Walking on the main street through the lowest layer you look around and notice only a few inhabitants, some of which nod friendly at you as they spot you. Up close you once again are confronted with the apparent dual nature of this city. On one hand it is dark, underground, gloomy and in a way it looks just 'evil', but on the other hand, the inhabitants are friendly, the sculptures in the gardens and behind some windows are pretty, as is the decoration on the houses and the street signs. The multi-colored illumination also gives the city a very cheerful atmosphere.

You pass through the gate to the second layer and here it is much more crowded. After a mere hundred feet the street ends on a square with some taller buildings. "This is one of six squares that lie in a circle around again an even bigger square. These squares form the business and market quarter of this layer. I guess we will find all we need here. The biggest, central square has the market." Some asking around has you moving to the square on the left of this one, as it is being said that there are inns there that accomodate visitors from outside. While walking to the square you see that many buildings here house shops, places with food and workshops. Most of the signs are in the drow language, so it is hard to figure out what's going on, but some owners are smart enough to have one or two key words in Orc on their signs. 'Dried herbs', 'Fine dining', 'Smith, reparations and sharpening'. It is quite crowded in the streets, but everyone walks on the right side of the street and there even seems to be a fast and a slow lane, which makes for very efficient travelling. You notice that just about everyone you see is male.

On the next square there are again taller buildings, some of which are inns. You end up at a place which has a sign in Orc: 'The Warrior from the North'. There is a picture drawn under it of an orc and an ogre sitting at a table drinking beer. As you step inside you find a room with tables and benches, able to hold forty visitors easily. There's a bar at the other side of the room. On every table there's a big candle. On your right you see a bugbear sitting at a table. He is holding a bunch of papers and studying them, making notes and thinking deeply. He looks up and greets you and continues. A door behind the bar opens and a male drow head pops through. "Good morning and welcome! What can I do for you?" He steps through the door and puts down some mugs on a shelf. "A good breakfast, an early ale, or lodging?"