and Jon negotiate the price and quanity of blasters and power packs to be purchased, a greenskinned Twi'lek approachs and asks "Do you happen to have one of those all-temperature cloaks?" The Twi'lek, obviously not a member of the crew, is dressed in grey trousers and a black, hooded jacket.

The Lieutenant gurgles more audibly at the interruptiong and says, "We do, and in a variety of colors. They are in the container at the bottom of that stack of containers." He points to a meter by meter by half-meter container at the bottom of a stack of 6 such containers. "If you'll be so kind as to wait, I'll finish recording this previous sale to your, friends, er, well, um, associates and I'll have ensign Olothora unstack the containers for us."

2007-04-01, 02:30 PM

The droid is used to being ignored, but it does nothing for his opinion of the crew. Still, he reflects, they're hard at work, with little time for acknowledging anything else.

The Gotal catches its attention, though, the only non-uniformed being he has seen so far. Fourren walks over, regarding first the Gotal and then the nebula view. "Greetings," he introduces himself neutrally, and falls silent. Many beings disliked talkative droids, he had learned, and by the vest and nonstandard uniform it was reasonable to suppose this Gotal would be one of the other volunteers.

2007-04-01, 03:54 PM

A bit? says Byalid wryly. Then, getting right down to buisiness, I'll need someone to interprit what he says. I don't understand Shyriiwook. He notes the rather large size of the Wookie, likely around 2m tall, around four times his size, and realizes how difficult this might be.

Tau Fury
2007-04-01, 06:23 PM

Dross laughs at the little misunderstanding. He smiles intently while playing and listening. "Sorry, I don't know who you are talking about yet. I guess it's safe to say they'll be a target. So..." The Twi'lek places a minimum bid for the next hand and concentrates on the next two hands before speaking up again, "What did they do?"

2007-04-01, 08:09 PM
Jon nods to the new arrival and then looks to Caeda and then looks to the Lieutenant and says, I do believe the lady will be takeing the BlasTech DL-44, i will also take one too please and two power packs for me, and are the weapons sold with holsters or are they sold separately

2007-04-01, 09:45 PM
Partak Garvaan

The Gotal barely manages to keep an expression of intense displeasure out of his voice as he replies. "Hello mechanical. What brings you here?"

2007-04-01, 11:23 PM

"Here in this gallery, or here onthis ship?" Fourren shrugs, a learned gesture. "I am here on this ship for the Sneeve mission. I am here in this room because I did not feel like staying in my quarters any longer." He doesn't sound as if it much matters, and continues to watch the nebula, storing the image in memory banks, but after a moment he continues. "And you?"

2007-04-02, 05:23 AM
Caeda Trayus

The miraluka nods lets Jon finish up the blaster deals. She instead, turns her intention to the twi'lek who had entered before.

Briefly, she reaches out with the force to dwelve into the Twi'lek's intentions as she reads his body language, both in attempts to gain a good impression of the green skinned alien...it was an almost automatic response, a habit made from years of working with less then savory sorts in the criminal underworld of bounty hunting.

Then, she approaches calmly and asks: "May I offer assistance?"

((OOC: Hmm...how do you want the rolls done again? Send you the formula and you come up with the rolls? Or do you want us to roll them? Or do you wish us to use Invisible Castle or the Forum's roller?))

((Empathy +6 [Will DC 12] , Sense Motive +5))
((2 VP cost))

2007-04-02, 07:30 AM

"Thanks, but I think I can handle one stock officer," he grins. He is either rather inconsiderate or likes poking fun at the crew of the ship. Quite probably both. He feels a bit annoyed (most likely thanks to the confusing layout of the artistically designed Mon Calamari cruiser) and somewhat bored, but also curious of the new people.

"So you guys are the new arrivals? Well, welcome aboard the Oro's Gambit, pride and joy of this motley band of heroes." The young twi'lek waves his hand at the general direction of the ship, and his smirk says a lot about what he thinks of that "motley band of heroes". "Nice to see new faces. My name's Dekar Secc."

{{Will Save vs. Empathy (1d20-1=0) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=952219)


2007-04-02, 08:44 AM
Also the lady will take four power pack and one BlasTech Blaster Repair Kit, just because you just never know when something will go wrong in the field, and need to fix it. Says Jon Finishing there Order. Jon turns to the Twi'lek and says, Nice to meet you Dekar Secc, I'm Captain Jon Helkin of the Nerf's Republic, and this is my first officer and partner Caeda Helkin.

2007-04-02, 12:44 PM
Partak Garvaan

"I am also on the ship for this mission, and I was here in this room hoping to find some peace and quiet. It seems however that neither is possible, and I bid you good day." Kriffing mechanicals Partak thinks to himself as he leaves the room. Why must they build them that way?

2007-04-02, 04:57 PM
Caeda "Helkin"

The Miraluka offers a rare smile, and bows respectively. Whether he was just naturally receptive to force techniques, or from Caeda's days serving in the Clone Wars next to twi'leks like Ayala Secura or Beshin Haan, she could read him like an open faced book written in written in bold, flashing neon letters of galactic basic.

"A pleasure I possess in meeting you." She replies in her strange accent. "An arrival yourself? A volunteer? One of the...'heroes of the motley band?'"

((Hey Attilargh. Can ya send me a PM with what Caeda would sense both through the force and her instincts, please?))

2007-04-02, 07:32 PM

The Sullestan says, "I'm afraid you'll be out of luck then. Salwookca seems to understand us fine, but the only one I know the understand him is the shift supervisor. For the most part he's top notch, I don't understand what's going on today."

Suddenly, the wookie stands up and howls. He walks over to a service hatch, pulls it open and begins descending a ladder in the floor, which presumably leads to the deck below.


The game continues when Dross begins more probing questions, "What did they do?" The bothan responds, "I'm sorry, who? Oh, the spy. I hear the emporer is after the Mon Calamari recipe for fish soup," with a wide grin on his face.

His human counterpart seems to get very nervous and keeps shifting in his seat and glancing over his shoulder.

{{ When you give up on the game, give me a Gamble check. }}

Caeda / Jon / Dekar

The Lieutenant finishes the blaster and power pack sales. As he walks away, he grabs several types of holster and lays them out on the counter. He says, "Help yourself. I'm not sure which type you'll want or the size you'll want." With that he heads off in search of ensign Olothora. The holsters represent a variety of waist, hip, shoulder, and ankle holsters for both lefties and righties. The also cover the 'nearly human' range of sizes.

After half a minute or so, Ensign Olothora is using a hoverloader to carefully unstack the containers to allow access to the All-Temperature Cloaks. Several minutes after that, he has uncovered the container which the Lieutenant opens and shows to Dekar. He adds, "Just like I indicated, several colors including a generic urban and a generic woodland camo pattern."

The Lieutenant seems to be more relaxed now that he's had a couple minutes to get used to the 'bounty hunter scum'.

3D-N4 / Partak

Suddenly alone again 3D-N4 is left to ponder the beauty of the nebula, assuming, of course, that he was programmed to do so.

2007-04-02, 07:37 PM
((Potential disaster #1, averted.))


If nobody minds, I'll just take a look at the programing.Byalid hops over to where the computer is and looks it over, trying to find where it is going wrong. ((Should I roll a Knowledge (Tech.) at this point? [roll0] if yes.))

2007-04-02, 08:34 PM
Jon picks a holster for the left hip for him self to match the one on his right, then turns and say to Caeda, Caeda Honey, what type of holster would you like they have waist, hip, shoulder, and ankle, and also do you prefer left or right.

Tau Fury
2007-04-02, 11:48 PM

Dross chuckles politely at yet another bad joke from the bothan. The human's change in mood leaves him curious for the reason why, but for now he ignores it. "Perhaps you're right," Dross leans in close to the bothan to whisper; however, he makes sure the other two can still hear him. "Seriously though, what's the truth? I would like to know more before the briefing, and I could make it worth your interest."

Suddenly, Dross turns his head staring at the human. "You keep fidgeting someone might think you're up to no good, or is there something on your mind? He asks in a joking manner.

Diplomacy: [roll0] [roll1]

2007-04-03, 11:22 AM

"A pleasure I possess in meeting you." She replies in her strange accent. "An arrival yourself? A volunteer? One of the...'heroes of the motley band?'"

"Me, a rebel? Naw, not a chance. I'm here for the credits, not just because I don't happen to like the totalitarian regime in power. Er, which I admittedly don't, but that's beside the point."

The Lieutenant opens the cloak container and says, "Just like I indicated, several colors including a generic urban and a generic woodland camo pattern."

"Thanks." Dekar begins to go through the cloaks and continues conversing to the bald woman. "So, what about you? You here because of the Empire, or the money?"

"Hm, what do you think?" he suddenly asks, lifting a khaki-coloured cloak from the container and draping it across his shoulders.

2007-04-03, 12:54 PM
Jon picks a holster for the left hip for him self to match the one on his right, then turns and say to Caeda, Caeda Honey, what type of holster would you like they have waist, hip, shoulder, and ankle, and also do you prefer left or right."My dear, I shall have the waist I believe...there is little else that these robes will allow." Or the niman style of lightsaber combat... She thought as she spoke.

With her analysis complete, she gave a slight nod and a smile to Jon as he got the holsters, to tell him that the twi'lek checked out...for now.

Dekar begins to go through the cloaks and continues conversing to the bald woman. "So, what about you? You here because of the Empire, or the money?"

"Question deserving an answer as you where quite honest...both we are here for. Bounty Hunting is what we mostly do, with the occasional transporting of goods or passengers when we lay low...this job offers us an alternative. A method of more stable employment perhaps.

"As the for the empire...it's philosophies are faulty and unnecessarily cruel...it is a brute that lacks the cunning of the Rancor, the resilience of the mynock...Like the empires before it, it will fall...either by it's own hand, or by the strength and intelligence of others...if by it's own hand, then it must drag all of the galaxy down with it. Hopefully, by the helping of other hands, it will not."

She looks to Jon for a moment with a small smile and then looks back at the twi'lek. "I am...something of a...philosopher...in my spare time."

"Hm, what do you think?" he suddenly asks, lifting a khaki-coloured cloak from the container and draping it across his shoulders.

"Hmm...Jon's opinion would be better then mine..." The woman states, taping the side of her head and the piece of cloth that was wrapped around her blind eyes.

2007-04-03, 05:03 PM

Looking over the setup and terminal along with your vast tech knowledge you instantly grasp what they intend to do. Initially it isn't clear why it isn't working.

You logically follow back through the commands the wookie used and come to the same realization as him. It seems that one of power amplifiers is misaligned and is overloading the weapon battery causing it to fail its diagnostics and report itself offline.

You poke around a bit more and find that the misaligned amplifier is two decks down and 20 meters to your right.

{{ You could easily disable the diagnostics(comp use DC 20) which would allow the weapon battery to come on-line, but the power problem would likely damage the weapon if it was ever fired. }}


As the game continues, the human continues to act strange until you mention it to him. He then looks embarassed and opens his mouth to say something. The Bothan then interjects, "Don't worry about Jovan, I'll bet he's just got a bad feeling about something."

The human frowns at him and says, "Look its not funny, not since that time on Tynna Prime." A moment later, the human wins a hand, and seems to relax a bit when a wookie storms into the area. The wookie is wearing a standard issue maintenance tool belt. It howls and up ends the table the card game is on, dumping the cards and credit chips all over the floor. He seems to focus his anger at the Bothan. The human cowers away from the Wookie while the Sullestan attempts to pick up the cards, and the credit chips.

The Bothan remains cool in the face of wookie eventually saying, "Look big guy, we don't understand howl.. why don't you write it down for us? You can read can't you?". You would guess the wookie understood because it howls again and seems even angrier.

Caeda / Jon / Dekar

The Lieutenant stands by looking like he is trying to listen while trying not to listen. The ensign has returned the hoverloader to the back half the this vast room and seems to be, somewhat clumsily, arranging crates.

2007-04-03, 06:44 PM
After getting Caeda perforce Jon pulls both a Left and right waist holster for her, and says, OK Lieutenant this should do it, Hearing his name Jon turns after a moment to look Dekar over He says, It don't look to bad with your green skin but don't you think a darker color like a dark brown, forest green, or Even a charcoal gray might work better in our line of work.

2007-04-03, 07:21 PM

After looking over everything, Byalid turns to the technicians and tells them what's wrong. It looks like two decks down, twenty meters to the right, there is a misaligned amplifier. It looks like the wookie, Salwookca you called him, found this too, and is going off to get someone who understands Shyriiwook. The misalignment is causing the weapon to fail, and the diagnostics to come up negative.

2007-04-03, 07:28 PM

The droid watches the Gotal go speculatively. Is it everyone he finds distasteful, I wonder, or mechanical life? All too likely, it is the second, Fourren concludes with a measure of disdain.

He examines the nebula a moment longer, loading the image into memory banks for no real reason, and then leaves to continue its rounds of the ship, taking a different exit than the Gotal.

Tau Fury
2007-04-03, 11:40 PM

Great, there goes the game. Damn walking carpet just had to ruin things, especially when money is on the line.
Dross jumps out of his seat and instictively begins to draw his hidden J1 blaster; however, he refrains from pulling out the weapon. "Told the big guy one too many bad jokes, eh. I guess now is the time to end the game and cash out," says Dross to the bothan. He then swoops down to aid the Sullestan in recovering the cards and credit chips, making sure he gets back everything before the wookiee interruption.

After all the cards gathered and credits accounted, Dross speaks out, "Well folks, it's been a pleasure taking your credits. Maybe next time we can make the game last longer. Until then, I hope you boys don't beat each other to a pulp." He turns quickly heading for his assigned quarters.


2007-04-04, 04:56 PM

The rest of the maintenance team listens to his explaination and watch the computer display verifying what was just told to them. Slowly their heads begin to nod in acceptance, then one of the Humans corrects Byalid, "If I know Salwookca, I doubt he 'going off to get someone who understands Shyriiwook'. He's more likely to be bashing the heads of the maintenance team that was working in that area. He's got a bit of a temper. I guess, we'll just wait for him to fix the power alignment, then we'll bring the battery on-line. Thanks."


While heading back to your assigned quarters you check your winnings and discover that you were up 6 credits at the time of the interruption, or at least you picked up a total of 56 credits.

Caeda / Jon / Dekar

The Lieutenant smiles and takes away the remain holsters, placing them back in the container he pulled them out of. Seeing indecision in Dekar's eyes, the Lieutenant gives him more time to decide which color suits him best.

{{ As soon as you three finish your fashion assessment, we'll jump forward to the briefing. }}

3D-4N / Partak

Not much else out of the ordinary happens prior to the 6am meeting in the CIC.

{{ If anyone else has anything they wanted to do, let me know. 3D-4N can make 3 days of checks towards upgrading his/her/its weapon, assuming you can pay the materials cost.}}

2007-04-05, 04:06 AM
First Officer Caeda "Helkin"

Leaving the two to their 'guy talk', the young woman moves off to the side, and sets herself down near the Lieutenant at the counter. She draws the heavy blaster, and removes the power cell, setting aside for the moment, as she feels over the parts that connect the scope to the main blaster chasis.

