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2008-03-13, 02:28 PM
The IC thread is up. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74890&highlight=Divinus

In the beginning was Valkrath, thousands of Divine Cycles ago. Beyond the age of the dinosaurs of Earth, even farther back than the first organisms, and even before the formation of the first electron, another universe existed. Toril, Oerth, Ebberron, and other worlds enjoy their conflicts of interest, whether of chaos, and order, or good and evil.

Valkrath was a creature of extreme magical strength even before his ascension. Volkath was his only equal. While Valkrath had been chosen by the Giga Spirit to rule over all of the Divine Cycles of Creation, Volkath contested with him, against Gigath's(the Gigas Spirit) will. Volkath fought with his supreme will over the rightful king Valkrath's unscalable authority. The battle had lasted for countless billions of years, even for an entire Cycle. The aftermath of the carnage had left enough materials and energy scattered throughout the Cosmos for the next gods to generate themselves.

The god of Loneliness, Amolok Amon had been created as he was a Celestial Paragon. This energy infected Amolok, making him bitter, and among the most evil of all demons. Yet inferior to the power of Valkrath and Volkrath. Bitter he had begun a new Creation. Tainted with all of the corrupt energies of the battle between Valkrath and Volkath.

Scholars do not know if the next age has passed after Baal-Amolok corrupted all of Creation. What we do know is that previous gods of the last generation appear to have been gone. The former gods, the Dreamborn, may make an appearance in Creation, but for now, a new Cycle has begun. The Divinus are the only gods right now.

Edit -

Now is the time for making. This is the Age of The Great Makers.

2008-03-13, 10:56 PM
((haven't done this before so bear with me))

*sigh* "Guess I'd better get started."

Cerus begins by shaping a massive chunk of land and shaping it into a island floating high in the sky.

"Hmm, this shouldn't cause too much of a problem.

Focusing, Creus conjures an exact clone of his former blade and stabs it into the exact center of the island's surface.

2008-03-13, 11:12 PM

A strange silhouette shimmers vaguely into being, something with only the vaguest hints of what it may become. Glimpsing the newly-formed island in the distance, water ripples out from where its feet tread, and bright blue skies spin themselves into being over the water, full of graying clouds and the potential of lightning. The thing is now shimmering blue-green, with solid scales and electric eyes.

It takes another step, and the beginnings of a colossal banyan tree slither up from the depths, standing gracefully on the struts of its roots. A slew of these trees rise from the waters, each wide and sturdy enough to hold a village in their lattice boughs, each hollowed like a valley and full of lush green moss and the beginnings of all trees. Their roots arc down into the infinite abyss of the First Sea. The being now has a more solid frame still: thick flesh like bark, with a mane of tangled vines. Flowers nuzzle lovingly against his feet, and he howls loudly, and birds of every color stir in the sky while fish emerge in the depths of the water. Stranger varieties of life skitter throughout the hollow forests of his banyan kingdom, and Vakira smiles, his form finally set: the body of a fine stag, the stormy and regal feathers of the peacock, thick muscles and a mane like a lion, and a mighty serpentine tail.

"Hello," he calls out, innocently, to the small figure on the lifeless island. His own forest floats in a grand hemisphere of growing water, but the god quickly reaches a plateau, and his realm expands no further.

2008-03-13, 11:41 PM

A being appeared, acompanied by steams and the shimmers of heat, as it cooled in the Ethereal oceans. Its massive form is covered in red scales, and as it cooled down it became more visible. It was truly a massive creature, its scales were constantly heating and cooling, so that steam hid the full breadth of its true form. Its head, had what seemed like fins, as if it were a great sea-serpent, but whether it was a beast of water, land, or air could not be truly revealed. Its mouth was filled with fangs, large and small, but two large fangs, those of a snake that curved like the scimitars of great giants, dominated its mouth. Its fangs were slick with boiling toxins and acids, which dripped its foul poisons into the seas, which churned, as though reviling the toxins which dripped into it.

Around his form shimmered into being many creatures, first came serpentine beings like the beast, but they had the upper body of a humanoid, and a deathly pallor befitting the living dead. These were the Rakh-Ghoul, the snake-people. Next flitted creatures who's forms had yet to solidify, they were demons, or foul spirits perhaps, and they radiated a palpable evil. The last to form were great beasts, Wyrms. though they paled in comparison to the colossal mass that was the serpentine beast, but their size was truly impressive, their sinuous bodies twisting and writhing like the serpents they were, some flew, some swam, and some did what seemed like both, and they were all long of neck and body, but they all were different in fundamental ways.

The Beast spied a form in the distance, like an island amidst the ethereal sea, and he swam toward it. The beast was, however, wary, and stayed a distance away, viewing the scene unfolding with the massive eyes of a snake, with great black streaks for pupils, amidst a sea of sickening green and yellow, and he sent forth some of his Wyrms, to view the unfolding events from closer than he would be able.

Fiery Justice
2008-03-13, 11:48 PM
The Great Wolf
The Great Wolf lets out a deep howl in its birth pangs, before tumbling down to the world, his skin ripped open as he falls, crashing into the sky. His skin and then his fur quickly recover but he remains coated in his own blood. A wolf the size of a truck (for future reference he looks like an arctic wolf) drenched in black red blood. It shakes its body a little dripping blood onto the ground. Torrents of rage spill out touching a small mate-pair of animals filled with bloody rage, the creatures kill each other. The Great Wolf steps over them as they claw at each other. He gains an idea, touching a tree, great, murderous living vines begin to crop upward. He liked this new vine as it reached down and choked the little creatures he began to wish to kill again. So he begins to tear outward, destroying or eating any beasts he can.

(Your Gods may intervene at any time.)

2008-03-13, 11:54 PM
"Now then, time to see what a little spark can do." Cerus forms a white ball of light in his hands and pulls it apart into two one a light shade of blue, the other pink. He tosses them into the air and they explode into thousands of smaller orbs, spreading themselves over the vast flying island. 4 equal sets, one set with stripes, one with spots, one with what looked like coarse spines, and the final one with a tail behind.

Each orb crashes into the ground and forms into a bipedal creature, unconscious and covered in fur resembling the pattern of their respective orb.

((Basically using the keidran [link in my sig] 2500 of each clan, half male, half female. Just take the whole slavery thing out of the equation.))

"Now to see where this goes."

2008-03-13, 11:57 PM
As the waves fall upon the beach, a pattern appears in the sea foam. The silhouette of a man forms, from which emerge crabs and other small animals. These creatures begin to crawl towards the center of the island, before suddenly being consumed by a bright, multi-colored flame. The fire burns high, becoming larger than its fuel should allow.

His skin covered in tatoos and wrappings of gaudy cloth, Cartus walks out of the fire to gaze upon his surroundings. The god's voice speech wavers; it is almost as if he speaks with a different voice for every word.

"Who made this? It is... good... as a beginning. I see room for improvement, though." The fire that he was born from lurches into his hand, becoming a torch. "It's so... static. Uninteresting. It needs... progress."

From the forest emerges a hairy, ape-like figure. Cartus greets it, enthralling the brute with his voice.

"You... you have potential... yes?" Cartus picks up a nearby rock. "If you strike something with this, you can kill that thing easier than had you just used your bare hands. Come back after you have done so. Perhaps I will teach you something else."

2008-03-14, 12:01 AM
The Great Ancient Ones had begun to construct the Material Plane. Dragons had been created. Although not the Lung of Amon's creation. The Wyrms were demonic creatures that would prove to be menace to the decent folk of this dimension. Valkrath-Amon's extreme specialty into the lawful, honorable and virtuous alignment of celestials was going to show itself in most bizarre ways in the future. What was not understood is that Valkrath is not quite focused on mere respect.

Valkrath's magic came not from even honorable traditions that were good to the common folk and that brought prosperity, but from a deep seated virtue in Ahura Amon's heart which nursed the inner light in all mortal souls. Valkrath had none of his omnipotence left. He did, however still possess as much power as the other Divinus.

Thus, all things considered from Amon's magic, and his integrity, he had begun to plot in his schemes things that would bring happiness and inner serenity to all of the living. Some may even be proven to be other Divinus. The first thing that Valkrath had created was a dimension of bizarre physical laws. The Sanctuary, a shrine to all of the Divinus had been constructed in the sky. Thus, among the stars, sat the thrones for all Divinus, connected very loosely to The Sanctuary.

Celestials matching each Divinus'es alignment had their fortress waiting for them. The defense of each Divine Realm came not from Valkrath's doing, however, but through the fortification of each Lord's servants.

2008-03-14, 12:27 AM

"Honestly, now," Vakira remarks, as he surveys both Cartus and the Great Wolf, "they're not ready for these things you offer--no, thrust upon them," he says with a low, amused growl. "This world is not even yet finished with its birthing pains, and already...I suppose this was inevitable," Vakira says, punctuating his statement with a great thunderous whip of his tail. "If it is sapient things you wish to bring to fruition..."

The godly creature lets out a loud, choral roar that echoes through the growing forests, seas, and bogs of creation, calling wise creatures from the depths of possibility. In the ocean, great draconic whales scream into life with a holy song. In the growing jungle, arboreal humanoids with the features of a lion stand for the first time, caught in the divide between animal and plant. In the boughs of Vakira's great banyan sanctuary, birdlike creatures with heavy insect influences screech into being. Vakira smiles, pleased at the advent of his three sapient races.

"We are all alike, then?" Vakira proclaims from the tip of his kingdom, his voice loud to try and attract the attentions of the other Divinus who are so busily working in their own ways. "Unbeckoned, and yet we have answered?"

1,000 Dragonwhales to patrol the seas, 1,000 Oaklions to rule the forest, and 1,000 alfhawks to patrol the sky. Vakira's first sentient creatures

2008-03-14, 12:41 AM
"Noise? Beautiful... but harmonic. Will fix that later. Now..." The ape-creature has returned, dragging the carcass of a young boar. It also brought along several others of its own species.

"You're back. Intelligent, aren't you? Let's improve you."

The apes collapse, writhing on the ground. Their furs whiten, their fingers lengthen, and a third eye appears in the center of each of their foreheads. They stand up; the spark of intelligence is clear in their eyes.

"Needs more... but it's a start. One last thing."

Cartus grasps the hand of the first ape he met.

"You shall be my prophet. Your people shall be called the Enlightened. Here, two more gifts, yes? Rub your first two fingers together. You see the sparks appear? I'll teach you what can be done with these sparks later. Oh, what fun fire shall be for you. Now go, bring back the rest of your kind. All shall be changed."

((150 of the Enlightened come into existence.))

2008-03-14, 04:36 AM
As life springs forth in this new world, so to, must come it's inevitable end.

Somewhere, deep in this new realm, a grey mist starts to form, thickening until it is impenitrable. The sound of houfs beating against the ground can faintly be heard. They grow lounder and lounder until the skeletal form of a stag comes into view. The stag keeps running, the emmiting the mist behind it until it fades aways away, spreading it's sickness (which is everything from a cough to leprosy) across the swamps and water, and throughout the world. ((Please note, this isn't meant to make everyone sick, it's just the mythologicall explanation for disease in this world.)) The mist clears and left behind is a man, wisened, skinny, almost a skeleton himself, with a long white beard and a deep grey cloak.

This is how illness entered the world, and the birth of Pestes.

2008-03-14, 02:58 PM
Mythek sat up high, in a newly created tree. Though brand new and just rbought into life, it was wretched thing, gnarled and rotten. This tree sat in a swamp the others had created. Mythek observed his fellow creators and rejoiced. there was no need for his intervention, this many creators brought about chaos by themselves. He cackled, grinned and then spit out a thick clod of blood into the waters.

Still, sapient creatures had been created. Mythek counted two breeds: apes and these "Keidran". Varied bunch they seemed. That was good. Variation brings Chaos, unity brings order. But where there bodies were different, their minds were still one. All primal, but with a strong drive towards sapience. That had to be changed. Mythek layed his hands, claws and tentacles down on their heads unseen and unfelt, and in about a third of the apes (the Enlightened) and Keidran, he shifted their personalities. Their tendencies became more violent, unreasonable. Some of them went mad.

Mythek laughed. An ape-like creature had approached his tree. He should have known. Anyone could see him in this swamp. the air was clear, and if you wished you could spot a ma miles away, certainly one up a tree. The creature had been stunned to find the everchanging lord up there, and in his urge for knowledge had come to take a look. Mythek touched him.

"You are...blessed, taco fry. The forest will burn, and the houses will sell, but Mythek's men live on. No need for thanks, no tree stumps here. The money will come. You will kill, my prophet"
Only to the creature did Mythek's words make any sense. He understood. He retreated into the woods. He would not return to his people that night. Mythek now had a prophet, his very own doomed and forsaken one. A prophet for Mythek need not do much as no regular sacrifice was obliged. That would be too orderly. No, he need simply live by the rules of Chaos: none.

Mythek did one last thing before he went to see this throne that had been created for him: he shrouded the forests and swamps in a thick, pruplish mist. there would be no more clarity. There would be Mystery and Chaos.

2008-03-14, 03:46 PM

The great Beast smirked in amusement, the creatures born of the gods on the island were simple, ugly creatures. His massive bulk shifted, and he lurched toward the island. When he approached, he dove deep into the sea, and found a cave under the island. The Beast beckoned his ilk into the rent, and sent forth spies onto the surface, along with many serpents of a deadly sort, who would be his eyes and ears, and to search the skies he sent winged serpents and his great winged Wyrms, to tame the mountains. The Beast and the great many of his creations entered the cave, and as he swam beneath it, the cave became dryer, finally opening up to vast caverns, deep, deep below the surface of the island. Asmodeus slithered forth, and entrances to the upper world, and sent forth more of his Wyrms, and a great many of his Rakh-Ghoul. He sent a few serpentine Wyrms to the surface, but he returned most to the sea, to serve him there. In the molten heat, some of the flitting forms took shape, with fangs, and wings like those of a massive bat, and scales like those of the Wyrms, but most stayed insubstantial. Asmodeus wormed some of his colossal bulk out of one of the cave mouths, his truly massive form dwarfing the trees, and making ants of the beings that dwelled within, but he snapped forward, raking the forest with his fangs, and where they touched, death and corruption followed. The beasts that remained unchanged and unwarped by the corruption were quickly devoured by Asmodeus, the rest were mere shadows of their former beings, corrupted with the stink of evil and hatred, and they roamed the corrupt and blighted forest looking for things to kill, and the Beast smiled, and slunk back into his cave, his giant eyes twinkling in the darkness, and his fangs gleaming, ready for more to kill.

2008-03-14, 05:22 PM

At the edge of time and space, a small click is heard and a door appears. A small door. In fact a door so small that it is invisible to the naked eye. Then it grows and more clicks are heard. The speed and loudness of the click increase until they reach a fever pitch. The the door, now the size of a large stadium opens. Outcomes a massive contraption of steel and steam. It is a palace, a floating palace with one massive tower and hundreds of factories. Not that they are manned but they are there.

And from this contraption comes forth a man of rods and gears. Thousands of tiny pieces of steel form his body. he looks across this vast new realm and reaches for the ground of the balcony he now stands upon. From it he pulls forth a glob of melted steel. then he shapes it into a small contraption. It has a low rectangular body, and a higher “torso” with steam stacks coming out of it. Then he adds what looks to be a pair of binoculars. It shudders to life and turns towards him. He says, “Go forth and bring me all the knowledge of these new lands” He then repeats this sending them flying towards creation.

With that he moves his palace forward towards creation and the material.

500 small clockwork machines pear that record information they will return to him, often. they do not fight nor interact at all with any one or anything

2008-03-14, 06:32 PM

Energy swirls inwardly, forming into tight bonds and outlining a new creature. The light merges together, and with a roar of energy exchange, a humanoid comes into being. Vaudak stretches his new figure, it was always good to walk among those who his influence would affect. No sense in viewing them from above.

Deciding that this world was still too fresh for his plans, Vaudak wandered amongst the new creatures, simply observing them for now. To really corrupt a species, you need to be in their minds. The crime, the curses, the practical jokes, and the bad luck would all manifest soon enough, and it would be by his hand.

2008-03-14, 08:13 PM
"I think not." Cerus places his hand one the pommel of the blade and concentrates for a moment, he sends a pulse through the flying island, forcing back the corruption taking the land. "I give you points for zeal, but it seems a bit early for this." He looks around, seeing his creations now walking about the the island. The ones not oblivious to his presence peeking at him from the tree line. "Good to see you're all awake! Now would be a great time for procreation if you feel so inclined to do so."

He takes flight over the side of the island and goes a few thousand miles under it. He cracks his knuckles"This is going to challenge. Oh well, the barrier should hold up until I recover." He begins to focus as he did when he created the island, except this time exerting much more power. A chunk of white hot stone forms in his hand. As he pulls away from this rock, it begins to grow. After a short while, it begins forming a layer of yellow-hot, molten rock. Still a few thousand miles beneath his original creation, he pushes off from the molten stone, this time forming an orange layer, this one being immensely bigger than the first two combined. Noticeably fatigues he pulls away a relatively short distance, this time forming an outer shell of hard earth. About 60% of this "crust" is covered by canyons thousands of feet deep and hundreds of miles wide.

*pant pant* "Well, this should be good for now, if someone could just manage some water I think we're good." He flies back up to the island, still about a mile in he sky. The inhabitants looking over the edge in amazement. He flies to the center and sits with his back to the sword still embeded in the ground. "Looks like I'm done for the day" ZZZzzz...

2008-03-14, 09:54 PM

With the eruption of this worlds largest volcano, the Smith comes into being. He purveys the land and sees the creation and corruption already taking place. He decides that what this land needs is stability. He walks back into the volcano and sets to work hammering away at his forge. The reverberations from his mighty blows can be heard throughout the land. He takes the rock of the earth, molten steel, and a spark of fire, into which he places a part of his being. With this the first dwarf is brought into being.

The Smith takes time to show this dwarf the ways of the forge, the strength and possibilities it can offer. With his new apprentice he sets to work on the creation of a new clan. With each new creation the skills of the forge are taught, and with each new creation the productivity is increased. When the first thousand members of the Forgeborn were created, Hephais showed them the skills of working stone to create caverns and cities in the mountain. He taught them the importance of the clan and loyalty and he set them off to create the city of Valor.

A few of the clan he kept close to him to teach more about the ways of the forge and the control of stone. With them he set about making stone guardians for the protection of his caln during these pivotal early years. His first creation he named Magnum Forgeborn and marked as Clan Chief. After his labors the Smith moved about overseeing the production of this new capitol city.

1000 Forgeborn dwarfs and 100 stone elementals created and working

2008-03-14, 11:56 PM

It doesn't have a form yet, but there is a great deal of thought. Complex and elegant, brimming with untapped potential. It sought out that which was like it, and found a settlement unbothered by other entities like it. They had achieved much in their short existence: written law, forged metal, brick buildings... Corbasi used the images he saw to give himself form.

He did not wish to be too involved, however. Civilization needed to be able to function even if something was removed from it, and he wanted his charges to be able to prosper when he would be preoccupied with other tasks. So, he found land where the settlers had yet to explore, and made three marble pillars in a triangular pattern. Inside them, a marble statue of his image.

His plan was simple enough: He would craft the illusion of a lost civilization, and that he was their patron. They would be curious, study, and build off of the ruins. Ah, they found the icon now. Time to start fabricating underground cities for future generations to excavate.

2008-03-15, 12:57 AM

As Anti fell like a feather onto the plane, he watched the world under him grow bigger. Lands, Islands, Water, floating lands, caves. The Primary Plane looked like it was undertaking heavy building. He liked that. And didn't. It seemed everything wasn't to his taste and he scowled at it.

The 12 year-old looking god landed some distance away, where the sea seemed endless. He lifts his arms, and a great rumble occurs, Earth and rolling hills slowly arise from the sea. Anti looks at it for a while, inspecting the fertile land.

Noticing something, he whispers: "Oh... oh no, no, NO! I forgot Tsunami hazard building regulations!" He sighs and his shoulder slumps heavily. Taking a deep breath he flicks his right hand's three middle fingers downwards. The sides of the island seem to rise, and great stones started crumbling and falling. Great cliffs now bordered the island.

He walks to the middle of the island and smiles, looking up at the sun. He wanted an enduring people. A wise people that would like his teachings. Pointing a finger at the sun, he draws, with infinite precision, an outline of the being he imagined.

The ground shook, the winds shifted.

A being descended on the great island, a slender being. Graceful, its heart burning of passion like the sun. It had beautiful facial features, allying child and adult, male and female. The Sun elves were thus born from the light itself.

To his people he taught the crafting of bows and fishing lines to hunt, of structures. He built a massive wall around the cliff's edges, so that any but flying creatures would see but an impenetrable fortress, and finally, he began instructing the Sun Elves on the construction of cities.

Soon, the Sun Elves were numerous enough to become independent. However, Anti still made quite a few visits to teach them new lore and new things on how to perfect their craft and buildings.

2000 Sun Elves created on that Island Fortress

2008-03-15, 09:01 AM

The god had not liked his throne. It was too... symmetric. He had cleaved the mardble with his claws and corroded it with the venow dripping off his lips. He had then decided that a place where he would regularly come wasn't a good idea at all anyways and he had crushed the throne with his fists, which were solid mithril at the time.

He had then returned to the world. more gods had spawned, it seemed like a plague almost. Mythek liked this. More gods meant more Chaos. Never could two almighty being agree, unless to bring down a third.

On the other hand, gods with tendencies towards order had risen. Three gods or more that built things, adored technology. Mythek did not like technology. It made sense, and took away the mystery of life. Gears shifting, there was no Chaos to that, only order. Now was not the time to act though, now was the time to prepare. Not that he had a plan. Mythek never made plans. He was just in the habit of doing random things that would later turn out to be convenient.

Mythek visited his prophet, the ape. He taught him about the sparks he could make with his fingers. His creator hadn't thought him ready, but for Mythek that alone was a reason to teach this creature.
"Go forth and bring them light, my old pair of shoes!"

The prophet walked into the woods where his kind lived, and many other creatures, and lit it.
A forest fire spread.

"Swordfish..." the mad god mumbled, "The password is always swordfish..."

2008-03-15, 09:15 AM

Anti walks around the new world that is being shaped by the other gods. When he meets others, he presents himself as the Architect. He attempts to find all of them and know them. Maybe someone would be interested in his work?

((Anyone can just jump in at this point and talk to Anti))

2008-03-15, 09:20 AM

The great Beast looked upon the mischief of the mad god and smirked to himself. Such a simple creature, such a fool, bereft of true knowledge and intelligence, merely acting upon his whims. But, thought the Beast, his mischief could prove useful, and the Beast smiled, his rows of gleaming fangs shining in the cavern, gleaming with malevolence. The Beast looked upon the formless shapes around him, that had yet to come to their true forms, and he sent a number of them down to his corrupted forest, and the place of the fire. Those that came to the blighted forest twisted into shape, corruption and darkness giving them forms that were foul to look at. Some became as the trees, but dark and twisted as the forms in the forest, and others as the beasts, but shadowy, and who's eyes shown with a malevolent cunning no mere beast could match, and some stayed, some went forth to spread woe and misery, and still others returned to the cave. The other group, that went to the fire, changed in other ways. Some took the form of the many flames and smoke, giving off heat that spread the burning tide, others took on the forms of the flickering shadows, that never truly revealed themselves, and the remaining took the forms of the dying creatures, shrieking with agonies never lived, and fears never realized, and they dragged many souls of the dead with them to their lords lair. The lord looked upon the souls, and cast them into the deeps of his caverns, where the creatures of his making dwelled, to do with as they pleased. Some however, the most agonized of the souls, the most fearful and resentful of the souls he sent back, twisted with their fear, their pain, and their rage, to spread their death-cries with those still living, that they might be joined in eternal torment, for truly, misery loves company. Some of the shapeless forms remained, and Asmodeus vowed to retain always some of the formless ones, to shift into forms that pleased him in eons to come.

2008-03-15, 09:21 AM
Mythek slithered to meet Anti.
"Why the swordplay, nazi?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

2008-03-15, 09:25 AM
Anti raises an eyebrow. The young boy looks at what he could only describe as a beast with interest.

