Entrance Hall
Kari looked down at the ground in embarrassment.
"She tried as hard as she could to get back. She used all of her knowledge of the ancient runes to try to build a way back here. And in her 40th year of life, she managed to come back here when an Ancient Highland Dragon used his own magic on the runes. She would have come and brought them if she could...but the dragon wasn't exactly friendly. And to keep it from wreaking havoc here, she fought it back into our world and destroyed the portal..."
She breathed back in.
"She imprisoned the dragon back in our world, as we had no weapon that could truly hurt it. From there she rebuilt the portal, but could never activate it again. Not until today, when that dragon's child activated it. I was sent to catch him and bring him back but...some of the people here killed him."
She breathed out and back in, laughing nervously.
"Sorry...I tend to ramble. Elder's say that I got it from the original female ancestor, Avalcyn."
She removes her helm, showing off her stunning resemblance to Katherine(except for blonde hair), and bows.
"Anyways, it's very nice to meet you, Miss Cessie!"