After feeling it around for a moment (she doesn't need too of course, but she does it for posterity), Caeda goes about the process of removing it.

There... She thinks. That should make it slightly lighter...not as if I need scope the anyways...

When she finishes, she places the power cell back in and holsters the weapon, presetting it to Stun mode right before doing so though. Afterwards, she takes the scope and places it into the folds of her robes, where it disappears.

(Would a craft check be required? or a Repair check? (Craft [Blasters] +3 untrained [+3 INT], or Repair +4 [1 rank +3 INT]? Or would it be such a simple thing, that it would not be worth it?)

2007-04-05, 06:01 AM

"Well, in some situations, sure. Like if I'm hiding in a dark closet. Khaki is such a nondescript colour it doesn't really stand out anywhere." Nonetheless, Dekar eventually settles for a darker shade. "Say, how big a dent will this make on my account?" he asks from the Lieutenant.

{{Aaand I'm pretty much done.}}

2007-04-05, 11:56 AM

I gave him the benefit of the doubt there. He shrugs, but it is barely noticeable. You're welcome. He hops away from the computer, wandering around the ship. ((Assuming none of the technicians stop him.))

2007-04-05, 05:12 PM

The Lieutenant, checks the part number on the cloak and punches into his datapad, then says, "That cloak costs 85 credits. I'm afraid I wasn't told about any account for you. I'm sorry, but you'll have to pay now for the cloak if you want it. Do you find that acceptable sir?"


{{ The scopes are attached so that you'll need tools of some sort to detach them. If you detach the scope, the range increment penalties will be doubled(for non-Miraluka) using the weapon. Snap-on scope become misaligned too easily. Repair should do it, DC 10. }}


You move away from the maintenance team and the Sullestan waves farewell. You are able to resume your wanderings of the ship and encounter no further situations which require your assistance.

2007-04-05, 06:39 PM

The Miraluka reaches down towards her utilty belt and takes out her repair kit. Opening it, she removes the proper instruments and then goes over the process which Jon once briefly explained about modifying and repairing blasters.

Then, she goes about removing the scope, mimicking from memory Jon's maintenance movements.

Soon, the scope is removed and holstering the weapon (after of course, presetting it to stun mode), and cleaning up after herself, she returns to Jon's side, taking a moment to retighten the cloth that is tied around her 'eyes'.

((Repair results: 19+4, 23 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=959293))

2007-04-05, 06:50 PM

Byalid walks near the CIC and considers what to do.
He does one of two things.
If it is still the evening before the meeting: He lies down in a nearby corner and tries to sleep. ((Yes, I know he has quarters, but he would do this anyways.))
If it is the morning of the meeting: He goes in.

2007-04-05, 11:27 PM
Jon watchs and smiles as Caeda go thought the maintenance routine to take off the scope. Turning to the Lieutenant, Jon hands his Credit chip over to Lieutenant to pay for Caeda's and his items.

2007-04-06, 06:49 AM

Dekar's tchin (right lek) twitches a bit and he grins slightly. "Sorry, forgot I'm not on Nar Shaddaa anymore. That's a local way of saying 'how much does it cost'." He reaches for his credit chip and hands it to the Lieutenant.

2007-04-06, 06:29 PM
Time Passes...

6am in the Combat Information Center(CIC)

As the various bounty hunters arrive at the meeting they find the CIC busy and numerous Mon Calamari crew members working the sensor consoles. The room is about 16 meters by 16 meters with consoles(sensors, weapons, propulsion, shields, etc) along the outer wall. The center of the room is occupied by a large 'light' table and several vertical glass tactical overviews of the surrounding area.

Standing at the light table looking at the various tactical images being displayed are a Mon Calamari and a Human. The Mon Calamari wears the rank insignia of Captain while the human wears neither a uniform nor a rank insignia. While obviously focused on the tactical display, they both glance up briefly as each bounty hunter enters.

As the seventh and final bounty hunter volunteer enters the CIC, the Mon Calamari motions the group over to the tactical command display table. As the group approachs an ensign approachs the captain and says in a low voice, "Sir, the freighter 'Yugoth Ripper' has jumped in and is requesting permission to dock."

The Captain turns briefly towards the ensign and says, "Of course, get those missiles aboard, ASAP." The captain steps forward to address the group, but before speaking he looks to the human, who has stepped back to out of the brightness of the light table. The human simply nods.

Turning back to the group, the Captain says, "You may call me Captain Ackbar, welcome aboard the Oro's Gambit. Mister Tommus will brief you on your mission on Sneeve." With that the Captain turns completely away and begins making the rounds. Moving console to console making sure the crew is working and focused.

The human steps back into the light. He seems somewhat non-descript. Average height and thin, but not too thin. He has brown eyes that match his hair, which is parted on the side and brushed back. He looks each volunteer in the eyes, going left to right through the group, then he speaks. His voice is deep and commanding. He says, "You may call me Mr. Tommus. Thank you for volunteering for such a vaguely defined mission."

The human maintains a completely expressionless expression, as if his face were paralyzed. He then continues talking... "Obviously we will pay you each for your trouble.. we have been budgeted enough to pay you each 1000 now for expenses on Sneeve. The rest of your reward will be given to the group, you may decide amongst yourselves how the credits will be divided. The group will be paid an additional 2000 credits in 60 days. For every Empirial bounty hunter you kill, the group will receive 400 credits. Yes, that sounds cold, but we are at war. Some of you have experience bounty hunting, others of you are just loyal to the idea of the republic. We need to find others who are loyal to the republic, or at least against the empire."

The human pauses a moment and continues, "The empire has decided that several hundred citizens of Sneeve are 'against the empire' and placed bounties on their heads. Any of those citizens that you can rescue and deliver to us, we will pay the group another 2000 credits. Any who are unwilling to join the rebellion or are obviously criminals may be turned into the empire for their bounty."

Mr. Tommus turns to the human amongst the bounty hunters and says, "Captain Jon Helkin here has offered his ship to ferry you to and from the planet as well as to ferry those you rescue to us. For this we can pay him an additional 3000 credits. We will provide him with the times and coordinates that the refugees may be delivered."

Mr. Tommus looks over the group and says, "Obviously, you should keep you allegiance to the Rebellion a secret. You must look and act the part of Bounty Hunters. You'll be required to register with the local governor when you arrive, at which time the Empire will provide details of exactly who has a bounty on their head."

Mr. Tommus adds as an afterthought, "Obviously, anything you can do to disrupt the local operations will help our cause. Force the Empire to expend more resources than it wishes to on this planet. Obviously, I shouldn't need to say 'Do not get caught. Do not draw attention to yourselves. Do not reveal our plans.' That, and try not to get killed."

Mr. Tommus looks from person to person to droid to person and then adds, "Obviously you have questions. Lets hear them."

2007-04-06, 07:47 PM

Byalid enters the room, looking very drowsy. After looking at the computers from afar, he listens to the man's speech and considers for a few moments. I happen to have a few questions. Are there plans for where we will stay while on Sneeve? Will there be any form of computer access? What is the general attitude of the citizens towards the Rebellion? Are there any ideas on how we could disrupt localized operations? Turning to his fellow "bounty hunters," Is anyone willing to team up with me? I do not work well alone, and can pretend to be a pet while planetside and in public. He turns back to the man, his fur a slightly off white.

2007-04-06, 08:27 PM

Fourren listens carefully to Tommus's speech, recording it in case a review of specific details is necessary. The droid's cylindrical face is unreadable, but its single eye steadily follows the human. "How long are we to be on Sneeve?" he asks. "You mentioned 60 days; is that to be our extraction date? Or do we not have a set limit?"

As the Kushiban makes its suggestion, Fourren adds, "And if one of you feigns ownership of me, it will make me that much more inconspicuous."

2007-04-06, 09:21 PM
Caeda "Helkin"

The blind young woman raises her hand next. "What Information on the main...players...do we possess? Intelligence on Ships? Forces we would encounter?"

She is covered in gray tattoos and markings all over her hairless skin. Her 'eyes' are concealed by a blind fold, and when she talks, she does not turn her head to the speakers. Her clothing appears to be an old style tight fitting combat jumpsuit, which has been modified in appearance with a set of gray robes and sashes. An Merr Sonn DEMP ion pistol hangs from the utilty belt around her waist, as well as a DL-44 heavy blaster that appears to be missing it's scope. She sits, seemingly at ease and in complete calmness, with her hands in her lap.

"Faux ownership, I can provide as well...my...blindness, though...no longer incapacitating to myself, would provide an opportunity for a droid or a small entity to serve as an assistant." She offers as well.

She grows quiet afterwards, and listens intently to the others...as her force sight scans each of those assembled, gaining as much information as she could from each...old habits died hard.

Though appearing to be sagely and at piece, the 'young' jedi could not help but shake the feeling of familiarity...the last briefing she had of this size, was nearly 16 years ago...during the Clone Wars...

...And she knew how that turned out...

Tau Fury
2007-04-06, 10:06 PM

While listening to Mister Tommus, Dross glances over each of the gather hunters. His immediate attention is drawn to the small, furry thing that speaks, an odd creature he has never seen.

The young twi'lek speaks up, "The name is Dross. I have only one concern, for now. I heard rumors from others of possible Imperial spies that fled to Sneeve. Is it true.... and if so, would there be an extra reward for their capture."

Moments later Dross asks, "How big of an Imperial presence is there and is there a Hutt presence?" Just uttering the word "Hutt" makes him visibly nervous.

2007-04-06, 10:34 PM
Jon Sits quietly next to Caeda as she asks her question, at the moment most of the questions he has thought of have been voiced by the other. So he scans the crowd to gage there mode.

2007-04-07, 08:42 AM
Mr. Tommus listens to the responses and questions. He nods his head and smiles briefly when Byalid suggests being a pet. He pauses, seemingly gathering his thoughts and then says, "Excellent. While on Sneeve, you may seek shelter wherever you like. As I mentioned you'll be provided 1000 credits each. This should cover those costs. If Captain Helkin allows, you may stay on his ship."

After pausing to recall the next series of questions, Mr. Tommus continues, "Mr. Byalid, my Kushiban friend, I suspect that you will have computer access. There are no rebellion outposts in the system, but you are welcome to access any imperial networks if you like, but be careful not to draw attention to yourself. You have no backup. We won't be able to rescue anyone who is captured."

Mr. Tommus activates the holoprojector in the light table and an images of an Ortolan and a Selonian appears. He then says, "The population of Sneeve is composed primarily of the Ortolan and Selonian races. Officially they cooperate with each other and run the one life supporting planet in the system. In truth, their communities tend to self segregate. These two races compose over 90% of all life on the system. During the prelude to the occupation of this system they instigated a bit of a civil war between the two races eliminating most of the well trained soldiers and depleting their resources."

Mr. Tommus continues, looking directly at Byalid, "While, the people in general may oppose the Empire, the Empire has quite a few loyal citizens, so don't make any assumptions. I've heard that recently the local governor has started many public works type of projects to win over some citizens. Their local operations are somewhat fragile, having just started, so disruption should be fairly easy. Obviously, the methods you choose should depend on the situation. Direct Guerilla action, Power disruptions, Sabotage, Spreading the truth, Organizing the populous, Attacking Stormtroopers, Assassination of the governor, Requisitioning suppilies from the Empire, and so on. All of these should be considered."

Mr. Tommus then says, "I do suggest that the seven of you group up and organize your activities. You'll be able to have a much larger impact as a group then you will as seven individuals."

Turning to the droid, Mr. Tommus pauses and seems to evaluate the machine before speaking, "You will have exactly 60 days. These people have bounties on their heads, we don't expect you'll be able to continue making progress after that time. In addition, continued local efforts against the local governor will result in an increased Imperial presence in the system. If you wish to receive the completion bonus, Captain Helkin will need to fly everyone back to the designated coordinates."

After a brief attempt to look Caeda in the eye, Mr. Tommus turns his attention to Dross. "Hutt... Sneeve is beyond the borders of Hutt Space. However, any time you have this many bounty hunters, you'll have a few which also work for the Hutts. The Hutts may have specifically sent a few just to try and make a little profit off of the situation."

Looking around the group, Mr. Tommus then continues, "Imperial presence... Yes. The last frieghter that went through the system reported they had a capital ship and 4 light cruisers patroling the system. On the surface, you can expect they have at least 40 of those new Tie fighters on patrol. They will also have landed about 8000 troops to secure as much of the surface and critical infrastructure as possible." Turning to Captain Helkin he says, "You can expect to be scanned whenever leaving the system, so you should have any refugees in a scan proof compartment."

Looking back to Dross, he says, "The empire invited the bounty hunters to the system. They won't directly interfere with you, but you can expect that they won't go out of their way to help. Their goal is to have the populous hate the bounty hunters for poking around and killing people instead of hating the Empire."

Mr Tommus then looks directly at Dross and says, "I'm not aware of any specific Imperial spies in the system. You can bet they planted some prior to the invasion, but we don't know who they are or if they are still on the surface. If you act suspicious around any of the other bounty hunters you can be sure they will turn you in for a reward. If you do, somehow, locate a spy, we'd love to get a chance to um, interview him. I can't exceed the funds I've been allocated, but if we have some extra on hand, I'll see what I can do to make sure you're compensated."

The human then cracks his knuckles and steps back a bit from the glowing images of the Ortolan and Selonian. The Ortolan is short and squat with grey/blue skin, large ears and a long snout. The Selonian is twice the height of the Ortolan, covered in brown fur with clawed hands and obviously a warrior. Looking around the group, the human waits for any more questions.

2007-04-07, 11:39 AM
"If Captain Helkin allows, you may stay on his ship."

Jon nods and says, There more then welcome to stay aboard if they like, I for one will not leave my ship unattend.

" Captain Helkin will need to fly everyone back to the designated coordinates."

And I don't plan to stay any longer then is necessary

Turning to Captain Helkin he says, "You can expect to be scanned whenever leaving the system, so you should have any refugees in a scan proof compartment."

That Mr. Tommus maybe a problem as at the moment i don't have any scan proof secret compartments as I've only owned the Nerf's Republic for about two weeks and have not had time or the money to buy and install them.

2007-04-07, 05:18 PM
Mr. Tommus nods at Captain Helkin and says, "No worries Captain. I've already put in the work order to have your ship augmented. If you can meet the maintenance crew at your ship at 9am, they will begin. You'll have to decide where to install it. They can't do the whole ship or even the cargo hold, but they could probably do 3 or 4 of your crew cabins or some space of similar size of you choosing."

Looking around at the faces of the volunteers, Mr. Tommus adds, "Yes, 8000 soldiers sounds like a lot, but they will not be guarding anyone with a bounty on them. Likewise, at any given time only a third of them are on duty, some of those will be support personnel and most importantly, they are distributed to cover the entire planet. The chance of encountering more than 3 or 4 at any time are quite small."

