View Full Version : [Pirate] Nicole the Harpy

2006-10-01, 08:00 AM
Setting Note: This entry references the 17th-century Caribbean, a time when the European nations fought for control of the sea and privateers pillaged rich Spanish galleons for the English, French and Dutch. This is merely for flavor and should be replaced with your own countries and locations.

"She is a swan among nobles,
a hawk among savages,
a Harpy among Spanish."
-Randall Smith

"She is that most dangerous kind of evil: a useful evil. As long as she harasses the Spanish, our nobles turn a deaf ear to whispers of her heresy. They will not notice the poison she spreads in our midst until it is too late."
-Abbot Ferninand

Table of Contents
Flavor Text (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=1#1): An intrepid smuggler tries to sort out the rumors surrounding the Harpy
Nicole the Harpy (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=2#2): Master of the Bloody Banshee, High Priestess of the Cult of Zacoatl
Combat Stats (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=3#3)
Booty (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=4#4): Shiny objects found among pirates
Windreaver (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=5#5)
Head of Jack (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=6#6)
Isle de Topantemoc (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=7#7): The secret lair of the Harpy
Altar of Blood (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=8#8)
Protective Coin Pile (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=9#9)
Bruto the Steadfast (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=10#10): Captain and Loyal Aide to Nicole
Combat Stats (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=11#11)
The Bloody Raven and Crew (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=12#12): Former Spanish warship, current scourge of the seas
Karn (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=13#13): Nicole's arcane lackey
Ariston (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=14#14): Not to be trusted
The Spanish Treasure Fleet (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=15#15): Plunderers of native gold, financiers of European wars, defilers in the Harpy's eyes
Adventure Hooks (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=16#16): In which our intrepid heroes make the acquaintance of the Harpy, for better or ill
Variants and Futures (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=17#17): The only constant is change

2006-10-01, 08:02 AM
"La Arpia! La Arpia!"
"What are they saying, Diego?"
"It's the Harpy!"

Then the main mast splintered like a toothpick. The lookout plummeted to the deck as we dodged the falling pieces. I did not see what caused it, but it was rumored she could disable ships with a glance. Regardless, we had lost the advantage of speed. They would catch us within minutes.

"We'll surrender."
"Are you mad? She's the Harpy! She kills anyone she meets!"
"She's a privateer for the English crown; she'll be lenient if we can explain what we're doing. Now prepare a white flag unless you can fight 4-to-1!"

Diego hesitated a moment, then leapt overboard.

I ordered Martin to take the wheel. Cursing under my breath, I ripped a patch from the ruined sail. Ballistae bolts flew into the deck as I wrapped it around a pole and waved it in the air. Their grappling ramps slammed into our deck as the Harpy flew down to greet us...


She regarded me for a moment. "So, even though you fly the Spanish flag, you're not with the Spanish?"
"No, we're English smugglers. We fly their flag so their ships won't send us to the depths."

The lady was no harpy, although she had enough feathers to be one. A dozen rimmed her bicorne and her cape was matted with them. Even the warpaint on her face resembled feathers. She looked like an abyssal she-bird during battle, but standing still she was definitely a human, albeit dark-skinned. Whether she was civilized was questionable.

She pointed at some of my crew. "And you seem to have a lot of Spaniards working for you..."
"Can't smuggle goods through a Spanish port without any Spaniards. It looks bad."
"How do you stand them?"
I grasped for a proper answer. "Money."
She nodded absently. Her crew fidgeted as they stood behind her, except for the towering ogre beside her. He continued staring me down.

"What's your name?"
"Robert Morgan, of the Morgan family."
She just watched me.
"The Morgan family? In Port Royale?"
She kept staring.
Then the ogre leaned down and murmured in her ear, "Noble family. Breed like rabbits. I heard one was a Robert."
She blinked, then nodded slowly. She tapped her cheek as she considered me. A minute passed.

Finally, she gestured to her crew. "Gather their crew. Imprison the Spanish, and offer the rest jobs in our crew. If they refuse, imprison them as well."
"Master, how will we tell them apart?"
"Stupid question," the ogre growled. "If it looks like a Spaniard and it speaks like a Spaniard, then toss it in! We'll sort the rest out later, if they don't work hard."

The Harpy's crew spread over his ship, herding his crew together and splitting them, the Spaniards on the left and the English on the right. Amid the ruckus and cursing, the Harpy walked up to him.

"I truly hope you will join us. This ship will need a good captain, and I wouldn't like to leave you with nothing for your efforts."
My men were split behind her smiling face. Both groups were being led onto the Harpy's ship, but only one was going up in chains.
"And it wouldn't be polite for me to refuse such a generous offer, miss..."
"Master. Master Nicole."


