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Primarily use Java with a secondary focus on C#. Use Java for J2EE and web application work. It's open source and that is a load off my mind having to keep up with ever changing windows COM/NET/METRO architectures.

C# used for realtime programming of windows phones.

My favorite language is the one that gets the job done. At the moment I would say Java, because it is more object oriented than the C family, but has a ton of useable third party libraries and support. Also , Open Source rules all .


  • Where do you hope to go with your programming? Any plans for the future, or just waiting to see if anything of interest comes along?
  • I've gone pretty much as far as I can go. I'm the senior developer who designs, architects, codes, and tests pretty much everything for a major company. I work independently and command a reasonable salary. There is literally nowhere else for me to go unless I branch out of it to go up the management chain, or start my own business and go into programming for myself. That second is very likely if I need to change jobs and run into age discrimination. At age 41, I should've shot myself years ago from a career perspective.


  • Any projects, personal or otherwise, you're in the middle of? Anything you're really focused on?
  • Unfortunately, that is company proprietary. Once we publish, I'll be able to talk more about it :).

    ETA: I guess I can talk about products and not mention the giant fighting robots super-secret additional projects coming down the pike. I write the software for these systems . The bars use sensors to detect product sales and communicate these to a database. I write everything on the software end save the firmware in the bars themselves.


  • What environment do you work/prefer to work in? Netbeans/Eclipse/Command line and a text editor?
  • Unix command shell using grep for text search, notepad++ for text editing, and command line compiling/integrating. I started out that way in 1989, and for my purposes Netbeans and Eclipse give me little additional functionality and I get tired of looking at hourglasses while waiting for them to load. I prefer to keep my environment as simple as possible.


  • Any problems that are driving you mad? A piece of code not compiling right, or being off by one, or one little syntax error in a sea of code? Not quite grasping the logic of a particular piece of code?
  • The most serious problem I have is giving the customers on the management side what they *want* , as opposed to what they *asked for*. Non-programmers are quite imprecise in their use of language and make a lot of assumptions which to them are "just common sense". But since I don't know their business I HAVE no common sense. So the biggest challenge for me is the people -- getting everyone to agree on a set goal of what the system should look like. And do so with a minimum of high school drama.

    I must emphasize that this is NOT because the non-programmers are stupid or incompetent; they are neither. But we're both rubbing on the edges of those areas we're expert in (they don't know computers, I don't know hotels) and the end result is the sum of our weaknesses. "None of us is as dumb as all of us".

    I've seen my share of projects fail. And *every last one* to my memory was because the customer didn't get what they wanted. We may have written the best FPS in the history of gaming, but if what the customer wanted was accounting software, it's a waste of their money. At least until we rebrand and remarket it.

    So if you want to succeed as a programmer, the first and most critical skill is people skills. This can be worked around if you have a really good boss (I do) who speaks both customer-talk and geekspeak, but you can't always count on such people being around. In larger companies, more often than not the boss is someone from a non-IT background entirely who's warming the seat because they needed a manager and s/he had the appropriate management credentials. They are out of their depth and muddle along as best they can. If you're smart, you'll help them succeed and make them look good so they can help you, as opposed to griping about them behind their back.


    Brian P.
  • 2012-09-06, 01:12 PM
    Re: ProgrammersitP

    Originally Posted by Dusk Eclipse View Post
    Here is what I have already in pseudocode (some parts are in Spanish as I am mexican and the class is in spanish; but it shouldnt affect the read-ability of the "code") and based on this, I have to draw a flow chart.

    Try this:


    # Loop to input student records


            print "Enter another record [yN] ? "
            input answer
            exit loop if answer equal 'y' or 'yes'

            create record for student

            print "enter the student name "
            input name
            add name to student record

            print "How many grades? "
            input grades
            add number_of_grades to student record

            for 1 to grades
                    create record for grade

                    print "Enter subject "
                    input subject
                    add subject to grade

                    print "Enter grade "
                    input score
                    add score to grade

                    add grade to student record

            next for

    next loop

  • 2012-09-06, 01:15 PM
    Dusk Eclipse
    Re: ProgrammersitP

    Originally Posted by shawnhcorey View Post
    Try this:


    # Loop to input student records


            print "Enter another record [yN] ? "
            input answer
            exit loop if answer equal 'y' or 'yes'

            create record for student

            print "enter the student name "
            input name
            add name to student record

            print "How many grades? "
            input grades
            add number_of_grades to student record

            for 1 to grades
                    create record for grade

                    print "Enter subject "
                    input subject
                    add subject to grade

                    print "Enter grade "
                    input score
                    add score to grade

                    add grade to student record

            next for

    next loop

    Wow that is perfect, thanks:smallbiggrin:
  • 2012-09-06, 01:46 PM
    Re: ProgrammersitP
    So, Dusk, without knowing in which language you're gonna have to code that exercise, it's kinda hard to help you out there. Also, you don't know what an array is or how to use one? In that case, though highly unlikely, have you heard of classes? (Don't laugh, my first programming course at university taught us classes WAY before arrays. Yes, it was a Java course. No, it didn't really teach me anything.)