Mr. Tommus punches up a couple of buttons on the light table and the holographic display switches to show the planet. Clearly visible is the Imperial capital ship and the other support craft as well as a few freighters coming and going. One of the freighter suddenly accellerates away from the planet. The Imperial ships begin firing and within 30 seconds have destroyed the freighter. Mr Tommus pauses the display and says, "If you run into trouble in space, your best chance of survival is to immediately jump to hyperspace or to return to the planet. You stand a better chance on the ground or against their fighters than you do against that capital ship and the cruisers."

The Mon Calamari captain returns and says to Mr. Tommus, "We are picking up distress calls from the gas miners within the nebula. We are dispatching a probe droid. We should plan to relocate within the next 24 hours." The captain glances at the bounty hunters and says, "Can they be ready to leave prior to that?"

Mr. Tommus nods and says, "I believe so."

2007-04-08, 08:52 AM
Mr. Tommus nods at Captain Helkin and says, "No worries Captain. I've already put in the work order to have your ship augmented. If you can meet the maintenance crew at your ship at 9am, they will begin. You'll have to decide where to install it. They can't do the whole ship or even the cargo hold, but they could probably do 3 or 4 of your crew cabins or some space of similar size of you choosing."

OK I'll be there, and the cabins would probably work best as we can probably hide them in under the cabins bunks structures. Says, Jon

((Happy Easter all))

2007-04-08, 11:37 AM
Caeda "Helkin"

The blind woman nods for a moment and then adds into the conversation. "Perhaps we should convert one or two of those cabins into security cells while we are at it...

"A reinforced locking door, emergency containment fields, stunning emitters, security cameras...things like that would help. Either that...or stasis containers..."

For the first time, she actually shifts her head to 'look' at someone, Jon Helkin, and gives him a thoughtful nod. She was taking most of these ideas from the set up on the bounty hunting ship that had captured her so many years before. Things she knew personally, where effective...

Tau Fury
2007-04-08, 03:14 PM

The young, blue skin Twi'lek listens intently while typing up key information into his wrist com's datapad. The briefing covers all of his issues for the mission. Now all Dross has to do is sit back and wait for departure.

Dross looks over to Jon Helkin, "Captain? We can we start boarding or you want to work on the compartment modifications before allowing passengers?"

2007-04-08, 06:13 PM
Mr. Tommus nods at Captain Helkin's comments and begins to respond when Caeda adds her 2 credits worth, forcing a response... "It might be possible to build hidden compartments into the bulkhead in the time we have, but we had just planned on lining the entire rooms to prevent scanning." Mr. Tommus nods towards Caeda as he continues, "We certainly don't have the time or money to build you statis chambers, emergency containment fields, or anything else to make these cabins into prison cells. Remember, these people are supposed to joining the Rebellion not being forced into slavery."

Mr. Tommus continues, making deadly clear a fact that was only eluded to, "I am sad to say that if you offer someone a chance to join Rebellion and they decline, that you can not simply turn them over to the Empire for a bounty. Not alive anyway." After a pause, he continues, "If you were to do that, they would surely sell you out to the Empire for leniency and your mission would come to an abrupt end... as would your lives."

As Mr. Dross adds his question, the Mon Calamari Captain perks up turning to face the bounty hunter and then his shoulder droop and he turns away as he realizes the question was directed at Captain Helkin.

The CIC crew seems very interested in the collected Bounty Hunters. At any given time almost half are turned around at the stations looking at the proceedings. Noticing this Captain Ackbar walks away from the table again and begins commanding his team to remain vigilant at their duties while walking from station to station again checking up on every crew member in the CIC.

2007-04-08, 08:15 PM
Jon mentally winces as he realized the list that Caeda talks about is the very setup the bounty hunter 16 years ago used on her, he tuns his head toward her and nods back and reaches out and takes her hand and gives it a gentle sqeaze, will still holding her hand he turns back to Tommus and says, I think if an entire rooms don't appear on there scanner that it could make the Imperial pay more attention to us but I'll go with what ever the engineers say will get us off on time, but i feel it would be safer for all concerned if the compartments were hidden under the cabins bunks structures, and as for my passenger i think that they should board after the modifications are completed.

2007-04-08, 10:38 PM
Caeda Trayus

The Miraluka returns her friend's squeeze and mentally projects through the force, a single word into Jon's mind.


Outwardly though, she shows no emotion what-so-ever, remaining cool, calm and in control.

The upgrades where not for the recruits they planned on aquiring...they where for legitimate bounties...criminals who brought more harm to the universe then good. Murderers, Crime Lords, Lawyers...

While most of these where acceptable as either dead or alive, Caeda always opted for the alive...it explained her favored use of the Stun setting on her blaster, and her tactics of incapication and pseudo-pacifism. She had killed yes, but she preferred to keep it as a last resort...when all other bridges had been burned.

A little bit of the Jedi code left in her, perhaps...

((Telepathy: Takes 10, 10+5, 15 vs DC10 (close non-force sensitive friendly). VP 16-3=13))

2007-04-09, 01:14 AM
Mr. Tommus then says, "I do suggest that the seven of you group up and organize your activities. You'll be able to have a much larger impact as a group then you will as seven individuals."

Partak, who had been silently nodding agreement throughout the presentation, raises a furry hand at this point.
"Sir, in my experience, bounty-hunting generally isn't profitable in large groups. While I agree that we should closely coordinate our efforts, (and should probably work out a communications arrangement with coded and scrambled commlink systems), I'm not sure that we should all be traveling together or living together -- it seems like that would attract undue attention."

2007-04-09, 02:00 AM
Caeda "Helkin"

The miraluka, once again in control of her emotional state, lets go of Jon's hand and addresses the Gotal. "It is not actually that large a number...four is a well sized bounty hunting group, especially if one is trying to establish themselves in a new sector.

"And I say four because of how this can be broken down into seperate roles....You have two twi'leks, yourself, and a Captain...then you also have the Captain's...wife. And her 'pet' and her droid. The Nerf's Republic is a decently sized freighter, and requires a crew to run...there are mercenery groups of our size in times past, who have taken up bounty hunting...believe me, I know personally...we will not go amiss among any others.

"Speaking of which, perhaps we should discuss skills that would help this freighter run...if we are after all, going to be working out of the Nerf's Republic, we must make sure that it can work for us...mechanics, medics, gunners. Any will little skill that you have hidden in your sleeves or fur would help, even if only in the image we wish to project as an alliance of bounty hunters and mercenaries."

She 'looks' back at Jon for a moment, using the body language to suggest that she looked for his approval in the matter of assigning the others to jobs on the ship.

((Edit: Just realized that I forgot her accent >.< Oh well...she may have temporary lost it, for the benefit of clarity with the others.))

2007-04-09, 02:35 AM
Caeda "Helkin"
"Speaking of which, perhaps we should discuss skills that would help this freighter run...if we are after all, going to be working out of the Nerf's Republic, we must make sure that it can work for us...mechanics, medics, gunners. Any will little skill that you have hidden in your sleeves or fur would help, even if only in the image we wish to project as an alliance of bounty hunters and mercenaries."

She 'looks' back at Jon for a moment, using the body language to suggest that she looked for his approval in the matter of assigning the others to jobs on the ship.

Jon nods to Caeda and says, My Wife makes a very good point, concerning our cover and that the Nerf's Republic will run much smoother with more hands helping out.

2007-04-09, 05:44 AM
Mr. Tommus looks to Partak and says, "Its great that you have experience doing this, but not everyone does. Those who don't know exactly how to act like a bounty hunter may find it easier to pretend to be a crew hand under Captain Helkin. In any case, once the seven of you depart, I can't force you to do anything. If you choose to abandon the rest of the team and only link up to drop of bounties, then I can't stop you. As I mentioned, bounty payments from the Rebellion are made to the group."

Taking a step back from the table he then adds, "You are free to do as you wish. This isn't the Empire. We can't and won't force you to do anything."

2007-04-09, 01:17 PM
Partak Garvaan

The Gotal nods to Tommus, then turns to Caeda. "You have an excellent suggestion here, and one which satisfies all my concerns. I'm sure that once we have a better picture of the situation on the planet we can decide how best to allocate our resources and use the various skills of those present, but for now" (he is addressing the whole group at this point) "I think we should do as this shrewd human says and pose as a team of four bounty-hunters with a wife, pet, and mechanical (this would also allow us to keep one base of operations on or near the ship, which will simplify things considerably." He thinks for a moment. "Mr. Tommus, would it be possible for your people to provide us with commlink scramblers, or will we have to purchase those out of our own budget?"

2007-04-09, 02:55 PM
Mr. Tommus smiles, "That would be nice, but that'll pretty much blow the budget I was provided. Those encryption modules are about 2000 apiece. Even in bulk, they run 1500 credits. Your basic commlink only has a range on 50km or so. The settlements on Sneeve are fairly isolated, you shouldn't have to worry about their headquarter monitoring your movements or anything. Anyone who picks up your transmissions will be local."

Seeing the obvious disappointment, Mr. Tommus adds, "We do have access to them and can sell them to you should you acquire sufficient funds.". After shrugging his shoulders, he adds, "Sorry."

2007-04-10, 01:21 PM

The droid turns his head to survey the others. "If such a device is necessary, I have the means to cover the expense. Bounty hunters working together are expected to communicate, though, so all it would do is allow us to discuss our plans more fully over the comlink. And while we may not be able to afford containment cells, simple binder cuffs or stun cuffs could work nearly as well." He regards Mr. Tommus, having picked up easily on what the human was skirting around saying straight out.

"As to our disguise, that should work well. We can leave off assigning tasks until after the briefing."

2007-04-10, 06:37 PM
Impressed by the droid's finances, Mr. Tommus says, "Well, if you've got the 10500 credits for seven of them, you are welcome to go to the ship's stores and pay for them. I'll call down and authorize the transfer."

Mr. Tommus glares at a young Mon Calamari ensign who was spending too much time watch him and not enough time watching the sensors. He then returns his attention to the Bounty Hunters and says, "Any more questions? You know, if this mission goes as planned, we might have some actual bounty hunter type of work. If all goes as planned, I'll see you all again in 60 days." Looking to Captain Helkin, he adds, "When you make deliveries to the provided coordinates, expect a light cruiser to meet you."

2007-04-10, 06:51 PM

"No," the droid clarifies, "I have the finances to pay for two, or nearly so. That is sufficient for splitting into groups, unless we intend to each take a different direction. But given the limitations and the expense I think we are better off with using obscure frequencies and watching what we say over the comlink. What of binder cuffs? Are those available?" he asks, determined to settle that before they leave.

2007-04-10, 07:19 PM
Caeda "Helkin"

"Worry not for bindings." The Blind woman says, reaching into the folds her robes and drawing out a pair of magcuffs. "My husband and I carry a half-gang worth."

She stores the magcuffs again, and entwines one of her arms around one of the droid's, as if using him to walk or support herself, explaining in a single word. "Act supportive."

Then she waits for the droid to finish his dealings.

Tau Fury
2007-04-11, 08:25 PM

The younger, blue skinned Twi'lek looks at his gathered companions. Dross sighs before speaking, "Regardless of what accommodations and arrangements we need to make, we have what? Twenty four hours, before we need to depart the this vessel. Can the modifications be completed before then?"

2007-04-12, 05:42 AM
Mr. Tommus shrugs and says, "As I said, I'm sure we could adjust two of the cabins, but if Captain Helkin insists on building hidden areas in the bulkhead, I'm not sure it'll be finished. In that case, we'd finish what we could and the Captain would need to finish the installation before he would be able to use it."

Looking to Captain Helkin, he adds, "I don't think their scanners would detect anything out of the ordinary if we scan-proofed an entire room. I just don't think they are that sophisticated. Our sensors can't do that. However, it is your ship and your lives on the lines, so its your call."

Mr. Tommus looks over at Captain Ackbar, who has been going station to station attempting to get his crew to do their jobs and stop watching, and says, "The captain is getting somewhat aggitated, why don't we finish this conversation in the hanger with Captain Helkin's ship."

2007-04-12, 11:50 AM
looking around ther room Jon nods to Mr. Tommus and say, i agree that we should continue this in the hanger and as for the doing the two room do it since that is what you can get done in the time alotted to us, the only thing i ask is the material to do the other two room be stowed in my cargo hold and I'll complete the job as time allows

2007-04-13, 02:53 PM
In response to the materials, Mr. Tommus says, "Of course, of course."

Motioning to the group out of the CIC, Mr. Tommus smiles at and pats Mr. Garvaan on the shoulder and then says to Byalid, "Come little fella, we'd best get going before the Captain notices the fur and makes us clean up."

Once in the hallway, Mr. Tommus says to the group, "Why don't you gather your supplies and meet back at the ship." Turning to Captain Helkin he asks, "You're in bay 3, right?"

Without even waiting for an answer he nods to Caeda says, "Madam" and walks away down a side corridor without another word.

2007-04-13, 07:37 PM
Jon say to Mr. Tommus, Yes that's right were in Bay three. Turning to Caeda Jon says, We'll my dear i guess we should get back to the ship and get ready for company

2007-04-14, 02:38 AM
Caeda "Helkin"

"Quite true," Jon's "Wife" replies with a nod. She turns to the droid and gives a small courtesy. "The performance is yet done, yet as actors we shall perfect it yet. I shall 'see' thee soon, 3D-4N."

Her hypercultured accent now fully back, the blind woman turns around links arms with Jon. "To the ship then..."

She keeps their arms linked, as they stroll as the couple they are truly not, and only unlinks once they reach the ship.

2007-04-14, 08:15 PM

"Of course, mistress," the droid replies to Caeda, a hint of the almost subservient courtesy built into most protocol droids creeping into its voice. It inclines its head to her as she leaves with their pilot.

It turns its attention on the other four, voice returning to its more normal neutral tones. "Is there anything left to us to do, or should we return to our quarters to prepare for the trip?"

2007-04-14, 11:11 PM
Partaak Garvan

The Gotal bounty hunter turns to Dekar as they board the ship. "Chuba settah Hutta?""Do you speak Huttese?"

2007-04-14, 11:16 PM

He turns to 3D-4N. I cannot think of anything remaining to do. I have everything I need with me, he motions to his cloak, so I have no need to go back to my quarters.

2007-04-15, 11:38 AM

The Gotal bounty hunter turns to Dekar as they board the ship. "Chuba settah Hutta?""Do you speak Huttese?"

The twi'lek has been distant for a while, as if on autopilot, and doesn't snap out of it until the Gotal speaks.

"Hm? Oh, tagwa." "Hm? Oh, yeah."
Dekar continues in the same language: "Sorry, was lost in thought. Never really been interested in ships, and you should see what I can do to a budget. 'Sides, didn't really have much to say, either. Didn't want to draw attention," he says and smiles.