"Nazi? Is that a place?"

He looks slightly confused.

"I come from over there!"

Anti points North with his finger, he smiles broadly.

"I was thinking, maybe your apes would like some nice houses to live in?"

2008-03-15, 09:32 AM
"Not my apes. Not your houses"
Mythek's hand shifts and briefly becomes a toaster, before turning into a bunch of flowers it pops out some toast.
"The deal is simple. Houses are not Chaos. Hillbillies with crayons in a George Bush themed theme park are Chaos. Houses get eaten by the grue. And the password is always swordfish"
Mythek pauzes as he scratches behind his third ear.
"Toast?" he says, offering a slice.

2008-03-15, 09:55 AM
In a quiet flash of light, an old, brown-robed biped comes into being, leaning on a wooden staff and with a long white beard reaching almost to the ground. He pauses for a time, simply watching the play of creation and counter-creation, then walks towards the centre of the island as if searching for something.

Finally, he sees the island fortress and steps out towards it across the empty air. Alighting on a parapet, he looks down into the centre and sees the graceful inhabitants. To his eyes, they are simple, but one of them has potential...

Walking down, he speaks to the elf.

"Come, walk with me a while, and I will show you... Everything."

The elf takes his hand and follows Morakar into the air, striding into the clouds. Finally, looking down on the new earth, Morakar stretches out his hand and bids a building to appear- a wooden structure, small at the moment, but with the potential to be built upon. Diving down, Morakar takes his new disciple inside. Within is a single shelf, and, on that shelf, a single scroll, which the god hands to the elf, placing a hand on his forehead to give him the gift of letters. On the scroll is a single sentence- Knowledge is the path to fulfilment.

"You are the Student. Let this world give up to you its secrets"

With that, Morakar sent his new disciple out to study the world, staying with him and teaching and learning in equal measure.

Modelling this slightly on Aldur- I'm stealing this elf to become my first Disciple, and I'm aiming to basically get a few adherents from everywhere instead of creating my own. Knowledge is worth less if you made the thing you're knowing about...

Also, current stuff I have: one Sun Elf, one small proto-library, one scroll.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 10:42 AM

Walking in shadow, on the fringe of the world Veohloris watched...and waited. He saw the creation of Wyrms and elves and waited, of apes and clockworks and waited. Gathering the knowledge and keeping it to himself...secrets of creation, secrets of the essence...and thus the secrets of magic were born.

In his first act Veohloris created those of Shadow...the Doppelgangers. Only a thousand of them, creatures able to take any shape and live amongst all races. He gave them one secret each, a simple incantation or spell and then send them out into the world, to live amongst those whose shape they could take. They would form cabals of 5-7 members, no more, and would work to acquire the secrets of all. Studying from the shadows and learning the art of persuasion to nudge all in their direction... Magic to them came as a tool, a great mystery to all others, a method of persuasion, but also an art to be developed.

The lord of the Underworld

Then Veohloris approached the serpentine god Asmodeus.

"greetings lord of the underworld...how may I serve you?"

The voice seemingly comes from the shadow that Asmodeus himself casts, as if he speaks to his own shadow.

"Shall we combine mystery and guile with the fires of the underworld...shall we create creatures of beauty and mystery, yet of a nature sinister and deprived. Shall we create the succubi to haunt this world in your name? "

Veohloris seeks to combine with Asmodeus to create the Succubi.

The great builder and Chaos

"do you want to know my secrets?"

A voice comes from the shadow on one of Anti's buildings as he speaks to Mythek and Anti both.

"what I propose is to unleash chaos on the world, creatures that have the secrets to both create and destroy, to live and to die. To be part of us three. Their purpose unknown...a secret, perhaps none at all, perhaps everything...fickle as the wind, rigid as a wall of stone. The kind we shall call MAN born of three, of secret, of chaos and of building...capable of anything and nothing at all. More vulnerable then any and yet more potent then them all."

2008-03-15, 11:01 AM

Asmodeus moved his great bulk further into the cave, where the light of the upper world did not shine and spoke to the all pervading darkness, he spoke in a voice that was as the great rumble of lightning, and the crackle of fire, combined with a devious serpentine accent "What sort of being are you, that you would dare to enter the home of the great Serpent, without being invited? and what is this "succubus" of which you speak? I am in no need of help from that which can not even come out of the shadows to face me. My corruption already spreads, the souls of the dead are mine to command, and the darkness of my blight creeps further into the lands and minds of the primitive mortals that dwell in this land. This land is already haunted by the creatures of my make, what need have I for that which is not of my knowledge, to haunt the lands? Asmodeus's serpentine eyes scan the darkness, piercing them to perceive what fool dared to confront him.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 11:26 AM

Asmodeus piecing eyes only see his own shadow, as if it is living and speaking to him, for such is the true nature of Veoloris, the keeper of secrets, ever one with the very shadows of the world, observing and learning...He is no more and no less then the essence of shadow...

"Great lord of darkness, your blight and corruption spread the lands and your creations can destroy the form of any...or attempt so. Yet you hold little sway over the realm of shadow and spirits and of mind. What I offer is to seep corruption without them understanding it, to use the shadows to penetrate minds and undermine your enemies from within. These succubi would not be recognised, serving to advance your corruption even where others rule. A great secret covenant to undermine those that would oppose you and they'd only see it when it is too late to stop it."

2008-03-15, 11:59 AM

The Lord of Civilization couldn't help but smile at the progress being made. The human settlement had followed the plan he had set out for them with such subtlety that they thought it was their own idea to take after the laws of the 'Lost Empire.' Still... one settlement did not civilization make, and would be too slow to progress for his tastes.

Hmm... There. A caravan of nomads, seeking a reliable cycle. They weren't far from the humans, and these halflings had a mind for trade. They needed food the settlers possessed in abundance, and the halflings had been in contact with distant lands. A dream or inspiration would be enough to lure them in.

Still, a circuit would be needed to keep the halflings going. The little folk were tamers, herders, and loreweavers to the public eye, but thieves as well. Distasteful, but organized crime encouraged the development of organized government. Ah, that human settlement there in the hills seems to have frequent skirmishes with orcs. They'd appreciate guard dogs the halflings offer.

Still, the halflings would only gain worked tools and such from the trade, and the original settlement could not provide for a full cycle... Ah! A human settlement, near the lands of the elves... They valued knowledge, which the halflings had of the other settlements and the 'Lost Empire.' Yes, this would work.

Still, he needed the inspiration to pull it all into place. He'd need the help of another god... A patron of dreams? Of knowledge? Of secrets? Corbasi sought one out, whichever he could find.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 12:07 PM

The master of magic and secrets was quick to aproach The lord of Civilization, Corbasi.

"What do you seek, lord of civilization?"

His shadow spoke to him, as did all the shadows of the lost ruins.

"Surely you have crafted a place of secrets, a lots civilization, how magnificently it has been crafted. Yet in all your work how do you keep secrets, how do you persuade them, entice them, get them to appreciate your work. I have a secret I would share with your peoples. A secret that allows leadership to be powerful, to make a government organized and the bastions strong. The secret of spells, incantations and the ever to be unraveled mystery of magic. Surely you would see the advantage of such order as it could bring, if your wizest were to command it and delve ever further into it's hallowed mysteries. They would grow smart through their search, finding it out for themselves. Very fit to rule and powerfull enough to command those of lesser stature..."

2008-03-15, 12:08 PM

The great Serpent scoffed at the shadow-thing, the master of lies and deception. "Again I ask, what need have I of you? Already I am master of the dead, for the souls of the departed are mine to do with as I please, What need have I to undermine my foe when they do it themselves? chattering in their simple barbaric tongues, whisperings paranoia and deceit run amok as my creations create woe and panic. What need have I to hide in the shadows? When my creatures show themselves but a few, stories and rumour run rampant, so that armies of the beasts lurk behind every corner, and in every shadow? What need have I to master their minds, when those same minds run loose with the imaginations of these primitive creatures. I am their greatest nightmare, their darkest despair, the being they all fear, and they don't even know the truth of my darkness. His speech said, the Beast spied another God, who's civilization his corruption had yet to reach, and so he sent his Rakh-Ghoul, who would bear false promises of knowledge, and one of his great Wyrms, who would take the treasures to be found, and drive the primitives to seek the aid of tribes, and finally he sent his wraith-creatures, who would bring the souls of their dead to the Beasts lair.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 12:18 PM
Veoloris with Asmodeus

"But I do, I know your secrets, I see your darkness." the lord of secrets replied. "Even the lord of the underworld, does not command all those within it. You need to win their minds even if they are damned, for else they are as good as hollow stone...empty vessels at best. Those brought willingly into your fold would be your true strength. What good are stories and rumors, when one could do so much more...my lord I offer this to you, I will make your rumors come true, with your help we can create the sentinels in the shadow, those gathering the secrets of all and having the strength to do as must be done. Not solely to rely upon those that are powerful and allow you to rule through fear, but also having those that can rule through desire."

Then the tone changed, a more sinister one. "and I bear the gift of spells and incantations, to allow our creations to alter the world as is needed, when it is needed. Surely this secrets they would be able to collect and surely this secret would make them beyond any."

2008-03-15, 12:19 PM

The Crafter of Progress listened to the Secretkeeper, nodding on occasion. "I would not object to such a blessing for my charges, but I think that neccesity requires a more subtle touch for now. Perhaps in the deeper ruins, to be uncovered by future generations when they've prospered enough to be able to handle such power responsibly. For now, inspiration for the halflings to form a circuit between these three human settlements in their nomadic travels, and insights for my charges as to how to ward off the... disruptions of Asmodeus. The wyrm can be tolerated, and I can deal with the wraiths, but the Ghoul would seek to disrupt the order and intrude on your domain."

Civilization Himself then went to one of the ruins he intended for the halflings to find, and placed within tablets of the Common alphabet in a 'forgotten' dialect between the Common tongue and the halfling language, explaining the tradition of cremation. With the body burnt away, dark magic would have more difficulty working upon his charges, enough that Corbasi could protect them from the Destabilizing One.

2008-03-15, 12:26 PM

The old-looking God approaches the Civilised One, his single adherent in tow.

"You seek knowledge for your people, Crafter of Progress? That is my domain. Not the secrets of the shadows... I bring learning to all who need it, and I see our courses becoming joined as one."

He pauses for a second, then continues.

"If you would be willing to give me some of your people, I would give them the greatest gift of knowledge- not knowledge alone, but the gift of the Teacher, to spread knowledge to those in need. What say you?"

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 12:29 PM
Veoloris with Corbasi

The shadows that can only be heard by Corbasi swirl and a moment later his reply is heard.

"It is done, deep within your ruins now lies the secret of magic.

Now I would bestow a blessing upon the small folk, the speed of tongue, an art of persuasion and the cloak of shadows, sentinels that shield them. Surely those half the size need by twice as vocal to be heard and a tongue of Silver is what i will give them. And surely those half the size need the shadows to shield them from danger, like that posed by Asmodeus. Let the souls of those who fall merge with shadow and there will be guardians sustained by magic able to protect their progeny from the evil of Asmodeus. We can even create a few extra ancestral spirits to start of with and instill those with the belief that they are the lost race from the ruins..."

Veoloris is suggesting a small blessing on the halflings granting them a silver tongue, and to create 'ancestral spirits' from the fallen to watch over those that live.

((OOC: On veohloris, he is the god of magic, shadows and secrets. His words can only be heard by those he desires to speak to and his presence is only notices to those he reveals himself to or interacts with.))

2008-03-15, 12:31 PM

Asmodeus's eyes narrow dangerously, a clear threat implied I will allow you to do as you promise, but if things do not go as you have said, you will join the ranks of dead, when I devour you, shadow or no

How does Corbasi know I'm involved, or that my creations are connected, and that the Rakh-Ghoul are evil? I mean, all I know is that you're a god and that there's a civilization I haven't corrupted, my guy doesn't know your name or who you are... yet

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 12:34 PM
I don't know. I think Veohloris could tell him, being the god of secrets and all (and having the doppelgangers everywhere), but he would not. Secrets are only secrets if you keep them. His dogma is to reveal only hints at best, but let people find out for themselves.

Veoloris and Asmodeus

1000 succubi are created by Veoloris in the presence of Asmodeus, beautifull in visage, yet with a cunning and devious mind of fire and evil and a thirst for secrets and desire to manipulate and scheme for their lords... A minor spell is given to each by Veoloris, to summon a demon of Asmodeus to their aid. They are set lose upon the world, to roam and collect secrets and gather power in the shadows for the lord of secrets whilst also spreading the taint of asmodeus.

((note: their secrets will not be revealed to asmodeus unless veoloris orders them to, yet in their nature they are agents of evil and seek to spread asmodeus taint as well as become the power behind thrones that veoloris desires.))

2008-03-15, 12:35 PM

"Ancestor worship... Yes, that would force out the machinations of Asmodeus. Perhaps ancestors bond themselves to the magic items created with the magics of the 'Lost Empire.' Still..." Corbasi then turned his attention to Morakar. "Ah! Yes, that would help. The humans need knowledge to combat the deceptions of the Rahk-Ghoul, and the halflings need knowledge of the path to take to maintain a healthy status quo."

Meanwhile, the halflings found the tablets. One was still searching... what knowledge would she find, planted by another god?

2008-03-15, 12:42 PM
Once again I humbly request to know the source of Corbasi's seemingly infinite insight as to the creatures that have come unto their land, my plans, and their source.

2008-03-15, 12:51 PM

The aged god smiles, saying, "I foresee a great future for us, Corbasi. Now, may I ask how many of your people I may take as students, to learn of this world and spread the knowledge to your cities?"

2008-03-15, 01:04 PM
Corbasi pondered a moment, then began gesturing. "A few from each the primary settlement and the warring village, to keep track of the lore brought by the halflings from the third village. You may have as many as half from the village that values knowledge, as development is still neccesary to be able to apply the knowledge they value. The halflings... You might need to discuss with the Secret Keeper. I think the shadow might have stolen those thieves."

2008-03-15, 01:15 PM

"The Secret Keeper?" Morakar frowns. "He may be somewhat opposed to my goals... This will need some research..."

Controlling himself, Morakar adds, "I will take a few to start with and bring them to my Library, to teach them and learn from them. When I believe they are ready, I will send them back to your towns to spread learning."

Morakar smiles to Corbasi and strides off, taking five people from the primary settlement, two from the warring village and ten from the village that values knowledge. He walks with them back to the Library he created- negligently waving his hand to expand it and include some living quarters- and takes his new disciples inside. Placing a hand on each of their heads to bless them with the gift of literacy, Morakar begins to teach them the basics of the scientific method, before sending them, as he did his first disciple, to record what they can of the world.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 01:17 PM
Veohloris with Corbasi

The tablet found contains a simple incantation that is burned into the mind of the halfling. A spell of visions, to reveal the ancestral spirits and allow these to impart knowledge and guide the small people, but also one that would wrap them in shadow and shield them from sight, and the words 'veohloris, keeper of secrets' that was inextractibly linked to the power bestowed. Surely only the wisest of half lings would understand it, but these few would be enough to shield many of their kind if they had the will to delve deeper into the secret arts of magic.

Simultaneously Veoloris starts the creation of the first of the human and half ling ancestral spirits.

"If our powers combined can create the first spirits, then surely the others can be grown from the power we invest in your people."

He waits for the infusion of power by Corbasi to finalize these creations. They are to be wardens, created by shadow and sustained by the essence of magic to keep the secrets of the civilization that is being build and shield it from the machinations of gods other then Veohloris or Corbasi. 1000 of such spirits would be created in the first genesis, but their numbers would swell as the souls of the dead would join their ranks. These souls would be bound to the very earth and woven into whatever was created, weaponry and other magic items would be flourishing

The Nature of Magic

Veohloris as god of magic, the greatest of the secret arts, builds the nature of magic as some creatures start to wield it. It is an art that comes not from knowlegde, and of which only the very basics can be taught, but one that requires wisdom and delving into secrets to master. It relies upon an introverted sense of knowledge, gained in part through meditation on it's nature and binding it to the very soul.

Books and scrolls, though create-able are void without the wisdom required to master the secrets within it. Mages would be rare, and would rely upon themselves first to command others second.

2008-03-15, 01:53 PM

Corbasi observes the incomplete ancestor proxies, examining their nature... And he frowns. Secrets were important in complex civilizations, yes, but the open flow of information was critical to the creation of such a high society. If secrecy dominated his charges, progress would be stiffled, and intolerably so.

So, instead of pouring power into the spirits, he drew it out. He would examine the structure of the dismantled beings, figure out how to make them of his own power... One would be all he needed to make. Yes, his plan would flow much more smoothly if it went according to his grand design.

2008-03-15, 02:05 PM
Vakira, Bringer of Nature

Vakira shakes his head in consternation: flame, fog, and darkness have already consumed so much of the First Grove. It is with an angry heart that the tree-father leaves his first creation; his staglike hooves tread lightly on the water, and he runs. He runs until the First Grove is nothing more than a spec on the blue horizon, and here he wills the water to become something more: wondrous, intricate caverns of solid water rise from the sea, trimmed with coral of every color. Plants flourish on the roof of the great caverns and within them, as well.

The nature god smiles, now, hoping that this place will be more fortunate, more resilient. He chooses the ingredients for his first truly sentient creature carefully, and a small frog-like biped wakes at the god's feet, an intricate mane of petals where most creatures would have hair. Plant and animal are again combined, but this time with more sophistication.

"Hello, Grigin. You and your kind have a great deal of work ahead of you if you want to resist their temptations."

1,000 Grigin created; frog-men about the size of a racoon, with heavy plant influences. They populate the newly-formed Greenreef Caverns. I'm sure someone will have fun trying to corrupt them.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 02:05 PM
Veoloris with Corbasi

As Corbasi tries to draw upon the husks, he finds a tangled web of shadows and secrets riddled through them. Long before the god can even begin to comprehend it Veohloris prevents his secrets from flowing into Corbasi, keeping the knowledge of the spirits to himself by withdrawing his power from the first of their forms, collapsing the empty husks back into the essence of magic that created them. His secrets would be preserved.

"Why do you with-hold your power? Surely it is vital that secrets are preserved and can be drawn upon by those with the wisdom to understand them. Surely you realize that without keepers of secrets that these would be lost. Doesn't the civilization that you create needs those that can preserve it's ways without the risk that these secrets would be known by all and fall into the hands of those that seek to harm you?

Does your civilization not need it's wisest to be given advice? Secrets are power and power needs to be preserved and used only by those with the wisdom to understand it...or else chaos would rip through your civilization.

Now shall we try and create them...for neither of us can on his own fabricate this design without interweaving our powers..."

Veohloris with Morakar

"Greetings seeker of secrets. I believe we should make a pact. Both of us seek to improve the minds of creatures, shape them to harness their potential to the fullest. As such we need to come to an accord. Your knowledge and teaching, though useful, are ultimately lost on those without the wisdom to acquire it for themselves. My secrets serve to be revealed only to those who might understand them. And especially the gift of magic that I hold sway over is such a secret.

As such I propose that we join forces and ensure your knowledge and my secrets both work to hone peoples minds. To reveal too little does not spark curiosity and would prevent anyone from going after secrets, yet revealing to much would make people lazy and prevent fresh knowledge from reaching them.

We thus need the Pact of Secret Knowledge, I will offer you some of my secrets to record, including those elemental basics of magics, but only if you will restrain your teaching to leading the path and letting it be mortals who make the advancements and let only the wisest unravel the secrets, those with the capacity to truly apreciate any knowledge that they find for themselves.

Remember I am not opposed to progress, I am only one that wants to make it valuable and durable. It would be a shame if we would waste precious time opposing another when there is so much we could do together.

After all what is the purpose of knowledge and studying if all is known... and what is the value of a secret if it cannot be found. We complement each other."

The voice is in every shadow, never long enough at any point to allow Morakar to accurately learn anything of his nature. He appears at random times in different voices at different places, like a shadow stalking or a mystery to be solved.

2008-03-15, 02:20 PM

"If the secrets are kept, they cannot be used to help build the civilization. There cannot be progress while information is withheld. Now, if you don't mind, I need to cause a minor tremor to create a substantial effect."

Corbasi eyed the Wyrm warily. It had come with other things, and it seemed the mightiest. Perhaps the source of the problem, perhaps the primary agent of a chaotic god. In any case, it was a greedy thing. The dragon was intelligent, though, and might be appeased.

Yes, a clever touch. The tremor hit the mines of the warring village, shaking rocks loose and revealing a yellow glint: gold. His civilization might use this to appease the beast... Perhaps bribe it into fighting off the orcs? In any case, order would be maintained with regular tribute.

2008-03-15, 02:35 PM
*yawn* Cerus wakes up surrounded by the creatures he created staring at him. "Looks like I didn't do that bad at all." The nearest Keidran are startled by his sudden action. As he stands up, he looks into the distance. "He's advancing faster than I predicted, looks like I should teach them to take care of themselves. He calls over one of each variety of the beasts. To the Wolf, he gives a glowing book, inscribed with hundreds of pages of runes. To the Tiger, he gives a glowing spear. To the fox, a dagger and to the cheetah a longsword. These too glowing with a white aura that permeates the entire being of the 4 creatures.

"You 4 shall be the guardians. You will teach your people to defend themselves and other against those who would do harm. Be cautious of the other races but do not fear them. Now I shall leave you with a small gift." He produces hundreds of crates containing books, weapons, food and tools. After which he flies off in search of the one in control of nature.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 02:39 PM
Veohloris with Corbasi

"Why it is secrets that ensure progress. Why would one seek progress if all is known, it is secrets and new things to be discovered that fuel it.

In addition it is the preservation of the secrets of old, in the ancestral spirits, that would allow those who needed to to draw upon them, to ensure that secrets are not lost, but can be build upon and used to solve new secrets.

Still if you prefer the souls of the departed going straight to the beast and swelling his ranks with unnatural horrors, the choice is yours."

The voice springs from shadow to shadow, whispering to Corbasi.

Fiery Justice
2008-03-15, 02:52 PM
The Great Wolf had tired of killing non sapient being so he found a wandering human. The human's name was Keel. Keel was a child who hand wandered from his papa. The Great Wolf took some his own rage and transformed it into a wolf that immediately tried to kill him. The Great Wolf liked the new wolf and transformed it into a spirit ad he took the spirit and put it into the young child. It infected the child's heart. Nudging Keel back towards his papa he waited and that night he saw what he was waiting for. The child wanted something his papa wouldn't give to him and the child begins to get angry.

Then it happened, the child changes, fur sprouts, a long snout emerges from his form, claws bloom from his fingers, his legs bent, he let out a howl and tore into his father. He then killed the most of the village but he infected numerous others with the spirit of the wolf. After they established a pecking order, they began to go out for a new village. But their rage and fear were spent and so they were transformed back to human with no memories of what had happened. They went back to town and discovered everyone dead. Horrified they hitched a ride with a halfling caravan.

Until the rage of the wolf built up again...

The Great Wolf spent little time bothering to watch his creatures after that, as the cycle would continue and the werewolves would spread further and in more directions. It never occurred to him people might manage to beat his creatures, so content with a couple of genocides, he went out into a new plane and created an entirely new group of human werewolves and then drives all of them mad and sets them to killing each other. At the end one survives, the cleverest, strongest, fastest, and most bloodthirsty. Happy that at last he has a worthy champion, he gives the beast even more extreme strength, the ability to turn invisible, the ability to fly the ability to drain men of their strength, and the ability to cause beings to die with a simple touch (just Inflict Critical Wounds at Will with no casting time with a caster level of 20. But it'll work most of the time.).

Naming the creature Ruk, he lets it loose.

And then he continues on his way, thinking on new horrible beasts to create.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 03:14 PM
Veohloris and the wolf

The doppelgangers and succubi were soon to report the first of the werewolf to Veohloris. And so Veohloris set a trap, he created a creature of magical essence, but stout and resistant, one he believed would survive the werewolves strikes. It was created near the werewolves, hoping to get it attacked.

If they struck Veohloris would wisk away the creature into shadow and take it to Asmodeus and present it to the lord of the underworld.

"My lord, there is another terror. Observe his creation, a living spreading taint...I offer this sample to you to observe."

Veohloris Second creation

After the creation of the doppelgangers, he had only worked with others. Now he would create being of his own again, fickle being full of magic and ever mysterious dwellers of the shadows invisible and unseen unless they wanted to be. The fey, consisting of dryads and pixies would soon frolic in the woods, enticing other to come near.

(1000 fey created)

Veohloris and The Great Wolf

His spies followed the trail to the great wolf and soon Veohloris one with his shadow.

"Great hunter...you seek a new horror? I would offer you one of shadow. One, whose prey would rise up to join him forever cursed to wander with the hunger for it's former kind. These vampires, stalkers of shadows and the night would be blessed with insight and wisdom, able to spread much carnage. How does such progeny of us both sound to you."

2008-03-15, 03:23 PM
The great builder and Chaos

"do you want to know my secrets?"

A voice comes from the shadow on one of Anti's buildings as he speaks to Mythek and Anti both.

"what I propose is to unleash chaos on the world, creatures that have the secrets to both create and destroy, to live and to die. To be part of us three. Their purpose unknown...a secret, perhaps none at all, perhaps everything...fickle as the wind, rigid as a wall of stone. The kind we shall call MAN born of three, of secret, of chaos and of building...capable of anything and nothing at all. More vulnerable then any and yet more potent then them all."

"Secrets, Myths, Mystery. No need to know, grasshopper. You I approve of, but the lord of the mansion can kiss my teacup. Building is order. Any beekeeper would agree"

Blood dripped from Mythek's lips, but then his lips turned to stone and the blood turned to water, so there was no problem.

"Mystery is my domain, secrets yours. I dwell in the mist, while you lurk in shadows. We could do great things. Invent our own brand of icecream, climb the peaks of the kilimanjaro, maim, murder, write poetry. Suggestions, kitty cat?"

Fiery Justice
2008-03-15, 03:27 PM
The Great Wolf
The Great Wolf lets out a low, soft growl that can be understood to say, "I like", reaching out and touching a human in one of the cities he gives it his portion, the bloodthirst, the near invulnerability, the infectious spread he had invented with his werewoles, "Add your shadows" growls the wolf staring at the strange new creature that had made the offer.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 03:30 PM
Veohloris and Mythek

"Suggestions I think are legion. Secrets are both profound and powerfull, yet harmless and void. Look upon my second creation, the fey...denizens of the natural world and highly mysterious. Yet I feel they are unfinished. Perhaps if you would warp them into chaos, split them in two and warp them into all sorts of chaotic forms. Then surely they would be a bane of order, wandering miscreants and prankster, foolish sages and keepers of secrets that are either void or potent, but none shall know till he finds them. I shall give them all a random secret of magic if you were to warp them."

((OOC: in essence you create 1000 more random creatures and we split the fey to create a whole scale of random humanoid animal and weirder hybrids to truly create miscreant pixies and insanely babbling frog headed Boguns.))

The lord of shadows whispers jump from place to place as the fey randomly come in and out and randomly receiving their 'modifications'.

Veohloris and the great wolf

Veohloris removed the shadow from the creature that was to be the vampire, turning it into it's own body and shadow combined. The shadow would not be visible, but instead the creature would hold the shadow within. Then he poured in his cunning and guile, making it enticing and strangely attractive, a feral and beautifull predator, able to charm with a look and kill in a moment. Then he imbued it with a secret of magic, to become a living shadow with the power to command the shadows around him. The shadow trapped inside the creature would ensure it's near immortality. The creature would seek to lead, to unravel secrets, but would also have an undying thirst.

2008-03-15, 03:43 PM
Vakira, God of Nature

Vakira smiles, curled up and comfortable like a basking lion. He sits on the floor of the Greenreef Caverns and watches as the Grigin busy themselves with the establishment of their first proto-society. They hadn't yet mastered the whole "speaking" thing, but they were precocious little creatures, tending the coral and the kelp of the inner reef and herb-hunting in the upper. With a nod, Vakira beckons the first grigin forward. The creature frog-hops toward the god and tilts its head strangely.

"Little one," he says softly, setting one great paw on the creature's forehead, "you will be my first Greenwarden." Light glimmers between the god and his creation, and the grigin's eyes become deep, emerald green. "Share this power with the others, with those whom you know to be worthy."

Empowering the first grigin with Plant-magic, and encouraging him to spread it. Before long, there are 50 Greenwardens among the grigin, of greatly varying power.

2008-03-15, 03:56 PM
After a short while, Cerus flies down and appears in front of Vakira.

"Well well, it would seem things are going... "swimmingly" for your creations."

He takes a minute to chuckle at his own joke.

*sigh* "Mine however seem to be in need of water. I suppose I should have thought out a flying island better. Anyway I hoping perhaps you could arrange an upward-flowing waterfall, mister... what was your name again?"

2008-03-15, 03:58 PM
Valkrath Amon and Veohloris

Amon had contacted Veohloris through his mind. "Veohloris, Divinus of Magic, please speak with me. I am Amon, Valkrath of the Ages. I as the Divinus of divine magic, think it of extreme importance to inform me of your plans, oh god of secrets. We are two sides of the same coin, Veohloris, wizard god."


Valkrath creates 10,000 giants.

2008-03-15, 04:00 PM

"I am not averse to letting the Peoples learn for themselves- so far I have simply taught them to learn and think. However, I wish to know more about you- what do you want, keeper of secrets?"

2008-03-15, 04:04 PM

"I call myself Vakira," he says with a mighty swipe of his tail, knocking a quick jet of water towards Cerus before sending it upward, directly into the solid-water of the cavern roof. "Yes," he remarks, repeating the process but this time creating a steady waterrise, a backwards waterfall. "Yes, I believe I can do that if you so desire. But there will be a price," the nature god remarks with an ambivalent smile.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 04:19 PM
Veohloris and Valkrath Amon

All that Valkrath Amon gets as he tries to contact the mind of Veohloris is a web of secrets and shadows too complex to unravel in the split second that it exists before changing to something entirely different. Then suddenly his shadow starts to move of it's own accord still fickle and riddled with secrets.

"tell me first what you want divinus of divine magic and tell me of how you seek to keep the side of the coin you claim as reserved only for those with the wisdom to fully understand it. For I hold sway over the very nature of magic and would not allow it's abuse. I am the coin, not just a side of it."

Veohloris and the secret of animation

Amongst a few of those halflings, doppelgangers, succubi, fey and vampires that serves him Veohloris reveals a small secret. The secret lore of animation of the corps. Those with this lore can make the fallen rise, though only briefly, to serve them, making the corpse animated through magic and shadow and sometimes even ruling the very mind of their creation. It is a brief control, but those who desire more can delve into the secret art of necromancy...

2008-03-15, 04:23 PM
"My name is Cerus and as for your price, I think you should take a look outside your cavern."

Cerus gesture outside the Nature god's cave to a massive orb of rock surrounded with a barrier of gas.

"25,000 Miles wide. Plenty of breathable air fir the time being as well as massive pits for lakes and oceans. I can't fill this land with creatures all by my self if you catch my drift."

2008-03-15, 04:25 PM
Veohloris and Valkrath Amon

All that Valkrath Amon gets as he tries to contact the mind of Veohloris is a web of secrets and shadows too complex to unravel in the split second that it exists before changing to something entirely different. Then suddenly his shadow starts to move of it's own accord still fickle and riddled with secrets.

"tell me first what you want divinus of divine magic and tell me of how you seek to keep the side of the coin you claim as reserved only for those with the wisdom to fully understand it. For I hold sway over the very nature of magic and would not allow it's abuse. I am the coin, not just a side of it."

"Veohloris, you are not a Divinus that can claim being a former Omnipotent god. I know what I am talking about. I am the Divinus of all Wisdom and Authority. We are only as powerful as eachother, but I say with assurance that what I want is our full cooperation. I desire you to stay out of my business, and perhaps we may even befriend one another despite our vast differences. "

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 04:33 PM
Veohloris and Valkrath Amon

"And as such I desire to know what your business would be, divinus that claims to have been omnipotent. I cannot agree to a bargain without you stating what it is that you exactly want from me... You may be claiming a side of my coin, yet i do not know which side lands up when it falls.

Though still I propose a shared creation as you obviously have a desire for magic. What I offer is to take 1000 of your giants and infuse them with some secrets of magic. These titans could be lords of the creation, preserving the arts of magic and ensuring they are used only by those with the wisdom to understand them as well as using their inner wisdom, gained through the discovery of secrets to rule wisely.

As such we wills solidify our friendship."

2008-03-15, 04:38 PM
Veohloris and Valkrath Amon

"And as such I desire to know what your business would be, divinus that claims to have been omnipotent. I cannot agree to a bargain without you stating what it is that you exactly want from me... You may be claiming a side of my coin, yet i do not know which side lands up when it falls.

Though still I propose a shared creation as you obviously have a desire for magic. What I offer is to take 1000 of your giants and infuse them with some secrets of magic. These titans could be lords of the titans, preserving the arts of magic and ensuring they are used only by those with the wisdom to understand them.

As such we wills solidify our friendship."

"I am the Divinus of Wisdom, Virtue, and Authority, I possess the absolute right to punish the doers of evil. Trust that I will maintain my powers, as I know secrets of the universe that are great for one of my meagre strength."

"Of course.... You may have rights to them. Take heed however, as I am the Master of benevolence. All living creatures will either live in peace, or the demon or spirit which persecutes them shall earn my enmity."

2008-03-15, 04:40 PM

Raising an eyebrow, the young boy looks at the two gods of Chaos. He smiles slightly.

"Well, building can give a recreation of chaos!" He says as if to defend himself.

With these words, he lifts his hands up in the air. There is something of a shockwave occuring in the murky water. And something like a tiny bit of land no larger than a man's fist arises.

He swiftly put his hand over it, muttering something, and then smiles at the creation.

"See that? That's a maze! A labyrinth!"

2008-03-15, 04:59 PM
Veohloris and Mythek

"Suggestions I think are legion. Secrets are both profound and powerfull, yet harmless and void. Look upon my second creation, the fey...denizens of the natural world and highly mysterious. Yet I feel they are unfinished. Perhaps if you would warp them into chaos, split them in two and warp them into all sorts of chaotic forms. Then surely they would be a bane of order, wandering miscreants and prankster, foolish sages and keepers of secrets that are either void or potent, but none shall know till he finds them. I shall give them all a random secret of magic if you were to warp them."

((OOC: in essence you create 1000 more random creatures and we split the fey to create a whole scale of random humanoid animal and weirder hybrids to truly create miscreant pixies and insanely babbling frog headed Boguns.))

The lord of shadows whispers jump from place to place as the fey randomly come in and out and randomly receiving their 'modifications'

"Split into two? Chaos does not come in twos, it comes in an infinite repetition of an infinite series of random numbers. No other way, cactus. But consider your request granted, master. I am your genie, as you are my rug. The fey will be warped, and the world will follow"

Mythek's tentacles reached out again, their hands touching a thousand faces, faces that would grin or shiver in fear upon the touch of this cold, slippery and singing hot abomination. The fey were warped, each of them different, but still with certain likeness to the whole. two individual fey could be different in every single way, but fill a room with them and you'd spot the things they had in common. Two fey could have the same nose, while two others grinned the same evil smile, still, a third would have neither but resemble all with that strange growth on his back.


Raising an eyebrow, the young boy looks at the two gods of Chaos. He smiles slightly.

"Well, building can give a recreation of chaos!" He says as if to defend himself.

With these words, he lifts his hands up in the air. There is something of a shockwave occuring in the murky water. And something like a tiny bit of land no larger than a man's fist arises.

He swiftly put his hand over it, muttering something, and then smiles at the creation.

"See that? That's a maze! A labyrinth!"

"Mazes are carefully ordered sequences of finite turns and twist, specifically designed for one to be lost if he follows the specific rules of the labyrinth. A maze is order. Tea with leprechaun steak and fluorescent cookies is chaos. Ever seen a man eat soup with a fork?"

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 05:00 PM
Veohloris and Valkrath Amon

"So let it be done then, call out your 1000 best and let's turn them into the Titans."

Veohloris instills the 1000 giants with some of magics secrets, the gift is that of thunder. How to make once hands crackle with lightning, maybe the wisest would learn how to use this gift and command the thunder of the heavens themselves. Yet he also secretly instills them with something hidden by shadow essence, a secret that would open their minds to persuasion to those that could learn the true name that he gave to each of them. These secret names he would then fragment and hide in the hidden places of the world, from the shadowy corners of the underworld of Asmodeus to the depths of Corbasi's ruins to the hidden passage's of Anti's labyrinth and the dustiest tomes of Morakars libary. Each fragment of each name would be spread over these locations and hidden such that it's meaning would not be understood save for one who knew what he was looking for and the wisdom to understand the magics of the mind.

Veohloris and the secret of the magic of the mind

To some of the doppelgangers he bestowed a gift, the basics of the secret lore of the magic of the mind. In it's basic form no more then an ability to win trust, but the greatest amongst them could grow potent mind benders indeed. the dicipline of enchantment had been created.

Veohloris and Anti

"Truly amazing...a place where one can hide secrets amids the depth of the mind of chaos...what more do you have in mind?"

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-15, 05:03 PM
Lex Legis, God of Law

Lex Legis sat on his throne, in the sanctuary. He watched the material plane, watched the spread of life and land. He watched as the great island in the sky was created, as the first grove grew, and was corrupted, as the elves and dwarves were created, as corbasi's civilization propspered.
"This world needs laws."
Lex Legis stood from his throne. He held up the gavel in his right hand, and with it he created his first servant, Truth. He held the noose in his left, and with it created his second servant, Justice.
"Go down and walk the land, my servants. Spread the word of law. Protect the innocent. Punish the guilty."

This done, he walked to the centre of the sanctuary. Amplifying his voice so that it could be heard by every Divinus in creation, he spoke.
"Come to the santuary, those of you who value order. We shall create the laws."
2 Avatars of Law created.
The santuary refers to the building in the sky described in Armin's second post. It contains the thrones of all the divinus, except Mythek, since he destroyed his.

2008-03-15, 05:24 PM
Anti: the Architect

Shaping the structure as at least one of them seemed interested, the maze moves upwards, torturous, twisting itself. Blocks seem to randomly place each other, stairs with missing steps, stairs crossing each over once over, the creation goes ever upwards, the walls of the labyrinth grow taller, a tower in the middle rises, but is it really a tower? It seems the muck of the marsh is on the sides of the building. It has no particular shape, the building separates into two branches, one that goes East, one that goes North-West, it makes an arch over the labyrinth, and long winding corridors that come out from the main structures spin in the air and land in random parts of the maze below, creating entries.

"Maybe something like that?"

2008-03-15, 05:42 PM
Vakira, God of Nature to Cerus

"The gift of earth is appreciated," Vakira says with a smile as he gestures towards where he imagine Cerus' isle to be, "and I will gladly fill it with you, but all I truly ask if your assurances against the darkness and the flames that have already encroached on this world. My first creation is already tainted. I would not have that happen to the reef, nor to any other place I create." The god roars loudly and in the distance the sea churns and rises into the air. A jet of quick water boars a hole through the far end of Cerus' isle, and rivers spring forth across it only to fall over the edges of the island and cascade back into the sea.

Vakira's Envoy

Vakira turns his attentions to the first grigin again, and offers him a bright blue light and a gray orb. The grigin takes both, and sacred markings run across his skin like fresh calligraphy.

Vakira's Envoy to Lex

A small grigin appears in the sanctuary, a bright blue-green aura surrounding him to mark him as a divine envoy. He hops lightly to Lex Legis and tilts his head to the side.

"With respects," the frog-says, "Vakira does not submit to 'law' by you."

A strong breeze ripe with the electric scent of ozone ripples through the sanctuary, and the grigin is gone.

Vakira's Envoy is now fully empowered: plants, water, and weather. He's the first (and only) Worldwarden for Vakira. Still not very powerful compared to most of the heavy hitters in the world (like Lex's servants, or the Wyrms). But he can start training Bluewardens (water-magicians) and Graywardens (weather-magicians).

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-15, 06:18 PM
Lex Legis

Lex ignores the frog. It's envoy has no meaning to him, for none can deny the law.

2008-03-15, 06:21 PM
"If this is the case then I have even more wonderful news! I've already set four of my desciples to teach my people the ways of combat. Magic, Stealth, Fury, and Strategy. As a matter of fact it would seem the guardian of magic is having a bit of trouble though. Must be the work of the one that controls magic, always so troublesome. I must remember to slow this down once they stablize. Can't have one race become this powerful or it might piss off whoever is in control of order and balance." He laughs and takes a seat in midair "I can't tell you how ticked the gods of balance were when I obtained this power. All I ever head was "A mortal shouldn't have this kind of power" Blah Blah Blah "You can't go giving magical cannons to the gnomes" "Eh... oh man, was I ranting? I'm sorry I guess I just haven't had anyone to talk with in such a long time."

2008-03-15, 06:34 PM

Asmodeus smiles at the gift of the werewolf, and he sets them to hunting in his corrupted forest, seeking to prey on mortals, and spread their disease. The Beast frowns, he looks upon his wraiths and the god of civilization and is displeased. As much as it pains him, he decides to reveal his true form to the fool who would tamper with his domain. The massive colossus of muscle and unholy power slithers through the forests and deserts, spreading corruption where it treads, and where his fangs drip poison, snakes the size of men grew, and slithered away. When he finally reached the God of Civilization he reared up to his full height, which blocked cast a great shadow over the civilization "You, god of civilization and order, what right have you to dismiss my wraiths, the spreader of my word, who take the souls of the departed to their rightful place in my caverns. I am the god of the life after death, and it is not your place to deny me and my servants our rightful place. His booming voice echoed across the land, and sounded more of a proclamation to all, then a simple speech to one.

off in the distance, where the fires died out and the flowers bloomed, the shadows and fires and smokes that lived had not yet died out. They sought out that which would burn and burned it, they cast their oppressive smog across the forest, and leered from the shadows of every flame.

The great Wyrms of the sea agreed to spread the word of further land to their lord, and the fastest of their kind, the great "Eschess" a massive green Wyrm, sped with all haste to the Beasts cavern, where the sounds of souls echoed eternally, and demons danced in the oppressive darkness.

2008-03-15, 06:41 PM
Anti: the Architect

Shaping the structure as at least one of them seemed interested, the maze moves upwards, torturous, twisting itself. Blocks seem to randomly place each other, stairs with missing steps, stairs crossing each over once over, the creation goes ever upwards, the walls of the labyrinth grow taller, a tower in the middle rises, but is it really a tower? It seems the muck of the marsh is on the sides of the building. It has no particular shape, the building separates into two branches, one that goes East, one that goes North-West, it makes an arch over the labyrinth, and long winding corridors that come out from the main structures spin in the air and land in random parts of the maze below, creating entries.

"Maybe something like that?"

Mythek laughed, though it sounded a lot like the sound of a carhorn mixed with that of a plane engine.

"Yes, much better. You'll learn yet, grasshopper. Wax on, wax off, like the waxing and waning of the moon. All you need now is a gift shop at the centre"

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-15, 06:47 PM
((@PirateJesus: as much as I'd hate to say it. How does cerus intend to teach his people magic? It is simply the fact that Veohloris holds sway over magic and has set up the nature of magic. The very idea behind it is that it's restricted only to the wisest.))

The Nature of Magic

Veohloris as god of magic, the greatest of the secret arts, builds the nature of magic as some creatures start to wield it. It is an art that comes not from knowlegde, and of which only the very basics can be taught, but one that requires wisdom and delving into secrets to master. It relies upon an introverted sense of knowledge, gained in part through meditation on it's nature and binding it to the very soul.

Books and scrolls, though create-able are void without the wisdom required to master the secrets within it. Mages would be rare, and would rely upon themselves first to command others second.
((OOC: note: i don't intend to prevent others having any of it (such would be an unfair advantage to me and ultimately be unwise as I'd be hurting my own cause), but I do wonder how you could develop it without his help or without using his rules, which incidentally strive to find a certain balance to prevent mortals from being gods in their own right.))

Veohloris and the chaotic architect

"Truly an interesting creation. but if you'd let me..."

Veohloris touches the labyrinth as it becomes animated and riddled with shadow, walls are shifting, barriers move created by shadow and webs of secrets are spun with words to arcane to comprehend, meaning all or nothing. The creation would be a palace where the brave could go and find magic, but should watch the shadow and prevent themselves from going insane through the multitude of incomprehensible whispers and secrets.

"Now with just a touch of chaos and this would be the palace of fey...a warped and ever shifting realm of chaos, creation and shadow. With hidden secrets many and none, everywhere and at no time present...what do you say Mythek?"

Veohloris and Lex Legis

In the sanctuary the throne of magic is empty, though a shadow is cast from it that speaks.

"What laws would you create and how would you enforce them?

Still the primary law should be that none of us may create anything that would allow mortals to obtain the full powers of the gods.

The second law should be that we respect each others powers and seek not to steal them or take them."

2008-03-15, 07:05 PM
God of Night

High above the world, turmoil writhed within the sun. A part of the solar body had rebelled against light. The harsh light blinded and burned it. It kicked itself free sending the sun spinning across the sky. The world descends into night. The being's struggle to free itself from the sun shattered its celestial body into a million stars. Its dark core plummeted to the earth in the form of a massive dog.
The shaggy mastif opens its eyes to cool darkness. The tiny points of light don't burn but are beautiful.
It perked its ears. It could hear voices from the darkness. They whispered thanks for its protection and safety. Then it heard other creatures in the night. They intended to harm those that enjoyed his protection.
He ran through the forests and shadows of the world changing into a man with a shield and hand axe. One of the hungry monsters of The Great Wolf was lurking near a sleeping town. As it rushed to tear into the village, a shield of stars blocked its path. "Come no further. These are they that depend on me for protection. You will not harm them.
The wolfish creature charged again. They fought with Mehswif taking the defensive but in the end the shield pushed it back once more into the shadows I say again stay away from my charges. I have let you live these two times, but test me a third time and I will end you.
The creature was leery now but its bloodlust was too great for it to head thoughts of hesitation. As it charged again, Mehswif did not try to block it. Instead he brought his axe down on the monsters neck as it went past.
The conflict over, he heard more killers in the dark. Mehswif protected those that praised him and left those that feared him to their fate. Mehswif noticed a light on the horizon. The sun was coming back searching for him. He tried to gather concealing shadows around him but found he had no power over them. To be of darkness but have no purview over shadows. This will have to be remedied. The god fled to the far side of the world. The sun would pass on to search more distant lands and once it did he would search out The Great Wolf, father of so many things that threatened his worshippers.

2008-03-15, 07:41 PM

Cerus looks outside the cave.

"We'll have to save the chat for another time, it seems theres something I need to take care of."

He teleports away to his isle in the sky. Grabbing his blade he looks to a few of the Tiger clan who have donned their armor.

"Time to show me what you're made of."

He teleports himself and 100 of the warriors to the settlement the god of Night was forced to retreat from.

In a loud booming voice:
"Fear not! Your saviors are here! Ready your arms...Annihilate the enemy, defend the humans at all costs!"

In a roar the armored fighters plow into the forest with a portion of them staying back in the village.

2008-03-15, 07:54 PM

He smiles, happy to have been able to create something for a very demanding audience.

"Well, if you need me for other things, you can find me if you walk East for a while. A big Island."

Going back to the Island Fortress, he sighs slightly, looking around.

"It doesn't feel like anything has changed, pretty lucky!"

As the Elves gather some come close to their lord, bowing low. They claim another god came and took one of his disciples away. Anti raises an eyebrow. The gentle god told them to get up again, and his people rose. They were taller than him, but he humbled them.

"I'd like you to start creating bows, not for hunting, but for war. There is much out there that is being created. And much that is being destroyed."

Showing the elves how to create great yew longbows, Anti teaches them until they are able to do it in a way that felt almost satisfying for him. (Which was already great a feat in itself) Then he showed them fletchery, how to make different types of arrows. Arrows that could pierce, arrows that would stick in a target, arrows that would slash, arrows that would create terrible noises as they were fired.

"With this, defend yourself from your enemies."

He turns around going near the fortifications, disappearing out of sight. He comes back quickly, however, looking like he was in a hurry.

"Oh, and I forgot, here's a little something."

He gives the elves several Horns of great design.

"They will call me. From anywhere. Ring them if your bows can do naught, and I will come for you." The child smiles, but it's a mischievous one.

Who knows what he was really capable of.

2008-03-15, 07:59 PM

As the gods rally a defense for the town, the beats of Asmodeus began to aid those of the Great Wolf. The wraiths, in their many forms, moaning in phantom agony, creatures of flame, smog, and shadow assail the defenders. The many corrupted beasts join the Great Beasts creatures, and the crooked tree creatures, along with the warped beasts, assaulted the gods, even a mighty Black Wyrm came in the night, bringing its destruction to the forces of the Good Gods.

2008-03-15, 08:08 PM
Veohloris and the chaotic architect

"Truly an interesting creation. but if you'd let me..."

Veohloris touches the labyrinth as it becomes animated and riddled with shadow, walls are shifting, barriers move created by shadow and webs of secrets are spun with words to arcane to comprehend, meaning all or nothing. The creation would be a palace where the brave could go and find magic, but should watch the shadow and prevent themselves from going insane through the multitude of incomprehensible whispers and secrets.

"Now with just a touch of chaos and this would be the palace of fey...a warped and ever shifting realm of chaos, creation and shadow. With hidden secrets many and none, everywhere and at no time present...what do you say Mythek?"

The mad god clapped his hands (well, flippers at the time, actually) as he saw the improved labyrinth.

"Just some cinnamon to spice things up!" the god said, streaking the walls with a slimy limb. The walls changed, became alive. Stone could shift in this maze when one wasn't looking, changing the very structure of the building without anyone noticing.
"Every maze needs a minotaur" the god added as a bug crawled out of his mouth and into a crevice in the wall, which immediately closed behind it. Inside the creature grew into a giant mantis with claws that could cleave stone and a hunger for meat.

One of the god's limbs changed into a branch and he stared at it for a bit, as if surprised to find it there.
"There's birds living in here..." he mumbled.

2008-03-15, 09:51 PM
God of Night

Returning after the setting of the sun, Mehswif was horrified to find the town he had protected before beseiged by more corrupt beasts and the minions of Asmodeus. Another god had been fighting in his absence thankfully.
The sound of battle seems to fade and in the silence a whisper comes from the night. "These people are my charge. I will not sit idle while you try to destroy them."
A flash of light above the canopy draws many eyes. A falling star streaks through the sky with a low whistling. A deep reveberating thump is heard as the black metal buries itself deep in the ground before the Great Wolf's and Asmodeus' forces, throwing up dirt that comes down like a warm heavy rain.
The whisper comes again "You are warned."

2008-03-15, 10:13 PM
"I see you've returned. My soldiers and I manged to keep casualties to a minimum." *sigh*

He looks towards the bodies of 14 of his fallen warriors.

"It seems my people will experience loss quicker than I had hoped. We will now take our leave."

Along with the remaining warriors carrying the dead, Cerus teleports back to Keidara (yes, thats what i'm naming the island) There, he presents the bodies to the inhabitants.

"My people... These warriors have proven themselves as fine examples. They return to you, battered, bruised, and covered in blood. The blood of the innocent, the blood of comrades, and the blood of the enemy. Let it be known, that I FORBID the mourning of a warrior who has fallen in battle. Those who die in battle shall be celebrated for their courage. I shall now present a gift to all warriors, those who have fallen, those who shall be born, and those who shall fall next to their comrades in battle defending that which cannot defend itself.

Cerus rears back and summons in the center of the isle a monolithic temple in the shape of a sword stuck in the ground, joining it are a spear, 3 daggers and a twisted staff. He enters the building beckoning the one carrying the dead, in the temple is a large pit of flame as well as 4 massive blank obsidian walls at each corner. He levitates one of the corpses into the pit, the body is almost instantly annihilated by the flames. Over in the corner, one the wall marked by the head of a tiger with a spear behind it, a small name inscribes itself on the wall. He gesture to the others to repeat what he has done... they do so without shedding a tear.

2008-03-15, 11:25 PM

The Smith watches as evil spreads and civilization is created. He keeps a close eye on his people and protects them from encroaching darkness. He sets his stone gaurdians to patrol the mountain passages and let nothing pass.

He heeds the call of the god of Law, interested to see the ideas of this new god. He himself values such things as law and order.

As he views the forces of evil encircling a small town, the Smith teleports himself there to stand on the side of good. He leaves his creations out of it for now hoping to keep them isolated from this world for the time being. His hammer is feared by those who see him on the battle field and his battle cries cause enemies to tremble.

2008-03-16, 03:42 AM
Mythek and the Myth of Law
Once more the mad god entered the hall of the gods. After the destruction of his throne, it was not a place you'd expect him to be, but that was probably the point of him being there.

He walked up to the rubble that was his throne and sat down on it. After a while, he looked at the god of Law, Lex Legis. A smirk appeared on his face.
"I'm the Spielberg to your De Palma, aren't I? The carrot juice to your Derwish, the jester to your librarian, the duck to your pretzel. Suppose you'd just stop this, all this law and order business?"

2008-03-16, 06:23 AM
Morakar and the Law

Morakar appears and sits on his throne, saying to Lex Legis, "Law... Law requires Knowledge. If no-one knows the Law, your cause is hopeless. Therefore, I ask a bargain of you- give me the protection of your Law and I will teach the peoples to obey and learn the laws you bring. What say you?"

Morakar's Disciples

The Disciples have learnt much since they were brought to the Library, recording it in scrolls that slowly begin to fill the shelves. The first scrolls are the most basic- so far, they are scratching at the edges, seeing the way the world works, classifying and categorising. There is much still to do, but something has begun...

2008-03-16, 08:49 AM

Asmodeus, with his proclamation voiced and still echoing across the lands, turned his attention to his own servants. Another god had come to defend the town, and the old one had returned. Asmodeus was displeased. With a great bellowing roar like a thunder clap, his massive form grew great wings, like a birds, and he soared toward the town faster than one would think possible. His wings shrunk as he descended, and by the time he reached the town he had returned to his original form. He reared up before the village, his massive form eclipsing many stars, and the only light came from his glowing red form. What is this, you interfere with the works of mortals. Well, if this is the game you wish to play, then let us play it he bared his fangs and roared again, his massive bulk shifting forward to rake at the defending forces, his venom causing corruption wherever it fell. he pulled back, coiling like the massive serpent he was, and roared again, a great noise which shook the earth. Begone from this place, you beings of divinity, leave the mortals to their work!

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 09:36 AM
Lex Legis and Veohloris

"I would create two laws at this time, though more may come.
First, that no Divinus may destroy another.
Second, that no Divinus may directly kill or destroy another Divinus' creation. They may do so through their followers, but not by direct interference."

Lex Legis and Mythek

"No, there is no chance that I will give up the law. Remember that the law protects all, good or evil, chaotic or orderly. Follow it, and you are safe from my scorn and wrath."

Lex Legis and Morakar

"All have the protection of the law. The law does not favour one above another. You are correct in the need for knowledge though. My servants will spread the word of law, but your help would be appreciated if you will give it."

Justice and Asmodeus

As Asmodeus fights against the other gods in the village battle, Justice appears beside him (it?), his noose swinging lightly in his hand.
"I bear a message from Lex Legis. You are frustrated by the direct divine intervention in this conflict. He seeks to create a law that would prevent such conduct. Perhaps you would be interested in lending your power to help create this law."

2008-03-16, 09:57 AM

The great Beast turned to regard the figure, with the noose twirling in its hand. He easily dwarfed the creature, his colossal form shifting he turned to regard it, a massive Wyrm alighted on the ground near to Asmodeus, the Wyrm could easily destroy the village on its own, and was massive by the standards of mortals, far larger than even a Giant, but it too was a humble, small creature next to Asmodeus. Asmodeus smiled, a cruel cunning smile that promised only darkness and evil and spoke in his massive voice, a voice that demanded attention Yes, I would help to create such laws. It angers me that everywhere I turn my works and my creatures are thwarted by so called divines, my place as god of the Underworlds is challenged, and my many psychopomps are struck down, denying me the souls to which I rightfully claim. Even with the aid of the other gods of darkness and evil, I am easily outnumbered, and this unbalance can not stand. The Wyrm that had alighted near Asmodeus, a great green female named Varnilkan, alighted and flew next to the creature This is my loyal servant, my mate, she will be as my messenger, she will go with you to your master, I shall await him in my domain. with one last glower of hatred at the defenders Asmodeus headed back toward the massive rent in the side of the mountain, the entrance to his home, to the Underworld.

2008-03-16, 09:57 AM
An angry murmur issues from the darkness "You chide ME?! I did not protect these people from their works, I protected them from the works of other gods. You and the Wolf are the ones who forced my interference and even then I gave warning in spades to your creations. Would it make a difference if I had used minions and servants as you have done? Do you deny that you sent these monsters kill these people? I will not allow it! They are MINE and I will protect them! It is my right to interfere in that regard.
"This is not a battle for abstract ideals as some seem to think. It is one of survival. If the people cannot fight it themselves it is your fault not theirs, for you sent your minions against them. There are those who do not worship me and so I would not have protect them. Why did you not attack them? As it stands I only see that you have targeted my people without provocation. Even now I have yet to land a blow in this current combat. So I ask you, what right have you to target my people with your wrath?

2008-03-16, 10:00 AM
Lex Legis and Mythek

"No, there is no chance that I will give up the law. Remember that the law protects all, good or evil, chaotic or orderly. Follow it, and you are safe from my scorn and wrath."

"Were it the law of Chaos, everything would be as bright as a goldfish in a puddle of sewage. You ask for law, but do you know what the laws are?"

2008-03-16, 10:00 AM
Morakar and Lex Legis

"I will help you on one condition. Write into your Law that my Library is neutral ground, where all are free to learn in peace, and I will lend my aid to the spreading of the law."

2008-03-16, 10:04 AM

With Asmodeus gone, his mate spoke for him, her voice, though a mere whisper to her masters, was still a mighty roar Perhaps my master sent us, and perhaps we came of our own accord. Either way it is not your place to defend these people, create creatures of your own if you would, to defend them in your place, but it is not your place to destroy the creations of another to satisfy your desire to protect "your people". Varnilkan stepped backward, and the beasts of Asmodeus swarmed around her, some baying for the blood of the townspeople, some shifting in the shadows, some moaning in faux agonies, his twisted creations accepting her as their own.

2008-03-16, 10:42 AM
"I have had scarce time to protect my charges and then flee. And now your Lord gives me no time to make creations as he has beset my worshippers. And I ask again why? It was not his creature who I warned twice to leave before killing it. I did not interfere with that thing's soul when it departed its body. And yet here an army stands, your Lord making a personal appearance and you think to say he might not have sent you to kill my people as if I have made an offense against him."
The whispering continues but it is too low for any but Varnilkan to hear.
"Your master I think has put to much morality in my actions. Were his minions to pray for my protection they would have it. I am not on any side but my worshippers. I ask that you and your Lord's minions leave my worshippers alone. I will instruct my people to light black candles in thier windows. An empty window has no protection from me. When I have made my guardians I will inform your Lord.
"However since you do not speak for all these minions and I doubt the Great Wolf's will abondon thier bloodlust, I must interfere in some degree.
A deep humming brings the voice back into hearing. Leave, or I will take this town from your claws and punish you for your attacks.

2008-03-16, 10:51 AM

The she-wyrm sneered It is not the fault of our lord that you are unable or unwilling to create mortals to defend your charges. And what of the other gods who intervened on YOUR believers behalf? If it was our lord personally who had assaulted your peoples, attacking them without warrant, you would be justified in your retaliation, but it was not, it was but mere mortals who come to pillage and destroy. As Divinus it is not your place to fight the servants of others, and whether or not you have servants to defend this town is not the concern of our lord, it is the fault of you and you alone that only other gods and their creatures would rally to the defense of your people. And I say once again, where is the balance, you gods against naught but the servants of ours?

2008-03-16, 11:07 AM
"A interesting idea."

Cerus teleports near them.

"However that doesn't mean there should be those without protection. I've instructed my people to defend themselves and those who cannot raise a sword. If you would like, bring some of your followers and I shall have my council teach them the ways of war. It would be good for them to interact peacefully with another race. However I must discuss the release of magic if I can find the one in charge of it. The entire wolf clan has been reduced to breeding except for their councilman."

He looks over to the wyrm.

"Hmm, this is Asmodeus?... No, I sense a small hint of compassion, even if it is for a being of pure evil. Greetings, I am Cerus."

he gives a slight bow.

While I am a being of good, I am also fair. If it would appease you master, I will train some of his weaker creations in the ways of combat. Just don't go thinking that I'm doing this for completely unselfish reasons. All my men fought were unorganized masses, this is why I only needed 100 of them to defend an entire settlement.

2008-03-16, 11:29 AM
Valkrath and Legis
"I agree, Legis, a permanent establishment of the Diviinus among the living seems like a good idea. Very much so at the time. Considering of course that we were not only the first to exist but also creatures that are essential to the Cosmos. I shudder to think of the consequences that a death among us would cause, either sooner or later. This whole business with Asmodeus and the Masters of Chaos has to be stopped somehow, but even getting rid of a Chaos god would be somewhat of a bonus to Chaos anyway. Such is the nature of the meddlesome force in the universe."

2008-03-16, 11:36 AM
God of Night

"So says an ageless wyrm, consort to her god. If you are a servant you are doubtless the most powerful, nearly an avatar to his will. I see I can not dissuade you but be it known, I think your Lord a hypocrite."
As the masses surge forward the heavens above shift and turn. Points of light fall, carving into the ground only to rocket back out to the sky and fall again. The rain of light halts the horde, those foolish enough to try to pass it are struck down. Soon a continuous curtain of blue starlight surrounds the town. Then, quite suddenly the stars fly back to their positions and where the town stood a crater has taken its place.

On the far side of the world the town seems to twinkle into existence, more land extending around it as it solidifies. The humans look in wonder at the scene around them. The stars are fewer and a mist rises through the earth from the ocean below the land. Out of the mist forms a man with shield and hand axe. "My people, this is the world of perpetual night. Here you will be safe. But as I have guarded you, you must guard others in my stead. I will change and train you to the purpose but first I have other matters to deal with.” The man fades from sight. The people talk amongst themselves before deciding to retire and sleep. They light black candles in the windows.
((OCC: 2000 Townspeople teleported to my domain.))

Back at the site of battle the evil forces look around in confusion till once again there is a whisper in the dark. "For your malice and hypocrisy I curse you, minions of The Wolf and Lord of the Underworld. More precisely I grant power to my star metal. It will be your bane, harm you despite your hides, burn you should you touch it and burden you should you carry it. That is my curse.
"To those that aided my people, the Dwarves and Keidran, I grant you leave to shape, work, and wield my metal and use it as you see fit. That is my blessing."

The night god forms on his throne. He eyes Asmodeus and nods at Cerus, Hephais. [COLOR="Navy"]"Fellows in divinity, the recent conflict I have suffered at the hands of other gods has brought something to my notice. He looks pointedly at Asmodeus. "I may be mistaken, but is there a law on the interference in mortal affairs. The Lord of Underworld believes there to be such a tradition. He attacked me for my actions on those grounds. But I was unaware of Lex Legis setting in place a law structure to restrict a god's actions, especially in the case of that god's own followers. If we were to clarify this, it would help avoid future conflict.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-16, 11:39 AM
Veohloris and Lex Legis

"Those laws are most wise, divinus of law. And yes I could agree to those laws...yet I ask again how would you enforce them..."

Veohloris and Cerus

At the meeting of gods the shadow of Cerus stirred, mere moments after he had called upon the divinus of magic. It was brief, he and he alone heard but a whisper...

"find the maze of chaos and shadows, a place where secrets and horrors dwell alike...those with the mind for it will understand...those with the mind for it will learn. The mortals who are worthy shall wield my secrets..."

The palace of magic that had been created was a nightmarish place, ever shifting, ever changing, horrors roaming it's walls and fey of all inclinations finding a home there. Any going there would find it a trial...some could be maddened by what they found, others not come out at all, yet a few, just a few might find a glimmering of secrets unraveled...a blessing that would be bestowed upon them only at the whim of Veohloris...

2008-03-16, 11:50 AM

Varnilkan turns to the god of war and speaks That would be most favorable, and though a creature of darkness my lord is not without fairness, for your act of kindness forever will your peoples souls rest in the Underworld, and be free of the taint of undeath and restlessness, their spirits forever unburdened. Then she looks upon the star-god, and hisses anger and wrath I come here at my masters behest, to speak with the avatar of the lord of laws, but for your curse we will answer with our own. For so long as your star metal burns the flesh of mine, and is a bane to my masters servants, your charges will never find rest, their spirits will eternally haunt the living, and they will reveal themselves at night, and they will seek to drag all the living creatures into their deathly state of perpetual half-life. Their spirits will never find the rest they will surely seek, as they are banished from the afterlife until your curse is lifted, ours will remain.

2008-03-16, 12:05 PM
Your curse it oversteps its bounds. Your god directly interferes with my people's souls while my curse grants power to something in my domain. And I have only given the secret to craft star metal to two peoples besides mine own. If your Lord is peacable with them my curse need never harm you. It is passive yet yours is active. It is hardly a response in kind.
But I am god of rest and can provide it for my followers till your Lord sees his folly. They will find peace in duty. I will search out find their wrongly banished souls protect them from themselves and give them charges to protect. They will be Mourning Doves (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3006090#post3006090) and Guardians of the Fallen, helping those in need of rest to pass peacefully. My people will grieve, rejoice, and honor them.

((OOC: Lady of the Fallen used for guardians with slight flavor twist.))

2008-03-16, 12:05 PM

Morakar sits deep in thought for some time, then says to Lex Legis, "I have an idea, Lord of the Law, for a further collaboration between we two. Magic has been brought into the world, but it is an art of the shadows, an art of secrets and lies. I propose that we join together and create a great Language of the Law- a tongue whose utterances are indeniably true, a tongue that holds the key to the shape of the world. Learning and the law would then, truly, be Power."

((OOC- yes, it's nicked from Earthsea. So?))

2008-03-16, 12:12 PM

The great She-Wyrm snarls at the night god It is not your place to decide the fates of the souls after death, night god, it is my masters. To do what you claim would require over-stepping your boundaries, and defying the laws of this realm. This can not be tolerated, and this slight against my lord will not stand unpunished.

2008-03-16, 12:18 PM
"It oversteps to guard those who dwell in the night, my followers and give them rest? It is the very definition of my domain!

2008-03-16, 12:22 PM
It oversteps to deem the appropriate resting place for your fallen, which surely falls under the domain of the lord of the afterlife.

2008-03-16, 12:30 PM
By your own words I am free to do with them as I have said. You have declared them banished from your afterlife. You have made them half-living and so not dead. You have given up your jurisdiction over them till I remove my curse. And it is not a resting place I give them. They will stay in the living world as you have said. It is a charge to protect that will give them peace.

2008-03-16, 12:34 PM
They have been banished from the afterlife, but that does not mean I relinquish my claim to them. You seek to defy the laws by circumventing them, let the God of Laws decide who is in the right.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-16, 12:43 PM
Veohloris and the god of night

Watching from the shadows as he spoke briefly to Cerus, Veohloris eye is caught by the one that rules the stars and a whisper is soon in the mind of Mehswif.

"you would create something of morning? Most odd for a god of night... Perhaps though their souls could be shielded by shadow, able to roam day and night...never dying yet able to shield your charges from harm...I could help you create them...allow them rest in the boundary between worlds, the plane of shadow where times flow is warped and all manner of beings would be immortal sustained by magic and shielded by secrets..."

Veohloris and Lex Legis and Morakar

He watches the god of law and knowledge. He would not have the word magic be easy. Sure it was a good idea, to place magic in the very tongue of people...to persuade the world to do what they wanted, yet it should be earned.

Hidden in shadows and behind a veil of secrecy, the god of magic and secrets started to spin a secret web that would warp the words of truth, make them arcane, unpronounceable by but a few of mortals and make them legion, so that none could learn them all...surely they would not be a hidden secret assit could be recorded as knowledge, but in it's complexity was the true secret...the true mystery would be that none could unravel it all and they would always be looking for the next bit of lore...the next secret to be unravelled. He made the web so that as the words would be crafted they would be caught by the web and warped...his web would be ready...and they would barely realise it for the words would only warp slowly, change just a little bit, but the warping would be continuous...a slow creeping bane to a mortal that would have to keep unravel the secret,m gather ever further knowledge...but not to the other gods whose vast minds would not realise the slow change as they could easily and effortlessly adapt.

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 12:56 PM
Morakar and Lex Legis

"I will help you on one condition. Write into your Law that my Library is neutral ground, where all are free to learn in peace, and I will lend my aid to the spreading of the law."
"Very well. That shall be the third law."

The night god forms on his throne. He eyes Asmodeus and nods at Cerus, Hephais. "Fellows in divinity, the recent conflict I have suffered at the hands of other gods has brought something to my notice. He looks pointedly at Asmodeus. "I may be mistaken, but is there a law on the interference in mortal affairs. The Lord of Underworld believes there to be such a tradition. He attacked me for my actions on those grounds. But I was unaware of Lex Legis setting in place a law structure to restrict a god's actions, especially in the case of that god's own followers. If we were to clarify this, it would help avoid future conflict.
"The law is not yet in place. This is the reason I have called this council- to make these laws. Though yourself, Asmodeus, and Cerus have already broken the second law, it is not yet in force, so they shall not be reprimanded."

Veohloris and Lex Legis

"Those laws are most wise, divinus of law. And yes I could agree to those laws...yet I ask again how would you enforce them..."
"They would be enforced by the will of those who made, and helped make them. Myself, Valkrath Amon, Morakar, and any others who help create the law shall enforce it. The law gives power to those who act to enforce it, but only while they are within it's bounds."
{OOC: The idea is that when enforcing the law (and only then), a Divinus is empowered by all the energy collectively put into the laws at their creation, allowing them to accomplish more than normal.}


Morakar sits deep in thought for some time, then says to Lex Legis, "I have an idea, Lord of the Law, for a further collaboration between we two. Magic has been brought into the world, but it is an art of the shadows, an art of secrets and lies. I propose that we join together and create a great Language of the Law- a tongue whose utterances are indeniably true, a tongue that holds the key to the shape of the world. Learning and the law would then, truly, be Power."
Lex nods slowly. "I shall collaborate with you to create this language. It shall be a tool for Justice and Truth, as well as your disciples."

Lex Legis and the Creation of the Law

"There are now three laws to be created. Those who would lend their power to the law, do so now."




2008-03-16, 12:58 PM
Vakira, Divinus of Nature

A great flash of lightning heralds the arrival of the Divinus of Nature into the Sanctuary, drawn there by bickering and feuding. With a swipe of his tail, his great throne is cast aside and replaced by a comfortable roost of moss-covered shrubbery. Vakira sets himself lightly on the nest and smiles widely, looking from the Wyrm to the Night God.

"All things live, and all things die. It may well be outside of the reach of the Evening to give his followers the form he desires, if you banish them from the afterlife. But, if Mehswif desires it, his followers can have new shapes upon their death. You, Wyrm, and your master, are free to deny them an afterlife. And those of us who champion Life, in all its glory, are free to offer them reincarnation. This world is for the living."

2008-03-16, 01:21 PM

Asmodeus's colossal form was coiled where his throne was, on a great pit seemingly made from the bones of his Wyrms, though where he obtained the bones as none of his Wyrms had yet died, was a mystery. Next to him was his mate, Varnilkan.

No, the material realm is that of mortals, and I will not have my curse mean as nothing so that he and his might smite my many creatures with his cursed star-metals without repercussion.

Fiery Justice
2008-03-16, 01:56 PM
The idea of another god trying to protect creatures from his beasts enraged the Great Wolf, when at last he found the other god he did the only logical thing he could attacked growling out, Die Filth! in his wolf tongue.
No hard feelings but you just upset the God of Anger and Murder. You can't reasonably expect any better. Also, at the moment, the Werewolves shift from anger, not the cycle of the moon.

2008-03-16, 01:58 PM
Lex Legis and the Creation of the Law

"There are now three laws to be created. Those who would lend their power to the law, do so now."




"Call this neutral, battle axe? They are rules! They demand order, not pistachio icecream! You are a being of order, not of the holy chevrolet! I would sooner turn my head into a frog than obey your rules!"

Mythek's head shimmers, and then turns into a frog. The mad god curses, locusts jumping from his mouth.

"An aquarium, I meant an aquarium! You will burn in the fires of Mount MacDonalds for this!"

The god leaps off the rubble of his throne and dissapears.

2008-03-16, 02:09 PM

Asmodeus's eye flickers in anger, and his massive tail smashes the wolf out of the air, onto the wolves throne, for truly, as large as the wolf may have been to a man, compared to the massive beast that dwarfed mighty dragons, making them appear as house cats before him, such a beast was merely a rat. As if to reinforce this analogy, Asmodeus's massive tongue slithers from his mouth, and he takes on a look of hunger You will obey the rules of this meeting! he bellowed, causing a wind. and with that, he once again coiled into his pit of bones.

2008-03-16, 02:25 PM
"I did not create a place of mourning. As a matter of fact, such an act is punishable by temporary exile.

As for the laws I have no problems with them as of yet. ... Ah yes, you, one who ocntrols magic. I'd like to request you allow my people it's use. One of the clans is becoming resentful of the lack of respect they recieve due to the inability to cast even the simplest of spells. Excluding the wolve's councilman of course.

He shifts his attention to the wolf.

You may want to quell your temper during this meeting, if you thirst for combat that much I suppos I owuld have no problem sparring afterwards.

Fiery Justice
2008-03-16, 02:25 PM
The wolf bites the great dragon's tail and holds in blind rage and fury, "Rrrrr" is the only sound issuing from the beast's mouth, waves of hatred ripple from the beast's form, crashing as against rocks on the forms of the gods. Somewhere in the great mists of time, someone would look back on this moment, doubtless, as the beginning of the end of the Great Wolf, the God of Murder, the God of Hatred and Rage. And it would be told of, because of the glory of the Great Wolf's Defeat.

2008-03-16, 02:30 PM
Oh its all right Wolf :smallsmile: I'd be disapoionted if you did anything else. I don't think the world has a moon right now anyway :smalltongue: .

Mehswif to Vakira
"Your offer is generous but not one I can acept, Vakira. I work around the curse what you suggest does not. Thank you for the thought but we will hear and abide by Legis' ruling."

Mehswif to Asmodeus
I only stirke back in retribution. Don't harm mine, and they won't harm yours."

Mehswif and the Great Wolf
The Sanctuary is filled with howls of pain as the Wolf leaps onto Mehswif. The night god shifts to the form of a great hairy dog grappling with the Wolf trying to throw it off him. At times it seems Mehswif is almost incorpreal the Wolf's claws swiping threw him like he were star light. But night and stars can have substance and so some hits do connect before he was thrown off him.

2008-03-16, 02:32 PM

Asmodeus sneers at the wolfs efforts, perhaps if it had enough rationale to use its divine might against him the fight would be fair, but because of the beasts brutality it used merely brute strength, and in that it was sorely outmatched. The wolves fangs barely pierced Asmodeus's hide, and he just dangled it above its throne, thrashing his tail around once and a while, just to see how long it could hold on.

Pirate, what place of mourning are you talking about exactly? who are you talking to about that?

2008-03-16, 02:37 PM
Oh its all right Wolf :smallsmile: I'd be disapoionted if you did anything else. I don't think the world has a moon right now anyway :smalltongue: .

Mehswif to Vakira
"Your offer is generous but not one I can acept, Vakira. I work around the curse what you suggest does not. Thank you for the thought but we will hear and abide by Legis' ruling."

Mehswif to Asmodeus
I only stirke back in retribution. Don't harm mine, and they won't harm yours."

Mehswif and the Great Wolf
The Sanctuary is filled with howls of pain as the Wolf leaps onto Mehswif. The night god shifts to the form of a great hairy dog grappling with the Wolf trying to throw it off him. At times it seems Mehswif is almost incorpreal the Wolf's claws swiping threw him like he were star light. But night and stars can have substance and so some hits do connect before he was thrown off him.

Umm, I already smashed him down, and he is currently dangling from my tail FYI

Asmodeus responded to the night god and that is not your place, to retaliate against my creatures and to go around the rules of the world, to suite you and yours better and to spite me and mine.

2008-03-16, 02:55 PM
(Alright.... Here's something everything should know. One generation has passed. The number of people on the planet have doubled. Legis, Valkrath and Asmodeus have enough power now to develop another Divine Rank because of the Laws they are attempting to pass, they may do this either with an immediate passing of the law through having seven members attempting to pass it, or all three of them may simply pass the Laws by putting their magic into it. Putting power into the Laws would exhaust the three Divinus enough to make them less active until Monday. If the three gods manage to pass the Law by consensus, then they would immediately gain the rank without having to be inactive until Monday. This is Turn Number Two starting. )

2008-03-16, 03:04 PM
"Well, my people seem to have made peaceful relations with the humans and are prospering but I must ask (to whoever is controlling magic) to release at least the 3 lower tiers of magic The wolves are losing their faith despite the fact that I've said I've no control over it.

The "place of mourning" im referring to is the temple i constructed to honor fallen warriors

2008-03-16, 03:04 PM
(Alright.... Here's something everything should know. One generation has passed. The number of people on the planet have doubled. Legis, Valkrath and Asmodeus have enough power now to develop another Divine Rank because of the Laws they are attempting to pass, they may do this either with an immediate passing of the law through having seven members attempting to pass it, or all three of them may simply pass the Laws by putting their magic into it. Putting power into the Laws would exhaust the three Divinus enough to make them less active until Monday. If the three gods manage to pass the Law by consensus, then they would immediately gain the rank without having to be inactive until Monday. This is Turn Number Two starting. )

((Wait, if they pass these laws, everyone has to obey them??? That seems kind of unfair... Can Mythek pass a "Law" to stop these Laws?))

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 03:05 PM
(Alright.... Here's something everything should know. One generation has passed. The number of people on the planet have doubled. Legis, Valkrath and Asmodeus have enough power now to develop another Divine Rank because of the Laws they are attempting to pass, they may do this either with an immediate passing of the law through having seven members attempting to pass it, or all three of them may simply pass the Laws by putting their magic into it. Putting power into the Laws would exhaust the three Divinus enough to make them less active until Monday. If the three gods manage to pass the Law by consensus, then they would immediately gain the rank without having to be inactive until Monday. This is Turn Number Two starting. )
(Lex Legis will put as much of his power as possible into the laws, even if we get a concensus.)

((Wait, if they pass these laws, everyone has to obey them??? That seems kind of unfair... Can Mythek pass a "Law" to stop these Laws?))
I think, if you can get more power together to oppose the laws than I can to create them, you could probably stop them.

2008-03-16, 03:07 PM
so wait the whole laws being passed by consensus divine rank going up thing, is that the laws (gods cant kill other gods, gods cant kill creations, library neutral) or the us going up in divine rank thing that we have to pass by consensus

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 03:11 PM
so wait the whole laws being passed by consensus divine rank going up thing, is that the laws (gods cant kill other gods, gods cant kill creations, library neutral) or the us going up in divine rank thing that we have to pass by consensus
I think that would be the laws. It'd be pretty hard to find 7 people who think that the three of us should go up in divine rank.

2008-03-16, 03:13 PM
So does everyone else know we will be going up in divine rank? And also, do the Gods of Chaos count for the whole "consensus" thing? Because... yea... CHAOS, not really gunna vote for laws.

2008-03-16, 03:15 PM
((Mythek will put all the power he has (and remember, he's been saving power) into stopping the laws, and he will ask others to join him. These laws aren't good for anyone, except maybe Lex... . Oh, and Asmodeus, voting a law that stops you from killing other Divinus or their creations? C'mon, I thought you were an evil overlord!))

2008-03-16, 03:16 PM
(For today I'm ruling that even if the Law gods manage to get them passed, no matter how, they receive a divine rank promotion. The other gods can somehow find a way to remove these restrictions. These laws are not absolute. However, there must be a boundary, set out of character for the Law which states that the gods cannot destroy eachother's property.)

(I say that the Law which ensures protection of property makes sure, permanently, that a Divinus'es avatar or full Divinus form must have SOME kind of restriction stopping it from going Godzilla on an entire country.)

(What do you think about considering Avatars on the Prime Material planets with an absolute maximum of 6 Divine Ranks until the next turn on Friday, or whenever we decide to start another turn?)

2008-03-16, 03:22 PM
Vakira, to Lex Legis

The Divinus of Nature turns towards Lex Legis with an irritated look in his eyes.

"See what you have sown? I will not become less so that you may be more. I will not pour myself into the making of laws to bind us all. I have no intent on breaking them immediately, but I will not give them any credence. These are your words, and you will not bind us all by them," Vakira says, and he turns then to another.

Vakira to Cerus

"If you would share with me in this endeavor, if you will oppose these laws, I will teach your wolves in your name, give them the same purchase over nature that I gave to my own grigin."

Fiery Justice
2008-03-16, 03:24 PM
The Great Wolf seems to remain on Asmodeus' tail for a moment as its form is still there, but only then does Asmodeus realize the form has been emptied of Divine power and the Great Wolf is charging up Asmodeus' back going for his neck.

2008-03-16, 03:29 PM
(So wait, all we have to do is get them passed? Well if the majority sign on for these rules they pass and we don't get all uber tired right? and Mr.Edward, the rules benefit me best, as the other gods won't be able to kill me for anything, and will have to leave my servants alone as they wreak havoc. Bwahahaha)

2008-03-16, 03:32 PM
Sorry I'm a slow typer and so didn't know you had thrown him off already :smallredface: . I adjusted so that action occured before the tail swipe.

Mehswif God of Night
Despite the ongoing battle with the Wolf, Mehswif took the time to respond back to the great wyrm. "It is my right to retaliate. That is my domain over night, to protect those that ask for its darkness and comfort. I do not go around rules, you simply refuse to acknowledge my place in the world and the powers I am allowed to exercise in it. I have never harmed you. Even when you were at the threshold of those I protect I whisked them away rather than kill your minions. Even my curse will not harm you unless you bring attacks upon yourself! Yet because it is a weakness you grow angry, unhappy that your beasts aren't supreme. What have you done except try to make things to "suite you and yours better and to spite me and mine?" Look at your actions more closely before condeming mine. Especially consider since I support your laws.
All the while he was talking, Mehswif busied himself around the Santcuary. Though talking he seemed to be humming as well. Low vibrations being subvocalized filled the chanber with soothing music contrasting heavly with the pitched battle. The tune seemed to condense into points. Patches of dark night air at six points away from the center of the room and a nimbus of sound in the middle. Mehswif stepped into the shimmering air still humming.
A star shot through the roof and slammed the Wolf off Asmodeus. He landed sprawled facing the night god. Mehswif's eyes gave a clear challenge to the murderous god wolf.

2008-03-16, 03:33 PM
(For today I'm ruling that even if the Law gods manage to get them passed, no matter how, they receive a divine rank promotion. The other gods can somehow find a way to remove these restrictions. These laws are not absolute. However, there must be a boundary, set out of character for the Law which states that the gods cannot destroy eachother's property.)

Why are they getting a promotion, and not any of the other gods? How exactly did they deserve it?

(I say that the Law which ensures protection of property makes sure, permanently, that a Divinus'es avatar or full Divinus form must have SOME kind of restriction stopping it from going Godzilla on an entire country.)
What about the gods themselves? They can perfectly well stop someone attacking their creations. You're just trying to make it so no god can do any destruction without a race of creatures following him. That's unfair to those who aren't really mean to have many followers and who prefer to warp other's creations. If this is not a valid playstyle, it should have been mentioned in recruitement.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-03-16, 03:46 PM
((on the issue of laws...do my laws on magic have any effect? In essence those are as much laws as any other...as in only can be learned by the wisest and such... also there were 2 other laws which I suggested...can I put those up?))

((Also for the record,as there was no advanced warning of this being run in turns. I will quadruple the number of creatures created just before the end of the turn (to fully fill up my 10,000 creations) ))

Veohloris attempts to use the distraction of Mytheks counter and the probable chaos it creates to bind the laws to his will, inscribing them with secrets hidden by shadow. These secrets will be hidden deep in shadow, known only by Veohloris, but they form an integral part non the less. The way he does is is by apearing to enforce them, yet subtly and secretly let the essence of shadows engrain the laws...

NO DIVINUS SHALL DESTROY ANOTHER. whilst within his own domain and this domain is unconquered


MORAKAR'S LIBRARY SHALL BE A PLACE OF NEUTRALITY, WHERE ALL ARE FREE TO LEARN IN PEACE. though only peace of body, amids such knowledge their minds and souls are free game

(What other laws are there...??? I saw no laws from Valkrath or Asmodeus...only those from Lex (which were modifications of laws by me and the god of knowledge))

((Also I agree with the previous post by Edward_McNigma))

2008-03-16, 04:02 PM

Asmodeus snarled, uncoiling once again to smash his tail down between the two dogs, sweeping it to knock the wolf back into seat once more. I seek only to level the playing field, what happens when those you have offered the craft of molding this star-metal decide it would be put to better use hunting my creations, what happens when they use it not for peaceful retaliation, but to bring war to my peoples, what happens when they use it to kill my creatures without warrant, merely because they are my creatures? You seek to circumvent the law of my curse by altering the place of the souls destination, by changing what it becomes, or having it be reborn. I cannot stand for such a breach of my domain over the place after death.

Asmodeus then glares at the shadow Ware your craft shadow-shifter, for in your meddlesome subtlety, you may give me course to remove you from existence Asmodeus smiles a crocodile smile, of sour tidings and promises of violence to come, the threat hanging in the air.

2008-03-16, 04:05 PM
Should they come bearing war for such a pathetic reason, they shall meet my forces alongside yours. Battles fought for the wrong reasons are meaningless.

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 04:09 PM
What about the gods themselves? They can perfectly well stop someone attacking their creations. You're just trying to make it so no god can do any destruction without a race of creatures following him. That's unfair to those who aren't really mean to have many followers and who prefer to warp other's creations. If this is not a valid playstyle, it should have been mentioned in recruitement.
The law doesn't forbid you from warping, corrupting, maddening, or otherwise screwing around with another's followers. Just from using your divine power to insta-kill them.

Veohloris attempts to use the distraction of Mytheks counter and the probable chaos it creates to bind the laws to his will, inscribing them with secrets hidden by shadow. These secrets will be hidden deep in shadow, known only by Veohloris, but they form an integral part non the less. The way he does is is by apearing to enforce them, yet subtly and secretly let the essence of shadows engrain the laws...

NO DIVINUS SHALL DESTROY ANOTHER. whilst within his own domain and this domain is unconquered


MORAKAR'S LIBRARY SHALL BE A PLACE OF NEUTRALITY, WHERE ALL ARE FREE TO LEARN IN PEACE. though only peace of body, amids such knowledge their minds and souls are free game

If Lex ever finds out about this, he is going to be extremely angry. Subverting the law is a serious crime in his eyes. As a player however, I think this could lead to some interesting RP, which is always good.

2008-03-16, 04:44 PM

His great machine now floating in the air, Cursis listened to his automata's reports. They told him of a civilization somewhere a bit in the distance. hearing these he smiled and created a steam copter. With rockets. He didn't know what the rockets for, but they seemed like a good idea. Having done tihs he flew off, the put put of the engine warm and comforting. Moving he sensed another divine presence and folowed it to its source. He introduced himself saying 9to Corbasi, although he doesn't know his name yet), "Hello. May I help you? I think our goals are.. similar."

2008-03-16, 04:48 PM
NO DIVINUS SHALL DESTROY ANOTHER. whilst within his own domain and this domain is unconquered


MORAKAR'S LIBRARY SHALL BE A PLACE OF NEUTRALITY, WHERE ALL ARE FREE TO LEARN IN PEACE. though only peace of body, amids such knowledge their minds and souls are free game

Valkrath merely chuckles as the infiltration of Shadow magic corrupts the Law. He merely decides to allow the infiltration of the Shadow. Despite what the spell attempted to do, the Laws passed were not merely things that could be twisted so easily. Valkrath twisted the laws even further, attempting to cause the corruption to backfire.

Any aspect of a Divinus'es power may be assumed through the confinement of a body.

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 05:34 PM
There it was, tiny feelings of excitement. Pleasure. The greatest pleasure he knew, the only pleasure he knew. He had felt it before, but then he fell asleep and he felt no pleasure.

Now he was feeling it again. It was stirring him from his slumber. He shuddered, and for the first time in quite a while Magnus Crenn opened his eyes. He did not recognize this place, or maybe he did, it was hard to be sure. The landscape itself seemed to be changing. He shook his head, it stopped changing or at least he thought it did.

Magnus got up from the ground and looked around. To his right were mountains, to his left a great forest. Before him though was an area between the two that was only fields, and a lake in the middle. Crenn decided to get a good look at himself, so walked to the lake. He peered at it and saw a giant suit of armor with a multitude of weapons hanging from its belt but for some reason the helm had no faceplate and where the eyes should be were only to glowing silver lights. Wait, no there was a face, an old wrinkled face with a long white beard. Then the lights were back, it was far to disconcerting.

Magnus shook his head and looked about for others but saw no one. Then he felt that pleasure again.

Where is it coming from? What is it? Wait...wait it is a conflict! A competition! Now I remember! Hmm but it is so far away. That won't do at all. Besides, where are the people? I suppose I shall have to make some of my own." Crenn grinned as he decided on the best plan.

Magnus brought forth from his belt a mighty battleaxe and broke its twin blades. He drove one blade deep into the mountain, scraped out some rock and, balancing the rock on it, brought it to lake. He then took a great handful of water and poured it on the rocky axehead. He then ground the rock and water into the head with his armored hands.

Crenn then took the other piece and sliced through the trees making sure to catch each trunk on the blade. he then took a huge chunk of earth and balanced it on top of the wood. Then he ground this pile the same way.

He then stood over top the lake, a blade in each hand, each the same distance from the mountains and forest as the other, and shattered the blades to pieces. Where a shard fell a being sprang forth. From the blade with rock and water came tall muscular beings blue in skin, bald and with aquiline features, the Golans. From the other head came brownish creatures with heads of mighty green hair they were sturdy of build but surprisingly agile, they came to be known as Firboughs.

Magnus was pleased, but now he had a blade less axe handle. Then he had another idea. He flung it high into the air and waited gathering his strength. When it fell back to the earth, Magnus was ready and gave it a mighty blow shattering it as well. This time there were fewer pieces but they were more potent. They did not have true physical form, being creatures of air and spirit. They were created with a specific purpose, to find those other conflicts, to watch, absorb, then return and report. Having been born knowing their task the ContestSouls dispersed.

Magnus Crenn was pleased and he retreated to watch his first creations, and wait for new pleasures.

Magnus Crenn creatures
2000 Golans
2000 Firboughs
1000 Contest Souls

Fiery Justice
2008-03-16, 05:56 PM
Mehswif God of Night
All the while he was talking, Mehswif busied himself around the Santcuary. Though talking he seemed to be humming as well. Low vibrations being subvocalized filled the chanber with soothing music contrasting heavly with the pitched battle. The tune seemed to condense into points. Patches of dark night air at six points away from the center of the room and a nimbus of sound in the middle. Mehswif stepped into the shimmering air still humming.
A star shot through the roof and slammed the Wolf off Asmodeus. He landed sprawled facing the night god. Mehswif's eyes gave a clear challenge to the murderous god wolf.
The Great Wolf launched itself up at Mehswif trying to maim him and land a bite, shifting position by teleportation with each miss, but the music has its effect, making him slow, sluggish, and a poorly aimed. Finally the wolf lets out a great howl and spits a bit of gunk at Mehswif that is probably supposed to be some kind of abomination against the rest of creation, but its not really formed. It appears to be a kind of moss that is trying to choke you, but it is doing it very, very slowly, to the point where it even trying is a bit ridiculous.

2008-03-16, 06:13 PM
A sigil formed in the air. It began to glow and pulse. Suddenly A man burst from it and it faded. He seemed normal, but then he flickered as a dark shape joined with him. Dante rose and looked around. Then he spoke. "What is going on here? Sithis, pleases figure it out, you went through this before, yes?" Suddenly his brown hair and green eyes turned silver and his left eye was replaced with a glowing silver sigil. Sithis looked around then smiled as he spoke. "Indeed I did observe a Creation once. There will be conflict soon, if it has not alredy happened. We will need a blade." He motioned at the air in front of him. A silver blade came into being. It was a long curved blade. Sithis grasped it and nicked his figner with it. It suddenly flashed and shone birghter. "Blood of a god. Might come in handy if conflict breaks out like last time. A god died last Creation." Sithis then hears the battle between Wolf, Asmodeus and Mehswif. He quickly arrives to the spot and observes, the conflict. He slowly moves towards Asmodeus and addresses the divinus "What is happening in this place?"

2008-03-16, 06:41 PM

Asmodeus shifted his colossal bulk to view the tiny scurrying creature that had crawled onto his bed of Wyrm bones. his consort shifted to peer over at the new "guest". Despite being as grand an example of Dragonkind as any, and being far larger than most Wyrms, she was to her master as an average dog was to a man. the Beast spoke, its words as belows to the smaller creature What you're standing on now is my throne, if you look around you will see many thrones, one probably belongs to you. This is like a divine council chamber, where we Gods convene for whatever reason suits us. Currently we have convened to discuss, and pass, the laws set down by the God of Law and what passes for an overgod around here. The altercation you no doubt noticed is the unfortunate result of gathering a creature of murder and bloodshed to discuss LAWS with a creature who sought to oppose his minions. Asmodeus look down at the creature what are you anyway?

2008-03-16, 07:06 PM
Sithis began to speak. I am.. A god of duality, knowledge, ... Battle and honor" He switched to Dante and back several times as he talked. He settleted as Sithis. " Who's brilliant idea was it to try to hold this meeting? this is what happened at the last Creation. Also an overgod never works. You can't have a god of gods, he also ends up with a rebbellion on his hands. .At anyrate, this form's name is Sithis. What are you?"

2008-03-16, 07:23 PM
Sithis began to speak. I am.. A god of duality, knowledge, ... Battle and honor" He switched to Dante and back several times as he talked. He settleted as Sithis. " Who's brilliant idea was it to try to hold this meeting? this is what happened at the last Creation. Also an overgod never works. You can't have a god of gods, he also ends up with a rebbellion on his hands. .At anyrate, this form's name is Sithis. What are you?"

2008-03-16, 07:38 PM
"Cerus, god of heroism and battle. I would stay and chat but I must check on my people."

Cerus teleports away to his isle to see his people's progress with magic. On the island now exist many harbors (to those who dont know, this is a flying island) Flying ships with rune-covered cannons and merchant vessels alike are docked.

2008-03-16, 07:39 PM

I am Asmodeus, the Serpent Lord, and god of the Underworld. It was Lex Legis, the god of Laws idea. And overgod works when gods of order prevent contemptuous fools try and run roughshod over reality. And anyway, how do even gods presume to rise up to an overgod? It would be as if mere mortals rose up against the gods, a laughable matter at best, and only even remotely possible when those mortals are barely mortal at all anymore.

heheh, lag that bad huh?

2008-03-16, 07:43 PM
He pops back in

"Which in itself is not difficult once you know the god's weakness. How do you think I obtained my power? I stole it from another god by exploiting his weakness. You'd think the guy would have covered his heels. But either way I doubt the usurping of the overgod is the purpose of this meeting.

