View Full Version : Some Lasting Success for Parson?

2008-09-02, 01:51 PM
We're definitely getting to a part of the story where... I think most of us would like to see some lasting success for Parson. Previously, at best, Parson just managed to break even or lose more slowly with his past plans.

After ages of comics, it's time to show Parson having some lasting success, even if that comes with other problems.

From everything I've read, it seems like some or all of the following have been foreshadowed and are somewhat likely:

1 - Coalition breaks up. Parson saves GK.

2 - Stanley somehow re-unites with GK and Parson and Stanley claims credit for the victory and now has renewed faith in Parson. I don't see Stanley dying.

3 - It'd possibly make some sense for Stanely to return and drive off Charlie's forces.

4 - Caesar Borgata, Sir Webinar, Bogroll, and Webinar's GF are all potential casualties.

5 - Ansom, Jillian, Parson, Stanley, Wanda, Vinnie, etc. Should all survive.

6 - I think Maggie and Jack have to survive to give Parson more tricky options in the future.

7 - Remember folks, the Arkentools are a MacGuffin... it's a reason for the quest that will never be fully explained. What they are exactly barely matters to the overall story.

8 - So, book one should end with Parson winning a crushing victory, breaking the enemy coalition, and starting Book 2 on more even terms with the other Erfworld armies.

Resounding victory advances the story because:
- Tool will want to expand again.
- Tool will still want the other Arkentools.
- So therefore, to succeed, Parson and Tool will have to work together, which will be entertaining.
- The other armies out there are still quite strong.
- Charlie still has 9 equations he can get from Parson.
- We don't even know a map of the world or where all the other "sides" are.
- We don't really know if the world is real or not or if Charlie is another person imported into the world like Parson (this is strongly hinted at)
- We haven't seen the cities "pop" units.
- We haven't been able to see Parson on the offensive, or really on a full-on power/ego trip (as he will do, as a gaming-geek).

Ultimately, I think it could look like this.

Book One
- Major players are introduced and Parson saves GK from certain destruction and turns the fortunes of Stanely towards offensive conquest.

Book Two
- Parson helps Stanely to become an Erfworld power again, more and more bits of plot are revealed. Book two perhaps end with Ansom being defeated/killed... but then we find out that it's a really bad thing. Like, maybe Parson feels bad for Ansom, or realizes why Ansom was how he was... and why everyone hated Stanely so much (besides the obvious)

Parson would develop more of a sense of right and wrong in this book. He'd stop looking at the world as a game and really see a big problem working for Stanley... but, now he's made Stanely super-powerful.

Book Three
- Now, somehow, Parson has to fight against Stanley. Perhaps Charles kidnaps Parson or something. The way Erfworld ties into Earth is finally revealed, and somehow, we know Stanely is a greater threat and Parson has to stop him.

I'd see maybe Parson having to make some tough sacrifices to stop Stanely and save Erfworld and get to the game's "happy ending". (like, beating the game)