{{Dekar's carrying his backpack (with all his stuff) around with him, if that's alright. I can't think of a way to insert it smoothly into the text.}}

2007-04-15, 12:47 PM
Jon greats each person as he arrives at his ship and says, Welcome to the Nerf's Republic you can have any cabin you would like except for the first cabin on ether side closes to the cockpit those are mine and my wife's cabins.

Nerf's Republic deck plan (http://www.maj.com/gallery/Graaybacca/StarWarsThings/xs-800_light_freighter.jpg)
Deckplan Key


Pilot’s Station
Co-pilot’s Station
Sensors/Communications Station
Shield Operator’s Station

Storage Locker
Computer/Life Support
Ramp to cockpit
Access to Ventral Airlock
Primary Access Corridor
Common Room
Access to Dorsal Sensor Dish
Medical Bay
Escape Pod
Engineering Section/Machine Shop
Cargo Bay
Cargo Bay Loading Elevator

2007-04-16, 03:21 PM
Captain Helkin arrives back at the Nerf's Republic and before he can get everyone situated the maintenance crews begin to arrive. There is some initial confusion because they had been told to install the scan shielding in two of the cabins.

After 10-15 minutes they've sorted things out with their superiors and begin working on the hidden compartments in the bulkhead. The team leader approaches Captain Helkin and says, "Saw right cappin, theys wurkin lika bantha grazes. Ifin use gots enny queries, best to be askin me. Them boys caan gets mighty crankity when theys wurkin. Fur sure, look out fur that there wookie, hes be gotsin a heckuva mean streak. K?"

The team leader seems to be human, although not the cleanest specimen, and he does have a bit of a strange accent. After the maintenance leader wanders off to supervise, Mr. Tommus pops in briefly lets everyone know that
"The current maintenance crew will be replaced with a fresh crew at 3pm. However, Mr. Thopter will remain in charge of them untill the work is complete or 10pm at which time the Nerf's Republic must depart."

{{ Dekar - One of your spoilers is broken... }}

2007-04-16, 05:48 PM
Jon nodes to the team leader, No, No changes.

"The current maintenance crew will be replaced with a fresh crew at 3pm. However, Mr. Thopter will remain in charge of them untill the work is complete or 10pm at which time the Nerf's Republic must depart."

I'll be ready Mr. Tommus, Says Jon.

2007-04-16, 08:10 PM
Caeda Trayus

The miraluka comes up behind Jon and speaks quietly. "How feel you? Not often we play host, especially to some of the least trustworthy people in the universe...people like us...bounty hunters...

"Do we tell truth or keep the lie? Eitherway, what lies? Do we trust, or do we risk caution...What are you thinking, Jon Helkin?"

The lies where indeed adding up...The lie that she was a blind human...the omission of her Jedi training...the deception behind their relationship...

It was enough to make her head spin sometimes. On the one hand, there was the jedi side of her that wished to wipe the lies away, and trust in the goodness of the hearts...on the other side, was the woman who grew up in the last few years...a woman who existed in a galaxy where Jedi where hunted down, and Miraluka vanished into the fringes of the unknown. Where the force was no longer a blessing...it was something that was no longer understood...it was something that had been twisted into a force of fear and darkness.

If she could, Caeda would weep.

2007-04-16, 08:59 PM
Partak Garvaan

The Gotal continues chatting with Dekar in Huttese:

"If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been in this business?"

2007-04-17, 03:57 AM

"Oh, a couple of years now, I think. Not very long, anyway. Why, does it show?"
As they chat, Dekar tosses his pack on the bed in the cabin next to the Medical Bay.

2007-04-17, 10:42 PM
Caeda Trayus

The miraluka comes up behind Jon and speaks quietly. "How feel you? Not often we play host, especially to some of the least trustworthy people in the universe...people like us...bounty hunters...

"Do we tell truth or keep the lie? Eitherway, what lies? Do we trust, or do we risk caution...What are you thinking, Jon Helkin?"

Jon reply just as softly, excited and scared at the same time but other then that i feel great.

Jon poises for a moment before continuing, I thing for the time being i thing wee should keep up the pretence of a married couple and hide the fact that your a trained jedi, but i think we should think about reveling you non human statues and the fact that your know where near as helpless as you appear to be, before questions are asked.

2007-04-18, 04:56 PM
Later in the day, after 3D-4N has purchased his encrypted commlinks and once everyone has settled on the ship, the maintenance crews switch and the evening crew begins work. Before long Mr. Tommus arrives with several trays of food.

The food is a mix of traditional human dishes and traditional Mon Calamari dishes. The food is intended for the maintenance crews, but there is plenty so that crew can participate if they desire. The maintenance team helps themselves to the food at regular intervals while pressing forward with the installation.

By early evening, they have the compartments made and in place. Quite a few subsystems had wiring and/or conduits which ran through the selected area. Most of those had to be rerouted around the hidden compartment. After another short break for more food, the maintenance crew loaded the scan shielding and cut it to size while Mr. Tommus watched with keen interest.

While installing the first piece Mr. Tommus's commlink signaled. After a very brief and mostly one-sided conversation Mr. Tommus shouts, "We're under attack, everyone out." He motions the maintenance teams out of the cabins and towards the exit. The Oro's Gambit PA system comes on and belches, "Battle Stations! Incoming fighters. Man the weapons."

As Mr. Tommus moves with the maintenance team towards the exit Mr. Tommus yells to Captain Helkin, "Fire up the engines and get out of here. An Imperial light cruiser just jumped in with a couple dozen of those new Tie Fighters on a quick launch rack. The Oro's Gambit is going to stay and hold them off so the rest of the ships can jump. Put the Gambit between you and the Ties and then jump to hyperspace."

2007-04-19, 12:05 AM
Jon had spent most of the day keeping an eye on the work being done to his ship. Jon was just siting down to have a lite dinner just as the workers were starting to set the first piece of the scanner shielding, he had takeing several bites when Mr.Tommus bad news came, Jon jump to his feet and dropped his food, as he said, Frack!!, very well Mr. Tommus good luck, and may the force be with us all! with that Jon dashes to the cockpit and practically jumps in to the pilots cheir, he immediately starts flipping switches going though an emergency start-up, in the middle of that he hits the internal comm system and says, some Buddie get the frack up here to operate the fracking shield and weapons

Tau Fury
2007-04-19, 01:44 AM

The attack alert comes as total surprise to Dross. The young Twi'lek charges out of his choosen quaters, the port one nearest to the common room. "What's going on? An attack here and now?" Concern for the Rebels from last night's game creeps into his mind; however, there are more pressing concerns, namely his own skin. "Captain Helkin. Captain Helkin, can we make it out of here?" Dross blurts out the question as he heads for the cockpit, "Anything I can do to help?" Not waiting for a response, Dross hops into the seat farthest on the port side. He waits for the Nerf's Republic to clear the vast Mon Calamari ship before activating the shields.

2007-04-19, 02:38 AM
Caeda Trayus

The miraluka is already at her sensor console, going over an expedited version of a pre-flight checklist, even as the rest of the crew find their places. Her fingers flew across her panels as began sending off the communication dispatches to the Gambit's Flight Control crew, while going over the diagnostic equipment for the ship.

"Unexpected, not suprising, and most definitely unwelcome..." She comments on the news of the Attack ship. Without turning her head away from her console, she throws a small anecdote to her captain. "Well, my 'dear'....looks like the honeymoon was cut short, yet again...do we slip away as the party commences, pull up the robes and run like a hungry voxyn...or do we assist our gracious hosts?

"That said...I think either of the first two would be better...else the mission is compromised, and this confrontation for naught."

This wasn't the first time Jon and Caeda had managed to find themselves in a scrape...but this was one of the very few times where they would have an Imperial Attack Cruiser waiting for them when they launched...

The warrior-jedi in her, the part left over from the cold wars, echoed with distaste at leaving the Mon Camalari to fend for themselves...but the scholar-jedi to which she was trained, and the bounty hunter to which she had become, both overruled the warrior, in favor of pragmatism and expeirance.

She opens up a channel to the rest of the Nerf's Republic through the interior communications arrays. "To the hunters, mercenaries, and compatriots on our ship, note that it is suggested that you sit down some where and buckle yourself in, as well secure all loose objects."

2007-04-19, 05:52 PM

Byalid runs, well it looks like a jog more than anything, onto the bridge, looking around for any open station. He looks rather nervous, and he appears to definitely dislike combat.
If there is an open station, he goes to it and attempts to figure out how to work it.
If there isn't, he goes to a corner and watches everyone else.
Since there is, he jumps up onto the chair and looks over the controls.

2007-04-19, 06:08 PM
((co-pilots station still open and I'm also going to say that the weapon console is in ether the co-pilot's station or in with the shield console, GM's chose .))

2007-04-19, 09:52 PM
Partak sprints up to the cockpit, and straps himself into the copilot's chair.

2007-04-19, 10:13 PM
((slight problem...there are only four chairs...we allready have Dross at shields, Jon at pilot, and Caeda at Sensors/Communication. With Byalid at the remaining, being the Co-Pilots.))

2007-04-20, 10:36 AM
Jon says to these in the cockpit, any one here good with tech because i could use some one manning the engineering console in the engine room.

2007-04-20, 06:51 PM

Byalid jumps out of the chair before he is squashed by Partak. He begins running to the engineering section, searching for the console. When he finds it, he goes about figuring out how to control it.

2007-04-20, 11:57 PM

The droid had spent most of the rest of the day, after the greeting, in his own quarters, hoping to be able to finish tweaking the stun cells in his blaster; unfortunately, it looked to be a long job.

As the alarm sounds, he abandons the work, stowing the tools and blaster in a compartment in his side, and heads for the Nerf's Republic at top speed. He arrives in the cockpit with thumping footsteps, taking in the workstations. We have a full crew. Speculations on the other crew members—not yet boarded, weapons stations.

"Unless you have another station, Captain, I will assist with the computer interfaces," the droid says, speeding his voice up slightly to match the urgency of the situation. Given that the sensors seem more likely to come in use sooner than the shields, the droid moves next to Caeda's station, glancing once at her blindfold.

2007-04-21, 04:13 AM

"...Oh, sithspit." No good in me trying to shoot this bird's guns. Where was the engineering section? Dekar quickly gets his internal compass in check, and sprints to the engine room.

"Oh, you're here already. Good," he says as he notices the kushiban. "Need a hand?"

2007-04-21, 04:45 PM
Captain Helkin powers up the frieghter and by the time its ready for flight the hangar bay doors are open and the Oro's Gambit has transmitted clearance to launch.

Easing the ship out of the hangar bay, the pilot finds himself face to face with the nebula. A dozen or so freighters are visible off the starboard side. They all seem to be accelerating off in that direction.

No enemy ships are close enough to be visible against the blackness of space, but the weapon systems on the Oro's Gambit don't seem to have any trouble seeing/shooting. Several batteries of turbolasers and at least one Ion cannon are sending streams of bright light off port side into the distance.

{{ Current Status... speed=1, Shields=off, hyperspace course not yet computed }}

Tau Fury
2007-04-21, 05:13 PM

Dross activates the Nerf's Republic's shields with a flip of a switch. He turns to the Captain, "Can I make a suggestion? How about we divert power from the weapons to shields and engines. I've heard a lot of bragging from pilots working for the Hutts doing that when running from Imperial and authorities." The twi'lek resumes monitoring the shields.

2007-04-21, 08:03 PM
Were not that desperate yet kid, Jon says as he pushes the throttle forward to about 2/3rds of maximum and turns the ship to follow the other freighters, turning to Partak and says, I need you to start the calculations for hyperspace, i need two jumps one for 2 minutes in any direction the other form there to are final destination. Caeda i need a scan of the of the area tell me whats going on.

((Speed- 4))

2007-04-21, 09:44 PM
Caeda Trayus

The blind woman's hand dance easilly across the control board, and she summons quickly up the display, and somehow, reads off it.

"11 freighters of various class and configuration are accelerating away from us and the Gambit at distances ranging from 5 to 19 kilometres, with all shields raised.

"The Imperial Light Cruiser is at 14 kilometres and closing at standard attack speed. It's shields are either nonexistant, or not raised, and it has recieved at least one hit from the Gambit."

She stops for a moment and rechecks her sensors before detailing the next bit. "More importantly I would think, are the 20 TIE configuration fighters off of the port side in two groups of 10, that are at a range of 12 kilometres, and closing fast at what could only be described as...ramming speed."

Despite the urgency, she raises her voice only enough to be heard over the hum of the bulkheads and machinery of the ship as it accelerates.

"Jon...A double jump from here to a random system...then a jump to the target system to cover the trail...like the time at Nar Shadaa." Caeda suggests as she continues updating her scans. "If fuel we have, that is...."

2007-04-21, 10:37 PM
You hared the lady make that 3 jump, Caeda I'm going to hold us at about 2/3rds of maximum velocity, tyring to make them think were running at full speed, i want you to tell me when they to 6 kilometres so i can bring us to full speed. Says Jon, Jon then hits the intercom, Bridge to engineering, prepare to divert all non essential power to the sublight drive.

2007-04-22, 01:46 AM

"Specify "non-essential". Would that be guns or life-support?" comes the reply. Dekar then starts looking for a spare set of tools.

{{Search check to find some tools: (1d20+2=7) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=992538)

...Virtual dice hate me. Hopefully Jon hasn't hidden them on purpose.}}

2007-04-22, 01:53 AM
Partak Garvaan

"With all due respect sir, I grew up flying airspeeders back on Berchest and I do consider myself a pretty fair pilot, but plotting a course through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops! I recommend that someone more familiar with the intricacies of interstellar gravitics plot our course"

2007-04-22, 08:03 AM

Byalid seconds the question, and adds internal gravity to the list of possibilities, but not internal compensators, and begins searching for tools as well. Regardless of whether or not he finds any, he begins rerouting power from whatever he is told to, into Sublight drives.

Turn 1: Search:[roll0]

Turn 2: Repair to reroute power: With tools: [roll1] Without: [roll2]
Repair to give power to sublight drives: [roll3] or without tools: [roll4]

2007-04-22, 01:27 PM
Replying to the Dekar, definitely weapons, and you can cut off life support in the cargo holds. turning back to Partak, Jon says, OK you take over the helm and hold us at about 2/3rds power and punch it up to full when Caeda tells you too. I'll take care of the calculations for hyperspace. Jon turn bake to his console and starts the calculations.
Trip 1 Astrogate: (1d20+8=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=993284)
Trip 2 Astrogate: (1d20+8=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=993287)
Trip 3 Astrogate: (1d20+8=28) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=993288)

2007-04-22, 06:54 PM
Partak Garvaan

Taking the control yoke, the Gotal keeps the ship on a steady course, doing his best to fly casually -- keeping his distance from the other ships, but trying not to look like he is keeping his distance.

