Well, the idea for the hybrid (like many of my conceptual characters) began with a bit of D&D tinkering. Shayan is basically fused to a Yellow Musk Creeper that she is in control of, and gains the physical benefits of. So she has startlingly fast regeneration and can more or less hypnotize people with puffs of specialized pollen, as well as injecting them with seeds that turn them into yellow-skinned zombies under her control. She has six vines growing from her spine that act as additional limbs, and roots that extend through her circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems to make them more efficient.

She's been looking for a way to make the seeds act in what she assumes is the proper manner by making more functional symbiotes, but has been entirely unsuccessful so far.

Orrey would be a decent candidate, as Shayan would gravitate to offering the procedure to those with less seniority than her, so she doesn't accidentally zombify anyone important. Of course, whether or not someone is turned into a zombie is up to the person controlling the PC.