Ryxikor remains motionless once he hears the commotion Savin made. "Sshh, you'll alert of our presence." the elf whispers harshly.

Taking a few moments to let things settle down, Ryx hopes the creature may blame the noise on an animal until he hears it making clicking sounds, "What in the nine hells is that?"

Unshouldering his short bow and pulling an arrow from his quiver, Ryx whispers to his larger friends, "Go back and get the others. Bring them closer, but beware, that must be a sentry posted and he's armed with a bow, so stay hidden else he may pick all of you off, unless I get him first." the elf says with a wicked smile, as he remains still, trying not to be seen as Savin leaves to get the rest of the group.

Ryx doesn't fire just yet, he waits for Savin to sneak away so he doesn't give himself up.