2007-04-22, 07:32 PM
Captain Helkin turns the ship away from the incoming fighters and accelerates up to cruising speed. He then turns over the ships controls to Partek while he, himself, begins the hyperspace calculations. Knowing it will take about a minute per jump, he begins calculations for 3 quick jumps. Mr. Dross activates the shields just before weapons fire, from the fighters, streaks past the windows on the bridge. The lasers blasts are not very close and would seem to have unsuccessfully targeted the Oro's Gambit.

Sensors show that the Oro's Gambit took several hits, although her shields still show at over 99%. Her newly installed weapons batteries seem to have great trouble targeting the small agile TIE fighters. As the Nerf's Republic pulls away, the Oro's Gambit begins to circle back in order to put the maximum number of weapons on target.

The TIE fighters, having closed within weapons range of both the Nerf's Republic and the Oro's Gambit have exclusivly fired upon the Oro's Gambit(for now). At their present speed they could physically ram the Nerf' Republic next round(should they choose to). They could also bring their weapons to bear on the freighters next action as well.

The tactical overview (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Rnd2-1.jpg). Power was successfully re-routed to the engines. Maximum speed is now 7. The ship's weapons are now disabled.

{{ Current Status... speed=4 of 7, Shields=on, hyperspace course jump 1 (1/10), jump 2(0/10), jump 3(0/10) Was the intent to do the second and third calculations after the first jump?}}

2007-04-22, 08:38 PM
(No before the first jump.)

2007-04-22, 10:35 PM
Caeda Trayus

The woman "watches" the sensor display screens, and gets herself ready to notify her old friend when the time is right...

((Readied Action: Shout out "Imperials at 6 kilometres" when either the fighters or the cruiser get to 6 KM of the Nerf's Republic))

2007-04-23, 05:48 PM
Looking up from his calculations he reassess the situation and says to Partak, belay my last order punch her up full power. pushing the internal comm button to engineering. engineering beside cutting life support off in the cargo bays, also cut internal power, and the artificial gravity too. Jon then returns back to his calculations.

Trip 1 Astrogate: (1d20+8=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=995921)
Trip 2 Astrogate: (1d20+8=28) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=995922)
Trip 3 Astrogate: (1d20+8=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=995923)

2007-04-23, 07:45 PM

Byalid begins working on cutting the life support, internal power and artificial gravity in the cargo bays.

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Each one in order.

Wow, even without tools he succeeds!

Tau Fury
2007-04-23, 08:46 PM

Dross listens intently as Caeda calls out the sensor data, and then come Captain Jon's orders. Looking around, he notices he has no seat. It's going to get bumpy. He speaks out with anxiety in his voice, "I guess this might be a bad time to tell you, this is the first time I've been in a fight in space."

The shield control console draws his attention once more. Dross glances over it trying to learn as much about it in a short period of time.

2007-04-24, 01:08 AM
Partak Garvaan

"Aye captain" the Gotal replies, and pushes the throttle forward to flank speed.

2007-04-24, 03:45 AM

Dekar pauses his searching for a while as he just stares at the small kushiban re-routing power with no equipment whatsoever. Then he shakes his head, and gets back to looking for some tools.

{{Yet another Search check to find some tools: (1d20+2=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=997016)}}

If he finds some, he tries to finish the job Byalid started by routing the power into the engines.

{{Repair check to route power to engines: (1d20+7=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=997018)

...And is probably quite unsuccessful. Oh well, no shame in trying.}}

2007-04-24, 03:58 PM
Regardless of Captain Helkins new order, Mrs. Helkin announces "Imperials at 6 kilometers" and Mr. Garvaak fires up the engines nearly doubling the speed of the vessel. Just after it lurches to its new speed several pairs of laser fire streak past the ship. It appears a pair of TIEs have slowed down and pulled in behind The Nerf's Republic. Partak flies defensively and manages to avoid getting hit(for now).

Meanwhile the rest of the squad moves in and fires on the freighters. The rear freighter is hit by several blasts and its engine seems to shut off. The Cruiser and the other squad of TIE fighters continue to harass the Mon Calamari ship. For its part the Oro's Gambit has a vast number of weapons firing. It seems to have trouble targeting the tiny TIE fighters as they swarm the ship. It does manage to hit one of them, causing a bit of an explosion, but leaving the ship mostly intact and adrift.

The Oro's Gambit turns again, this time back towards the freighters and The Nerf's Republic. It provides a bit of cover fire and startles the second squad of TIEs which swerve suddenly into the path of The Nerf's Republic. Partak zigs, but it seems he should have zagged and the TIE collides with The Nerf's Republic. As he recovers his wits he realizes his current course will take him directly towards the disabled Freighter and so he steers and avoids that collision.

Byalid manages to disable a number of systems in the cargo areas and will continue his task next round. Meanwhile, Dekar locates the engineers tool kit and begins redirecting the power to the engines when he is suddenly thrown to the floor when the ship collides with something(the TIE above).

Captain Helkin continues his computations and is only 28 rounds from his goal of three astrogate results. 3D-4N manages to remain standing during the collision and assists Mrs. Helkin with the sensor information.

Avoid Collision with TIEs(1d20+7-4=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=998325)
Avoid Collision with Freighter(1d20+7-4=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=998325)

I assume Partak is flying defensive(granting +4 dodge bonus).
If Caeda makes a computer use DC 20 each round, you can get an extra +2 defense.
If 3D-4N makes a charisma check DC10, Caeda gets +2 to her check.

Tactical Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Rnd3.jpg)

2007-04-24, 04:16 PM
Caeda "Helkin"

The jedi continues with computations, and begins to feed sensor information into the helm to assist Partak with his dodges...

Jon already wasn't going to like the scratch in hull's paint...

Computer Use: [roll0]

((Hopefully, Four-En makes his CHA check >.<))

2007-04-24, 05:36 PM

The droid assists Caeda in feeding sensor information to Partak's station, magnetic clamps keeping it firmly on its feet through the collision. He makes a note in his rear memory banks- Caeda is not truly blind, though further thought about that will have to wait until they're not under fire.

"Oro's Gambit is holding," he notes, voice a monotone intended to be easily ignorable. "One friendly freighter disabled. One enemy fighter damaged."

Charisma check [roll0]. Is it possible to use the aid another action to help instead, next round?

2007-04-24, 05:52 PM
At the collision with the TIE Jon exclaims, Haar'chak!, and them mutters, Now i have to get the hull repainted. he also says, not Bad Mr Garvaan, Continue evasive maneuvers. Jon continues his calculations but gives up on doing three calculations at once to expedite there departure.

Trip 1 Astrogate: (1d20+8=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=998612)
Trip 1 Astrogate: (1d20+8=27) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=998635)
Trip 1 Astrogate: (1d20+8=28) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=998649)

2007-04-24, 05:56 PM
((Actually I probably have tools, I got a 26 on the search check.))

Byalid continues his work.

Tau Fury
2007-04-24, 08:34 PM

"What the?" Dross cries out while franticly holding onto the shield control console, "your readouts for the shields must be broken, because its showing we still have full strength to shields."

2007-04-25, 02:23 AM

Dekar picks himself from the floor, looking clearly annoyed. "Sithspit," he curses and angrily grabs a hydrospanner from where the collision threw it. He returns to work with new determination.

{{Aaand another Repair check to reroute power: (1d20+7=23) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=999668)}}

2007-04-25, 04:54 PM
Partak continues his defensive flying and manages to avoid nearly a dozen laser beams which fly past the ship harmlessly. With the throttle at full power, the ship suddenly lurches forward when Byalid and Dekar reroute additional power to the ion engines.

As the swarm of TIE fighters behind the Nerf's Republic divides their attention between her and the slower Freighters. One of the slower Freighters off the port side takes several hits from the TIEs all of which appeared to impact the ship's shields. It seems that next round the TIEs will catchup with the Freighters.

The Mon Calamari and the Imperial Cruiser continue to spar with neither side inflicting any substantial damage yet. The squad of TIE fighters which has been harassing the Mon Calamari cruiser continue to pelt its shields with several laser blasts per second.

{{ Speed=8, Shields=on(full strength?), 7 rounds left on the astrogate

3D-4N - If you had your own terminal you could use 'Aid another', but from the background, you can just use charisma checks.
Jon - Don't actually need an astrogate every round, just one check when you complete the 10 rounds.
Tactical Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Rnd4.jpg)

2007-04-26, 08:05 PM
Jon continues his calculations.

Tau Fury
2007-04-26, 11:56 PM
The young twi'lek firmly grasps the shields console as the ship rocks violently. "Shields holding I guess, but to be safe... switching power to rear deflector shields. Hopefully, they'll stay back there." After angling the shields to the rear, Dross then asks, "Captain Helkin, what's the chance of the Imperials identifying this ship?"

2007-04-27, 12:30 AM
Caeda Trayus

Checking her sensors, Caeda gave a mental sigh in her mind. The freighters, even the damaged ones, would be fine as long as the Oro's Gambit was there to protect them...and it looked like the Oro's Gambit had the cruiser outclassed.

Her hands continue to work, relaying sensor information to the other stations.

However, she is not able to do this as quickly as before.

Computer Use: [roll0]

2007-04-27, 10:07 AM
the chance of those TIE identifying us are very good right now if they survive this engagement, so its time to change things up, prepare to bring us about and ram those TIE, Full power to forward shields. Once the shield have been Strengthened in the forward arc Jon says, Hard about Now!

Tau Fury
2007-04-27, 01:58 PM
"What...?" Dross begins to question the order but stammers before finishing. "Yes Captain. Setting shields to double front."

2007-04-27, 05:43 PM
Following orders Partak swing the ship around as hard as he can and aims for the cluster of TIE fighters that have been chasing the ship. Partak aims for the lead ship and manages to strike it. That collision jars the ship and its crew and the ship begins to tumble front over back. Unfortunately the pair of TIEs which followed the leader were unable to avoid a collision with flailing The Nerf's Republic.

When Partak finally rights the ship it is nearly back to the disabled freighter. Off the portside, the Oro's Gambit followed by a swarm of TIEs and the Imperial light cruiser can be seen a few kilometers away. It seems the Oro's Gambit made some progress on the TIEs as the swarm has diminished slightly with only 6 of the original 10 ships harassing it. Off the starboard side, the raw galactic beauty of the nebula stands in stark contrast to the struggle for life on the battlefield.

Dekar and 3D-4N seem to have better anticipated the collision and manage to stay on their feet. Byalid, on the other hand, is thrown across the room and is slammed into a valvehead.

Quick Turn 135 (DC 15) (1d20+7-4=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1006040)
Tie Avoid Nerf (DC 15+5+5) (1d20+8-4=10, 1d20+8-4=5, 1d20+8-4=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1006060)
Byalid/Balance (DC 20) (1d20+6=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1006108)
3d4n/Balance (DC 20) (1d20+5=24) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1006121)
Dekar/Balance (DC 20) (1d20+3=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1006131)

Only 6 rounds left on the astrogate check. Shield at double front. Speed=8.
Byalid takes 4 VP damage.
Tactical Map (http://http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Rnd5.jpg)

2007-04-27, 07:28 PM
Partak Garvaan

As he regains control over the ship and flies on past the destroyed TIEs, Partak shouts something in Gotal that sounds very much like the equivalent of "YEEE-HAW!" and grins happily to the others in the cockpit, showing his long white fangs.

2007-04-27, 08:03 PM

Fourren is impressed by the human's audacity. Ramming the unshielded TIEs is certainly the most efficient way to remove the smaller ships, trading damage at a direct ratio, but it's not a maneuver most beings would undertake.

"Two fighters destroyed," he reports as the ship rights itself. "Three still on our tail. Reccommend reorienting shields."

Charisma check to assist Caeda this round- [roll0]

2007-04-27, 08:11 PM

Byalid sits up, rubbing one of his ears. He makes a sound which almost sounds like "Ow" though it is something much worse to anyone understanding Kushiban. Then he says, in common, Why is the room spinning? He remains sitting for a few moments, waiting for the room to stop spinning.

2007-04-27, 08:35 PM
Go Job Mr. Garvaan, angle us to port head for the Oro's Gambit and lets see if we can drew some of those TIE off Her, Dross Even out the shields all around. says Jon as he continues his calculations

Tau Fury
2007-04-27, 10:08 PM

Dross quickly balances out the shields with the control console. "Shields set," responds the twi'lek.

2007-04-27, 10:57 PM
Caeda Trayus

'Mrs. Helkin' continues to work on the sensors diligently, only stopping to give a startus report on the Oro's Gambit. "The Mon Camarali have sustained explosions to their hull, but their shields remain up and the damage appears quarantined.

"One fighter at the rear of the convo has sustained multiple hits, and their shields are down...explosions on the surface of the hull, but they seem to keep on going."

Computer Use: [roll0]

2007-04-27, 11:08 PM
Partak Garvaan

Partak turns the lumbering freighter around to port. It's going to take some time getting used to the way this ship moves, he thinks to himself, but he says nothing.

2007-04-28, 06:38 PM
Partak turns the ship to the left and cuts just in front of the massive Mon Calamari cruiser. The TIE immediately behind The Nerf's Republic was clipped by the shields on the battle cruiser and destroyed. Once on the otherside of the cruiser, Partak turns to follow the along side the cruiser, somewhat shielded by its bulk. The other two TIE fighters circle around the vast ship unmolested by its turbolasers. They both fire upon The Nerf's Republic, one scoring a hit just after Mr. Dross manages to get the shield re-balanced. The shield collapse and the hull earns some carbon scoring.

Meanwhile the bulk of the freighters jump to hyperspace leaving two freighters behind, both previously damaged by the TIE fighters. The TIEs and the light cruiser continue to bombard the Oro's Gambit, managing to slip a couple shots through her shields causing more explosions and several depressurizations which expel crew members into space. All that in addition to continuing to wear down her shields.

Only 5 rounds left on the astrogate check. Shield down. Speed=8
Tactical Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Rnd6.jpg)

Tau Fury
2007-04-28, 10:37 PM
Shields down," Dross shouts out, "attempting to restore."


2007-04-30, 02:40 PM
Shields down," Dross shouts out, "attempting to restore."

Haar'chak!, muttered Jon. Mr.Garvaan try to keep us under the umbrella of the Gambit Shields until are shield are restored, Engineering see if you can restore power to the shield grid. says Jon as he continues his calculations

2007-05-03, 06:27 PM
The next 30 seconds are a blur as Captain Helkin finishes the complex calculations required for a jump to hyperspace. The TIEs continue to swarm around the massive Mon Calamari ship like Aldarrian Flies on a Bantha.

Partak continues to use the bulk of the massive ship to shield The Nerf's Republic from the deadly swarm of TIE fighters. While one occasionally manages a shot, none manage to strike The Nerf's Republic. As a result, Dross manages to raise the shields again to 6% and then to slowly work them up to 76%.

As Caeda and 3D-4N report, the Oro's Gambit does fair as well, it takes numerous hits to the shields and at least one shot manages to penetrate the shields destroying the port side Ion Cannon. In all, its shields don't really dip any lower than 70%.

