View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Dream-Sired Race PEACH

2015-12-26, 11:05 PM


The Dream-Sired do not have a culture of their own; rather they exist as a sort of subculture that masquerades as part of other common races. Of the Dream-Sired that either through choice or error have made themselves known, there have been varied stories as to the nature of their origin. Some have claimed that they are a physical manifestation of a dreaming individual, god, or mass of people brought into reality by some great desire of the dreamers. Some Dream-Sired claimed to be renegades from dreams that have escaped the prisons of their former dreamers. There are also tales of Dream-Sired that say they are the true dreamers, and everyone else is part of their dream. It isn’t uncommon for the same individual to provide a different answer to this question at different times.

Ability Score Increase. Dream-Sired are very willful creatures that tend to have strong influence over others. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age. You live as long as whatever race you appear to be.

Physical Appearance. Dream-Sired appear to be members of other civilized races, but they do not show any outward signs of aging. It is equally likely for a “human” Dream-Sired to appear 8 or 80 throughout their entire known lives.

Alignment. Dream-Sired are widely varied and their thoughts and actions, so they do not always conform to normal standards of thinking. You can be of any alignment, but Sculptors tend to lean more towards good alignments while Nightmare Spinners have a general predisposition to evil alignments.

Size. You are either small or medium depending on your apparent race and age.

Movement. Medium Dream-Sired move at 30’ while small individuals move at 25’.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Change Blindness. Once per long rest, you can verbally weave somniferous thoughts and perceptions into the minds of others. As a standard action, you can cause all creatures that can hear and understand you to make a Wisdom Save (DC 8+Profiency+CHA bonus) or perceive you to stay in your current location while you are moving. Creatures get an additional save at the end of each of their turns. Maintaining this effect requires a bonus action and concentration. Attacking or casting a spell on a creature ends this effect for that creature. A creature that is no longer under the effects of this ability can spend a bonus action shaking a teammate to give them advantage the next time they Save against this effect.

Sleep Walk. You complete a long rest by having your body and any non-living thing worn on your person leave the material plane and manifest in a semi-lucid dream state for four hours. You may not normally return from this state early on your own, but a knowing creature can make a DC 15 diplomacy check from your last location to help you return if it shares a language with you.

Languages. You speak common and the native language of the race you appear to be.

Sculptor subrace

Ability Score Increase. Sculptors tend to be very knowledgeable but sometimes speak in parables. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Physical Appearance. Sculptors tend to be either exceptional physical specimens of their assumed race or so plain that they are virtually unremarkable.

Benevolent Somniloquy. Once per day, you may alter the dreams of another person in a positive way by touching her or an object she owns while she dreams. Your words shape the dream as you desire in a positive way so that when a similar event arises in the future, the target has the foresight and confidence to help overcome the challenge. When a somewhat similar event happens as you described in your Somniloquy, the target gets advantage on one roll of their choice. Each use of Somniloquy is good for only one roll, and an individual may not be under the effects of more than one Somniloquy at the same time.

Nightmare Spinner subrace

Ability Score Increase. Nightmare Spinners are often calculating and analytical. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Physical Appearance. Nightmare Spinners tend to be either hideous specimens of their assumed race or so plain that they are virtually unremarkable.

Malevolent Somniloquy. Once per day you may alter the dreams of another person in a negative way by touching him or an object he owns while he dreams. Your words shape the dream as you desire in a negative way so that when a similar event arises in the future, the target is filled with fear and doubt. When a somewhat similar event happens as you described in your Somniloquy, you can force the target to take disadvantage on one dice roll of your choice. Each use of Somniloquy is good for only one roll, and an individual may not be under the effects of more than one Somniloquy at the same time.

Manifest Terror. Once per day as a standard action, a target that can hear and understand your words perceives another creature as an overwhelming force that is certain to do him harm. The target gets disadvantage on the next attack it makes against the source of the terror and the target must make a concentration check (DC 8+Profiency+CHA bonus) the next time it casts a spell that would affect the source of terror or lose the spell. You may choose yourself or any other creature you can see to be the source of the terror. This is a fear effect.