As we anchored to repair the mast, she took me aboard to introduce me to her officers. The beady-eyed robed gnome would explain how she flew, but I wondered which position the ogre had. She introduced him as her captain, much to my shock. Then he arranged our mugs on the table and moved them to explain our role in battle, pointing out ways we could hinder larger ships while they battered them into submission. His strategies were sound, and we debated tactics for another hour while the others went back to their duties.

That night, as we settled for a night anchored offshore, she invited me to her cabin for dinner. I trembled as I put on the best coat I had with me. Captain Bruto the ogre escorted me to her cabin, only saying, "Don't insult Master Nicole."

She sat at the far end of the captain's table in a red satin dress, wearing a golden medallion around her neck. She had washed her face and set her black hair in a bun. A meal of cooked boar, fish and fresh fruit had been set out.

For one night, we acted like proper English. At her request, I told her about my childhood on the family plantation.

"So that is how English nobles live. But why have you turned to smuggling?"
"I am the seventh child of my family. I won't inherit any of my family's wealth."
"Aye. You can earn wealth..."

As she took a sip of her rum, I noticed a dark, faded blot on the side of her dress. It looked like blood.

"What are you looking at?"
"Uh, your medallion. Where did you get it?"
She held up the medallion. It looked like a hawk holding six spears. "The Spaniards took it from my people. I took it back."
"Your people?"
"The Aztecs."

Her voice strained as she recounted their invasion. She didn't mention how she ended up master of a pirate ship. When I asked her about it, she just smiled.

"I might tell you next dinner."


Weeks passed. Four Spanish ships fell to her. Two were captured, two sunk. We blocked, they intercepted. Three times, I saw her dive into battle as her crew screamed for blood. Twice, I saw their ship's mast shredded from some unseen force. Once, while I was eyeing the Bloody Raven, she waved something through the air just before their mast broke.

I asked her about it at our third dinner. She continued eating for a moment, then got up and walked to a dresser on the side of the room. Its door opened towards me, blocking my view while she rummaged through it. There was a mirror behind it, though; I leaned to the right while she was distracted to see inside the dresser.

Before I could get a good view, she held up a small sickle for me. Its edge glinted in the moonlight. "A magical weapon for attacking ships."

I nodded. "Oh. I thought your mage did it."
"Karn? He is not strong enough to do things by himself."

As she put away the sickle, I looked again through the mirror. I didn't learn where she hid the sickle, though; the head in a bottle making faces at her from the top shelf distracted me.

I let her talk for the rest of the dinner. Had I really seen that head, or were the rum and the rumors getting to me? I was so deep in thought, I almost didn't hear her closing statement.

"We will dock at an island village soon. We need to prepare for the treasure fleet."


Nicole said she had been led to an Aztec island left untouched by the Spaniards. I thought she just got lucky. A lucky find for a crazy mission. I would ask her how she would take on the treasure fleet by herself at our next dinner. It was better than asking if she had a head in her dresser.

When we went ashore, she wore a feathered headdress and a brightly-colored robe. The savages knelt as she approached. "I was a noble among my people, too."

The savages escorted us to their village, where a huge bonfire blazed. As the prisoners were led away, the crew made merry, breaking out the grog and dancing with the savages, while I sat thinking next to the fire. After an hour, Nicole, some savages, and a handful of crewmates got up. She walked up to me.

"We need to get the supplies. We will return soon." With that, they left.

I looked after for a few minutes, then got up myself. I walked off for a piss, then crept into the underbrush. I trailed their smuggling path through the hills, until I saw them gathered around an ornate altar in a clearing on a hilltop. In the light of a nearby brazier, I saw the same bird and spear emblem as Nicole's medallion etched into its side.

With a gesture, they brought Martin, bound and gagged, to the altar and laid him down. Nicole stood above him, leading the cultists in some heathen chant as she picked up a dagger curved like a talon. As the chant rose, she carved open his chest, cracked open his ribs, and cut the heart from his body as his muffled screams died. His blood spilled into grooves etched into the side of the altar, spilling into a bowl beneath it. She tossed his heart into the brazier. I quickly moved away so I could puke in peace.

I staggered back to camp and huddled next to the fire, trying to fill my shivering body with warmth. When the Harpy returned with the cultists, she had no blood on her. They were carrying barrels behind them. When she saw me, she smiled and gestured for something. One of them poured something from a barrel and brought her a cup. She knelt down and offered it to me. It was filled with red liquid.

"Would you like a taste?"

2006-10-01, 08:02 AM
Nicole (Necahual) the Harpy, Master of the Bloody Raven, Last Priestess of Zacoatl
Human 9th-level Cleric of Zacoatl

Necahual, one of the last free high priests of Zacoatl, was saved from Spanish enslavement by pirates. Now she leads her own pirate crew against the Spaniards, seeking revenge in the name of her god for the conquest of her people. Her exploits have impressed the English, and now she works her way into upper English society as Nicole to regain the lifestyle torn away from her.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: Zacoatl
Quote: "They will pay for our wealth in blood."
Bounty on Head: 20,000 gp (Spanish)

Born into the noble class, Necahual was raised to be a high priestess of Zacoatl from birth. She was already an active war priestess when the Spaniards arrived. They were welcomed as potential allies, but they incited the Aztecs' conquests to rebellion and invaded with their own army. Necahual was captured during the battle for the capital.

