View Full Version : Pathfinder [Archetype Option] Fiendish Vessel: Additional Options

2015-03-14, 05:23 PM
Fiendish Vessel (Cleric)
The following represents an additional set of options for clerics of the fiendish vessel (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-tiefling/fiendish-vessel-cleric-tiefling) archetype, representing those devoted to patrons not covered under the archetype.

Alignment: Unchanged.
Domains: A fiendish vessel must select the Kyton subdomain as one of her domain choices if they choose to serve a kyton demagogue or Zon-Kuthon.
Channel Evil (Su): Unchanged.
Fiendish Familiar: If the fiendish vessel worships Zon-Kuthon or a kyton demagogue, she gains an augur kyton as her familiar. This class feature is otherwise unchanged.
Fiendish Summoning: When casting summon monster spells, a fiendish vessel devoted to a kyton demagogue or Zon-Kuthon is limited to summoning creatures that are normally only added to the summon monster list for shadow callers (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-fetchling/shadow-caller-summoner-fetchling), including creatures with the shadow creature template. Fiendish vessels devoted other entities use the standard restrictions.

I felt the option was needed, so I created it. That is pretty much all there is to it. I really do want to add further options but I am restricted in this. Asura, Demodand, Div, Kyton, Oni, Qlippoth, and Rakasha are not covered under the archetype normally. Only two of these, demodand and kyton, possess a subdomain by their name and between these only one has a form that is used as a familiar.

The reason why only kyton is here should become evident from this, a table regarding all fiends not included in the default fiendish vessel.

Fiend Subdomain? Familiar Patron
Asura No Tripurasura Asura Asura Rana
Demodand Yes None Thanatotic Titans(?)
Div No Doru Div Ahriman
Kyton Yes Augur Kyton Kyton Demagogue/Zon-Kothon
Oni No Spirit Oni Oni Daimyo
Qlippoth No Cythnigot Qlippoth Qlippoth Lord
Rakshasa No Raktavarna Rakshasa Rakshasa Immortal

In most cases, a proper domain or subdomain would need associated with each. With demodand being the exception, being they would need a proper familiar to provide. There also might need something to make sure they can conjure their own kind somewhere in their summon monster list, but I feel the other aspects more important.

2015-03-16, 02:19 PM
Given I want to expand the archetype to more types of fiends, but most types of fiend lack one thing or another, I feel it necessary to create what is needed. Since in most cases this is simply the absence of subdomains, this should be fairly simple. I'll put out the skeleton and fill it in later.


Associated Domains: Evil, Law
Replacement Power:
---(Domain Power):
Replacement Domain Spells:

Associated Domains: Evil
Replacement Power:
---(Domain Power):
Replacement Domain Spells:

Associated Domains: Evil, Law
Replacement Power:
---(Domain Power):
Replacement Domain Spells:

Associated Domains: Chaos, Evil
Replacement Power:
---(Domain Power):
Replacement Domain Spells:

Associated Domains: Evil, Law
Replacement Power:
---(Domain Power):
Replacement Domain Spells: