[Fortress Mountain]


Soylent Green is people! Soylent Green is people!

Eww! Riv is soooooo much eviler than Clarissa! Soooooo very much! But at least she struck paydirt and he's the one who will be strung up by his own personal army for his crimes, not her!

I'd be insanely shocked if Riv's army isn't rebelling against him with the unveiling of that startling revelation!

"Rally 'round the flag, boys! Cast off your chains and pick up your rifles 'cause we're going to wage war! Rise up! Don't be cattle! Rid yourself of your despot and his oppressive generals! Pick and choose your own destiny! Live life according to your own rules! Be chaotic! Be violent! Be all you can be and then some!"

As for Clarissa, she's done toying with these mice. There's work to be done, and we all know that the war business and pleasure mix about as well as oil and water.

Okay! So the lava orb didn't do the trick! Drat! Hmm... Let's take a step back here and analyze the situation...

Daedalus is a little (immortal) kid with short arms and a teensy-tiny little pistol. Icarus, on the other hand, is a bulky supersoldier brandishing a freeze ray at Clarissa that obviously isn't fueled by Wonderflonium. A freeze ray that that sprays chemical supercoolant at Clarissa. She has one shot to neutralize that rifle or she's done for. Nix that. Or half of her is done for. Now, which comic book superhero has the most effective technique that she shamelessly copy to pull off gumming up the works?

Spiderman! Spiderman! Does whatever a spider can!

Let's web up Mister Freeze's Popsicle beam! And like Sonic the Hedgehog, we gotta go fast!

With a lightning-fast whip of both of her wrists, the now tar-like blobs that were at one point Clarissa's gloved and somewhat insulated (against snow, not supercoolant) hands are whizzing across the room, moving under their own power according to Clarissa's designs and the initial thrust Clarissa imparted to them, sheltering themselves behind her gloves in a desperate struggle to remain gooey and warm and gun-barrel clogging! Clarissa herself has her right side to the hot lava wall, so while her left side begins to be superchilled and freezed, her right remains warm and cozy!

The paths they are attempting to take are arcs to the left and right of the chemical stream and they'll each split into two projectiles stuck to one glove midflight! Hey, maybe if they hit their mark and do their job they'll cause the high-pressure weapon to backfire and freeze Icarus! Wouldn't that be ironic!

Environmental effects for the win!