Quote Originally Posted by Dienekes View Post
Others disagree for some reason.
Me personally, my reason is that I have yet to start my second playthrough. I played through 1 and 2 twice, back to back, no pause. I wanted to see the story through both ParaMeer and Halegade goggles and fully explore as many possible branches as possible. I have no desire to do that with 3. That ending flat out killed my desire to replay the other games, too. I can't get as excited about the Virmire decision, the suicide mission, Tuchanka or Ranoch knowing that it all winds up so pointless. (Please don't go into how the three decisions don't negate anything--they undermine everything worked for across all three games for no reason.) The ending robs future playthroughs of importance and meaning, just like it robs decisions already made of the same things.