    Either way, in pseudocode, it'd look roughly like this (including commments, code might be a bit pythonesque):

    Uncommented blob:
    PHP Code:

    int studentCount
    int traitCount

    readline("Enter amount of different data sets you want to capture: ")
    studentCount readline("Enter student count: ")

    string traits[traitCount]

    int i
    int j

    for (i in range(0,studentCount)) {
      for (
    j i range(0,traitCount)) {
    traits[j] = readline("Enter value of trait #" ":");
    students[i] = traits;


    And now, with comments:
    PHP Code:

    # we need one integer to store our amount of students
    int studentCount
    # we need one integer to store our amount of traits, so we don't have to 
    # type a line for each trait later. Might be redundant, but I like to think
    # it's more elegant. Correct me, I dare you :)
    int traitCount

    # here we get user input (the readline part) and store it into the vars
    traitCount readline("Enter amount of different data sets you want to capture: ")
    studentCount readline("Enter student count: ")

    # here we declare 2 arrays (denoted by the [] after the var name)
    # usually, arrays are declared in the following way:
    # data varname[size_of_array]
    # think of one such array as a key->value pair
    # we need two since we want to iterate over both the traits and the amount 
    # of students

    # traits is an array of strings, since we'll most likely store strings in them.
    # note that this is really broken down to basics, since you'd either use a 
    # struct in strict type languages, or won't bother declaring datatypes in less 
    # strict ones.
    # So now we have a nice array the size of our traits that we can store data in.
    string traits[traitCount]

    # next up is something interesting. We want to store our data in distinct 
    # blobs, so we know each student has exactly n traits. What I do here
    # could be seen as a crude implementation of _some_ base traits of classes,
    # which is something I won't go into detail here, since you either already 
    # know this, or won't have a clue, in which case explaining this'd take too
    # long
    # What we do is create an array that stores arrays and is as big as our 
    # amount of students.
    array students[studentCount]

    # Whew. With all that magic done, all that's left is the surprisingly 
    # straigthforward implementation of the loop:

    # we need two counter vars for the loops
    int i
    int j

    # run from 0 to stundentCount, incrementing i with each iteration.
    # this means we go through exactly studentCount iterations.
    for (i in range(0,studentCount)) {
    # run from 0 to traitCount, incrementing j with each iteration
      # this means we go through exactly traitCount iterations
    for (j i range(0,traitCount)) {
    # during each run through the inner loop, which means once per trait,
        # ask for user input and store it in traits[j].
        # e.g. traits[0] = Anne // trait 1 would be the given name
        #       traits[1] = Smith // trait 2 would be the surname etc.
    traits[j] = readline("Enter value of trait #" ":");

    # at this point in our loop we have a completely filled traits-array for one 
      # student, since we went through the whole inner loop before going on
      # with that said, all that's left is storing our fresh array in our students array
      # for proper usage later.
    students[i] = traits;

    # example code for printing out student1 and his trait 2:

    Note that this IS pseudocode and it's viability and simplicity is wildly dependent on the language used.

    I can hammer out a python implementation if you like somewhen tomorrow.
    Also, bask in the glory that is commented code. You won't be seeing much of that in the wild, unless you manage to get hired by a GOOD company.

    Also: It was hard to write, it should be hard to read :smallbiggrin:

    Edit: curse you, shawnhcorey! Also, bump so the board acknowledges my post :)
  • 2012-09-06, 02:01 PM
    Re: ProgrammersitP

    Originally Posted by Miscast_Mage View Post
    So, I was wondering if there was anyone involved or wanting to get into programming in the playground, and just had a few questions:

    • Where are you and what are you doing in terms of programming? Employment, education or in your spare time?
    • What language or languages are you using primarily at the moment? What's your favourite, and why?
    • Where do you hope to go with your programming? Any plans for the future, or just waiting to see if anything of interest comes along?
    • Any projects, personal or otherwise, you're in the middle of? Anything you're really focused on?
    • What environment do you work/prefer to work in? Netbeans/Eclipse/Command line and a text editor?
    • Any problems that are driving you mad? A piece of code not compiling right, or being off by one, or one little syntax error in a sea of code? Not quite grasping the logic of a particular piece of code?