She was on a ship heading to Spain, awaiting enslavement, when Jack Rackham's pirates attacked. She was freed and offered a job on the crew when she knocked out three of the pirates trying to restrain her. Under Jack, Necahual learned the basics of sailing, European culture, and cursing, taking the name of Nicole. Soon, she felt ready to return to a place of leadership. She spread her religion through the crew, gathering a small but devout following. When Jack refused to attack a Spanish ship because it was "too dangerous", Nicole led a successful mutiny against him.

Although she took control of the ship, Nicole didn't have the experience necessary to captain it. Impressed by the steadfast loyalty of Jack's first mate, Bruto, she promoted him to captain of the vessel. The second mate, who had helped her in the mutiny, was killed later in an "accident" before he could revolt again.

Her first stop was the English port of Port Royale, where she provided Jack's head to the authorities for a hefty bounty and a meeting with the governor. When she discussed her hatred of the Spanish with him, he offered her a letter of marque asking her to hunt them down for the glory of Britain.

In the years since, she has become an infamous threat to the Spaniards. With her discovery of a friendly native village deep within Spanish waters, the capture of a Spanish warship for her flagship, and her growing reputation, she is poised to strike at her ultimate goal: the Spanish treasure fleets loaded with plunder from her homeland.

1. Make the Spaniards pay for conquering my homeland by plundering their treasure fleets.
2. Secretly keep the cult of Zacoatl alive by spreading it to English society.
3. Join the English upper class, either through exploits or marriage, and reclaim my birthright as a noble.

Role: Foil, Adversary
Nicole is best suited for a long-term role. Introduce her as a potential ally or love interest, reveal her questionable actions, and see how the PCs react. The English won't arrest her without major evidence, and PCs might need her help against the Spanish.

If the PCs are unaffiliated with any country, she becomes a wildcard. She could plunder your ship one day and offer you a job the next. If they just try to kill her, she can fly or swim to safety, or argue that due to her letter of marque, she must be captured as a prisoner of war.

A tan-skinned woman with raven black hair, wearing a captain's jacket and a feathered bicorne & cape, walks in with an air of authority.

Nicole was a born noble born and a bred warrior. In the strange European cultures, Nicole combines an exotic flavor with an air of regalness. If she's looking for new converts or a potential husband, she can dominate a room through sheer charisma. Due to her renown and rumors, she also has an aura of danger which she tries to downplay in society.

On the sea, during battle, or among her people, Nicole shows her true face as an aggressive priestess of war. She is merciless to her enemies, respectful of true warriors, and capable of both charm and bloodshed. She will also go to any length to take down the Spanish treasure fleets, much like a certain whale-hunting captain.

Nicole is a devout worshipper of Zacoatl. Zacoatl is the warhawk; his symbol is the outline of a hawk with six spears jutting from him.

Zacoatl is actually an alternate form of Hextor. Even their priests are unaware of this connection. It takes a DC 30 Knowledge (religion) check to identify the similarities between the two.

Although she treats her crew well, the only invaluable member of it is Bruto. She won't bother to retrieve or raise the others, unless they'll reveal her secrets.

She enjoys her alliance with the English, but she's willing to ally with another country if they drive her out. The only ones she truly despises are the Spanish.

2006-10-01, 08:03 AM
Master Nicole
Female Human Cleric of Zacoatl 9
Size/Type: Medium Humanoid
Hit Dice: 9d8+9 (49 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (studded leather +4, buckler +1, deflection +1), touch 11, flatfooted 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
Melee: Light flail +10 (d8+3) or masterwork dagger +9 (d4+2/19-20)
Ranged: Javelin +6 (d6+2)
Full Attack:
Melee: Light flail +10/5 (d8+3) or masterwork dagger +9/4 (d4+2/19-20)
Ranged: Javelin +6/1 (d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Smite
Special Qualities: Spells, Rebuke Undead
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +12
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 16
Skills: Balance +3, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (religion) +0, Profession (sailor) +9, Sense Motive +6
Languages: Nahuatl (Aztec), English
Feats: Leadership, Negotiator, Skill Focus (balance), Great Fortitude, Extend Spell, Weapon Focus (light flail)
Challenge Rating: 9
Possessions: Listed here (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=4#4)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Spells/Day: 6/5+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/1+1
Domains: Destruction, War
Spells Prepared:
0th- Mending x2, Cure Minor Wounds x4
1st- Bane, Bless, Magic Weapon, Cure Light Wounds x3
2nd- Shatter, Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Delay Poison, Death Knell, Hold Person
3rd- Magic Vestment, Animate Dead, Water Walk, Dispel Magic, Bestow Curse
4th- Divine Power, Summon Monster IV, Cure Critical Wounds, Control Water
5th- Flame Strike, Insect Plague

Combat: Before combat, Nicole gains the following buffs from herself and Karn: Magic Vestment, Bless, Divine Power, Fly, Bull's Strength, Owl's Wisdom. She starts out with a Flame Strike, then flies above the battle, looking for good targets to cast spells at or dive and attack. She eliminates the casters first, then concentrates on the melee.

