View Full Version : Deeper Darkness vs Eternal Torch

2007-12-02, 03:43 PM
What happens if Deeper Darkness casted on Eternal Torch, or in its area? Do they cancel each other permanently? Does it destroy Eternal Torch?

2007-12-02, 05:54 PM
Yes, Deeper Darkness counters and dispels [Light] spells of 3rd level and lower, including Continual Flame. This means that DD turns Everburning Torches into dark sticks.

2007-12-02, 05:58 PM
If the Deeper Darkness is cast on the stick of wood, it takes primacy and radiates shadowy illumination until the Darkness spell ends. If the Deeper Darkness spell is instead cast on the Continual Flame attached to said stick of wood, the continual flame is dispelled, the Deeper Darkness does nothing else, and prevailing lighting conditions come into effect.