View Full Version : Pixies and Errata

2018-03-11, 12:23 AM
My friend and I seem to have different content in the entry for sprites in our 2014 printings of the player handbook. Mine says that pixies have disadvantage on stealth while flying, whilebhis book has nothing in this entry, clearly they are different printings, though we aren't able to figure out which is more recent. If anyone has any information about this I'd love to know.

A Fat Dragon
2018-03-11, 01:46 AM
If you can check the Copy Right Dates, you can see which is the later edition of the two, judging by the dates (Might be a bit hard to do this).

Or, you could just look up the statistics of a Pixie online: http://chisaipete.github.io/bestiary/creatures/pixie

2018-03-11, 03:28 AM
The one with disadvantage is the older one. I had the same issue come up when an AL DM tried to tell me my warlock’s sprite had disadvantage, we both pointed to the stat block to back up our claim and were both amazed that the other’s copy was different.

No official errata covered it. It was a stealth update (on stealth, which is kinda fitting)

IIRC we were able to tell which was more recent from publication date on the inside front cover.

2018-03-11, 06:46 AM
While that doesn't seem to be the problem here, do note that pixies and sprites are different creatures.