View Full Version : Dispel Magic Vs Etherealness vs counterspell?

2018-08-08, 07:25 PM
So in my current campaign we ran into an awkward situation. My players used etherealness and entered into a castle, the badie in the castle had true seeing and detect magic going so he saw them. He then decided to cast dispel magic to attempt to bring the party back to the material plane. But one of our casters said he wanted to counterspell his dispel magic. The question here is whether or not the counterspell will affect the dispel magic spell from the ethereal plane? Seeing that you cannot affect anything on the material plane from the ethereal plane but you can affect the ethereal plane with abjuration spells which is what dispel magic is. So can you counter dispel magic from the ethereal plane or nah?

2018-08-08, 07:44 PM
Reading the description of the spells, I don’t think Dispel Magic will work. Or Counterspell for that matter.

I suppose he could order someone to follow them around and throw a chair where they are going to materialize into. But that spell seems to be meant to make you a super infiltrator.

2018-08-09, 12:04 AM
Either both spells would work, or neither. My ruling would be that neither would work, as they are not on the same plane, making them out of range.

2018-08-09, 03:04 AM
I'm pretty sure Etherealness or the description of the Ethereal plane in the DMG make pretty clear that being in the Ethereal let you avoid magic effects in the Material Plane, and the reverse.

If Dispel Magic works on ethereal targets, why not Eldritch Blast or Magic Missile or Charm Person?

2018-08-09, 03:49 AM
Directly from the description of Etherealness:

While on the Ethereal Plane, you can only affect and be affected by other creatures on that plane. Creatures that aren't on the Ethereal Plane can't perceive you and can't interact with you, unless a special ability or magic has given them the ability to do so.
You ignore all objects and effects that aren't on the Ethereal Plane, allowing you to move through objects you perceive on the plan you originated from.

So yeah, seems pretty clear that while the baddie could see them, he definitely couldn't cast Dispel Magic on them, so no Counterspell would be needed.

2018-08-10, 05:58 AM
Wasn't there some rule that in order to dispel Etherealness you have to find the point of origin of the spell?

So, if I'm not mistaken, the Enemy Mage should find were the Party Mage cast Etherealness in the first Place in order to Dispell it, otherwise it doesn't work.

Or I could be remembering irrelevant stuff about Astral Projection, in witch case, nevermind. The more stuff you know about magic, the more the similar stuff gets to mix together in your mind.