When the recruits were all back in a row and less inclined to stir up trouble, Plugg marched up the stairs and walked out of view on the stern of the ship. He returned a moment later, accompanied by a broad, muscular Garundi man. His long beard was bound in gold rings, his head was shaved clean (there's a lot of shaved heads, you noticed), and a decorative eye patch over his left eye.

"Good morning gentlemen, and lady! Welcome to the Wormwood! Thank you all for 'volunteering' to join my crew. I am Barnabas Harrigan. Captain Barnabas Harrigan to you, not that you'll ever address me. I only got two rules aboard this vessel.

"Rule number one: don't speak to me. I like talk, but I don't like your talk. Remember that, and we'll all get along fine.

"Second rule: you aren't allowed to kill anyone. Normally, I wouldn't mind settling matters the old fashioned way, but I'm a bit short on hands right now and I aim to keep what I got. There'll be a keelhaulin' for anyone caught killing anyone.

"Now then Mister Plugg, be a good man and see if you can't make pirates out of these landlubbers. And if it turns out that you can't, then I suppose we'll be having pies tonight. Might as well get some use out of them."

"Yes sir," answers Plugg. Harrigan disappears from view again, presumably to go back to his cabin.

"Swabs," commands Plugg, "see that crows nest up there." He points to a crows nest some sixty feet up. He isn't asking questions. "Start climbing."

"You heard him!" Barks Scourge. "Git movin'!"

Scourge cracks his whip. It seems you've been given your first order.

Everyone make seven or eight climb rolls to reach the crows nest first.