Most of the TIE fighters which had been chasing the freighters, which jumped away(except 2 of them), turned back towards the Mon Calamari cruiser weapons blazing. The Imperial Cruiser, in contrast, turned away from the Oro's Gambit and turned its attention to one of the disabled freighters. Very quickly it managed to overpower the freighter's shields and eventually to completely destroy the ship.

At that point the Oro's Gambit turns towards the other disabled freighter and began to tractor beam the ship into her cargo bay. The Oro's Gambit and her crew continued to have trouble dealing with the swarming TIE fighters only managing to destroy one of the TIEs, which was following The Nerf's Republic slowly tailing her and lining up a shot.

As the hyperdrive is engaged, there only remained 9 TIE fighters and the Imperial Cruiser for the Mon Calamari ship to deal with.

The hyperdrive now engaged and seemingly functional, the crew can relax a bit and unpack.

2007-05-04, 12:02 AM
Partak Garvaan

"That was a close one" Partak says to nobody in particular as he smooths the fur on the back of his neck. "I just hope none of those Imperials managed to get a good ID on us or we could find things difficult once we reach our destination."

2007-05-04, 12:12 AM
As he pulled the levers to the hyperdrive and they leaped into hyperspace Jon shied as he said, well that was tense, Good job every one, you can secure from combat operation, Engineering if you'd please reroute power back to all disabled systems, you all can, then go get some rest if my calculations are right we have 18 hours to kill. after Mr. Garvaan spoke Jon replied, Lets just hope they didn't.

2007-05-04, 03:43 AM
Caeda Trayus

As the freighter exploded, Caeda could feel a sharp prang in her heart...an insufferable pain for a brief moment, which caused her to grit her teeth...The first nerve wrack lasted only a split second, but it lingered on in a drawn out dulled effect that seeped into Caeda's flesh and bones and causing her to become somewhat fatigued.

Her Miraluka heritage was both a blessing and a curse, for when mixed with the trainings of a Jedi, it made her something of a prodigy when it came to sensing things through the Force...mass deaths and such disasters had always deeply effected her though...to the point where her master, had to spend two whole months teaching her how to dampen and suppress these occurances...

...the Clone War had not been kind on Caeda...

...nor her Master...

...in any event, Caeda knew that she was slipping up...that freighter could hold more then 9 people at most after all...she shouldn't have been able to feel anything at all, if her learnings had been in tact...she would have to meditate on this.

She rose from her seat, and turned to Jon. With the need for direct clarity for battle gone, her accent returned. "A break...a rest...a rejuvenation. I shall take these, if I am needed for naught else, my dear."

Caeda then let a single word float into Jon's mind...


Telepathy: Take 10 +5 = 15 (VP lost: 3)

2007-05-04, 04:59 AM
{{ To clarify... you executed 3 jumps, a minute apart so that Captain Helkin could make the computations for the next jump. This 18 hour jump is the final jump to Sneeve. }}

2007-05-04, 08:05 AM
Jon nods to Caeda, OK I'll come and wake you should any think require your attention, i think I'll go get some sleep myself

2007-05-06, 01:26 PM
With the battle over and on course for Sneeve every is able to relax a little. The captain and his wife go to sleep leaving the rest of the crew to explore the ship and each other.

{{ Anyone wishing to continue the installation of the shielding may do so with a Repair(DC 15) or Craft Space Transport(DC 10). }}

Two hours into the hyperspace jump, the ship suddenly drops out of hyperspace as it collides with several small objects. The pings and bangs echo throughout the ship easily waking everyone.

{{ Anyone still awake during the collision needs to make a balance check DC 15 or suffer 1d4 VP. Byalid has healed 4VP of his previous damage by this point }}

The collision also seems to have put the ship into a slight roll which makes walking/running more difficult(Balance DC 15 to make progress). A few moments after the collision, the ship begins to vibrate and shutter. It almost feels like the ship is preparing to land as the vibration grow more intense every second.

Anyone entering the main hallway or bridge area hears various automated alarms going off.

2007-05-06, 01:33 PM

Byalid works on the shielding for the first two hours, until the collision.

Repair: [roll0]
Balance: [roll1]
VP damage, if failed: [roll2]

2007-05-06, 07:22 PM
Partak Garvaan

Letting out a string of guttural curses in Gotal, Partak (who had been on duty in the cockpit when the ship droped out of hyperspace) grabs the control yoke and tries to regain control of the ship.

Pilot check (including -4 for nonproficiency): [roll0]

2007-05-06, 08:30 PM
Jon had been lightly dozing in his cabin when the collision came and was thrown from his bunk to the floor, Jon grunted from the impact, Rolling over Jon tries to get to his feet but cannot get his footing due to the wild movement if the ship, evenly Jon gets to this feet and heads out of his cabin and heads to the bridge.

VP damage (1d4=4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1026339)
Balance to stand: (1d20+3=8) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1026367)
Balance: (1d20+3=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1026376)

Tau Fury
2007-05-06, 10:40 PM

The shake and shutter easily awake Dross. "What now?" the young twi'lek questions no one but the darkness of his quarters. He then lets out a string of curses both in Ryll and Huttese as he rolls out his bunk. Dross heads for the bridge, bracing against the walls of the
ship to steady himself.

Once he makes it to the bridge he asks, "What's happening?"


2007-05-07, 06:37 AM

Dekar helps Byalid with the shielding installation, until the collision. He easily keeps his balance when the ship rocks, and even manages to avoid damaging anything. He is, however, rather miffed at the interruption, and starts swearing in Huttese.

"The hell are they doing? I thought we were in safe space already!"

Repair check, Balance check and Vitality Point damage if falls, respectively: (1d20+7=17, 1d20+3=23, 1d4=4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1027442)

2007-05-08, 04:10 PM
As several crew member wander out of their rooms into the main hallway they get the feeling they are drunk or perhaps stoned as they meander back and forth across the hallway attempting to compensate for the rocking and rolling of the ship.

As Captain Helkin, Dross, Byalid, and Deker, they find Mr. Gravaan at the pilot console. While it is obvious he is struggling, it is not clear if he is keeping the bouncing and rolling from getting worse or if he is making it worse.

The main cockpit window simply shows what looks like sienna mist blowing past the ship. Numerous red flashing lights blink, unheeded warnings, at the various consoles.

Dross inquires, "What's happening?"

2007-05-08, 04:30 PM
(Post here soon)

2007-05-08, 09:55 PM
As several crew member wander out of their rooms into the main hallway they get the feeling they are drunk or perhaps stoned as they meander back and forth across the hallway attempting to compensate for the rocking and rolling of the ship.

As Captain Helkin, Dross, Byalid, and Deker, they find Mr. Gravaan at the pilot console. While it is obvious he is struggling, it is not clear if he is keeping the bouncing and rolling from getting worse or if he is making it worse.

The main cockpit window simply shows what looks like sienna mist blowing past the ship. Numerous red flashing lights blink, unheeded warnings, at the various consoles.

Dross inquires, "What's happening?"

Partak Garvaan

"Grab a seat captain, I'm having trouble keeping this flying slab of duracrete steady!" Partak says, struggling with the control yokes.

Once Jon has taken over the piloting, the Gotal will answer Dross. "That red stuff is either phosphorus or sulfur floating in an ammonia cloud, I'm not entirely sure which. Either way, we are falling through the upper atmosphere of a gas planet and will most likely be crushed to death if we don't stop soon.
If that wasn't enough, I think we hit a few rocks coming through the planet's rings on the way in. I'm not exactly sure what damage we have suffered, but the ship is spinning out of control. Perhaps our little rabbit friend can give us a damage report?" (this last was directed at Byalid).

Pilot check (including -4 for nonproficiency and -2 to compensate for the roll of the ship): [roll0]
Charisma check (to assist Jon's Pilot check once he takes over): [roll1]

2007-05-08, 09:55 PM
Pilot check (again since it didn't work for some reason): [roll0]
Charisma check (ditto): [roll1]

2007-05-09, 12:42 PM
Caeda Trayus

Caeda snaps from her meditation, as the ship rocks and hurls her off her bed, and to the floor. Thankfully, her jedi reflexes manage to minimize the damage done, and she takes a brief moment to collect her self and gain her footing.

Grabbing her lightsaber from the bedside table, and hooking it back into place in the interior of her robes, she quickly turns and leaves the room.

Out in the hallway, she takes a moment to look around, and then hurries to the bridge, where she slides into her Sensor Operator's seat and begins to scan.

"Jon...you said if anything was important, you would wake me from my slumber...This be important, I think." She says, slowly phasing her accent out again, in favor of the more legible speak that she uses in crisis.

Balance for damage: 9
Damage taken: 1
Balance to move: 16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1032464)

Computer Use (for scanners): [roll0]

2007-05-10, 11:35 AM
Jon rush to his pilots station and takes over from Garvaan and concentrates on stopping the ships spinning and then pulling up and out of the planets atmosphere.

To Caeda comment Jon Replies sorry i Just got back up here myself.

Pilot (1d20+12=27) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1034488)

2007-05-10, 04:41 PM

Byalid runs to the engineering room. Hearing Partak asking for a damage report, he calls out: I am not a rabit! Still, systems appear to be holding. I don't really know about how much damage we've taken. I'm gonna shift power to shields. Are we gonna need weapons?

Balance: [roll0]
Repair (from weapons): [roll1]
Repair (To shields): [roll2]

2007-05-10, 04:43 PM
Captain Helkin slides in to the pilot's console, releasing Mr. Garvaan from his pilot duties. The ship responds to his commands and he has quickly reversed the deadly descent. The ship feels wrong somehow, almost like a stablizer broke off or something is clinging to the ship causing extra drag in the thick atmosphere of the gas giant.

Mrs Helkin gracefully bounds in to the sensor console seat and begins working the sensors. From within the atmosphere of the planet, nothing registers on the sensors. No life on the planet, no detectable ships nearby.

As the atmosphere thins and the stars start to show, the ship is pelted by several micrometeors. By the time Mr. Dross raises the shields, they have stopped and the ship is clear of the planet's rings.

Once the ship rises up from the planet and into the clear, the crew is able to run the star charts to determine the ship's position. The Polyxthus System. The red planet is the third of five in the system, none inhabited. Captain Helkin recognizes the name from his astrogate checks. The course was supposed to take them through the outer edge of the system, not through the middle of it.

Once clear of the planet, Caeda is able to sweep the system with the sensors and does not detect any other ships in the system.

Byalid looks over the ship's system, none register any damage from the collision and the newly raised shields show full strength. Any damage from the collisions must be superficial hull damage and/or not detectable.

{{ Someone will have to compute a new astrogate course }}

2007-05-10, 09:58 PM
Haar'chak!, i must of miscalculated are course, servers me right for buying a used starship with a busted Nav-Computer, remind me we need to get a R-Series droid to do these Dam calculation's, and wile I'm on the subject of Droids we need a battle droid of some sort to operate the turret, Rents Jon in his angry over his screw-up, as he recalculates the course.

Astrogate: (1d20+8=22) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1035662)

Tau Fury
2007-05-11, 12:32 AM

With the crisis now over, Dross releases a sigh of relief. "I'm glad that's over with. Space travel isn't something I like, and I'm not really used to it. " The twi'lek stops speaking but only for a moment. "Well now, all this excitement has made me a bit thirsty. Since I don't think I'm can do anything here to help, I'll be going to the galley looking for something to drink.... If you don't mind, Captain." He says the last part almost as an afterthought. Dross checks the shield console one last time before heading for the galley. He's doubtful he'll fing anything more intresting than bottle of Corellian Ale there.

2007-05-11, 03:00 PM
While the rest of the crew observes the beauty of this virgin system, Captain Helkin makes the calculations for the jump to Sneeve. Now that the ship is clear of the planet, the crew can clearly see by the white light of the dwarf star Polyxthus.

You can even make out what looks like a swirl or eddy in the misty red surface of the gas giant. After a minute of marveling at the beauty around them, the ship makes a smooth jump into hyperspace.

Once in hyperspace the shields and sensor consoles cease to function and the crew is free to go back to whatever they were doing.

2007-05-11, 04:09 PM
With the ship jumping to hyperspace Jon turns around and say, well Lady and gentleman looks like we still got another 18 hours Intel we get to Sneeve. Had to steer us around a particularly dense cluster of comets in the Polyxthus Oort Cloud, witch you all were probably admiring wile we were in real space, well I'll head back to my cabin to get me a book to read and then I'll come back here and stand watch for a wile. Jon then stands and walks back to his cabin, several minutes later he returns with three book.

2007-05-11, 06:50 PM

Byalid returns to working on the shielding.

[spoiler]Repair: [roll0]

2007-05-11, 09:53 PM
Partak Garvaan

Once Jon is back on the bridge, Partak excuses himself and heads back to his cabin to get some sleep.

2007-05-12, 01:41 AM

"What was it?" Dekar asks from Byalid as he returns to the work. "Are we going to die horribly as a space slug devours our ship and digests us for a thousand years, or did we just take a wrong turn at Alderaan?"

2007-05-14, 05:06 PM
Captain Helkin closely watches the the controls for the first couple hours, but then falls back to reading his book as it becomes obvious the jump will be successful.

Most of the crew rests after a long boring day watching the workers install scan shielding. After about 9 more hours Byalid and Dekar finish the job the workers couldn't manage and the shielded compartment is complete. Byalid and Dekar are done, but exhausted as most of the crew begins to rise from their sleep.

Like Byalid and Dekar, 3D-4N works through the night upgrading his weapon in some secret way that only his droid brain can comprehend.

It'd be nice if the GM knew what you were doing and you made some craft/repair checks. You'll be able to get 2 full days worth of progress(so roll twice).

2007-05-15, 07:28 AM

Finally, Dekar tosses the last tool into the toolbox and steps away from his work. "Aaaand I'm done, thank the stars," he says. "I'm going to crash into my bunk and doze off. Try not to wake me up if it isn't really important."

He stumbles into his cabin and shuts the door.

2007-05-15, 08:39 AM

Byalid also places his tool in the toolbox, but instead of going to his room, he goes to engineering and sleeps there, curled into a ball.

2007-05-15, 08:54 PM
Jon settles in to his book and puts his feet up on the copilots chair and begins to dose on and off in his chair for the next four hours,.

2007-05-16, 03:49 PM
Caeda Trayus

The Miraluka looks to Jon for a moment as he begins loosing the fight with sleep, and shakes her head...she would have to wait until he woke up and had a glass of Caf before taking her own...which was fine she supposed, since she didn't feel like resting much at the moment.

She continues on with her work at the sensor station, cataloging the sites as she had done before after she had first met Jon on that scoutship, four years ago.

If any imperials or other ships came they're way, it was good cover. A nice, inconspicuous surveyor vessel...not worth the energy needed to produce ship-scale blaster bolts, or tractor beams, or interdictor fields.