2006-10-01, 08:03 AM

Nicole's Personal Gear: Total value: 16,349 gp
Windreaver (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=5#5) (3,088 gp)
Light Flail +1 (1,350 gp)
4 Javelins (1 gp each)
Masterwork Dagger (352 gp)
Studded Leather +1 (1,150 gp)
Masterwork Buckler (150 gp)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000 gp)
Feathered Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000 gp)
Scroll of Quench (375 gp)
Potion of Water Breathing (750 gp)
3 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (300 gp each)
Potion of Sanctuary (50 gp)
Spyglass (1,000 gp)
Feathered Bicorne (50 gp)
Golden Holy Symbol of Zacoatl (50 gp)
Fiery Yellow Corundum Gem (900 gp)
3 pp
7 gp

Nicole's Cabin: Total value: 9,973 gp
Satin Dress and Jewelry (175 gp)
Head of Jack (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=6#6) (2,000 gp)
Chest of Emergency Components (see below)
Painting of the Capture of Port Royale (500 gp)
Elaborate Mayan Rug (1,200 gp)
Miscellaneous Items (98 gp total)

Emergency Components: Nicole keeps expensive components on hand for emergency spells at sea. They're locked in a small chest in Nicole's cabin. The chest has a DC 30 lock and a Wail of the Banshee trap (triggers when opened, CR 10, DMG p.74). It contains:
Black onyx gems for Animate Dead (1,000 gp: 40 HD worth)
Diamonds for Raise Dead (5,000 gp: 1 use)

2006-10-01, 08:04 AM
"Then she pointed at our ship with the blade of a reaper, and with one swing she sundered our mast in half."

The Windreaver looks like a sickle with a blade sharp enough to cut air. Nicole recovered it from the Barnabas the Green, who used it to plunder the English trade routes. Once per day, by speaking the command word "Slaviss" and swing Windreaver towards an inanimate object up to 760 feet away. If the user succeeds on a ranged touch attack, it causes 18d6 damage to the object. An attended object that makes a DC 19 Fortitude save only takes 5d6 damage. (Ships are not attended objects.) Windreaver doesn't affect creatures.

Each use uses one charge. The Windreaver has 13 charges left and can only be used once per day.

Current Value: 3,088 gp.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Create Wondrous Item, disintegrate, must be forged in the ruined hull of a ship; Price 11,880 gp.

2006-10-01, 08:05 AM
Head of Jack:
Nicole: "How do I look in this dress?"
Jack: "Aye, ye look beautiful. You'd look even more beautiful if ye took it off. Then perhaps ya could set me down and let me-"
Nicole: "A simple yes too much to ask?"

Jack Rackham was Nicole's former captain. When she killed him, she secretly kept his head and reanimated it as her personal advisor. Jack is kept in a silenced bottle in Nicole's dresser and only brought out for questioning. Jack must truthfully answer any question asked of him, though he isn't polite. He wants to be freed from his servitude by angering someone into killing him; it hasn't worked with Nicole yet.

Jack has Int 8, Wis 12, and Cha 14. Jack has Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +3, and Intimidate +7.

Value: 2,000 gp
Faint necromancy; CL 6th; animate dead; Cost 2,000 gp

2006-10-01, 08:05 AM
Secret Lair: Isle de Topantemoc

The Isle de Topantemoc is Nicole's secret lair. Home to a small village of friendly Aztecs, Nicole stores her extra treasure here, exchanges slaves for supplies, and leads religious sacrifices to produce blood pulque (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=8#8).

In addition to the isle's treasure trove, the natives have an obsession with minerals. Slaves constantly work in the mountain tunnels, bringing out whatever they find. The entrances of the tunnels into the island's mountain are bordered by statues of "earth spirits". If a PC succeeds on a DC 20 Knowledge (planes) check, he can identify them as Earth Elemental Plane creatures.

For a fighting force, the village has 100 fighting 1st-level commoners, 20 1st-level warriors, three 4th-level warriors, a 5th-level adept, and a 6th-level fighter as warchief.

Isle's Treasure Trove: Total value: 9,930 gp
Altar of Blood (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=8#8) (2,500 gp)
Wand of Daylight w/ 22 Charges (1,980 gp)
6,300 gp: 3,300 actual gp w/ Protective Coin Pile (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Contests;action=display;num=11597040 51;start=9#9)
(3,300 gp + 1,000 gp)
5,300 sp
4,000 cp
Various gems worth 600 gp total

2006-10-01, 08:06 AM
Altar of Blood:
This ornate sacrificial altar has the symbol of Zacoatl etched into it. The top has two grooves down the side, leading to a bowl below. It is made for sacrifices, of course. Blood from sacrifices on the altar is turned into Blood Pulque. (See below.)

