Trying to think Amber finally gets an idea, "Alright...screw it. We can't lose access to this scene and we can't let the police find it. We don't know for sure if the police are even coming and we got time. The only way police would know to come would be from a scream and unless this lady gets cops over all the time us being here wouldn't matter." She states as she thinks. "Police can't just bust in and search because someone said they heard a scream. You two take the bodies and find the attic." She says as she tries to think, "I'll jump in the shower and if the cops come grab a towel and answer the door as if nothing is wrong. Having just got out of the shower I doubt they'll be able to just bust around and start searching on the grounds of hearing a scream. They'd need more of a warrant and I'll try and act normal and come up with reasons not to let them in...such as I'm naked and just got out the shower."

She smirks, "Not like they can just kick the door down and demand ID when its just a report with no evidence or anything. Hell worse case if they demand to know the scream I'll claim I saw a roach or something."