2008-03-16, 07:48 PM

You may have usurped your powers, but then you must have been a powerful being in your own right to even contemplate something like that. Well, that or stupid, but given that you aren't a corpse I'd hazard to guess its the former. But you're right, the point of this meeting is to pass these laws so weakling mortals can no more garner aid from their gods, and the natural order is returned. It is not right that a god can stop the meddling of mere mortals with their brute force, only through trickery and guile, and outmaneuvering should such things be accomplished, or through ones own servants.

2008-03-16, 07:58 PM

He glances at the blade on his side and looks back up.

"...It was for love. Though I don't expect you to know or care anything about that. At any rate it should also be ruled that none of us may take the form of another Divinus to decieve eachother's followers.

2008-03-16, 08:08 PM

Asmodeus snorted, great plumes of flame and smoke erupting from his nostrils Please, I may be evil but I'm not stupid, just because I don't feel it doesn't mean I don't know what love is, and I still feel affections of a sort, though nothing so mundane as love. And I need not where the guise of another god to fool weak minded mortal beasts.

2008-03-16, 08:12 PM

"Do not speak of a natural order," Vakira barks out towards Asmodeus. "There is order to nature, and there is chaos. Both are needed, not that any of you lot care for the creatures of the world beyond their place at your feet. We are the fleeting moments of an endless cycle of divinity, greater than they are as hawks to the ants, but a time will come for all of us, I assure you," he offers up happily, and then stands from his roost-throne. "But I suppose nature has been too quiet for your taste," he again looks to the wyrm-maker, and then to the Wolf with a gleam of respect in his electric eyes.

"I think you'll all be pleased, though. A generation is far too long to pass without the first great storm. I think...hurricane...yes, that is a more than adequate name," he says, smiling like a contented jaguar. This time, he disappears in a flash of green lights that scorch the pristine tiles of the sanctuary as they burst into being, then settle into the black marks to become beautiful weeds.

Vakira stands on the waters of the warmest reaches of the First Ocean, and sings a great outcropping of coral from the sea to survey his work. First, his mane begins to blow in the breeze, and then little blue sparks gather over the waters. It shouldn't happen this fast, he reminds himself, but an example must be set. The water churns, slowly, and warm air rises to form dark clouds. With one last great howl, Vakira sends the first hurricane into the world, setting the storm cycle in motion. He cares little where it ends up, making a game of guessing its destination, but that is nature: challenging systems spur greater life to greater ends.

"And that is my aim," he says, contentedly, as he jumps into the air and swipes a bit of stormcloud for himself before returning to the Greenreef and the grigin.

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 08:15 PM
On Passing the Laws (OOC)

I'm making a list of the people who have stated they support or oppose the laws, for reference.
Lex Legis*
Valkrath Amon

Magnus Crenn

*These gods are putting all their power behind their support/opposition.

Fiery Justice
2008-03-16, 08:20 PM
(Does not wanting the laws count as an against? Because if it does, The Great Wolf is against, because he is obviously a bloodthirsty maniac who wants to rip all the gods throats out. But he isn't exactly gonna bother to vote against it)

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 08:28 PM
(Does not wanting the laws count as an against? Because if it does, The Great Wolf is against, because he is obviously a bloodthirsty maniac who wants to rip all the gods throats out. But he isn't exactly gonna bother to vote against it)
If he's going to actively use his power to oppose the creation of the laws, then yes, he is against. If he doesn't like them, but isn't really going to do anything about it, then no.

2008-03-16, 08:28 PM
Sithis addressed Asmodeus again. " The last time around the other gods froged a weapon from their combined blood and stuck him down with that. And besides, I was not a god, and Dante was mortal before we found a way to ascend." Sithis looked at the laws, then at Asmodeus. "You do realize these have been twisted so far they basically no longer work?However that's the way it should be, so I support these." Sithis backflipped off Asmodeus's throne, and created his first followers.
300 schloares- demonic warrior-scholars

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-03-16, 08:32 PM
Sithis addressed Asmodeus again. " The last time around the other gods froged a weapon from their combined blood and stuck him down with that. And besides, I was not a god, and Dante was mortal before we found a way to ascend." Sithis looked at the laws, then at Asmodeus. "You do realize these have been twisted so far they basically no longer work?However that's the way it should be, so I support these." Sithis backflipped off Asmodeus's throne, and created his first followers.
300 schloares- demonic warrior-scholars
I will keep editing in new supporters/opposers to the origninal list until we move onto a new page. (Or until the laws are passed/prevented).

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 08:38 PM
Magnus Crenn

Magnus was feeling the pleasure. His two earthbound creations were working to build their societies, and competitions among them abounded. But there was more than just them there were other conflicts that became even more clear as his Spirits flew through the cosmos.

One soon told him, through the magic involved in its creation, about the twin battles going on in a far off realm, of a wolf's assaults and disagreements over laws. Magnus Crenn was most pleased, but then he became less so as the wolf's assaults were halted and one side seemed to gain to much power.

"That won't do, not at all. I think the wolf needs a little help and the laws need more opposition!"

With that the armored deity drew forth a massive warhammer, grasped it in both hands and began to spin. He spun faster and faster until he threw himself and his hammer in a single direction and vanished.

He erupted from the nigh-invisible Contest Spirit, aiming straight at Meshwif intent on halting the noise. As he appeared he shouted in a grating voice:
"I object to these laws!"

2008-03-16, 08:39 PM

Asmodeus's head bobs at the duel gods words Perhaps the laws are twisted, but they suit my purposes fine enough. And that won't happen, for if it is attempted such gods would find themselves a quick path to the stomach of Asmodeus. Asmodeus turned to the nature god I know the nature of order and order of nature, I am an old god, so old I don't even remember how old. I think... Asmodeus's tone gets somber, which is somewhat out of character for the arrogant god I think I might have been a mortal once, in ages long past. But yes, the laws must pass

Druid, I hope you realize as god of the underworld I also laid claim to demons, though I won't attempt to claim your servants, this is just an FYI

2008-03-16, 08:50 PM

Asmodeus turns his massive head to view the new disturbance, his booming voice roaring over the newcomers Oh, and just who are you, and to what end do you object to these laws?

2008-03-16, 08:55 PM
"While laws are all well and good, I'm growing bored of this.

With that, he leaves to continue observation of the keidrans' technology.

((Yay for not being on the list))

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 09:06 PM
(ooc: For the sake of my impatience/boredom I'm going to take the argument and the fight seperately)

"I am MAGNUS CRENN! And I object to your laws for several reasons! Foremost among them is lack of retributive power amongst the stronger deities. Why should those of us with great strength be disallowed a full array of options in seeking payment for injustices done to us? Second, Why should any of us be bound by the same things that bind mortals?! We are above them and their ways! Further, who gave you the right to decide what I or anyone else can or cannot do? You are but a worm! And how exactly do you propose to enforce these laws even if they pass? If one of us kills another are they to be killed in return? Even assuming that deity doesn't gain so much power as to be beyond the rest, who's to say they weren't justified in their action?! These and more are my reasons!"

2008-03-16, 09:15 PM

Asmodeus's eyes narrowed dangerously, his massive form shifting to put his head nearer the small creature, flames and heat radiating off of his form like he were the center of the world, in all its molten glory A WORM? YOU IGNORANT FOOL, HOW DARE YOU SPEAK AS SUCH TO THE LORD OF SERPENTS, THE GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD! Asmodeus's massive mouth opened to reveal row upon row of massive glittering fangs, and his huge snake-fangs dripped their unholy toxins. The laws are made to prevent rampant murder throughout the godly realms, which would disturb the very nature of the realm, and to protect the servants of all of the gods from retaliation from the divine themselves, as such would bring ruination upon all. If any fool thinks he can disobey the laws set down, will find a quick path down my gullet, a journey I'm sure any being would wish to avoid

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 09:20 PM
If a God is too weak to protect himself or his servants than he deserves what happens to him! And if he killed one of us then he would be more than a match for you!"

2008-03-16, 09:22 PM
This is not about such petty things, we are not mortals, the death of but one god can have dire ramifications for the whole of this world. And if he could kill but a weak god, he would be no match for me, for I am anything but weak

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 09:28 PM
"Dire ramifications?! Ha! Hahahahaha. Are you scared worm? If you don't think you can handle the effects of the death of a deity then you lack valor! You claim to be strong yet you would limit yourself! Either you are a fool, or you act like that of which you claim to be lord of! In which case none may trust that which you support!

2008-03-16, 09:40 PM
Asmodeus frowned, the baseless bravado of this boasting fool irked his nerves. He curled around the creature, his massive form making it seem as insignificant as a mortal I would choose your words wisely, foolish creature. Unlike you, I have the wisdom of ages, like a true god. I would not have myself weakened because some foolish god felt the need to kill another in their bravado, like a pathetic mortal. I might limit myself, but I would limit others as well. Something you are obviously to ignorant to understand motivates me, and it is called "Thinking ahead" you are a stupid creature who lives in the moment, like the god you no doubt killed to get to where you are, and unlike you, I have the sense to make sure the world I claim as my own does not fall to dust around my feet. As god of the afterlife, I have seen enough death to be wary for it. One does not live as long as I do without acquiring a knack for survival. And I warned you not to call me a worm, you simpering mortal

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 09:48 PM
(ooc: Two issues, First there already some physical action going on supposedly as Magnus was flying at Meshwif as he objected. Second just how big is Asmodeus and for that matter other deities because Magnus was straddling a sizable lake)

2008-03-16, 09:52 PM
I make dragons, like full-sized dragons, look like little cats next to me.

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 09:56 PM
(ooc: Ah but how big is your fullsized dragon, also we should probably take it to the ooc thread)

2008-03-16, 10:02 PM
OOC: indeed, I posted size there.

2008-03-16, 11:02 PM
In the void scraps of thought and soul collect over time. Eventualy a god is born, the scraps centuring around the largest bit by way of spiritual gravity. That is me. Lacrimosus.

Lacrimosus drifts somewhere physicly near absolute zero and waits for mortal things to die so that their fragmented remains might drift into the future, joining with him and allowing himself to empower his past.

2008-03-16, 11:12 PM
Mehswif God of Night

Mehswif dissolved into starlight, leaving the moss to squirm on the floor dieing. As the Wolf lay panting Mehswif appeared knelt beside him. The concentrations of sound circled around them drawing nearer. Still the spell needed to be sealed by something stronger than sleep. He broke off a piece of his shield and lay it on the Wolf.
A sound brought Mehswif's attention to the god charging towards him. He brought up his shield just in time. Entering the area of shimmering air, Magnus Crenn is wracked as the sound shakes his very bones, yet it if felt in another way it would be peaceful. Still the other god threw Mehswif back and pinned him on the wall. The humming stopped but Mehswif only smiled.
It is too late. I have bound him in the night, look."
The heat and rage of the Wolf seemed to melt the piece of black speckled shield. It spread over his body as the Great Wolf closed his eyes in slumber. It flowed, glowing, over him till he was a brilliant silver figure. The light cooled to a pale glow, leaving a silver orb where the wolf god had been. As that to faded from view, a moon rose in the sky.
"He will sleep in the night. If you wish to defend him, do so in the day when he wakes. But I doubt your help will be appreciated. and with that Mehswif come apart like so much shredded guaze.

2008-03-16, 11:16 PM

Asmodeus snarled at the night-god, and he took the slumbering wolf and placed it on its throne So far you have made and passed two judgments on the gods, perhaps you should leave such actions to the god of law, and mind your nights, starling god.

2008-03-16, 11:17 PM

The Smith watches patiently as the other gods bicker and argue. He pledges his support to these laws fully as he is a firm believer in order above chaos.

As the wolf and dogs battle comes to a head Hephais stays to the side wanting to see how this first altercation would be handled by the other divinus assembled.

2008-03-16, 11:31 PM
Vakira, to Asmodeus

From his towering mountain of coral overlooking the destructive path of the First Hurricane, Vakira calls out to Asmodeus with a low, respectful chirp, immitating the birds of his old grove.

"If you will, despite my opposition, speak with me, I have a bargain to make. If we can come to an accord, I shall drop my opposition to the Laws," he says in the secret language of the storm-winds, offering it up to summon Asmodeus.

2008-03-16, 11:37 PM

Asmodeus's voice responds to Vakira, though from where he cannot tell, until a mocking parody of nature reveals itself, a creature like an ent of other worlds, but twisted like a dead tree, like a horror of children's nightmares, with raking branches for hands, and a massive bole for a mouth, with gaping holes for eyes Oh, and what is this accord to which you would have me agree?

2008-03-16, 11:46 PM
Mehswif God of Night

The star god gives a sigh.
"He will wake at dawn. Till then his mind may wander and posses any of his creations. He may still kill with their power as is his right to do. And so I mind my nights that he will not kill with his full godly might while the sun is down. My actions enforce the law and do not extend beyond my porfolio.
"But I wonder how you will feel when he wakes and kills with divine abilities. Were he to turn on you, I predict you would not look with such sympathy on him. As for the god of law, he has yet to give a judgement on our respective curses, but I will have you know I will abide by it.
The other action you were talking about was the curse right? I'm not quite sure :smalleek:

2008-03-16, 11:48 PM

"I do not deny that it is your place to take the souls of those things that perish. But I look now upon my own creatures, and I see the First of them beginning to wither. I can see Death in them, and I can see your very legitimate claim over them becoming greater and greater. I can also see an inkling of your realm, full of fire and beasts. I ask you only for a small niche in the rock of your realm, for an afterlife where my grigin--and those who will come after them--can repose. Their spirits will still be yours, but their place in the land of the dead shall be one of peace. If you are willing, I would even want to see them offered a chance at reincarnation, spending a lifetime among this world and a lifetime among yours. They may even be of service: they have stout spirits and good instincts. While their spirits tarry with you, I'm sure they can help to tend even your largest leviathans. It is a large request, I'm certain," the Divinus says, letting its elegant tail wrap lightly around an outcropping of coral.

"But for this, I will no longer resist the Laws, and I will not try to claim things from you. I meant what I said: all living things must die. I am as much nature as life, and I believe that the both of us could do much worse than to consider the union of opposites."

The Boyce
2008-03-16, 11:50 PM
(ooc: Timeline wise this takes place before the argument)

Magnus growls at the vanishing darkness before turning and addressing the arrogant worm.

<insert argument>

Magnus Crenn laugh is like a storm and echoes throughout the room.

"Mortal?! Mortal?! Foolish worm I was never a mortal. And you are the on who cowers from death and struggle like a mortal not I! You claim power and yet you can't even hold your own world calm! What are you but a talkative worm with delusions of grandeur?"

Having said that Magnus calls on his mighty strength and kicks the encircling tail out of his way. He walks away keeping an eye trained on his adversary's movements.

"You have shown yourself t be nothing more than a scared child hiding behind meaningless laws so you never have to fend for yourself. Weakling!"

2008-03-16, 11:52 PM

The tree-thing again spoke with the voice of Asmodeus Very well, your creations will have such a place among my realm, so long as their souls still belong to me after death, and in the assured belief that these laws will benefit me enough to justify such uncharacteristic sympathies. with this spoken, the tree-thing seems to regain its consciousness, it looks around, spots the god, and scurries away in panic, taking its place in the forest as a dead tree, just like any other dead tree that has withered into death

2008-03-16, 11:53 PM
Amon Valkrath

Valkrath began pouring his essence into the Prime Material. The Laws had not yet been passed, thus Valkrath was free to bring some of his personal plans into action. Lightning bolts seemed to fall from Heaven, striking the World. "Annam" in the language of the giants. Saturated with power, over centuries, and millenia, a much less powerful pool of energy than that that had created the Divinus would create the servants of the Divinus in the world. The Sons of Annam, so they were called, had the powers of minor gods.
(Creation: Tomorrow we'll get one final verdict on the Laws of Divinus. Right now Valkrath has seeded the world with a power that feeds energy to the planet. It can create 0-3 Divine Rank creatures after long periods of time. These are the agents of Divinus on the Prime Material Plane, while the celestials are the main servants of the other Planes.)

2008-03-16, 11:59 PM

Rage, enters Asmodeus's eye, and with the lightning quickness that can be expected only from a snake, moving with a grace that belies his size his mouth snaps around the arm of the god, and with a sudden jerk he rips it off of the gods body, his tail twirls around and wraps around the gods neck from behind, and he smashes the god into the ground, leaving him wounded. I warned you about calling me a worm you foolish whelp, I may not be able to kill you, but the law says nothing that keeps me from maiming you. I do not hide, I seek advantage where the foolhardy would not, I do not cower, I coil to strike, I am no weakling, I am a God, and I am old, I have knowledge that allows me to see past the foolish rhetoric of a god who's title barely elevates him from the mortals he claims not to be, whether you were born to godhood or merely acquired it changes nothing, you are still every bit the fool a mortal would be in your place. And I can assure you, your bravado is surely misplaced.

2008-03-17, 12:02 AM
Vakira, to the Gathered Sanctuary

The Divinus of nature reappears in the sanctuary, this time unheralded: he is simply there. He smiles a smile like a fat, happy lion and the small grigin at his side scurries to keep time with its master.

"I will not oppose the Laws," Vakira says as he settles down onto his former throne, still a pile of shrubs and moss. "But I will also not add myself to them. I do not wish to diminish, but an understanding has been reached."

With that, he nods to Lex, and then conjures a mirrored pool of water from the air before him, with the image of the first hurricane foremost in it.

"I'm not sure where it's going to go, or where any that follow it will go. Isn't it a curious thing? But I can feel it in the distance: a storm may tear the tree from its roots, but a stronger sapling will simply replace it," he says, panting like a happy dog now.

"I wonder...what was the tree like that came before us, and what kind will we end up being?"

The Boyce
2008-03-17, 12:28 AM
Magnus regards his arm with a laugh even as he grabs a sword from his belt and swings with such force that he slices through his opponents tail, severing it. He stands and reveals that there is nothing in his chest plate, or is there? A flash of flesh or maybe just the imagination.

"It took you long enough foolish dragon. You do not even realize what I am, you have done what I desired. You claim to be cunning yet you fall so easily into rage. You can't even withstand harsh words without losing your temper. Hahahaha. Fool, you think you can hurt me! Tearing off my arm is nothing!"

Even as he speak he whips the severed tail off his neck, back at the being. Even as he does this a movement can be seen for his torn arm has begun to skitter back to him like a spider, it quickly reattaches itself to him.

"Care to try again worm?"

2008-03-17, 12:42 AM

Asmodeus smirks, catching the tail in his mouth, he devours it, and his tail grows anew I will not play your game you ugly little worm, you will either discuss these laws, or you will begone. If you decide to stay I will either crush all the bones in your body to keep your from moving. Or, better yet, I will paralyze you for as long as I see fit, making you unable to move, or even boast in your oafish manner. Either way you will contribute or you will be silent, your brand of braggart foolishness is best left to mortals and to fools. And if you think about attacking me I'll make sure you wake up from your paralyzed state in a divinely sealed tomb, unable to escape. he snorts derisively, shifting his attention away from the oaf and raising a shield of divine might around his throne-pit.

2008-03-17, 12:58 AM
Mehswif God of Night

The storm truly was beautiful. But it was also dangerous. Mehswif bid goodbye to his fellow gods. He had to get back to his people and start teaching them to protect themselves and other worshippers. And the sun was rising and he did not wish to be present when he did. The day now held two dangers for him, the searching sun and the waking vengeful moon.

The dim far side of the world drifted in its perpetual midnight. The candles were lit in the windows. The canine Mehswif padded through the mist, baying to wake his people. They gathered around him in the center of town. The god cleared the mist to let the stars shine in the town and changed into a man with axe and chipped shield.
My children, it is time I start teaching you the ways of the night, the protective power of darkness, the comfort of sleep and the power of song." He began to sing a lullaby. One by one the townspeople drifted off to sleep. In their dreams they learned and changed.


((4000 townspeople changed into the Nightfolk. They are nocturnal, invisible at night if they wish to be, have healing powers over injuries and sicknesses, and are good singers. They may also teleport to the dark side of the world several times a day))

When the people woke their god instructed them in the crafting of star metal and had them build a wall of it around their town as well as weapons.
That task complete he gave them instruction to travel to the other side of the world when night had fallen there and protect all those with a black candle in their window.
He traveled to the coral cities of the Divinus of Nature for the sun was searching from the sky above the Sancuary while the ocean still lay in star light. Afar off he could see the rolling clouds of Vakira's storm. He sought out the grigin Worldwarden. Greetings child of nature, I seek audience with your mistress.

The Boyce
2008-03-17, 12:58 AM
Magnus Crenn

Magnus laughs at the meaningless boasts of the overgrown worm.

"You make meaningless boasts yet again newt. And let me remind you it is you who cannot control himself, I merely responded with due force. I was in fact making my case when you decided to attack. I believe I was saying that we gods should not be bound by the desires of cowards."

2008-03-17, 01:04 AM

You instigated my wrath with insults and boasts about your own strength, knowing full well my reaction to your taunts and goading and a pretentious gall that only a fool can muster. So I repeat my ultimatum, for you are disrupting this meeting, and I am sure I am not the only one who objects to your interruption of this meeting. Asmodeus then looks pointedly at Lex Legis and the other Law gods convened, and especially at Amon Vakrath, the supposed overgod.

2008-03-17, 01:18 AM

The god teleports himself into the cave of Vakira.

"I believe she is attending the meeting to form our laws. Which unless you want to see Asmo lose his temper, is pretty much a boring affair. Anyway, to the real reason I'm here...

As he says this, he steps to the left, revealing a keidran of the wolf clan, seeming to be in her teens.

It seems young Natani here is quite the fan of yours.

The wolf girl looks up at him and quickly drops her head, blushing under her fur.

"I... heard your song... ... It w-w-was beautiful... If...y-you would allow it, I... I WANT TO BECOME A SONGSTRESS IN YOUR TEMPLE!"

She quickly looks up with a frightened look on her face.

"I'm sorry, so sorry I raised my voice against you. Please forgive me."

She drops to her knees and repeatedly bows her head with tears in her eyes

"Shes already been through too much. I ask you at least to allow her to join your people."

((Small text = Whisper))

The Boyce
2008-03-17, 01:20 AM
Magnus Crenn

"You speak of boasts? Ha! Every other sentence from your mouth seems a boast! I made my arguments quite clear and you have yet to address them with any good arguments. You should do so before spewing more self-praise."

2008-03-17, 05:04 AM
Sithis carefully approaches Asmodeus. "If I help you take care of this boastfull fool, will you aid me in adding a few laws that will be beneficial to me and mine? These laws will not harm you or your creations." Sithis then grew to match his size to magnus. "Magnus I am sithis and Dante, God of battle, knowledge, Duality, warrior-scholars, and Honor.These laws are neccessary to prevent what happened at last Creation, where Gods died, and the world was embroiled in pointless wars for eons.If my arguement does not convince you, perhaps my blade will. MAGNUS CRENN! I challenge you to a battle of arms till one of us yields. If I win ,you must support these laws. If I lose, you may choose what stake I must forfeit. Do you accept?"

2008-03-17, 08:55 AM
Mythek and the great slaughter

Mythek walked in the sky, mumbling curses to the adress of Legis, thought they might have been blessings, it was hard to tell. Beneath him, thousands of miles below, lay the waters of the newborn world. Mythek spit down, and his spit warped as it fell, turning into a plum. The plum smashed into the waters, creating wide ripples.

Mythek smiled, and an evil laugh sprouted from his lips. Yes, this was what he would do. The laws needed to be broken, even now that they were being made. And after that, he'd go and buy some banana icecream. Mythek jumped, and fell through the patch of sky he had been standing on earlier. He sped through the air, turning into a huge bullet as he fell, fire streaking down his sides. Mythek hit the waters, and huge waves rolled towards the land, flooding the shores.

But this was not part of the plan, nor was it not supposed to happen. it was just one of those things that happened as a side-effect, and Mythek did not concern himself with side-effects. The main thing was that, down there, in the deep, Mythek shifted form again, growing bigger than he had ever been before. His tentacles rose from the sea, nine of them, each grabbing a flying Wyrm which passed over or even near to the waters. They were drawn down into the sea, drowned and crushed by those choking, spiky, burning, slimy, ice-cold and acidic tentacles. Each of them perished. The Mad God had killed, broken the laws before they even were. There were plenty more Wyrms, sure, but they had taken damage none the less. His point had been made.