The altar is worth 20,000 gp if the PCs can make it back to civilization. Neither Nicole nor the natives would look kindly on its theft, and heretics transporting the altar fall under bad luck.

If the altar is destroyed, two bearded devils (MM p.52) are summoned to kill the desecrators. They won't come if someone makes a DC 27 Knowledge (religion) check prior to the destruction to determine how to destroy the altar without alerting them. Once the altar's destroyed, the PCs can scavenge 2,500 gp worth of jewels from the remains.

Blood Pulque:
When a sacrifice is made on the Altar of Blood, its blood is pooled into the altar's basin. Transformed by the ritual, the blood makes a potent drink that drives imbibers mad with rage.

If the imbiber gets into combat within 12 hours of drinking it, have them roll a Will save. Subtract four for every additional cup of blood pulque drunk within the past 12 hours and check the result on the table below.

26 or more: No effect.
16 to 25: Bless effect. Lasts 5 minutes.
6 to 15: Aid effect. Lasts 5 minutes.
5 or less: Psychotic rage. Rage as 1st-level barbarian, but doesn't stop until everyone around him is dead. Rips himself to shreds if no one's around. It wears off within 5 minutes if he's still alive.

Two cups of blood pulque is created for every HD of a creature sacrificed on the Altar of Blood by a cleric of Zacoatl. An extra cup is created if the creature had levels in a primarily melee class, like warrior, fighter, or barbarian.
Value: 150 gp per cup

Blood Grog:
"They stormed our deck with blood in their eyes, howling like wolves to the slaughter."
Blood grog is blood pulque diffused in grog, decreasing its potency but increasing its volume. Nicole often breaks it out just before challenging battles. She calls it habanero grog, saying the red tint and flavor are from ground-up habanero peppers. The crew's nicknamed it "blood grog", unaware of the truth behind it.

Blood grog uses the same table as blood pulque, under the same conditions, with two changes:
1. The imbiber gets a +10 bonus to the Will save.
2. Subtract two, not four, for each additional cup of blood grog drunk.

Three cups of blood grog can be made by diffusing one cup of blood pulque. Diffusing it any further makes the drink uneffective.
Value: 50 gp per cup

2006-10-01, 08:06 AM
Protective Coin Pile:
A cursed pile of 3,000 Mayan gold coins bound to the souls of slaughtered Mayan warriors. If any are separated more than 10' from the pile, the coins come to life, swarming into the air to save their brethren. They pelt the thief until he releases the stolen coins and continue chasing him until he's 100' away from the pile. The coins make a buzzing noise while they're animated. A DC 20 Listen or Concentration check reveals the buzzing sounds like tiny war cries. The pile radiates a moderate Necromancy aura.

Nicole transported the whole pile to her treasury; although she can't spend them, they look valuable and deter thieves.

For stats, treat them as one Locust Swarm (MM p.239) with construct traits (MM p.307) instead of vermin traits and no Distraction special attack:
Diminutive Construct (Swarm)
Hit Dice: 6d10 (33 hp)
Attack/Full Attack: Swarm (2d6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immune to weapon damage, swarm traits, construct traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will -3
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 19, Con --, Int --, Wis 1, Cha 2
Skills/Feats: None
CR: 4

2006-10-01, 08:07 AM
Bruto the Big, right-hand of Nicole, captain of the Bloody Raven, the Five-Fisted Fury
Half-Orc 7th-level Monk

Bruto is a skilled captain, a steadfast aide, and a devout follower of Hextor. He is also a hulking brawler that can knock out seven enemies with one punch, pin a mage so hard he sees the backs of his feet, and rip a cutlass away from a captain with his bare hands.

Even though he is a more-skilled captain than Nicole, Bruto has never challenged her authority. His crewmates argue whether he's enspelled, bound to service through a demonic pact, or just enjoying the spoils without being the main target.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Deity: Hextor
Quote: "A leader needs strength. His officer needs loyalty and strength."
Favorite Move: Arcane Plex (it involves pulling a mage's arm so far back he curses in Draconian)

Bruto came aboard the pirate crew under Captain Jack, hailing from some distant school he never elaborated on. Jack noticed his seamanship and battle prowess and quickly promoted him to first mate. When Nicole led the mutiny, Bruto fought by his captain's side until his death. Once Jack drew his last breath, Bruto surrendered and pledged service to Nicole the victor. Nicole was so impressed by his loyalty she made him her first mate. Bruto has proven since that although Nicole guides the ship, he's the one that keeps it afloat.