She doesn't dare go into meditation while on the bridge however...as small objects had a tendency to float off the ground when she did so.

2007-05-18, 06:16 AM
Coming Out

For the most part the various mixed bounty hunters do their own thing and relax one last time before the guts of the mission are thrust upon them.

The remaining 18 hours fly by. Once the scan shielded cell is complete, everything else is optional. Everyone catches up on sleep. 4N manages to make a lot of progress on his weapon, but for the most part the crew just hangs out, plays cards, eats, and wishes that Captain Helkin stocked larger quanities of better tasting alcohol.

An alarm sounds from the bridge and it echos throughout the ship when there only remains 10 minutes until the ship exits hyperspace.

{{ Feel free to insert other things if you missed you chance to do something. }}

2007-05-18, 06:20 PM
After hours of dozing on and off for JOn finely gets up and gets a cup of caf or two and continues his witch with Caeda on the bridge, Finally when the alrme goes off Jon sits up strait in his pilots seat and reaches out for the lever and begins to count down, when he reaches zero he pulls the lever and drops the ship out of hyperspace.

2007-05-19, 06:40 PM
Partak Garvaan

As the alarm goes off, Partak drops his sabacc hand on the table, and sprints for the cockpit.

2007-05-20, 08:45 AM
Fleet Operations

Captain Helkin pulls the ship out of hyperspace and into real space. The ship is about 1000km above the surface of the single habitable planet in the Sneeve system.

As the crew work the controls several warning lights come on as the ship is scanned. The source of the scan is a massive battle cruiser orbiting the planet about 400km away. A Star Destroyer. Looking out the front windows a keen observer quickly notes a score of small fighter craft closing fast.

Before the crew can react the comm system crackles to life. A dignified sounding male voice comes across, "This is the Imperial Star Destroyer Malice. You have entered a restricted system. State your business in the Sneeve System."

2007-05-20, 12:10 PM
Caeda if you'd please open a channel please, Once the channel is open Jon says, Malice, This is Captain Jon Helkin of The Nerf's Republic out of Coreillia, ferrying a group of Bounty hunter to Sneeve.

2007-05-20, 04:17 PM
Caeda Trayus

As the alarm sounded, Caeda picks up her mask and helm and places them over her face...many bounty hunters conceal their faces to protect themselves and also to intimidate others, so it was something she found that drawed less attention to herself then her covered miraluka eyes.

As Jon asks for the comm channel, she opens it and lets Jon work his professional magic.

2007-05-21, 05:48 AM
While waiting for the reply, the two squadrons of TIE fighters buzz the ship. One of the squadrons falls into formation around the slower freighter while the other zooms away on patrol or some other terror mission.

After several bone chilling seconds of waiting for their reply, it comes, "Understood. We will escort you into land at <<coordinates>> at which time you wil register your team and crew with the local commander. Welcome to Sneeve."

The last part of the transmission almost sounded sarcastic.

2007-05-21, 10:19 AM
Understood Malice, Nerf's Republic out!, Says Jon. Jon then motions to Caeda to shut the comm channel. Jon then turns to his pilots console and begins to head for the landing Zone. Afters several minutes the Nerf's Republic reachs the Landing Zone and Jon brings the ship in for a as smooth as he can Landing.

Pilot check to land: (1d20+12=23) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1059243)

Tau Fury
2007-05-21, 03:04 PM

Dross, slightly groggy from the Corellian ale, stands motionless and nervously. He listens carefully to the comm chatter and releases a sigh of relief when it is over. "Well, the hard part is over. Now for the meet and greet," says Dross with a grin. The young Twi'lek then pats his vest before speaking up again. "Does anyone else think the Imperials will have search and inspection for weapons and contraband?"

2007-05-21, 03:33 PM

Byalid prepares to stow away his cloak and gear, knowing that it wouldn't make sense under his cover as a pet. He thinks better of it, and asks a general question: Could I store my gear in somebody else's room? It would be suspicious if our presumed numbers don't match up to the number of rooms with equipment, especially if we are searched. He sits on the floor as he awaits and answer.

2007-05-21, 05:25 PM
Glancing over his shoulder at Byalid Jon says, you can store your gear in my cabin, I have a spacer's chest leaning against the left wall you can put your stuff in there.

2007-05-21, 05:38 PM
Bounty Hunter Scum

As the ship comes in to land the TIE escort returns to space. The whole area around the coordinates are quite rugged and mountainous. Large snow capped mountains with little vegetation, deep valleys and the occasional lake. The coordinates are for a 6 slot landing pad which extends out from the side of a mountain. Three of the other slots are occupied by some classic bounty hunter vessels, small, but heavily armed freighters. The first is a modified YT-1300 with a quad laser cannon mounted top center painted with yellow and green markings. The second is a Ghtroc 720 freighter with what looks like several missile racks. The third is a older model Firespray 27 with no obvious external modifications, but several small droids stand watch near the ship.

The only sign of civilization in the area is a vast man-made opening into the mountain. The opening is equipped with heavy blast door and is ringed by large glass windows. A large, very new and shiny sign is mounted above the opening, written there, in Galactic Basic, in large gold letters, "Welcome to Palpatine City"

As the ship settles in to land, a large dust cloud is kicked up, obscuring the opening, but it looks like 4 imperial stormtroopers are marching out to meet the ship.

2007-05-21, 05:46 PM

Thank you. Byalid quickly stows his things in Jon's room and goes to the bridge. He curls himself up into a ball in the corner, playing the part of a pet quite well.

2007-05-21, 06:16 PM

As they approach, 4N stows his blaster in one of his interior compartments. A bounty hunter was expected to carry a gun; a droid wasn't. He stops by the pilot's cabin on its way to the entry hatch. "If any of you have something you wish concealed, I can hide it for you."

After accepting any objects, the droid moves to the boarding ramp and gets ready to greet the approaching stormtroopers.

2007-05-21, 08:23 PM
After the ship settles onto the landing pad Jon powers down the ship and sets all of it's systems on to standby, with that done, Jon hits the switch to lower the landing ramp. Jon then gets up and heads to the Landing ramp to greet the Stormtroopers. as Jon gets up Jon says, OK people lets go say hello to are new hosts.

Tau Fury
2007-05-21, 09:46 PM
Dross smiles as he looks out the view port. "Only four troopers and no scanning device. Security seems to lax o the ground. This could be a smuggler's paradise if it wasn't for the Imperial Navy presences." The twi'lek, eager to step on solid ground again, anxiously follows the other to the ramp.

2007-05-21, 10:36 PM
Caeda Trayus

The Miraluka rethinks her plan at the last moment, and leaves her blast helm on her console as she stands up and adjusts her blindfold...after all, she had 4N now, and her biological blindness was her story.

She rises and follows after Jon, only stopping to entwine her arm with the metallic limb of 3D-4N. "Remember. Act supportive...it would be your primary function as a seeing eye droid."

Caeda turns to the rest of the crew and says. "Does anyone know of the local laws concerning blasters?"

2007-05-21, 10:41 PM
NO but i have a feeling that were about to find out from those troopers, Say Jon from over his shoulder as he walks.

2007-05-21, 11:01 PM

"Indeed. But I suspect the rules, whatever they are, are relaxed somewhat for bounty hunters." He begins closely following Caeda's movements, as an actual seeing-eye droid would be doing, although in this case there is no need to steer her away from objects.

2007-05-22, 02:15 AM

Dekar spent most of his time playing cards with the other crew members and reading tourist guides. When they touch down, he goes to gather his stuff. After a very short while walks to the landing ramp, dressed in a dark blue blast vest, complete with a matching helmet and reinforced fingerless gloves. A backpack and a blaster carbine hang from his shoulders.

"I sure hope so. I feel naked without a blaster."

Tau Fury
2007-05-22, 03:53 PM

The smaller Twi'lek pats his own blaster pistol and laughs. "Aye, let's hope they know that in our line of work, weapons are necessary."

2007-05-22, 05:06 PM
Walking the Plank

As the boarding ramp lowers and the crew prepares to disembark, the squad of stormtroopers arrive. They step up to the edge of the ramp with rifles out and ready. When they see the crew there, waiting to exit, they sling their rifles and step aside.

They watch the crew exit and then say, "Pardon me Captain. You and your crew don't seem to have enough weapons. They're going to want to register all the weapons you have with you. It'll take less time if you bring them with you now. You'd best turn over any explosives to us. You are not allowed to have any on this System."

2007-05-22, 06:55 PM
Understood, I'll be right back. Jon then heads back in to the ship and heads right for his cabin. when Jon returns he has his two DL-44 hanging on his hips in there holster's, a DL-18 in a holster in his Right boot, and his Vibrodagger in his left boot, and hanging from a strap over his right shoulder is his Merr-Sonn Underslung Rotary Light repeater

2007-05-23, 07:03 AM

"Well, didn't see that coming," he says and laughs. Then he notices Jon's arsenal. "Or, for the record, that either."

2007-05-23, 02:31 PM
Partak Garvaan

Partak flashes a toothy grin at the stormtroopers, and shows them his the C-14 stun grenade he carries in his vest pocket, and then draws his Sorosuub S5 blaster. "I've always found that the number of weapons a being carries doesn't matter one tenth so much as his intelligence or the skill with which he can use them."

2007-05-23, 03:10 PM
Caeda Trayus

Though she could "see" the events around her, Caeda keeps her story straight as her head looking forward at nothing in picticular.

"Sounds like my husband is showing off his toys again...4N...would you please grab my pistols and hand them over for the inspection?" She asks the droid, as she feels up and down her waist for the holstered ion pistol and heavy blaster with the hand that wasn't holding onto the droid's arm.

2007-05-23, 06:01 PM

"Of course, Mistress." 4N's voice has again taken on the lighter, more courteous and almost fussy tones that characterize many protocol droids. He reaches across with his free hand, taking for now only the heavy blaster pistol and leaving the ion gun where it is. The droid leaves his own blaster concealed in his back compartment. Always better to have a card up your sleeve they don't know about.

Tau Fury
2007-05-23, 06:57 PM

Acknowledging the request, Dross removes his Sorosuub ELG-3A blaster pistol from its holster. Next, he pulls from an interior pocket of his cloak a stun baton. Dross readies the two weapons for inspection and registration. "That's all I have," he says with a smile.

2007-05-23, 07:28 PM

Byalid does absolutely nothing with regards to weaponry. He sits down in front of Caeda.

2007-05-24, 06:01 AM
Move Along, Move Along

As the crew start to brandish weapons one of the stormtroopers hold up his hands, turns to the Captain and says, "Whoa. Pardon us Captain. We don't need to see them. Just bring them with you to the registration desk."

One of the other Stormtroops moves over to stand before the massive Partek and takes the small grenade he holds and says, "What's this a C-14? Stun Grenades are fine." As the stormtrooper backs away he tosses the grenade back to Partek. The storm trooper looks over the crew and looks into the ship and says, "Is this everyone?"

Two of the stormtrooper march off towards the massive opening. The remaining two wait for the crew to go first and eventually one says, "Move along."

2007-05-24, 11:39 AM
Yes this is every one, which way is the registration desk?. Say Jon

Tau Fury
2007-05-24, 10:42 PM
"Lead the way Captain," Dross says as he slides the blaster pistol back into its holster. He steps in line to follow but makes sure to check ahead for any potential weapons scanners.

2007-05-25, 05:55 AM
The pair stormtroopers take up a rear guard an march the whole crew into the opening to "Palpatine City". From the outside, it doesn't look like much of city. Actually, from the inside it doesn't either, but it does look like the interior of a space station.

Once beyond the blast doors, which don't look like they've been closed in years, is a vast hallway. The main hallway is perhaps 10 meters wide and 12 meters tall. That vertical distance is divided into two levels. The upperlevel consists of a 2 meter wide walkway on both the left and right side of the main hallway with a 6 meter gap between them. That gap is spanned by bridgeways every 30 or 40 meters down the length of the hallway. The hallway continues straight ahead for probably at least a 1000 meters. The hallway is lined with shops and the entrances to various residential dwellings.

The hallways bristles with activity. There are hundreds of people visible just from the outside, most don't even look up at the stormtroopers and bounty hunters. Those that do quickly turn away.

The troopers lead the crew into the first hatchway on the left. After passing through a small waiting area, they are led into a large office with a huge 10 meter by 3 meter wide window. The window looks out over the landing pad and beyond that, the mountains, valleys and rivers.

A tall human with short brown hair wearing an imperial officer's uniform sits at the desk. The desk seems to be some sort of relic, made of wood or some other plant material polished to a dark brown with a shiny almost reflective surface. 2 meters in front of the desk is a long yellow piece of tape is stuck to the floor. As the crew enters motions you forward and says, "Please line up on the tape. Which of you is in command of this... team?"

Once the team is fully in the office, the stormtrooper close the door and take up positions on either side of the interior of the door.

2007-05-25, 08:42 AM
Jon steps up to the front of the line and says, I guess that would be me, I'm Captain Jon Helkin of the Nerf's Republic.

2007-05-25, 02:58 PM
The officer almost has a look of relief on his face when Captain Jon speaks. He nods and taps a couple entries into his computer terminal and then speaks.

"Captain, you and your team will be permitted to carry and use weapons while on Sneeve. However, all weapons must be registered with us. If our troops catch you using unregistered weapons you will be fined for the first offense and imprisoned for repeat offenses. Due to the underground nature of the communities on Sneeve, all explosives are prohibited."

"Your team will be issued identification cards. Keep them in your possession as you are required to present them to any Imperial forces you might interact with. Your slavehands and other assistants will also be issued identification cards, but they will not be permitted to carry or use weapons."

"There is a fee of 250 credits for each bounty hunter identification card and 100 credits for all other identification cards."

"We currently have over 200 open bounties. We will provide you a subset of those so that there isn't too much overlap with the 8 other bounty hunter teams. All bounties may be turned in across the hall. No credit will be given for disintegrations. There is also a 50 credit fine for each incorrect delivery, 100 credits if the mark is dead."

"Questions?" Pauses for questions. "Now then, I'll open a new record for your team. Will each of you please state your name, species, your job(bounty hunter or assistant) and list out any weapons you have."

He types a bit more and then the computer terminal makes a soft tone. He looks up awaiting each response.

2007-05-25, 03:02 PM

Byalid does nothing except sitting at Caeda's side and looking around, trying to look like a pet.

2007-05-25, 05:45 PM
Jon steps forward and goes first, Captain Jon Helkin, Human, Bounty Hunter, weapons, 1 Merr-Sonn Underslung Rotary Light repeater, 1 DL-18 Blaster pistol, 2 DL-44 Heavy Blasters, and 1 Vibrodagger. Jon then steps back to let the others go next.

2007-05-25, 10:38 PM
Caeda Trayus

While Jon talked his way past the guard, Caeda centered herself and reached out with her emotions to scan the officer.

