View Full Version : What Parts of Dead Monsters Can I Use?

2018-01-08, 08:20 AM
Here's the situation.

Ranger+swords+big, nasty dragon=dead dragon.

Ranger+Survival skill+big, nasty dragon corpse=cleanly butchered dragon.

Now, what parts of the dead dragon (and any other monsters I kill) can I use, either to sell, to eat, or to make into items?

2018-01-08, 08:30 AM
All of it.

The bones, skin and sinews are good raw material for weapons and armor.

The blood, the heart, the liver and other organs often have use as spell components or alchemic ingredients.

And the meat is usually edible if prepared correctly.
If not see above.

2018-01-08, 08:32 AM
Dragon skin: replace ordinary leather for leathercraft.

With bones: shield (+strips & skin/wood/iron), dagger, armor of bones.

2018-01-08, 08:38 AM
Thanks. By the way, does anybody know what part of a dragon creates its breath weapon?

I'd also planned to make a pair of Lava-Walk Boots out of its feet. Is that a magical ability (which wouldn't work while it's dead) or a natural one (which would).

2018-01-08, 08:45 AM
From a previous edition, the Draconomicon states that a Dragon produces it's Breath Weapon from secretions in it's lungs, due to a "fundamentum" gland, and is attached to the heart, is the center of the elemental activity within the dragon's body - all blood passing through that organ after going to the heart, but before going to the body. It is also the fundamentum which influeses the dragon's wings with enough energy to keep them aloft despite their lack of paying attention in physics class - their stomach is also lined with bony grinding plates charged with the same type of energy.

Given the above, I'd say that a "fundamentum" successfully extracted (Nature or Survival check, DC = 15/17/19/21) has enough charge equal to the number of age categories the creature has. A Wyrmling has only a minor one, and thus only can affect the charge of one item, but an ancient can provide the charge for 4. Say you kill an Adult (3 charges), you could create some Lava Walk Boots (1 Charge), a suit of Dragon Scale Plate (1 Charge), and a dragontooth tipped lance, which lets you give you a Dragonborn Breath Weapon gives you a use of a Dragonborn Breath Weapon, or an additional use if you already have it. I'd reduce the amount of charge available for an imperfect extraction (1 less charge for every 2 failed by).

2018-01-08, 08:54 AM
Thanks. By the way, does anybody know what part of a dragon creates its breath weapon?

The Dragon produces the Breath. It's not any particular part, it's the dragon using the background magic field.

I'd also planned to make a pair of Lava-Walk Boots out of its feet. Is that a magical ability (which wouldn't work while it's dead) or a natural one (which would).

It's naturaly magical. A dragon's body isn't immune once they're dead, but you can probably use the dragon's hide as part of a lava-walking magic boots' formula. Just need to find someone who know how to do it and convince them.

2018-01-08, 09:35 AM
Thanks. By the way, does anybody know what part of a dragon creates its breath weapon?

I'd also planned to make a pair of Lava-Walk Boots out of its feet. Is that a magical ability (which wouldn't work while it's dead) or a natural one (which would).

(1)The dragon possessed a gland only possessed by true dragons. Attached to the heart, that is the center of elemental activity inside the dragon’s body. All blood flowing from the heart passes through this organ before going to the body. The draconis fundamentum charges the lungs with power for a dragon’s breath weapon.

The skin is fire resistant but only on dragons with the resistance. like you could get armor of cold resistance from white dragons.

(1) draconomicon

2018-01-08, 12:26 PM
I allow magic weapons to be crafted by NPCs for a high cost and the trade of an item that creates the effect, usually a monster part.

A couple of examples from recent games:

Dragon fire gland became fire weapons.

Chimera dragon tail became a helm that could spit fire breath.

Dragon scales became armour with fire resistance.

Remorhaz skin became druid armour with a fire effect upon being hit.

Manticore tail spike became a poison spear.

Gorgon plates became a shield that provided the Immutable Form effect.

That last one saved a TPK against a Death Tyrant later.

2018-01-08, 12:35 PM
The Draconomicon is a 3.X book. Its lore is not followed in 5e by default (ex: the origin of the Dragonborn is not the same in the Draconomicon and the 5e PHB).

Monsters and their lore are different depending on the edition, even though some changes aren't that visible at first glance.

2018-01-08, 12:41 PM
The Draconomicon is a 3.X book. Its lore is not followed in 5e by default (ex: the origin of the Dragonborn is not the same in the Draconomicon and the 5e PHB).

Monsters and their lore are different depending on the edition, even though some changes aren't that visible at first glance.

Yah Yah I know its not completely accurate or compatible with 5e but that was all I could find. Is there a version for 5e?