Bruto is loyal to the death and expects nothing less of his crew. He also believes in firm discipline, constant vigilance for treason, and swift justice. (Instead of walking the plank, he just hurls rascals overboard.) He enjoys menacing soft speak, religious debate, and arm wrestling.

Bruto is a devout worshipper of Hextor. The men joke that "he wanted to be a priest, but he'd rather slug heretics than convert them". Bruto tolerates the cultists on board, but he doesn't like their blasphemy.

Bruto is an invaluable aide to Nicole, constantly assisting her in planning raids and charting courses. She has already raised him once, when he died assaulting pirate hunters, and would do so again. Losing him would cripple Nicole's plans and her crew's morale.

Bruto has no interest in mutinying against Nicole. He believes he isn't worthy to lead his own men until he helps another leader fulfill their goal. Once Nicole has left a treasure fleet tattered and scattered, he will ask for his own ship. Until then, he is content to serve.

Bruto looks down on Nicole's cult and often tries to convince her to worship Hextor instead. She believes he would be rewarded more if he converted to her religion instead. This debate has gone on privately for years.

Bruto currently has Officer Marian as a lover. He enjoys the superior/subordinate relationship.

How Nicole would react to Bruto asking for his own ship depends whether she has a reliable replacment for him or not. If so, she grants him his independence for years of service and they stay on good terms. If not, it leads to enchantments, conflicts, and mutiny. If he gets his own ship, Bruto continues terrorizing the sea until his dying day.

If someone defeats Nicole, he'll probably pledge loyalty to them. He could be a useful cohort for high-level PCs.

2006-10-01, 08:07 AM
Captain Bruto
Male Half-Orc Monk 7
Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (58 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+1 natural armor, +1 armor, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 monk), touch 15, flatfooted 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+15
Melee: Unarmed +11 (2d6+6) or masterwork sai +12 (d4+6) or dagger +11 (d4+6/19-20)
Ranged: Masterwork sai +8 (d4+6) or dagger +7 (d4+6/19-20)
Full Attack:
Melee: As regular attack; or unarmed +10/10 (2d6+6) or masterwork sai +11/11 (d4+6)
Ranged: As regular attack
Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Flurry of blows, ki strike
Special Qualities: +2 save vs enchantments, immunity to mundane diseases, darkvision, evasion, fast movement, slow fall (30'), heal self 14 HP/day
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +12, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (geography) +6, Profession (sailor) +12, Spot +5, Survival +4, Swim +15, Tumble +3
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Improved Disarm, Deflect Arrows, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Challenge Rating: 7
Possessions: Masterwork sai, 3 daggers, gauntlets of ogre power, bracers of armor +1, amulet of natural armor +1, phylactery of faithfulness, spyglass, 400g, 5 potions of shield of faith +2, potion of sanctuary, 3 potions of cure light wounds (1d8+1), potion of cure moderate wounds (2d8+3)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Flurry of Blows (Ex): Bruto can make an extra attack per round at his highest attack bonus, but each attack takes a -1 penalty.

Ki Strike (Su): Bruto's unarmed attacks count as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.

Evasion (Ex): If Bruto makes a successful Reflex save against an attack that would normally do half damage on a successful save, he takes no damage.

Fast Movement (Ex): Bruto gains a 20-feet enhancement bonus to his speed.

Slow Fall (Ex): If Bruto is within arm's reach of a wall, he can slow his descent. If so, he takes damage from a fall as if it were 30 feet shorter than it actually is.

Combat: If Bruto expects a large battle, he receives buffs from Karn and drinks a shield of faith potion right before joining the fray. Bruto carefully picks his targets during battle. If an enemy caster is causing trouble, he takes her out. Otherwise he's at the front lines, helping his crew cut a swath through the enemy to break them apart. He also enjoys disarming fighters to see how they do without a sword.

2006-10-01, 08:08 AM
Flagship: Bloody Raven
Dromond (Colossal warship)
Seaworthiness: +0
Shiphandling: +2
Speed: wind x 20 ft., oars 30 ft. (average)
Overall AC: -3
Hull sections (60): 80 hp, hardness 5, AC 3
Rigging sections (2): 80 hp, hardness 0, AC 1
Ramming damage: 4d6 per 10' of speed
Weapon mounts: 2 light, 2 heavy, ram (all filled)
Space: 100 ft. x 20 ft.
Height: 15' (draft 15')
Capacity: 200
Watch: 7 + 100 rowers
Cargo: 140 tons (Speed at 75+ tons:[/b] wind x 10 ft., oars 15 ft.)
Grappling ramp
2 Ballistae
200 flasks of Alchemists' Fire (8 Firespout shots)
100 ballistae bolts
Prison cells and shackles for 20 people (takes up 10 tons of cargo space)
30 tons of food & drink (can sustain 200 ppl for five months)

The Bloody Raven is Nicole's flagship. She captured it from the Spanish pirate hunter Diego Madera, ambushing him with three caravels in the fog off Campeche. It is her pride and joy and she will not lose it without a fight. She hopes to outfit it with enchantments in the near future.

