View Full Version : Ansom not an Overlord

2007-04-28, 02:48 PM
Just a thought,

Some people have been contrasting Stanley and Ansom. The only thing is Ansom is not an Overlord, he serves king Slatley of Jetstone so it just a bad comparison.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-28, 02:52 PM
he is an overlord though, its probably a guild called the Jetstones

2007-04-28, 03:27 PM
Just a thought,

Some people have been contrasting Stanley and Ansom. The only thing is Ansom is not an Overlord, he serves king Slatley of Jetstone so it just a bad comparison.

Actually I think it's a fair comparison.
While the bad guys head honcho/king/Duke/Emperor/Arch Arsonist is pretty much always the Overlord for his faction (as he would have become the leader by force if he wasn't it from the start. Like Stanley), the "good guys" have a little more variety.

The Good Guy Overlord is always the actual leader, but not necessarily the guy with the highest status. That Ansom is the commander of the army speaks in favor of him being the actual "faction leader" of Jetstone. Sort of like an Erfworld Hannibal (Hannibal the general, not the cannibal).

2007-04-28, 05:55 PM
it is a game mechanic thing, Slatley is Ansom's overlord, you are confusing a rook with a king.

So basically the whole stanley/ansom comparison is incorrect in terms of personalty ect. They are different "classes" of characters.

edit: If erfworld was a rts game, stanley could be considered an Avatar (the player in the game), Ansom would just be a high level hero.

2007-04-28, 05:56 PM
Two strands of thought here :-

1). From a mechanic point of view, the way Erfworld works. The first poster is correct. Ansom is a chief warlord. His direct equivilent is Parsons and not Stanley. The Overlord of the Jetstones is King Slately.

2). From a literally point of view Demonicbunny is right, but I suspect that its on the mechanic side this thread is about, and people drawing incorrect parrells between Stanley and Ansom, not the literal.

(ninjed by the op)

Innis Cabal
2007-04-28, 05:57 PM
he is an overlord, he has been called an overlord, he is representing the jetstone tribe as their overlord

2007-04-28, 06:35 PM
I am just going by what I have infered of the game mechanics from the comics, and the fact he is refered to as a warlord, and not an overlord, in the cast page.

though it means if parson beats ansom, he still has to defeat the rest of Jetstone and everyone else.

2007-04-28, 08:53 PM
he is an overlord, he has been called an overlord, he is representing the jetstone tribe as their overlord

No, he's not. Check the cast page. Stanley's class is Overlord, Anson's class is Warlord. And that fact is significant, because it means we haven't yet seen any Overlords besides Stanley, and therefore can't yet say what a more 'normal' Overlord is like.

2007-05-01, 04:02 PM
That's indeed an important distinction. Ansom was the one in charge of alliances on his side. That means the Chief Warlord can make decisions regarding alliances. Maybe Parson could speak with Charlie about an alliance despite Stanley disagreeing -- if he did it secretly enough that Stanley didn't find out in time to will him out of existence.

It's also an important distinction because it means Ansom can't recruit more units than he currently has, no matter how many Shmuckers he has to spend.