Now to break the other laws, Mythek thought. But then he remembered the banana icecream he had promised himself, and went off to buy him some strawbery flavored chicken.

2008-03-17, 09:58 AM
Vakira, to Cerus and Nehswif

The Worldwarden tilts his head to the side, confused.

"My mistress? I have no mistress."

"Me, Orlio," Vakira voice crackles like distant thunder, and the Divinus emerges from the waters of his cavern. "I suppose I can understand the confusion, this shape is not a normal one, but for the record, I have always conceived myself as male."

2008-03-17, 10:40 AM
Mehswif God of Night

Oops sorry GryffonDurime. :smallredface: I need to get that mother nature imagery out of my head, especially when writing late at night.
Mehswif and the Seeker of the Song
Mehswif goes over to the girl and lifts her to her feet. It is bad posture for singing if prostrated. At her look of alarm when she straightens up he smiles. You have no need to fear me. Now I will explain somethings to you. Do not think them chastisement, they are explanations to correct ignorance.
"Firstly, I am afraid i have to temples per say. Any house with a black candle in the window is my house and so a temple to me.
"Secondly, loud voices have there place but often whispers convey meaning just as well. You should use raised voices only when no other will do.
Now my Seeker of the Song, my Sublime Cord, there is music all around. It is deep and rhythmic and often not able to be heard. You must look for it. You must feel it. My stars dance to it. My people dream of it. It is in the breathing of a sleeper and its deep symphony permeates the night. Look up.
The girl looks into the diamond strewn sky. Mehswif begins to sing. It is a soft song barely able to be heard but as it goes on it seems to grow. It doesn't get louder but deeper, layers of harmony, turning of melody and tempo. Sadness, longing, and joy seem to exist in it all at once. The stars seem to spin above as if you could see their positions for all time in the moment. As it continues Natani seems to get caught up. She starts to sing as well almost by instinct. The song echoes across the sea as it dies away.
Natani looks at Mehswif tears in her eyes again. It's beyond imagining how wonderful that music is."
Mehswif gives a comforting smile to her. Indeed it is. I will teach you more of it later but first I must talk to Vakira. Till then you may join my people. He touches her and she dissolves into light and darkness.
She is an amazing creation Cerus. Mine have yet to truly mastered my music and she knows it by instinct. She will become a powerful mortal.

Mehswif and Vakira
Mehswif bows to the Divinus of Nature in his domain.
Vakira, I apologize for my mistake. Its very embarrassing.
I came to ask your assistance. My people reside on the far side of the world. What plants I have moved there have died for lack of sun because my stars doing not give enough light. Could I ask you to create life there suitable for the environment?

Fiery Justice
2008-03-17, 10:50 AM
The Great Wolf
The Great Wolf, in his wandering of the dreamscape, discovers a new and intriguing idea: The Nightmare. So gleefulis he that as he chases through the minds of mortals he only kills four or five, but these he also mutates into the manifested visage of nightmare, a nonsensical beast that tosses and tumbles in inconsistent paradox with a single glance it can transform others into its nightmarish likeness.

(Basically, he creates the Bodak, but it looks much freakier.)

After he wakes up, he falls downward out of the Gods and into the reach of the mortal world. He grants the mortal world a new and (honestly) horrifying gift: Locust. Hundred of thousands of Locust (their non-sapient, so I can do that.). He watches as they take the food from the poor mortals before continuing on.

Enjoying his rather long spree of creation, the Great Wolf plunges into the sea. There he creates his greatest new creation, a band of small, extremely intelligent creatures he calls Krakens. Each of these Krakens he gives a band of thirty Sharruk, shark-like beasts with the ability to seed mad rages into the minds of others and an intense natural loyalty to its Mother Kraken (Don't ask about the breeding process). The Kraken were not as like the Great Wolf as the Great Wolf would have preferred, but they would see to it that the Sharruk prospered, so he abided by it.

20 Kraken and 600 Sharruk.

Growing tired of creating the Great Wolf went off to kill a human town.

2008-03-17, 11:03 AM
Lacrimosus, of the Void

Lacrimosus reaches out into his plane and shapes darkness into three thousand Devourers (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/devourer.htm) capable of rending souls and sending the scraps to himself. He throws these forth and seeds them on many planes. He also creates a number of oversized Nightwalkers to defend his realm, and then he floats out of his void, intent on finding other divine beings.

2008-03-17, 11:18 AM

Morakar speaks again after an extended pause, simply watching and thinking.

((OOC: OK, I live in Britain, I was asleep...))

"These laws are fair. They are simple. There is no confusion here- I pledge my support once more. I will not place my whole essence within the Law, for it is not my true domain, but I will teach my followers to be lawful and law-abiding."

"After we have created the Law, I would like to return to the issue of the Language- I am ready to lend it my power."

Morakar's Disciples

In the generation that has passed since Morakar took on his first disciples, much work has been done within the library. Geometry, philosophy and early poetry fill the shelves, and some of the Disciples returned to their original homes to spread the Word of Lore, although others seeking knowledge came to replace them. There is now a significant split among the Disciples- the Students, who live in the surroundings of the Library (although their quest for knowledge sometimes takes them outside into the wider world), studying the workings of the world; and the Teachers, who can be found in the Lord of Civilisations towns and cities, spreading the knowledge disvoered by the Students to the people.

The Boyce
2008-03-17, 12:42 PM
Magnus Crenn

"If it is a fight you seek then you shall find me ever ready to fight it!" Magnus shouts with gusto.

The God of Conflict takes a battle stance prepared to draw one of many weapons from his belt.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!"

2008-03-17, 01:14 PM

Morakar does not move from his simple throne, but says, "Magnus Crenn, God of Conflict, you are, yes? It seems to me you have nnot understood the task we are engaged in. We are in the process of creating a set of Laws- laws that will ban the slaying of any Divinus. If you continue with this aggression, it looks to me as if all the Lawmakers will have no choice but to combine our talents against you. An unfortunate task, but one I would feel obliged to lend my aid..."

2008-03-17, 02:25 PM

Morakar does not move from his simple throne, but says, "Magnus Crenn, God of Conflict, you are, yes? It seems to me you have nnot understood the task we are engaged in. We are in the process of creating a set of Laws- laws that will ban the slaying of any Divinus. If you continue with this aggression, it looks to me as if all the Lawmakers will have no choice but to combine our talents against you. An unfortunate task, but one I would feel obliged to lend my aid..."

Returned from the very random slaughter of some Wyrms, Mythek sits perched above a tree near his throne everyone had failed to notice.
"Break you own laws to reinforce them? Make a good asset to Chaos you will, padawan!"
He laughs a bit.
Then he adds, a little less serious, though that is probably not his intention, "Seriously though, the balloon is on my side. Touch him, and you're sushi"

The Boyce
2008-03-17, 02:37 PM
"Aggression? It seems to me that twice have I been offered combat. Once honorably, and once suddenly. I have begun no fights, if they cannot deal with the truths of my arguments it is there problem not mine. As for intervention, I believe I am now engaged in a duel and if you were to interfere that could hardly be considered lawful, now could it. Once this duel is over may your concerns be addressed."

Even as Magnus spoke there were unseen motions. A number of Contest Spirits had come to watch this contest, but they would not transmit what they saw, it was not their place.

2008-03-17, 03:06 PM
" Realax, morakar, tis not a duel to the death. Ready when you are Magnus!"

2008-03-17, 03:27 PM

"I am sorry, my brothers- I should pay more attention to these things.

I never said I would break the Law, however- there are many ways to oppose without slaying, as the Wolf could attest, were he fully concious."

2008-03-17, 03:33 PM

Asmodeus snorted derisively at Magnus You confuse law with honor, it would not be unlawful to oppose you alongside our companion, even in a duel. Whether such an action would live up to your idealistic view of "honor" does not concern me.

2008-03-17, 03:42 PM

Lacrimosus drifts over to the other divine beings, taking on a regal human form as he does so.

Laws and codes for us? Why?

OOC:Im so glad we have a madgod. Every land needs a madgod. Or a muffin. Or clowns. Or was it clouds? Must have been clowns because he doesnt taste like clouds. Clouds taste like butter...and tears.

2008-03-17, 03:44 PM
Vakira, to Mehswif

The Divinus motions respectfully when Mehswif finishes his proposal and nods his head. "I've seen your people, a little, through the endless roots of this world. They respect nature, and even their trade in your starmetal is gentle, cleansing. They are not impure," he says, and his tone makes it clear that he holds this as a compliment.

"I create in person, but I would not usurp their faith. If you wish, I will agree to come to your people under your own watchful night, myself clothed in its black tones as best I can. I will give you these plants, and more. In return, I ask for two things: first, and simplest, I wish for your assurance that your people will not blacken my skies with smoke or pollute my waters with grime. Let them live their comfortable lives, but never at my own expense," Vakira says, and he stands up, beckoning a small group of tiny green grigin children forward from where they cower behind coral.

"My second is not so much demand as opportunity: I wish to send some of my children out into the world. Their form will have to change, I think, but your gentle light and wall of starmetal...they are good protections. A small bit of land for my next tribe, and your people will never want for wood or food."

2008-03-17, 04:56 PM
Mehswif God of Night

Your terms are easily acceptable. I will grant your people land in my realm of eternal night. However, I must ask they pay some homage to me. They need not give you up as patron but a candle must be lit in their homes for me to extend protection over them.
I will have mine extend the same courtesy to you. A tree will be cared for in the town square and a lantern hung in its branches to show respect to you beyond not harming the earth, winds and waters.

The Boyce
2008-03-17, 05:54 PM
"It is not a matter of Law it is a matter of being lawful. Of respecting those codes set down by others, if you can't be trusted to abide by the wishes of those whom are on your side then it would seem obvious that you can not be trusted. I never said it would be unlawful to try and crush me through sheer numbers, only that it would not be lawful to do so during a duel. If you can not tell the difference that is none of my concern."

Magnus then turned to regard Morakar, "If you seek to quash debate through magical force then surely there will be far more serious opposition then you expect, tyrants are not well accepted."

Finally the God of Contests turned to regard his opponent, and he drew forth his chosen weapons for this bout. In his right hand he held a mace, weighted perfectly, and in his left he held a sword, the same used to cut through the worm's tail.

"Defend yourself!" Crenn yelled while he charged. When he neared the God of Duality he swung his mace with thunderous force at his opponent's left arm, but he kept his sword back to guard against potential strikes.

2008-03-17, 06:14 PM
Mythek and the fight

Mythek claps his hands, one of which is made out of foam, so little sound is produced. He decides to whistle instead and cheers on the fighting gods.
"Go on, poke 'em with your trident! Stab 'em in the shoulder! Deepfry them in the knee! Go monkey stew on him! Hahahahaha!"

Mythek, breakin' the law

Mythek's neck seems to shift a bit and a second head pops out of it, at the back of his head. This head turns towards Lex and says "I killed a bunch of creatures today. Pwned their respective toes. Fingerfood. You know what the really funny part is? I mean, even funnier than those clowns with the chainsaws and rubber duckies?"
He smirks.
"I did it because of you. Wouldn't have pushed the deadly ctrl-alt-del if it weren't for your laws, capricorn!"
He then starts tossing filthy laundry at Lex Legis.

Mythek and that evil god we don't speak of anymore

The Mad God's neck shifted again, and just when it looked like a third head would pop out, a firetruck popped out instead. The firetruck opened it's, well, this would probably be the time to tell you that it had a mouth, which it opened. The firetruck turned to Asmodeus and seemed to consider turning into a manta, but then it simply spoke.
"Choosing Law over the bad cause, eh? Kicking it old school with the Right Brothers? Tsk, tsk. Your wyrms payed. However, you should rejoice in the fact they suffered like a cow with mad sheep's disease, like moules frites on helium. You're an evil god, I'm sure you can appreciate their suffering"

2008-03-17, 06:27 PM

Asmodeus looks cooly upon the mad god, in the manner of a serial killer regarding his victim I choose laws over chaos, as chaos does nothing to benefit me, at least not yet. And if you are trying to offend me by killing my creations you are going to be disappointed, as such feelings do not come to me, and besides, there will always be more where they came from with that he looked at his mate, with what might have passed for affection, but was more of a lust than any real attachment. He turned to regard the foolish creature once more I might have even retaliated, little though a few Wyrms mean to me, but you hardly have anything worth the effort.

2008-03-17, 06:34 PM

Asmodeus looks cooly upon the mad god, in the manner of a serial killer regarding his victim I choose laws over chaos, as chaos does nothing to benefit me, at least not yet. And if you are trying to offend me by killing my creations you are going to be disappointed, as such feelings do not come to me, and besides, there will always be more where they came from with that he looked at his mate, with what might have passed for affection, but was more of a lust than any real attachment. He turned to regard the foolish creature once more I might have even retaliated, little though a few Wyrms mean to me, but you hardly have anything worth the effort.

The firetruck grinned. It was quite an appaling sight.
"Told you you'd like it, goldfish! Oh, and have is such an orderly concept. I create, warp, destroy, corrupt, but I never have. Neither do you. Those wyrms are as much yours as the cheese on the moon belongs to Tom Cruise. Did you know it takes twelve frogs to finish Half-Life 2? Thirteen on a monday"

2008-03-17, 06:47 PM

Asmodeus just sighed, shook his head a little, and shrugged, or what would have passed for a shrug had he been human. He would see to enforcing the laws once they were passed. And, he thought, he would have to take a form more suited to the smaller size of his creations, and his Wyrms might have use of the ability to blend into populations, and so he began to ponder the shapes he and his kin might take. For his Wyrms it was obvious, they could shift into a smaller creation of medium size, and take whatever form was within reason for that size... but for Asmodeus, something more was needed, and with that, the god began to ponder.

2008-03-17, 07:10 PM

After having pledged his support to the laws the Smith left the bickering behind to go back to his creations. Back under the mountain he checked on his guardians and made sure no incursions had been made on his people. He went back to the forge and thought of what else would be needed to help his people in their survival in this new world. The thought the beasts of burden would help them complete their tasks faster and provide steeds during battle. He spent some time and created large lizards mounts for his people to domesticate and use. After spending time to make sure that the clan could control these new beasts he also took Magnum and a few followers aside and taught them the way to tap into his divine power.

Created 100 lizard mounts and taught 12 dwarfs the use of divine magic

Fiery Justice
2008-03-17, 07:14 PM
Once The Great Wolf had killed one or two human towns he came upon another town, which was already destroyed. He stole from the minds of the survivors what had happened and was a little disappointed to discover that his creatures were not responsible the event, instead it seemed that a band of raiders had caused the destruction, taking the town's food stores and women, and setting the town a flame. This courageous new idea made its home in the Great Wolf's heart, and he set about forging the perfect creature for just this activity.

Now, of course, they couldn't be governed by any complicated laws and they had to be aggressive enough to want a lot of stuff, so that the wars wouldn't lull just because they weren't needed. So he set them up with a primal bloodlust. He gave them intelligence and skill, but he made it so these were secondary to destroying their foes.

He gave them brute strength and tall, muscled frames, he gave them a talent with weaponry and an affinity with wolves. He taught them to go into a maddening bloodthirsty state known as "Orcing" that drove them past any sense of reason and gave them immense strength (just standard Beserk/Frenzy/Whatever). He gave them an innate rage at any non-orc, a kind of deep seated loathing. Finally, he gave a handful of them his Wolf spirit, turning them into Werewolves.

These bands would cause great chaos and much ruin.

(Filling out my ranks now, 8,000 Orcs, and 80 Werewolf Orcs. He also creates Dire Wolves and makes them friendly to Orcs, one Wolf to every two orcs. He doesn't bother to create a priest caste. He makes them have a very slight blight effect that kills any long-terms attempts at settlement keeping them raiding and killing. Its possible that they might be able to become a standardish kingdom if they become a mostly mining nation. Maybe. But that won't happen for centuries.)

2008-03-17, 07:31 PM
Mehswif God of Night and the conversion of the elves

Mehswif heard a cry go out from a people. Their god had disappeared leaving them as the sun set from their land. They feared the night and cried out for protection.
He traveled to the cliff surrounded island of the sun elves. Seeing their origin, the night almost turned away. But it was his duty to help those that wanted it. And, he reminded himself, he too had come from the sun. With some influence these people could easily become wholly his.
He descended to the capital of Anti. A whispering wind filled every corner of the land. "Do not fear the dark. I am Mehswif, god of night, and I will give you protection should you want it. I will take you away from the harsh light that bore you. In my arms you will rest safe.
The elves looked to each other in confusion. How could they abandon what they were. And yet, their god was not there to help them and the world was filled with corruption and beasts.
A gap opened in the earth. You are free to choose but know that I give no protection to those that refuse my offer of sanctuary. Light a candle and enter my caverns if that is your choice."
Slowly at first then more coming forward, many entered the cave. They left behind their heritage of the sun, leaving bright phantom shadows of themselves that broke apart and ascended to form new constellations in the sky. They were transformed into drow.
Still half of the elves refused to enter and they closed over the entrance once all who wanted to had descended into the night below the surface.

2000 Drow created and gained as worshippers since Anti dropped out.
The other half is still up for grabs :smallwink:

2008-03-17, 07:46 PM

Asmodeus saw the mischief of the night god, and saw a ripe opportunity. He whisked himself away, taking a form he had been pondering. He became in the shape of a man, tall and swift, and leanly muscled. His skin was bright, but not pallid, if glowed ruddily in the myriad lights, and shone as though through a flame. His eyes were specks of fire, raging in his skull, and he bore himself of massive wings of blackest pitch, like those of a great bat. On top of his skull were The horns of some great beast, like a crest of honor. His mouth was filled with fangs, and he bore the symbolic snake fangs of his heritage. His hands and feet were as a mans, but finely clawed.

Asmodeus came to the remaining elves in their town, his head held high and his majesty for all to see. The many elves looked upon him with awe, a divine creature in their very midst. and he spoke, a lilting tongue that both commanded attention, and soothed the mind, allowing the tendrils of his will to seep into the soul I am Lucifer, the Bringer of Light, and I would offer you protection, but I would not whisk you away from where you are, I would not deny you you're birthright. Come with me, and I will grant you power and wisdom, so that you need not be afraid, and that you may truly call the hours of light your own. And the many elves listened, nodding their heads. With their silent ascent confirmed Asmodeus lifted a clawed hand, and they changed. Their skin became as his, ruddy like a fire, and the fine claws grew on their hands too. As creatures of the day they would need to oversee their kingdom, and so he granted them wings, but not wings like his own, he granted them wings of purest white, and feathered like a bird. He gave them eyes to compliment their wings, so they might soar over the land and view their domains. His final gift, was his magic, he taught them the gift of his majesty, and how to tap into his divine power, by praying and asking him for the light to guide them. With your new majesty and power, you need a new name, befitting of your prowess... I will call you, Liberi Aduro, Children of the Light and he smiled, his pride flowing over the many new creations

And so Asmodeus created the Cult of Lucifer, another guise he would wear to garner worship and praise, and to solidify his power. With their newfound wings, the many Liberi took flight, seeking homes in the mountains near his home, their wings taking them high above the ground, and into the light of the sun.

1000 Liberi Aduro created and taken under my protective wing :smallamused:

2008-03-17, 07:50 PM

Curious of Mehswif's actions, Cerus watches as half their numbers go with the god of night.

"Elves? Who created elves? ... Who killed them?

He says in a morose tone.

2 days later, a large cargo vessel flying a flag depicting the face of a wolf in front of crossed staves, decends from the clouds. A large door opens as a ramp is simutaneously deployed. A tall, white, member of the wolf clan stands with platinum staff and light green robes.

"Denizens of the sun! My lord has heard your plight. I offer you the protection of Cerus, god of protection and honor! Those of you wishing to join under his light step onto this craft at be taken to the promised land.

The ship is nearly filled with 1000 elves as it ascends and is joined by 2 warships for the return trip.


2008-03-17, 07:53 PM
Hmmm well, I could cut it down to like 1000/1500, so that regular elves will still have a place in the world.

2008-03-17, 07:59 PM
"Elves? Who created elves? ... Who killed them?

See post 19 one page one. Anti made 2000, which doubled after one generation to make 4000 total at the time he dropped out.

2008-03-17, 08:14 PM
Sithis blocked Magnus's blow with uncanny speed, then launched a flurry of vicoius counter-attacks.

2008-03-17, 08:22 PM

Vakira nods to Mehswif, and takes on the form of a jaguar: black as night. He appears in Mehswif's village in a gentle breeze wrapped in an electric scent, and he howls his own tune like the villager's song. As he does so, beautiful vines creep up from the bare soil: purple latticework covers the houses, and great blue trees spring forth, flanked on all sides by flowers as silver as the moon. Unsatisfied, Vakira turns to the stars for inspiration and sings into being beautiful fungi that cast off their luminous spores into the evening breeze. Great pink berries and fruits fall from the vines and the trees, and soft black grass emerges from the ground.

At the edge of the village, Vakira sings forth a spring, and four families of grigin emerge from the water, no longer green but rich blue and purple, like the night. They have no petals as their kin do, but instead have small, luminescent balls like an angler fish's and gentle feathers: the beginnings of wings. They themselves turn to the glowing spores in the air and begin to harvest them, calling forth arboreal homes with them. While it's not a candle, each in turn places luminous spores on a black flower and leave these offerings in their newly formed windows.

2008-03-17, 08:23 PM

The blank plain was featureless, a blasted wasteland with nothing of note but for a grey fog that lay here and there in wisps, hanging dead and unmoving in the air. The sky here did not shine bright blue; it was a dull silver instead. It was as if color, in this spot, had been utterly leeched out of the world.

Somewhere in the center of the realm lay a hall whose walls were made entirely of mirrors, inside and out. Those mortals and souls unfortunate enough to find themselves in Lilith's realm rarely found it, for the mirrors reflected the featureless landscape perfectly on the outside. On the inside, the mirrors reflected one another, seeming to stretch off into infinity.

Right now, the hall is dark and empty, reflecting nothing but its own walls. The mistress of the hall is not at home.

At the Sanctuary

A figure is abruptly sitting before a throne that had not existed when the meeting began. To call it a throne, in fact, would be an exaggeration; the simple wooden chair is crudely cut, and has been knocked off the low pedestal it would have sat upon. The woman sitting in front of the chair appears as a human, with dark hair and pale skin, clad in a black dress. She smirks slightly as she watches the two gods of battle and conflict fight. "Oh, look. Gods fighting! How utterly unexpected," she says with more than a hint of sarcasm.

2008-03-17, 08:34 PM
All the Divinus + Valkrath and the Celestials

Valkrath's servants were once measured many orders of magnitude beyond even trillions of solars. Many solars traveled throughout the new Creation, attempting to find some kind of office among the Divinus. Valkrath, being as he was now Amon, was not recognized by them.

Thus, dark Planetars, and Deva had sought to serve the evil ones, while the Solars and Archons had all wanted with great fervor to service the gods of Virtue. Meanwhile, yugoloths had all congregated in the thousands to witness the birth of Lilith. "Oh Lilth! What dark majesty!"

2008-03-17, 08:40 PM
Cerus teleports in to see the two still squabbling.

"Geez, you two still at it? Do you know how long its been now?"

As he sits in his chair, he looks over at the new goddess.

"My, we've certainly been growing in number lately."

((I think now would be a good time for a physical description of Cerus))
A black-haired being in platinum half-plate, with splatter-like red stains. Feathered wings of purest white, yet splotched like his armor are folded at his back as he sits. A blade with a powerful red aura at his hip.

The Boyce
2008-03-17, 08:41 PM
(ooc: what weapons are you using?)

Magnus Crenn

Sword and mace work in perfect tandem driving away blows as pleasure courses up the spine of the combative deity. There was a brief flash in his open helmet that old face grinning before it returned to the darkness and twin lights. Magnus let his opponent stay on the offensive for a bit before launching his own attack routine.