Bloody Raven's Crew
Master Nicole (Clr 9, the Harpy herself, head cultist)
Captain Bruto (Ftr 6/Exp 1, Nicole's Hand)
Ship's Mage Karn (Wzd 6, Nicole's Lackey, cultist 2nd-in-command)
Master-at-Arms Ariston (Rog 4, Nicole's Boot)
Officers Anne and Marian (War 2/Exp 2, cultists, answer to Bruto)
Chief Bosun Bartholomew (Exp 3, cultist, answers to Bruto)
Assistant Roc (Wiz 2, cultist, answers to Karn)
3 Junior Bosuns (Exp 2, answer to Bartholomew)
6 Veterans (War 2, cultists)
7 Artillerists (Exp 1)
144 Deckhands (Exp 1 or War 1, a third are cultists)
2 Cats (Scuzz and Scumm)
Severed Head of Jack

Nicole's Fleet
Taking on the treasure fleet requires a fleet of your own. Nicole uses her growing reputation to hire other pirate crews to sail under her. If she still needs more crew, she captures smaller ships, like caravels and pinnaces, and offers their crew a choice: join and get a fair share of the booty, or leave their fate to the sea.

When she's attacking treasure fleets, Nicole's fleet ranges from a caravel and a pinnace to a half-dozen caravels, another dromond, and a captured galley. The total pirates under her command fluctuates from 150 to 500+.

2006-10-01, 08:08 AM
Karn, Nicole's Left Hand, Nicole's Lackey, the Creepy Little Bug-Eyed Fellow
Gnome 6th-level Wizard (Transmuter specialist)
Zacoatl cult priest (2nd only to Nicole)

Karn is Nicole's Igor. Nicole took advantage of Karn's inferiority complex and made him feel like her most important assistant. He would anything for her; she would barely care if he dropped dead. Karn helps develop battle strategies, buff Nicole and Bruto during battle, and handles the details of the cult as her assistant priest.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Stats: As 6th-level NPC wizard (DMG p.125)

2006-10-01, 08:09 AM
Ariston, Nicole's Boot, Most likely to be Hurled Overboard
Human 4th-level Rogue

Someone has to make sure looted chests won't kill everyone within 30' when they're opened. Ariston is that someone. Nicole despises him so much, she also assigned him to be the Master of Arms, making him responsible if anything's stolen. He acts cheerful, even perky despite the encroaching aura of doom. In reality, he knows something big's going on here, and he thinks he can procure some valuable info if he stays a bit longer. If the PCs want a spy on the Bloody Raven, he's their man.

Alignment: Neutral
Stats: As 4th-level NPC rogue (DMG p.123)

2006-10-01, 08:10 AM
The Spanish Treasure Fleet

Wikipedia article: Treasure Fleet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_fleet)

After Spain conquered central America, it plundered the riches of the natives and sent it back to Spain on their treasure fleets. Their newfound wealth financed a century of wars throughout Europe. The Spanish became so dependent on the New World that the loss of a treasure fleet could devastate their economy.

Although the treasure fleet ported at the largest Spanish strongholds in the Caribbean, they had to sail through large stretches of uncivilized waters where they could fall prey to storms and pirates. Direct attacks were difficult due to the size of the fleet. (One to two dozen merchant ships plus a few warship escorts.) The best a pirate could hope for was picking off a few stragglers while the other ships escaped.

The capture or destruction of an entire treasure fleet was cause for celebration among Spain's rivals. (When the 1702 treasure fleet was destroyed in the Battle of Vigo Bay, 1703 British coins bore the word VIGO in commemoration.)

The Central American and South American treasure fleets met at Havana for the trip back to Spain. Either one was a tempting target.

2006-10-01, 08:10 AM
Adventure Hooks

Shanghaied: The PCs' caravel is overwhelmed by an attack from Nicole. (Thirty versus a hundred fifty is not good odds.) She presses their ship into her fleet and offers the PCs a choice: join her crew against the Spaniards, get cuts of the booty, and keep their ship after the voyage, or abandon their ship and try their luck with the sea. Can the PCs abandon their ship and survive to reach civilization? Will they join her fight against the Spaniards with glee or escape with their ship at the first opportunity? Will they uncover her cult? Will they survive to receive their share of the booty?

Infiltration: The English church is concerned about the heathen gathering a reputation, especially when they hear she's courting English nobles. They ask the PCs to join her crew and gather evidence of anything heretical to disgrace her. Okay, maybe they weren't expecting her to be a pagan high priestess, or lord over a cult and an island, or have a couple hundred followers willing to give their lives to protect their secret, but it's all in a day's work for adventurers.

