The elf stands erect and salutes. "I am sorry, but it is not my task to guide you." He nudges to some spot behind you. "There they are..." Behind you, you see a formation of four elves cross the bridge. They are well armed and armored, appear quite muscelled and far more trained. One of them seems to be their leader. He acknowledges the elf that stopped you and then adresses you: "Lady Nala, we are here to collect you. As well as an ogre, and a fugutive." He eyes Tralkor and Cor and they seem fairly desperate, both for their own reasons.

"I will offer you one opportunity to follow us. Will you comply? The elf seems relaxed, but his three helpers have their weapons almost drawn. It is close to impossible to read their faces, it it is obvious to you that this is your last choice: Fight now and be free, or go with their flow, whatever that may bring.