Kusque - Binder

"Elf-like and...? A new breed of pointy-ears wouldn't cause this much fuss." He shifted his weight into a more comfortable position, tuning out the sounds of voices and gazing around him. It was a nice day to be stood outside, at least. The sky was evenly grey where it could be seen through the canopy, and the wind was enough to shift his hair and clothes around but not enough to cause a chill."I expect they have some fresh news for us..."

Idly he wound his fingers around the headscarf wrapped around his waist as he rehearsed the meeting to come. Without knowing what would be said he didn't have any concern about performing and wouldn't be compelled to do that anyway, but allowing himself the mental drill meant not distracting himself trying to stop it.

Instead he pondered what could be so important that right now it was bringing all of them here together. A thunking brigade he could understand, but a group with half of its members having supernatural powers? 'Something strange' indeed.