    Squeee! This looks fun!

    I'm moving towards a dual degree in Computer Science and Game Design (and I might add a third in Cognitive Science, just for fun, but we'll see). I primarily program in C/C++, and I do web and game development in Python. I actually hate programming with a burning, fiery passion, but it's a means to where I want to end up, so I'm living with it.

    Projects! I'm currently working on a blog platform built on Google App Engine. It's basically a WSGI environment with a Google High-Replication Datastore atttached to it instead of using MySQL.

    Hmm... favorite development environment... Sublime Text reigns supreme methinks, for a Text/Code editor. For more advanced programs, I typically turn to XCode for an IDE, though you'll probably have to A) buy an Apple computer, and B) fiddle with the settings if you want to do any language other than C/C++/Obj. C.

    As for things driving me nuts... well, I put together a basic WSGI application on Google's App Engine SDK; it runs excellently on the local (emulated/virtual) development server, but totally flops over when deployed on a live server. The datastores don't seem to interface in exactly the same way... :smallfurious:
  • 2012-09-06, 02:11 PM
    Re: ProgrammersitP
    Oh, okay. So you're just using user-generated input to calculate output. Heh, I'm flashing back to high school. Well, if shawnhcorey's pseudocode is what you need, then great. Let us know if you need help with the actual coding. I still think an array is your best bet, they really aren't complicated to set up and use.
  • 2012-09-07, 11:30 AM
    Re: ProgrammersitP

    Originally Posted by Miscast_Mage View Post
    So, I was wondering if there was anyone involved or wanting to get into programming in the playground, and just had a few questions:

    • Where are you and what are you doing in terms of programming? Employment, education or in your spare time?
    • What language or languages are you using primarily at the moment? What's your favourite, and why?
    • Where do you hope to go with your programming? Any plans for the future, or just waiting to see if anything of interest comes along?
    • Any projects, personal or otherwise, you're in the middle of? Anything you're really focused on?
    • What environment do you work/prefer to work in? Netbeans/Eclipse/Command line and a text editor?
    • Any problems that are driving you mad? A piece of code not compiling right, or being off by one, or one little syntax error in a sea of code? Not quite grasping the logic of a particular piece of code?

    Gulp. I feel old.

    I started programming on a BBC Microcomputer, in Basic. I wrote programs for fun and as aids for roleplaying. No "environment" - just direct program writing, with line numbers and "RUN" at the command prompt.

    Then Windows came along. I got Visual Basic 4 - it was amazing! I could write really sophisticated, impressive-looking programs. I really, really liked VB4. It was simple, the dialect was close enough to my old BBC basic that I could handle it with ease, and it had so much additional material and opportunities.

    I never bothered to pay to upgrade to VB6 - my programs worked, and were really quite sophisticated, tying into Access databases for all the material I used for character and creature generators. If it works, why change it?

    And then I upgraded my computer. The new machine had 1gb RAM. VB4 said "Hunh? This machine has 0 memory" - and died. It couldn't cope with that much RAM.

    I looked to upgrade to a Basic language that worked with modern machines - the only option was VB Studio.

    And I really loathe it. No Control Arrays any more. I loved Control Arrays. Why did they scrap them?

    And so much extra verbiage and (to me) unnecessary complications. "Namespaces." "(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)". "Imports System.Web.UI". What is all this verbiage FOR? This is no longer Visual Basic - it's Visual Hideously Complicated. It is no longer a language for the amateur programmer doing odd sequences and bits and pieces in his spare time. The error messages alone need a PhD in computer science to understand.

    But the three core programs I wrote in VB4 have been, after much heart-ache and effort, updated to work in VBS-2010. I'm too old and have too little spare time to start learning a completely different language. And I need something that will work with databases. So I guess I'm stuck struggling with VBS.

    Sorry - reads like I was ranting. Actually, I was. Anyone got an alternative to Visual Studio that a dumb amateur programmer can cope with?
  • 2012-09-07, 12:13 PM
    Re: ProgrammersitP

    Originally Posted by Lensman View Post
    Sorry - reads like I was ranting. Actually, I was. Anyone got an alternative to Visual Studio that a dumb amateur programmer can cope with?

    Try a modern scripting language: Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP.
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