Free Bruto: During a stop at Port Royale, Spanish spies captured Bruto and shipped him to Havana to await trial and execution. Nicole tried to intercept their ship, but the smuggling pinnace was too fast for the Bloody Raven. Havana is too well-guarded to risk a raid on the city, so she gives the crew shore leave while she hires the PCs to break Bruto out. She wants to escort them into Havana to leave a trail of destruction during the escape.

Love Hurts: Nicole shows an interest in a male PC who has recently been knighted by the English. Complications ensue. "But what about my female PCs? They do exist." In that case, wait until they're courting a noble and set Nicole up as a rival lover. Ah, love triangles! So messy, even without cultists.

The Treasure Fleet: After rumor spreads that Nicole is gathering a pirate fleet to pillage the treasure fleet, Spain hires adventurers to help protect it. What mischief can the party rogue get into on a ship carrying tens of thousands of gold coins? Does Nicole have infiltrators amongst the hired adventurers? Is anyone prepared for the motley crews Nicole's gathered for this raid?

2006-10-01, 08:11 AM
If you aren't using the generic pantheon, Nicole could instead worship Set (Egyptian), Aegir (Norse), or a deity foreign to the players' pantheon. She could even be a vengeful druid.

Future Paths:
What if the PCs destroyed her cult but let her escape? What if you'd rather use Nicole as a noble/cultist instead of a pirate/cultist? I've listed six potential paths Nicole could go down below.

Cultist Pirates: Necahual's cult had grown large enough to fill the Bloody Raven. She arranged a voyage composed entirely of cult members; no secrets would be kept nor limits kept. The Spaniards would see the Harpy's true fury for the first time.
Prerequisites: Nicole's cult is allowed to grow unimpeded.
Effects: Three-fourths of Nicole's crew are cultist pirates; the other fourth are undead minions and summoned devils. The cultists have a +1 bonus vs fear effects due to their fanatic morale. They kill or sacrifice all captives to prevent word of their cult from spreading.

Noble Priestess: After years of piracy against the Spaniards, Nicole's settled down to life as a married noble. She had a loyal husband to love, local politics to manipulate, and a cult to support. However, her growing cult might expose the secrets of her past.
Prerequisites: Nicole becomes an English noble through decree or marriage. She successfully pillages the treasure fleet at least twice.
Effects: Nicole is a major player in English colonial politics. She often impedes the churches' grabs for power. The cult of Zacoatl has cells in numerous ports. Her husband and servants either are members of the cult or have no idea about it.

Pirate Queen: As her renown grew, she sought out other pirates to aid her in the treasure fleet raids. Their temporary alliances rivaled the treasure fleet itself.
Prerequisites: A treasure fleet is en route to Spain.
Effects: Nicole's pirate fleet grows into an awe-inspiring force capable of posing a threat to the treasure fleet. Ally Nicole with generic pirates or other entries in this contest.

Bloody Harpy: Chased from civilization and abandoned by her god, Necahual has been lured by the god of slaughter's call. She now serves Erythnul by sowing carnage and mayhem throughout the Caribbean with her infernal crew.
Prerequisites: Her cult has been destroyed. She has been exiled from English territory for blasphemy. No other nation will accept her.
Effects: Nicole readopts the name Necahual. She is now chaotic evil and is a cleric of Erythnul. Her crew is now half fanatic worshippers and half undead, with some demons thrown in for good measure. She slaughters all she meets and burns the ships. She has a death wish in battle.

High Priestess: News of her homeland's liberation reached her. Even after years of travel in foreign lands, she found it easy to return to the old ways.
Prerequisities: The Spanish are driven out of her homeland. She successfully pillages the treasure fleet at least once. She isn't an established noble in English society.
Effects: Necahual returns to her people and leads the remaining priests of Zacoatl. Her days of piracy and European culture are over, but she still serves as an ambassador to them. She is eternally grateful to anyone who helped free her homeland and will aid them against anything but Zacoatl and her homeland.

Reformed: The new ways were more powerful than she thought, capable of performing feats even her god couldn't match. When she saw Zacoatl fail his own test of strength, Nicole decided to move on.
Prerequisities: Her cult is destroyed. Nicole questions her faith. She is aided in her raids against the treasure fleet by non-evil allies.
Effects: Her alignment changes to neutral (with evil tendencies). She abandons Zacoatl (losing all spells and class features) and any remaining loyalty to her homeland. She might even pledge devotion to another deity, like Flarlanghn, Obad-Hai, or a sea god (regaining spells and class features as a cleric of that god). This path can only be reached through an extraordinary effort by the PCs to convert her.

2006-10-01, 08:32 AM
That should be everything, aside from a few odds and ends. It's ready for critique.

2006-10-08, 07:55 PM
I put in a couple new features in my entry I'd like critiqued for future entries. Could you please tell me your opinions on these two items?

-Table of Contents (w/ Links)
-Variants & Future Paths

2006-10-08, 08:50 PM
I don't have much of an opinion on the table of contents, but I do like the Variants/Future Paths. I like how it describes the way the character might change over the course of time.