View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Zenkaya: The Friendly Shark People [PEACH]

2017-07-26, 12:50 AM
Happy shark week, everyone!

Zenkaya can be simply described as shark people. Of course, many assume they're all bloodthirsty savages that actively attack people along coastal regions, like real sharks. This is largely untrue, as most Zenkaya are affable and friendly beyond belief.

Zenkaya have a general shark-like appearance with notable differences. They have snouts instead of noses which give their faces a triangular shape not dissimilar to sharks. Their “ears” are actually wave-sensitive cells lining their jaw. Upon their backs is a dorsal fin, and on their elbows are a pair of fins as well. They have long, thick tails ending in a pair of vertical fins. Every Zenkaya can grow hair and can keep it in any style: Long, short, unkempt with no detriment to their swimming ability. Their eyes are very human-like and give a sense of friendliness, and come in a huge variety of colors.
Megalodon Zenkaya are by far the largest of their kind, ranging anywhere from 8 to 10 feet tall. Their dorsal side is a dark blue-grey with white ventral sides.
Great White Zenkaya are the smallest of the bunch, and the most widespread. They have grey dorsal skin, albeit much lighter than their Megalodon cousins, and leaner than them.
Tiger Zenkaya are barely taller than Great Whites, but still cannot compare to Megalodons. They have rougher skin than other Zenkaya, which is orange with black stripes very similar to tigers. Their ventral side is still white.

Zenkaya make remarkable friendships that could last for a lifetime. They see evil behavior, especially intentional, repulsive even to the point of physical retching. For this reason, many Zenkaya are seen as paragons of good. Zenkaya society is based on building each other up and helping out with good-hearted actions.

Zenkaya villages are usually built near bodies of water. Part for the obvious benefits of a wet-point site, and that Zenkaya adore swimming. Swimming is almost always a Zenkaya’s favorite pastime. Other than that, their is no hierarchy; no inferiors or superiors.

Ability Score Increase. Your charisma increases by 1.
Age. Zenkaya reach relative maturity at 9 years. They do, however, live much longer at around 125 years.
Alignment. Zenkaya are always good, and lean more toward chaos than law.
Size. Your size is medium. Megalodon Zenkaya range from 8' to 9' in height, some even reaching 10', and weigh anywhere from 300 to 400lb, but are still counted as medium. Great whites usually grow to be around 6'6" and 240lb to 270lb. Tiger Zenkaya usually are just under 7', and weigh about 245lb through 275lb. Zenkaya weigh large amounts due to their impressive mass of muscle, and their tails contribute as well.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a swimming speed of 30.
Amphibious. You can breath in both air and water.
Sensitive hearing substitute. Your 'ears' are stupendously sensitive. You can passively detect moving objects while underwater for 90'. You are resistant to most effects that may deafen you.
Bite. You can use your incredibly strong jaw as a weapon that you are proficient with. You may choose to bite a target for 1d6 plus your strength modifier piercing damage.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Aquan. Aquan is a mix of delicately soft and bluntly harsh pronunciations, depending on the word and the mood of the speaker.
Subraces. There are three subraces of Zenkaya that exist. They include the Megalodon, the Great White, and the Tiger Zenkaya.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 2.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger for the purpose of how much you can push, pull, and carry.
Gift of the Ancients. Thanks to an ancient strain being dominant in your blood, you can speak basic a basic form of Deep Speech. You are unable to speak complicated words or subjects in the language however; only simple sentences. You also have faint Un-Memories of ancient civilizations past. Certain primordial beings will notice your ancient blood and be more likely to negotiate with you rather than being automatically hostile.
Great White
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2.
Swift by Fin and Foot. You are faster than other Zenkaya. You have a base walking speed of 35, and a base swimming speed of 50.
Bloodthirst. Once per short rest, you may gain advantage on all attacks made against a creature without max hit points for one round.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution both increase by 1.
Rough Skin. Your skin is especially rough, even compared to other Zenkaya. When you are wearing no armor, if an opponent makes an unarmed attack at you, they take 1d2 unattributed damage back. This increases to 1d4 at level 8, 1d6 at level 13, and 2d4 at level 17.
Fast Metabolism. You are resistant to poison and disease and have advantage against contracting either.

Thank you, please critique with honesty, I'm really excited about this race!

2017-07-26, 08:30 PM
Any suggestions or recommendations?

2017-07-27, 09:17 AM
Bloodthirst I don't like. It takes my control away. I'd make it simpler and better, like so:

Bloodthirst-Once per short rest, you may gain advantage on all attacks made against a creature without max hit points for one round.

2017-07-27, 03:27 PM
Unless this got errata'd, Aquan is no longer a distinct language. Rather, Primordial encompasses all 4 elemental languages, which are dialects of each other.

Thus, I think you'd be better of with all of them speaking Common and Aquan, and the Gift of the Ancients feature giving Deep Speech or Undercommon. (Deep Speech seems more in line with what you want, but I think there's no written script for it, so that would need some modification to your writeup.)

2017-07-27, 03:52 PM
Unless this got errata'd, Aquan is no longer a distinct language. Rather, Primordial encompasses all 4 elemental languages, which are dialects of each other.

Thus, I think you'd be better of with all of them speaking Common and Aquan, and the Gift of the Ancients feature giving Deep Speech or Undercommon. (Deep Speech seems more in line with what you want, but I think there's no written script for it, so that would need some modification to your writeup.)

Ah, I see. Isn't deep speech only for creatures with really high mental capabilities, such as Mind Flayers and Beholders?

2017-07-27, 05:06 PM
Ah, I see. Isn't deep speech only for creatures with really high mental capabilities, such as Mind Flayers and Beholders?

It's less about mental capabilities and more about if you live...down there.

Also, for flavor reasons, I'd give GW bloodthirst and Tiger the poison/disease resistance. Tiger sharks are well known for eating just about everything, after all.

2017-07-27, 05:07 PM
It's less about mental capabilities and more about if you live...down there.

You mean Australia? :smallwink:

2017-07-27, 05:09 PM
You mean Australia? :smallwink:

That's the Downunder, mate; nothing but epic-level monsters live there. :smallbiggrin:

2017-07-27, 05:45 PM
That's the Downunder, mate; nothing but epic-level monsters live there. :smallbiggrin:

But all of them are considered by outsiders as cute and cuddly.