Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

[you could probably do the same if that's what you feel is the only way to do it, to me, its last resort sort of shenanigans]

"You...mean she might come here...to Bridle Shores? Uhh, hauh,"
Fox wondered how that would go down. He did wonder why the police didn't seem to do anything. Oi, the problems with the judicial system in a pony world, tsk :P . "Why again did she kidnap your sister?"
For the benefit of the player(s), the main reason why the police wasn't involved was that the Baroness had a lot of connections to the higher ups. Plus, she could easily weasel out of any legal issues. "Um... you know. She believed this herb could bring her immortality and all that. I doubt very much this plant actually does that, now that I had a chance to study it, but... she was not swayed."