The armored warrior-God saw an opening and launched his shoulder straight at Sithis's chest. Not content to with a mere tackle, Magnus quickly shifted his weight back and brought his mace in a round strike straight at the head of the other duelist. At the same time his sword stabbed forth under the mace straight at his opponent's heart.

2008-03-17, 09:13 PM

The many dark creatures flocked to Asmodeus, the many demons, in all their varied forms. Many were as the creatures of pureness he had created, those demons made of his own force. But these, these were the creations of existence itself, and Asmodeus was pleased at their coming, and he sent them to join his creations in the deeps of the underworld. Asmodeus returned his attentions to the chamber. He had retained his more sorted form, as that of Lucifer, and he looked quite at odds in the massive throne-pit of Wyrm bones. He spoke to Lillith in an almost condescending voice, a voice that retained all the features it had as he had spoken with the elves Yes, unexpected. Unexpected like the passing of day, or the mewling of infants And with that he sneered, his fanged, yet inhumanly beautiful face twisting in near mockery of the newcomer.

2008-03-17, 09:15 PM
Mehswif God of Night

Returning to his land after helping the elves, he was awed by Vakira's work. The power to create life such as this was beyond his comprehension. He knew how to heal it but to make it was beyond his power and so it awed him.
He then instructed the nightfolk to bring him a seed from the largest tree. When they returned, Mehswif planted it in the town square. He whispered to the seed, calling it from its slumber to grow. It sprang up as a sapling, its wood dark and its pale leaves glowing.
"My people, for the gift given to you by Vakira, Divinus of Nature, you will give thanks by caring for this tree and hang a lantern in its branches as a sign of how you are indebted.
The nightfolk brought star metal and worked it around the trees truck in the design of vines. The lantern was hung from the metalwork. In time the tree would grow around the adamantine and new metal sculpture would be added only to be consumed by the bark and once again a new metal grill would be added.
Some of the plants were taken to the elves to be cultivated by them and a tree was planted in the bowls of the earth were they began building their new city.

Mehswif and the Celestials

As the archons and demons ran about searching to offer their service Mehswif called to some of them. The Hound archons, similar to Mehswifs canine aspect, would serve him well. He also called to the Hellcats. Beings that could only be seen when nothing but starlight illuminated them fitted his idea of helpers perfectly. He would have to change their predatory nature to a more suitable instinct but that would be a simple task for a god. He sang to them, soothing their minds and guiding them to think of his people as kittens to be protected rather than prey to be hunted.

Mehswif and his Guardians

Inspired by Vakira, Mehswif decided to try his hand at making his own creations.
His first attempt, he gathered starlight into spheres. His will-o-wisps would guide his followers through the night safely and lead those that intended harm off the path.
Next he gathered the breath of the sleeping and shaped it into a human figure clad in mail. The glimmerskins would grant combat skills to those unable to defend themselves. He also granted them power to enter dreams and battle nightmares which till now he had been unable to defend his people from.
But none of these could stand the might of the wyrms. So he brought together many creatures of the night, bats, owls, wolves, and cats. Into some he imbued starlight and darkness, in others he gave the power of star metal. They became as dragons, though not as tough but more skilled, with their souls merging with the body. They were legendary beasts. Dire animals with intellect and magic. They became the Star Protectors and Adamantine Guardians. ((Dragon stats are used but they are outsiders if going by DnD terms))

1000 Will-o-wisps
1000 Glimmerskins
100 Star Protector/Force Dragons
100 Adamantine Guardian/Silver Dragons

Tired from his efforts Mehswif retired to his own country and began construction on an avatar.

2008-03-17, 09:33 PM

Asmodeus looked upon all the scattering divine creatures, and he looked upon the celestials. They fit the description of his newly created people so well, and so he took many into his fold, twisting them to his service, and turning them to be as his emissaries to the Liberi, and his servants, so as to further the belief of Lucifer. He also took Celestial beasts, and put them to work for his new servants, and for the Liberi.

2008-03-17, 09:49 PM
Taking four of the archons, Creus approaches this opportunity from a different angle. He teleports his council to his side and binds a celestial being to each member.
Tiger Clan:The warrior's armor shatters leaving only his clothes and floating plates of clear, almost invisble force which bend to his will to form armor and weaponry.

Jaguar Clan: His muscle shift and grow to an extent that it causes his fairly flexible armor to burst, tearing his clothes with it. Two large battleaxes now bound to his wrists by long sections of chain.

Fox Clan: Her body becomes engulfed in shadow, multiple clones are formed and quickly return to their shadowy master

Wolf Clan: A massive torrent of arcane energy surrounds, and permeates the wolf leader's body, etching runes into her flesh. Her eyes now glowing with bright light

My council member are surpassing the mortal limits becoming quasi-deities, if thats not allowed then ECL 25 Fighter, Barbarian, rogue, and Wizard respectively.

2008-03-17, 09:49 PM
Lilith- At the Sanctuary

"Yes, we have," Lilith replies, glancing about disinterestedly as Cerus speaks to her. "And you'd be? I'm not too familiar with the gods face-to-face." She rolls her eyes at Asmodeus's mockery. "Not too perceptive, is he? Or is it just that there's no god of sarcasm yet, and he doesn't pay attention to the mortal world enough to know what it is?"

On the Grey Plains

Another Lilith stands at the same time on the grey plain; even she is colored in washed-out shades of grey here. She surveys the yugoloths who have flocked to her with contempt. The plains seem to deaden all noise, but her voice is audible nonetheless to all of them. "Dark majesty?" She laughs, a harsh, bitter laugh. "Wretched things! Bringers of woe and misfortune! Have you come here to serve me, or to feed off my sorrows, or both? Do you want to know what I will do with you now?"

"I will do nothing with you. But here is what you will do. You will wander the world, in full knowledge of my hatred for every last one of you. You are things of mischance and deceit—you can trust no other among yourselves, and cannot bring yourself to trust another; it's outside your nature. You are utterly alone, and while you will always try to bring others to the lowest depths of unhappiness, you will be cursed with the knowledge that whatever you do, theirs will never equal your own. No matter what petty glee you derive from your small successes, none of them will matter in the slightest. You are selfish and greedy, with no worth or value whatsoever, and you're smart enough to know it. You might seek my approval as some small solace, hoping to find a higher power that will give you shelter. But you won't get it." She laughs again, harshly. "This isn't a curse, or a prophecy. It's simply what's going to happen. Some of you already suspect this, and deny it to yourself; perhaps now you will be unable to continue, and slink off into a dark place to try to inflict a portion of your misery on others. Others of you won't accept what I say. Go ahead. The futility of your beliefs will make your suffering worse, like a knife that remains in the wound."

"Begone now! Or don't. I care nothing for any of you." Lilith—or is it only a reflection of Lilith?—turns and begins to walk in a straight line into the grey, featureless waste, not bothering to glance at the spurned creatures.

2008-03-17, 10:06 PM
Cerus - Sanctuary

Cerus looks at her in a slight state of shock before regaining his composure.

"My apologies. I am Cerus, god of protection and war, the ultimate shield and sword. I'm not suprised you've not heard of me. Until scarcely a century ago I was still but a mortal.

He rearranges himself in the chair.

She looks just like...no, I would be stupid to think that. ... But how can they even sound the same?

2008-03-17, 10:08 PM

Asmodeus sneers in obvious contempt at the new god, mocking its very existence. I know of sarcasm, but I will not play your childish game. You are no god, you are a mortal who is play acting, a tearful child filled with sadness, a morose girl who hates everything merely because it is as it is. You are as nothing, a mere shadow of what a true god might be, and as such I treat you not as a god, but as a contemptuous and foolish mortal who would think to put yourself at the level of true divinus. Around his form, imps appear, jeering and mocking the morose god, dancing around like pranksters after a fresh prank, sneers and smiles and grins on their faces.

Fiery Justice
2008-03-17, 10:26 PM
The Great Wolf pulls back into the deep and far end of space away from the center of life that was the first world and created a great cloud of fiery swarming beasts, which ate and tore at each other for The Great Wolf's amusement. He sits and at last rests in something resembling peace for some time.

2008-03-17, 10:28 PM

"Suit yourself," Lilith replies indifferently. "You chose to speak to me, not the other way around. But you reap what you sow, not that you'd know what that's like, and now that you've started to play around with this world, here I am." She spreads her arms, and turns away from the older god.

"Lilith," she replies to the warrior-god. "Goddess, unfortunately, of those whom you've failed to protect." The words hold little sting to them; instead, there might be a faint hint of reproach.

2008-03-17, 10:50 PM

Asmodeus smirked once more, but before responding he created a different throne, nearer to the thrones of Lillith and Cerus, this throne, unlike his bone-pit, was designed for his current guise. The Throne was large, and made of Ivory and bone that had been carved. The throne was carved with the large back and the arms depicting long, sinuous Wyrms, the back and the sides depicted Asmodeus's many creatures dancing around, and praising him, with the Liberi and the celestials he had acquired flying around in cities of cloud, looking down upon Asmodeus's other creations, and around the head, the forms of imps could be clearly seen, dancing around the back of the chair. At the base were the burning pits of the underworld, and the many demons danced around the tormented souls, however, true to his word, even on his throne there was a haven for the creations of the God of Nature, sitting unmolested in the center of the underworld, in a patch of grass. The throne next to Asmodeus's was similarly adorned, but smaller, as befitting his queen and consort, who had now taken the form of a beautiful human woman. She was tall, and stunningly beautiful, with brownish blonde hair, and startlingly beautiful green eyes, which seemed to cut straight to the soul. Truly Varnilkan was as worthy as any Wyrm could be to sit by the snake-lords side. When all this was done Asmodeus once again turned to Lillith If you truly think I have lived as long as I have and garnered as much power as I have without understanding the truth behind those words you are surely either fooling yourself, or ignorant in the extreme.

2008-03-17, 11:15 PM
(Cleric 7, Sorcerer 23 Lawful good human male)

On the surface of Annam there was one who had worshiped Cerus. The god of battle and courage. Cerus had been his god. As Lethys had been priest to Cerus even before he had been given divine power, Lethys had served Cerus more than the wisest of Cerus'es clerics. Much had been done in Cerus'es name. The liberation of a small human city, and the destruction of a portal to the Jagaite Hells(not Asmodeus'es), as well as the slaying of an evil giant witch terrorizing the grigli people had all been led by Lethys.

One day this all changed. Lethys had wed a noble woman of an early country. This noble woman, Keryssa(Adept 20) had been found defending herself against an invasion of orcs. The orcs had swarmed her. She struck down warrior after warrior, but yet she was physically weak, and her magic was restricted to mere traditional spells.

The body was desecrated and bore the mark of the Hunt. The orcs tatooed the corpse. From what was not bloodied Lethys had read that she was specificaly chosen. Lethys had been brought up by the priests believing that no one so favored by Cerus could suffer such a dishonor. Dishonor.... Surely Cerus would not betray Lethys after thirty years of service.

Lethys'es mind raced as he had sought reasons why Cerus would let this happen..... Perhaps it was because he was a born sorcerer. Nonetheless Lethys had cursed Cerrus on that day and renounced his priest hood. He now belonged to the Jagaite Hells.

2008-03-17, 11:53 PM

Lacrimosus sees the other gods in their toil and squabbles and descides that they are beneath him. He leaves, traveling into the Prime where he will soon sow fillowers.

These other gods are as children who fight and artiface with no plan or knowing. They cannot see the End. I can.

Lacrimosus has a weapon now.
Cloak of Midnight
This god wears the Artifact known as the Cloak of Midnight. It is a Cloak of Etherealness that also function as a +3 Keen Ghost Touch Merciful Scythe. It cannot be used to make trip attacks and this weapon is not subject to disarming. It does not need to be drawn. This weapon also has two special properties. First, any living mortal struck by the cloak must, if the wielder wishes, make a DC20 Charisma based will save of have their soul removed from their body and absorbed into the cloak. Secondly, any undead with less than ten hit dice struck by the cloak are instantly disintegrated.
The Cloak of Midnight also allows any spells in the Domains of Darkness, Knowledge, Fate, or Repose to be cast without any focus or material components

2008-03-18, 02:38 AM
Mythek and the Celestials
Mythek leaped from his tree like a jaguar, catching his claws on the celestials and swallowing them whole. He had needed a snack.

He then grabbed a couple more, but decided they would service him, until he felt like eating them off course. He broke their minds, filling them with nonsense and violent urges. They became evil spirits, capable of possession. They would travel down to the world and posses mortals, making them act madly and violently, until their actions killed them, and then the spirits would move on.

Mythek then decided to create some more. He was a god, after all. He created a being he called "The LOLcat". They were a breed of cute little kittens that reproduced on their own (A single one of them can reproduce by itself, the new LOLcats grow in it's fur) and that would explode upon contact with another living being. This would usually kill the other living being.

3000 LOLcats created. They reproduce quickly, spawning litters of six to eight kittens at a time and breeding all the time, but they do tend t die fast as well

2008-03-18, 06:29 AM
Morakar and the Celestials

Morakar takes some Celestials to be his servants, forming them into his own image- brown-robed and white haired, they each bear a huge book The words in the book change dpending who is reading, and Morakar gives his new Bearers of the Word the ability to speak the Truth, a Truth so strong it cannot be denied.

Morakar's Bargain

Morakar says to Lex Legis, "We made an agreement to keep my Library peaceful- it is time for me to fulfil my part of that."

Morakar speaks in the minds of two of his Students and two of his Teachers, saying to them, "I need you to study Law and all its nuances. Work with the civilised ones, and aid the servants of Lex Legis in their tasks. My blessing goes with you."

"My Law-Teachers will need protection, Legis- could you or one of the other law-gods spare some followers to guard them? My own are far less martial than yours, I fear."

"In fact, I may have to do something about that... If I could borrow some guards for now, I may be able to return them later. Just give me some time to try something..."

Four Lawyers created... The world is doomed!

EDIT: More precisely, two true Lawyers (study the Law and can be asked their interpretation) and two law-teachers (are told the interpretation by the Lawyers and spread it round, explaining what it means in simpler language). The Lawyers will hang in the Library unless someone wants them, and the Teachers will be more nomadic, visiting all the towns.

2008-03-18, 12:23 PM
Mehswif God of Night

Mehswif spent his time gathering and molding elements of his portfolio into his likeness. While he worked he sang to his people. The songs told stories and gave instruction. People would gather around and leave off when they needed to do other things. Several in particular seemd to take his music to heart and learned much from it. Natani Seeker of the Song advanced in skill of music, Sherie Bane Sower gained knowledge of enemies, Thomas Shadow Stepper mastered the darkness within himself, Nenmon Star Carrier gained control over starlight, and both Genn and Wyatt gained power through devotion to gain the title of High Preists. These six were called the Aspects of Mehswif and were his mortal champions.
((Their base classes are as follows Bard, Ranger, Ninja, Paladin, Cleric and Shadow caster))

After of a year of constructing his avatar, Mehswif was finally satified. And so he turned his attention to other things. The Sanctuary council had continued during his absence. He sent his avatar there to speak on his behalf should the need arise. But even so, his avatar would not be able to stay there at all times. The searching sun would come during the day and he would have to flee.
He would have to find a way to protect himself from the sun's eyes if for no other reason than to participate in the goings on of the Sanctuary.
Mehswif recalled the Law telling of a library that would be neutral ground. If it were to truely to be nuetral it would give him protection from the sun. Perhaps he could learn to harness this protection for himself.
Flashes of diamond starlight hearlded Mehswifs arrival to the selves of scrolls and codexs. Looking around he called over a librarian.
"Show me around. I wish to know the secerts that are in these walls."

Mehswif in the Sanctuary
Mehswif appears on his throne, a simple lump of star metal or it could be a solid piece of night sky as sometimes a small diamond sparkles in its recesses and then fades.
Seeing Lilith he saw some of his own follower’s souls under Asmodeus' curse in her form and he was saddened. When he speaks to Lilith it almost seems like he is addressing something beyond her. "I am Mehswif, god of night and stars. I am sorry that you have suffered for my choices but know that I have done my best and am still trying to relieve you." His next comments are spoken to Lilith herself. "Though I am sure you do not want my pity, I am sorry for you. To be made of suffering and yet any attempt to relieve it results in destroying some of your existence. I do not envy your position and apologize for my contribution to it.
Turning to the True Lawyers and Legis, Mehswif continues. "I ask that one of you give a decision to the case of Asmodeus' curse and my proposed counter to it soon. While you sit and contemplate, they suffer. So answer me, is my attempt to give solace to my follower's souls unlawful? I argue that it is not.
You cannot lay claim to something you have willfully banished. As such I should be able to do with those souls as I see fit so long as that banishment is in place.
Even if a claim does exist, our domains overlap by the wording of his curse. Since they are my followers, I have first priority in saying what can and cannot be done with them while they are banished.
The Underworld Lord will argue that this takes away the sting of his curse. I say that my people will have to work for their peace, rather than have the dream filled sleepful rest they should. Is that not a form of punishment?

2008-03-18, 02:06 PM
Vakira's Great Spirits

In a secret cove far from anywhere, Vakira sat beside a great pool of churning ice, crystalline water, and gentle vapour: the unravelled essence of the handful of celestials he took as his allotment. As he contemplates the infinite potential of shape, an image emerges from the depths of his mind: a great serpent of water, like a living river. The image of intrigues Vakira, and so he sets about to begin the long process of coalescing such a being, the first River Spirit and its mate, the first Storm Spirit.

Vakira, to the Sanctuary

Vakira emerges from his arboreal throne with a happy glint in his eyes, and he quickly summons a small orb of water, full of images of the mortal plane. Reflected most prominently in its surface, however, is the image of a small cadre of grigin setting out to the open sea from the depths of the Greenreef Cavern in what can best be described as a sickly, oversized lotus of a ship.

"I never taught them that," he says, simply, to no one in particular, and then he tilts his head to the side, utterly content.

Using my Celestials to create lung-like spirits...if you've seen Spirited Away, you've got an idea of the look. Just...bigger.

Grigin Update:
Greenreef Tribe

2,113 Greenreef Grigin
--1 Worldwarden (the First Grigin, nearly senile)
--244 Greenwardens
--198 Bluewardens
--114 Graywardens

309 Starcove Grigin (with Nehswif)
--44 Greenwardens (Fungus Specialty)
--14 Bluewardens
--6 Graywardens

2008-03-18, 02:47 PM

The beautiful form of Asmodeus rises slightly off of his throne, and speaks in his melodious and enthralling new voice I think its a fair trade, so long as your star metal is a bane to my creations, your followers will forever haunt your lands, causing misery and sorrow to those you seek to protect. Asmodeus sneered once again, a feature which was almost seeming to become permanent, and shifted in his chair, to appear as a King holding an audience.

2008-03-18, 03:18 PM
Mehswif God of Night

"Is it fair that my curse allows ample opportunity for your creatures to avoid harm while yours harms without consideration? You speak of fairness when all you seek is advantage. Admit that much.
But it is your right to banish who you wish from the underworld. And so I do not dispute that point. As it was my right to grant power to what is in my purview. However your influence stops there. What right have you to twist their souls once they are on the surface? To guide their actions through your own divine influence? It is a breaking of the Law you brought about. You destroy what my followers are, protectors of the night, and so kill their very essence after they have died.

2008-03-18, 03:41 PM

Asmodeus's sneer broadens. I could twist them all I want, and it matters not if what they "truly are" is dead, so long as they retain life, and still they will be dead. But, I need not twist them, I would merely remain what they are, ghosts, spirits without rest, haunting wraiths that will plague you not by influence of my own, but by their very nature. And You have granted your gift to other gods creations, and now that we can no longer kill the servants of others, there is nothing stopping overzealous mortals from using this star metal to hunt my creatures, and there is nothing we could do to stop it. Your curse offers just as much opportunity for the suffering of my people as mine does yours.

2008-03-18, 03:48 PM

Lilith ignores Asmodeus's boasting. "Pity? I suppose I can expect that," she replies distastefully to the night-god. "That, and not much else. Look at you—seeking to protect your folk, and yours alone." She turns to Cerus. "Really, I suppose I ought to be surprised that you're here. That fellow proposes laws for his own self-aggrandizement," she nods towards the law-god on his throne, "and you agree to them, regardless of the consequences?"

"I can feel some of what he's trying to enforce—he's trying to make all of us work through mortal intermediaries? Every time you want another god to change his ways or back off, you will need to co-opt some mortal servant's life to do it. Every time you would have fought another god, now there will be war between countless followers. You're not the protecting sword and shield—they're the shield and sword that protects you."

Fiery Justice
2008-03-18, 03:51 PM
The Great Wolf
The Great Wolf gets up from his slumber and creates great crystals that float through the sky, focusing light and scorching most mortals that are unfortunate enough to be underneath them. The crystals aim randomly with absolutely no pattern

The Great Wolf also tries to create a great mind creature that would spread his ravages to the ends of the world. Unfortunately his creation doesn't like him or seem to care about its own purpose and simply sits contemplatively. Leaving the Creature as a failure, the Great Wolf wanders off again, enjoying watching a few slaughters here and there.

2008-03-18, 06:36 PM
Mehswif in the Sanctuary

He gives a small smile to Lilith I knew you would not wish my pity. But what you say is not entirely true. Those followers of other gods may ask for my help and receive it without giving up their faith. The grigin are under my protection as well as any with black candles in their homes. But it is beyond my power to protect any people, including my own people in the day. If I were to try, the sun would find me and I would be unable to protect any.
"As for those that refuse my help, who am I to interfere with their choice? They have put themselves beyond my protection by free will. To take their choices away from the, wouldn't that cause more suffering than if left alone?
In any case, I have done what I felt was right and to the best of my ability. If you think otherwise, please tell me, what more could I do?

Mehswif seems abit confuse by Asmodeus' most recent outburst. The he chuckles a little. "Forgive, that is not meant to mock you. May I ask, have you ever actually sent your minions against foes wielding my metal? I think you have misunderstood exactly how much power I have granted to it. A single touch will not kill them, not even a cut. The curse is not instant death to your creations. It offers advantage to those wielding it. And I have only given it to two other gods, one of whom is a god of protection himself and not likely to set against you without provocation. Yet you speak as if the entire world is arrayed against you. I cannot think that it is not a little funny how you view the world.

OOC: Star metal bypasses any DR and regeneration of dragons/demons. All weapons gain the bane ability against your minions. Minions can also not wield it because it burns their hands. I guess I never actually said that in any post so here's a clarification. Sorry.

2008-03-18, 07:02 PM

Asmodeus smirk turned into an ugly sneer, his handsome face marred by the ugliness of the act I have not set any of my creatures to any task in some time, I have merely made sure they follow the commands I had set down before I came to this place, since then any actions they have taken have been of their own free will. As for the star metal, whether or not it is instant death is beside the point, they are still a bane to my creatures, and you granted the ability to mold and shape this metal to the servants of those gods did you not? What would you feel if I granted my creatures such a curse to you? A tool of my own devising that would act as a bane to you and yours. Asmodeus laid his hand on one rest of his ivory throne, and a sword slowly rose from the chairs arm, as if raised by an invisible hand from tranquil waters. It was beautifully decorated, with the roaring demonic dragons skull for a pommel, its hilt was a dead dragons body, and the guard was crafted as skeletal dragon wings. The swords blade was the same color of bone as the hilt, but it shined like metal. Asmodeus looked over the blade, as if tossing it from hand to hand, then lightly tossed it to the Night God, when Mehswif caught it, the blade seared his skin, and he dropped it. The clanging sword floated back into Asmodeus's hand and he set it, tip down, in front of him, both hands on the pommel This he said, gesturing to the blade Is "Soul Ivory" it burns with the heat of the underworld, and can only be wielded by me and mine, for any other creature it would corrupt them and turn them into their darkest nightmares, or if the creature is beyond this Spoke the god, nodding toward Mehswif It will burn the soul and the flesh of the wielder. To any struck with this blade, it has the same effect.

2008-03-18, 07:08 PM
Mehswif God of Night

The star god looks at the bone resting on the floor. "And if I accepted this new curse you would allow my manipulation of your previous?"