View Full Version : Pathfinder Telekinetic arms

2016-09-22, 12:42 AM

Anyone heard about a kind of Psionic telekinetic extra arms?

By this i meant , an ability/power that allow an humanoid creature to gains 1 or more pairs of telekinetic/psionic-made arms able to grab and use different weapons?

i want something like Spiral (https://www.google.com.vn/search?q=spirale+x-men&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=940&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5wtm4oqLPAhUEgI8KHd6zCJ4Q_AUIBigB#imgr c=w4nopsheM6fR1M%3A)but not real ones ^^

2016-09-22, 09:46 AM
I made an archetype on the topic of telekinetic arms, actually: Hekatonkheires. (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/hekatonkheires) Also the feat that it uses and expands on, Mind Limb. (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/feats#toc101)

Both use the Spheres of Power system.

Gr7mm Bobb
2016-09-22, 11:56 AM
You mean kinda like what appears to be happening with this psionic Minmax from the Goblins comic?


2016-09-29, 03:36 AM
Exactly what i looked for , thank you AmberVael