Empathy: [roll0]
Edit: (+4 to Diplomacy, Bluff, Entertain, Handle Animal, Sense Motive...etc)

Caeda then walks up with 3D-4N and Byalid. "Caeda Helkin." She states. "Jon Helkin's wife, and also bounty hunter by association. Human. My assistance droid, 3D-4N, will show you my ordinance...a MerrSonn DEMP ion pistol, and a DL-44 heavy blaster. I also have a pet who wishes to remain at my feet named Byl."

Of course, Caeda knew that she wasn't human or Jon's wife...but no one else at the desk except Jon, knew differently. She was also omitting certain facts...like her lightsaber which was concealed in the folds of her robes....or her force sensitivity or...

Caeda just hoped she could pull it off without having to alter any thought patterns today...Jedi training didn't exactly include deception...and being able to "see" mostly everything, meant that Caeda had a slightly harder time then most at understanding the concept. Getting a lie past her was hard, but so was she pulling off a bluff. Hence, her use of the force to help gauge her success...and if it failed...to help notify her to quickly reassure the officer with a few..em...gestures and words.

Tau Fury
2007-05-25, 10:46 PM

"The name is Dross. Twi'lek as you can see... Bounty Hunter. Two weapons: Sorosuub's ELG-3A blaster pistol and this stun baton," Dross states to the officer as he reveals his weapons. He smiles knowing his Merr-Sonn J1 is nicely hidden within his vest.

DC check for J1:1d20+12[16,12] = (28) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1067880)

2007-05-26, 01:50 AM

"Dekar Secc, a twi'lek, bounty hunter, EE-3 blaster carbine and a SoroSuub ELG-3A blaster pistol."

2007-05-26, 12:59 PM
Partak Garvaan

"Name: Partak Garvaan
Species: Gotal
Occupation: Bounty hunter
Weapons: Sorosuub S5 Security blaster, C-14 stun grenade"
After speaking his piece, Partak hands over his credit chip so the officer can deduct the 250 for a license to hunt.

2007-05-26, 01:35 PM
Jon Hands the officer his credit chip to pay the fees

2007-05-26, 04:55 PM
Picture Pages

As Partak speaks the officer almost has a sneer on his face. Once the Gotal finishes speaking the officer quickly stops the recording file and speaks to the Captain.

"Thank you. A fine team you've assembled. Good hunting. The registration will be 1450 credits." He takes the chip from the Captain, ignoring Partak.

He plugs the chip into the computer and after transferring the balance presses another button and an AS-M12 hover droid floats over, hovering in front of the group. It slowly slides right to left focusing it's camera on each member of the group and then making a second pass at low altitude to attempt to photograph Byalid in his nature habitat. The droid then returns to a recharging stand in the back corner of the room away from the windows.

He hands back the credit chip and says, "While we wait for your identification cards to be printed can I upload your slice of the bounty list? Do you have a datapad?"

2007-05-26, 05:11 PM
Jon takes back his credit chip, Sorry Sir i don't Have a Datapad.

2007-05-26, 07:14 PM
The officer anticipating that you would have a datapad reaches out for it. When he fully processes what you've said he raises an eyebrow and sighs. He then says, "Fine, I'll burn it to a chip for you. You can view it on your ship's computer. Maybe your droid will be able to access it as well. Bring the chip back with you when you drop off bounties and they'll provide you an updated list."

Another Imperial officer, this one much lower in rank, walks in holding several badges. He hands Jon and Caeda their badges and then hands the remaining badges to the 3D-4N and walks away.

The original officer inserts a memory chip into the computer terminal in front of him and after a minute or so ejects it and slides it across the desk towards the team. With a wave of his hand, he says, "This concludes our business.". He nods and the stormtroops open the door. Two of them walk towards the team to encourage them to get moving.

2007-05-26, 08:31 PM
OK folk let's go get to work, Say Jon as he leads the group out the Door and out of the office, Once out in the main hall Jon looks around for a store to buy a datapad from, so when he gets back to the ship he can transfer the data on the chip to the datapad.

2007-05-27, 01:23 PM
Caeda Helkin

Once out of the office, Caeda hands out the badges to her associates, and lets out a quiet sigh...she hated having to alter minds...the practice, though commonplace enough in the old republic, didn't sit well with her...though that may have been because of her experiences. Being helpless without knowing it...because you where either mind tricked, or in stasis...

It was enough to remind Caeda how important true memory was...especially in her case. Her memories of just five years ago, where the memories a time that was 19 years ago...this gave her a better chance then anyone living today, to remember all her friends and associates who had since died in the years before and after her stasis imprisonment.

She 'looks' to Jon for a moment as he begins his search and suggests: "Jon...perhaps there is a directory terminal nearby."

Tau Fury
2007-05-27, 01:34 PM

Leaving the Imperial presence quickly calms Dross's nerves. "I'm sure I could load up the information on the card with my wrist com," suggests Dross.

2007-05-27, 01:36 PM

Byalid looks around when he reaches the main hallway. If he sees Stormtroopers, which he probably would, he attempts to get Jon's attention. If he doesn't see any, he just says I have a datapad on the ship, plus a hundred something blank cards.

2007-05-27, 07:15 PM
Boutique Bound

Once the group is fully out of the office, the 4 stormtroopers split up. Two remain posted outside of the office you just exitted and the other two move out on the hangar platform toward the old Firespray with the droids standing in front of it.

A quick glance up the main street reveal several prospects for acquiring a datapad. It is a fairly expensive item, but quite a common one. The one sign which catches your eye is a flashing blue and orange sign with lots of eye catching graphics. The store claims to be called, "Crazy Oobado's Discount Electronics". Below the main sign, once you manage to divert your eyes, is another sign, "Electronics sold, new, used, repairs made on site."

2007-05-27, 08:27 PM
Partak Garvaan

"Sir?" the Gotal says to Jon as he sees him eyeing the electronics shops, "would you like to borrow my datapad?"

If Jon answers in the affirmative, Partak will hand him his MicroData Pocket Secretary with built in administrative software and voice recording capability. "Some of us don't spend all our profits on repeating blaster cannon" he says with a slight smirk. "Bounty hunting is a business as much as it is a mynock shoot."

2007-05-28, 05:11 AM
Caeda Trayus

"Seen you have not, of Jon Helkin shooting mynocks..." Caeda quietly comments as she leans on the droid and waits. "Though, I suppose neither have I."

2007-05-28, 07:58 AM
"Well, that went smoothly," Dekar says as they walk out of the office. "Guess I owe you a couple of hundred creds, captain."

"Bounty hunting is a business as much as it is a mynock shoot."
"Tch, so that's what I've been doing wrong. Tell me, where could I find a few mynocks?"

Dekar digs a datapad and a pair of datacards out of his backpack. "In other words, I'd like a copy of the list as well."

2007-05-28, 12:33 PM
Thank you Partak, As Jon takes the preferred Datapad Jon inserts the card and loads the list so thay can all see what there up against. And as for my spending my profits on repeating blaster cannon, you'll be glad i did when we windup facing long odds. And Mr. Dekar yes you can have a copy, sending it now. But as for me picking up a datapad of my own i still think i will. Jon turns off the pad and removes the chip and puts it in a pouch on his utility belt, and then heads over and in to Crazy Oobado's Discount Electronics.

Computer Use (1d20+6=26) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1071823) to open list and transmit it to Dekar datapad and save a copy to Partak datapad too.

2007-05-28, 01:40 PM
Fish Stories

The crew walks a hundred yards or so further into the city. Most of the citizens are Ortolan and as a result are forced to look up to the T'wileks, Humans, and Gotal. The citizens give the newcomers a wide berth not risking confrontation or accidental death should the hunters confuse them with their quarry.

A small female Ortolan child smiles and waves at the group only to find herself immediately scolded by her mother. The mother glances at the group with a look of pure terror in her eyes before she pulls the child off the street into the nearest store, a "locally caught" fish market.

Arriving at Crazy Oobado's Discount Electronics, Captain Jon nearly is run over by a young Selonian male which bolts from the store clutching several small electronic parts in hand. The young Selonian doesn't say anything or even make eye contact with the group and simply sprints deeper into the city.

Assuming you don't chase down the kid... are you looking for anything special in a datapad? new, used, restored? Waterproof? Armor plated? Any add-ons(data port connector and cables, etc)?

2007-05-28, 03:01 PM
((well i think I'll go for a new Datapad with the data port connector and cables, and the Waterproofing, and 10 blank cards. and if possible maybe a list of available programs.))

Tau Fury
2007-05-29, 12:23 AM

Noticing the daughter's and mother's actions and reactions, Dross wonders out loud, "Anyone else see that? I wonder if that's how everyone will react to us. It doesn't look like we'll get much help from the locals."

The solonian youth now draws his attention. Not only does the solonian seems out of place among all the Ortolans, he is also running fast trying to get away. Dross pauses a moment to wonder what's going on, before speaking out, "Strange kid... did he just rob this place?" He laughs not really giving it a second thought.

((Question: The solonians are the weasel like folks from the Corellia system?))

2007-05-29, 12:56 AM
Partak Garvaan

"So it would appear." Partak replies, checking his datapad. "And there's a Selonian wanted for theft to the tune of 250 credits. C'mon Dross, let's nail this guy." Without waiting to see if anyone else is coming he takes off jogging after the Selonian, using his sensory cones to track the young pup's energy signature.

2007-05-29, 01:11 AM

4N regards the young Selonian as he dashes away, fleetingly wishing he had a holographic recording device. Perhaps that is a modification I should consider. He briefly debates giving chase with the others, as he doesn't tire and has better sensors than most species, but decides against it. A running droid was incongruous, his only current weapon was unregistered and nonfunctional, and he was, of course, supposed to be Caeda's assistant.

"I suspect the locals will not be particularly eager to talk with anybody they think is a bounty hunter," he remarks. "And given the local demographics, most of us will stand out. We may have to figure out a cover story to contact the local underworld." His voice is pitched only to carry to the rest of the group, and has returned to his usual flat tones.

Tau Fury
2007-05-29, 12:54 PM

"Alright, Partak I'm with you," Dross calls out chasing after Partak and the selonian. Then he activates his wrist comlink and speaks into it, "Eyeball," his RMD-20 droid, "home in on my signal and get here as fast as possible."

2007-05-30, 07:39 PM
On the Run

Partak and Dross run after the Selonian youth. Anyone on the streets quickly steps aside to allow the Bounty Hunters to pass. The youth doesn't look back and keeps running. After about 50 meters, he turns left down an alley to a side street.

This new street isn't quite as up-scale as the main street, but is still by no means poor. This street has two story buildings on either side which reach up to the arched ceiling. It does not have a second floor walkway, although some of the buildings do have second story patios and porches.

Once on the side street the youth turns right and continues even deeper into the city. About 100 meters further along the side street and the building style changes. At the point where the building style changes there are two red signs which proudly declare this as "Grandus Clan" territory.

Lingering around the edge of this new territory are several adult male Selonians. They look up when the youth enters and watch the T'wilek and Gotal approach while subtly moving their hands to their weapons which seem to be small blasters, perhaps holdout.

Tau Fury
2007-05-31, 02:02 PM

Coming across a crowd of Selonians is the last thing Dross expected. The Twi'lek stops the chase to talk. He also makes sure his blaster pistol is secure in it's holster. "Hold up now, we're not looking for any trouble," Dross speaks in Basic while counting how many Selonians have hostile intents, "We're only looking for someone. A young, male Selonian... we don't wish him any harm." The then he extends his arms in a friendly manner showing the Selonians he is unarmed.

To Partak he whispers in Huttese, "You know Huttese, right? Think we can handle these guys?"


2007-05-31, 02:59 PM
Partak Garvaan

The Gotal nods affirmatively to Dross and begins circling around the Selonians to the left. "Grandus Clan, eh?" he says, gesturing to the sign. "I like what you have done with the place." As he talks he scans the surroundings with his sensory cones in order to pinpoint the exact location of the young cub.

2007-05-31, 03:47 PM
Cone Heads

The group of males takes several steps towards Dross and Partak taunting them, "Have you not yet learned that your kind are not welcome in out Den? We will not bow to you as the Woortu do. Leave or we will have your bodies as our trophies."

While they shout at Partak and Dross, most of the Selonians behind them step off the street and into buildings. At least one other Selonian just steps to the side, taking cover behind a shipping container. Another Selonian steps out onto one of the second floor balconies with a blaster pistol in hand.

A total of 5 Selonian males can be seen. 3 approaching(ranges 7, 8, 11 meters). One off to the side with half cover(range 14 meters). One on a balcony with one quarter cover(range 18 meters)

Partak :

The boy continues to move, but slower. It feels like he is almost 200 meters away and on the left. Perhaps on the second floor of one of the buildings. You'll know more as you close in.

2007-05-31, 09:51 PM
After Buying himself a Datapad from Crazy Oobado's Discount Electronics Jon exits the store and see that Partak and Dross are gone, let me guess the went after the Selonians youth. Jon pulls out his COM link and calls Partak and Dross, Partak, Dross, what your status and location

2007-05-31, 11:09 PM
Partak Garvaan

"Status: complex diplomatic negotiations with some local Selonians, Location: Coordinates Besh 171" Partak replies into his earpiece as he deliberately turns his back on the armed Selonians and begins walking toward the building with the cub in it.

2007-06-01, 05:38 AM
Partak walks past the 3 Selonians focused on his quarry. The men begni shouting and protests, "Hey, where do you think you are going you horned demon? You ain't welcome here. Seriously. Leave now." With that the three of them draw their blasters.

Two of them, obviously unfamiliar with the blaster fiddle with the switch on the side, either setting it to stun or unsetting it from stun.

The Selonian which was standing over to the side also draws his blaster and squats down giving himself 3/4 cover.

Probably want to roll initiative. I'll post a map this afternoon.

2007-06-01, 10:29 AM
Dagnabit! I was hoping we could do this without shooting, but oh well...
Initiative [roll0]

Tau Fury
2007-06-01, 01:36 PM

"Get here soon," Dross pipes up into the comlink.

"Now," he says as looking up at the Selonians, "you're not going to win a fight against us. More of us are on the way." He sneers goading them to attack.

[roll0]WOW the power of rolling a 1

2007-06-01, 06:53 PM
Partak Garvaan

His face to the assembled Selonians and his back to the building that houses the cub, Partak faces them and keeps his hands at his side. "From the looks of things you boys don't want to fight us, because you will all die. I furthermore don't feel like killing any of you today, so why don't you holster those weapons before my bloodthirsty friend here sees how badly your hands are shaking."

Intimidate: [roll0]
Reserve an action to draw his weapon while moving behind cover if anyone fires.

2007-06-01, 08:35 PM
Understood were on are way!, with that Jon puts his Com link away and then makes his was to Partak and Dross position, as he runs Jon swings his Merr-Sonn Underslung Rotary Light repeater in to the ready position for what ever type of threat that Partak and Dross might be facing.

Initiative [roll0]